
Now I really did it :((


NIDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found my Christmas CD's (finally) and spent two CD's listening and peeling garlic. LOL For soup. There was a lot of garlic left over from my DS Hello Fresh meals. I should buy a pile of onions and make French onion soup. Maybe after Christmas as I have a lot of food already lined up. I don't have much to do n the next few days, but I seem to spend a lot of $$$ every time I leave the house. I'm scared of my Visa bill--I'll need a forklift this month to lift it.

@missy Sir Thomas looks very cozy on that bed! Yes cats can be fickle. And well no I won't take your snow thank you very much!! Our warm temps are getting all our love--and I won't trade it! LOL It is +2C and that is warm for 0800 in our neck of the woods at this time of the year. I really hope you get to visit your family this weekend. And hug your nieces and parents. Best gift of all.

@marcy good for you in putting your earrings under the tree! The high winds we get here drive me batty also. Stay warm! Are you taking some time off during the festive season?

@MamaBee hope your treatment went well. Are you doing all the cooking this year?

@mrs-b hope things are good for you and yours. I know you aren't posting much but NIRDIs are thinking of you.

@Slickk hope you enjoy your well earned time off. And grandbabies first holiday season! I still have all the baby decorations I put on the tree....



@missy I am sorry to hear about Bobby and Tommy. Big hugs to all of you. I am glad they are eating again. Yes ,Shelly would have loved pink earrings. I remember her pink sapphire. Gorgeous. It is nuts the delivery drivers don’t knock or ring the doorbell. The wind out here just blows things away. I hope the meds help with roundworm. Your new ring is gorgeous, I love solid rings like that too, I hope your fingers are coming along all right. I’ve been wearing my brace at night for my wrist, so I get it’s hard to do things. I wear a flimsy Velcro one during the day. It doesn’t help much. Your Christmas headbands look great. Big hugs to your parents, they’ve had a rough year. Your tree looks great. I have a few vintage ornaments that were my mom’s I always hang them on the front of our tree.

@jeaniefisih I hope your ring comes soon.

@Austina I hate to hear you were so sick. I hope you are back to your normal self soon, Have a safe trip.

@canuk-gal you have been busy. Our local pool closed for months for remodeling and people weren’t happy about it. Nice your friends Tiffany ring is almost done. I’ve been watching the Christmas program that show up on TV. We’’ve had mild temperatures for December with some snow. But the wind is NUTS. Our house was clanging and banging all the vents and ducts in the roof going crazy. One of Polywood rocking chairs fell forward on the porch and those suckers are pretty heavy. I’m glad your Tiffany ring makes you so happy, that’s all that matters.

@MamaBee I am sneaky with Christmas presents. I used to “snoop” around the house as a kid and was quite adept at unwrapping presents and wrapping them back up. My parents got even with me when I was in college. All that was under the tree for me that year was a wrapped used toilet seat. They gave me my presents after dinner that day. It didn’t deter my sneaky ways though. My hair is longer now, so I can tuck it behind my ears and see earrings. Yay. I hope you are feeling better and I’m sorry the pain never goes away. Your tree looks fabulous. And I love that baguette ring. I’ve eyed similar ones many times. Good luck with getting the house on the market. It’s so much work.

Hi @Jemi how are you?

@Inked I hear you on long road trips. That drive we took to Texas in April (3 days each way) wasn’t my idea of fun. I tell people Stockholm syndrome set in about day 3 is the only way I could pretend to enjoy it. I hope the wedding was nice.

I’ve been working or getting ready for two days of Christmas parties this weekend. The gym is coming on Saturday and my family is coming on Saturday. I still have a cheesecake to make and a pan of lasagna.

Take care.

You are the cheesecake and lasagna queen. As I used to say… Can you send me some through the Internet? Or at least photos. Great to be back in touch with you.
Hello lovelies

Hope all is well with you.

Weather is lovely, we’re enjoying just being lazy. Yesterday was San Juan, which we’ve been to many times, so didn’t get off, and today was Gustavia, St Bart’s. It’s a tender port and the seas were rough, so we stayed on board, and I went and had an extortionately priced mani-pedi. Fortunately I didn’t pay for it, it came out of our loyalty on board credit! :lol:

Love to see you posting again @Jemi, don’t be a stranger!

To all the other lovely NIRIDI’s - keep safe and warm!

Hi girls! Just popped in to say hi! I made 41 meatballs the day before yesterday..and sauce..I almost fell flat on my face from exhaustion. When the thought of making homemade pizza the next blood pressure went into the atmosphere. My doctor told me to buy pizza to bake at Wegmans. That was an order.. :lol: I bought it at Whole Foods..I’m a rebel. I had my infusion yesterday…So very pooped..but still went food shopping. Tomorrow is rinse and repeat. Falalala..

