
PS Mommies Thread!

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jas12 YAY for Co pulling up!! he''ll be cruising before you know it. sounds like Co is doing well with his signs. i really do not regret teaching B to sign at all. even though some people told me it would be a waste of time, i honestly think that because he picked up sign so quickly is the reason that his language development is so far ahead. i hope you are doing better.

tacori glad that T liked the class. how often are you going? i took B with me to the gym again this morning and he was fine. i''m so surprised!! he kinda whined when i dropped him off but he did say bye to me. then i walked by a few times and he was playing and happy as can be. i hope this wasn''t a fluke though.

burk such a trooper T is!! it must be so cute that T is such a social butterfly. any news on the nanny? my problem for the closet is that i just can''t stop buying stuff! haha. the more i clean out, the more stuff i buy and have no where to put it. i was cleaning and i found some clothes that i must have bought last year, still with the tags on them. i have got to stop!! i wonder if there is a shop-a-holic anonymous?

bobo sorry you had to give up on your house. i''m sure the right house will come along. how is little B?

mrsb i love the new pic of little K!! he is such a handsome little guy.

LIA heehee, yes having a little infant was so easy. girl, those days are going to come to an end soon. haha, just kidding. has your DH decided to come along with you for the trip? how long is the plane ride?
Burk - Sorry to hear about your DH not spending enough time with T and your in-laws trying to have late dinners even though they know T goes to bed early. At least they got to see her this week though. It can be tough for the grandparents. My parents hardly get to see James (maybe 1x per week, if that) because my mom and I don''t always get along and they live about a half hour away - which is a lot when you work during the week and then you want the weekend to relax and spend time with the baby yourself. Any news about the nanny?

LIA - Coby is sooo cute
! Is he 4 months already!? Time flies.

Jen - I can''t believe the girls are 4 months too (like Coby)! They are such dolls.

Jas12 - OMG about the shingles! I''m glad that there is somewhat of a treatment though. Sending some get-well dust your way
! When did you start teaching Co to sign? My DH has read a bit on it and thinks we should give it a shot with James, but he''s already 7.5 months old so I don''t know if we''re too late. Co is super smart though letting you know that he needed a nap!

Bobo - I know that you already decided to not buy the house, but knowing that there are sex offenders near would make me weary too. Right now we''re living with DH''s parents in a rural area so there''s not many around us, but if we buy it will be in a nearby town and I was surprised at how many there were. There were not rapists or child molesters, but a lot of pervy old men that were charged with gross sexual imposition. Good luck on finding another place!

Tacori - Another new computer! Wow. I''m impressed by their customer service. How did T do with the sitter?

Lili - Oh honey I totally feel for you with the head throwing temper tantrums because James does the same thing. He''ll get so mad about sometime and then try to fling himself around. It scares me sooo much because I''m tiny and he''s getting so big. I almost always hand him off to DH when he starts doing that because I''m so scared he''ll fling himself right out of my arms

James is doing good. He''s been a so constipated so we''ve increased his formula intake and increased his fruit intake while decreasing his veggie intake (slightly). He''s now having fruit/cereal for breakfast, veggies/cereal (cereal if he''s being a piggy) for lunch and fruits for dinner. We''ve even put a bit of prune juice in his a.m. cereal to help things along. My MIL thinks we should try some Karo syrup in a bottle but I''m going to check with the pedi first. He''s been much better the past two days though so hopefully he''ll get back to normal soon. Still waiting on that first tooth. My MIL and my mom both think that he''ll get a bunch really quick since it''s taking so long.

He''s also showing some real interest in crawling. He can push himself up with his hands and get his knees under him, but he hasn''t figured out how to move yet. It''s so cute
Lili--lol, i can totally see J throwing her head back--that is certainly *her* way of communicating. google the sign for sleep and do it every time you put J down. I bet she'll pick up on it. Only thing is, J doesn't like to sleep so she may not be eager to utilize it
--maybe she would do a head shake for "no!" followed by that sign

Diva--my best friend is deaf and she taught us/him a few , and i took some from a video i have. It's not something i am really into or push too much, but a few signs are useful (eat, tired, mom, dad, more, drink) all which he knows and uses now. Co has always liked to use his hands ( i assume most babies do) so he picked them up after a few tries. I don't know too much about it, but it's definitely not too late to teach. Google baby signs and there are tons of websites.
Congratulations. Hunter is adorable. I love his name too.

