
PS Mommies Thread!

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On the beach in Corsica France....

"ahhh, this is what i came for..."

jas~Great pics!

Tacori~Thanks for the info on the Cabbage Patch dolls-I think I'll get one for T. I loved my Cabbage Patch kids! As for T getting sick often-pedi think she has allergies (I am terribly allergic to dust and I also have asthma). He put her on claritin to try and control the allergies. We'll see if that helps. If not, we'll probably take her to my allergist and have her tested. I would rather not have to poke her and test her but it may be better to know.
Burk--i adored my cabbage patch kid. Something so ugly and yet appealing about that toy. Out of all the xmas gifts i ever received as a kid that one is at the top (i was much older than T -probably around 7). Good choice!
and as for allergies. I have pretty sever allergies. I think it is worth it to get T tested. A day of itchy arm for a day is a small price to pay if you can avoid years of discomfort. My mom got me tested at age 3 and i was severely allergic to animal dander and saliva--and we had a pet cat that had to move out the very day the results came in. My mom said i was a new kid after that. Ate more, slept more, didn''t have tantrums, skin improved etc.
I keep looking for signs of allergies in Cohen, so far nothing but if he''s anything like me they can pop up anytime
Hi all -- survived DH''s 40th party last went well with the exception that my in-laws were in-lawish last night. My sisters-i-law did a 10 minute presentation on ummm...schmesticles (trying not to get kicked off of PS here). Not my husband''s schmesticles, per se, but just kind of in general.

That was NOT the theme of the party, but there you go.

I am looking forward to actually being able to go back a few pages and catch up...

I was always jealous of the kids who had cabbage patch dolls...they were the rage when I was a kid...people were trampling each other to get them at the store and they were being priced at $100 (fair market) and HUNDREDS of dollars black market.

Sigh. I still kind of want one.

Thanks Jen, your kids are just gorgeous!! The burrito babies are too cute!

Tacori, I've been giving him pieces of food but usually he just play with it and drop it to the floor. yay on Tessa with sippy!!

Thanks Jas12, we have some rice cracker that I just break it up into small pieces. Love all the pics. what a beautiful family!

LIA, we got our birth announcement at Costco.

Mrs.M, she is too cute! Love her expression!!

Burk, I haven't try cheerios yet, I will go and get some but I doubt he'll take it. probably just play with it and drop it to the floor. Sorry to hear Tayva is sick, hope she feel better soon.

Thanks msb700!

snlee, glad D love the swing.

puffy, love the new bag and the wallet. looks like it will be able to fit lot's of B's toys
Jas12- those are just great pics of Cohen. you look great too!!

I was out of town all weekend and didn''t take my computer so I''ve got some catching up to do. I took jake to the dr. on friday and will report his stats. The shocker though, he has a double ear infection. It''s not severe but enough for a 10 day dose of amoxicillin. he hasn''t been at all fussy I just feel bad for my little guy

weight: 19 lb 2 oz (60%)
length: 28 1/8 in (55%)
head 17 1/2 in (55 1/2%)

so, he''s basically right in the middle. Here''s a pic..

with mr.bear

jas12 thanks! i adore handbags!! great pics of the trip. Co is such a cutie! and you look great yourself.

tacori haha, thanks for reminding me about the first few months!! LOL! i know, but a part of me doesn''t mind going through it again just to have that little boy back. it''s great about the cabbage patch dolls. i loved mine when i was a little girl. i''m sure T will love hers.

burk your poor T. i hope she is doing better. and when she is all better, you should definitely have your DH get you that diaper bag you are obsessed with!

bobo thanks! it does fit a ton, but i actually am scared to put B''s stuff in there cause i don''t want it to get scratched or dirty. but i know once i break it in, i''ll just throw all of B''s stuff in there. have you tried to feed B the food or cheerios? he might like it then he''ll get it into his his mouth. but it''s a really good start that he can pick up the food.

jas glad you made it through the night with the in laws!!
Mrs. Salvo, I am so sorry little Jake has a double ear infection, the poor little guy. Those are so painful.

