
PS Mommies Thread!

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burk- beautiful do make a gorgeous family!
Burk--you all looked gorgeous at the wedding. Is that a faux-hawk your hubby is sporting? Peeked at your house pics--it is beautiful. I would be sad to leave that house, but the style you are going to build will be fab as well!
puffy~Thanks! That''s exactly what I asked them to do. I told them to lay her down at 2 whether she seemed tired or not. I explained how crappy our last couple nights have been and they felt horrible so hopefully she''ll go down for at least a little nap this afternoon so I can have some good mommy time tonight!


mrss~Thank you!

jas~Thanks! Funny you mention DH''s hair...first thing he said when he saw the pics is that it looks like he has a hawk! He was NOT happy! He styles it kind of towards the center but faux-hawk is not what he''s going for!
It will be sad to leave our current house, but as you know more size will be sooooo nice! Love the new avi of Co!
hi ladies,

i''m so sorry i''ve been an awful poster--I''m going a bit crazy with the new house, finding furniture, adjusting the burbs with baby,etc. I also return to work in a week, so have to live at my parents to start so my mother can watch the baby. So there is a lot of time away from DH, which I can handle since he needs to work on the house, but it makes things tougher since sometimes I feel like a single parent!

Anyway, I''ve browsed some of the posts, and will try to be more involved once I''m back at work.

I do have a question though (again, I know!)--what are some tell tale signs of teething? Chloe is only 3 mos, so it seems too early but she cries non stop at night and puts her fists in her mouth. She sucks on the pacifier like crazy too (right after she is fed, so it''s not hunger). In the morning she seems better. No fever and just a little drooling. Nights are tough though because it can be hard to not get frustrated when she screams for so long and is inconsolable!

Hope everyone else is doing well and had a great new year!
Wow, Janine, you have a lot going on! Good luck with the transition with the house and work! There really is not a way to tell for sure if she''s teething, but you can put your finger in her mouth and feel if her gums are swollen, or of course if you feel the tooth breaking through. Have you tried tylenol or motrin?
Hi all -- back from 36 hour whirlwind funereal event (DH''s grandmother)...I always feel so behind in this thread and now more so. I''ll keep trying to catch up.

Boy, I''m telling you, my in-laws in a funeral situation...either the stuff of comedy legend or the stuff of psychology tomes. Haven''t quite figured it out yet.

It was hard leaving the babies overnight, even though it was with my parents.

I''m convinced Jackson will never ever sleep through the night, or even close to it. After midnight, it''s hourly wakeups...he''ll take an ounce or a sip, and fuss and go back to sleep. Too early for CIO, but I know we''re headed that way.

Anyway, sorry to be Jas-focused. Have to run (natch) and BBL.
Your family is gorgeous. No womder Tayva is beauty.

I don''t know if it''s teething, but I remember M has fussy nights around 3 months too. Then she was back to her usual self. She proceeded to have a fussy weekend right before her first tooth broke out. Her first tooth broke out about a week after 4 months.

Good luck everything else.
janine i think the only real signs of teething are swollen gums and a tooth about to surface. but swollen gums can mean that the tooth is about to surface tomorrow or in 2 months. if she seems to be in pain, you might want to give tylenol or motrin a shot. but she can be just having a few off nights and she might get back to her usual routine in a few nights.

jas12 what a cute pic of CO in your AV!!
janine, NO MOTRIN!! She''s too young, only Tylenol for now. It could be teething but you''ll have to just stick your finger in and feel her gums.

