
PS Mommies Thread!

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lili, I wouldn''t be able to function if I went to bed at 1 and up at 7 even without baby so I can''t imagine having interrupted sleep. What time does J go to bed?

Burk, hope the daycare naps get better soon!

puffy, glad you enjoyed the warriors game and B was well behaved. What time does he usually go to bed?

Tacori, sorry to hear about your CC. Glad they caught it and let you know. DH checks our CC EVERYDAY. I think that''s a bit much but at least he''ll know if something is off.

As for being still gun shy about labor, it probably is the recovery part that''s holding you back. Or maybe the 6-month fog you were in when Tessa was a baby. I''m the opposite though, I find it so odd that I''m not scared of labor with my second (not that I want to have my second anytime soon!). I want to go natural again. I felt that way right after labor and my long painful labor was not easy! Even after the long and painful recovery I still feel this way. I think I''m CRAZY!
MrsM—thanks for the recipes. I have a pot of lentil soup on the stove as I type—motivated by you!

Tacori—yikes about the CC—glad your bank caught it before that purchase went thru. Scary isn’t it. My bank blocked my cards on my honeymoon b/c although I notified them regarding our travel, the fact that we were in a different country almost every day seemed suspicious and they flagged them. Was NOT happy when I didn’t have a way to pay at our hotel, but I appreciate the security.
I am not overly excited about labor again either, so I don’t blame u about being gun-shy --but it’s not as frightening to me anymore-- It’s the no sleep thing that is holding me back from #2. THAT is terrifying to me. ick

Janine—I remember reading in The Baby Whisperer Solves all Your Problems a good description of different cries and what they could mean. Maybe that book would help. If not for that, it had great tips for sleep training and many other things.

Puffy—I think taking the kids out late once is a while is just fine. I am all about routine, but life is not always as such so kids gotta roll with the punches. When he gets bigger he''ll be begging to stay up late for a game!

Burk—gotta be hard to pick up a crabby pants after being stuck with a class all day. I hope things are back to normal for you soon.

Lili or Mrs.S.—have u guys been bitten yet while nursing? Co bit me so hard the other day he drew a little blood. I cursed, he laughed. He has his 2 bottom teeth and I think he is part shark b/c those things are weapons. I was truly nervous to nurse the next morning. MrsS., is there anything I could do to discourage it???

In jas news, Co and charlie have been sick with a cold my mom passed on (so peeved at my germ-spreading mom—I asked her not to get too close) so I am wiped out.
Had the weirdest parenting moment to date this morning. Co is sick, so outta sorts a bit, but this was just wacky. We were reading a book this morning before his AM nap and like usual, I read the book first and then randomly go thru the pictures later so he can point stuff out. On one page there was a dog and I asked “where’s the dog”? (not expecting him to point b/c we don’t have a dog and are not around them b/c I am allergic) but lo behold he did and I clapped for him. I turned the page and asked him to point out the same dog. He did, but this time he let out a huge wail. It was such a big, frightened cry that I thought he was hurt and looked to see if something was pinching him or something, but he was just sitting on my lap. He pointed to the dog again and wailed, again. I was totally shocked so I put the book away and he stopped crying almost immediately. We read a benign number book and he was fine so I picked up the ‘dog book’ and flipped to a random page and asked him to point out that dog again. He did and…..wailed again plus turned away, putting his face into my chest as if to get away from the evil doggy?!!! What-the? So we changed books again (fine) and then went to ‘evil doggy book’ again (wailing). I called Charlie to ask if he ‘accidently’ forgot to mention some traumatic dog-related event, but nope, he was just as dumfounded. Even more strange is that the dog is friendly looking in the pictures and when I showed him the book *after* his nap, he happily pointed him out, smiles and all. Anyone else have their kid do something like this?? So weird….

My goof ball boy is 9 months tomorrow. can''t believe i have had him as long as i was preggo—here’s the pre-sickness pic –I thought it was cute and you can see a bit more hair. Yay for hair!

