
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!

Low on the thrill-o-meter today. Did errands, and walked today. I tossed a bunch of pillow cases--and went out and replaced them. Then visited my DS briefly on his lunch break.

@Austina our neighbour take 4 consecutive cruises in the winter. They do the same itinerary but don't care as they like cruising. They've been pretty much everywhere! And we are in the market for a house for our DS. I don't care for looking but my DH does. I go under duress LOL.

@missy glad your folks are AOK. I pray you make the right decision about your fingers. Hope your sister gets well and stays that way. Her life is so busy--she has a busy practice and supports her patients, their families, her staff and her own family and parents! No wonder she is often under the weather!!! I send healing vibes her way...and wish she had a 6 month respite to rejuvenate.

@marcy are you ready for the white stuff? Our weather looks like in the next week, if only it would stay that way.

GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina I would do one eye at a time for Colin's cataract surgery. Risks are minimal but just best to do one eye first to make sure it goes smoothly. Plus there is a short period of time where vision will be very very blurry so best to do one eye at a time for that reason too. But most importantly I'd do one eye at a time to make sure it goes well. Most surgeons will only do one eye at a time for that reason and not because of insurance restrictions so much as safety reasons. Though some insurance companies will not cover both eyes at the same time. Some will. If I had wanted to do both eyes at the same time I probably could have convinced my surgeon however we both agreed one at a time was best. That is my recommendation. Most likely it will go very smoothly but I am conservative when it comes to any surgery.

I would love to do nothing about my bent finger from Dupuytren's but unfortunately there is no predicting who will get worse and at some point surgery is not going to work if one waits too long and amputation is the only answer. That scares the bejeezus out of me TBH..I belong to a dupytren's group and it's sad because more than a few members have had to experience amputation of more than one digit. Scary stuff. Dupuytren's is a bad disease. My dad has it but it never progressed luckily for him. Unfortunately both of my hands are affected and well we will see what the oncologist says next Friday. Radiation will not straighten my bent finger but I would get it in the hopes of preventing progression but unfortunately there is no guarantee with that either. It works for some and does not for others. Surgery or NA or Xiaflex is the only option for trying to straighten the fingers. I don't care if my pinky remains bent if it does not get worse. If it gets to the point of bending to the palm amputation is the only treatment. Ugh. Sorry to be a downer. Hopefully it will not get to that point. Fingers and toes crossed.

@springerspaniel awe thank you. You are so kind. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful autumn weekend

@marcy nice the observatory is taking shape...hope that goes as smoothly as possible. Hope you enjoyed a lovely card game and lunch with your friend. Hope your aches and pains are dissipating. Good for you not giving up with go girl!

@canuk-gal aww thank you.You are a dear. Yes my sweet sister works too hard and she deserves a rest but there is no resting in sight for her. Thank you for your sweet comments. I hope your weekend is beautiful and full of fun and calm

@MamaBee hope David has remained well and untouched by Covid and you and Shatzie are 100% now...and I don't remember but you might have something today and if you do I am sending you so many well wishes and good luck !!!

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. Another cycling day woohoo. Enjoy a terrific Caturday Saturday lovely ladies. Be well. XOXO

This is a boat that has been grounded for a week now. The owners are trying to figure out how to get it out of this predicament. the storms forced it to the beach where it has been stuck for 6 days

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Our sweet treat mid ride yesterday...yummmmmm...wish I could share with you all in person
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And lastly in honor of Caturday Saturday here's a few photos of our sweet feral of them (either Fresca or Pepsi) rubbed up against me this AM as I was feeding them but not sure if it was by accident or not. Happened twice (and it was a thrill to feel them rubbing against my leg...I mean it was just incredible but I have a feeling it was by accident lol so then it means nothing but on the offchance it was genuine affection I would be over the moon thrilled) and I wasn't looking down as I was concentrating on removing the old plates and putting the new ones in the feeder. A lot happens early AM here and there's a lot to do before I can have my coffee lol.

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Enjoy a super weekend all. Love and hugs and only good things XOXO
Here’s the moon and Venus from tonight.

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Good morning lovely ladies and happy Sunday!

