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Thanks, Burk. I''ll look for ready made stuff to have on standby next time I go into town. It hasn''t quite made it to the shelves of the village store here yet! We live in a sleepy little place where locals gather to watch the train go past every week...
BTW, have I mentioned how CUTE your avatar pic is?? She''s adorable!

snlee, thank you! The LC was very supportive and I do feel better for knowing there is at least a little milk in there. Just need to work on building it up.

MrsS, She isn''t having one but seems like some people have them so I was just curious. I agree, I help moms whenever I can!

Burk, manners is so important to me also!

lili, I usually say "your welcome" when I hold a door open even if they don''t thank me
I have a mean streak. haha.

MrsM, it is so easy. I promise. They sell (at least in the US) little formula containers. You could have your DH pre-measure the amount and then you would only have to add water. I used it for travel (obviously carrying around a big can is not doable). They also sell pre-measured packets. I think they are 4 oz. You add 2 oz of water for every scoop of formula. I never heated it. Just gave it to her room temp (tap water). I figure she was not going to have many warm liquids until she was older anyways. Never seemed to bother her. Or you could give her the ready made like Burk mentioned. I would buy the 8oz bottles for traveling. They are SO easy!

snlee, hmmm...I wonder if I should call. I would only be concerned if she is suppose to get a vac.
mrsS YAY for no ear infection!!

mrsM that''s great news!! i hope you get your supply back up and it sounds like you will in no time.

lili how is J?

well, i guess i spoke too soon, B woke up this morning with another fever. but he seems fine other wise, so i''m not too worried about it.
MrsS--happy to hear that jake''s infection is gone--phew.
An aunt gave me, of all things, a pink scale for christmas (Merry Christmas??) ) i weighed Co with it, he''s a tad shy of 21 lb, and i measured him with a tape and he''s about 28.5 inches, so really similar to jake: perfect. lol

MrsM--glad to hear that you are building up you supply again (fingers crossed) --i can understand your frustration. I have less milk now since Co has been STTN. Let us know how it all works out.

Burk and Tacori--i can''t believe how rude some ppl can be! I couldn''t imagine ever giving either T a dirty look. How could you do anything but smile when you see those girls!!!???

Lili--hope your supply improves too. You are a tough cookie, pumping and getting up every couple of hours. That is commitment!! I''ve been thinking about what i''ll do in march (when my mat leave is up) in terms of BF. I think i will come home at lunch and that way Co will not miss any feedings then i''ll start to omit the noon feed and if i loose my supply i will wean. He''ll be over a year by then so i''ll be okay with that. Plus, i''ll be TTC in the summer as well so i want to finish nursing. Will you wean before TTC??

Snlee--i hope your supply doesn''t go down when u go back to work too. I think you moms that are pumping (or plan to) while at work are amazing. It''s great that there are a few of you to support each other and get advice from.

Tgal--how''s it going?

Puffy--darn, i hope the fever improves. Winter = sick babies and it is NOT fun

Co''s cold has turned into a cough. He''s happy enough, but sounds awful.We''ve been stuck indoors a lot and a deep freeze is on the way so i hope to get out of the house for some fresh air soon.
I hope he''s 100% before this weekend b/c i have to pack him up in the car. My GF''s are throwing me a 30th b-day party in Toronto. I am excited to get all dolled up--i normally try to ignore my b-day and don''t celebrate, but this year i am going to change that. My sister is making ''Flirty Thirty'' martinis and we are going to go out dancing. I have finally lost the last of my baby weight so i am ready to wear a little black dress
Jas, quick question - now that you have less milk, do you supplement with formula, or are you making enough to meet C''s needs?

Tacori, thanks for the info, I''m going to go into town today and look into formula (ironically, on my way home from the BFing support clinic). Amelia has always refused point blank to take a bottle, so it will have to be sippy cups. I take it that''s ok with formula? I''m still hoping to rescue my milk supply, but I guess it''s sensible to have a back up.

