
PS Mommies Thread!

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So Tessa fell again tonight and the side of her lip was bleeding. Is this normal? I mean I seriously don''t know if I can stomach her bleeding everyday
I am seriously tired from Zumba but am glad I went. Tessa is 15 months today
and these last few lbs aren''t coming off on their own. I have gotten serious and have gone to the gym the last 3 straight days (which is *unheard* of for me). Tessa had a play date over this morning and the mom called me in a panic a few hours later to say her daughter woke up with a fever. Sweet of her to warn me and I told her not to feel bad (how was she to know). I am hoping it is just teething and that T will not get sick.

Pave, sorry you are having problems. I had different BFing issues (bad latch, chronic clogs) but I know how difficult it is. Some people are lucky...some are not. Your LC sounds really cool about it. Being relaxed IS so important. You have got to be stubborn to do it. Is it worth it to you? Don''t feel bad if it isn''t. What ever choice you make will be the RIGHT one for you! Good luck. Also crank that noise up! We had it SO loud with T. But it really calmed her. BTW having alone time makes you a better mom! Seriously. Enjoy it and try to get some time for yourself. Zumba was fun but I was SO bad, confused, sweaty, tired...I am a lazy person by nature so an hour of cardio was rough.

Ella, great to see you! Glad things are going well!

Burk, when T had the stomach flu I switched to formula too. Dairy is never a good idea with stomach bugs. Try the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, apple(sauce) and toast. Zumba was fun even though I was hopeless. It is a REALLY good workout though! Tessa JUST started wearing size 5 shoes (like a few days ago). I feel like she has small feet too.

puffy, everyone tells me it is better to start early (even if they freak) so maybe you shouldn''t abandon the idea yet. I ended up not taking her tonight b/c she was napping and DH came home early enough. She still has a few months before she can switch rooms. I guess my friend lied about her son''s age (but he is a big kid) I was like why didn''t I think of that? Oh well. She will be fine. My macbook has crashed THREE times! Arg! So annoying. I have never been on a cruise but I bet B would love it!

TGal, so sweet that you are wearing the same dress!

Q, T was slow to get solids. I gave up and just put RC in her nighttime bottles. I really didn''t start seriously spoon feeding her until 6 months. My pedi is really adamant about not starting before that. We did veggies (stage 1) first and then fruits. Since M seems to like it just try all of the different grains.

Jas12, glad swimming was a hit! That pool sounds neat for the little ones.

Diva, I am more worried about ME than HER! Haha! I will have to call apple and see what they say.
Thanks for your input moms! I called my midwife and she said that it is all good and a sign my body is getting ready, though whether it is getting ready for tomorrow or 3 weeks from now is anyones guess! I think the contractions today moved the baby down further into my pelvis because the evil crotch pain is horrid tonight! Oh well, it shouldn''t be much longer!

Thanks again, and I will probably see you back here soon!
Date: 2/3/2009 2:28:49 PM
Author: TravelingGal
As usual, more later, but thought I''d pop in to post the 10 month pics. Actually 10 month, 1 day as I forgot to take pics on the actual 10 month day.

This month is a bit special in that the first pics of me in America were taken at around 10 month range. My mom saved the dress, and while it''s a bit tattered, it fit Amelia perfectly. I''m going to choose one of Amelia and frame both pics and give them to my mom. So here''s one that I picked because it''s closer in expression to the one taken of me 35 years ago.
I like this first side-by-side shot... I know it isn''t a perfect match like the other, but I think Amelia looks just soooo cute in this one that it is too hard to resist!
tacori i have thought about leaving him with the child care people at the gym, but i just know that i would go do something and 10 minutes later, they would have to come get me, so i never went and followed through. but i guess that is a good point. i might try next time to leave him. not anytime soon...the boy will not let me put him down. and i am positive it''s from his molars again. so frustrating. and B had a pretty bad fall the other day and his upper lip was split in half and he had blood dripping down to his shirt. NOT PRETTY!!! but he seems to be fine after he got over the initial shock of it. poor T!!