Sorry for the quickie, I just was skimming and saw the Motrin suggestion. I''ll be back later!
Date: 1/7/2009 11:45:38 AM
Author: janinegirly

I do have a question though (again, I know!)--what are some tell tale signs of teething? Chloe is only 3 mos, so it seems too early but she cries non stop at night and puts her fists in her mouth. She sucks on the pacifier like crazy too (right after she is fed, so it's not hunger). In the morning she seems better. No fever and just a little drooling. Nights are tough though because it can be hard to not get frustrated when she screams for so long and is inconsolable!
janine, this sounds very similar to D. I hate trying to get him to sleep at night because he cries so much! I thought he was teething too. But no sign of a tooth so I think he's just being fussy! I read that if it's a tooth, baby is crying day and night. Since Chloe seems fine in the morning, it's probably not teething. It may just be fussiness. I know how you feel! You have a lot on your plate! Good luck with everything!
Whoops, probably should pay better attention. Motrin shouldn''t be used until 6 mos.

jas~Sorry about your Dh''s grandmother! Also sorry about your continued sleepless nights!


I''m off to pick T up. Hopefully the naps went better today so I can hang out with my sweet girl, as opposed to my tired cranky daughter!
Date: 1/7/2009 4:09:00 PM
Author: Burk
Whoops, probably should pay better attention. Motrin shouldn't be used until 6 mos.

It says that on the infant's tylenol box too. Best to go with what your ped. recommends. They usually dose by weight not age. I used to alternate motrin/tylenol when my kids were teething and my new ped. here says that's a big no/no and to use one or the other. So, I don't do it with jake. I usually will go with the one that seems to relieve his symptoms better.
janine YIKES!!! SORRY. i didn''t even think about the motrin until 6 months because i didn''t give it to be until after then.
Hi everyone! I''m trying to catch up, but then I just get frustrated because I can''t so I figure it''s like my soap that I tivo. I''ll just ignore the missed episodes and try to piece it all together.


We are all doing good. Delaney is so big & sassy now. She''s going through separation anxiety and screams if I leave. She gets over it fast, but she is very touchy and all about momma now. She had her 15mo appt (can you BELIEVE IT?) and she''s off the charts for height. Tall girl. I ahd the ped check her ears, since she''s been such a fussbudget, but she''s healthy. Just sorta pissed off a lot. LOL.

Burk: Wow, gorgeous family!!!

Tacori: How are you darlin? What is Tessa''s personality like these days? She going through any of the jazz Miss D is? Jake STILL has a horrible time sharing and he''s 4. Playgroup is at my house on Friday. This should be interesting. Grrrrreat.

Tgal: Whassap? Where you at chickie? I''m descending upon L.A. in March with my fam.....staying at my friend Jen''s house (close to Pasadena)

Hello to everyone else I missed & I''ll try to stay up better!
Ooooh do I sense a PS mommies/babies gtg? hehe.
You are going to be in my area. =P
Thanks! Simple B/W effect can make any picture professional looking

Like everyone has said, GORGEOUS family! Pretty Tayva didn't fall too far from the tree huh?
Would still like to see better pictures though since I can't see little Tayva's face in those.

Hehe, your house is like a toy store.
Can't believe how much toys Tessa has already and she just turned 1.
Too bad I don't live near you, else I'd drop by everyday so J can play with those toys too :D
And T is not a bully.
That's so endearing how she petted her little friend

Anyway, I'll look into the Volo.
It sounds like something that would work for us, although I don't know how much J will like being strapped down in it.

She's feeling a little better. Thanks for asking.
She still has a running nose and a cough, but the cough has subsided.
Yeah, they do grow up so fast. I can't believe that I have a 9month old now.
It seems like yesterday when I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me when we couldn't get pregnant.

Happy 9-mnth to Jake tomorrow.
Can't wait to see his MrBear picture.
Hehe, he figured he gave you enough rest for the first 7 months of his life.
So, do you find him with his head in a box or drawers and his butt in the air most time? :)
Sorry to hear about the rough nights. Sadly, I can relate

Hope it gets better once your kiddies are settled back in their routines.
Thanks for the recipes.
I''ll give them a try this weekend.
Don''t know if J will eat them though since she''s kinda on a solid strike.
Not eating as much as she was before she got sick.