My darling baby slept for two hours last night. And not two consecutive hours, either. DH and I are like the living dead today. We cannot figure out what is wrong with her. Only thing I can think is that it''s related to not enough milk.

I hope you all had a better night!

MrsM-- Oh you poor thing, sounds like something is up. No, i have never supplemented. I''ve always just assumed that Co was getting enough b/c he can easily go 4 hours b/w feedings, STTN and is happy/thriving--but if i were to measure how much he was getting by pumping i think i would assume he was starving. I barely get anything when i pump so i don''t even try anymore. My boobs never really ''look'' full anymore, i am never engorged or leak--but the ''mystery milk'' is obviously there. Is there are chance you have more than you think.? Maybe before you were making excess (and that was the standard you were going by) and now your body has adjusted? Do you hear her swallowing when she feeds or just sucking? i assume you''ve tried some of the herbs, drinking and eating lots of green stuff--what about that drug that stimulates milk production?
I think you should email Jack Newman--he is a pedi who specializes in BF in canada (that is ALL he does) and runs a clinic for nursing moms in T.O. When i emailed while i was preggo he responded within 24 hours (he checks emails in the AM)! Tell him, fully but concisely, what the problem is and ask for a suggestion. I would also mention that you are thinking of switching to formula today--so he knows how severe the issue is at this point. I am sure he and his team have dealt with it before. His email is [email protected]
and his website is HERE might also find some info there.
Hope this helps!!!
Jas, you''re wonderful! Thank you so much for this, I''ll email him right now. Can''t tell you how much I appreciate your help.

I think I know why Amelia didn''t sleep last night though - WE HAVE A TOOTH!!!

Bottom right tooth is poking through her gum, and it came in within the last couple of hours. I''ve been checking regularly!

Looks like I might be in for a few rough nights with her, poor little thing, but at least I know what the problem is.

Puffy, I just read your last post properly, saw that your lttle one has a fever. Sorry to hear it, hope it isn''t too bad.

Tacori~I''m big into manners too. I even repeat "please" an "thank you" to Tayva.

Puffy~how'' B''s fever?

Mrsm~Good luck with Jas12''s recommendation. We have a doctor like that I saw here and she was awesome!

Jas12~When''s your birthday?
Jas, thank you again, I got an email back within the hour! It was very detailed and gives me a lot of hope that I can get past this and keep on BFing. I need to work on a few things over the next couple of days, including improving Amelia''s latch (fine but not perfect, and that''s only a problem when there''s less milk) but I''m hopeful. What a fantastic resource, can''t tell you how much better I feel.

Date: 1/13/2009 2:07:15 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
Jas, thank you again, I got an email back within the hour! It was very detailed and gives me a lot of hope that I can get past this and keep on BFing. I need to work on a few things over the next couple of days, including improving Amelia''s latch (fine but not perfect, and that''s only a problem when there''s less milk) but I''m hopeful. What a fantastic resource, can''t tell you how much better I feel.

Mrs Mitchell, if you don''t mind I would love to read your e-mail to him and his reply. I am very curious to hear about his tips etc in response to your issue, since it seems to be common for moms. If you don''t want to post it, just ignore me!
So I think my kid is an overachiever and is going through her terrible twos REALLY early! I swear she is so stubborn. We went out to eat and it was so stressful for me! She just kept STANDING in the highchair (wiggles out of the safety strap), throwing food, fun!
I really hope this is a phase (and not her personality) and that it will pass quickly.

puffy, hope B is feeling better.

Jas12, hope Co feels better soon. Have a great birthday!!!

MrsM, hope you can solve your vanishing milk problem!
Date: 1/13/2009 2:30:53 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
So I think my kid is an overachiever and is going through her terrible twos REALLY early! I swear she is so stubborn. We went out to eat and it was so stressful for me! She just kept STANDING in the highchair (wiggles out of the safety strap), throwing food, fun!
I really hope this is a phase (and not her personality) and that it will pass quickly.

puffy, hope B is feeling better.

