
PS Mommies Thread!

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snlee thanks! we''re doing a bit better today. well B is. he is up and back to his happy little self but his nose is still running and still coughing, but so far no fever.

burk thanks! it was a TOUGH night. i had to hold him practically the entire night and i have never had to hold him like that. after the last dose of motrin, his fever was down. he woke up this morning in his bed cause i put him down at 6 am so i could snooze a little and he started to scream out for me again. so i ran in there thinking something was wrong, and the minute he saw me he said "hi!!!" and started to giggle. it was pretty heart warming.

qt poor M! the top teeth usually hurt more, if it s the top teeth. dang girl, is M going to wear all those baby legs. i was so crazy about baby legs and bought about 20 pairs and B ended up about 5 pairs of them before he decided he didn''t like them. but VERY cute! maybe M just wants to be up in a way that she can see the world.

mrsM wow, i''m sorry that you lost your milk. that''s pretty quick. cause i know with myself, when i weaned at night and he started nursing less in the day, i still had my supply. and when i did wean him for good, i was so engorged, i wanted to let him nurse just to relieve myself of the pain. do you have a stash of frozen milk? i have heard of some mom''s of re-lactate, so it could be done. i wish you the best of luck, and IF you can''t re-lactate, just know that you tried and amelia will be just perfectly fine. at the same time, are you sure you are out? maybe just running low? i''m just trying to think of what else it can be and hopefully amelia nursing will get your supply going again.

diva glad to hear that james is adjusting well with you working. it must be so hard for you.
Q, Burk and Snlee - thank you for your well wishes to James and his cold! He''s feeling a bit better today. We need to go get a humidifier for his room and I think that will help. What should we use to incline his mattress?

Puffy - It is hard going back to work but I have to. Working part-time is nice though since I feel like I get a lot of "good" time with James. He''s the most sun-shiney in the morning so that gives me a great start to the day.

Snlee - good luck with going back to work and pumping!

Mrs. M - I''m sorry to hear about your milk supply. My milk came in and was gone within a day - even with pumping with the hospital grade pump. I was really upset because I wanted to breastfeed but it wasn''t meant to be. Have you tried pumping? Maybe you should consult a lactation consultant for advice. Good luck!
Diva, sorry James is sick. I know when T got a cold when she was young it was safe to use baby vicks. Maybe that will help him a little?

Puffy, yikes poor B! Luckily T has never been that sick. I don''t think she has ever had a fever. I would call your doc b/c now that he is older he can take some stronger meds. That is sweet (but probably annoying since you are sick too) that he is so attached to you!

Q, there are rumors of revision but yes, it will be enforced on ebay as well. I imagine they will no longer take the auctions. The fine is $100,000 and up to five years in prison so I doubt many will take that risk. But there is still a month so hopefully they will work it out. Lots of Etsy vendors are having sales to get rid of stuff. Holy baby legs. I wonder if they don''t revise the law for cotton if babylegs will go out of business. Poor M. She is getting her teeth early!

MrsM, I am so sorry. Good luck. I have no real advice. T weened herself at 6.5 months. I was upset but you know I couldn''t force her. Formulas are very good now. She is extremely healthy so don''t feel bad if you end up using formulas. They even make organic ones if you are worried.

Burk, glad T is doing better. My friend who has her daughter in daycare says she gets sick ALL the time from the other kids. What a pain!

Snlee, don''t worry until you have something to worry about
He only had 3 bottles a day? I could never pump as much as she nursed. I think I got up to 5 oz and was SO excited! Haha. The things that make us happy huh?
Tacori, D will be getting three bottle feedings while I''m at work so I''ll try to pump enough breast milk for all three feedings. I''m trying not to worry but my return date is coming soon and I''m not looking forward to it! It''s going to be bittersweet. I have very mixed feelings. I''m worried about being a working mom!

Have any of you bought stuff from Etsy? Anyone have cool Etsy finds to share?
puffy~Glad B''s doing better! Heart-warming how much he wanted his mommy!

