
PS Mommies Thread!

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Those pigtails are too much

Soooo cute.
Haha, had to laugh at the diaper picture.
J was doing exactly that yesterday.
Had to chase her down in her diaper because she took off as I was undressing her for bathtime
Hey gals! I''m just peeking in and looking for Dreamer.
Dreamer, I was wondering if you had the list of the likelihood of miscarriage at different points in the pregnancy? I would totally love to see it! I m/c at 16DPO last time and today I''m 16DPO, but everything seems a-okay.

Also, you had a good explanation of when the baby and the mama are actually connected in terms of blood supply. Well, I guess blood supply is a misnomer since they never share blood supply, but when there is diffusion of oxygen and other substances from the maternal blood to the fetal blood. Thanks SO much! Hope you and your little guy are doing well!
Lili--shishi??--haha, that is so cute, i am going to use that word. Well, i shall see what happens--but yes, it is very possible and surprisingly common (just not in north america) there are all sorts of schools of thought on potty training --some say it is better to wait till the kid basically tells you they want to use the toilet--some start in the first 3 mos! just whatever works for you/kid i guess. I could totally see J jumping off the potty. That''s kinda why i started Co now--he''s happy to sit for a few mins and read with me. I don''t think he understands why i am so excited when he goes, but he did pat his wee-wee today and laughed--it was hilarious!

Does anyone have Zobha yoga gear???
Oh what a rockin friday night--online shopping and watching curling
jas12 that's good to hear that you found some stuff for working out. i don't know if i could ever give up my lulu stuff. i just LOVE it too much. YAY for Co going potty!! we have the stand up urinal for B, and he uses it before his bath everyday. i don't let him have his bath until he pees in it. and he is so amused with flushing it cause it makes the flushing sound and you can see the water washing away, and i'm guessing that he knows that he has to go before i let him flush it. my mom was asking me when i was going to start with B cause she started WAY EARLY with my brother and i. my brother was actually out of diapers by 15 months, and me by 18 months. i thought she was weird when she asked. but then i saw the urinal was on sale and thought why not? have fun looking for workout stuff!

burk T is such a pretty girl!!! i LOVE her pigtails, i just LOVE T!! anytime you need a babysitter and are in or around the SF area! haha.

have a great weekend!!

ETA: LILI~ how is J? is she walking yet? pretty close if not, i'm sure. B yaps way too much. i was just trying to talk on the phone with DH earlier, and he grabbed the phone from me and was walking around the house with the phone talking to DH and would not give it back to me. then i guess he decided he was done and hung up on DH. haha. then he did the funniest thing and actually put the phone back where it is supposed to go.
I don''t know if it''s jealousy or not, but it just annoys me. LOL
Where did you get the hat for T?
The new pics really show T''s personality. Love the Buddha belly. Just adorable.
I am so opposite of you. I make list of what I need to do, and then I would totally forget.

How cute... B is a total flirt. Must be so fun seeing him interact with other kids.
Even cuter that he wants to talk to Daddy on the phone.

icic. I keep wanting to buy some spring/summer clothes too, but I end buying for M every time I go shopping.
So funny that Tayva says "uh oh". I said "uh oh" to my nephews a lot when they were babies.
Love T''s pigtail. So girly and pretty. Can''t believe she is still in size 3 diapers. I just started M on size 4.

I agree that I would wait to get one, although I did put it on my registry. I figure if someone would buy it for me off my registry, I can always return it (as long as the security seal is not broken). No one bought if for me, so I ended up buying a Medela PISA when M was 4 weeks old. Definitely get the electric double pump if you are going back to work.

I eat a whole big bag of chips in two days few weeks ago. DH was like what happened to the chips. LOL. I feel bad now. I haven''t work out since I got pregnant.
Wow you are potty training Co already. Can you share some techniques? Not that I will potty train any time soon, but it''s always good to learn the techniques early.

Is J walking?
I want new pics of J.

Question on army crawl
M is kind of pushing up her upper body and moving to the side. Is that the "army crawl"? We put things in front of her in attempt to get her to go forward, but she won''t.