Been so busy at work. They are really pushing for numbers before the end of the fiscal year. sigh. I am still here and reading.
diva just wanted to chime in about the sign language. i taught B some signs starting when he was 6 months and kept at it, and he was able to follow pretty quickly. the more he learned, the more he did them, and he still used signs when he was able to talk. for example, he would say, "mommy," then do the sign for more and please. i didn''t really push it either though. if he didn''t pick it up, i would have been fine with it, but since he did pick it up, and enjoys it, i keep at it. he still signs now for things that he can''t really say yet. 7.5 months is definitely not too late at all to teach him. he will be crawling before you know. that''s realy good that he''s learning to get his knees under him. i hope you have child proofed your place!!
Burk, that''s wonderful that you may getting a nanny soon. More time with baby is always a good thing!

Jas12, I am so sorry. Load of healthy PS dust to you and Co. I hope the pain goes away soon. Glad to hear you can continue to BF. Co sounds like he is doing well.

Tacori, I''m glad you finally got a new laptop, hopefully your third and FINAL! Yay for free power cord! You''re doing a great job keeping up your workout!

puffy, going to vegas for your bday sounds fun! Thanks for asking about me.

msb, how exciting about TTC #2!

LIA, I hope you have an enjoyable trip and it''s not too stressful!

Diva, sounds like James is doing well!

QT, I hope work slows down a little for you. At least the days go by fast!

D is doing well. I think he''s over his cold. He''s adjusting well to our new schedule. We started RC last weekend. He loves it! He opens his mouth every time he sees the spoon coming towards him. Actually he opens his mouth when he anything is near it! Even when you give him kisses. It''s so cute!

He''s super fussy when he wants to sleep and has trouble calming himself down. He''s extremely bad at night. We are having a tough time getting him down for the night. He screams his head off and won''t sleep by himself. We may have to try CIO, as it seems like even when we hold him and try to comfort him it doesn''t help! I don''t know if he has some colic. I don''t know what to do!

My life has been busy. I don''t have much free time to go online or watch tv. Work is busy too, especially since I pump 2 or 3 times a day. It''s hard work but important to me. Also I have mastitis AGAIN, which is so frustrating.
I can''t seem to stay clog free for long.
hey ladies...

a quick drive by to say hi, and that I miss hanging out with you. For the first time since I started posting, I haven''t even followed along just to read. Some stuff going on and I just haven''t been able to dedicate the attention and time to be able read and write here. However, that should change this week, and I''ll be back! Oh, and I''ll let you know what the deal is as well.
BURK: i can just picture T doing the "march." that would be so adorable! then you would have to get her and tessa to meet...what a pair! we leave for san fran on the 5th. i''m getting nervous!

TACORI: sounds like tessa was adorable at the class. i love that she didn''t want to do the circle at first.

JAS12: i haven''t ever prescribed the topical antivirals, but it definitely sounds like it''s a good compromise and worth a shot. how are your spirits? i hope you''re feeling better! i think i definitely want to try the signing with coby when he''s a bit older...they offer a class around here for infants. C sounds so cute with the tired sign!

LILI: ooooh man, i am NOT looking forward to the temper tantrums!!

PUFFY: you''re so funny about your closet!! i bet you will feel sooo good once it''s finally done. and yay for b at the gym!

DIVA: thanks!! and i can''t believe that james is 7.5 months old! that''s crazy that he will be crawling soon. it seems like yesterday when we were all on the preggo thread together!

QT: hang in there!!

SNLEE: yippee for being over the cold! i can''t believe he''s on solids. we need the obligate messy face pictures!! i hope the nighttime screaming stops soon. that sounds really rough!

TGAL: we miss you. hope all is well!

we''re still doing pretty well. coby had his 4 month pedi appt today and is still just a little bugger... he weighs in at a whopping 12lbs 13 oz, BUT he moved from the 3-5%ile to the 10%ile, so we''re happy. 25th in height and 10th-25th in head circum. took his shots like a champ, and so far, not too fussy... the shots are definitely harder on me than on him!

as far as the trip goes, well dh has decided to stay home until sunday. but it shouldn''t be too bad... dh will take us into the ticket counter to help check bags, my mom will meet me up in san fran, and her flight will get in 10 minutes before mine so she can help get the bags afterwards. i can''t complain about that! unfortunately, there wasn''t a direct flight so we have to fly through san diego (but at least we don''t change planes!). each segment is only a little over an hour...definitely not too bad.