Diva~humidifiers are a good thing! We could never incline T''s mattress because she''s such a wiggly sleeper and would have ended up with her end on the wrong end, but when she was little and had reflux we just put some folded blankets under the mattress.

Tacori~It''s interesting, but for all the times she has been sick most of them started when she was home with me(like a couple weeks ago when she got Croup), not while she was in daycare. Weird.

snlee~I''ve browsed Etsy some but never purchased. I was looking for hair things so that probably won''t help you!

Just got back from lunch with my family. Tayva did NOT want to sit still. It was a late lunch so we had already fed T so I thought I''d just give her some snacks to entertain her. The first two ended up on the floor as she shook her finger at me saying "no, no, mama"
so she didn''t get any more so then it was toys, which all ended up on the floor. Wow. It was during her nap time so that added to her inability to just sit and be content, but again, WOW.
Burk, that is my life! Haha. I love Tessa dearly but she is in kinda a difficult stage. Maybe my daycare theory is off then.

Snlee, I bought some gold stackers on etsy. They are cute.

We all went to the park today. Tessa had SO much fun! I think she ruined her outfit though. Oh well. Lesson learned for me. She loved the bucket swings and the slides. I took my D60 so hopefully I got some good pics. The battery died so I pulled out my point and shoot. I am so SPOILED now! I was like, this sucks! Haha. It was so slow.
Tacori~No kidding!! Difficult is the best way to put it. T's so fun and she really isn't "naughty" it's just that she is extremely independent (just like your T) and wants to go play and explore and do what she wants to do. And watch out if you stop her from doing what SHE wants to do!!
Also, not sure if your daycare theory is off. It surely makes sense because there are a lot of kids touching, mouthing all the toys. But, oddly enough, Tayva has gotten sick mostly when I'm home with her (she got sick during fall break, during Holiday break and multiple times over the summer). I find it extremely odd!
Burk, I can''t remember. What T premature? They have lower immune systems and do get sick more often/easier. My poor brother gets every virus floating around. Tessa is a doll. She really is sweet but so is strong willed. I am dreading our flight in April! But I remind myself there is nothing wrong with being a strong woman!
Sometimes make life easier. I am sure both Ts will be JUST fine!!!
Date: 1/11/2009 6:42:59 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

We all went to the park today. Tessa had SO much fun! I think she ruined her outfit though. Oh well. Lesson learned for me. She loved the bucket swings and the slides. I took my D60 so hopefully I got some good pics. The battery died so I pulled out my point and shoot. I am so SPOILED now! I was like, this sucks! Haha. It was so slow.

I can''t tell you how many clothes have been ruined at the park or school. I actually went to Salvation army this fall and bought a bunch of cute named brand second hand shirts for my girls to wear as play/school clothes b/c at .50 a shirt it didn''t matter what happened to it. I was sick when a $50 outfit would get messed up

mrsm-i don''t have any advice for you either but i hope you can get your milk supply back since you want to so much.

puffy-hope you and little B are feeling better

Burk-sorry Tayva had a hard time at lunch. I wish I could tell you it get easier
My kids are pretty well behaved most of the time and eating out at nice sit down restaurants is still hard.

Q- wow, that is quite a collection..they are all adorable
Tacori, not premature. I have terrible allergies and asthma which also result in a lower immune system and we''ve always just figured that''s probably it for her too. She has an appointment with her allergist this week to do some secondary testing (tested for the top 50 a while back)to see if we can pinpoint what she''s allergic to. I agree that strong women is by no means a bad thing. I am very proud of the little girl she is. Just have to keep reminding myself that as she''s throwing bread on the ground!