He looks so darn adorable in his little jeans and shirt
I loved when my daughter put jeans a flannel shirts on my grandsons. They are just too cute in them.

I hope little Jake feels better real soon. Please give him a kiss for me.

mrss jake is so cute. i LOVE his eyes!!! poor guy with a double ear infection. such a handsome little man.
I''m gonna be bad and post while at work

I''ve been MIA lately (sorry) due to some computer problems at home, among other things.

I''m at work so I don''t have time to comment to everyone but it seems everyone is doing okay for the most part.

Hubby and I moved about 1.5 months ago and that is going well. We''re all settled in and happy. My mom is mad because we moved but that''s a whole different thread. 1 pug in a foster home, 1 pug with my parents and 2 kitties in a "forever home". It''s been a tough road for us lately but we''re getting back on track - slowly but surely.

James is doing great! He''s 4 months old and went to the pedi a week ago. He''s 16lbs (75th%), 26" (80th%). He was a pug for halloween - I''ll post the pics when my home computer is up and running again. James is such a little sweetie. He''s very calm and started sleeping through the night right after we moved. We also started him on 1st foods. So far he''s had rice cereal (yucky), rice cereal mixed with applesauce (yummy) and now he''s onto sweet potatoes (yummy). The pedi suggested we start him now since he''s getting so big.

I''m not officially back at work yet - my sub needed a week off to work on his dissertation and my boss is on vacation. I''m coming back part time starting in January. I''ve loved having so much time with James.

Will try to post more soon - I miss PS!

Woohoo! Pics! I''ll post more tonight with comments, but I just LOVE the pics!

Back from Vegas...I''m not a Vegas fan because I don''t shop or gamble. But I LOVE to eat and we did have some nice meals there. It was a huge group of us and I just honestly couldn''t handle being part of a big group...too draining.

And to tell you how seriously pathetic I am, I brought my canon 850 camera there. I did not take one single pic of the group...instead using the camera to look at video and pics of my daughter often when I missed her. Even I know that''s a bit of a loser move!

Of course, when I got home, she really didn''t seem to notice I had been gone.
Or maybe it was she didn''t burst into tears and scream "MOMMY!!"? I got some smiles and she seemed happy but I definitely was far more happy to see her!

Enjoy your day gals. I''m ready for Friday already for sure!
MrsS.--Oh just look at our Jake. He is beautiful and that bear is shrinking beside him! Can''t believe he has a double ear infection and isn''t bothered too much, what a little trooper. He must be a very easy going guy.

Tgal--welcome back. I always miss your posts when you''re gone. Don''t worry, we understand your new loser-esque ways
--i would be doing the same thing. I have a little video clip of Co saying "da da" right after i say "Co say da da" (totally a coincidence but i luuuv it) and i think my sister and I have watched it 30 times! We are all nutty when it comes to our babes!
I wonder about our kids'' memory at this age, if we are gone for a few days do they have any sense of time or is 3 days just as relevant or irrelevant as 3 hours?
Did you post a 7 month Amelia pic--i don''t remember one
Hi all,

Love the latest photos.

Curly: could Lily be any cuter...her hair is so pretty!

Jas12: you''ve got a worldly LO already! I can''t wait to travel with my Chloe.

Gemma: wow, she is gorgeous! Looking forward to the birth story...

MrsSalvo: Jake is a little man already, love the expressions!

Snlee: I also did not buy a swing thinking it was overkill but am now seriously considering it. As it is we carry Chloe waaaaaay too much! What swing did you end up picking up? I''m also trying to figure out which of the hundreds of sleeping books I should buy...Chloe is 6 weeks, and I need to get her on a consistent sleeping schedule. The swaddling never worked for me--she hates it. Also not too into her the 5s''s, may be not work for me. I''ve heard the Lull A Bye Sleep Book has some good quick tips--so I may try that. Hang in there!!
Awesome vacation pictures and gorgeous family!
Love the one of Co basking in the sun.
He looked so relaxed and content

And don''t you love them at this stage when you can just carry them on your hip?
So much easier huh?