burk wanted to say that B is in size 5 or 5.5 shoes right now. his feet are tiny i guess? oh...and he is finally wearing normal tennis shoes when he walks. those stride rite''s helped a ton to get him used to normal shoes.

snlee thanks for the link. i really want to go so i am using B as an excuse to go. but i am just wondering if he will be too young to really get into it. but if this works out, i already got DH to agree that we''ll go on a disney cruise every year. when are you guys thinking about going on your family cruise? where? hope you and your DH had a great date night!!!
Jas12 - Hello! Great to hear that you and Co had fun at the pool! After we get back from our baby swim class, we are completely tuckered out too.

TGal - I''m with the majority here- the second picture is perfect. What a doll.

Puffy - I had to smile at the image in my mind''s eye of how nicely B must prune everything within his arm-span
. How sweet that he still cuddles the plane in bed - that boy wants to fly! Poor B with his lip – yikes!

ILuv - I''m sorry to hear about the CT results. When will you get the results on the other tests? I''ll be sending lots of good wishes your way.

Tacori – I wonder if T would like to learn any of the Zumba moves?
Poor T with her lip... L is cruising around the house in a very dedicated but wobbly fashion, and after reading both your and Puffy’s descriptions of lip cuts, I fear that our life too will soon be like the title of the movie: There Will Be Blood.

DivaD- Hello! The pro pics of James are wonderful, especially the ones where he’s wearing his dad’s vintage outfit. Great to hear he had fun socializing at the party - and even better that he slept through the night!

Burk – we’re presently using shoes that are size “S” - I think they’d be equal to size 4.5? T obviously has sweet little Cinderella -esque feet.

DD – see you soon!

Lili – I’ve been lurking for a small eternity! But I will try to post when L gives me a chance. ..

QT - We went through rice and then oatmeal first, but I don''t think that it''s absolutely necessary to go through all the grains first. For example, we haven''t fed L wheat products yet but he''s had a variety of fruits and vegetables. In terms of adding solid feedings we, like Burk, assessed how well he was eating at night before adding another feeding during the day. So to be even more specific about the particular foods - first we fed rice, then oatmeal, then carrots, then peas, then sweet potato -- and after that I forget the order.
Hope that helps!
DD--yep, those BH are all good practice--even if you don''t go into labor right away!! Yay.
I never did get them, but i did get plenty of false labor around 40 weeks (contractions that could be timed and had discomfort linked to it)

Puffy--i''ve been on several cruises and Carnival is ''well rounded'' and great for kids but Disney (from what i have read) is *really* geared to family, tubs in the cabins, baby rooms etc--which makes sense. As long as you don''t mind being on a ship with tons of kids. The celebrity cruise we went one was *not* geared to babies--in fact, they recently upped the min. age. Co was one of only 2 babies on the ship. The upside is that he got tons of attention from everyone--we couldn''t go 5 feet without someone wanting to ''goo goo gaa ggaa'' at him and ppl were really nice, letting us on elevators first etc (which i doubt would happen if there were dozens of strollers and screaming kids around). The downside is that i felt nervous that Co would disrupt the ambience at formal dinners etc. --he never did, but i was always eating fast just in case i needed to make an escape. Plus, no baby sitting service, so we didn''t get a break--ever.
I was actually looking at a disney cruise for december (i plan to be preggo then too)--hmmm, maybe we''ll be on the same ship! Let me know what you plan.

Ella--glad you are still reading and doing well in your busy busy world. My friend with twin boys (they are 2) just had her 3rd boy yesterday (and her tubes tied at the same time) i am going over to help this weekend! Last time i was over the twins were wild--i have such a respect for you twin mommies, but also a bit of envy--so precious, watching them play together is so cool!
Pave - Hi! Glad to hear that you were able to get some time for yourself, that giving up dairy is working and that Tyler enjoyed Ikea.
Our little L is healthy , heavy - and long! At 8 months he was at 30 inches, and developmentally he''s at or exceeding his birth age so we''re very, very thankful.