Jas12, hope Co feels better soon. Have a great birthday!!!

MrsM, hope you can solve your vanishing milk problem!

Tacori: Don''t worry honey it is a phase. My daughter did that too, as well as my grandboys. They think it is funny. One of my grandsons actually threw a handful of food at a stranger, as he walked by his highchair. We were so embarrassed. He was Tessa''s age too. Just keep telling her "no, we don''t do that, etc".

As she gets older, you will be surprised at all the great things they do. HA!!!!!
Awwww, Tacori, I feel for you. I went through a very similar experience on Sunday! Tayva throws food and then looks at me, shakes her finger and says "no, no" like she knows she''s doing something wrong, but she thinks she can get away with it! And, yesterday they had to take her out of her highchair and end lunch because she was so naughty! The daycare ladies were in absolute shock! I''m hoping it''s a phase too. Is Tessa a picky eater? Tayva never used to be but she is barely eating anything and I wonder if that''s a bit of a phase too?
Thanks Linda & Burk. Honestly the fact that she won''t stay seated and hold my hand when out bothers me the most. I am so happy she is independent but it is stressful!

Burk, I have noticed T is eating less. She is never picky with anything but finger foods. Maybe it is the texture? I don''t know. But it is annoying!
Wow, 20-25 oz? That''s alot. That''s great that you have an abundance of milk.
Now, what''s the benefit of bathing M in your expired breastmilk?

Haha, I should be more vocal and do that as well next time

I swear, people are getting more and more self-involved these days. It''s all about me now.
Date: 1/13/2009 3:06:27 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks Linda & Burk. Honestly the fact that she won''t stay seated and hold my hand when out bothers me the most. I am so happy she is independent but it is stressful!

Burk, I have noticed T is eating less. She is never picky with anything but finger foods. Maybe it is the texture? I don''t know. But it is annoying!

Tacori: It is stressful. It is part of their growing independence. The grandboys, as well as my daughter, used to push my hand away or slap it away. I would tell them NO, you hold my hand. Sometimes they would plop down on the ground and not move. The boys pulled that a lot with my daughter and her husband.
Awww...sorry to hear that the fever is back.
Fever is a funny thing. Just when you thought it''s gone, it comes back again.
You need to make sure that he''s fever symptom free for 24 hrs before saying that he''s ok.
That''s the policy at J''s daycare. We were a bit irritated when they turned us away the day after she had her fever
because they said that she needs to be fever free for at least 24 hrs. It''s a good thing they sent us back too cuz
her fever came back when we got home

Anyway, J is doing better.
Cough is gone, but still a bit of a runny nose.
Her fifth tooth came in

At this rate, she''s going to have a full chomper pretty soon.

Glad you were able to get some advice from Jas12''s recommendation.
I''m hopeful too that you''ll get your milk supply back.
Hehe, too funny about you know when exactly A''s first tooth came in.
Her second one should come up soon.
Date: 1/13/2009 3:09:07 PM
Author: lili
Wow, 20-25 oz? That''s alot. That''s great that you have an abundance of milk.
Now, what''s the benefit of bathing M in your expired breastmilk?
I believe it can help treat diaper rash, infections, and dried skin.
Tacori~Thanks the exact issue we're having-texture of table foods. She'll eat any baby foods for the most part, but it's the table foods we're struggling with. She'll eat any sort of bread and chicken and that's about all I can count on consistently!! I have a texture thing so I guess she comes by it honestly!?!?!
so do you rinse with the breastmilk?
or do you bathe with the milk and then rinse off the milk with water?
Burk, she loves cheese, pasta pick-ups, bread and bananas. Those are pretty much the ONLY sure fire foods. Some days she will eat grapes, oranges, chicken...can''t think of what else. Some days she won''t. She ate a lot at my neighbors house the other night (tater tots, BBQ shreaded pork, peaches, grapes, banana AND some mac & cheese) but I think it is only b/c she sees the twins eating. Too bad they can''t eat together every night. I was shocked! She still gets baby food everyday (mostly veggies since she will eat at least a banana a day). My pedi said not to worry that there is no age limit on baby food. I think she is just lazy! But it is annoying. She ate a little of my cheese quesadilla last night and some puffs.
Tacori~Tayva''s totally hit and miss also. Some days she loves noodles and pasta, the next she looks at it on her hand and tries to shake it off like it''s "icky" I was planning to ask our pedi about it at her one-year appt on Friday but am relieved to hear yours says it''s ok to continue with baby foods. Tayva will rarely turn down puffs or the wheels or yogurt bites. Oh and she loves crackers! Weird girl HATES bananas. Don''t get it.
for ridding the last of your baby weight.
You''ll be a knockout in your little black dress.
Have fun at your 30th!