I have to say, you looked stunning -- so svelte.
Love your hair btw.

Yay for Co eating by himself!
They are so cute when their munch on their food.
You''ve got to post a picture of him feeding himself!

Oh, I''ve been giving J the Gerber puffs.
Just remember to give them to Co when he''s sitting upright instead of reclined.
J almost choked on some of her treat when I gave it to her in her carseat

Your halloween burritos are soo adorable!

Awweee...look how precious and tiny Phillipa is.
Can''t wait to hear your birth story.

Hehe, MrBear is shrinking next to Jake!
The one by himself is cute, but I love how big boy (or manly) he looks in the one with MrBear.
Poor thing about the double ear infection.
Hope it goes away soon.

Like Jas12 said, every kid is different.
Little B is fine....don''t worry too much about the milestones.
Besides, I read on of the website that feeding themselves usually occurs 10+ months for some.

Nice bag

And glad you had fun in Vegas.
Same here -- I just go there to eat :P
Lili--i am always afraid co is going to choke so i only feed him in his highchair. I bought him some puffed Kamut and some freeze dried corn kernels this aft so we will try those one at a time. The boy just luvs to eat and i just find watching him the most fascinating thing. What are J''s favourite foods? Also, i''ve been meaning to ask, is she taking regular naps now? I just can''t see that active little thing staying awake alll day.

Janine--"The baby Whisperer Solves all Your Problems" was the book i used for all sorts of early issues (namely sleeping) unfortunately there are no ''quick fixes'' for sleep. It takes some time. I had a non-napper that turned into an absolute terror at night from being overtired. I had to devote a couple of weeks of honest effort toward establishing a schedule, and although it was awful at first I am *SO* happy i did. Makes a world of difference for your sanity and baby''s mood. I know for baby # 2 i will use the baby whisperer''s EASY plan from day one! Tgal was also really proactive with the sleep training and read tons before the birth of Amelia so i know she will have good suggestions for you.
Do it now, the sooner the easier.
Jas12- you might double check with your dr. but mine says no corn until 12 months, along with fish, peanut butter, whole wheat flour, citrus, tomato, egg white, dairy and honey. I also haven't started the puffs or cheerios yet. I just don't think Jake is ready and worry about choking. My dr. says if you can't squish it between your two fingers a baby can't gum it. they also say no to teething biscuits and crackers but do suggest cheerios. Jake actually does kind of chew so he might do okay with puffs or something. I might get some cheerios and try those out too soon.

Jas12, lili, tgal- are your kids still in the infant carriers or have you moved them into bigger carseats?
Date: 11/10/2008 9:55:42 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Jas12- you might double check with your dr. but mine says no corn until 12 months, along with fish, peanut butter, whole wheat flour, citrus, tomato, egg white, dairy and honey. I also haven''t started the puffs or cheerios yet. I just don''t think Jake is ready and worry about choking. My dr. says if you can''t squish it between your two fingers a baby can''t gum it. they also say no to teething biscuits and crackers but do suggest cheerios. Jake actually does kind of chew so he might do okay with puffs or something. I might get some cheerios and try those out too soon.

Jas12, lili, tgal- are your kids still in the infant carriers or have you moved them into bigger carseats?
MrsS, was catching up but just saw your post and wanted to respond.

Funny you ask...we just installed the Britax Boulevard today. Amelia really likes it. I''m bummed we don''t have tethers for that extra security.

Wanted to share this video on rearfacing (that came up on the youtube Britax installation search). I know our kids are not of age to turn around yet, but I plan on keeping Amelia in the carseat until the full 35 pounds (or height limit).

Friends of a friend of mine told her to turn her son around at 11 months because he would enjoy the view.
She knew based on what I told her it is a minimum of 1 year and 20 pounds. She turned her son around the day after her first birthday. She doesn''t know why she should keep rearfacing because he does like the view. I sent her the video because I hadn''t seen a side by side comparision until now of front and rearfacin crash impacts.