Thanks. I hope so too.
Actually, it''s not too bad if I don''t go to sleep too late.
But being the night owl that I am, I can''t sleep until about 1 am.
Then she''s up at 7am most days.

Love the new AV of Co.
What a handsome boy.
Looks like his hair is starting to come in.

Sorry to hear about Chloe''s fussiness.
It could be that she''s going through some growth spurt or teething.
I remember J starting mouthing her hand pretty early at 3 months too,
but her bottom teeth didn''t break surface until she''s 5 months.
Burk, beautiful family!!! You look awesome (I hate you

puffy, yeah I guess it is just her age. Hopefully she will grow out of it. I don''t want a bratty kid!

Janine, I actually saw my dentist today (for a cleaning) and she said the ave. age for the first tooth is 4-6 months of age. Tessa was LATE. I think she was 8 months?
I''d have to look it up. But she had PLENTY of fussy spells not relating to teething.

Jas, sorry you are having a rough time with sleeping. I can related. T didn''t sleep through the night until 6 months. That was a LONG first 6 months.

Diver, girl I am SO much trouble! Miss Independent is STUBBORN! Plus she has developed a lovely temper. But she can be so sweet, funny, adorable as well so its not all bad. I figure there is nothing wrong with being a strong woman. I probably will worry less if she is. T will scream if we leave too. D''s PS sister is a shortie. Haha. It is odd that my doc doesn''t do a 15 month check-up? I bet D is adorable? Is her hair getting longer? You can check out T''s crazy bangs a few pages back. How sweet D is a mama''s girl. T is 100% about daddy.

Lili, you seriously have no idea! She has so much more I didn''t even mention. Spoiled girl. But she really does play with them. She is such a busy girl. J would be MORE than welcome to come over. Though she may steal J''s cookie. Haha. The Volo is great b/c it is SOOO light. Fairly cheap. Big sunshade. Being strapped down...haha...let me know if you find an answer! T HATES it! Is J crawling. I can''t keep up? Is she standing on her own?
thanks girls. Things are pretty tough right now (not just baby related) so it''s nice to have somewhere to come to to let it out once in awhile!

As for Chloe, I''m starting to think it''s not teething because like snlee said, it''s only at night. I just thought she must be in pain because it''s a very strong, inconsolable cry complete with stretched out legs and red face. Nothing works (holding, rocking, diaper table, food). I called the dr''s office and they told me to try mylicon to see if it''s gas. So far no big difference. I bought orajel and a teething ring to have on hand just in case though. I do have infant tylenol as well, but haven''t given it to her yet--I hate to give it to her unless I''m sure it''s teething or if she has a fever. I gave her the teething ring and it was quite cute b/c she had no clue what to do with it. She sucked on it like a bottle then dropped it.

On a totally different topic, is anyone else having a hard time finding Gerber undershirts in sizes bigger than 3 mo''s? Maybe it''s just the stores near me, but I haven''t seen anything in stock in the past few months! I like the side snaps, so have to just keep fitting her into 0-3 mo''s for now.

Thanks again everyone..
janine, T was a onesie girl. I only used the kimono shirts for the first month or so. I would look at Target or BRU.
PSA of the day: watch your CC statements! I got a fraud alter on mine. Apparently someone tried to charge $101 at a gas station in New York (I have never even BEEN to the state of New York). Luckily my CC thought this was odd and denied the charge. Still I am being sent a new card with a new number and am going to check my credit report. I was shocked b/c this was never happened to me before.
Hi Diver~ Glad to have you back! My T is going through a very similar phase as D! She''s never cried when I dropped her off at daycare, but she has cried every day this week. She gives me the biggest, tightest hugs! Breaks my heart. And, she''s been a bit of a crab at night. I think it''s due to lack of napping during the day. Yuck! We need some pics!

lili~Thanks! When I get better pics I promise to post them!