I wrote a really long post the other day after making the meatballs…I posted a photo..but wanted to change I thought I deleted it..but in my meatball frenzied brain I deleted the whole post! Ugh..I hope to rewrite it but now I don’t remember what I wrote! :loopy:

Hugs to everyone!

@missy I am glad to share snow and wind with everyone. Why should I have all the fun? It was amazingly mild here today for late December. Cats are cats and do have a mind of their own. That’s why they are so cool. I probably would have been wearing my earrings already if I wasn’t so busy.

@canuk-gal Marty loves French onion soup. I’m with you on the wind driving us crazy. I feel like a weakling when I can hardly push the front storm door open. It faces directly west. Marty is taking two weeks off work. I will probably work most of the time. I am working ahead a bit so I can goof off some. Nice you found your Christmas music. I need to figure out how to get my iTunes on my iPad. I want to listen to my Mannheim Steamroller.

@Jemi the lasagna and cheesecake are on the way. It’s great to hear from you.

@Austina sounds like a relaxing time on the ship and that’s always a welcome day.

@MamaBee your meatballs and sauce sound like a lot of work. Good idea to buy pizza from somewhere. Darn for losing a long post.

Christmas party #1 is behind us now. There were probably 2 dozen people here today. One guy even came upstairs and asked for a trash bag to pick up the trash from the white elephant gift exchange. What a nice guy. Lunch was pot luck and much of it was left behind. One of the ladies that was here late, eagerly agreed to take most of it with her for another party she was attending. I throw it all away after it’s been sitting out for hours anyway. After everyone was gone, Marty took out all the trash and I got dishes done, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed and I am now ready for Christmas party #2. Marty did enjoy giving many of the gym crew a tour of his observatory.

Speaking of which - here’s a photo from the last few nights. It’s the Christmas tree cluster.

Take care.

GM girls and happy big and small dog Sunday! Another freezing day here

@marcy and @canuk-gal glad your temps are mild and long may that continue. It is truly winter temps here plus crazy fierce winds. My heart hurts for all the outdoor animals

@marcy Glad your first party is over and done and hope you enjoyed yourselves
Gorgeous photo

@canuk-gal you deserve mild temps..enjoy

@Austina glad you are having a lovely vacation

@MamaBee yay for having the infusion (#2?) under your belt

@Jemi isn't she? Who doesn't love lasagna and cheesecake? I remember we had a PS er over our house and served lasagna and cheesecake. It is a winning combo

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. Just got back from Greg and I forcing Bobby and Tommy to take MIrtizapine pills. Not easy to pill them but OMG Bobby is extremely challenging. You might remember my sister had trouble piling him last Saturday. Not fun. They both stopped eating again and had nothing this AM. UGH. Praying they start eating again but IDK this feels different.

My sister's husband and daughter have food poisoning (sushi) so I don't think we are seeing them today as planned but will make the trip to see my parents without them. Disappointed but it is what it is.

Have a super Sunday lovely ladies

The snow didn't stick except to grassy surfaces and the car and it is below freezing all day again. Stay warm and cozy XOXO

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Yes thanks! We used that one first as it’s easier to give (ear application) but we find the pill is more effective and lasts three days as opposed to the topical. . However unfortunately Bobby just vomited so he probably didn’t get it. My sister said not to give again darn. So both cerenia and mirtiz probably didn’t get into his system:(

And in other news we’re not visiting my folks. My mom told us to not come as she’s not feeling well and just wants to sleep

I am so worried about everyone :(

That would be a great solution!
Sending you ((((hugs))) @missy. :cry2:
Yes thanks! We used that one first as it’s easier to give (ear application) but we find the pill is more effective and lasts three days as opposed to the topical. . However unfortunately Bobby just vomited so he probably didn’t get it. My sister said not to give again darn. So both cerenia and mirtiz probably didn’t get into his system:(

And in other news we’re not visiting my folks. My mom told us to not come as she’s not feeling well and just wants to sleep

I am so worried about everyone :(

I was just gonna write to you to have a good visit! Healing vibes your way.
Sending you ((((hugs))) @missy. :cry2:

Aww thank you very much. I will take them and hugs back. It's OK..if Tommy and Bobby weren't sick I think it would all feel less overwhelming but I see the writing on the wall and it's inevitable. I spoke to my dad and he is so clear minded even at 90 with his body falling apart. He is still him yanno? I have no choice but to accept this is the way life (and death) is. But it's disheartening. And it all goes too fast. Thanks for your compassion. I hope your holiday season is going well

I was just gonna write to you to have a good visit! Healing vibes your way.

