
PS Mommies Thread!

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donovan chose to be a doctor this year so he could "help mommy"

d as doctor to post.JPG
and last one - i swear - here''s my boys and their jack o lanterns that took 3 days to carve...

boys and jack o lanterns to post.JPG
jen, your kids are so cute! Those jack o lanterns are very impresive! Thanks for sharing!
hi everyone!
i haven''t posted on the mommy thread before!! hope everyone is doing well. i''m doing the one-handed type thing right now, so this will have to be short. LOVED the halloween pics! how is possible that ps has SUCH adorable babies???

little coby (jacob) is doing well. and i''m surviving! exhausted of course, but he''s a good baby.

gemma: congrats!!! your daughter is gorgeous!

snlee: i second the swing! we had a rough first night at home, and the next morning dh put coby into the swing and he passed out right away (coby i mean, although dh prob did too!).

will try to address more people later!!

couple quick questions:

nipple soreness....WHEN does it get better? we''re at about 16 days now and it''s improving but i still can''t even towel off properly! UGH!

pumping: when did you guys introduce the bottle? my pedi thought that we should still wait for awhile (although other people have said they did it at 2 weeks??).

vitamins: do you guys use trivisol or polyvisol? we tried them but poor coby immediately spit up. i''ve seen him spit up a total of 3 times since he was born...once when he had a formula supplement at the hospital, and then the 2 times he had the vitamins. i think i''m just going to hold off for now.

AND...just wanted to say, if any of you are looking for AWESOME swaddle blankets, i LOVE the aden and anais. they are light and stretchy and big. not super cheap (i think around $40 for 4), but i love love love them.

signing of for now...
Burk, sorry about the AF but I agree there is no hurry. Plus you seem to have an ideal birth date so might as well plan for that. Wonder why you were so late though? T was as tall at 6 months as Tessa is at a year! Crazy! Imagine a 6 month old T walking.

Curly, sounds like you are doing great. Lily is SUCH a pretty little girl! I love that she says "cheese"! How cute.

Puffy, we JUST finished them. SIL and her BF came to visit and he took one for the team.

Jas12, it is funny to watch.

Gemma, the first 6 months went by slowly (for me) but since then it has flown by. She is beautiful!

missp, she is so sweet! I love her expressions.

TGal, thanks! They were cute. Your new bag is a beauty! You deserve it girl.

snlee, we have TWO swings! They really worked for T. She took a MANY a naps in there.

sk8, the girls are so sweet! Thanks for the pictures. Your boys look so cute too. Love the pumpkins and the doctor costume.

MrsS, hope the checkup was good!

China, sounds like you got great ideas. Food is always good.

Q, glad M is nursing again. I know how frustrating it can be! The doctor says 15 months is the cut off for bottles. Wish she would use her darn sippy!

Bobo, I gave her finger foods for awhile (pieces of cheese, bread, chicken, fruit, puffs, etc...) You should try so he can practice feeding himself.

puffy, I can''t believe he is 11 months! I know the emotions you are feeling!

Lia, put lanolin on BEFORE you shower. Makes a HUGE different. I felt pain for quite awhile. Can''t remember when it went away. T had her first bottle of expressed milk at 1 week. She never had confusion. I believe you aren''t suppose to start giving the vitamin until 4 months. By then we were supplementing b/c of her low weight so I never did it.
Bobo--i am sure he''ll be feeding himself in no time, he''s probably just having more fun *playing* with his food, which is part of the whole learning process IMO
I just bought some regular, plain puffed rice cereal for some finger food practice and Co luv it, maybe u can try that--no sugar or additives. Just one ingredient.

LIA--i had pain for a good 3 months and then things slowly got better.
Some things that helped me
1) get that big latch from the start and hold coby''s head gently to keep him latched on (co liked to latch and re-latch which was painful) He still has a bad latch at 7 months but i''ve toughened up now
2) try to alternate sides so that you don''t get each boob damaged each feed
3) sleep bra and topless everynight with some lanisol on
As for the drops. i wouldn''t give them yet (i think i started around the 3 month) babies'' digestive systems are so immature and easily upset.

Lili--you do keep track of things dontcha
I promise i''ll post some pics soon.

Jen--oh my, how adorable are those girls?! You are blessed with such a beautiful family supermomma!