Tacori~My MIL asks if they''re in every time we see them. I''m sure she means well, but really, nothing better to talk about?
I don''t find it odd at all that you''re still gun shy about labor. Who knows how I''d feel if I hadn''t had such a relatively easy labor. Hopefully over time you''ll be able to forget

Janine~What an adorable girl you have there! What about Carters for the shirts?

snlee~Yay for good sleep!!!

puffy~Yea, I do think she misses me. They try to put her down for two naps at daycare, but she usually just plays in her crib for at least a half hour or 45 minutes and then they take her out because she distracts the babies that are actually sleeping!
So, it''s been one nap for about 1.5 hours and that''s it. Did you guys have fun at the game? I think it''s totally worth it to do fun stuff that like every once and a while, even if B went to bed later than usual. Did he sleep in this morning?
snlee you did have a long L&D! and good for you for wanting to go natural again. me on the other hand, i LOVED that epi! but honestly i feel like i experienced a lot more pain than i thought i would...meaning i didn't get the epi until i was 8 cm.
B usually goes to bed around 8ish.

tacori whatever it is that is holding you back, it's normal that you aren't ready for another one yet. and of course it give you more time to enjoy your T and only her.
right now i am so enjoying the time with B and watching him learn new things and teaching him new things, i'm not sure that i really do want another another one right now. if it was to happen, that would of course be great, but i wouldn't say that we are TTC yet either. and i had so many things planned for us this year, but well see. it's just so funny because i THOUGHT i was 110% ready to have another one until it dawned on me that i am in no rush. and i really don't know how i would do chasing around a toddler while being preggo.

ETA: JAS12: How CUTE is Co??!!? and that dog story is weird! hope he and Charlie get better soon.
jas~Must have posted at the same time. Cute pic!! Crazy about Co and the dog. T's never done anything like that. She loves dogs and so we have a ton of dog books and she mainly just pets them. I'm impressed that Co is pointing out objects like that!! I try, but I don't really think T's ever actually pointed at the object without my assistance. Maybe she's behind?!?! Maybe I should let her try! You have a super smart boy!

Thanks Snlee! I don't think you're crazy at all. For me, it's like I've forgotten how sick and miserable I was until 14 weeks....and I still am ready to be preggo again! Maybe crazy, but it's what we do as mothers I think!
Burk B slept in this morning which was nice for me so i was able to get stuff done, but i hope that doesn''t mean that he''s going to be off again tonight. time will tell. that''s so funny that T just plays and distracts other babies! haha, i have to laugh at that one. B also LOVES dogs. anytime he sees one, he wants to pet it and hold it and he loves it when they lick him, but poor kid doesn''t realize that not all dogs are so friendly. we have a pomeranian at home so he''s pretty small and really friendly with B, so i guess he assumes that all dogs are like that.
we had a BLAST at the game and i honestly think that it was worth it. B had a good time too.
OK, Jas, that is crazy about the dog thing. Smart kid. I have no idea what to tell you, except...woof?

Happy 9 months to Jadie and Jake, and tomorrow to Co! Just came back from Amelia''s 9 month appointment, but will talk about that more later.

Tacori, don''t think you have to worry about your sweet girl being a bully! Sounds like normal kid behavior to me. In fact, sounds like Tessa is very sympathetic. Scary about the credit card thing. My brother just got his numbers pinched too. There are such sophisticated ways of doing it. Small merchants who run the number through their own machine to get numbers and pins. It''s scary.

Oh, and about labor...I felt mine was fine but I do NOT want to go through labor again. I don''t want to be pregnant again. I don''t want to go through sleepless nights again (and I admit I had it easy.) I don''t want to give up a year of my life! I feel normal (minus being a fatty) again and I love it. There is a very good chance that Amelia will be an only child...and yet...I would love for her to have a sibling. I even thought about adopting, but I am not a good enough person to adopt, as horrible as that sounds.

lili, J sounds so active, it''s awesome. I think she''s going to be an explorer or archeologist when she grows up! Hee! I agree that the volo might be great for J. A light umbrella is all you need at this point, and since J is so active, you probably won''t use it much at all!

MrsS, that sleep (or lack of) schedule you wrote about had me in terror. OMG, I''d die. You''re a trooper!