@marcy, LOVE your photo. So pretty. Moon and Venus would be good feral kitty names :)

@Slickk hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Our weather is gorgeous

@canuk-gal how are you feeling? I hope your pain and discomfort are dissipating and you are enjoying a lovely weekend and I hope work was not too hectic the other day

@Austina I know you are enjoying your gorgeous studs...all 3 of them :lol: ;)

@MamaBee hope you are not feeling any adverse effects from the vaccines you got friday and I hope your next infusion at the end of this month goes very very well. And I also hope Shatzie feels all better soon. Men. LOL. What can we do. We love them but they have the ability to drive us cuckoo at times

@springerspaniel I hope work is going well and you are feeling appreciated, intellectually stimulated and content there

Hello everyone else. Yesterday was a picture purrrfect cycling day. It was on the warmer side in the mid 70s and sunny. But still felt like autumn due to the crips autumn air. Today is a bit cooler but still beautiful. I made another impulse purchase yesterday. On FB marketplace. When I have the hand surgery and/or radiation I won't be able to do the treadmill or cycling outdoors or weights for about two months or so. I did not ask the surgeon but I thought maybe indoor cycling would be OK after a few weeks...maybe. But our only indoor cycle is in NYC so I saw the same exact model I have listed on FB marketplace (this model has been discontinued and is not available anywhere and it is a great exercise bike) and only about 20 minutes away. I contacted the seller and voila it is now mine. Greg picked it up last night. We are leaving it in the living room for now (not using it yet) but will bring it upstairs by the time I need it. Right now the kitties are enjoying it hahaha

Excuse the mess...the cats love the cushions so we did not yet get rid of them from our previous couch. We do spoil them lol

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Yesterday was the Zombie walk in Asbury. I only took a few photos as we cycled through. Hope you enjoy.

Drinks and hors d'oeuvres anyone?
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Darn we already had our ice cream of the day :lol:

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He admired our trike and we admired his lol

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Scary clown..nothing is more terrifying lol


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And our ICOTD enjoyed mid cycle

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Enjoy a sweet sweet Sunday to all the sweet sweet NIRDIs. Be well. Have fun. Stay safe. XOXO
Bwahaha photoshopping is fun! First photoshop ever. What do you think? Tommy never looked more adorable :kiss2: (I just changed the background to one that was less hectic)

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Hello lovelies

Wow, those people really go for it big time @missy. Thanks for the advice re: Colin’s cataracts, we appreciate it. Seems like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place with your finger, hopefully you can find the best solution to deal with it. Good score on the exercise bike, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of use out of it. Glad the weather co-operated with you yesterday, it was a perfect day here too, pool was 90 degs and the outside temps low 80’s.

Great photo @marcy, I really enjoy seeing them. I hope you’ve had a good weekend, not involving work!

:mrgreen: I love looking at houses @canuk-gal, hopefully something suitable will turn up for DS soon. Has the pain subsided yet?

We had a lazy day today, got up early to water, it was a cool 75 degs, had breakfast, took a card and present next door for the little guy’s b’day, then FT with our friends. They said they’re just about over their jet lag, and couldn’t believe how much they’ve slept since getting home :lol:

We were planning on going in the pool this afternoon, but didn’t end up going in, I’ve been watching videos on YouTube of fabulous jewels, and drooling.

I hope you’re doing well @MamaBee and the infusions are keeping everything stable.

Getting up early to mow tomorrow, we haven’t done it for 4 weeks because it’s been so dry.

Good morning lovely ladies and happy (how did you get here so fast) Monday!

@Austina glad you are having lovely weather too. I love love love autumn and this beautiful weather. When it starts getting colder I like it less lol but for now we are enjoying it very much. Sounds like you had a fulfilling enjoyable weekend. Sweet

@Slickk happy Monday...hope your week goes very smoothly and today without incident. What a haunting day it is today. Unforgettably traumatic. Stays safe

@canuk-gal hope you have a marvelous Monday

@marcy hope the weekend went well and you got to relax and enjoy

@MamaBee @springerspaniel @mrs-b hope all is going as smoothly as possible and you enjoy a wonderful week

Hello everyone else. We cycled 75 miles yesterday. It was so gorgeous out we just kept on going and going lol. Ended up in Mantoloking which is a town we love so much. Reminds me of Cape Cod. Very New Englandy. Very beautiful.