Had to pop on to say your kiddos are so pretty! And wow, have they grown!

I just love babies in spring time dresses. Ahhh....

LIA--sounds like you have a good plan for the flight. Just allow yourself extra time. I was surprised how long it took to check the baggage, stroller, go thru security, diaper changes etc. And good to hear Coby moved up a few percentiles--sounds like he is doing just fine.
Wondering, do you know how long the shingles will continue to spread? they were quite painful last night and some have tiny blisters. Do you think the worst is over?
I am still stressed but okay. I know that doesn''t help with recovery, but it''s kinda hard not be. Sick baby and sick mom is not fun.

Tgal--glad to ''see'' you. Hope all is well, and looking fwd to an update.

Snlee--not another clog--ugh. I hope it clears fast! Glad D is well, eating his cereal and adjusting to the new schedule. Have u tried putting him down a little earlier at night? Maybe he is overtired? I know on nights when Co went down too late he just could not, would not settle--it''s weird, but the more tired they are, the harder it is for them to fall asleep??
hi all, i'm sorry for not being here enough, so busy--do i sound like a broken record yet?

LIA: I'm confused about travel too, let us know how it goes!

SNLEE: D sounds so adorable with the cereal..Chloe is the same way. She opens her mouth when she sees the spoon. When she seems me eating she opens and closes her mouth like a fish. Now she's into blowing bubbles. Which makes for some messy rice cereal feedings!

JAS12: sorry about the shingles, I had a case too a few years ago. No idea where it came from and I kind of diagnosed myself. I took stuff for the pain. Mostly the marks were what annoyed me b/c they took awhile to fade, but they did.

Not much else new. Chloe has regressed a bit on sleeping. Wakes up a couple times now although still goes down easily at 830. I hope this waking up 2x a night is just a blip this week--I am so exhausted by the time the alarm goes off for work!

I also have another feeding question. I want to introduce Oatmeal (went with Gerber..not sure how this compares to Earth's Best?). Do I replace a rice feeding with the oatmeal, or do I just add it. And when can I introduce rice with fruits?
JAS: UGH...i''m sorry you''re still suffering!! usually once you get shingles, it will only spread for a couple of days. where do you have it?? remember, once the blisters are all scabbed over, you will be over the worst of it!

SNLEE: i have a clogged duct today too. I HATE THEM!! so painful. waiting for coby to get up from a nap to nurse him and them i''m off to work and pumping. ugh ugh ugh...

JANINE: i hope chloe''s sleeping regulates again soon. twice a night is not fun! i would love to see another picture of your beauty!
Jas, Co is so smart, I tried to teach little B signs but he doesn''t care for it so I gave up.

lili, little B do the head toss back too. Scared us because DH almost dropped him.

Thanks Puffy, little B is doing good...a handful...but as I''m reading all the other babies here I can''t help but feeling is little B a little behind?

Thanks Diva, I was surprised there were so many out there...I guess as a parent, we just need to be alert and be cautious.

with constipation, you can try massaging James''s anus. little B used to be constipated too and this is the trick the nurse at the children''s hospital taught us. It really worked for little B.

snlee, sending you clog free dust~

Tgal, I was wondering where you disappear off to

Janie, with little B we do one food at a time for about 5 days to make sure he don''t have reaction then we moved on to a new food. We mixed food that he had before with no reaction.
Hey all! Yesterday was such a busy day. I LOVE the babysitter! She is in her late 50s and clearly loves kids. I had a good feeling b/c when I went to open the door Tessa was holding her fake lipstick (came in her L&L purse) and the lady bent down and opened her own purse and showed Tessa her lipstick. She even let T hold it which I thought was brave. So T thought she was so funny and kept laughing and was in a really good mood. She was quite charming! The babysitter was like "I know you said she was cute but she is so adorable!" Always nice to hear. So I stayed for 30 mins and watched them play. She did cry when I left (tried to sneak out but didn''t work). I only stayed out for an hour. When I came home they were busy playing. So all in all I feel good that I found someone who loves T, T loves her and I really trust her. She is busy though (which is a bummer) but I am flexible. I just want a few hours, one afternoon a week.