I still have 4 lbs to go.....but I think I should keep those 4 lbs since 91lb is a good weight for me.
4lbs is not alot, but all my prepreggo clothes are tight on me.....especially the top.

You mentioned that you don''t feel full or engorged, so is your body back to your pre-preggo state?
Tell me that the girls do go back in size....else I''ll be needing a whole new wardrobe.
BTW by what month did you feel your breast stop leaking?
I was still filling full and leak at times up til last week.
I was thinking that perhaps my body has adjusted to J''s demand, but J seems to be fussing when she nurses as if there isn''t any milk.
She''s probably a lazy nurser and doesn''t want to latch on correctly, especially since she started drinking her milk from a straw.

I plan to nurse until one when she can take whole milk.
Maybe one month after 1 yr since you mentioned that there are some beneficial components to your milk after a year?
Definitely not going to TTC and BFing.

Speaking of TTC, has Aunt Flo paid you a visit yet?
Mine has
Well, it was nice while it lasted......almost 80 wks of pad free (except for the 6 wks of postpartum)
So are you aiming for another april baby? :)
Burk, he actually said it was a benefit b/c that way I know exactly how much she is eating. As long as she is eating some table food (for practice) he was not worried. Plus it is easy! Target has a sale so I gotta stock up on veggies too. She started loving bananas when I would let her eat it whole. Now I break it into two and she picks up a half and takes bites. She would hardly eat them cut up (though would eat baby food banana stuff).

Lili, you are tiny! Do you diet, work out or just genetically blessed?
lili, i'm not jas12 but my *girls* went smaller post nursing each time when I weaned my girls. they are my pre-baby size (the size they were before I had any children) now and I'm still nursing and will go back to the small post baby size when I wean jake
I can't wait until Jake figures out a straw. Then I can get him to drink something other than by nursing. he will take sips of water out of a glass but it would be nice to be able to leave a cup of something at the nursery for him. My ped. said 4 oz of juice a day is okay at this point. I'm not a big juice person and my girls didn't drink it often but it would be nice to have the option until we can switch to whole milk.

I'm my pre-baby weight now too. I really do need to start working out again b/c although my weight is fine, my muscle tone is pretty non-existent.

burk- my middle daughter doesn't like banana's at all and she's 5. I just get her the other fruits she does eat.

I wouldn't worry too much about the picky eaters yet. The key is to just keep exposing them to different foods and letting them try bites. My girls don't like hotdogs but love salmon, which I still find very strange but I'm glad. Jake actually had his first taste of spaghetti the other day and loved it. So far, he likes anything that isn't remotely green. He just doesn't not like the green veggies and will still gag on them if I try and feed them to him.
mrsM B is better. thanks

jas12 birthday soon?!?! happy early 30th! and for definitely get out there and celebrate in your little black dress.