Re. breastfeeding: for me, with L, at some point it was like a switch flipped and he turned the corner and just got the hang of it (and now he is essentially a total breastmilkaholic), but getting there was a slow and at times, stressful process. At first, we were told to attempt breastfeeding only at every other feeding. The rationale was that as breastfeeding is physically more demanding than bottle feeding on the baby it''s important to let the baby have a break and then later have a fresh go at it. In any case frequent bottle feeding didn''t seem to affect L''s ability to breastfeed, when he was ready to do it ; in our situation, L ended up later rejecting the bottle (much to my husband’s dismay) . I will echo Tacori here- when BF isn’t going smoothly, then you’ve got to be stubborn to do it. But for us – now that we’ve settled into a rhythm, breastfeeding is an easy and happy process. I hope it can be that way for you, too. And I will state the obvious - via breast or bottle, through pumping or formula (or some combo of any or all of these things) Tyler will get what he needs – food! So it’s all good, and you should definitely take time to enjoy being with Tyler at home .

Great to hear that Tyler is sleeping and that he''s gaining weight like a champ! We used to say that L was one hard working baby. I think that is certainly true of Tyler as well.

Re. L''s tummy issue -- at first the diagnosis was that it was likely a food allergy, so I spent some amount of time deleting items from my diet, to no avail. Then diagnosis was that it was related to a viral infection that was apparently prevalent in our city. Still no change. Then we were told that it might be a food allergy again, and more items were deleted from the diet. Then the symptoms that seemed to be indicative of pain (e.g.., crying out suddenly during feeding) simply vanished at around 4 months. The explosive, mucus filled diarrhea remained, but as he was gaining so much weight so quickly and he was otherwise happy as a clam, intervention was unnecessary. Ultimately, the conclusion was that his digestive system just needed time to mature.

As for anxiety/depression – in short I think your pedi is absolutely right and your feelings are entirely normal (so long as they aren''t oppressive or overwhelming). I was admitted to the hospital three weeks prior to L’s birth and then L was in the hospital for three additional weeks afterwards. During that period of time I felt I had to be strong, calm, focused and reasonable – both for L and for my family (and more specifically for my mom, whom I love so dearly, but who is not known for being the picture of serenity in the face of adversity). My game face only really budged when we finally went home. Then, I felt very, very tired and “blue” – feelings which are generally atypical for me.

Re.”blueness” : what helped immensely was talking it out and taking time out for myself. My husband and I would have vent sessions where we''d allow ourselves to openly wallow, to feel bad, to even grieve - but then we would always end it on a positive note, articulating many of the things that we are so thankful for. In that way, the experience could be both cathartic and hopeful. I also took time out for myself; I play the piano, and I would play Bach''s first four inventions in succession repetitively until it became a meditative practice. Through playing I was filled with Bach and his orderly musical universe and it was as if the music carved out a calm space inside of me.

In terms of medical anxiety: before going home with L, we were told quite specifically (and frequently) that one of the hardest things that we would have to do would be to de-hospitalize our relationship with L – that we would have to trust that he could still be a perfectly “normal” child - which meant, he could be fully L!, whatever that will be - and not just a sick baby who had to be plugged to monitors. We''re still working on it because it''s a tricky balance - on the one hand you want to be aware of potential problems and promptly get help if necessary - but on the other hand I absolutely don''t want L to absorb some amorphous feeling that he''s not "good" enough as he is, that he *needs* to be under constant surveillance in case something "wrong/bad" in him pops up. But I promise, it does get easier! - the more the baby grows and expresses himself and shows to you just how absolutely capable he is in his own way.

In terms of T - do you think he looks more like you or your husband? In any case, I bet he is a quite the cutie.
puffy~Glad B is able to wear his stylish tennis shoes! Tayva isn''t even close to moving up to size 5''s. Little size fours on a tall body. Looks so funny. We haven''t done a cruise with T. We are planning a trip in January to Hawaii. Sounds like we''re all planning trips....I''m hoping to be done being preggo when we go, but who knows what will happen!

