
PS Mommies Thread!

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neat they are precious little ones!! honestly, right now, whatever works best for you is the way that you should have your boys. if it''s in the pack and play, then let it be. and just transition them when you are ready to, meaning when they don''t nurse in the middle of the night as often.
i didn''t transition B into his crib until about 6 weeks and i think that''s on the early side compared to the other mommies here.
Date: 1/9/2009 11:40:56 PM
Author: puffy
neat they are precious little ones!! honestly, right now, whatever works best for you is the way that you should have your boys. if it''s in the pack and play, then let it be. and just transition them when you are ready to, meaning when they don''t nurse in the middle of the night as often.
i didn''t transition B into his crib until about 6 weeks and i think that''s on the early side compared to the other mommies here.
Neatfreak I know I am not a mommy yet, but wanted to say that this is my intuition too. But it seems like so many people have different opinions, it will be interesting to see what others say.

Oh, and if you have time maybe read the thread I started called "what did you baby sleep in" here: Lots of parents chimed in about where their little babies slept for the first months and it was really helpful to read. If I recall correctly, almost everyone had their baby in their room for the first 3 weeks and many had babies in their rooms for 3 months or more... there is also discussion there about transitioning and whether it was easy or hard. Hope it helps! PS the boys are gorgeous
lili~She''s a diva for sure!

puffy~I am excited for her party. It''ll just be at our house and pretty low-key. Now that she walks pretty much exclusively it just makes me think of how she''s a big girl now. Seriously tears me up. I feel like I was just pregnant. You know how it is.

Neat~Your boys are adorable!! I moved Tayva to her crib really early (3 weeks) solely because I could not sleep with her in the room with us because she was so noisy. And, she took many of her naps in a swing until she was 5 months old. She is a good sleeper now and in her crib no less.
I absolutely do not think that at their age they are being "spoiled" or will have a hard time transitioning. Do what works best for you!
Awwweee....your little angels are just precious!!

Thanks for sharing.

As for your question, do what works best for you.
Personally, I don't think it is ever too late to move them to their own room unless they are able to get off their bed and walk back to your room.
how about yourself? any preference on girl or boy for your next one?

hehe, i was about to ask if you had to replace his santa w/ the beanie.
he is too cute --- love his smile, so grown up.

can''t believe your little girl is going to be one soon.
i remember when you just post her baby pictures -- she was so tiny in your arms.
now she''s a little beauty princess
Neat, I''m the sleep freak around here and I don''t think your babies are too old to be spoiled. It''s winter...wait a while until the floors warm up! Your babies will be fine!!!
NF, your boys are adorable! I agree, do what works best for your family! We''re still co-sleeping. I''m still trying to decide when to move him to his crib and own room.
Linda and Kaleigh- Thank you! I am biased of course but I think they are pretty darn cute. There''s something in the water around PS because ALL the babies seem to be adorable!!!

Puffy, Dreamer, Burk, Lili, TGal, Snlee- Thank you all for your advice, glad my thought on it wasn''t insane. I was just thinking that it did seem really early to be worrying about spoiling them in all aspects, but since they are such good sleepers I didn''t want to screw myself over for later!!!

On to the night shift for me, thanks everyone!
NF, I truly believe that you need to do what works best for you at this point. Sleep training isn't suggested before 4 months. We started at 4 months but before that she slept in her chair, swing (mostly), bassinet, ANYWHERE we could get her to fall asleep! Too soon to be worrying about bad habits. I promise. Adorable pictures!
Thanks Tacori. I'm glad you all confirmed what I was thinking!!! My mom means well but is a bit neurotic about these things I think. At least she isn't offended when I don't take her advice!
Quick drive by

OH MY NEATFREAK! They are gorgeous lil guys.