To All the Mommies, Have a great weekend!
Jas12~Thanks! I was pretty excited when I got her in pigtails. It''s super fun to dress her now that she walks and has so much personality. Any luck with your Friday night shopping? T currently squats every time she poops so I think she knows what''s going on to a certain extent. I was planning on getting her a potty soon but didn''t know if it was too soon. Guess I''ll get one. Good luck!

lili~Thanks! Yea, sitting still to get her diaper changed or get dressed these days is miserable! We have some little spitfires on our hands!

puffy~Thank you! Now I know who to call when we need a sitter in SF!

QT~It''s hard not to buy for T! She''s been in size 3''s since she was 6 months old! The tabs still touch when we put them on. She is super tall and skinny. Size 3 diapers and 18 mo and 24 mo clothes. Weird. I don''t know for sure, but I''m not thinking that''s the army crawl.

T story of the night: DH and I were driving to dinner and T was in the back in her carseat. She kept saying "Jake" (our chocolate lab''s name) and pointing to the car next to us at the stop light. I looked over and there was a black lab in the pick-up next to us. So I said, "yes, that puppy looks just like Jake. What do puppies say?" And she said "woof woof!!" So from then on it was "Jake woof woof" and then she''d laugh and clap.
LOL....that is too cute!
How nice it would be to be diaper free before 1 huh?
I think I'll have a hard time potty training J

Hehe, hung up on your hubby huh?
Probably saying that DH is taking too much of mommy's time.
Would you believe that J caught another cold?
She was ok for 2 weeks (although she's still got some snots in the morning),
but then caught another cold a few days ago.

ETA: cute pix of B.
I know. Diaper change is getting to be such a pain in the a$$.
Sometimes it is a pain on hers if you know what I mean

I may very well try out Jas12's technique (when she post them) just to avoid this diaper change.

"army crawl" is when they drag their body with their forearms on the ground and their legs doing more like a froggy swim (or sometimes not even moving)
You've probably seen cadets on the training ground where they have to run through some obstacle course where they need to crawl in the mud with some cargo net overhead?
Should look something like that.
Anyway, it sounds like M is getting close to crawling since she's working on her upper body muscles.
Hehe, J's been in size 3 diaper since 3 or 4 months I think.
And she's been in her 6-9 months onesies since 3 months.
It seems like she's not growing, but I know she is since she's towering over some of the furnitures.

LOL....too cute about the Jake story,
She's going to be a talker too.
Hehe....a scary combination huh? a very energetic chatterbox
puffy, Burk and QT
Sorry, kept forgetting to answer your question.
J''s walking now. Was on her feet more than 90% of the time a couple of weeks ago.
Really got into it when she found that she can do things with her hands while walking.
Of course being J, she''d try to run before learning to walk.
I guess that''s why it has taken her alot longer to officially walk -- more than a month from the time she took her first step

She''s very steady when she walks slower....but looks like t-rex when she tries to run.
qt i am so not an expert on the army crawl, but it doesn''t really sound like that''s what she''s doing. but she will be crawling in no time. hehee, B actually loves to talk on the phone with anyone who will give him the time of day. the other day my mom called and he didn''t know who it was, he just grabbed the phone and started talking like crazy and my mom was laughing so hard. the only problem with him wanting to talk on the phone is that when he is done, he will hang up and sometimes i have to race him to the phone so i can pick it up first.

burk yes for sure, anytime you are around SF, i am your babysitter!!! i love that T story. isn''t it amazing how smart kid are? B amazes me everyday with something crazy.
Yeah, she kind of pushes off on one arm (sometimes with the froggy legs and sometimes not) , then drag her body off to the side. So she ends up at an angle from where she was originally. Yeah it''s not a true army crawl.