Burk, what a beautiful family! And that av of Tayva cracks me up everytime I see it. Hilarious.

Janine, I kept thinking Amelia was teething at around 3-4 months because she was acting kind of funny. The teeth actually came in at 6 months without much fuss at all (although she was a tiny bit a couple of days before). I just blame everything on teething. This kid should be on her 2nd set by now...sheesh. Your girl is beautiful...that pic is frameworthy!!

Jackie, condolences to your family on DH''s grandmother passing away.

Diver, good to see you! When in March? Great time to come to LA, as long as you don''t mind a chance of rain!

be right back with Amelia''s 9 month stats...
Snlee, I just had a really strange delivery (3 hours of pushing ain''t fun). My recovery was quite painful. How could I forget the first 6 months of torture!?! Haha. Yeah I guess all those things combined are like permanent birth control. I think it is awesome you are calm about it. I am going to be a mess and I''ll let you know right now if I get the same infection as last time there will be NO baby #3. I''ll tie my tubes myself if I have to before I go through that again.

Jas12, that sucks! What a PITA on vacation! I remember I had to call when I ordered T''s baby bedding. I guess they thought it was a large amount or an odd purchase...not sure. But then they cleared the charge when I verified who I was. No sleep...argg...I hear ya sister. Who knows maybe our next babies will be sleepers (fingers crossed). The book story is funny. Sounds like he was just tired (when he was crying). Cute picture! I can''t believe he is 9 months already. Sorry about his cold. That''s tough when they are sick.

Burk, how annoying! I don''t think I''ll ever NOT be nervous or forget about my experience.
I''ll just pray it will be easier the next time. All in all a healthy baby is what''s important. I''m tough. Sorry T is crabby. That must be tough. Summer will be here before you know it!

Puffy, I don''t see or feel the rush either. I''m youngish. Haha. I tell you seeing my friend''s 2 year old who is about to become a big brother...yikes! Big reality check!
Tgal, thanks girl! Glad I am not the only one. I hear ya on finally feeling normal again. Who knew it took so long. Can''t wait to hear how our little ame is doing! Scary about your brother as well. I guess I am lucky they only tried that one charge.
OK, Amelia's 9 month stats:

Height - 30 inches, over 95 percentile
Weight - 20 lbs, 75th percentile
Head - 44 cm, 50th percentile

Asked doc about the drooling, or lack of. No problems there. He didn't seem overly concerned on her not being oral but wanted to encourage her to self feed.

He was, however, concerned that she is not crawling yet. She has also stopped rolling over in any direction since she has started to sit (which was at 6 months). We are giving it another month/month and a half and if she is not moving in some way, she is going to have to head back to physical therapy. *sigh*

Everything else looks good. He kind of laughed when I looked worried because he said, "Don't worry about her...this is a kid who sleeps TWELVE HOURS! She's fine!" Ha. Apparently sleep is a big concern that first year.

ETA: he also said no more baby food (because she hates that sh*t). Only finger foods going forward. Thank god. I'm tired of eating baby food to tempt her.
burk- don''t worry about T''s teeth not in. they will come in at some point. It''s funny b/c my 6 year old lost her two front this summer and up until about 2 weeks ago neither new tooth had started coming in. I started to worry that maybe her adult teeth wouldn''t come in. But, one is about half way down and the other is just starting so she won''t be toothless for much longer. Jake''s top two teeth have broken through and we joke that''s it a race to see which one of them gets both teeth in first

tacori-good news that your CC found it. I''d be worried about that stuff if we had CC cards. We just have our debit cards which my hubby check''s daily so hopefully we don''t ever have a problem.

jas12- jake has bitten me too and when I say "ouch" and "no-no" he laughs. So NOT FUNNY!!. If he does it I say no and take him off. that usually upsets him and I hope to make the association of *if you bite, no more booby* seriously, if he kept it up, my nursing days would quickly be over. Can you believe we are only 3 months away from one year???