And Lili -- your avatar is a heartbreaker (in a good way!)
neatfreak- your boys are darling!! i didn''t move Jake out of our room and into his crib until 7-8 months and he transitioned fine. Do what works for you. I''m with the others that I don''t think you can spoil them at this point.
Burk: Your avatar picture of T is too darn cute. Those cheeks of hers makes want give her a big smooch

Her eyes look like they are getting bluer all of the time.
quick drive by for me too...
just want to say, tacori, you are my HERO!!
had my first clogged duct yesterday and let me just say OMG pain pain pain.
tried EVERYTHING, and finally around 9pm, decided to try feeding on all fours. NOT fun, but it WORKED...immediately!

never would have thought of it if you didn''t post about doing it...THANKS!

and btw, GORGEOUS pics neat, burk, mrs s, lili, janine (hope i''m not missing anyone!!)
ps babies are the cutest!!
oops, i DID forget one pic...JAS12. love the new avi and the pic of you and co.
Lia, yeah I don''t miss that pain! Glad it worked for you. Massage and heat works well also.
Awww, NF they are soooo precious!
Date: 1/10/2009 5:27:41 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Lia, yeah I don''t miss that pain! Glad it worked for you. Massage and heat works well also.

thanks tacori! believe me, i tried plenty of that before resorting to doggy style!
Date: 1/10/2009 5:56:20 PM
Author: lover in athens
Date: 1/10/2009 5:27:41 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Lia, yeah I don''t miss that pain! Glad it worked for you. Massage and heat works well also.

thanks tacori! believe me, i tried plenty of that before resorting to doggy style!

Haha. Some of them are deeper than others. FYI I noticed I kept getting clogs in the same places. By far nursing on all 4s helped the most but I would get a really huge one (it was like half my boob) that was stubborn. I usually had to do a combo.
LIA, I feel your pain. I''ve had a ton of clogs.
Glad yours went away fairly quickly.
lili~I can''t believe it either!! In one week I will have a one-year-old!

Linda~Thanks! It''s hard not to kiss those cheeks constantly.

LIA~Thanks. Sorry about the clogged duct! Got some pics for us?
Awwwww, Neat, your boys are cuties

My first week back to work went okay. It''s still bittersweet though because I miss spending my (lazy) days with James. He''s adjusting well though. He also is working on his second cold - poor baby! We''ve been giving him Tylenol and suctioning out his nose as much as possible to make him comfortable.

Snlee - I think we need some recent pictures of Derek
quick drive by.... hope everyone is having a great weekend.
things are terrible here!! B is sick and he just wants to be held all day which is fine but i''m still sick too. and every time DH takes him, he cries bloody murder and screams "mommy!!!" which totally breaks my heart so i go and get him.
he''s never been this sick before, so i really don''t know what to do. he''s running a fever, coughing his lungs out, nose is running like a faucet. any advice as to what to do? i am desperate to try anything. we''re doing the humidifier, elevated his mattress which he is not wanting to sleep in, lots of water. thanks!!
puffy, so sorry to hear you and B are sick! Poor B! I hope both of you feel better soon! Hugs.

Diva, I'll work on posting a pic.
Thanks for the link. I''ve heard about it, but didn''t know the details. I feel bad for small business owners; how will they afford the testing cost. Does the law include resell the ebay too? Surely they can''t expect individual ebay sellers to do the testing, or do they?

M always fusses a little when we put her down drowsy, but usually she would stop fussing when we pick her up to comfort her. So it''s not something she always does.

DH is hoping for a boy the next time around.
Why do you cringed every time you are about to feed J?

5 rows from the court. You can see the sweats off their faces. That''s awesome.
Well M doesn''t really "settle" herself when we put her down. We usually have to pick her up and put her down a few times before she falls asleep. But she had always stop fussing/crying when we pick her up.
Hope you and Brady feel better soon.

Awww the boys are adorable. Max has really nice brown hair; is Dexter blond?
I think the PNP is fine. You have to do what works for you. M only slept in the crib since day one b/c I was sleeping in her room, so I didn''t have to walk across the hall to nurse her at night. And I stayed in her room until she was 3 months.