Then I went to Zumba and took her to child care. Her lip started quivering as soon as we went into the room. I felt horrible. I really thought they would come and get me. After class we were walking to pick her up (my neighbor came with me) and I saw they had this giant buggy out (holds like 12 kids and they take the fussy/bored kids). I saw her sweet little face and thought she would freak when she saw me. She actually didn''t. She was very calm, said good bye to her new little buddy (who was sitting next to her) and off we went. Must have been a tiring day b/c she went to bed ay 7:40 (normal) and woke up at 9:45 (not normal). Crazy!

Bobo, I think being a home owner is wonderful!

Jas12, hope you are feeling better. I have always used macs so I don''t need to be convinced. Still nice to get something free! I bet Co would love a class. The kids are so cute when they interact with each other (expect the bratty 2 year old). How cute he signs. I never did it with T. Sounds VERY useful though.

Puffy, it is just once a week. Glad B is having fun at the gym! I am sure it is a relief to have a break. I know we all adore our kids BUTTTT everyone needs alone time.

Diva, she did really well! Hopefully this will be my LAST computer for awhile. The iron in formula could back him up. Also bananas and apples. Tessa loves prunes (baby food) that works EVERY TIME. Karo syrup would be my last resort, even after a suppository. We have given T 2 of those but after 5-7 days of no poop. I felt like T started to crawl out of no where! It was so funny.

Q, hope work slows down soon!

snlee, I am really trying. I gained MORE weight! Urgg! I think colic usually goes away by D''s age but I can''t remember. I really think 4 months you should try to sleep train. They are old enough to learn bad and good habits IMHO. Sorry about the mastitis! Sucks!

TGal, Hope you are okay!

Lia, you are in derm right? I have notices more little red "moles" but they are small, pen point...what causes those? She is so independent she was like "I''ll be nobody''s sheep!" Besides that plastic slide was way too exciting. Shots are hard to watch! I hate them. Good luck with the trip!
Real quick I''m going to try to start to catch up, I won''t get to everyone but I''ll be back!

Tacori~sounds like yesterday was a HUGE success! So glad you and Tessa both love the babysitter and you''ll be able to get out and run errands and have time to yourself.

Tgal~Can''t wait to have you back around more often. You are missed. I hope all is well!

Jas12~Sorry you''re still dealing with the icky shingles!! Hope you''re feeling better soon! (and CO too)

Puffy~I told you you''d find something that you forgot you had!!
Get that thing cleaned out because you will LOVE how organized the closet people will make it! How''s B? Have you taken him to the child watch at the gym again?

lili~Tayva was wayyyy too crazy to pay attention long enough to pick up sign! LOL. I tried and she does do some, but she surely won''t do sleep!

Everyone, please take a gander at my thread in jewelry about what to get for my bday (next week) combo anni present! I need help!
ack, forgot to post the link to my
Diva~My parents are about a half hour away as well. DH''s family lives in our town. Somehow my parents usually end up seeing T more than his. I guess they make it a priority and have no problem following my rules. T had problems with constipation when she was Jame''s age. I fixed it by adding prunes in with her breakfast cereal every morning. Poor baby!

Jas12~Forgot to comment on how darn smart Co is!! Tayva is too busy and stubborn to use sign. I tried but she really doesn''t have much interest. What can ya do.


snlee~Sorry about the rough nights and mastitis!
Is D mainly just fussy at night? T was colicy and it was only in the evenings. Sometimes I did just put her in her crib and let her cry because holding her didn''t seem to help. I''d go back in and check on her every 5 minutes or so.

lia~I think the "march" would be a great trick for my T! I wish we all could get together to let our kids meet and play! Sorry your DH isn''t coming with right away. Coby is young enough that it shouldn''t be too bad! Now, if he was walking or crawling.....that might be a different story!

janine~We replaced RC with oatmeal. You can do cereal with fruits whenever you want. I starting mixing fruit in with T''s cereal around 5 months.
Love little K''s laugh in your new avi
I know, they just grow up soooo fast. She''s almost one already!
Wow, little K looks much older than 2. I thought he''s going on 4 or something.
Must be that headful of curls! Makes him look so much more mature.
So did he outgrow his egg allergy?