Puffy--milestones are so bitter sweet, i don''t blame you for being so emotional. Now i know why my mom cried when i when off to school, graduated from highschool, moved out etc. etc,
thanks tacori!
i'm hoping not to have to supplement...coby so far isn't doing too great on the weight either. he was 5lb 14oz at birth, but only 5lb 11oz at his 2 week appt. we have to go for another weight check next week...
the pedi told us to start the vitamins right away (not at 4 months), but when i called them to ask about the spitting up, they said it was fine to stop them.

ANYWAY...another question for all you mommies...
where did you get your birth announcements? i'd love to get something not TOO expensive but don't really know where to look...


thanks jas! i missed your post at first. so depressing about pain still at 3 months!!
i don't know if i can handle the sleeping topless...hurts to have anything brush against them...but maybe i'll try!
LIA--forgot to ask, have u seen a lactation consultant yet? They have lots of tips. Hang in there, it is so tough at first, but it is so rewarding. It''s hard to believe but soon it will be second nature. The first couple of months it seems like all you do is sit on a couch in pain but then all of a sudden you have a 7 month old that nurses less than 10 min a few times a day

I got my announcements at Tiny Prints. They have amazing selection

Your Halloween burrito babies are adorable. The boys'' Jack-o-lanterns are much nicer than mines when I was young.

I didn''t get sore nipples, but everyone recommended lanolin cream when I was pregnant. The OB tech at my hospital suggested expressing some breastmilk and rubbing it on the nipples. She said breastmilk has more healing power than lanolin.

I got my pump at 4 weeks, and that''s when I introduced the first bottle. Most sites I read suggested introducing bottle at 3 - 4 weeks after breastfeeding is established.

vitamins - our pedi didn''t mention anything about it. So I didn''t even thought to ask about it. I figure she can get all her nutrients from me. I am going to ask our pedi next appt.
Date: 11/8/2008 5:13:42 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Your Halloween burrito babies are adorable. The boys'' Jack-o-lanterns are much nicer than mines when I was young.

I didn''t get sore nipples, but everyone recommended lanolin cream when I was pregnant. The OB tech at my hospital suggested expressing some breastmilk and rubbing it on the nipples. She said breastmilk has more healing power than lanolin.

I got my pump at 4 weeks, and that''s when I introduced the first bottle. Most sites I read suggested introducing bottle at 3 - 4 weeks after breastfeeding is established.

vitamins - our pedi didn''t mention anything about it. So I didn''t even thought to ask about it. I figure she can get all her nutrients from me. I am going to ask our pedi next appt.

Haha. Jackolanterns I make now look like pure crap in comparison to the boys'' work!

Cute burritos and Dr., Jen.

puffy, awww I can imagine how bittersweet and emotional watching your baby grow up is. D is only 6 weeks old but I already miss when he was inside me and when he was a tiny newborn. It's exciting to see him grow but it goes by so fast! I didn't go to the lunch today. I slept in while DH watched the fussy baby. Boy, do I love sleep!

jen, your girls are so precious and your boys are adorable! I love the pumpkin picture. Your boys are very talented. I'm impressed!

LIA, welcome! Good to see you here! First few weeks I had some nipple soreness, engorgement, clogged milk duct, and milk blister issues. No fun! It's painful but does get better. A good latch is key. If you haven't seen a lactation consultant, I highly recommend seeing one. It's extremely helpful! Expressing some breast milk and rubbing it on the nipples after nursing helps too. Regarding vitamins and bottle - D was introduced to the bottle at less than a week old because of his jaundice (not ideal but thank goodness we didn't have any BFing issues) and then we did a few bottle-feedings at home so I could get more sleep. We stopped cause I didn't want to pump everyday. But then my pedi wanted D to get some extra iron and get used to the bottle. So since 1 month we've been doing one bottle-feeding a day. Right now we're using formula so I can pump and build up a stash of milk, and in a few weeks we'll use breast milk and polyvisol. Do you put one drop in? D spits up even without the vitamins so maybe that's not the cause. When you bottle-feed they get more air/gas than BFing. I would continue with the vitamins since I'm assuming your pedi want Coby to get some extra iron as he was born a little early too.
LIA CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you and your new family. Wish you joy.

Curly, she''s adorable! What a sweet little girl you have there.

Jas, the bugaboo is great for out and about, I only need the jogger as a sophisticated sleep aid.

TGal, science project is just exactly right! I''m enjoying the change, getting a little rest during the day and loving my sweet, cheerful baby. She''s just so much more fun when she''s had enough sleep. It''s fantastic.