I actually feel a bit safer with the Britax, although the Graco was great. Mostly because I got the one with a bit more side impact protection and since we can put Amelia in the center, we need all the protection we can get for her.
jas12~So funnthat you still remember getting your cabbage patch kid for Christmas!!! I think I may want to get her one more for me (my fond memories) than her.
You''re so lucky that Co doesn''t seem to be showing signs of allergies. Poor T has had all the negative effects of being my daughter. Poor thing. Oh, and my doc also says no corn (T is actually intollerant to it so we obviously are very careful)

jas~Glad you made it out alive!

Bobo~T loves cheerios. Give it a try. Even if he doesn''t eat them the first time, just keep trying. He''ll get it.

mrss~What a handsome young man you have there! Poor thing with a double ear infection. Sounds like he''s handling it like a champ! I know you didn''t address the question to me, but we had Tayva in her big girl carseat at 7 months. Best move we made. She was MUCH happier out of the infant carrier and I was much happier not having to carry that thing!

puffy~Thanks. I went ahead and bought the bag. Haven''t told DH yet.....

Diva~Good to see you around. Can''t believe James is 4 months already!!

Tgal~Welcome back. I do the same thing with the pictures. I think it''s normal!

janine~I said this earlier to Snlee, but our swing was a life saver. T took swing naps until she was 5 months old. She hated being swaddled too and could keep the paci in her mouth. I kept giving her the paci and by 5 months or so she finally took to it and now we keep 2 or 3 in her crib for night time (only time she gets it). Point of my rambling is hang in there!

We had T tested for allergies today. It was miserable having to help hold her down for the blood draw but I think it was necessary. When they do it for infants it''s just a blood draw and they test for I think the top 50 allergens. We should know in 5 days. Her doctor also put her on Allegra so hopefully that''ll help. He said she has no infections and he said he doubts she even has a cold, that these are just her allergy symptoms, so we just need to figure out what she''s allergic to. Through this all she''s been happy as can be. The only issue has been sleep because when she lays down her runny nose/congestion gets to her. Hoping tonight is a turning point.
And, have to post this pic because I think it''s so funny (and you can see Miss T''s very serious cheeks!) She was "chasing" the sun. She kept grabbing for the sun that was coming in the windows and in the pcture she''s laying over my legs inspecting the ray of sun.

Date: 11/10/2008 10:26:39 PM
Author: Burk
And, have to post this pic because I think it''s so funny (and you can see Miss T''s very serious cheeks!) She was ''chasing'' the sun. She kept grabbing for the sun that was coming in the windows and in the pcture she''s laying over my legs inspecting the ray of sun.

Burk, I love this picture of Miss T, look at those adorable cheeks of hers. This picture is truly precious.

Tgal~Missed your post while I was posting! Thanks so much for that video. I just showed it to my husband and I think he FINALLY gets why she''s staying rear facing for as long as possible. He keeps saying how her legs are getting "smooshed" because she''s so tall and that we should turn her around and I keep saying no. Finally he gets it. Perfect timing!
Thanks Linda!
Burk, I hope T isn''t allergic to anything, fingers crossed. Also, sorry to hear that AF arrived, although like you said, it''s probably for the best as you can hope for better time! And have you treated yourself yet?

And that is just a WONDERFUL pic of really captures the wonderment and delight of children.

Glad that video helped Burk. With tall girls like ours, I can understand why we feel bad about their smooshed legs. But that video took away any guilt I may have had about leg discomfort. She is going to ask me why I strap her in backwards when she''s a 13 year old..."cause mommy said so, that''s why!!!"

Jas, again, welcome back! LURVE the photos...traveling and babies are my two fav things lately ya know!
Co looks so cool lounging about and you look beautiful as usual. As for puffs, I am just starting the gerber graduates (sweet potato). I have to break it into tiny bits or she will gag. She''s getting used to it but won''t pick them up herself, as they are tiny pieces after all. Co has great fine motor skills! Happy 7 months to him - that is a dreamy pic of him in your avatar!!!