J is an early walker.

so cute that B is such a talker.
Burk--oh, that is super cute about T & Jake--smarty pants !
I found tons of nice stuff on VS, but i''ve decided to wait till i go to NYC. With the exchange, shipping duty & tax it will be about double if i order online. Not like i really, truly need new workout gear--i just want it

Burk and Qtiekiki--this is a good website for general info on potty training, pros and cons of different ages etc. LINKY but if u google you will find tons of info. Qtiekiki, basically i am just putting him on the potty 20 min after food or drink for 3-5 min and if he goes you praise them (and if you don''t you don''t make any sort negative comment--everything is very positive). The idea is that after the child notices the connection b/w sitting on the potty and peeing/pooping they start to go when they sit (it''s basically positive conditioning). It is slow to start at first b/c you have to wait for the coincidence of them peeing when on the potty, but it picks up steam after a few successes--i''ve noticed this happening already. Some kids catch on in a few weeks, some it takes much longer--but 1 year is a good time to start apparently b/c they have no negative associations and are eager to please parents. Terrible 2s is apparently one of the hardest times b/c of the strong will/independence streak that develops.

Lili-Co is still fitting into his 9 mos clothing too. Actually, he fit into a 3 mos bathing suit a few weeks ago
some of sizing on clothing is wacky. I have to buy down in size for H & M stuff, but some brands i buy up. I can''t believe J runs , she is hilarious.

Shocker--it might be warm enough to venture outside today, some of the ice on the sidewalks is melting so i am going to brave it...wish me luck
Date: 3/13/2009 7:51:09 PM
Author: Burk
Here''s Miss Tayva in her size 3 diaper. Best I could do....she kept running away from me!
Aw!! So cute!!!! I will have to take Amelia''s tomorrow.

To let you Burk, I think our daughters are nearly identical in height and build. I gave Amelia a bath tonight and her body looks pretty much like T''s. And if I were to put on a size 3 diaper, it would look like that on Amelia. However ages ago I asked where a diaper should be and everyone said it should hit above the belly button. That''s the reason I went to size 4s, then 5s. Also, she was taking power poops for awhile (due to prunes) so I needed the diaper real estate up the back.

We measured Amelia today and she is standing over 31 inches from what we can tell.

I''ll try and catch up more tonight!
lili~LOL about the diaper changes. Tayva talks only when she wants to. Now she says "woof woof" every time Jake barks, though! Tayva is growing out of her clothes, but those size 3 diapers still fit. Maybe she''ll take to the potty training and I won''t have to worry about 4''s! (A girl can hope can''t she!
) Yay for J running! It''s hilarious isn''t it. T still runs faster than her body will let her and she falls and hops right back up to try and run again!

Puffy~I think B and T would play great together!

Jas12~I think T''s holding out on us. She doesn''t talk too terribly much but every once and a while she stuns me! Thanks for the link for potty training. I don''t really think we''ll start until I can do it with her full time in May, but we''ll see. I''m so glad you decided to go to NYC!!

Tgal~I can''t wait to see A''s pic! I really should try and take another because that pic is pretty deceiving since she was playing and bending over so it kind of folded over. Her diaper does go above her belly button and the tabs touch to the point where I could overlap them. We have no blow-out issues so I think we''re fine. So crazy that she and A are so similar in height and weight! They are tall, skinny drinks of water!
What size clothes is A in?

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. SIL and I hit up Gap, Banana, and Old Navy and did great! I bought T a bunch of stuff for spring and summer even got myself a few things at Banana. I got a sweater that was originally $110 for $11 because one of the buttons was broke. It came with another button so all I have to do is a little sewing!
I love a good deal and I never get that lucky so I was so excited. Lame. I know.
Burk, which brand diapers do you use?

Amelia is in 18 month clothes for the most part. One year onesies can fit hear pants are too short. 18 month tops are definitely big...she can still wear smaller tops because she is slim enough. But they are short on her!

She seems like she should be more advanced because she's so huge. Every kid her age is tiny compared to her. I feel like I'm carrying around a toddler.