Happy 9 months to Amelia, J and Co!

t-gal- can''t wait to hear about Amelia''s appt. Jake goes for his in a couple of weeks. I''ll get the verdict on the ear infection and then too.
tgal- what finger foods did your dr. suggest? I bet she''ll be moving b/f the month is up.
jas12, how strange! Maybe he was just tired? What a cute picture!

puffy, I don't think you ever shared your L&D story. Why did you not have an epi until 8 cm?

Burk, oh yeah, the 1st trimester isn't any fun! 2nd was great and I enjoyed being pregnant, up until I started having PTL! The bed rest was no fun but worth it. I just hope I don't have any PTL issues next time around.

Tacori, I hear your on the pushing. It's HARD work! 4.5 hours of it...and I was so close to needing the vacuum and possibly a c-section. Hopefully both our L&D's next time around will be much shorter and easier! And no infection for you! That must have been very difficult.

TGal, sounds like A is doing well. I hope she starts rolling over again and moves. Is there something you can do to encourage her to?

Happy 9 months to Amelia, J, Jake, and Co! I can't believe they are almost 1!
sorry dbl post
Jas Sorry about your DH''s grandmother. Aren''t there just times in life when you think you are in a Seinfeld episode?

Lili Glad to hear J is feeling better!

Burk Sorry T is having a hard time. Could be crabby b/c of teething. She''ll get back into the swing of things. Hang in there!

Tacori Someday you will look back at Tessa''s little antics and think they are cute! (promise)

Janinegirly Chloe is just beautiful!

Snlee Yay for sleep


Puffy What a good boy! Glad B enjoyed his first BB game

Jas12 adorable pic!

Tgal I am sure you are not as "fat" as you think. I hear you about the labor

Mrss My son used to do the same thing - bite while nursing. OUCH! You''re all comfy and relaxed and then CHOMP!

Speaking of the little devil, I was just making a turkey breast for dinner. He wanted to watch me pour out the blood (such a boy!) and then he said "are those the contestants?" guess he meant intestines

If I missed anyone, sorry and
Tgal--Co isn''t ''crawling'' either. He does a pretenda crawl, but not the real deal. Like Amelia, he doesn''t want to move around much when seated or on the floor and he is not pulling up at all and not even trying. I was thinking of bringing it up with my Dr. so it''s interesting u mentioned it.
What a tall girl Amelia is!!! Lucky thing. and yay for no more baby food. If you are interested, these are some of the ''finger foods'' that go over well with Co
(some i''ve already mentioned) Kamut and rice puffs, cooked peas and lentils, tiny cooked rice pasta with mild sauce, cooked rice of any sort, chopped grapes, mango, cherries, apple, papaya,--any fresh fruit really, flaked white fish (some ppl withhold fish, but charlie catches his own so i had added it), freeze dried fruits, chopped dried prunes and apricots, chopped egg yolk (i make little omelets). I don''t know if some of these things are considered unacceptable for 9 mos--but i offer them nonetheless

Burk--i bet T can pick out tons of things. She is not behind! Co is a details man, but obviously won''t be much of an athlete

MrsS--*sigh* he just bit me again. I stop feeding him too. He only does it when he''s not overly hungry i think. If he''s smart enuf to point out scary dogs, he should start understanding a firm NO!! (i hope)
puffy~Sleeping in is nice! Glad you all had a good time! It is laughable that Miss T distracts the others. The gals at my daycare say she plays harder than any kid they''ve ever had. She doesn''t even want to take a break to eat! Never cries, never naps, only eats when they make her and just plays!

Tgal~Thanks. She makes that face a lot. Happy 9 month to A! Her stats are almost exactly what Tayva''s were at her 9 month! Long skinny girls we have. I''m sure she''ll start crawling soon.

Tacori~Healthy baby is all that''s important! And you must be tough to endure what you did! It''s so hard that she''s only crabby in the later evening. Right when we leave daycare she''s in the best mood and then she plays for a while in a great mood and then it''s like clockwork-5 pm she becomes a monster! I hope summer does get here fast because I may have a breakdown if this continues!

mrss~Good to know. Thanks! I bet Jake''s come through first!
Can''t wait to hear Jake''s stats after his appt.

snlee~After 14 weeks my pregnancy was great. I like being preggo for the most part. I can''t imagine bed rest, though. Hopefully you won''t have to relive that again the next time! Oh, and 4.5 of pushing is insane!!! I guess I didn''t remember that fact! You''re my hero!!

iluv~I thought maybe teething the first night but then the daycare providers told me she''s been her usual angelic self there so I''m guessing not. And she has the tired eyes, rubbing eyes, super tired signs.