Thanks sweet Sharon. We are heading to the Christmas market in Asbury just to get out of the house for a while. I don't want to leave the cats alone for long anyway so maybe it worked out for the best. With the bitterly cold temps we aren't doing anything outdoors. Hope you have a lovely lovely Sunday
Good morning and happy marvelous Monday. Windchills are in the negative numbers and we have not seen our feral cats since Saturday

Yesterday was nice because we went to the Holiday Market in Asbury and there were a lot of (indoor) vendors.
Today not sure of our plans but it's early here and we are enjoying coffee and the peace

@Slickk yay happy holidays and well deserved time off

@marcy lovely photo of you and your sisters. Beautiful

@Inked your dog is gorgeous. I am in love

@canuk-gal hope you have a wonderful holiday week

@MamaBee wishing you and your family a joyous double holiday celebration

@springerspaniel hugs to you and your furry babies

@Jemi happy holidays

@finerthings wishing you and your family a very happy holiday

Hello everyone else
Wishing all of you a very happy holiday week and may your Monday be as marvelous as you

Leaving you with a photo last night. Tommy and Jasper both laying on me next to each other peacefully
Tommy loves grooming Jasper but so far he is the only one who gets along with him

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And because this is PS...
Blurry but still pretty (taking photos with your hand in a brace/splint is a bit challenging lol)

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Beautiful to see Tommy and Jasper together. @missy wishing you a peaceful and happy holiday. Fingers crossed that all your kitties will have good appetites (indoors and out) and you have a day of rest and calm. (((hugs)))

@missy sorry you are having such cold weather. I hope the outdoor kitties are snuggling together for warmth. I hope your parents, sister and BIL are doing better. Giving medicine to cats is a challenge. We cat sit for friends occasionally and Marty was supposed to put some cream on one of their paws so they’d lick it off. Marty puts it on their paws and they flicked it across the room and splat all over the wall. It was kind of funny. Nice that Tommy and Jasper get along okay. Love the close-up of your gorgeous rings.

Not much going on here. I worked until about 5 since I was out for a while at the dentist (just a cleaning). I got Marty’s few presents dropped in gift bags. Plus, I pulled the draw stings and tied them. It almost wore me out.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific Tuesday and a very wonderful Christmas Eve!
Fresca and Pepsi greeted me this morning and we saw them and Shasta and Sasha yesterday so thankful about that
This AM Tommy and Bobby barely ate despite my fervent attempt to entice them. Soon we will give them another Mirtazapine pill as the last one was three days ago and they are only for every three days.

@marcy good that it is peaceful by you and you worked til five and nice you got a dental cleaning. Sweet about finishing the gifts and I hear you. These days doing not much tires me out. Not saying you didn't do much because you have but I haven't and I am tired. We went to the library yesterday and I took out some good books (hopefully they will hold my attention). In a couple of hours I am seeing my new allergist and then not sure what we have planned. Besides watching the cats not eat :( Cats can be so much more difficult than dogs. Sure dogs have to be walked exercised etc but cats have a mind of their own and good luck snapping them out of it.

@finerthings thank you so much. Praying the furry babies remain as well as possible and may your family (furry babies and humans) enjoy a most lovely holiday season

@Slickk @canuk-gal @springerspaniel @Austina [USER=64798]@LLJsmom @MamaBee and everyone reading...wishing you a very merry Christmas eve and holiday season whichever holidays you celebrate. May peace and joy be yours. This year and next. Sending lots of love and gentle hugs and good wishes

We are putting the tree up today..that is our tradition and then we leave it up til spring/summer lol. No, This year it is coming down by February. LOL
In the meantime here are a few photos of Christamses and Hanukahs past

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Happy healthy holidays all
Hello lovelies

You’re lucky I’m able to post :lol: I was just about ready to strangle an obnoxious woman on a tour yesterday, she’d frazzled my last nerve with her constant complaining and rudeness!

We were in St Lucia and went to a rain forest and did an aerial team ride, the view was spectacular. We’re in Antigua today and visited the high points of the islands where you could see for miles, it was stunning.

I’m sorry the kitties are still not eating, what a worry @missy. Good news about the ferals turning up for their breakfast, hopefully they’re finding warmth and shelter from the weather. Jasper and Bobby look so sweet together. Sending positive and healing vibes to your family, I do hope they get better and you’re all able to see each other soon.