ETA, that IS a good deal on the sweater!!
Tgal~ We use Huggies Snug and Dry. DH accidentally bought Huggies natural fit (I think that''s what they any rate, they were Huggies brand but not the "style" we usually use) a couple months back and they were way more snug so I''m thinking that the perhaps Pampers would fit her differently, too? T is in mostly 18 mo and 24 mo as well. I have a difficult time with pants because she''s so thin that if I don''t buy the ones where you can adjust the waist they fall off. I have always felt like T looks so much older than she is, too. You almost are carrying around toddler!
Oh, and thanks about the sweater. I am so proud of myself.
lili YAY for J walking!!! she''ll be running in no time i''m sure. another cold?!?! that poor girl! but i''m sure she''s still as mischievous as always. he will hang up the phone on anyone. when he is done talking, the conversation is OVER! haha. the pic is from one of the days we were at the park.

burk awww, T is such a skinny lil thing. nice work on the sweater!! that is a super good deal. i also bought a few things at banana today when we went to the mall. and bought a few more things for B at baby gap, then i went to look for new tennis shoes for myself and ended up buying B 4 pairs of shoes that i could not resist! haha. but luckily, DH is totally fine with me getting tennis shoes for B, DH loves tennis shoes for B.

tgal we need some pics of amelia!!!
It won't be long before M is moving about.
My nephew was a army crawler. It's the cutest thing to see

J never did the army crawl...she went straight into the real crawl, although she did have alot of belly flops at the beginning.

Ha, so that's what the diaper shot was for (I was just over in the other diaper poll thread).
Can't believe that T is still in size 3....she's a tall skinny minnie, but the funny thing is that her legs don't look skinny to me.
ETA: Wow, that is an awesome deal on the sweater.

Wow, A is tall!
She's not even one yet and she's already 31+ inches?
I got to see a diaper picture of her.
Can't believe A and T are in 18+ months clothes.
J is still in her 6mnths onesies.

Thanks for the linky of potty training.
Don't know if I'm brave enough to try it out yet since J can't even be still enough for me to change her diaper!
Hehe....I got to see Co in his 3 month swim trunks!

Yep, nothing will keep her down.
The only time she was calm enough for hubby to cuddle was when she had a fever.
Otherwise, she's up and about even with the stuffy and runny nose.
Hehe, little B looks more his age in this avi

Don't tell me that's a bruise on his cheek.
J had her first badge of walking today -- clonked her face on the edge of the table
I feel like we haven''t seen any updated pictures from alot of the kiddies this month.
Come now mommies, post away.
ok, catching up now since TGuy is out tonight with the boys...

Puffy, I can''t believe that woman didn''t apologize to you for her kid bulldozing B! Yes, accidents happen, but I would think an apology is still in order. Poor B. Hope he is better.

Tacori, hahaha...Tessa is such a sasser. Mean mommy indeed!!! Love the latest pics of Tessa...she looks like she walks with such PURPOSE! lol.

QT, I love that studious look that Meena has with her blocks. What a cutie. So fun that they are more into things, isn''t it?

Pavelover Tyler looks like a doll - he''s such a cutie and such perfect features!!!

DD, what a great pic of Hunter! He seems pretty happy with the binky, glad it worked out. As you''re finding out, things are constantly changing with motherhood. You do some things you think you wouldn''t do and never do some things you are sure you were going to. Motherhood wouild be boring if we could figure it out so easily, doncha think?

Burk, Amelia is totally into the "uh oh" lately too. Except she can''t quite get the "O" sound right. It''s more like "Uh uhhhhh" but the right intonation. TGuy didn''t believe me when I told him I discovered she could say it because she said it for 15 minutes straight to herself during naptime! Have no idea where she got it from...must be the nanny. She doesn''t use it in the right context yet, but loves saying it.

Sabine, I would say the high end breast pump, but agree with the others - don''t buy it until you know you''re going to need it. The best thing I ever did was rent it from the hospital, because in the end, my milk didn''t come in, so I wasn''t out all that money.

Jas, I totally believe that Co will be potty trained early. Both me and my brother were full trained at about a year and 8 months (says my mom). I also believe that my mom used cloth diapers for me, which was probably key. I have a distinct memory of sitting on the toilet when I lived in Alaska and not letting my brother go poo on the toilet for some mean reason. He was crying and holding his legs together. He ended up pooping on the floor (I still remember jumping off that toilet seat like it electrocuted me! I was SO afraid my mom was going to yell at me. My solution was to cover up the poo with one square of toilet paper.) I moved to California from Alaska when nearly 4 and my brother is 15 months younger than I am. Which means my mother isn''t lying about us both being trained early.