Not sure of the weather yet but I think it might rain some this AM and then clear. Fingers crossed because I want to go cycling. I have my zoom with my dear girlfriends this evening. Have a great day lovely ladies. XOXO

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We took Pythagorus out yesterday and in December will dress him in his santa suit. He had a wonderful rest/hibernation and was excited to join us yesterday and he will be with us through December :)

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And our mileage for the day yesterday. Not bad. I could have kept going but darn it we have other obligations and the fun had to end

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Enjoy a marvelous Monday sweet NIRDI friends ((((Hugs))))
Hello lovelies

Woohoo @missy, that’s quite some ride! I hope today was dry enough to ride as well.

We cut the grass, what there was of it, lots of fluffy weeds. Had to go and get some salt for the water softener and more rocks. Oh the excitement :lol:

Went in the pool this afternoon, 90 degs in and out. I think I must be getting Texan, 90 degs out doesn’t feel hot anymore :shock:

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well, big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
GM girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina, thanks. Yesterday was a beautiful cycling day as well and the sun finally came out later in the day too. Rain stopped around 8AM. Today looks good as well. I am glad you enjoyed a delicious 90 degree day in the are a Texan now :)

So I called the surgical coordinator yesterday afternoon as instructed by the hand surgeon in the email on Sunday and she would not schedule me for the NA. She said she had to speak with Dr Pess. I am annoyed and worried because the office has a stupid policy and since I saw his colleague (who incidentally does not offer NA and he unethically neglected to mention that to me at my appointment with him and instead he said full surgery was the best option for me!!!) they want me to stick with his colleague. She said she would speak to Dr Pess today and get back to me. All I can say is I will leave that practice and try to find another surgeon who will do NA. I will not do a full surgery if that is not my best option and right now I feel it is NOT my best option. NA is still considered a surgery albeit much less invasive but also difficult to perform and requires a highly skilled surgeon. The biggest issue is very few hand surgeons offer NA as it is a specific highly skilled sub specialty of hand surgery. And this friday I am meeting with the oncologist and hope he will take me on as a radiation patient for my hands. Lots of balls up in the air right now and just hoping they land where I need them to land

We had a great cycling day yesterday and we are just enjoying this gorgeous weather.
Last night I had a wonderful zoom with my girlfirends
And today more cycling in store

Hope you all enjoy a terrific Tuesday. XOXO

We saw whales yesterday..super exciting. Sorry they moved so fast and I couldn't get a great photo

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And our ICOTD...yummmm

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Enjoy a sweet Tuesday all my sweet NIRDI you

NIRDI shout out!

We have been enjoying very fine weather--cycled yesterday and today. Decided to fix my saddle (missing bolt) as the weather is predicted to be nice late into the month. But goodness did I experience pain after that sort ride to the shop on Sunday. Better yesterday and good today. I work tomorrow.

DH got his new tires today and is very happy with the Pirellis. I was planning to wait until next year to buy, but he found some that would be good. And I think they offered free storage for the first season with new purchase. Might jump on that.

That's about it. Low on the thrill-o-meter.

Hello lovelies

Join the low-on-thrill-o-meter club @canuk-gal:mrgreen: I hope you have a good shift tomorrow. Pirelli tyres are always good, so a wise buy. Glad you’re enjoying some good weather - take full advantage.

Ugh, what is it with these people @missy, you can’t seem to get a straight answer these days? Hopefully you’ll be able to sort it out and get the treatment that you feel is best for you.

Didn’t do much today, Colin had a Dr’s appt., just a standard check up, and got the pneumonia (they said it’s a new one) and flu shot.

I can’t remember if I asked you if you were intending on having the latest Covid jab @missy?

We went in the pool this afternoon, 90 degs outside, 90 degs in the pool - lovely!

I’ve got an appt for my mammo tomorrow.

