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- Aug 5, 2018
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... too bored. I'm losing my mind with it!
I'll trade you some fray!
... too bored. I'm losing my mind with it!
I'll trade you some fray!
@Mamabean your pizza looks delicious. I am heating up my last 2 pieces of pizza for supper; I know it won’t be the same as yours. As for lifting I was thinking of how hard I had to work last year to get a 45 pound bar that came in a thick, heavy tube while Marty was in LA. I had to roll it to the door, open the door, pick up the end and set it on the step in to the house, then pick up the other end and slide it in (it’s maybe a 5 foot tube). Then I had to angle it down the hall and get it out of the way. It would be so much easier for me now.
@TechieTechie oh no to blowing out your knee. How is it doing now? How fun to help pick out your niece’s engagement ring. Hi Pumpkin.
@Calliiecake rats your post made me say darn I forgot to get some ice cream this morning. What is your favorite flavor? I cut back how much weight I lift on presses and rows to help my shoulder; it does help.
@missy sending mega dust to Tommy. I hope you found out if your appointment is live or online. That is definitely a late notice. Sweet picture of Gracie. What a precious little girl. She is so cute and I love her outfit. I hope you and Greg are feeling better.
@Austina how cool you remember the date you and Colin met; 42 years and still enjoying each other’s company. How did you and Colin meet? I had that kind of thing written down in an address book that I threw out when we moved. I know we met in February and got engaged in September but that’s as close as I come. Pizza sure sounds good. I am warming up 2 pieces of Pizza Hut now.
@bling_dream19 definitely get some pictures of those gorgeous dogwoods. I like to enjoy them without sneezing. You are definitely doing great at keeping busy and doing things you enjoy. I must admit however my eye is almost twitching thinking about some lotion on your gorgeous diamond. I’ll never forget how much my FIL laughed at the horror on my face when I accidentally got my then 1 carat diamond ring dipped in some nacho cheese sauce. He still laughs about it. I came home, sprayed it with windex, then soaked it in Dawn dishwater for about 10 minutes, then soaked it in windex, and then used my steamer. OCD here much? Yes!!!
@AV_ I’m with you - I avoid anything medical whenever possible.
@canuk-gal that’s great you enjoyed some lovely weather and a ride. Sani wipes are non-existent here too.
@Niffler75 wow that’s great your seeds have sprouted. We are having spring weather this week but it’s too early to plant things here. That’s great you had some time to yourself. I sent Marty this Dilbert today because since he works from home all the time I thought he’d identify with it since I’m home now.
@Tekate big hugs to you for what happened to you and I am so sorry things got personal in that thread. Most of those political threads are absolutely vicious.
I was at Sams Club right around 7. It was busy but not crazy crowded. I did get a big pack of Charmin TP. I also got a big pack of tissues, paper towels, napkins and assorted other things. They didn’t have any cleaning supplies at all. I got a large tenderloin roast; Marty will cut it in half tomorrow and cook one half and freeze the other one.
Our Omaha Steaks order showed up as well.
Take care.
@marcy @Austina I meant to tell you that I received my Omaha Steak order a little over a week ago... Everything has been delicious! So far we had hamburgers, chicken fried steaks, apple tartlets, and potato Au Gratin which I think is really a croquett...I had one little boneless chicken breast tonight that didn’t have a piece of fat on it. I made my mom and David chicken with lemon and garlic yesterday. I don’t like chicken thighs because they are so fatty...My mom loves them so I made it for them. I will make sure I don’t approve a substitute for chicken when I do Instacart...I made my last batch of chicken thighs. They gross me out...I made a quick dinner for myself. I had frozen veggies which I halved with my mom. I browned my cut up chicken breast in Pam...then added the half bag of frozen veggies and a tablespoon of barbecue sauce because I didn’t have anything else. The light sauce from the veggies and the barbecue sauce made a great sauce that didn’t even taste like barbecue sauce. I’m going to make it again but put it over a little rice. It was yummmmmy!
@AV_ Was that cold cider hard cider?![]()
@Mamabean About 10%; I can deal with not much - a couple of drinks/week (& not for lack of trying), but love a good drink (eg. single malts & desert wines & the best of plum vodka - a home country thing). This was a beautiful surprize!
What is it with Mothers and chicken thighs? LOL My Mom has been raving about this recipe she has with mushrooms and white wine....and I said thighs??? You never served those while growing up but now it is "her rave". Mothers and thighs!!!!
@missy Overall sounds like a positive appointment. It's hard having to 'accept' the tiredness/fatigue as being a normal part of life. I understand that all too well. But there are strategies that help! I know I bang on about it but #selfcare is so very important!
Gorgeous photos by the way!
@missy I’m so happy the visit went well...and that everyone was wearing masks....That’s too bad about having to stop the Cytomel...It’s amazing how a med can help one symptom but make another one worse...Hopefully they will work out what you can take that will help. I took Cytomel. It didn’t do anything for my exhaustion. I don’t know if it’s related but I take supplements for my heart. I take Pycnogenol 300 mg and Ubiquinol 300mg. I’ve been taking it for over a year and I noticed I have way more energy.
I’m so happy to see you wearing Bubbalah! She’s so gorgeous!
I just got good news! The man who was presumptive positive at my husband’s job tested negative!!! Yay!!
Thank you @missy! I’m so relieved! If the weather is nice this Saturday he will come and sit in the back yard again..The man is just a man that works for my husband..He isn’t a patient. My husband works for an industry. It’s essential but not asWOOHOO!!!! That is the best news I heard all day!!!! So happy your DH's patient is negative and now your DH is negative!!!! WOOHOO!!!!![]()