Mrss~Thank goodness for a late lunch because we were in an area of the restaurant that was pretty empty so we were able to let her walk around. Probably will be doing mostly late lunches and early dinners for many years to come!!
tacori i hope you got some good shots of T. i know what you mean about being spoiled with the camera. i don't even bother with the point and shoot anymore. i got the D200 for christmas and now i think that my D80 isn't good enough. haha. and i hope that T never gets THAT sick. it is no fun for any of us!

burk what you went through sounds way too familiar. the only difference is that B LOVES his snacks so much that he will NEVER throw it on the floor. DH took B to target for a little bit while i took a nap and he came home and basically said he didn't know how i go out with him by myself. haha!! DH was saying that he was climbing out of the cart, then when B got carried, he squirmed away and kept saying "down." and B was trying to walk away from DH the whole time. i just laughed and told him that my life isn't THAT easy and he gets it now. haha.

mrsS thanks! B is doing MUCH better as am i. poor kid is still really congested though.

ETA: TACORI, i meant to say that B loves the swing and the slides also. it is so much fun taking him to the park.
Looks like the secondhand market won''t be affected by the new lead law anymore...just FYI. Hopefully they''ll have some exemption or help for small businesses soon.
Date: 1/11/2009 3:33:44 PM
Author: snlee
Tacori, D will be getting three bottle feedings while I''m at work so I''ll try to pump enough breast milk for all three feedings. I''m trying not to worry but my return date is coming soon and I''m not looking forward to it! It''s going to be bittersweet. I have very mixed feelings. I''m worried about being a working mom!
snlee I am not a mom, obviously, but two of my close friends went back to work part time when babies were about 6 months and pumped during that time so I thought I''d tell you about their experiences. In both cases what my friends did is they had a small fridge in their office under their desk, and three times a day they went to a private place (or locked their office door) and pumped what they needed and then stored it in their little fridge. One of my friends had a very abundant supply and was able to use a hand pump a basically fill it in 5 min (yes, cow references were made
), but my other friend had a lower supply/slower flow and found that she was only able to really get a full "load" out in about 20 minutes of pumping using an electric pump.So in both cases, when they were working, they were pumping during the day at the times they would have been BFing their babies. Seems like this is very different that typing to BF AND pump at the same time in terms of the demands on your supply. Is this what you are doing now (both)? What type of pump do you use? Have you thought about trying the switcheroo in the week before you go to work to get the kinks out (i.e., start pumping right before D''s feed and then bottle feed the milk to him, just to get a feel for what your supply really is without BFing on top of pumping)?

Anyways, sorry if this is redundant information, but I thought maybe it would help!
Quick reply to snlee
Pumping is going pretty well so far. I pump 4 times a day. I pump when I wake up at 5am, then 8am, 11am and 2pm at work. I end up with about 20-25oz a day, and M drinks 20oz a day. So I haven''t touch my freezer to feed her yet. Some frozen BMs are 3 months old, so I used a couple to bathe her. I am thinking of cutting out one pump session, but I am going wait until after the six months growth spurt just in case. If I have better hours, I would''ve prefer to nurse her in the morning before I leave for work instead of pumping. I haven''t been adding to the freezer stash, but I also don''t rotate it b/c I rather M gets fresh BM. I think I''ll just add in pumping sessions if my supply starts going down.
BTW the red clay mud came out with Shout!
I swear that stuff hasn''t let me down yet. That was my excitement for the day.
Tacori~yay for shout!! Also read your post in the thread about the couple behind you at Trader Joes. I seriously don''t understand people like this. They don''t have to like kids, they don''t have to have their own, but do they need to be RUDE when our kids are just being happy and friendly? I was in line to return something at Target a while back and Tayva was "talking" and smiling at this guy behind me and he glared at her and so I just said, "sorry, she''s just friendly" and he replied "I guess so" in a rude, sarcastic tone. I mean, really, is that necessary? Not like Tessa was trying to touch the people behind you with dirty hands or Tayva was trying to wipe her snot on the guy behind us, ya know!?!?!? Seriously makes me mad. Ok. Rant over.
so, I had Jake''s 9 month check up today. The best news of all...the ear infection has cleared up
so no tubes for the time being

here are his stats:

weight: 20 lbs 6oz (50%)
head size; 17 1/2 in (25%)
length 27 3/4 (30%)
Date: 1/12/2009 2:53:23 PM
Author: mrssalvo
so, I had Jake''s 9 month check up today. The best news of all...the ear infection has cleared up
so no tubes for the time being

here are his stats:

weight: 20 lbs 6oz (50%)

head size; 17 1/2 in (25%)

length 27 3/4 (30%)

