
PS Mommies Thread!

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burk hope you have a good time shopping! i didn''t go crazy buying myself things at gap or BR because i just recently bought a TON at my fav athletic store. i so hear ya about gap girl stuff...they are so cute!! makes me want a girl so bad, just for the clothes haha. how is T tonight?

qt heehee, B had a great date. he kissed her and hugged her, but she refused to hold his hand! haha. but i gotta give it to him, he was persistent, he kept going for it even after she smacked his hand away! haha. the story about your cousin is super funny!

DD hunter is just precious!!! glad the binky is working well. i gave B a binky at a few weeks old and he rejected it and never tool to it.

iluv good luck with the party planning. a sleepover at that age would be fun...for the girls! haha. i''m in nor cal and there is an awesome park 2 minutes away from the house and we have a GIANT play set in the yard for him.

tacori B has calmed down a ton. i can take him out without him throwing fits and i can let him out of the stroller without him wandering away. i think it''s cause he''s so attached to me, he''s afraid to lose me. haha. i hope her molars come in soon. i can''t say too much around B anymore cause he picks up on everything. when we went shopping, i was talking to myself and said something about a sale, and when we got home, he grabbed the shopping bag and said "sale." haha. kids!!

diva glad to hear james is better, but YIKES, sorry to hear about you and your DH. hope you two get better soon.

pave i know i am way late on this, but my DH is NEVER home, or it feels like it. he works all the time and i admit that he does work hard. i don''t ask him to do much, but he will offer when he has a moment, which i am thankful for because i know if he didn''t offer, i would probably bite his head off sooner or later. i know it could be worse. he could never be home and he could never want to help. one day a week, i ask him to try to come home earlier and when B goes to bed, we make dinner together, which i usually do cause B and i would starve waiting for him to come home then cook. it is important to try to have some time with you guys and do things together, and always communicate, i think. i''m rambling....just wanted to let you know that we have all been there and hang in there!!

our picnic today was great!! i had a great time and B had a great time too. all i asked for was for him not to eat the grass and he didn''t, so the picnic was a great success!! and his date was fun. we''ll be meeting them again tomorrow. and i think i talked the other mom into taking the same class that B and i are taking.
Awweee....can T get any more adorable?
Love his chubby cheeks and hair!
Can't wait to see Tyler's prof. pix.

LOL....that's a great shot of Hunter.
Love it

He's just precious.

Ha....can't get over how talkative your little B is.
He must yap yap all day long huh?
Puffy, you are so lucky he doesn''t run off. Tessa TOTALLY would. haha.

Lili, these are for you girl.

Classic Tessa.

and just b/c I think this is a cute picture...

Mamas, please look here if you have any Infantino infant toys.
I''ve posted a few times in the past 2 days but they are not showing up?!?? No error msg, just not there...hmm, i am too lazy to re-type everything so sorry about the drive-by

Tacori--i luv that last picture!!! Sorry to hear you are still not sleeping well
--having gone thru that i can totally empathize--sucks. Do you think it is stress related? Have u seen your Dr.?

Puffy--haha, can''t believe B said ''sale''--how cute. Wish we could go to the park--still a couple of months away i think (appalling -20 here today!!)

Puffy & Burk--where do u guys get your workout gear? Here we have a canadian brand of upper-end yoga gear called Lululemon (don''t know if you have it in the states yet?). It is nice but *everyone* and their dog is dressed in the stuff and i want something new. Any online retailers you know of ?

DD--that picture is so cute. Hunter is really precious. I felt the same way about the paci & resisted it but after the first 5 mins of quiet/content baby i was sold!
Gone are the days when women would walk around with the baby on the breast 24/7 --i think slings help a lot but babies really do need to suck since it is all they have control over so i just believe it is our modern way of dealing with the need. Is your boob blister gone?
Happy Friday all! I''ve been reading but don''t have time to properly catch up. I''ll be back!
Date: 3/13/2009 10:23:32 AM
Author: Jas12

Puffy & Burk--where do u guys get your workout gear? Here we have a canadian brand of upper-end yoga gear called Lululemon (don''t know if you have it in the states yet?). It is nice but *everyone* and their dog is dressed in the stuff and i want something new. Any online retailers you know of ?