Oh, and did not post a 7 month pic because I posted Halloween ones which were the day before her 7 month.

QT, I used to think Amelia wasn''t an overly happy baby. I remember Tacori saying don''t worry, the smiles will come. She was a late social smiler...after 2 months. The real big ones didn''t start happening until after 4 months. Now she smiles all the time.

Bobo, I don''t think you have to worry about finger food and self feeding issues. Amelia''s coming up on 7.5 months and she''s not even remotely interested. She doesn''t ever grab the spoon or anything.

puffy, awww..yeah, I can understand that wealth of emotion. Which is why I think it is great you are throwing a party because it really is to congratulate you and your DH for a job well done and surviving that first year! CUTE bag and you think there is going to be a new bag boom around the mommy thread?

Jen, your entire fam is so cute. Burrito babies are so peaceful and lovely...I can see why it''s so darned cool to have twins. Double the cuteness - it must be awe inspiring sometimes...I am so thrilled with the cuteness from even one! How did your hubby''s first day back at work go for you?

LIA, glad to hear you are doing well! I didn''t do birth announcements the traditional way...just sent out a video.

Tacori, it freaky to have a ONE YEAR OLD now?
So glad Tessa is showing interest in her sippy. It''s so fascinating to me how all of the sudden, one day, things just click for babies.

MrsM, lol! You take the most darlin pics of Amelia. She''s a furtive one, that little and your DH are going to have to have hawkeyes!

msb, my Amelia is the same as your K...she is not that oral and doesn''t stick things in her mouth at all. And I do find it means it''s tougher to get her to be curious about eating. But I know they won''t be on purees forever!

snlee, SO glad the swing is working for you and D! Hopefully he continues to like it. Did you need to make him all snug in there or was he OK without the swaddle and extra cushion?

Jackie, hahaha..oh my...can''t wait to hear the full report of the party!

MrsS, yikes, sorry to hear about the double ear infection. That does not sound good at all but I am glad to hear he''s taking it well. Wow, all the April babies are growing up so fast. It kind of freaks me out that Amelia is so big. Not sure why that is when I feed her less than the max amount of formula and she doesn''t eat too much. Looks like Jake has gotten in quite a lot of hair? So cute!! And that bear is so small next to him used to dwarf him!

DD, wow James is 4 months already? Sounds like he is a good eater! Maybe I should cave and give Amelia some sweet stuff. Actually I gave her banana and she was not a fan. She likes veggies more for now, go figure.

Janine, out of curiosity, did you try the miracle blanket or just regular swaddling? Amelia wasn''t too big a fan of the regular swaddle....she always busted out. Then she HATED the miracle blanket but I tried for a couple of days. Then it was the best thing for her. But it''s probably a bit late to swaddle her now, so I definitely vote for a swing! Oh, and re: books...I liked Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child but it is not for everyone, nor is it good at giving a quick fix or tips. It gives you some biological info on sleep and using that info, I was able to get Amelia on a sleep schedule that worked for her. I agree with Jas...find something and do it now...even if it feels like it is not working, just make it one big sleep experiment.
At some point, hopefully it will click (although babies always change on ya!) Tacori read HSHHC as well, but wasn''t into the CIO part of it from what I remember. At 6 months, her girl slept through the night. BTW, Amelia never had to CIO once during her sleep "training". The book said if you time things right, your baby doesn''t have to cry. I didn''t believe that was possible, but for me, it was. You can do little things to help the process along. But if you do nothing...well, the process just might be a bit longer!!

lili, do you have the Britax in yet? Going to BRU any time soon?

I think Amelia is teething again.
Date: 11/10/2008 10:20:00 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Funny you ask...we just installed the Britax Boulevard today. Amelia really likes it. I''m bummed we don''t have tethers for that extra security.

Wanted to share this video on rearfacing (that came up on the youtube Britax installation search). I know our kids are not of age to turn around yet, but I plan on keeping Amelia in the carseat until the full 35 pounds (or height limit).