ChinaCat, I''d second Burk''s suggestion of food gifts. I wasn''t up for cooking a meal in the first few months. Heck, it took me all the effort I could dredge up to boil the kettle some days. Vouchers for takeout from a nice restaurant would have made me very, very happy. (The landlord of our local pub actually sent over a glass of gin and tonic, which also made me happy!

Here''s my little girl at my graduation, attempting to sneak a sip of champagne while daddy was distracted for a moment.


snlee~I''m loving being home with T sooner! Let us know how the swing goes! It was a life saver for me!

puffy~Everything happens for a reason. I love every new stage T is in so I look forward to it. And, getting to enjoy it without MS is a bonus! I can totally relate to looking at old pictures and getting all teary. They grow up too fast!!

QT~So funny about M being grumpy!
Babies are funny.

Bobo~Yea, mixed emotions for sure! I am trying to look at it positively and remember that we weren''t planning on it now anyway. It does make me look forward to trying again! Don''t worry about little B not feeding himself. Like jas said, every baby is different. I would keep giving him stuff to try and show him how and let him practice. Have you tried cheerios?

jen~Adorable family! So precious those little burritos are!

LIA~Hello! T tore my nipples up so my doc prescribed something. I''m assuming it is similar to lanolin, but it really helped. We introduced a bottle when T was 2 weeks so that I could have a feed off and get some sleep. T never had nipple confusion. Keep us posted on how things are going!

Tacori~Yea, I do have a birth date in mind so AF''s arrival is probably for the best. My body has been so messed up since I had T. I''ve been on 3 different BC''s since she was 6 weeks old and everything is still out of wack. So funny to think of my T at 6 mos walking! There is a baby at her daycare that looks to be about the same size T was when she was like 4 months old and that baby is 13 months and walking. My kid is a giant!

Mrsm~that pic is too darn cute!!!

Hope all the mommies are having a great weekend! It''s not even 10 on a Saturday and I think I''m heading to bed. T''s still got the stuffy nose and now she has a cough. So I called her pedi this morning and he thinks it''s just a cold which really sucks since she just got over a cold. Poor thing is really having a hard time sleeping since she''s so congested. I fell horrible for her (and me, since I''m also getting no sleep).
jen your girls are beautiful and look so sweet and innocent. your boys are adorable.

LIA glad that you are surviving!! sounds like you are doing pretty well. i hope your little guy puts on some weight.

snlee haha!!! we all love sleep! i get plenty of it and i still feel like it's not enough. how is D doing? i feel am so happy that B is not a fussy baby anymore, but i just wish sometimes that i could just hold him all dy and cuddle him without him wanting to squirm outta my arms. i miss those days!! enjoy it all, it does go by way too quick.

jas12 B eats rice cakes and he loves them. i don't really like them, but i'll have one with him. he seems to like them a lot more than i do. but i also give him puffs, wagon wheels, basically anything from the gerber graduates line, so it's weird to me how he loves the plain old rice cakes so much. but it's great that Co takes to it so well. you have a good eater on your hands!

tacori how is ms. T doing? any more diva moments? almost 1 week after the party the cuppies are finally gone! B has his moments too...when i give him something or try to wash his face and he doesn't like it, he will swat my hands away or the toy and turn away. it's just funny how they learn to do new things. i am more and more amazed everyday.

bobo how's little B? is he getting the hang of crawling?

burk awwww, poor T
hope she gets better soon so you both can sleep!! yup, everything happens for a reason. when you're ready for it, it will happen. just enjoy T as i am sure she is a joy to be around.

so today i was still pretty emotional about B growing up so fast. so DH took me shopping, well with B of course. what better way to cheer up than with retail therapy!!! so he got a new chanel bag and wallet
i am super excited about it as i am crazy bag lover. i mean i'm still pretty sad about B, but i do love my new bag

ETA: mrsM: great pic of your girl!!! so cute!
HI Puffy- I know what you are going through - I miss my *babies* too! I still carry my six year up to bed just because I can! It is bittersweet. One thing that I found helpful is those recordable picture frames from radio shack. I have a little collection of them at various ages, and it like going back in time for a moment. I have one of my daughter at 8 months giving a kiss. She used to say "mmnah". I am so glad that I have them. Also, lots of pictures and movies. And enjoy every second!