@Austina probably not but I haven’t decided for sure yet. I am planning on getting the flu vaccine in November probably. My docs are divided on if I should get it but the majority are leaning towards no. I’m so pro vaccine this is challenging for me but as of now likely no. I’ll keep you updated if I change my mind

Good luck with your mammogram tomorrow
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!
Praying for all those affected by Milton. I am scared for everyone. It's like it's coming here. But that is how I feel. Also really worried for the animals there. UGH. Praying all remain safe

@canuk-gal yay for cycling and good weather and good luck at work today. Sweet your dh likes his new tires. Greg said Pirelli is some of the best in the world but I am sure you and your dh are well aware of that fact

@Slickk @Austina @marcy and everyone else hope all is well

We had a good cycling day yesterday. Another gorgeous day. Today is Greg's birthday but yesterday we cycled his years in miles and that was no easy feat hahaha. Today we are cycling too but Greg decided yesterday was the years in miles day but I will try convincing him for another go at the birthday years in miles today :lol:

ICOTD from yesterday

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Enjoy a sweet and wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies XOXO
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!
Thinking of all those affected by Milton and hoping everyone is safe

We had a good cycling day yesterday and cycled Greg's birthday years in miles plus 2 for good measure.
Today is super windy so unsure what is on the agenda but it sounds fierce out there. Nothing like Milton of course.

Tomorrow I meet with the oncologist. And as of now my hand surgery is scheduled for Nov 13th but I am not excited about it. Hoping tomorrow's appointment goes well

Leaving you with some photos from yesterday.

Birthday ice cream on the sweet

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And Fresca greeting us as we cycled up the driveway coming back home
She rarely runs away as we cycle towards her up the drive. LOVE that she is not scared of the bike or us

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Enjoy a terrific Thursday lovely ladies XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a good day at work yesterday--and came home to a SB cold brew waiting for me. LOL. I don't drink coffee that late but really enjoyed it this AM. I need to wean myself off of those!!! The calories!!!! BUT oh so yummy!!!! Did minor errands today. No cycling as it was kinda fall/chilly today. DH is off to a work reunion soon. Sounds like fun.

@missy good luck on your appt tomorrow. Glad your weather is treating you well! Cycle on! And yes, we like that tire brand. Great variety and great quality. I saw a new Bentley SUV today in the parking lot sporting Pirelli's, so they MUST be good! LOL Not sure what the new Ferrari next to it was running. :bigsmile:

@Austina did Colin have any side effects to the vaccines? The flu clinics are running at the hospital. How are your new baubles--still sparkling???

All you silent NIRDI's ---speak up when you can!!! We miss you!!!

Hello lovelies

Belated happy birthday to Greg @missy, I’m glad you had a good day, doing what you enjoy together. Everything crossed for your appt tomorrow, I hope it proves reassuring.

Colin’s had no side effects whatsoever from the jabs @canuk-gal, he’s going to have the Covid jab next month, he didn’t want them altogether. Not sure what an SB is, but glad you enjoyed it and work wasn’t too onerous. My earrings are total sparklebombs, and I love the size of them (7.5mm)

Sorry, the day got away from me yesterday. Went for my mammo, ouch! I had to tell her that it was far too tight and was painful. I should get the results next week. After that we went to Costco, another ouch! But we got what we needed, so should be OK for a while.

By the time we got back, we ate and then it was time to go to trivia.

Did the food shopping this morning, made a batch of French Onion soup, went in the pool, just put a chicken pot pie int the oven.

Hello lovelies

Belated happy birthday to Greg @missy, I’m glad you had a good day, doing what you enjoy together. Everything crossed for your appt tomorrow, I hope it proves reassuring.

Colin’s had no side effects whatsoever from the jabs @canuk-gal, he’s going to have the Covid jab next month, he didn’t want them altogether. Not sure what an SB is, but glad you enjoyed it and work wasn’t too onerous. My earrings are total sparklebombs, and I love the size of them (7.5mm)

Sorry, the day got away from me yesterday. Went for my mammo, ouch! I had to tell her that it was far too tight and was painful. I should get the results next week. After that we went to Costco, another ouch! But we got what we needed, so should be OK for a while.

By the time we got back, we ate and then it was time to go to trivia.

Did the food shopping this morning, made a batch of French Onion soup, went in the pool, just put a chicken pot pie int the oven.


Starbucks (SB). Sorry for the ouch! But yum for FO soup and CPP. Can you tell I work on healthcare--acronym's? LOL

Northern lights might be GREAT tonight! I hope some of you see them.

@missy good deal to find an indoor bike you like and nearby. Of course the kitties like it. My former boss would like the zombies. I hope things work out well for your finger. And what a pain and hassle on the doctors. Good luck getting that worked out. Wow to riding 75 miles. That is a long way. Autumn does have lovely weather, now about that wind … Nice to see some whales. Happy belated birthday to Greg!

