
PS Mommies Thread!

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really quick before the laptop dies...

burk i am ALWAYS explaining my parenting ways to the ILS and i really don''t feel like i have to, but they kinda demand that i do. like when i tell them that i can''t bring B over at 2 because that is his nap time, they push and push until i give them an explanation. i mean sure, not everyday he naps at 2, but in general, it is around 2. they ALWAYS question everything, and when DH doesn''t stand up for me, which i admit he does A LOT, i will tell them in a not so nice way that basically, B is MY child, and they have NO say in how i choose to raise him. times have changed since they raised kids, and they just don''t understand that! ANNOYING!!! i just wanted you to know that you are not alone and i think MANY of us have these IL issues.
and it is so true, that if my DH didn''t work his little booty off, i would not have all the things that i have and we would not be where we are today. so i get it, but still it is frustrating when he is never around.
i really think that you should look into classes with T. i;m sure she would have so much fun since she is a little social butterfly. B loves our class now, but it started off pretty rocky, but i think that was because when we started, he was teething.
YIKES, sorry for the NOVEL!!

good night all and have a great weekend!

Burk, little B get about 9 hours of sleep at night and 2~3 hours of nap time. Wish he''ll sleep more...

Puffy, 9:30 p.m. works with our schedule but I do feel guilty that he goes down so late since I know most kids go to bed pretty early.

If we ever meet at a GTG, I will make some cream puffs.

So funny that Tessa is flirting and has a type. LOL.
T is adorable. She walks so well.

I am as confused as you with solids. But I started 2x day after a few day of starting solids. And I started veggies a week after rice cereal (rice cereal at lunch and veggies at dinner). We are still working on the box of rice cereal, then I will give her oatmeal. I do give her a few sips of water after meal. Our pedi said it was ok.
M is 7 months and still happy with her level 1 nipple. So I am leaving that alone.

Congrats on your promotion.
SVP... that''s so awesome.
Hope Lucy is doing better. Sounds like teething. LOL on knowing better with the second child. But every baby is so different.
Lily is definitely a smartie.

Oh M woke up from her nap. Will continue later.
burk- i think the nanny might be a good idea for T until she outgrows some of her allergies etc. I didn''t put my oldest in any type of daycare or mother''s day out until she was 3. She socialized in the church nursery, the Y nursery when I worked out or taught spinning classes at that was about it and she turned out just fine. So, I wouldn''t worry about that part too much. I think doing a mommy and me class with her would be great too. I did them with each of my girls and just loved the time we had together.

tacori-hope you had fun at the baby shower..

i hope all the mommies have a happy saturday!
Puffy, yay! Sounds like he will have a great time at the gym. I wish I could go in the room with her but I don''t think they let parents. We just pass her over a half wall. I am excited for our class. I think I might put her in swim classes later this spring/summer. It''s hard though b/c we always travel a lot in the summers.

Burk, I think poor T would thrive at home with one on one care. You will be home during the summer so you can do play dates, classes, etc...At this age it is all parallel play anyways. We spent the morning together as a family. Went out to breakfast and then over to his parents new house to check out the paint job. Poor Tessa is going to be so sad when they put furniture in. She LOVES running around an empty house. He''s working now though.
Beggars can''t be choosers.

Q, I will TOTALLY remind you of that! My mom wants me to come to SF for my sister''s wedding shower in June. Not sure that will happen...traveling is so much more difficult now. So I think T might not have a type b/c she was flirting with a 70 year old today. Haha. Oh, she better walk well! She has been walking for almost 5 months. She was "marching" on my ILs hardwoods. It echoed since the house is empty and she was having so much fun.

Speaking of sleep T slept until 9 today!
I guess we ALL needed some extra sleep. She went to bed at she was well rested. Haha.
Burk, that thought of going back to work is definitely worse than being back. Good luck to your SIL. Sorry to hear about your IL and DH frustrations. I think it''s great that T goes to bed early so stick to it. She''s what comes first.