So Happy to hear that Mrs. Salvo. I am so sorry little Jake had a nasty ear infection, they are so painful.
Burk, I TOTALLY understand! 90% of people love it but there are those heartless few that make you question mankind. I agree, not everyone is a kid person but how can anyone be bitter to a baby''s giggle? Another time we were walking out of a restaurant and T was stopping at EVERY booth. Okay, maybe that WAS kinda annoying for the people but this one guy gave her the MEANEST look. Dude she is a baby. She didn''t touch him, their food, their stuff...she was just being friendly. I also get annoyed with nondoor holders. My friend and I (she had her double bob, me with my single chicco) were walking into a store and this lady in front of me totally let the door close on our faces. This scary guy came out of no where and held it open for us (teaches me not to pre-judge!) Haha.

MrsS, that is AWESOME news! Looks like Jake is doing great. Curious...does your pedi practice do a 15 month appointment?
Date: 1/12/2009 2:51:07 PM
Author: Burk
Tacori~yay for shout!! Also read your post in the thread about the couple behind you at Trader Joes. I seriously don''t understand people like this. They don''t have to like kids, they don''t have to have their own, but do they need to be RUDE when our kids are just being happy and friendly? I was in line to return something at Target a while back and Tayva was ''talking'' and smiling at this guy behind me and he glared at her and so I just said, ''sorry, she''s just friendly'' and he replied ''I guess so'' in a rude, sarcastic tone. I mean, really, is that necessary? Not like Tessa was trying to touch the people behind you with dirty hands or Tayva was trying to wipe her snot on the guy behind us, ya know!?!?!? Seriously makes me mad. Ok. Rant over.

Burk: That is awful!!! Someone glaring at beautiful Tayva??? What is it with people??? The way the economy is right now, you would think a precious child would make someone smile and feel good!!!!!!!! Well poo to that grump of a man.
Yay, Mrss for no more ear infection!!!

Tacori, I HATE people who don''t hold doors, but I also can''t stand it when I hold a door and the person I hold it for doesn''t say "thank you." Seriously, where are peoples basic manners?!?!? I am constantly reminding my middle school students to use their manners.

Linda~I would think it would make someone smile, but I am a baby lover so I think I''m biased!
Date: 1/12/2009 3:10:47 PM

MrsS, that is AWESOME news! Looks like Jake is doing great. Curious...does your pedi practice do a 15 month appointment?

I don''t really know if they do or not. I''m not sure our insurance would cover a 15 month well visit even if they do it. For some reason I think you only get the 18 month and the 2 year, then yearly after that.

funny about the door holding help. It seems like more people held doors for me when I was preggo than they do now when I''ve got the stroller
I will say, since being a mom I do notice other moms who need help and try to offer a hand whenever I can.
Date: 1/12/2009 3:34:06 PM
Author: Burk
Tacori, I HATE people who don't hold doors, but I also can't stand it when I hold a door and the person I hold it for doesn't say 'thank you.' Seriously, where are peoples basic manners?!?!? I am constantly reminding my middle school students to use their manners.

Haha, same here. It's like they think we are a doorsperson or something. Nevermind a "thank you" but at least acknowledged that the door is being held -- by a pregnant lady no less.
Thanks Burk, snlee MrsS, Tacori and Puffy for your support and kind words, much appreciated!

Puffy, I was pretty shocked it dried up so quickly too! I thought I had more wiggle room, if you kwim?!
Tacori, I''m not against formula at all, it''s just that I''m dyscalculic. I have terrible problems recognising and processing numerals. I just plain don''t trust myself to mix it right, heat it to the right temp and give A roughly the right amount each day. I know this sounds crazy, but I get myself into a blind panic just thinking about trying to do it.