@Austina good deal your friends are recovering from their jet lag. Enjoy the cooler weather. Darn that your mammogram wasn’’t pleasant. Some technicians seem better at that than others.

@canuk-gal I hate to hear your ride caused you more pain, I am glad you are feeling better today. Pirellis are popular racing tires (or they used to be). Yay DH can drive fast. Ha Ha. Naturally, I’d think of that, Yes, they must be good if they are on a Bentley. My current Macan came with Goodyear - not my favorite tire - I sure gave the salesman crap about that. I ordered myself Michelin for it about 2 days later.

I am also a member of the low on the thrill-o-meter and I like it that way,

We’ve been busy. Had company this weekend and met my sister and family in Colorado for dinner. Marty’s birthday was Monday. he skipped the gym and we went out for dinner and watched Deadpool and Wolverine. He’s company is letting quite a few people go and Marty is inheriting their tasks. He’s crazy busy. He started on the flooring of the observatory today, but some of his put things together early didn’t quite line up. It sounds like he has to unscrew the pieces and put them back together in a different order. Since he has all sorts of pieces cut and screwed together already, let’s hope the rest of right. At least he doesn’t have to recut anything. So far.

New video requirements at work are becoming a PITA this week. Some young guy was hired to beef up our videos and he reminds me of one of my former employees. Hopefully, that settles down soon.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Wow @marcy, that photo is spectacular! Happy belated birthday to Marty, sounds like he’s getting on pretty well with the observatory, even with a few snafus. So glad he’s not one of the people being let go even though it inevitably means he’s picking up the slack. Nice you got to meet up with family for a meal. Ugh, sorry the new guy is reminding you of your previous working life.

Can you tell I don’t drink coffee @canuk-gal :mrgreen:? Glad you enjoyed yours though.

Hope everything went well today

Lovely day here, went in the pool this morning, did some cleaning

GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy wow! Gorgeous photo! Hope Marty had a great birthday and how wonderful you got to spend time with your family in Colorado. Hope his flooring in the observatory project is going more smoothly now. Sorry about the new video requirements at work. That is a hassle and hope it calms down and gets easier

@Austina thank you. Hope your mammogram results are good and glad you told the tech so she was able to make it more comfortable. I swear those contraptions are more painful than they need to be. Most men would cry like babies if they needed mammos. Hope you enjoyed trivia.

@canuk-gal thank you and right back at ya cycling sister! And yes, silent NIRDIs. We miss you. Though I very much enjoy chatting with some of the silent NIRDIs off-line but if you have time come by and say hello.

@Slickk thank you sweet friend for all your support and love. I hope you get great results and have absolutely nothing to be concerned about. I am sending you so much love and good wishes. And gentle hugs.

@MamaBee thank you kindly. And a happy healthy new year to your family too. May all who are fasting have an easy fast

Hello everyone else. We have been cycling every day this past week and I saw the radiation oncologist yesterday. Have to wait for the hospital to figure out what insurance will cover etc. so not sure when this will be happening...but I hope to get a round of radiation for my DC...20 rounds to be exact. Every five separated by three months. So a long process. And a lot to take in...I am seeing the surgeon next week but I hope not to go with that option. Ideally NA first then RT but I would like to skip the NA. Every invasive procedure has the ability to exacerbate the Dupuytren's monster. So hard this decision tbh. There is no way of knowing if it will get worse because of the procedures but doing nothing it surely will. I have advanced a LOT according to the RO over the past 3 years since I saw him.

The marked areas need radiation so basically according to the RO the whole hand needs it. Advanced DD unfortunately. It really advanced quickly since I was first examined by him in Dec 2021. He only treats each hand separately so it will take a year. He will treat the right hand first since it is the most affected. I have a contracture but I hope to leave that as explained above. I rather not take chances despite the finger being bent. And RT won't fix that.
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I have Garrod's pads on my knuckles. It's so funny because I always blamed myself for my ugly knuckles. Turns out it is due to DD and I did nothing to cause them to look like this. This RO does not treat them due to the risk of extra radiation but I really want them treated so we will see if I can convince him...though since he has never done it before not sure he will know how to properly treat them so maybe I won't push it. He did outline them though just in case