QT and janine, I am so confused about solid foods too! I haven''t thought about it much yet since I haven''t started giving D RC. Seems like everyone has different suggestions on what to give. My pedi recommends to start with RC in the AM for 1 week, then move onto non-citrus fruits for 2 weeks. Then we can add a meal in the PM, which should be yellow vegetables (any veggie that''s not green). That''s what he wrote down but it confuses me. Do I give fruits instead of RC or both? Do you give bottle after eating? I think we''ll try RC in a week or two.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
tacori haha, i spoke way too soon. i brought B with me today to the gym. and while he was fine when i dropped him off he even said "bye bye mommy" i would walk by the room a few times to see what was going on. and he was crying the few times that i did walk by. i wanted to go in to pick him up and go home, but i figured, i already paid for the to watch him, and i wanted to get my work out in. when i went to pick him up, it was a different woman, and this one B LOVED to pieces. she said he was great. B even gave her a kiss goodbye and kept looking back at her. ooohhhh, you should come to SF in june!!! it would be SOOO fun! but i totally understand the traveling with a toddler issue.

snlee how are you and D doing? hope work is going ok too. everyone''s pedi has different suggestions for solids. this is what WE did, and it wasn''t even our pedi''s suggestion. haha. we gave B rice cereal in the AM for a few weeks, then moved to other grains for few more weeks. we didn''t start solids until 6 or so months. then i gave him green veggies first just because i worried that he wouldn''t like them if i gave him sweet potatoes or something before the greens. one green veggie at a time for a few days to make sure there was no reaction. we started off with a little only mixed with cereal in the afternoon, then when there was no reaction, we gave it to him for dinner. then we did all other veggies, then fruits. i guess there is no particular order to go by.

hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
Puffy, I doubt DH would come with me. So that would be 5 hour plane ride, alone with Tessa
I mentioned maybe I would come without her (which is an option) but I think everyone would be SO disappointed. Plus I rather not spend the money since we are going to canada (expensive!) and other trips this spring/summer. But you never know! Glad B liked the second lady. How cute he gave her a kiss. Are you relieved? They charge you? How much out of curiosity?

***my friend had her baby boy tonight!!! 6lbs 13 oz and 18.5" Smaller than his big brother! We are going to visit tomorrow***
tacori it would be so great to have a GTG with you and miss T, but totally understand what you are saying. i'm already worried about our flight to vegas and that's only 1.5 hours. i just don't know how i'm going to get him to sit still for that long. and they are so unpredictable that i just PRAY that he will be having a good day then! haha. when do you go to canada again? how is miss T anyways? have the molars broke through yet? it seems with B that he is a lot calmer and happier when they are about to break through and when they actually come in, he is totally fine. weird!!
ETA: YAY for your friend!!! hope her and baby boy are doing well!!
hey ladies...i''ve been out of the country for the past few days and ive got some catching up to do! Some of my replies might be a bit old, so please forgive me if ur not interested in some of the answers to previously asked questions ;)

and i TOTALLY apologize for this ridiculously long post…

Jas12: Hope Co is doing better! he''s such a handsome little boy! love his outfit :) I would call the hostess/friend first and ask if it was okay to bring Co along…

Burk: little k is 22 months :) i can’t believe ill be going thru the ''terrible twos'' so soon!! ahhh
..hopefully that''s just a myth! we aren''t actively TTC just yet, but are planning too in april/may :)…glad to hear that T is getting better…poor girl..she’s gone thru so much over the past few weeks and deserves a the pics..shes such a happy little thing! As for the daycare thing, i would take the mother up on the offer…especially if it’s for her health..
Sorry bout the frustration..but honestly, no matter how considerate husbands can be, they can be just so ‘dense’ at other times..ive come to terms with the fact that my DH WILL do something that will totally irritate the world out of me at least twice a month hahahah!

Tacori: I put a pillow for K when i moved him from his crib to a toddler bed at 20 months..he’s got a pillow and a quilt and a blanket! So funny about Tessa flirting with the guys!!! Im sure she’ll dazzle as a flower girl! Now we’ve GOT to have tons and tons of pictures of her of course!

Love T’s pics…shes such a cutie pie!

lili: i know..i can''t believe how time has just FLOWN by so fast!! look at J!!! shes grown up so much already and i remember when she was a wee little thing! (LOVE her pics!! u''ve got one pretty baby!)

puffy: yay about finding a preschool u liked!! and i KNOW wat you mean about the fees!! i cannot believe how much ill be paying for little k''s preschool!! oh ma goodness!! i mean im all for a good education, but honestly WHY do they charge so much when all they''ll be doing is teaching them basic abc''s and coloring?? The preschool ill be taking him too follows the Montessori method which i really funny about him asking for a fork of all things!! Kids say the funniest things..

bobo: i wouldn''t worry about little b being behind..each baby has their own pace and they''ll all get ur avatar pic

QT: i gave k puffs when he was about 14 months? But only because a) i had no idea what puffs were till the nice mommies here explained them to me and b) i had to actually order them online and have them shipped all the way across the ocean :) congrats on ur friends baby!

