
PS Mommies Thread!

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lili, this is for you.

Q-tip B! he discover the joy of splashing water while taking his bath.

lili, I didn''t ask the pedi about pedisure. But I doubt he''ll take it just like he is not into his formula either. We need to bribe him with lots of toys and me singing and dancing for him to drink his formula.
Too, too cute!

hehe, you two must be soaked after giving him a bath.
it looks like little B is pretty cooperative and sit through his bath.
you should see j with her bath. it takes 2 of us to give her a bath.
one person to hold her down and the other to wash her.
Date: 11/14/2008 3:15:37 PM
Author: Bobo ^__*
lili, this is for you.

Q-tip B! he discover the joy of splashing water while taking his bath.
Bobo, he is so cute!
BTW I was checking over DD''s vocabulary homework. Here is her sentence for the word fruitless:
"After the girl finished her pear, she was fruitless."

Too funny!
Amelia is just moving right along with her milestones.

Sound like Tayva is doing a lot better. Hope she is back to her old happy self soon.

I bet Brady is going to love toy cars, trucks and planes when he get older. Our nephew was like B when he was a baby; he pointed out all the cars, trucks and planes, and now he always ask for toy cars or trucks or transformers for gifts.

Brady is a smart boy. He is picking up everything like a sponge.

I would love to be a SAHM until M is school age, but that''s not happening. At least M will be with MIL after I go back to work.

DH has forbidden the posting or sharing of half-nekkid pic of Meena. I included some pics of M in hooded towel in the share album for him to show his co-workers, and he was like those are private pics. I thought his reaction was hilarious.

Sorry for the rough nights you''ve been having. It''s so frustrating when they are fussy because you have to figure what''s wrong. Hope it gets better soon.

Haha. I''ve been dreading going back to work since M was born.

Jake does the "worm". That sounds so cute.

I was guilty of being a human paci too, usually when M is fussy and fighting sleep. But now she is taking a paci, and I get a break.

LOL on "intimacy radar". M needs to get one. hehe.

I am sure you have your hands full with your cuties, G and Miss K.

Little B is a tough little guy. Hopefully he will eat more. I assume he''s probably eating enough since he is pushing food away.

Aww first kiss. That''s so sweet.

Little B is so adorable in his tub.

M had learned to wiggle her body around in her tub to splash water. She does it every time she gets a bath now. The funny thing is when DH comes in, she would stop. The time when we wanted to record her, she stopped as soon as I called for DH to come in. We had to encourage to kick and splash water before she did it again. Even then, she wasn''t splashing as much as before daddy came in.

Couple pics from today.

And this one is just finger sucking good. Mmmm Yum.

lili, it takes two of us to give him a bath too. He is like a worm, won''t stop twitching. Plus he will probably drink up his bath water, hmm...maybe I should bath him in his formula.

Thanks iluv, you DD''s is too funny!

Thanks Qtiekiki, M is just too cute! Her fist looks very yummy...
Ah, those cheeks Qt and Bobo, heart be still!!! I love chubby wubby cheeks!!!
Sooo cute!!!!! hehe My nephew had chubby cheeks too.
TGal, you always make me laugh. I am not sure WHERE my baby went! But in her place is a fun, busy toddler. She finally seems to be in a good mood today (but BARELY napped
).BTW I read on another thread that GTGs make you nervous, well I will force you (and the other LA mommies) to meet me if I ever come to town (don''t worry, chances are you will come to NC before I go to LA). Just warning you ahead of time!

Jas12, NOOOOOO!!! *shakes my fists* I don''t WANT Tessa to become a popular name!
Guess there isn''t much I can do about it. I have yet to meet another Tessa so that''s positive. Even if it does become popular it will NEVER be as popular as MY name
So there is still hope. Glad you got to work on your scrapbook...Tessa''s babybook is pretty empty. I have all the important things written on a calender so one day it will be easy to transfer. I am thinking about getting a birthday book for her. I thought it would be so cute for her (goes up to 18 years).

Burk, she did it again! And I was taking her picture and DH was trying to get her to look up. I shouted "That was a good one!" and she replied "good!" and then clapped! I am not kidding! It was adorable of course. Hope T is feeling better today. I know you can handle kids close together. You are a good mom and *braver* than me

Puffy, B sounds really smart! He sounds so cute! She is doing better. I got my errands done (without her!) Luckily DH was home so life was easier for me.

Snlee, I have said it WILL get better! I promised Jas12, I promised TGal, and now I promise you. Does it help...probably not. I had a tough early road (with nursing and sleeping in she would never sleep) 6 months is when my fog cleared. Hope it is sooner for you though! Have you gotten out without D? That REALLY helps.