Diva~Glad James hasn''t been sick! Sick babies are no fun.

Tacori~Poor Tessa with another bloody lip!
Unfortunately I think we''re all in for a bunch of boo-boo''s and blood. Especially with kids that are high energy. Tayva sometimes tries to go faster than her little body will let her and it never ends well! Glad Zumba was a great workout. I look forward to trying it. Step is an hour workout and it''s dance moves so I am hoping that will help me ease into Zumba. I''ve been trying to keep T''s diet pretty bland....good idea on the BRAT. We''re food journaling this week to take with to her appt next week and maybe we''ll try whole milk again then. I''m glad my T isn''t the only one with little feet!
It''s nice because she''s actually gotten a lot of good use out of her size 4''s but I have a lot of cute 5''s I want her to wear, too!

Linden~Your little guy is tall! Miss is tall and skinny too....with tiny feet. I like the Cinderells-esque idea. I''ll think of it that way from now on!

Jas12~Glad you and Co had a good time at the pool. We have a pool like that at my gym. I need to bring T sometime because she LOVES water. She sticks her face in the bath and blows bubbles and has a great time. Are you feeling any better?

We had to cancel our date night!
DH''s mom was supposed to babysit and she got the flu. Don''t need T to catch another bug so we''ll stay home. Oh well. Hopefully we can go next week some time.
hi I just got back from the mall and target. Gymboree is having a baby sale and select items are $10 and $20. I'm not a huge fan of their boy clothes usually but they have new baseball line that is pretty cute and I had to get Jake the blanket. it's navy with baseballs on one side and stripes on the other. of course they had the matching beenie and i had to get a couple of shirts and onsie's too. then I hit baby gap and got him several shirts for only $3.97 a piece. he's now in the 12-18 month size and all his shirts are too small. I got some things at target for my girls valentine's baskets that hubby and I do from them too. I just totally love target!!

tacori- did you call on your computer? oh and the boo-boos are just part of everyday life from now own. a day hardly goes buy that I'm not putting a band-aid on one of my kids. thankfully no serious accidents or falls!!

burk- sorry your date night got canceled.
Oooh....Mrss, I love a good deal! I think I''ll have to stop by the mall after we get our taxes done this afternoon!
Date: 2/4/2009 12:47:46 PM
Author: Burk
Oooh....Mrss, I love a good deal! I think I''ll have to stop by the mall after we get our taxes done this afternoon!

wait until you see the cute valentine''s things for the girls. One of the spring line''s is already 40% off too.

Gymboree makes the best blankets. I just love how big they are and how well they hold up. my girls still play with and use the one''s I had for them when they were babies and they have been washed hundreds of times.
burk sorry to hear about date night! how exciting for a family trip in january! B loved the beach when we went to hawaii, and i am sure that T will love it as well. that''s right, are you guys "not preventing" getting preggo this month? you must be so excited!

linden it is pretty cute that he cuddles the plane. it actually goes everywhere with us. when we have lunch, it sits in his high chair, when we go out, he brings it with him, and when i go get him in the morning, he is playing with it already. funny kid. how is your little guy? and yes, there will definitely be blood sooner or later, and it will most likely bother you more than him.

jas12 thanks!!!! i would like to take him on disney just because of their activities they have for all the kids of all ages. and when we went to disneyland, he really took to the characters, and they have character breakfasts and stuff on the cruise. i''m hoping that by then, hell be 2, he will be able to enjoy everything. honestly, i really don''t care where we go, i just want to be on a disney cruise myself. haha.

mrsS sounds like you got yourself some deals!!!

time to take B for his play date...
MrsS, it crashed again today so I am feeling I got a lemon. I have no called (bad I know). I should have during one of her naps but laundry seemed more important. Thanks for the heads up on the Gymbo sale. Not that she NEEDS any clothes. Maybe I will tell my mom since DH wants Feb. to be a "let''s not spend money" month.

puffy, he might surprise you. My friend''s little boy is so attached to her. When she ran to her car during a play date he SCREAMED the entire time. The workers there must like him b/c she said they never come to get her. I know they do try stuff so it isn''t like they will just let him cry for 15 mins. Those molars! T only has 8 teeth so I think we are a long way from those. Poor B! I am sure it is really painful. Sorry about the bloody shirt. Shout got the blood out of her''s. I swear that stuff is magic.