Snlee: glad to hear that ur day wasn’t as hard as u thought…it does get better with time (im sure you’ve heard this a thousand times, but it really is true :) )..sorry to hear about D’s cold ...

Pave: oh my!!! He’s such a cutie!! Look at that head full of hair!! Sweet…

Janinegirly: after rice cereal, i started introducing veggies and fruits (but stuck to veggies first)…i used to give K about 1 oz of water at 3 months once a day and upped it as i went along or as much as he needed..actually i relied heavily on water to cut out his nite-time feedings by replacing milk with water coz i knew he wasn’t hungry when he woke up, but was just used to waking up and drinking…

As for the nipples, i think u should stick to what ur baby is most comfortable with.. as long as she drinks, that’s will take longer perhaps for her to finish, but as long as she drinks that’s all that matters

Curly: so good to hear from you!!! Congratulations on the promotion! U totally deserve it..its so impressive that lily is already stringing words together AND talking French!! U’ve got a smart one =)

Neatfreak: ahhh!!! Ur kids are so cute! TONS AND TONS of dust for your DH!!

sorry if i''ve missed anyone out!
hi guys!
i hope you''re all doing well...sorry i seem to just pop in and out these days! things have been super crazy and hectic (as usual!). i started back to work a few weeks ago (SNLEE i was thinking about you!!), and it''s been a little rough...even though i''m only working part time. i hate pumping!

and it''s REALLY hard to believe that coby will be 4 months old tomorrow! where is the time going?? he''s doing great though. has been sleeping 10-11 hours a night for about 7 weeks now. i still get up in the middle of the night to pump though b/c i just can''t make it that long!! he still isn''t even close to rolling over or anything, but i guess that will come in time.

if you guys don''t mind, i need to pick your brains a little bit... we will be taking coby on his first flight in a couple weeks (going to san fran for a meeting and then carmel for my mom''s 60th). and i''m totally clueless on what "gear" to bring. we will be renting a car for the whole time so obviously we need the car seat. would you guys bring the base?? or has anyone rented the infant seats from the rental car companies? we''ll want our stroller, i''m sure. and i guess we can gate check that and the car seat? i don''t think we need a pack n play b/c both hotels we''re staying at have cribs (hopefully decent ones!). what else?? logistics are so much more difficult with an infant!!

ok, i am going to try to start keeping up!

here''s a 4 month pic...

Okay so the plug on my OLD laptop broke which has prompted me to make an appointment tomorrow to get a new one AND get my new laptop fixed. Poor Tessa had LOTS of bumps and bruises today. Bump on her forehead (hit the wall), banged her chin on a stair, fell backwards in the bath room, has a big scratch on her of those days. At least she was in a good mood at the hospital. She kinda stole the show
"Talking", running around, saying hi to herself in the mirror. Meanwhile the baby is SO tiny. Tessa was NEVER that small! So cute. My friend''s labor was a "piece of cake" to quote her. 5 hours with FIVE minutes of pushing. Very jealous I am. Still no pang for #2.

Puffy, as of now I am leaning towards not going. Of course it would be a good time to go before she is two and we have to pay for a ticket. Such a long trip. And I have a feeling if I go alone ALL I will hear is "why didn''t you bring Tessa? Wish Tessa was here!" and I would get annoyed. Haha! People will meet her at the wedding. We are going to Canada April 1st (sans Tessa!
) T is good. Teething still. Crabby today but thank goodness for Motrin. We have to hide it in her milk or food though. I feel like I am medicating a dog. Haha. Glad B is doing better.

msb, I already warned my sister T will steal the show. She can be quite charming when she wants to be! She was so funny at the hospital. I will take a TON of pictures! I am going to look at pillows. She seems young but I am sure she has good instincts now and won''t suffocate.