I love bags too. If you get a minute, post pics please!
MrsM: hahahahah...thats so funny u all took a nap! love that pic!!

Burk: i was so excited for u!!! but i guess the timing isn''t rite and uve already got a plan in place so i guess it worked out in the end :)

Curly: awwwwwwww!! lily is just so adorable!! u''ve got one pretty so jealous that she says a few words already!! little K is about the same age and he stil has his own language..he talks plenty, but none of it is coherent! :)

puffy: i soooo know wat u mean!! the other day i was telling DH as little K was running around how i love this period in his life and i dont want him to grow up!!

Snlee: The peeing on u does stop !! heheh..i had to get peed on AT LEAST once a day or my day wouldn''t be complete :) u''ve got some great advice on the swing, with me unfortunately little K did not like it one bit!! wat DID calm him down was if i put him in his stroller and just pushed him around the living room!! go figure...

gemma: awwwwwww!!!!!

MrsP: the onsie is just too cute for words!

TGal: YAY!!!!!! congrats!!! thats a LOVELY bag!!!

jen: yay for the new gadget!!! :) and can i just say u''ve got the cutest burritos in town

jas: good luck with all the party prep!!

Chinacat: seems like uve already made up ur mind, but wanted to chime in with the rest by saying wat a great gift that would be!

Jas12: little K started around 8 months to pick up some stuff and feed all honesty though, my son was (and still isn''t) the type thats is curious and puts everything his hand touches in his mouth (which is great at times, but very frustrating when ur trying to get him to feed himself!)

QT: awww!! how can M be a grumpy little thing..look at ur cute avatar!! glad u had a good date night :)

bobo: dont worry about Jas12 said, each child progresses differently and i try not to compare/fuss if i feel other kids are progressing a lot faster than my own...little K will get there one day so i just let it be...

Jas12: hey girl..why u still teasing us and not uploading any pics and not sharing any stories from ur trip!! :) for puffs they are called ''gerber graduates puffs'', a yellow container...(u can find them on

LIA: good to hear from u! I used to put lanolin before the shower and it helped..i also used to ''cover'' my chest with one arm coz it actually hurt when the water touched it!! DID get better though...

I have used abadec Vitamin with little K from day 1. i used to squirt it into the bottle (doc recommended that i dont give it to him sep and that it was just as effective when mixed in with milk)...i gave little K formula around 1.5 months, but gave him a bottle (breast milk) from week 2...
About the jack-o-lanterns -- yeah, i never did anything like those either, but DH got one of those books for the boys with lots of patterns in it and thought it would be a great way for him to spend time with the boys after we came home from the hospital with the girls. Since he is not the boys'' biological dad, he didn''t want them to feel left out with the birth of our girls -- he got many "points" from me for that

Fisher -- LOL about the pumpkins -- see above! and thanks

Q -- how nice to have had a date night, and for it to go well - bonus!
I never was able to enjoy a date night after i''d had my boys (maybe why i''m not married to their dad anymore, haha!) - I''ve told DH not to expect one for a LONG time...

Snlee -- how sweet they give you music boxes
I really can''t believe you have a 6 week old either...weren''t we just on the preggo thead together?!

Bobo -- every child develops differently ans i wouldn''t worry about little B at all! Most kids just let you know when they are interested in feeding themselves -- and all 3 of my boys did it at different times. Just like potty training, walking, shoot, even reading....

Jas12 -- can''t help you on the baby food names (sorry) -- with the boys, we just let them start with cheerios and pieces of banana... (in best whiney voice:)i wanna see pics too!

Puffy -- aww, that first year really can fly by, can''t it?
I love the baby stage too -- maybe it''s why I keep having kids, haha -- but you are in for some of the BEST times coming up soon....

LIA -- we got trivisol, but haven''t started them yet -- girls are taking nystatin for thrush and i didn''t feel like starting the vitamins on top of that... how are you holding up? I love that you, me and Kay all had our babies in a 3 day period

Mrs -- i did see your post in the other thread too (i can''t totally abandon the preggos list!:)) -- just wanted to say thank you!

Tacori -- thanks! I hope my girls grow up to be even half as cute as yours!

Jen -- what a precious pic! you''re gonna have to watch that one with the bubbly -- haha!