Good job on getting your presents wrapped and done @marcy, Colin already had his presents, a new iPhone and iPad, so that was easy:mrgreen:

We start the sail back tomorrow, reaching Miami on Friday, so in the meantime, wishing all you happy holidays, I hope you enjoy the time, whatever you’re doing.

Hello lovelies

You’re lucky I’m able to post :lol: I was just about ready to strangle an obnoxious woman on a tour yesterday, she’d frazzled my last nerve with her constant complaining and rudeness!

We were in St Lucia and went to a rain forest and did an aerial team ride, the view was spectacular. We’re in Antigua today and visited the high points of the islands where you could see for miles, it was stunning.

I’m sorry the kitties are still not eating, what a worry @missy. Good news about the ferals turning up for their breakfast, hopefully they’re finding warmth and shelter from the weather. Jasper and Bobby look so sweet together. Sending positive and healing vibes to your family, I do hope they get better and you’re all able to see each other soon.

Good job on getting your presents wrapped and done @marcy, Colin already had his presents, a new iPhone and iPad, so that was easy:mrgreen:

We start the sail back tomorrow, reaching Miami on Friday, so in the meantime, wishing all you happy holidays, I hope you enjoy the time, whatever you’re doing.


Glad you are feeling better and enjoying your holiday! That lady sounded like a party pooper....
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate. May the holidays bring joy and may 2025 be a year filled with peace, good health and lots of love








AND our tree when we used to hang the glass ornaments from the 1950s...before the cats started knocking them down and breaking them

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Enjoy a wonderful holiday lovely ladies XOXO
Have a lovely day everyone!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah all! ❤️ IMG_4226.gif

Slept in--thank you Santa for the gift of sleep!!!! Woke up to a stunning sunrise, not a cloud in the sky and warm. The Rockies/peaks are white!!!! Santa had a good weather trip through here.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah friends!

GM girls and happy terrific Thursday. I hope everyone enjoyed (and is still enjoying) a lovely holiday and end of year celebration

@Slickk happy holidays and happy vacation...hope you are enjoying spending time with your beautiful family

@canuk-gal happy holidays and yay for extra sleep. That is sweet. And an extra treat to wake to a beautiful sunrise. May your good weather continue

@Austina happy holidays. Hope you are enjoying your trip

Good morning everyone else. Hope all is well.

As I type this (with my splint on my right hand) Jasper is laying by my side and Bobby at my feet. Tommy has not eaten for the past day plus but took a few licks of pate cat food this AM. It's not looking good. We have thrown everything we could at him. Mirtaz, Cerenia, B12 and IV fluids. We gave him 200 ml of IV fluids with some B12 last night. UGH. I so badly want him to eat.

Tommy did not come upstairs last night when I went to bed and he always comes to the bedroom when I head up there to go to sleep. He usually jumps on me and stays for an hour or two. But not last night :( He stayed downstairs.
This AM he did greet us (so not hiding..if he was hiding that means he is in pain).

This is 100% the very worst part of having furry babies. They do not live long enough and it's heartbreaking on all levels. We do not know when it is time. Not yet at least. But if he doesn't eat for another day that might mean it is time. The challenge is we have been through this before several times and each time he bounced back. We cannot put him down if there is a chance he will bounce back. At least while he is not in pain we will wait and pray he starts eating again. :(

With Bobby it is also touch and go. Yes he ate this AM but he is not where he used to be with his appetite and I am catering to him bringing food to wherever he is with his favorite treats. He likes churro so he gets that at every meal. Oliver also likes it and so I have been giving it to Oliver too because Oliver is also acting a bit weird with eating and he seems more lethargic.

This is the big problem with multi cat households. It's never just one who is affected when they are under the weather. It seems it's always multiple cats who are affected when one gets sick. IDK.

I am taking it one day at a time and Greg and I are doing all we can to get them better. For Bobby though the clock is ticking (lymphoma) and with Tommy he is just frail and elderly and barely 7.5 lbs. So not sure how this will play out but not looking good.

Greg put the tree up Xmas Eve as is our tradition and it is Jasper's first Christmas. No one seemed interested in climbing the tree yet. But we shall see.

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Bobby, Gracie and Jasper

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You can see Oliver in the background and Jasper in the foreground

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Have a wonderful day lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO
Good morning girls and happy friYAY.

We went hiking yesterday. First time since my RT treatments and it was glorious to finally be able to get out and be active. I had been protecting my hands but decided yesterday was mild enough to risk it. It was not a difficult hike but it was a bit icy still so I was being super careful.