Linden, I don''t think *I* can even learn the moves. Haha. It was tough! I remember the cruising phase. T is actually a really good walker since she was been walking for over 5 months but she still falls if she is tired, trips on things (I swear babies NEVER look down at where they are going), or is just going crazy fast. You are right there is going to be SO much blood. Part of life. I was much less freaked the second time. The first I was really upset.

Burk, honestly I am scared for tomorrow. I am always really sore 2 days after. My neighbor (who is in much better shape than me) says her whole body hurts. Made me feel better that I wasn''t a weakling. My dad is a big believer in the BRAT diet for stomach bugs. For adults you can add tea as well. She wore her 6-12 month pedipeds FOREVER. T is short, I have small feet, so I am not surprised. I feel like her hands are really small too. My friends 18 month old who is VERY tall and thin (her dad is a 6''7" ex NFLer) *just* started wearing 5s so I think Tayva''s feet sound normal. Sorry about date night. If it makes you feel better I don''t remember the last time DH and I went out to dinner alone. Seriously.
Linden Welcome to the forum and the Mommy Thread!

Thank you everyone for your well wishes.
Wow, bikini already? Good job mama.
Sounds like you and Co had a blast at the YMCA!
Any pictures you have to share?

Hehe, too funny about a lili-boy.
I was thinking what a lil jassy would look like

Glad you check in!
LOL...then I can only say that it is only fair if Jadie can see what her little man looks like now

It seems like ages since we saw an updated picture of Gabe and lil MsK!
I know what you mean about falling behind.
I read and post everyday and I still behind myself -- missing posts and omitting questions.
This thread does jump pretty fast (especially when there are pictures of the kiddies involved).
Anyway, just drop us an update when you have time. No need to get to everyone.
So what''s up with you aside from keeping up with 2 toddlers!
What did you end up doing regarding the work issue?
Are you doing something from home or working part-time?
how exciting about the cruise.
i haven''t been on disney myself, but i''ve heard that they are really kid friendly.
DH is thinking about taking Jadie on one.
we''ll probably wait until she''s a little older so she can enjoy some of the things.

bummer about the new macbook.
can you get a replacement?

Glad to hear that upping the dosage of zantac is working.
Hope eliminating dairy does the trick too, although I have to admit that I''d be so sad if i have to give up dairy - no milk, yogurt, ice cream, and other desserts

*tapping fingers* Ahem....still waiting to see your sweet little Tyler
The pool sounds fun. Glad Co enjoyed it. I plan to take Meena''s swimming lesson in the summer.

I didn''t have any BH either. But just want to wish you good luck. Hope you have a quick and easy labor.

burk, puffy, Diva, Tacori and Linden
Thanks for sharing your experiences with solids. It''s very helpful. I had no idea where to go after rice cereal. I think I''ll try some unsweetened apple sauce next this weekend. M got rice cereal twice yesterday around 10am from MIL and then around 7:30pm from me. MIL said that I am giving her rice cereal too late at night and too close to bedtime, and that I should feed her rice cereal tonight. Is she right? 7:30pm is an hour and a half before her bedtime.

Annual Disney cruise and trip. How lucky is B.
Did he has fun on his play date?

Yay for working out. I need to get some exercises in too. I am so out of shape.
Sorry about your Macbook.

Welcome to the mommies thread. So glad you de-lurked to share your experiences.

Sorry about your date night getting canceled. You know, as much as I enjoyed the couple date nights we had, I miss M tremendously when we are out. Hope you get your date night soon.