Friends of a friend of mine told her to turn her son around at 11 months because he would enjoy the view.
She knew based on what I told her it is a minimum of 1 year and 20 pounds. She turned her son around the day after her first birthday. She doesn''t know why she should keep rearfacing because he does like the view. I sent her the video because I hadn''t seen a side by side comparision until now of front and rearfacin crash impacts.

I actually feel a bit safer with the Britax, although the Graco was great. Mostly because I got the one with a bit more side impact protection and since we can put Amelia in the center, we need all the protection we can get for her.

TG -- Thank you so much for posting the link to this video!!!! I know this sounds crazy, but I almost started crying while watching it. My daughter just turned 2 and is still rear-facing. She''s really tiny and only reached the 20 pound mark about a month ago. I knew rear-facing is safer, but I didn''t really get it until seeing this video. I was even thinking of turning her around this week. I will absolutely keep her rear-facing as long as possible. Thank you, thank you.
Date: 11/11/2008 1:34:38 AM
Author: Demelza

Date: 11/10/2008 10:20:00 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Funny you ask...we just installed the Britax Boulevard today. Amelia really likes it. I''m bummed we don''t have tethers for that extra security.

Wanted to share this video on rearfacing (that came up on the youtube Britax installation search). I know our kids are not of age to turn around yet, but I plan on keeping Amelia in the carseat until the full 35 pounds (or height limit).

Friends of a friend of mine told her to turn her son around at 11 months because he would enjoy the view.
She knew based on what I told her it is a minimum of 1 year and 20 pounds. She turned her son around the day after her first birthday. She doesn''t know why she should keep rearfacing because he does like the view. I sent her the video because I hadn''t seen a side by side comparision until now of front and rearfacin crash impacts.

I actually feel a bit safer with the Britax, although the Graco was great. Mostly because I got the one with a bit more side impact protection and since we can put Amelia in the center, we need all the protection we can get for her.

TG -- Thank you so much for posting the link to this video!!!! I know this sounds crazy, but I almost started crying while watching it. My daughter just turned 2 and is still rear-facing. She''s really tiny and only reached the 20 pound mark about a month ago. I knew rear-facing is safer, but I didn''t really get it until seeing this video. I was even thinking of turning her around this week. I will absolutely keep her rear-facing as long as possible. Thank you, thank you.
Doesn''t sound crazy...I *did* cry when I watched it (I don''t know what motherhood has done to me). I thought about posting it in its own thread...maybe I should? I forwarded it to all my friends with young children and all my friends who have yet to be blessed with their first.

I knew it was safer too, and knew it had to do something with the way the body lurches, but seeing a side by side I don''t understand why people wouldn''t rearface after seeing that. I am hoping my friend switches back to rearfacing...I just adore her boy.
Date: 11/11/2008 1:50:18 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 11/11/2008 1:34:38 AM

Author: Demelza

Date: 11/10/2008 10:20:00 PM

Author: TravelingGal

Funny you ask...we just installed the Britax Boulevard today. Amelia really likes it. I'm bummed we don't have tethers for that extra security.

Wanted to share this video on rearfacing (that came up on the youtube Britax installation search). I know our kids are not of age to turn around yet, but I plan on keeping Amelia in the carseat until the full 35 pounds (or height limit).

Friends of a friend of mine told her to turn her son around at 11 months because he would enjoy the view.
She knew based on what I told her it is a minimum of 1 year and 20 pounds. She turned her son around the day after her first birthday. She doesn't know why she should keep rearfacing because he does like the view. I sent her the video because I hadn't seen a side by side comparision until now of front and rearfacin crash impacts.

I actually feel a bit safer with the Britax, although the Graco was great. Mostly because I got the one with a bit more side impact protection and since we can put Amelia in the center, we need all the protection we can get for her.

TG -- Thank you so much for posting the link to this video!!!! I know this sounds crazy, but I almost started crying while watching it. My daughter just turned 2 and is still rear-facing. She's really tiny and only reached the 20 pound mark about a month ago. I knew rear-facing is safer, but I didn't really get it until seeing this video. I was even thinking of turning her around this week. I will absolutely keep her rear-facing as long as possible. Thank you, thank you.