We have a lululemon in Madison now...just opened. Have you tried Prana? LOVE their yoga pants.
Trying to catch up...might be in multiple parts.

iluv~Laser tag sounds like fun. I''m sure whatever she chooses for her party it''ll be great! Everything is good in the Burk household. I''m holding it down myself for the next few weeks because Mr. Burk is doing a lot of travel for business. House stuff is kind of on the back burner for a couple months until DH can be around consistently to help me! We do have a plan pretty much finalized (it''s 4 br, 4 ba, 2500 finished sq ft to start and basement to be finished at later date)...just some changes that need to be made depending on what lot we finally decide on. Oh, and I''m a little iffy on the master on the main floor? What do you think about that with little kids?

Tacori~Yay for clean house! Our new cleaning lady had 3 sick kids Monday so she didn''t come so mine is filthy so I''ll be doing lots of cleaning myself this weekend. Hope T''s teeth pop through quickly! So cute that she was saying bed! You''ve got a good sleeper on your hands! Lucky lady! My SIL and I are going tomorrow morning. I hope they have cute stuff. T needs some summer stuff. WHen are your friends coming?

DD~Glad you had binky success! Cute pic of the little man!

pave~That''s great that you had lunch with your DH! I agree with puffy and tacori, it is great that our husbands are hard working and earn a great living, but it doesn''t make it any easier for us mommies some days when we''re tired or the kid is being crabby and we would like some daddy back-up and daddy isn''t around. I have always been very independent, but it''s still hard at times. Like I said to iluv, for the next month Dh will only be home (in our city) for probably one total week. Sucks. We''re hear for you to vent ANY time!

Diva~Yay for sleeping in! Soooo jealous!

QT~Nope, you didn''t miss anything. I just came in under budget for my earring purchase so DH told me to go buy myself something!
I wanted some spring clothes and shoes but didn''t end up with anything besides workout gear!

puffy~Thanks! I''m sure I''ll buy for DH and T and nothing for myself. You''ll get your girl to shop for! T has been pretty good. Her cough seems to be better and she''s been he usual happy self. She has started to say "uh oh" to everything. She threw a roll of toilet paper this morning across the bathroom just so she could say "uh oh"
Not so much cute with a whole roll of toilet paper across my bathroom floor.!
Glad your picnic went well! So fun that B has a new little girlfriend!

okay....gotta grab my lunch. Be back in a bit.
Tacori~LOVE the pics of T running away! So cute!

Jas12~My favorite yoga pants are from Victoria''s Secret. I love these the most and I get lots of compliments on them. I''m tall so my options are kind of limited unless I want to wear flood pants!
They have free shipping and returns on their pants right now too.
Burk, I like how she is wearing heels with those yoga pants. Haha. You are so lucky you have a cleaning lady. I HATE cleaning but at least it is done. They should be here in a few hours. Yay. We are going to cook-out tonight even though it is raining. I bet T is cute saying "uh oh." My T has not said that yet probably b/c I don''t really say it. No, "mean mommy" is more her style

Jas12, I really think it is b/c I CANNOT shut off my brain. Seriously, I make lists in my head. Okay, this will make me sound crazy but if I have errands or something I will go through my head the ORDER, how I will drive there, what I will buy/ I will see myself doing everything in my head. I should go to the doctor but it is hard for me to find a babysitter for T. I''ll wait until my ILs move down here.
Tacori~Victoria''s Secret cracks me up...I wouldn''t wear half the stuff the way they show pics of it.
Those yoga pants are by far my fav yoga pants ever. I have 6 pairs.
I had never said "uh oh" either, but they say it at daycare. One day a few weeks back she dropped her sippy and said "uh oh" and I looked at Dh like "what???" I asked the next day and they said they say it a lot and that she had been saying it. The funny part is she''s pretty on cue with the situations an "uh oh" is appropriate.
As for the cleaning lady-it''s nice. She only comes every other week and I clean in between. I am pretty anal retentive and with a kid and work and volleyball I don''t have enough time to be anal and keep the house as clean as it needs to be since I''m allergic to dust. We just hired a new cleaning lady so hopefully she does a good job. I hate having to be mean so firing someone would be really hard for me! Grilling out sounds fun (especially since you won''t be the one in the rain cooking!
) Have fun with your friends!
jas12 B cracks me up with things that he says!! -20..YIKES, i would die in that kind of weather. i actually have worn lululemon for a few years now and i love them cause they actually are the comfiest pants that i have tried on and i just love the luon fabric. i have a ton of their stuff. half of my closet is actually dedicated to lululemon stuff! pathetic i know!! i LOVE their remix hoodies...i LIVE in them. haha. it''s the first thing i put on in the morning when i get out of bed. sad but true.