All this talk of doc appts reminds me I need to make T''s 1 year appt. She turns 1 next Sunday!!! I cannot believe I will have a 1 year-old!
Date: 1/8/2009 3:46:59 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tgal- what finger foods did your dr. suggest? I bet she''ll be moving b/f the month is up.
I mentioned she loves puffs and bread and seems to have a sweet tooth and was worried she didn''t love veg (although I started with those). He laughed and said at this age, she will live on starches and fruit - especially there aren''t a ton of veg that are soft. He did say frozen peas and carrots cooked work great (or fresh carrots). Cantalope, watermelon, other soft fruit. Pasta, rice, etc. Stuff that Jas mentioned. Oh, and cheese and yogurt. He says strawberries are fine too, but he wouldn''t suggest them now because they are not in season and yucky.
Date: 1/8/2009 4:32:45 PM
Author: Jas12
Tgal--Co isn''t ''crawling'' either. He does a pretenda crawl, but not the real deal. Like Amelia, he doesn''t want to move around much when seated or on the floor and he is not pulling up at all and not even trying. I was thinking of bringing it up with my Dr. so it''s interesting u mentioned it.
What a tall girl Amelia is!!! Lucky thing. and yay for no more baby food. If you are interested, these are some of the ''finger foods'' that go over well with Co
(some i''ve already mentioned) Kamut and rice puffs, cooked peas and lentils, tiny cooked rice pasta with mild sauce, cooked rice of any sort, chopped grapes, mango, cherries, apple, papaya,--any fresh fruit really, flaked white fish (some ppl withhold fish, but charlie catches his own so i had added it), freeze dried fruits, chopped dried prunes and apricots, chopped egg yolk (i make little omelets). I don''t know if some of these things are considered unacceptable for 9 mos--but i offer them nonetheless

Burk--i bet T can pick out tons of things. She is not behind! Co is a details man, but obviously won''t be much of an athlete

MrsS--*sigh* he just bit me again. I stop feeding him too. He only does it when he''s not overly hungry i think. If he''s smart enuf to point out scary dogs, he should start understanding a firm NO!! (i hope)
Jas, I''ve been reading up on it a bit today. Apparently babies should be crawling between 6-10 months. So if it doesn''t happen soon, it may be an issue. But it''s not crawling per se...he wants her to be mobile. If she stands and shuffles (I believe it''s called cruising) while holding furniture, that is fine too.

How does Co "pretend crawl"? Just moving his legs?

Dude, Co is smart, you don''t have to worry. He knows what dogs and lights are, points and does a variety of tricks. Amelia can...sleep.
Thanks Burk! It''s really amazing what our bodies can do during L&D!

Jas12, sorry about the biting. Ouch! I have no first hand experience but wanted to say continue what MrsS suggested. My mom told me she had to do that with me. Say no and take baby off. Baby can hear it in your tone of voice and eventually make the association that if you bite, no more food! Good luck!
Hello mommies!

lili, sorry she''s on eating strike, I hope that passes soon! I love your avatar pic, btw.

Jas, enjoy your soup! I had good intentions, but I uh, opened a can....

Burk, you are all lovely! Tayva''s little dress is so pretty. She looks very chic in it. Amelia seems to have been teething forever, but no teeth yet. She has a dentist appt tomorrow, since I was sure she''d have teeth (ie be about 2 years old) before she made it to the top of a dentist''s waiting list. Truly, you''d have more chance of seeing Elvis than a dentist where I live. Sorry your MIL is quizzing you about T''s teeth. Does she perhaps think that will make them grow in faster??? I feel for you! My mother keeps asking me if Amelia''s feet have grown any bigger yet. They look really small, apparently. I hear this every time I visit. Major eye roll moment.