The first week is the toughest; it gets easier as the weeks pass.
Hope James feel better soon. M had been getting stuffy nose, so I''ve been suctioning it out a lot too.

I think M is teething instead of just having a few fussy nights. B/c she was chewing on her bib, so I gave her a burp cloth to chew on instead. Later I found some small blood spots on the bib and burp cloth. So that makes me think it''s teething. She is still fussy today, but didn''t cry for as long as the last couple nights. I can''t believe that she is getting her top teeth already; it''s too fast.

M isn''t showing any interests in rolling over. She''s not even going sideways anymore. But she keeps wanting to be in a sitting position, so we usually hold her in that position. We tried to let her sit unassisted, and she can hold for a really short time before toppling over.

You probably wanted babylegs model pic, but she had only worn two pairs so far. Thought I would share a pic of the collection. The 3rd and 4th pairs from the left were the free one.

Aaaaarrrgh! I''m having a disaster here! I have no milk. Amelia has gone all night without nursing for over a week now, and as of yesterday I suddenly have no milk at all. She''s only 7.5 months, so I don''t want to wean her yet, but there is just no milk.

She''s been feeding less and less during the day, too, so it isn''t exactly surprising, but I didn''t think it would dry up completely while she was still nursing regularly, albeit much less often.

I''ve never been able to express, so recently I haven''t even tried, but maybe I should have.

My question is, has anyone ever had any success re-lactating? I know it can be done, (and I''m trying all the things recommended by the books) but I don''t know of anyone who''s done it. Would be greatful for any insight or help. I''m hoping to see a lactation consultant tomorrow, because this does of course have to happen over a weekend.

Sorry for a selfish post, I''m a bit of a wreck right now. Is there a more emotional experience than BFing and its various problems??? In my favour, Amelia is still willing to nurse, even though she doesn''t seem to be getting any milk, so maybe if I persevere it will come back. I''m so upset right now, because just a couple of weeks ago I was engorged and getting clogs. You''d think something natural would be easier than this, wouldn''t you?

Puffy~That''s terrible! So sorry! A few weeks back we had a very similar weekend. Have you tried giving him a bath? Make sure he doesn''t have footed pj''s on. The nurse in the ER told us the fever needs to go out the feet. What''s his temp? Have you called his pedi? Tayva''s turned out to be a nasty ear infection and within hours of getting the antibiotics and a larger dose of tylenol (they gave her in the ER) she was doing much better! Hope you all feel better really soon!
QT~Oh my, you have quite the collection of baby legs! They''re all so cute! I wonder if she just gets so worked up sometimes because she doesn''t like being put in there that she just can''t get calmed down? One of my Bf''s son did that. He would cry and they would let him until they couldn''t stand it any more, but then when they went in to try and comfort him he''d continue to cry because he couldn''t calm down. Who knows. Maybe it''s just teeth. If so, hope they pop through really soon!

Mrsm~I have no advice as I''ve not experienced what you''re experiencing but wanted to wish you luck! From what I read you should be able to get it back and the fact that Amelia will still nurse is great!

Diva~hope James gets better soon!
MrsM, I'm so sorry to hear about you milk supply. I have no advice to offer but I hope that A nursing will stimulate your supply. Are you drinking lots of water? My heart goes out to you. I can feel your frustration. Good luck!

I'm going back to work next month and one of my biggest fear is not being able to continue BFing. I am not able to pump much, especially later in the day, and I'm scared I won't be able to pump enough! D eats at least 5 oz each feeding so I'd have to pump 15 oz a day. Not even sure I can get half of that.
Hopefully I can make do since I do have some milk stored in the freezer. And when he starts eating baby foods, he’ll need less milk. QT, how is pumping going for you? Have you had to use your freezer stash?
Diva, glad James is adjusting well. Sorry to hear he''s sick. Hope he feels better soon!

QT, hope M feels better soon. If it''s teething, I hope her tooth comes through soon. Hope you were able to get some sleep. Wow, look at your BL collection! I love it! 3rd from left, are those apples? So cute! Enjoy them!
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