tacori i love that last pic of that her belly sticking out? that is SO cute!! B''s had a few times where he would run off and i had to scold him in public and i think he learned his lesson. he does this thing now when i yell at him and he knows he is in trouble, he will look down for a few seconds, look up at me and smile and if i am still mad, he will look down again. he did this the other day for about 10 minutes. i was trying so hard not to laugh!! have a good time at the cookout!

lili B is a non-stop yapping machine!! i swear, i could hear him talking in his sleep. haha. J will be the exact same way. and while it is the cutest thing ever that he talks so much and i can kind of have a conversation with him, it is pretty annoying when i can''t get a word in cause he won''t stop talking!!

burk glad to hear T is doing better. T saying "uh oh" cracks me up!! that is so funny about the toilet paper! haha. B says "oh no" to things that go wrong. sometimes, i hide his shoes just so he can say "oh no" i am a mean mom!! have a good time shopping this weekend!! they have really cute spring girl stuff at gap.

have a great weekend everyone!!
no way I can catch up to everyone but wanted to say happy friday!!

tacori-those pics of Tessa are just so precious. She''s such a doll. I can''t wait to get home so we can plan out GTG!

burk- too cute about the "uh-oh." We''ve been saying that to Jake when he drops something..well, I think he actually is throwing things on purpose but I''m pretending it''s an accident
Burk--I''ll check out VS ! Thanks--only prob. is we pay duty and shipping so it ends up being really expensive once it crosses the border.

Puffy--lulu stuff is very good quality, the nearest store is 4 hrs from here, but still *every* girl at my gym has a full wardrobe of the stuff. I will spend a lot on atheletic gear since i am at the gym pretty much every day, but would like something i don''t see all the time. Funny, i didn''t even know Lulu had branched out. I remember when there were just 2 stores and one was in Toronto. It was unique then

Tacori-you''re not werid. i used to be like that in university. I was a total nerd and loved lectures and i would think about them for literally hours before falling asleep. Oddly enough i never considered it a problem--most likely b/c i could nap at will and only had to answer to myself...oh those were the days. I think women in general have trouble shutting down. We carry everything on our shoulders. Have u tried writing everything down before you go to bed--to ''empty'' your thoughts ??
Have fun with your company! A BBQ dinner sounds so yummy --i hope the weather clears for you

Have a good Friday evening gang...
Hi mommies! I hope you don''t mind me butting in for a minute to ask a question of you experienced ladies. Dh and I are going to register this weekend, and I need advice on whether to get a manual breast pump or a more expensive heavy duty one like the Medela.

My info. is that I plan to ebf, and I won''t be returning to work. However, I would like to be able to pump so that dh can feed our little guy at times, etc.
sabine- I had a manual with my first and HATED it. I never pumped b/c it hurt and was a PITA. I'd suggest renting one from your hospital, they are usually pretty cheap, maybe $15 a month or something and make sure you can do it b/f spending money on one yourself and then I'd recommend getting the full power one. Also, another reason to wait is so you are sure you are going to be able to nurse. there are gals here who wanted to nurse and their milk never came in etc. so I would just wait to make sure all is going as planned b/f you put that much money into something.
sabine i would wait on a breast pump just because there can be many complications with BFing and the last thing you want is a $300+ breast pump that is sitting there not being used. i would just register for other stuff that you know you will need, or gift cards are a good idea too so when you know you are able to BF, you can get whatever pump you like with the gift cards. i have the medela pump in style advanced, i believe, and i actually really liked it. it takes time to get used to, but i think it''s a pretty good pump, and medela bottles are BPA free.

jas12 yup, everyone and their mom at my gym is wearing lulu stuff. their stuff is really good quality and that''s why i didn''t mind spending so much on gym clothes. i would just like to say though, that i was wearing the stuff even before it became the "it" thing. haha. how is Co doing? getting even smarter i''m sure!!
Date: 3/13/2009 3:08:57 PM
Author: Sabine
Hi mommies! I hope you don''t mind me butting in for a minute to ask a question of you experienced ladies. Dh and I are going to register this weekend, and I need advice on whether to get a manual breast pump or a more expensive heavy duty one like the Medela.

My info. is that I plan to ebf, and I won''t be returning to work. However, I would like to be able to pump so that dh can feed our little guy at times, etc.