Janine, I''ve got to say, that''s one beautiful little girl you have there. She''s delightful.

TGal, I know what you mean about tasting baby food. It could be worse though- I made Amelia''s first meals up with a little expressed milk.I forgot to mention that to DH and caught him just in time one day before he took a spoonfull to give her the idea. BTW, he said that his two older daughters never crawled at all. They didn''t turn over either. They both skipped that stage and went straight to walking at about 15 months. They are both fine now! I think my Ame might not crawl either, she''s showing no signs at nearly 8 months. Funny, but now you mention it, she hasn''t turned over since she sat up either.

Tacori, sorry about your CC fraud. It''s odd, it''s strangely upsetting for something that isn''t especially personal. DH and I both had our cards used fraudulently over the holidays. Mine was £1600 and his £590. I can''t believe the CC company actually thought I''d spend £1600 in an American SPORTS equipment store!!! I mean, have they never seen my statements? When we ''discussed'' it though, they said that it wasn''t stopped because I "REGULARLY" spend large amounts in shops in the US so it looked ok. Um, no. I once bought martini studs from Whiteflash with that card and once bought from DBL with it, but both times, my CC company knocked back the payment. So basically, their security policy is that I can''t spend overseas, but whoever stole my card details can. Great. We got the money back eventually, but it was a PITA.

MrsS, sorry for your disturbed sleep. I feel for you.

Amelia didn''t sleep so well last couple of nights. She goes down at the same time, but wakes about 2am. Takes a good hour or so to settle her again and I don''t know why. This is a new thing. DH goes to her and it takes him forever to get her to go back to sleep. If I go, she just wants a feed and I feel that since I know she can sleep through all night, it''s just for comfort rather than because she''s really hungry. I don''t want her to feed to sleep but I feel terrible that she''s unsettled for so long at night and that DH is losing so much sleep. Has anyone else experienced this? She''s nearly 8 months.

Wow. Just realised what a long, rambling post I wrote. Sorry! I don''t get a lot of computer time at the moment, so I''m making the most of it. Just skip it if it''s tedious!

Snlee, 4.5 hours! You poor thing! I was so close to giving up after 3 I cannot imagine a minute more!

TGal, she is tall! T was only 28.5 at her one year. Haha! You are so lucky she hates baby food. My kid is the opposite and is picky with finger foods but will eat ANY baby food (except the meats). She also LOVES dairy like her mama. Hopefully she will start before next month. I rather have a sleeper than an early crawler. We should have traded babies. Haha.

MrS, I think I would be more nervous buying things online with a debit. Plus I like the points. I am glad that they caught it so quick. I am kinda realized I weened before biting was an issue. Sounds scary!

iluv, you are right I am sure I will bore her with stories. She is sweet but I am proud that she is strong and curious.

Burk, I do think it is normal for babies to get cranky late in the day. I notice it with T too. She can''t decide if she needs one nap or two so she is pretty tired once 6:00 hits. It is bittersweet when they turn one.

MrsM, it is an amx card so maybe they are more conservative. It was only a $101 charge but apparently something about it set off a red flag. They were very nice about it. THOUGH I was suppose to have my replacement today and I have yet to receive it. Still early though. Luckily it is not my only card. Hope the eating strike ends soon!
Haha, I have to say that J does have a pretty strong griip.
And I wouldn't be surprised if there is a tug-of-war on the cookie :)
It's pretty common these days with credit card fraud.
You should also look at your bank statement as well since there are fraudulent withdrawals.
My sister had that happened to her twice.

ETA: J has been crawling since 5.5 months, but she hasn't made much progress in terms of walking :P
She likes to stand on her tippytoe, so isn't too stable you know.
She did let go of the furniture and stood for a few seconds a few times.
Hasn't stand up w/o help though.

Hope Tayva gets back to her old routine soon.
Can she be at a age where she only needs 1 nap?
Wow, Tayva's bday is coming up soon huh?
About the teeth, there are a few kids in J's class who are over 1 and barely have their lower 2.

Chloe is a doll!
We need more pictures of her.
How is her physical therapy for the flathead going?