Burk --- oh i hope T gets over her cold soon! No fun for kids OR parents. Our whole clan had it the week before I gave birth (mine actually got worse and I had to get antibiotics) and 2 of my boys were still sniffling when i brought the girls home (and then i felt bad b/c i wouldn''t let them kiss their sisters
) Anyway, i guess it''s just that time of year... I''m *dreading* the girls'' first cold tho...

msb700 -- thanks! and thanks for the idea about the vitamins in the bottle -- i''ll try
that when i start using them.

So much for a peaceful Sunday morning -- my boys sound like they are at a park and my girls decided to pull alternating shifts last night (yeah, that means almost no sleep for mama!) They''re both asleep for now, tho
My DH goes back to work tomorrow and honeslty I am SOOOO stressed about it. I''ve never had to take care of 2 newborns at the same time by myself before! My mom is going to pick up the boys from school, so at least i don''t have to worry about that tomorrow (phew). I guess I am just worried about them getting upset at the same time, since i can only *really* comfort one at a time! Guess I need to try to just enjoy today, right?

Oh, bonus, my mom just called asking for the 2 older boys to come do yardwork -- yay! They earn $$ and the house will be a *bit* quieter for a bit

bbl... jen
Jen, they will be twice as cute I am sure

Burk, sorry T is sick again! Poor thing. Poor mama!

Puffy, T is the SAME way! She is stubborn. Now she really wants to walk everywhere and tries to escape the shopping cart or stroller. It is impossible to let her sometimes b/c people would run over her. We did let her out at the mall and she started making out with a store''s window. Gross...and I''m her mom! Haha. Wow your DH sounds AWESOME. I am pathetic and get excited when DH fills my car up with gas. I cannot even IMAGINE him taking me shopping *willingly* AND buy me a luxury item *willingly*.

So Tessa was so funny yesterday. She kept jumping (but w/o her feet leaving the ground so just the knee and springing up kinda thing) and then laughed at herself. She did this for about 20 mins. LOL.

She must be teething b/c her nose is running nonstop. Plus the diva she is HATES when I wipe it. She SCREAMS.

My SIL left this morning. She was sad to leave. T was so cute and kept waving and saying "Ba Bye" (which she says ALL the time now...leaving a room, dropping a toy...) then she stuck her bottom lip and pouted. Not sure if she REALLY knew what was going on but it was heartbreaking! The look on my poor SIL''s face...I thought she might cry. But she''ll see her again for x-mas. It does get harder now that she has a personality.
We went to BRU yesterday and bought a swing! D loves it but not as much as I love it!
He's sound asleep in there right now! Yay!
Thank you all for the great advice. I knew in the back of my mind that a swing could help but I just needed that extra push to try it out and I'm so glad I did. It's wonderful!

puffy, I've always loved sleep. I used to sleep 8 or 9 hours a night and felt like it was not enough. Now I'm getting 7 or 8 a night in a few hour increments, which isn't bad but I wish I could sleep a straight 8 hours again! I'd love to see a picture of your new purse and wallet. It sounds lovely. Very sweet of your DH!

msb, glad the peeing on you stopped as well! DH and I figured out we can sometimes tell if he's going to spray us so that helps. If we think he might spray us, we keep that area covered. I hope you and little K are doing well!

jen, that's sweet of your DH to spend time with the boys carving pumpkins. I'm sure you'll do a great job with the twins. I can't believe you're of mother of 5 and you make it sound easy! You're supermon!

Tacori, awww Tessa sounds so adorable! I really wish we could share videos on here!
snlee, that is GREAT news! T lived in her swing the first 4-5 months. I remember going down to the nursery in the hospital and she was in THEIR swing so she started early
It really is very soothing for them (since they are used to movement). Besides happy mama=happy family! I am a kind of person that requires a lot of sleep too. It will NEVER be the same as before kids but it does get better.

Tessa is doing the wobbly run now...that would be hilarious on video!