MrsS, ugg! I remember being a human paci
Hopes his sleeping gets better soon!

Ella, I bet you are busy! Any walking/standing yet?

Bobo, what a cute picture! Haha. T loves splashing too. I hope you get lots more kisses soon!

Lottie, my DH has BLUE eyes, mine are boring brown, Tessa''s are...who knows?!? Haha.

Lili, seriously! And boys will probably be on the other end!

Gotta go put the monkey to bed!
Tgal~I figured it was safe blaming my spending on my PS friends.
I''m glad your bro says they''re tough on these issues. I was so upset when I called the police I was almost in tears. I think that should be considered child abuse. So sad.

puffy~I think her being sick is really upsetting Dh. He is currently upstairs rocking her to sleep. Sounds like B is a smart little man!

snlee~So sorry for the rough days and nights! As the others have said, it does get easier! Has he had his first social smile yet?


mrss~Thank you! Tayva STILL plays with her sippy cup more than she drinks from it!

jas12~Thanks! Hopefully she''ll be back to normal come Monday.

Ella~I''m sure you''re very busy!! We miss you too! Give G and K a kiss for me!

Bobo~Adorable bath picture!! I am at a loss for how anyone, this day in age, could think it''s okay to put a baby in the front seat! So sad.

lili~Thanks! I wish I knew what the police ended up doing!

iluvcarats~That sentence made me smile! Kids are so funny!

QT~thanks! Cute pics! T always performs until she sees the video camera. Never fails.

Tacori~So cute! You''re reallly going to have to make sure everything you say is rated "G" from now on!
We''ll see how brave I am when the time comes....right now one kid is looking good!

T had a pretty rough day today. She is struggling to sleep anywhere but in our arms (which is so odd because she is the baby that won''t LET anyone rock her to sleep usually). She vomited up her entire dinner because she was coughing so hard (I mean the ENTIRE dinner including all of her meds). I was so scared to give her more meds because I don''t want to overdose my baby so that''s one dose of antibiotics I''m not sure she got and motrin that may or may not be in her system to help bring her fever down and make her feel better. Tonight could be another rough one. I just want her to feel better. I''m exhausted and I cannot stand to watch her scream while I give her the breathing treatments for very much longer without crying myself. Argh...such a downer. Sorry. Sick baby taking it''s toll.
Burk, I wish I was there to help you! I am so very sorry. I am sure it is horrible to see your baby that upset (besides teething and one cold T really hasn''t been sick/pain). How sweet your DH is rocking her! I am glad he is there to help you. My DH loves to (when I allow him which is only when she is upset). I heard him in the monitor the other night when he was putting her to bed (yes, I spy) and he asked her "do you want me to rub your back?" It was so sweet. Anyways, I hope for a quick recovery for T! Stay strong!
bobo little B is SOOOO cute! i just love those cheeks!

qt i can''t believe how big M is getting. such a little doll. yeah, B loves all things that move. haha. he is a total boy. i think he is at that age where he can pick things up after a few times. so hopefully he will continue to be interested in everything. i was teaching him the difference between my car and DH''s car, and after a little bit, he got it. when i asked him where mommy''s car was, he pointed to my car, i mean it could be pure coincidence.

lili how is the active little girl f your''s?

tacori such a smart little thing T is!! sorry to burst your bubble, but i actually know 3 different Tessa''s, but i will say that your T is by far the prettiest one
it is such a fun age right now. he is interested in learning about everything. he will pick something up and give it to me, and i will tell him what it is a few times, and later in the day, i''ll ask him, where''s the.... and he will go get it for me. funny guy. heehee, i''ve got him putting his socks and some of his dirty clothes in the hamper after his bath. it''s funny, but sometimes, he will just put it in the garbage can

jas12 yup, i have a lot of these moments on video. i was showing some of them to DH and he couldn''t believe that B did that! it was pretty funny. but i think it made DH regret working so much because he misses out on a lot of these moments,but i capture what i can. is Co continuing to sleep through the night now?

snlee awww, poor mama! but we have all been there and we survived and you will too. it seems so far away, i''m sure, but it will get better. i think right around this time, i started to try to put B down drowsy but awake and also a consistent routine with him at night. but i think i started earlier than a lot of other parents i know. try to take tacori''s advice, get out without him and just have you time.

burk poor T
i just can''t imagine what she is going through and of course you and your DH. i hope she is getting through it and won''t have to be admitted. that poor thing has been through so much.

ella wow, B is really close in age with G and K. how are they doing? are they into everything? how is the party planning going? you must be super busy with twins, i only have one and he is keeping me on my toes through out the day
good job to you mama
Thanks for listening and for your encouraging words.

ella, we miss you too!