Poor Tessa, getting all beat up.
She probably needs one of those foam helmet thing that I saw in some catalog.
Was actually thinking about getting one for J, but nixed the idea because we know that she''ll grab on it and flung it away ASAP.
Still no pang for #2 yet even after seeing a brand new newborn?

I think T was that tiny, you just forget.
Yay for the new laptop. Hope this none is problem free.
That''s great that you found a sitter that T loves.
She sounds like she really enjoys being around kid.
TGAL, looking forward to your update. Did you buy a house? Hope everything is well!

LIA, I can''t believe my baby is eat solids too! We took a few pictures as well as filmed it. He actually wasn''t that messy! I''m sure that''ll change! Sorry to hear you have a clog too. Sending clog free dust your way! I hear you on the pumping. It''s a drag. I can totally relate!

JAS12, thanks. Yeah, we''ve tried putting him down earlier. For a little while, he was going down without much fuss at an earlier bedtime but that changed. Now no matter what time we try to put him down, he is a big screaming fuss ball! Shingles sounds horrible, I hope you aren''t in too much pain!

JANINE, Chloe sounds so cute! D stares at our food when we eat. He''s been doing that for a few weeks. How long has Chloe been on RC? Hope her waking up 2x a night is just a fluke.

BOBO, thanks for the dust, I need it! Good luck with the house hunting. I hope you find another another one you love soon!

TACORI, must have missed it, that''s awesome you found a babysitter you love! Good to get a few hours off.
I bet you have more muscle, which is increasing your weight. Do you notice a difference with your pants?

BURK, when did T''s colic go away? D is slightly fussy during the day when he wants to sleep. The worst is at nights. He can scream for hours. I think we may have to start leaving him alone (and check up on him every 5 mins or so) when holding him isn''t helping.
tacori so good to hear that T liked the babysitter and you did also!! the class i am doing with B is twice a week but as soon as that is over, we''re signing up for another one that''s once a week. he has a really good time at the class. one of the kids in the class really likes to play with B and B likes playing with hi also so the mom and i set up a play date for them. how cute that T has a buddy!!

burk haha, you were so right about the clothes!! and they fit too which is a big plus! so i set up an appt for the second week in march which by then, i hope i am done cleaning out the closet. B is doing really well. thanks for asking. he is learning so much. his new thing is when people come to our house, he tells them to "sit" and he will keep patting on a seat for that person until they sit down. then he shows them his water bottle and tells them "water." weird kid i tell ya!! i can''t believe how much he talks!!

LIA sounds like you have things under contol for your trip and things figured out even if your DH doesn''t go with you guys. that''s good that each flight is about an hour, definitely not bad!

snlee sorry to hear that D is fussy at night. do you think he is over tired and just can''t settle? is he cosleeping? i hope he sleeps better. CIO is not for everyone, but if you do it, i hope it works for you guys!

janine i hope chloe gets back on her sleep schedule soon.
Sorry about the house.
Hope you find another that you like in a perv-free area.

Wow, 1 yr wait list? Is it a private school?
snlee~T''s colic went away when we started treating her for reflux and food intollerances. Those were the reasons she was so unhappy at night...unsettled belly.
So, she was probably 4 months when the unconsolable night crying ended. T never cried herself during this time, but by the second time I came to check on her (usually less than 10 minutes into it)I usually would pick her up and that would settle her down. It was hard. When we finally did start sleep training at 7 months, though, I was able to lay her down and she would go right to sleep without crying at all so I know her crying at night was all about her hurting belly when she was younger.

puffy~I hope the things you found are cute!
So cute that B is telling guests to sit! Tayva doesn''t say "sit" yet, but she will grab your hand and drag you where she wants you to go! Kids.
Date: 2/24/2009 7:18:54 PM
Author: Jas12
Lili--lol, i can totally see J throwing her head back--that is certainly *her* way of communicating. google the sign for sleep and do it every time you put J down. I bet she''ll pick up on it. Only thing is, J doesn''t like to sleep so she may not be eager to utilize it
--maybe she would do a head shake for ''no!'' followed by that sign

LOL...I think you are right.
I feel for you.
J''s smaller than James and I have a hard time keeping her in my arms when she arches her back.
How big is James now? He''s probably the size of most toddlers huh?