Yay for good deals!

Hope everything is ok.

Here''s the mandatory feeding shot.

this is a funny one.

The 10month pics of Amelia is just adorable.
I agree with DD in that the first juxtaposed pic you have, Amelia looks oh so sweet.
But if you want one that is like yours, then the second would my choice.
Anyway, A is so big. That teddy is puny next to her!
So is she crawling more now? Still waiting for that tushie shot?

We started rice cereal for J at 4 months, then introduced veggies after 6 months.
We only gave her like 1 tbspn of rice cereal (w/ 3 tbsp of milk) in the afternoon.
We didn''t really want to start her on solid that early, but because she''s not taking to the bottle and she was starting daycare soon,
I had to find ways to get food in her just to tie her over instead of going 8 hrs w/o food.
We went pretty slow with the solid, just did one meal (usually in the afternoon) a day.
She only started getting solid at every meal at 9 months (and even then she was taking only half a tub each time).
Oh, and we didn''t try all the single grain cereal (just did rice and then oatmeal).
Awwee, looks like Meena enjoys her first solid.
That is so cute with the tongue licking
DD-- are so close....any day now.

You go girl with the working out.
Even if it doesn''t get rid of those pesky pounds, at least you''ll be more fit to keep up w/ T now

She''s too funny. I just wished that we could post video clips here. The march is too cute!
puffy~I think T will really like the beach and water....and mommy will love basking in the sun!
We are "not preventing" now so we'll see what happens. I keep track of ovulation on babycenter and according to it I was O'ing when we all had the flu so probably not going to be this month!

Tacori~Sorry about your computer. I would call for sure. I get sore 2 days after, too! The best thing for that is to keep going so it'll be good for you to go back. I remember the first times I went to step I felt like an absolute idiot because I didn't know what I was doing and then I got super sore because I hadn't used those particular muscles like that even though I was running and lifting regularly. I'm sure I'll feel like that again when I go to Zumba. Good to know that other tall kids have smaller feet, too. As for date night, I'm pretty sure the last time we went to dinner alone was my birthday (March 3rd).

QT~I've always fed T about 1.5 hours before bed. We've never had a problem. I always miss T when I'm not with her, but getting away and having time with just DH sounded so good since it's been so long. Oh well. Instead we ate takeout and I'm on PS and he's working!
Cute pics of M in her stylish highchair!

Off to do some laundry...WAY more fun than date night! Ha ha!
Date: 2/4/2009 8:25:19 PM
Author: Burk
puffy~I think T will really like the beach and water....and mommy will love basking in the sun!
We are ''not preventing'' now so we''ll see what happens. I keep track of ovulation on babycenter and according to it I was O''ing when we all had the flu so probably not going to be this month!

Hehe, now that we know you are officially ''not preventing'', we''ll be like "you are pregnant!" if you should preface a post with an annoucement of sorts

Bummer about date night, but cuddling at home is just as good
Q, oh the boon looks so cute in white and orange! M looks like a hip and happy baby in there. So cute! I think the timing is fine. It''s one of those things that''s hard to screw up IMHO.

lili, I BETTER lose those lbs! Haha. I am not someone who ENJOYS working out and I can''t handle dieting right now. I need some enjoyment out of life! Haha. DH was sweet and said he is proud of me. I refuse to have another fat summer. Last summer I *kinda* had an excuse. This summer...NO WAY! The march is way cute. She is a goof.

Burk, I am scared for tomorrow since I have committed to go to this other class with my neighbor. DH is even coming home early so I can go. I bet you would do well with Zumba b/c I KNOW you are in shape! Hope you get to go on that date soon!