OK, going to post this and continue catching up. I don''t trust that this clunker of a computer won''t crash...
QT, lili is correct on the Army crawl. It''s all my little late developer will do at this point.

lili, poor little J and her cold. My friend says that kids are always sick when they are in daycare...just the way it is and you get used to it. It''s so sad to see their little noses run.

yay for J walking! I totally love the T-Rex running look. That''s the best part about baby movement (actually, that''s second only to the crawling bum wiggle in my book.) How fun that she is walking before her first bday!! Now the fun you said, it''s so stressful because they bruise themselves up way more!

Jas, did you decide to go to NYC? I think I missed that? And I guess caucasian people don''t use the word "shi shi"? Every asian I know uses it to talk about peeing....

lili,puffy, I did snap new photos of Amelia today and was going to post them tonight but I realized I don''t have my photo editing software on this clunker computer I am using. I will load the software tomorrow (it''s in Amelia''s room at the moment and she''s sleeping).
Well, what''s new with us. Let''s see..

Amelia has 7 teeth now. Bottom sides and top sides pretty much have nearly come through all at once. One of the top side ones is about to erupt so it will be 8 teeth shortly.

The freakazoid still will not feed herself. I can put a cheerio or something near her hand (almost putting it in her hand) and she will ONLY bring it up to her mouth if my hand is still attached to hers. I tried making her do otherwise by showing her and it was the first time ever she FREAKED OUT. Cried and SOBBED! Snotty runny nose, purple face, catching breath, the works. This was last night.

So today I didn''t force the issue but certainly didn''t just put it in her mouth. She at least had to go through the motion of bringing her hand to her mouth with my hand, which she is fine with doing. Then at one point she pincer grabbed a cheerio and accidently put it in her mouth! But it popped out before she could chew down on it. DOH! So close, and yet so far.

And then at bathtime, she proceeded to eat her rubber ducky herself.

Oh, and re: pics...

My mom and I had an amusing conversation. We both agree that Amelia is SOOO not photogenic!!! My mom even says she won''t show anyone pics of Amelia because they just don''t capture her at all. My mom went on to say how cute Amelia is and point out all of her cute features that never show up in pics.

I then said, "Mom, I do think Amelia is cute - but if I''ve taken ALL of these 100''s of pics, and nearly ALL of them she comes out funky looking, is it possible that the PICTURES AREN''T LYING? That she''s not cute at all?"

My mom looked at me in absolute (mock) horror and ordered I leave her and Amelia at once. I left the room to my mother telling Amelia I was a mean mommy. Hehehehe.

(for the record, I do think she''s cute. She''s just wonky in photos. I took her to the park this week and took pics. Not one, and I mean not a SINGLE one came out decent. She looks like a troll in nearly all of them.)

*sigh* Wish we could post videos. I''m not part of that "other" site because I like to remain in my own bubble, otherwise I''d go check out all your videos!!
Hi Everyone I am behind as usual but I''m not gonna worry since I think you guys will cut a "newborn" mommy some slack:)
I have been reading along as usual and enjoying all the talk/photos. T is alseep and I got up early to have my coffee- somehow I feel more sane if I get a few minutes by myself- even though I could be sleeping right now. oh and I am catching up on my dvr shows and ps, of course:)
So, my dh left for the Phillipines last night- 6 p.m. I was pretty nervous, but am here to say...I made it through my first night alone!!!!! I am sure lots of you mommies with husbands that travel are used to this but it was stressing me out to no end, so I feel it was a big deal. And T had a freak out with the first waking(10:30) so we got that out of the way too! I was nervous how I would deal with no sleep and no back up and a screaming child but it all worked out. OK enough about us. I''m gonna post this and then try to do some more...I hear a little baby crying,though...
for surviving the first night alone w/ T!
I knew you can do it.
How long is your hubby going to be gone btw?
TGal the convo between your mom and you regarding pics and being photogenic.
Too funny

Burk, firing someone would be hard for me too. Awesome on your great deal! I love a good deal for sure.

puffy, the girl''s got a belly (like her mommy
) It is SO hard not to laugh when I am yelling at T. She doesn''t really learn her lesson. I mean some things she KNOWS she is not suppose to do and will even whisper "no, no, no" but then STILL do them
B is so funny. I love the phone story.