LOL...I agree. Our girls are much too busy to sit still and learn.
Which stand up picture of J do you mean?
The one in the swing or just her standing?
I don''t have a picture of her standing since every time she sees a camera, she makes a beeline for it and fall down in the process.
Will have to sneak a picture in when she''s not looking -- which means I''ll have to take a pix of her standing from the back.

It''s good to "see" you.
We miss you here. You''ve been gone for a while .... think the last time you were on here was around A''s 10month pic and she''s going to be 11month this sunday!
Hope everything is ok and sorry about the original pad
LOL....B is such a good host!
Too cute!
lili haha, he is a pretty good host up until he pushes you off the seat AFTER telling you to sit in it! haha. and he knows when he wants water, he will either say "water" or he will drag someone to fridge and point to the water dispenser. or if you wanted water and asked him for it, he will get you a bottle of it. he is so weird!! how is J doing?

bobo i meant to say that all kids are so different in developing so don''t compare little B to anyone. i know a few people who always compared B to their kids to make B sounds kind slow, but i know b is not slow at all and he is developing right one time. glad that little B is doing well.

burk the stuff i found is perfect for spring, so i will definitely be wearing it soon. T is so funny!! i love to hear stories about other kids.
Hey everyone, I guess I am a mom now! Imagine that... So here I am! I am probably going to be a bit of an intermittent poster for now, so sorry if I am not as involved with everyone as I would like to be. I lurked on this thread so I know many of you, but I was not a dedicated daily reader so I have some catching up to do.

ETA Thanks for the warm welcome!
I just read back and saw some of the wonderful posts.

Sorry if this post is odd, but I posted something in the preggo thread about BF and Neatfreak was kind enough to add some of her own experiences, and I wanted to follow-up here rather than in the preggo thread... If anyone else had similar experiences I'd love to hear about it.

Neatfreak said: "My boys were small to begin with and then they hit that 10% birthweight lost problem on day 3 or so. We then made the decision to start supplementing (AFTER BFing first) because they were so small to begin with. And it did not interfere with anything in our case, they still are great BFers."

Neat I spoke a little too soon about my milk coming in full-fledged--I am making about 1/2 oz. per breast right now. Turns out Hunter also lost 10% of his weight by day three so we are on the whole "BF first then give the bottle" plan, doing this every 2-3 hours, and I am also using an electric pump immediately after feedings to try to increase my supply. I am so sad to have to supplement and so worried that Hunter will lose his love of the boob!
Like your boys, Hunter is a really good breastfeeded, great latch--middie says it is "textbook"--so I hope so much that he is like your boys and doesn't have any problems. Anyways, I'm encouraged to hear that things worked out for you!
Congratulations on the birth of Hunter and becoming a mommy.
Make sure that you are drinking enough water (TONS) because if you are dehydrated your body will not make enough milk.
Also make sure you are getting enough calories.
Hope it gets better.
Get some rest!
DD welcome to the mommy thread!! hope mommyhood is treating you kind so far.
when B was born, he was a great nurser, problem was, i wasn''t making any milk. by day 3 or 4 he had lost the 10% of the birth weight, and i was considering supplementing because well, i wanted what was best for him. but it turns out i didn''t need to because as soon as they told me that he had lost so much weight, i could feel my milk coming in, and it was coming in fast. so that day, i nursed him every 1.5 hours to keep the supply going and it would help with my engorgement. BUT if my milk hadn''t come in, i would have supplemented because i knew that it was B getting what he needed that was important. and you hear so much about nipple confusion, i really don''t think too much into it. B never took to a bottle because i always nursed and when i did give him a bottle, he would take maybe 1 oz of so. other moms i know gave their kids a bottle and nursed and they all did fine with it.
ultimately, what is important is Hunter getting what he needs to thrive. and yes, drink TONS of water and get rest!!! and just keep doing what you are doing, pumping after he nurses. good luck!!
Don''t worry about little B.
Like puffy said, every babies develop at their own pace.
Some kids do things early, but take a while to perfect.
Other kids do them later, but master them really fast.
In the end, they all come out to be about the same.
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