I had a mini breakdown tonight. It''s difficult b/c DH is working a TON right now. So for the last three days he probably has spent 30 mins. with her *total*. I seriously don''t know how you ladies with traveling DHs do it. Maybe it is easier knowing he CAN''T come home. He told me all day he would be home to give her a bath and put her to bed. She has been really fussy the last few days (teething maybe?) and he kept calling delaying the ETA. Finally he could tell something was wrong with me. I honestly couldn''t stand her and it made me feel like a HORRIBLE mom. DH came to the rescue and was so sweet. He just hugged me and told me I was an awesome mom, my frustration is normal and he knows that my job (as a SAHM) is SO much harder than his job. That made me feel really great b/c he doesn''t say stuff like that often so it is nice to hear. I am really looking forward to the ILs move (believe it or not) just so I can get a break. I think the last 15 months have finally taken its toll. I mean we don''t even have a babysitter! As annoyed I am sure I will be I know it will be good for my marriage and make me a better mom. Hopefully!
aw tacori- you are a great mom...seriously. we all get tired of our kids from time to time especially if you are with them 24/7 like we are. Believe me, my hubby and I have only been out alone 2x since we moved 6 months ago and one was only for about 30 minutes. It''s one of the biggest reasons I miss home b/c I had such a great support system that I had a few hours a week where someone was watching my kids so I could get a mommy break. I actually think it''s good to be away from them from time to time and really miss them. then I appreciate more the time I have when I am with them, if that makes sense.
I went through the same thing. You are an awesome Mom. My husband traveled a lot. He didn''t get a lot of time with my first. I didn''t have family to help. Plus I was the first of my friends to have a baby. I did end up with a wonderful college student who would come and sit for her. We stil keep in touch, she has her own kids now.

Just wanted to say, we all have those days and then some. It''s normal, it''s fine, it''s OK.
Take some time for you. You know that saying if Momma ain''t happy, no one is happy... HUGS!!! xo.
Thanks Lisa and MrsS. I just got off the phone to my mom. She said I need to do something for myself like take a class once a week. My mom wasn''t allowed to put my younger brother in daycare for his first 2 years (b/c he was so premature the pedi didn''t want him exposed to all those germs). She said she had someone come by one afternoon a week while she took a quilting class. Funny how I don''t remember that! I know this is normal but it still makes me feel guilty. She is a tough kid but amazing. But when she was throwing everything out of my kitchen drawers, opening the baby gate, crying and whining, I just wanted to run away. I guess 72 hours just broke me down! I am sure (hopefully) I will feel refreshed tomorrow!
lili~I''m sure you guys will be some of the first to know! I have HUGE fear of miscarriage so we won''t tell even family until after 12 weeks because DH''s mom is a loud mouth!

Tacori~I agree with Lisa and Mrss... totally normal and I think if any of us said we''d never felt something similar we''d be lying!!
I''ve had a couple days where I miss her like crazy while at work and then get home and she''s so darn crabby that I feel like I''d like to take her back to daycare! At least you''ll be able to get out of the house tomorrow night, even if it is to workout. Maybe you could have your DH come a little early and you could go do something by yourself before the class? I find that even a child free trip to Target can be refreshing some times!
Yes a child free trip to Target, a child free lunch with a friend can do wonders. Once I had my son, he had big time medical problems severe asthma. The medicine he was on made him crazy. I did call my husband in tears, saying you have to come home, I am one step away from losing it. I had Ash with JRA in braces and Rob a baby who couldn't breath. It was so rough.
Plus it was scary.

They are doing great today soon to be 21 and 19. ( knock on wood) and they really don't remember that hard times they had to go through. I thank god for that. I guess I must have done something right.

So give yourself a break, do something for yourself. You'll be better for it.
really quick....

tacori girl, i have so many days like that, but not to that extent. well, ok esp with the last few days with the molars coming in. and i totally felt like a BAD mom cause i felt like i wanted a break so bad. but you know what? you are an awesome are with her 24/7 and she is becoming such a cute little thing that we all just want to eat right up. there will be so many more days like that and i already expect it. when it happens to me, i just keep telling myself that i do the best i can with B and he is fine. and of course it helps that when it gets really bad, he gives me hugs and kisses non stop. you are a great mom!!! so sweet of your DH! it must have been so nice to hear him say that!!!
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