Lia, I traveled with T the first time when she was 3 months. I brought her car seat and snap ''n go. We just used the seat belt to secure it. You could bring the base if that would make you feel better. I have never rented a car seat but know that is an option. Make sure he has somewhere to sleep. Hotels have cribs. Bring duct tape to make a towel bumper, need be. Coby is such a doll! Great picture!!!
Quick drive-by -- life has been even more hectic than usual lately, but mostly in a good way :) I'm definitely NOT supermom, guys! It's hard, but I love it all even when I don't :) Gabe and Donovan have gotten the flu, but the girls have only had some congestion so far (knock on wood) -- we have our 4 month dr appt this tuesday, so at least i know they'll be seen either way... i've been editing show music for the last 2 weeks and that has taken up every spare second i've had, but i'm thisclose to being done thankfully!


Tacori -- congrats to your friend :) Poor Tessa --- mommyhood gets more nervewracking with each day doesn't it??

I promised pics like 3 weeks ago and never "snuck back on," so here's a few recent ones...

Marina - Feb - to post.JPG

Sophie -Feb - to post.JPG
the day I put them in dresses that they're going to outgrow before the weather is ok for it!

probably would help if i remembered to add the pic...
trying this again...

Jan pic of girls to post.JPG
jen, they are freaking ADORABLE! Thanks for the picture and in MY book you are the ultimate supermom

ETA: any ebay experts? I am thinking of buying a new power cord off ebay since the laptop is so old and a new one from apple is $79 (I know this b/c I just replaced it a year and a half ago...grrr...) what should I look for? Warnings?
Date: 2/22/2009 8:36:43 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
jen, they are freaking ADORABLE! Thanks for the picture and in MY book you are the ultimate supermom

ETA: any ebay experts? I am thinking of buying a new power cord off ebay since the laptop is so old and a new one from apple is $79 (I know this b/c I just replaced it a year and a half ago...grrr...) what should I look for? Warnings?

What powercord was it that you replaced? Some were deemed defective awhile ago and if you have one of those you can convince them to replace for free...
NF, it was on my ibook G4. The first time the cord broke (the bendy part near the plug) This time the metal "tip" (on the actual plug) broke off. Not sure how or when.
hi guys!

JEN: great to ''see'' you! can you believe our little ones are already 4 months?!?! so crazy. coby has his 4 mo appt on tuesday too. we''ll have to compare notes afterwards. and thanks for posting the pics. the girls are absolutely gorgeous! tooo cute.

TACORI: thanks for the hard to know what to do. hopefully dh will be coming with me, but he just realized that if he comes on thursday he is going to miss the last two home basketball games. he is a die-hard, so i might have to do it myself. i''ve already told him i refuse to rent the car by myself with the baby (and drive in a city i don''t know at all), so i will just load everything into a cab and let him rent the car when he comes. so stressful! i wish i had some ebay advice for you, but i''m clueless...
Lia, traveling alone is REALLY hard (I''ve done it a few times). Try to get your DH to go. We have did the cab thing with her infant car seat as well (when we were in vegas). Baby carriers are helpful. Wearing the baby keeps your hands free. You gate check the car seat AND stroller (snap ''n gos are awesome). Put them in large plastic bags to protect them. You will have to carry Coby through security (gear gets folded and sent through x-ray). Sometimes they are helpful, most times not.
jen, regardless of what you say, you are supermom in my book! The girls are so adorable! Thanks for sharing!

LIA, sorry, I have no travel advice. How long are you going to be in SF? I''d love to meet up with you and Coby if you have time. You are so lucky Coby is such a good sleeper - that''s great! Going back to work and pumping IS hard work! Keep up the great work! Coby is adorable!
LIA Coby is so handsome!!! i would personally bring the car seat base only because i''ve known people who have worked at rental car companies, and they told me to never rent a car seat from a car rental. have a great time on your trip!

jen your girls are adorable!!! they are so big too!!

tacori wow, canada is right around the corner. we leave for vegas in april as well with B. glad to hear that T is good. yup, teething sucks. but does she sleep ok at night? i seriously hate giving B medicine!! the 1 time i did put it in his milk, he took 1 sip and threw his cup on the floor, like he knew or something. i thought most kids like the taste of medicine?

mrsb how is little k? i think there is such thing as the terrible two''s, but it just depends on each child how severe it is. i know a few kids who have been through it, and it''s been pretty different, but at least you are expecting it. with the cost of preschools, it''s pretty important that you find one that you REALLY like, and that''s really good that you have found one!! we''re still debating between three of them, and when we have narrowed it down, we will do the admission for him because there is a minimum 1 year wait list for all three of the schools.

burk how is T doing?

lili how is J? you''re going to have a 1 year old soon!!
Really quickly because I need to go to bed....CUTE pics!! Thanks to everyone who read and commented on my vent session. We had dinner with the IL''s tonight and it went well (minus the fact that I totally messed up the dessert). My MIL actually complimented my parenting.
Parent-teacher conferences are tomorrow and not being at school much last week since T was sick meant I was way behind on grades so I''ve spent all my free time working on those. Hope everyone had a great weekend! I''ll be back tomorrow to catch up with you all individually!
Jen: ur girls are so sweet!