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The RO explained to me I should stop lifting weights. He said it very likely exacerbated the DD. @marcy how am I going to give this up? He said there were alternatives but he wasn't sure what they are just that probably there are alternatives to weight lifting with my hands. I guess like wrist bands etc. But I searched and they do not make heavy wrist bands. I mean 5 lbs max per wrist. Ridiculous. I do not lift heavy but I do work with 70lb weights with my arms. So upsetting. I will figure it out. I know he is right and this is a lifelong challenge but lifting weights and working out is my go to for peace, quiet calm and joy. Many challenges at the moment but one day at a time. And I am grateful for all the good and there is lots of that so I am definitely not complaining. I am thankful and appreciative of everything good and wonderful in my life. Thank you as always for reading and for your warm support.

After the appointment we went cycling and enjoyed our ICOTD. Today more of the same...enjoy a terrific Caturday Saturday lovely ladies. May it be sweet and filled with joy

ICOTD yesterday
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ICOTD the day before yesterday

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Oh my gosh forgot the most important photos for caturday Saturday

Shasta ♥️♥️♥️


Pepsi and Fresca ♥️♥️♥️

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well things I didn't have on my bingo card. DH went to his work reunion--fun--until he fainted. I got a call from his old boss who told me they called an ambulance, and I said good and thank you. They did labs and EKG--all negative. So no idea why this occurred but he is at the GP now--I would like him to have a carotid doppler. Anyway he is feeling well. The last time he fainted--35 years ago when we were first married he had a GI bleed; not the case now. Anyway. At least he was surrounded by kind and helpful friends--as this could have happened on the street. It is Thanksgiving this weekend here and I am GRATEFUL those friends helped him and that he is OK.

Picked up the ham and turkey meals for supper tomorrow. They were just freshly prepared. And mushroom soup. And desserts.

@missy what a nasty business those DC are. But glad it doesn't prevent you from wearing your gorgeous rings!!! Cycle on! It is a bit chilly here, but tomorrow and Monday are looking fine. Might cycle then.

@Austina coffee is a bit of an addiction! Keep well and swim on.

@marcy there were so many photos of the Northern lights on the news and ALL so beautiful!! Never tire of seeing this wonderful natural phenomena. Hope Marty isn't overworked--he has a lot on his plate. And we are a Pirelli family. We did have Michelins for our MB SUV tho. But for our cars--Pirellis.


@Austina thanks for Marty’s birthday wishes. The aurora was incredible that night even through the clouds. I don’t drink coffee either. I do like mint cocoa though. Glad the weather is nice there.

@missy thank you for the Marty b-day wishes. He had a good one. It was cool how much of the aurora our allsky camera picked up that night. It’s such a fun toy. I hate to hear you have so many radiation treatments, keeping you in the thoughts. Oh no they want you to give up lifting weights. It’s so important for our bones. I started using wrist bands since my wrist acted up and that helps. There are straps you can use to take pressure off your hands too. That’s tough. Other doctors may think differently. It’s hard to say. I like lifting too. Big hugs with all these decisions and challenges. Love the caturday pictures.

@canuk-gal Oh no to your DH fainting. That is good his labs and EKG look good but that doesn’t answer what happened. It is nice his friends took good care of him. You mentioned Thanksgiving a few weeks ago and that helped my on my Jeopardy of the day questions this week about the Canadian holiday that followed weeks later by the same one in the U.S. A friend and I play Jeopardy all the time Whoever ends up with the lowest winnings of the year has to buy the calendars for next year. It’s important to have good tires! Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, poor Marty has a lot on his plate.

Marty worked on his observatory most of the day. Two guys from the gym came over to help him. I made a big batch of tacos for lunch so they’d have something to eat. And a pan of cocoa brownies. I ate too much though, I never eat a big lunch and I’m still full.

Other than cooking and doing dishes, I’ve most watched TV today. I feel retired. I made a few videos for my YouTube channel from our allsky camera. I think I’ll make a few more tomorrow. It’s amazing to see how many satellites zip over our head each night. Now that I make so many videos for work, whipping out a few videos for myself doesn’t take much effort.

I need to get my car washed tomorrow. I noticed it was bug-covered today after our trip to Colorado.