It''s definitely worth spending more for a electric pump. I have the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breastpump and it''s great. I''ve heard bad stories about manual pumps. Pumping is hard work with an electric pump, I can''t even imagine pumping with a manual! I bought the pump before I delivered and didn''t open it until my milk supply was well established and nursing was going well.

puffy~That's funny about B saying "oh no." I might be guilty of prompting an "uh oh" once or twice!

mrss~T loves to throw things. Before you know it you'll hear an "uh oh" every time he throws something!

Jas12~Do you think you'd get any kind of a discount on the shipping with the promo their running? That would suck to have to pay duty and shipping! THe good part is they're on sale so they're pretty cheap right now. (I may have to order a few more pairs for myself.

Sabine~ I agree with Mrss...maybe just rent from the hospital first to see. I would have HATED a manual pump! If everything goes well and you decide to buy, I really liked my medela pump.

Happy weekend to all! Time to go get T!

Puffy--we are so cool, we started the trend
I found a few online retailers so i am going to start searching tonight. Ebay has some good deals on Lulu stuff if you are interested. Co is good, thanks-we have actually started potty training and he went on the toilet twice today
. I am sure it was just coincidence but the coincidences are getting more common- so you never know. I had the privilege of working with an amazing potty trainer back in my daycare worker days and i am trying her techniques out now. Have u started with B yet?

Sabine--i have the medela swing and like it--i agree with MrsS. don''t go for manual--that''s craziness. If you are like me, and can barely get an oz when u pump, you need something good.

Off to step class--i pretty much ate a whole big bag of chips myself this aft (PMS took over, i swear) so i need it
okay Jas that is just amazing Co went peepee on the potty. seriously!! my girls were not potty trained until right b/f their 3rd b-days!! Jake would have no clue what to do if I put him on the potty, he currently just likes to stand next to it and play with the flusher or the metal plumbing that connects it to the wall
I am almost 100% sure though that Jake potty's while in the

I need to check out ebay for some of the workout of these days I will make it back to the gym to actually work out!!! I wish I could go to step with you and jake and co could play in the nursery together
Jas12~SERIOUSLY?!?! I thought you were joking about the potty training....Please post any tips you may have!
DD- Hunter is GORGEOUS! So dreamy. Oh, that''s the cutest pic.
Here''s Miss Tayva in her size 3 diaper. Best I could do....she kept running away from me!

Here''s another pic just for good of Tayva running away from me that shows her real pigtails!

Thanks for the pictures.
Those are just awesome!!!
I love them all....
Each one is special in its own way.
First one shows how well T is walking.
Second is just adorable because you can literally *see* her strutting her bootay down the sidewalk

It kind of look like she's doing a power walk :D
Last one is just gorgeous and I love that belly

And she has that sassy flirty look too!
Burk--Oh my--Tayva has pig tails!! I know we all keep saying it, but she is crazy pretty. You and Tacori are killing me with the beautiful girls--i want one! i want one! And once they start walking they really show off their cute clothes!
iam going to look at the VS work out gear right now ! If the price is right, even with duty/exchange--i''ll get some for sure. Thanks for the sale tip-off
And nope--not joking about potty training, but we just started last week. I was told to never tell ppl that you are starting to potty train, only tell them that you have completed it-lol. Broke that rule when i called my mom to tell her about the 2 successes today. I''ll let u know IF it works in a few weeks, months years--haha.

MrsS. -- I would LUV to go to Step with you and Jake!! I wish. Are u still teaching, or too busy right now?
i have no real expectations about potty training & NO pressure on Co obviously but he started signaling to me when he has a full diaper (he pats his bum & is in cloth diapers mostly so it is more obvious when he poops or pees) so i wondered if he knew that much could i start training? So i pulled out my trusty Baby Whisperer and was surprised to see she recommends starting at 9 mos (which seems crazy young) but what she said made sense to me. Then i remember this woman i used to work for at daycare--she is an immigrant from china and couldn''t believe how late kids stay in diapers in Canada (apparently they TT really young in china) I kid you not when i say all the babies under her care were trained around 1.5 years! A parent even switched their baby out of my group b/c they wanted Grace to TT for them! So long story short, i am just copying what i remember her doing with the 1 year olds. We''ll see what happens...i may be giving her a SOS call
Wow, potty training? I thought that Co would only be able to sign you that he wanted to diaper change at this time....not actually using the potty!
Way to go! I don''t think J will be potty trained anytime soon....that girl just won''t sit still long enough for her shishi to come out.

I''d wait until you get BFing down before gettting a pump.
Those things are expensive!

Haha...I can just see B yapping away and not let you get a word in.
Too funny about him trying to get you not mad anymore
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