Bobo, little B is so cute!

QT, I know how you feel. I would love to be a SAHM. M looks adorable! I think we bought the same bib.

jas12, I know it will get better. That's what I keep telling myself EVERYDAY!

Tacori, we've gone out without D a few times but only to appointments and to do some brief shopping once. Nothing special. It did help to get away for just a little while. It felt so weird being away from him.

MrsS, sorry to hear you're a human paci. I hope Jake starts sleeping better soon.

Burk, no social smile yet. I keep telling myself any day now since it usually happens around 6 weeks. I can't wait! I know his smiles will cheer us up. I'm sorry to hear about T. Poor baby. And I'm sorry you have to go through that. Hang in there! I hope T feels better soon.

puffy, we try to put D down awake but drowsy. When he's calm, he's able to put himself to sleep. But other times he'll just cry his head off.

Burk, reading your post made me teary. It remind me of when little B had Kawasaki and he was suffering. I really hope Tayva get well soon, maybe hospital doesn''t sound so bad now. When little B was admitted I breath a sign of relief because at least he is under doctor''s care 24/7 and I won''t feel like I don''t know what to do next. Hang in there...*HUGS*

Thanks Puffy & snlee!

Q, M''s new pics! So cute!

Puffy, noooo! *whine* Oh well. I love the name and it suits her. Are they all toddlers/babies? B sounds way smarter than T! I''ll ask her to get things and she either doesn''t understand OR ignores me (also a possibility). She will shake her head when we do and knows (or thinks) "go, go, go" means to walk behind her push toy. She loves saying bye and waving and will come to me half the time. But she doesn''t know any cute tricks yet! At least she has her looks to get by on
One of my neighbor''s who has a VERY pretty 10 year old told me once a beautiful woman will be successful no matter what. Now, the feminist in me whats to yell at him...but he probably (sadly) is right.

Snlee, I had a girl''s night when T was only a few months old and it revived me. I would try to get away or go on a date with your DH (do you have someone to watch D?)
that''s the ultimate best avi of little B.
Love it
-LOL. too funny. thanks for sharing that.

-Awweee...such sweet pix of M.
Looks like she''s really enjoying her tummy time and her fist :D
-DH is the same way with my posting semi-nekkid pictures of J.
he said it''s like kiddy ****

-little B is a smart kid. isn''t it amazing how fast kids can pick up on things? their mind is like a sponge!
-j is doing ok aside from this bad case of eczema. she usually gets them on her arms and legs.
i don''t know why they are showing up on her body all of sudden. hope she''s not allergic to something.
tacori yeah, all the Tessa''s i know are babies/toddlers. i think B is the average kid cause he''s my kid and i will NOT be one of those mom''s who thinks that their child is the best at everything. i mean, everything he does could be pure coincidence, or not. i don''t know. but T is really bright too!! and i am sure she is learning more and more everyday. B just seems really interested in EVERYTHING. haha, you know as much as i hate to admit it, your neighbor is most likely right, beautiful women are successful.

snlee how is D? how are you? it''s the weekend, hope you are sleeping in! do you have family around here so they can watch D while you can get some YOU time? hang in there.

lili poor J with eczema! B has it too, but it is under control MOST of the time. was there a sudden change in temp? is it too hot for her? new lotions, body wash? i learned with B that anything can trigger a flare up so i had to watch everything really closely at first, but now that i know what causes a flare up most of the time, i know what to avoid. and it should be ok to use hydrocortizone but stop once it heals. i used to give B .5% once a day when it was bad. hope you find something that works for her.

i am so excited, we are off to disneyland in a few more days!! hope all the babies and mamas have a great weekend!!!
Tacori~Thanks! Sometimes I wish I could have my PS friends here! I''m so glad it''s the weekend because DH works long hours and travels during the week so I would have been all by myslef. We don''t typically rock T, either, so DH was loving it last night when I let him! I spy, too, btw. What mom wouldn''t?!?!
Oh, and I only know one "Tessa" and she''s 17!

Puffy~It''s been hard. She screams like we''re abusing her every time we do a breathing treatment. Tomorrow we get to go down to two treatments a day so that''s at least one less time I have to watch her cry. She''s sure had it rough. Hopefully we figure out what she''s allergic to and we can finally make some headway! So exciting you leave for Disneyland!! I''ve never been, but we''ll be taking T there for sure when she''s older! Can''t wait for pics!

snlee~The first social smile will make you melt and you may even forget how tired you are (at least for a little while!