Take care.
GM girls and happy big and small dog Sunday!!!!

@canuk-gal oh my goodness. I am glad he had friends there who were able to help him quickly and I hope he is feeling 100% better now. Could he have been dehydrated? Greg fainted once when we were cycling (and we crashed...i got bloody and bruised and he was fine lol) and turns out he was dehydrated. After we did all the neurological testing etc that was the final determination. Anyway hope your dh is 100% today and all is well! And wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving weekend XOXO and hope you get to enjoy cycling today and Monday too. Autumn is unpredictable weather wise. I hear we are cooling down soon temp wise and I will be sad when our mild temps go bye bye. But if winter must come let it come and go ASAP LOL

@marcy I am glad Marty had a good birthday! Can you tell me more about the straps we can use to take the weight/pressure off our hands when lifting? I want to explore all my options. Of course I lifted yesterday. Until I have my radiation and maybe surgery (hoping not to have to do surgery though) I plan on lifting. Maybe that is stupid but IDK. I do have to find alternatives so I don't make the DD/DC worse. Yummmmm tacos and even more yummmmm brownies!!! Girl, you are killing me lol, Haha good for you feeling retired yesterday. You deserve a respite from work. Speaking of retired Greg probably won't retire beginning of the year. Too much to do at work and he doesn't want to leave them in a lurch. But we shall see. Great that taking videos is easy for you now. Sweet.

@Slickk hope you are having a wonderful weekend and please give Bear big hugs from me and the kitties

Hey everyone else. Hope you are enjoying a terrific weekend. We went cycling again yesterday and did lots of miles. It's where I feel at one with nature and can get out of my head a bit if you kwim. And that is priceless. Did I tell you the oncologist warned me my feet might get affected and that hiking, cycling, etc might be at risk? He told me to get super supportive shoes and do my best at protecting my feet. So much to think about but doing the best I can one day at a time. And in the meantime we are enjoying all our outdoor activities while the weather is beautiful.

Have a wonderful big and small dog Sunday lovely ladies. XOXO

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And in honor of big and small dog Sunday @mrs-b @Austina @Slickk @springerspaniel and dog lovers (me included!!!) everywhere....
Past and present :kiss2:

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@missy I am making myself a note to talk to Marty about the wrist straps. They generally use them when lifting really heavy things so it doesn't hurt your hands. Great pictures!

Not much new here. Marty worked on the observatory. Some people helped him so they got quite a bit done. I build a YouTube page for the astronomy club and post 4 videos there.

Tonight we found Comet C/2023 A3. My fancy camera couldn't get a shot (or maybe it was the operator), but my trusty iPhone nailed it.

If you want to see it, it'll be there for a few weeks, in the western sky. Look about 40 minutes after sunset. Binoculars might help.

GM girls, happy (how did you get here so fast) Monday!

Thanks @marcy and ooh. Nice Comet photo. I will see what I can see tonight. Our friend recommended the company D-Moose which has similar products for helping lift weights without pressure on the hand. Curious to see Marty's recs thanks. So a wrinkle for me (surprise what else is new). The top expert in the RO field answered my post (never knew he was even in the Dupuytren's group) and he tore apart the RO mapping of my hand. So now I have no confidence in the RO I was planning to see. The kicker is he is highly regarded but Dr Seegenshmiedt is the inventor of RO for Dupuytren's and the master of this field. He is in Germany however.Anyway I am bit tired of everything being challenging but I will do my due diligence and see if a second opinion is even possible given that so few oncologists treat dupuytrens. The biggest issue besides side effects is that we can only do this once. (10 rounds per hand). So if it fails that's it. No other treatments are available for slowing the progression and radiation can only be done a finite amount of times which are a total of 10 rounds per hand. That is one treatment cycle. OK enough of that gloomy news. I was very surprised to see the famous Dr S come to my post though as one, I had no clue he was in the group and two, he is super busy. He might even still be treating patients but in Germany and with our needy kitties there is no way I can travel that far. Wherever we go I must be able to be home to give Tommy his meds and feed the cats AM and PM. So we can drive a long distance but have to be home by evening. Lots of obstacles but doing the best we can. Most likely will still go with Dr W but I am going to see if I can find another RO for a second opinion. Though time is limited.