A is still happy to nurse, so it looks like I might manage to get some supply back if I nurse and pump all day and night for a few days. I saw the lactation consultant this morning and she was quite hopeful and by the end of the day today I managed to pump about 1/4 oz (big deal, but it''s a start)!

NF, I''ve been so self absorbed, I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the pics of your boys. Sorry. They are adorable, darling babies! Hope you''re doing well.

On people being rude when our babies are being friendly, I''m ashamed to say I might have done this in the past. I had two miscarriages before I had A and at one point I couldn''t bear to engage with a small child, not even to smile back. It would have had me running out the store in floods of tears. Maybe give some of the scowlers the benefit of the doubt? I don''t think I actually scowled, though!

MrsS, good to hear that Jake''s infection is gone and that all was well at his appt!

Thanks jas.
Now how''s about sharing some more pictures of your boys from your hubby''s collection.

Ouch. Sorry about the clogs! Glad Tacori''s cow nursing method worked.
Yup, more pictures please. I feel the newer moms are not sharing as much pictures of their littles

Poor James. I just hate seeing a congested baby trying to sleep.

Glad to hear that Brady is back to his happy self.

A boy next huh?
When will that be? Got the itch already?
How many are you thinking about having?
Are M''s upper teeth in yet?

I cringed when J is about to nurse because I don''t know if she will decide to bite down hard.
And with those chompers, I''m afraid she can bite off the nipple
Glad to hear that the visit with the lactation consultant helped.
I am somewhat going through the same thing here -- it hasn''t dried up yet, but I was only able to pump out 1/2 oz after 20min of pumping and the last feeding was 5 hrs ago.
Normally, I''d be able to pump out 5 oz in 10 min.

It''s probably a combination of things for me -- fewer feedings, poor latch or sleepy baby, and hormonal (since AF paid me a visit before xmas
I''ve been pumping more and putting J to the breast every 2.5 hrs at night....and was able to get a little more this morning.

Hope your milk come back.
I guess we can''t get too lazy about pumping.
lili, so sorry you''re dealing with this too. It''s just soooo frustrating! Interesting you mention AF - I never thought of that, but I got my first since I was pregnant last week. I was actually pleased I''d managed to delay it 7 months, but never twigged that it might be related to a reduction in milk production. Hmm.

I hope you manage to keep your supply going- I''ll be thinking about you!

MrsS, that's wonderful news! Yay!

Tacori, I just checked our pedi schedule and they do a 15 month check up.

MrsM, glad you saw a LC and that she's hopeful you'll get your supply back up. Fingers crossed for you!

dreamer, thanks for sharing your friends experiences with me. I have the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breastpump. I may try doing the pumping and bottle feeding a few days before I go back to work. We'll see because pumping and bottle feeding is a PITA! I think starting out I may not get that much but hopefully it'll increase. That's what happened when I pumped daily before. I do have a freezer stash I can use if needed but that won't last long.

QT, glad the pumping is going well. I plan to nurse him before I go to work then pump 2 times during work. Maybe 3 if it helps me get more. I know what you mean about wanting to give her the newly pumped milk. That's what I hope to do. Pump enough for the next day's feedings. I will have some 3 month old frozen BM too so I need to figure out what to do with it.
mrss~I found more held the door for me when I was preggo, too! Weird. I try and help out other moms all the time, too. I know what it''s like trying to get a door open and my stroller in!


mrsm~Glad you''re getting things back on track with the nursing. Also wanted to reassure you that if you do have to go to formula, there is ready-made stuff and we use it and I love it!! You don''t have to worry about measuring and mixing! Just poor it in the bottle and give it to baby. Sorry it was so hard for you to see kids after your MC. I have no idea what that must be like.
lili, hope your supply goes back up! Sounds like it will soon.
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