ETA: not sure why today is different than any other day but she is showing interest in her sippy!
She has been carrying it around AND taking a few sips. It's a start.
Tacori, I know, sleep will never be the same now that we have a kid.
It''s worth it though. Wish we could see Tessa''s wobbly run! Sounds so cute! Yay for Tessa showing interest in her sippy cup!
snlee YAY for the swing! glad to hear that D likes it and you like it too. that should definitely help make those fussy nights a lot better for you and D.

msb i don''t know, maybe i am just being way too emotional about it. i know he''s going to grow up, but i just wish he would be that little baby i brought home from the hospital. i''m sure i''ll get over it, but i wish....

jen looking forward to the new things that B''s going to do is what is making it ok for now. just knowing that he can be cuter than he already is and that his personality is really coming out is the best thing in the world. honestly, i didn''t realize that being a mom would do that to me...i was SO wrong.

tacori T sounds like such a fun little gal
B''s got a few new teeth in but he''s got more coming. he''s been at his ears a ton lately. yup, B is the same way with the stroller and shopping cart. he just can''t stay still for 2 seconds. and he is getting to be fast. he runs everywhere and it IS the cutest thing in the world! when he trips, he looks at me to see if i will do anything and i usually don''t so he just gets right back up and goes at it again. oh and YAY for the sippy
is she showing more interest in table foods as well?

well, here is my new bag. i adore it way too much and i am actually scared to use it. haha . i just gotta break her in. this wasn''t the one that i had wanted. before we went, i had one in my mind that i wanted but when i saw it, i didn''t love it, it was ok. but then i saw this and it was love at first sight

Library - 4955.jpg
Puffy-- I LUV that bag. I am so jealous!

Jen--ya for some peace and quiet tomorrow! I can''t imagine how daunting being alone with the twins would be, but you are a seasoned mommy, i think you''ll rock it. Maybe Ella can chime in and offer some insight. She did it with almost no help and i am sure she has some great advice.

Tacori--ahh, how cute that tessa is so amused with her new abilities. And don''t worry, i''ve never met a kid that likes their nose wiped or their face washed. When i worked daycare i had a move i was know for. I would kleenex-ambush the snotty kid from *behind*, hold down the kids'' arms with one hand and quickly wipe with the other. Worked every time

Co is 7 months today !
While he was feeding himself prune and banana bits today i almost cried. I can''t believe my baby can do stuff without my help now. He was snapping his fingers tonight at dinner (a trick my BIL taught him on our trip and it''s just the cutest thing ever) and is starting to mimic what i do with my hands, --his gross motor skills however are pretty sucky.

Well, i guess i should post some pics. I wrote a long post about some of our trip adventures (most notably our ape attack in Gibraltar!) and i went to post it and a cyber monster gobbled it up.
so pics alone will have to do.
Co throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain: Rome (the legend has it that by throwing a coin it ensures the thrower will return to Rome--it has worked for me 3 times!)

puffy~Want to trade husbands?
Your bag is fabulous! I am going to make sure I tell my DH about your new bag.... maybe he'll take me to Coach to get the diaper bag I'm obsessed with.

msb~Thanks! That's why I had to tell you ladies, I knew you'd all be so supportive.

jen~ Sick baby is no fun. I can't imagine your entire house so sick before you had the girls-must have been miserable! Good luck tomorrow with Dh back to work. I'm sure it'll go smoothly, it'll just take some time for you to get on a schedule doing it by yourself. I cannot imagine. I've said it before but moms of multiples are my heroes!

Tacori~Thanks. I am just so confused as to how she got sick again. She wasn't even at daycare last week-she was home with me and I'm not sick. I just thought the runny nose was teething until the cough kicked in. So funny that Tessa was "jumping." Sounds like our T's feel the same about having their noses wiped-my T turns her head the second she sees me coming at her with a kleenex! And HURRAY for interest in the sippy!

jas~The wipe the nose from behind is my favorite move!! I also wipe her face after she eats from behind. Mean mommy. Can't wait for pics.
Colosseum with dad

Co on the rock of Gibraltar (wild barbary ape in background--not the one that attacked!)
Lili--i know u wanted a formal nite pic, but i didn''t take any with Cohen b/c he was in bed the night we really decided to dress up. Here''s one from on the ship (albeit not the greatest pic)

opps, the ape pic wasn''t attached--duh

Jas12, great pics! AND GREAT IDEA! Why did I never think of that!?! I am going to try that and she will hate me

Burk, it does seem like she is sick a lot...what does her doctor say? Was she a premmie? My brother was early (28 weeks) and gets EVERY cold/flu around.

Puffy, I am jealous. Your DH is so sweet! BTW remember the sleeplessness/frustration/lack of personality/pain of the early days. Enjoy B NOW! You will have another baby.

BTW...Cabbage Patch Kids have 25 anny dolls out...look just like the ones we had growing up. Once they sell out that''s it (so they say). I picked up one for T for x-mas.
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