@Slickk hope the rest of your weekend went very well and you had a lovely time

@MamaBee hope Shatzie is 100% now and you are getting the rest you need

@Austina hope you are still enjoying the pool and beautiful weather

@springerspaniel hope you had a good weekend

Hello everyone else. We had a great cycling day yesterday and another car show too. Fun. And we met this couple who love our bike and see us all the time and they had so many questions. She is an artist and as soon as she sells some of her artwork they will look into purchasing the same bike. They went to our bike dealer after we saw them and then she texted me about it. It would be fun if there was another couple cycling on the tandem recumbent. As of now Greg and I are the only ones at the jersey shore cycling on a tandem recumbent. And I have tried convincing friends lol but it seems tandeming is not easy for many couples. LOL it's easy for us and so much fun. OK that's it from me. Have a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. XOXO

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May your Monday be sweet and colorful

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!

Two excellent warm days for cycling! Had our Thanksgiving dinner last night and again take out for today--gosh I am getting lazy. DS will come for supper again tonight.

Not much else going on. Low on the Thrill-o-meter.

Hello lovelies

Oh my goodness @canuk-gal, what a fright! Hope DH is fully recovered and feeling much better now. Still no idea what caused it? Thank goodness he was with people who make sure he got help. Glad you’re still able to cycle, and yes to take out and being lazy!

Well I suppose in one way, it’s a good thing the expert Dr did see your post and gave his opinion @missy, but in another way, it’s now increased your dilemma. Hopefully you can get another opinion armed with what you’ve been told. Love all the puppy and kitty pics, and how lovely to see your parents in their younger days. How’re they doing, hopefully still managing to cope. I expect your sister and nieces visiting have cheered them up too.

Loved the comet and aurora pics @marcy, they’re pretty spectacular. Glad to see the observatory is coming along. I had to laugh at the concrete piers holding it down, I have visions of it being carried off by the winds a la Twister film :mrgreen:

The weather here has been absolutely lovely, not too hot and the pool is keeping warm enough not to need heating. We were working on our next garden project today, there’s a space between the a/c pony wall on the l/h side of the house and the fence. I brick edged it, put down landscaper’s matting and we’ve put large stones on it. It’s an odd space which makes it hard to mow. We will plant something there (eventually)
but just wanted to straighten it up. I then replaced the edge between the pool equipment pony wall and the a/c pony wall with matching interlocking bricks. The large pieces of stone I removed from there, I then placed round the electrical equipment in the front. After that I was absolutely exhausted. Went in the pool this afternoon, and relaxed.

GM girls, happy terrific Tuesday!

@canuk-gal hope you enjoyed a terrific Thanksgiving and yay for cycling and beautiful weather!

@marcy hope you are enjoying taking photos of the comet and your photos are, as always, spectacular.

@Slickk hope your week is off to a good start and you are enjoying the weather albeit a bit more chilly and very (by us at least) windy

@Austina yes I feel this is a double edged sword and I am trying to sort through it all. More on that below. I hope your beautiful weather continues and your garden project goes well.

Tomorrow I now have three medical appointments and it's going to be hectic. Two regarding my hands and Greg and I both have endocrinology appointments in the AM. So we actually have a total of 4 appointments tomorrow. Dr S contacted me after I emailed him and wanted to see me tomorrow too (via zoom) but at the same time as my hand surgeon so I had to ask for another date. Have not heard back but he is in Germany and he is probably seeing patients now. He usually replies late evening for him (and late for me too lol).

I am still not sold on seeing the famous Dr S via telemedicine (he is in Germany) because he cannot palpate my hands and evaluating them involves palpating them. But we shall see. All I know is there are too many drs and that quote "Too many cooks spoil the broth" comes to mind. And I am tired of second guessing the drs and also tired of having to become an expert in everything Greg and I are dealing with over the past few years... (and truly cannot become an expert in DD and RT even if I had the energy). So we shall see. My (one of my) motto day at a time. And that is how I'm doing it.

We had a great cycling day yesterday and today more of the same is on the agenda. It has been super windy here so we are really getting a good workout cycling. Tomorrow medical all day and then Thursday we are seeing our friends (husband is an astronomer and I have shared some of his photos before) who are in from South Carolina. So a very busy week. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying a beautiful autumn. XOXO

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