Bobo~I knew you''d be able to relate! It''s just so hard being so helpless and the breathing treatments and meds are supposed to help her and she just cries and cries when we do them.
I really do think we''re making really good progress, though. So hopefully the worst is over.

lili~Sorry to hear J has eczema!

No wakings last night and a pretty good day today. She''s still not napping great, but she''s pretty happy overall. Progress. DH and I went to my brother''s playoff football game this afternoon. My MIL came over to watch T and was amazed at how happy she was. Oh, and the director of T''s new daycare called to check on her today. I thought that was so sweet. Well, DH is out getting take-out (no cooking for me tonight
) and T is in bed. I''m going to have a glass of wine and relax.
Burk, I''m glad T is making some progress. My heart just breaks for the poor little thing.

tacori- I don''t know any Tessa''s at all. None in my first graders class, none in pre-school and no new babies I know. I thought Lily was a rare name when we chose it. I didn''t know any. now of course they are everywhere. 4 including her in her sunday school class alone

We moved jake to the big car seat today. he loves it. So much roomier. Part of me is very sad though that the carrier will no longer be needed for me...ever
my little guy is growing so quick but I really am happy he seems to be way more comfy in the car.
Burk, I''m glad T is feeling a little better. Yay for some R&R time.

Tacori and puffy, we have family nearby who can watch D. I''ll try to go out soon to get some ME and US time. I know that''s important and will help.

puffy, have a wonderful time at Disneyland! How fun!

Yay for your little girl feeling a little better. I hope today''s even better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than that!
Burk & MrsS, good to know your cities are not being over run with Tessas.

Snlee, you NEED to get out. I promise it will make everything better.

Not much new with us. BTW if you buy Safety First door/drawer latches MAKE SURE you get the wide ones (come in a 14 pack) and not any of their other kinds (in a 10 pack). The other ones are IMPOSSIBLE to use. You can''t fit your finger in there to "unlock" the drawer/cab.

We got T up around 10 pm b/c she was making so much noise. I went in there and she was facing the crib slats (laying on her side) with her arms THROUGH the slats, holding toys and LAUGHING!
DH had a friend over to watch the UFC fight and T giggled the WHOLE time she was up (about an hour). She is SUCH a flirt. She kept looking and him and laughing, so we laughed, so she laughed harder, so we laughed harder...what a ham.
Not sure what the catch is (if there is one) but has Britax Marathon in Graphite for $42.99!!!!
Date: 11/16/2008 7:18:57 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Not sure what the catch is (if there is one) but has Britax Marathon in Graphite for $42.99!!!!
I was going to post about this deal too.

I wasn't planning to buy a convertible car seat till later but I couldn't pass up this deal. There's FREE SHIPPING on this item too! With a 10% discount and gift card, I didn't have to pay anything out of pocket. Even if I paid for it myself, $42 for a Britax Marathon is a steal!

They also have the Cowmooflage one for $59.99.

There's no catch but you won't receive it till end of December or early January. That works for us since we won't use it for a few months.

I haven't told DH about this yet but I'm sure he'll be pleased.

I love online shopping and finding deals like this. Makes me so happy!
So sad that this is the highlight of my weekend. Ha!

thanks lili, just getting into the holiday spirit that is all


puffy, have fun in disneyland. I love disneyland! They have the best turkey leg.

Burk, hope the worst is over for you guys. keep us updated.

Tacori, that is a great deal, too bad we already got the boulevard. Love your new avatar!!

snlee, I bought two. One for DH's car and one for MIL's car (since they are moving here soon) but I will believe it when I see it

Bobo, like MrsS says...a deal is only a deal if you are getting exactly what you want.
Thanks she love the bucket swing! My friend just e-mailed me the picture she took at T's b-day party and she must have a magic camera b/c I looked good in all the pictures (I was in)! I almost posted one but now people are freaking out about things...
They're saying that that target might cancel the deal if it's a misprint. I ordered another one because I was going to get the cheap cosco scenera to take to Oz, but this would be way better. And for 40 bucks, I don't mind leaving it there for future use. Or we could definitely use this one as a travel seat or in my mom's car, and if they cancel my order, no harm, no foul.

Even if it comes later than our flight, I can resell it for what I paid for it (I refuse to make heaps of profit off parents).
TGal, it''s been up awhile. You would think their server would see this (after hundreds of orders were SUDDENLY being put through) and seems unfair for them not to fulfill them if it is their error but like you this is a second car seat for us so not a big deal if I don''t get it. I am happy with our roundabout. If it does go through it is a deal of a lifetime. They are FSA approved so would be perfect for your flight!
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