Yay for sleep!
I wish J is better with sleep like the rest of the kiddies here.
She goes down at around 8:30-9 ish.
If she sleeps soundly, she'll be up at 7 in the morning.
If she has a rough night (with frequent waking ups and difficulty falling back to sleep), she'll sleep til 9 (but very rarely though).
lili, wow I thought T crawled early at 6.5 months. I would have to look when she stood on her own (and got from the floor to standing w/o pulling herself up) but she started walking (not just two steps) at 10.5 months. She has always been motivated to get away from us. Haha! Hey she needs someone who will put up a fight. This little girl just handed it over.
Spoke too soon.
She got another cold

At least her cough is gone.
Haha, I am crazy to think about another one, but like I said before, time is NOT on my side.
Either try for #2 in the middle of this year or never.

Awwweee....what a lovable goof ball.
Love that picture -- so cute doing the raspberry with mommy.
I have to say, Co is a smart kid.
His cognitive skills is way way advanced.
Hehe, DH kept saying that J is all brawns and no brains :D

Ouch! J bit me a few times. Usually when she''s dosing off while nursing or when she''s overly hungry.
She did bit me once for fun and I let out a scream and told her NO, so she doesn''t do it unless she''s one of the above.
I hear you on the teeth being like razor. Be thankful that he''s got only one set.
J''s upper ones are in now, so we''ll see when it is that I tell you guys I''ve weaned her :P
Oh wow, Amelia is a tall girl.
Is Amelia sitting up on her own or do you need to sit her as in get her in the sitting position first?
I wouldn''t worry too much about her not crawling at this stage.
One of my niece didn''t crawl either.
Went from sitting to pulling up and walking.
My sister thought that she was going to be a late walker since she wasn''t crawling by 9 months.
But she was walking by 10.5 months I believe.

Forgot to say yay for Jake liking puffs.
Hehe, I love it when she chews cute.
J loves the cheerios, puffs, wheels, and the cheese puff looking one.

Haha "contestants".
Kids say the cutest things.
I still remember her Ava''s "fruitless" sentence -- too funny.
Sorry to hear that A is not sleeping well.
Could she be teething?

Haha, J will not hand over her treats.
You''ll have to pry it out of her iron grip.
Date: 1/8/2009 6:29:08 PM
Author: lili
Oh wow, Amelia is a tall girl.
Is Amelia sitting up on her own or do you need to sit her as in get her in the sitting position first?
I wouldn''t worry too much about her not crawling at this stage.
One of my niece didn''t crawl either.
Went from sitting to pulling up and walking.
My sister thought that she was going to be a late walker since she wasn''t crawling by 9 months.
But she was walking by 10.5 months I believe.

Forgot to say yay for Jake liking puffs.
Hehe, I love it when she chews cute.
J loves the cheerios, puffs, wheels, and the cheese puff looking one.

Haha ''contestants''.
Kids say the cutest things.
I still remember her Ava''s ''fruitless'' sentence -- too funny.
lili, Amelia is lazy. She can''t get to sitting position either. She can almost get there, but not from flat on her back. We''re working on that too.

Jas, can Co get into sitting position by himself?
Had J's 9 month stats:
The height is very questionable since we never get consistent numbers.
I took her in a few days ago for her cough and she measured 27.5 inches.

Today stats:
Height: 28.5 inches (can't possibly grew an inch in a few days)
Weight: 17 lbs
Head: ~41 cm (tiny head she got)

Dr was a bit concern her weight jumping the percentile curve, so she's having us put her on a more rice cereal diet than veggie.
Date: 1/8/2009 6:35:30 PM
Author: lili
Had J''s 9 month stats:
The height is very questionable since we never get consistent numbers.
I took her in a few days ago for her cough and she measured 27.5 inches.

Today stats:
Height: 28.5 inches (can''t possibly grew an inch in a few days)
Weight: 17 lbs
Head: ~41 cm (tiny head she got)

Dr was a bit concern her weight jumping the percentile curve, so she''s having us put her on a more rice cereal diet than veggie.
lili, do you mean she weighs too little? Because obviously at 20 lbs, Amelia has not jumped the curve on the heavy end...
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