Doesn't sound crazy...I *did* cry when I watched it (I don't know what motherhood has done to me). I thought about posting it in its own thread...maybe I should? I forwarded it to all my friends with young children and all my friends who have yet to be blessed with their first.

I knew it was safer too, and knew it had to do something with the way the body lurches, but seeing a side by side I don't understand why people wouldn't rearface after seeing that. I am hoping my friend switches back to rearfacing...I just adore her boy.

I just sent the link to my friend whose daugther is 14 months and forward facing. I think starting a new thread is a great idea! I agree that seeing the side by side comparison is really powerful. I wish we could all face backwards!! I wonder why car seat companies don't emphasize the importance of rear-facing installation and why they have length limits. I am quite sure my daughter has reached the rear-facing length limit on her Britax which is one of the reasons I was thinking about turning her around. So glad I didn't. Thanks again!
snlee:Great news about the swing!! yay!!!

puffy: wat a WONDERFUL husband u''ve got!! GREAT let us see some ''shoulder'' shots ;)

Jas12: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! thanks for posting the pics!!! u look stunning as always, Co is just the cutest thing ever!!! love the beach picture....

Jas: yay about getting the party over with :) i''m sure it was a hit and u were an amazing hostess as always...

MrsS: welcome back!! sorry to hear about the double ear infection
and look how grown up jake is next to mr. bear!! i remember it like it was yesterday when the bear was much bigger than him :)

Diva: good to hear from u :)

TGal: welcome back!!! we missed u around here..i know wat u mean about rearfacing/fwdfacing...little K fussed and huffed and puffed and hated being rear-facing..i just recently flipped him around, but honestly now im worried if i did the rite thing..little K is almost 30 pounds and is 18 months...thats fine rite?? did i do the rite thing???

Janine: i used "The little contended baby book" by Gina worked WONDERS for me...the miracle blanket also made a big difference...little K used to find ways to get his arms out of a normal swaddle and that really annoyed him...but the miracle blanket was great!!

burk: awwwwwww!!! love that pic of T...i hope she doesnt have any allergies (or any that wont go away with time)...
Date: 11/11/2008 2:00:35 AM
Author: Demelza

I just sent the link to my friend whose daugther is 14 months and forward facing. I think starting a new thread is a great idea! I agree that seeing the side by side comparison is really powerful. I wish we could all face backwards!! I wonder why car seat companies don''t emphasize the importance of rear-facing installation and why they have length limits. I am quite sure my daughter has reached the rear-facing length limit on her Britax which is one of the reasons I was thinking about turning her around. So glad I didn''t. Thanks again!
Well, safety is most important so if she is above the height limit, I would figure it would be better to turn her around.

My friend has been emailing me back on this. She asked if it actually possible to keep your kid rear facing until 4 or 5. I said it may be as my BFF''s son at 3 years was 25 pounds and under the height limit. She then asked me if it wasn''t safer if they rear end someone else. I said, no, look at the''s all of front impact!

It sounds to me she is resistant to rear facing...that''s her choice, but...
Date: 11/11/2008 2:13:59 AM
Author: msb700

TGal: welcome back!!! we missed u around here..i know wat u mean about rearfacing/fwdfacing...little K fussed and huffed and puffed and hated being rear-facing..i just recently flipped him around, but honestly now im worried if i did the rite thing..little K is almost 30 pounds and is 18 months...thats fine rite?? did i do the rite thing???
msb, you have to make the call that is right for you. What is the height and weight limit RF of your carseat? Is he really pressing the limit on it?

I don''t want use the video as a scare tactic, because a lot of moms turn their kids around before the limits and are fine. I''m pushing it with my friend because he is barely over a year old.

But as a pregnant woman who got into an accident TWICE through no fault of her own, I''m pretty passionate about this. Granted, I am curious to see what the results would be if the accident was a rear end. I''ll go off to look and see if there is anything.
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