Tacori~Thanks! Tessa didn''t get her top teeth until late, right? I ask because Tayva got her bottom ones at 6 month and STILL hasn''t gotten her top teeth and I keep reminding myself that Tessa didn''t get her top teeth until after she was one so it''ll be okay.
That''s so scary about your CC!!! Glad your company caught it.

Janine~Sorry you''re having a tough time!! Hope your doc is able to help you figure something out. There is no way to absolutely tell if she''s teething so if you still think that may be it, I would give the tylenol a try. One dose won''t hurt her, I promise!
Have you tried BRU for the undershirts? I did onsies, too, and always got them at target.

This daycare napping thing is KILLING me! I feel like she''s punishing me for going back to work! I know she''s not and she LOVES daycare but she has been such a crab after 5pm (I pick her up at 3:30) and she cries every day when I drop her off.
I know that we just need to get back into routine after being home with me for over 2 weeks, but this has been rough on me. Alright, better go check on my kiddos! BBL
Burk, I think T''s top two were just BARELY in at her b-day party (like 1 mm). My dentist said her niece had NO teeth when she was one so not to be concerned. She said even in the rare chance they are missing their baby teeth there is NOTHING you can do anyways. She said it was very rare so not to worry! She has 8 teeth at 14 months but they aren''t all fully grown in.
Tacori~That''s reassuring. When people ask why she doesn''t have more teeth (um yea, people actually ask me this) I usually just blow it off and say she''ll get them when she gets them. But, can''t help but wonder!
Good to know that miss Tess has lots of teeth now! Speaking of, how is Miss Independent these days?
Tacori, oh no about the cc thing. I am so sorry, what a pain. I am kind of a freak about things like that...I check our bank statement and CC online almost everyday. Glad they denied the charge.
Burk, people are so rude! I think she is STILL behind for her age but honestly I know they will come when they are ready. So will your T''s!

Steph, it is a pain but could have been so much worse!
I''ve been checking BRU and Target for several months--maybe kimono style is not popular for older babies. I jut prefer it because it''s long sleeved for the winter and easy to get on....

So now that i''ve finally figured out how to post photos, here''s one of my little angel over Xmas. When she''s not fussy..hehe.

janine, I couldn''t find kimono style either so I just gave up. What an cute picture! Chloe is adorable!

I think D just had his best night of sleep! He went to sleep early (finally!) at 9:30pm and slept for 6 hours, nursed, then slept for another 4 hours without being fussy! He''s been going a good 8 hours between feedings at night. Yay! I hope it continues!
Janine, ADORABLE!!! I wouldn''t be surprised if they don''t make them for older babies.

Snlee, yay for D (and mommy!) That is wonderful he is sleeping so well so young! Lucky!

So is it odd that I am STILL gun shy about labor? I mean I know mine was certainly not the worst but it was pretty bad (recovery). Maybe THAT is what holding me back. I was hanging out with a friend who is due in Feb. I just kept thinking "I am SO glad that isn''t me." She is actually freaking out about having a second. Her first is very high energy and just over 2. He is NOT going to like sharing his parents.
burk awww, T just misses having her mommy! did they do 2 naps at daycare? Teeth just kinda come in when they''re ready. i know a 15 month old boy who only has his bottom 2 teeth.

snlee YAY for D sleeping earlier! and sleeping well for that matter!!!

tacori YIKES about the CC! but luckily your CC company caught it.

lili poor J. but glad to hear that she is doing better. and i can''t believe that you sleep so late and have to get up so early!! and you''re thinking about another one already??

janine awww, she is adorable!! what a precious little girl.

we were BAD parents last night! we brought B to a basketball game and didn''t put him to bed until almost 11. i know, i know!! but he was such a trooper. he didn''t cry once, just sat there with us and watched the game and tried to make friends with just about everyone. we watched the warriors take on the lakers. and with the money we spent on tickets, i didn''t want to go for just a little bit of the game. so i am so happy that B was so great about it.
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