tacori Tessa is just being a normal kid. B is like that all the time. he can''t sit still for more than 3 minutes at a time. and each meal is a struggle even at home. the only thing different is that B will hold MY hand but no one else''s so that''s pretty weird. Tessa just wants to be up and about to explore the world.
i am really thankful that i have such a good eater who will basically eat or try anything. he''s been table foods for awhile and has no problems with anything. but sometimes i do feel bad that i give him the same thing over and over again. meals are a bit of struggle just because he knows what he wants. if he knows that his food is different than our food, he will not eat his. WEIRDO! but T seems to be eating some table foods so that''s good.

lili 5 teeth? she is going to have a full set in no time! glad to hear that she is doing better. and you are a tiny little thing! B''s doing much better. no fever as of yesterday afternoon and the cough has pretty much subsided but still a runny nose.

burk T is a funny little girl. i can''t help but to laugh but i am sure that it is pretty frustrating for you.
lili~Five teeth?!?!? Tayva only has 2!

Tacori~I can see that it might be beneficial to continue with baby food. We''ve been doing a pretty good mixture for a while now. Always try table foods first and if she doesn''t eat much, will do baby foods.

mrss~Tayva has never liked bananas. She eats any other fruit. Her most recent is kiwi. Funny Jake won''t eat anything green! Tayva still can''t do the straw sippy. I keep trying but she does great with the regular sippy cup. What can ya do.

puffy~Thing is, I mostly think she''s funny, too, but can''t show that to her!
Sounds like the T''s and B are all too busy for meal time!
MrsM--I am SO glad you got some advice. I hope it works. I was going to warn you that he notoriously has no bedside manner, but i guess it doesn''t matter via email, right? He gave me Word document copies of the rough drafts of his books/articles on various BF topics--so i wouldn''t have to buy them. There were typos etc. but, heck, who cares, it was good, free info.

Lili--91 lbs. geez girl, you are small! I think i weighed that in grade 8 ;) I am at my pre-preggo weight, but my tummy is not as nice as it used to be. I have some abdominal definition back, but i used to be ''cut'' and doubt i ever will be again, but i am totally fine with that. I am not an athlete any longer, i am a momlete-ha. As for boobs, i actually never leaked (sometimes drip on one side while co is nursing on the other) but i''ve never used a nursing pad. I used to be engorged in the morning, not any more. When i finish nursing however, i look a lot saggier. Like MrsS. i think my boobs look ''normal'' now, so i think they are going to be *hideous* (saggy socks ) by the summer. Smaller and NOT pretty. No AF for me yet--i am wondering, as you mentioned, if it will change my supply ?

Burk and Tacori--did your girls get pickier as they got older.? Co will eat pretty much anything right now (unless he is sick) but i am wondering if it''s going to be short lived. All the foods you guys say are ''sure things'' are what i remember kids eating at daycare so i think pickiness is totally normal.
Burk--my actual b-day is saturday. I can''t believe i am leaving my 20''s

Tacori--i can just imagine how exasperated you are with Tessa, but to the rest of us she sounds so darn cute
. She''ll outgrow it, no worries. And if not, feisty is good IMO

MrsS. i am still struggling with the cup and straw. Like you, i am really wishing there was some way to give him a full drink that didn''t involve my boobs. I just keep trying every day and Co thinks it is hilarious that liquid comes from somewhere other than a breast. I got him this neat sippy on the weekend (soft, nipple-like spout) and it was laying sideways on his highchair tray and i caught him bending sideways trying to get his head and mouth in line with the spout to get a drink. Kid obviously thinks the has to be laying down in line with the nipple to get anything
I have some work to do....
Jas12~Yes, pickier as she got older. As a matter of fact the only thing she would never eat is bananas. I can get her to eat them in baby food mixed with other fruits, but other than that she has always eaten whatever I gave her. It''s just touch and go. Never know what she''ll eat or what she''ll do with it! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great weekend celebrating! Tayva''s is Sunday. T''s favorite sippy are the nubby ones with the soft nipple-like top.
Here's a better pic of my little flower girl that the photographer took. The photographer doesn't have all the pics up yet, so I may be back with more!

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