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And we saw many deer too. Enjoying the beautiful landscape and weather

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@Slickk @canuk-gal @MamaBee @Jemi @Austina @springerspaniel and everyone else enjoy a wonderful FriYAY lovely ladies. XOXO
Jasper and Gracie surrounded me last night. It was delicious

Gracie on my lap

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Jasper leaning on the side of me on his pillow

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Sometimes they are both on my lap...too bad I do not have more lap real estate :lol:

Here's Jasper and Tommy on my lap. We are all very cozy here...who needs heat with cats on my lap :)

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GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday.

Good morning @Slickk @canuk-gal @MamaBee @marcy @Austina @finerthings @deco1 @Garnetgirl @springerspaniel @Inked and everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly

Please skip my post if you do not want to read about the kitties conditions and my thoughts. I totally understand and it is not for the faint at heart at all. I might have skipped reading it too it if it wasn't about my cats because my heart hurts when I read about animals not doing well

I contacted my sister yesterday (she is away on a much deserved vacation) and she agreed we could give Tommy steroid shots (meant for Bobby but we have three months worth so now 6 weeks if we continue to give both of them these shots) and it did help him a bit. He came over to us last night (2 hours after injection) and hung out and he ate a drop. At least it is something.

We are ready to euthanize both (I was about to contact Lap of Love yesterday afternoon because that was day two of Tommy not eating and he is super weak but the steroid shot stimulated his appetite a tiny bit at least) but right now while Bobby is purring and eating and Tommy is eating something and hanging out with us (he slept with me most of the night again finally) we are putting it on hold. My sister feels 1. it is 100% our decision of course but 2. while they have a quality of life it is too soon.

It is coming inevitably and I would prefer to put them both down together (because they are friends and bonded to each other so if one goes before the other I know it will be hard emotionally for the remaining cat) but right now Bobby (while drinking continuously not a good sign) is alert and seems happy enough. So it might be Tommy first (he is in worse shape currently) or depending how this progresses- both together. Just unsure and hate that the holidays might delay us getting lap of love to come. It's just I refuse to euthanize if it is not time because of the holidays complicating scheduling.

We are giving Tommy fluids and B12 also as well as the steroid shots (triamcinolone) and Bobby is due for his next steroid shot next Wednesday. The Miritaz did not seem to help Tommy at all. I remember reading in elderly cats when this happens it is usually cancer lurking so my best guess is that is what we are dealing with for both Bobby and Tommy. It sucks big time because while they are not young they are not old (IMO) at 15.5 and 16.5 though i know others (my sister for one) disagree. But at least they aren't 10 like Francesca was :( It is never enough time and anyone who has furry babies gets that. I take comfort in the fact we had them in our family for 15 plus years and gave them the best life we could. We did our best and continue to do so until the time comes.

I pray that when it is time we can get someone here. Just no telling how this will go down. My sister feels it is too early at this juncture. I am trying hard not to make a knee jerk reaction based on our experience with Francesca

If you read all this thank you. For letting me share and get my thoughts out and organized.

Some photos from yesterday

We went hiking again and the weather was really good. 40s and sunny for the most part.
The sky was really this color. It is beautiful around here. Truly

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A Hopper-esque barn

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And last night a few hours after Tommy's steroid injection he jumped on the couch and groomed Jasper. It was very sweet to see. Tommy is a LOVE

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Enjoy a wonderful weekend lovely ladies XOXO
@missy I’m so sad you are going through this. Such a difficult decision that most likely changes daily. One day you know it’s the right time, next day you have doubts. I went through it as well. It took my vet to convince me that my poor pooch really wasn’t enjoying quality of life anymore. One of the most difficult decisions and times in my life. Still breaks my heart.
Sending all the prayers and love to you ❤️
Hello lovelies, we’re home!

Had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hope you all had a lovely time over the holidays and enjoyed spending time with your families.

@missy, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all this uncertainty over the kitties. I know you will do what’s right, when the time’s right. FWIW, I do think your thinking about them going together is the right thing. One of our friends did this with their 2 Spinoni, they were both very ill and very bonded, and they decided it was kinder for them both not to have to go through the grief of losing their friend. I also know with everything else that’s going on, it’ll be devastating for you and Greg, but ultimately, it’s our privilege to end their suffering before it gets too bad. Be brave dear friend, they’ve had the best possible life with you, no one could’ve loved them more.
@missy I understand where you and Greg are right now with Tommy & Bobby. It is not an easy decision, but one made from love and compassion. Sending you strength and tender (((hugs))).