LIA: i would take my own car seat..even if the rental place has a good car seat, i wouldn''t trust how ''clean'' it would be a lot more comfortable knowing that my kid was sitting on a ''clean'' seat...

puffy: little k is great..he''s certainly developed quite a personality and is determined to do what he pleases, but hes a kind boy if that makes sense? hes so affectionate and loving and cheerful and truly isn''t a handful (except when his stubbornness shines thru..i suffer almost every time i put him in his car seat..he does NOT want to be tied down)..well ill be putting him in the preschool for only 1 year then transferring him to a mainstream school..i couldnt do that from the start coz min. age requirement on the 1st day of school HAS to be 3 years and he wouldnt be that by sept..good luck on the selection process!

burk: good to hear that the dinner went smoothly!
Puffy, she doesn''t seem to mind/notice it in her milk. Maybe it is not the "taste" but being held down and "forced" something. I like putting it in her yogurt since it is fruit flavored anyways. Tessa DOES sleep well at night. It is very rare that she doesn''t sleep 12 hours (at least). Sometimes teething/illness interrupts her naps but never nighttime sleep. Guess I am lucky that way! Where are you staying in Vegas? We love vegas.

Burk, yay for the compliment. She must have been in a good mood. Haha. Good luck on catching up on work. Did you decide on the nanny thing?

msb, K sounds like T! Haha. I understand the age thing. Around here it is they must be 2 by Aug 31.
Jen--had to pop in to say hi to those twin girlies--OMG they have grown and are little, sweet beauties. Sound like you are busily, happily chugging along

I''ve kinda been MIA--got diagnosed with shingles yesterday and i am miserable--i thought that was an old person''s disease but apparently it can just happen--i must be run down or something. Nothing to cure it, just pain management. I''ve been able to resist taking anything so far, but i wonder how much worse it''ll get?
(shingles is basically dormant chicken pox virus that is left over from childhood--or whenever u got the disease--it attacks nerves and creates a rash that can be extremely painful and lasts for weeks) Send healthy dust my way please....
Jas12: so sorry to hear about the diagnosis
i havent heard much about shingles so i can't help out much, but im sending you tons and tons and tons of dust your way
good morning guys! coby is actually down for a nap...YAY!

TACORI: so far, DH is still saying he''s going to come. keeping my fingers crossed! but if not, i think i will use the bjorn like you suggested...great idea!

SNLEE: it would be so much fun to meet! i''m not sure it will work though...i will be in my meeting basically all day on friday, saturday, and monday. on sunday, we are going to see dh''s brother and sister-in-law and their kids in san mateo. where are you? we''re staying down near the convention center until monday, and then driving down to carmel. i will have lots of free time in carmel, but i''m sure that''s too far...

PUFFY: thanks for the advice. i thought that renting from the company sounded too good to be true! :)

BURK: that''s great about your inlaws! you''re doing an amazing job and it''s about time they see it!

MSB: i hadn''t even thought about how clean the seat would be. excellent point! i will definitely be bringing my own. :)

JAS12: i''m so sorry to hear about your shingles. you''re totally right that it used to be an "old person" disease, and associated with people who have weakened immune systems. they think though that because of the chicken pox vaccine that people aren''t getting re-exposed to varicella virus (ie through little kids who have it) and so we''re seeing it more and more often in young and healthy people. usually the pain doesn''t escalate too much once you have the rash. but don''t be afraid to take those pain meds! did they give you any anti-viral treatment? sometimes it can shorten the course of shingles if you take the meds soon enough...
Ladies, quick drive by to do a survey. If you are currently in the process of purchasing a house and you found out there are 3 Sex offenders living within 3/4 mile of the house you are purchasing. Will you still buy the house?
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