MrsS, can''t wait to meet you either! Jake is so darn handsome.

Jas12, lists don''t seem to help me (you would think they would) *sigh* I had a few drinks last night so I had CRAZY dreams. I cannot believe Co went in the potty! Crazy smart kid! My neighbor always reminds me that her son was pooped trained at 16 months (T is 16 months) and cannot even imagine that.

Sabine, wait on the breast pump.

Burk, LOVE the pigtails!
She is so cute in her mini diapers. Changing T''s diaper has been a challenge for SO long. I am sick of it! She always runs away from me. How cute about her seeing a dog that looks like your dog and she thought it was him.

lili, thank you my dear. She is short and sassy for sure. Watch out boys! How''s our J? Congrats on her walking. I love the early, wobbly days. So cute. Of course now she will run away for you b/c I know she also is a sassy girl! Sorry she is sick again. Poor girl! I should be off the picture hook for awhile now right? haha.

Q, I got her hat at baby gap last year. It was on sale so I bought a larger size so she could wear it this spring. I just got the CUTEST hat from gymboree. It has a really floppy brim which I love. I still think it is jealously b/c otherwise she would not compare them. T does have a TON of personality. Maybe too much. Haha. T started the army crawl at 6.5 months and did it until 8 months or so. She would drag her belly against the floor (but could TOTALLY move from point A to point B). I am pretty sure if she ain''t moving, it isn''t ANY type of crawl
But she will be moving soon don''t worry!

TGal, you do have a tall girl. T is such a shortie. Made it even funnier when she started walking so early. She looked like a 6 monther walking. Haha. She called me mean mommy again today
My brain knows she associates the wiping of her face and hands to the phrase NOT me but still...She always walks like she has a place to go (b/c she does). How funny she doesn''t feed herself. Guess she is smart and knows you will do it for her!

pave, I used to be freaked to be alone with her (overnight too). I think b/c I knew no matter what I would get NO break and NO help. You are in an adjustment period and are still getting to know T (as he is you). Hang in there. We have all been there.

As for me I had a great weekend. It was good to see our friends. Such a short visit but I''ll take what I can get. We went and worked out yesterday and then went for a pedi. I hadn''t had one since my wedding so I think it was well deserved. Then we went out to dinner an a bar uptown. The babysitter was great and is in love with T. I am not kidding. She says she feels like her grandma. I guess she talks about T to her daughter so much her daughter now wants a picture (is that strange?) But I obviously love hearing how great and wonderful my daughter is. She is coming tomorrow morning for a few hours so I think I will go to DSW (have a coupon and need shoes) and BRU to get yet ANOTHER gate. Hopefully it will be our last one as it will be our 5th
Have you tried the Beyond Yoga line?
It is so soft and cozy!

I think she is excited to turn 10.
It all went by so fast

Her hormones are now starting to RAGE
Every once in while I catch a glimpse of my *baby* and I am thankful for that.

I will keep you posted on the party antics!
Glad you had a nice picnic!
There's nothing wrong with a little grass - think of it as fiber

My DH always used to say "What doesn't kill them will make them stronger..."

Love the "Classic Tessa" in her signature dots!

Glad you had a good visit with your friends.

Sorry to hear you will be alone for a while.
I hate when my DH travels. It's not like he is home much as it is, but there is something different about actually being away that I don't like.
A first floor master might be a pain at first, but you will probably enjoy the privacy later on.

Those pictures of T are just adorable! Love the pigtails

Sorry that your DH is out of the country.

Getting some time to yourself everyday really does make a difference.
Hang in there!
lili awwww, that''s so cute that J let her daddy cuddle her when she was sick. daddy''s little girl? B''s all clear from the bruises, all gone. EXCEPT he''s got another one about to form from today. i took him shopping and he was reaching for a shirt or something and i hadn''t noticed until it was too late and the hanger wacked him right on his face. he cried for a bit, then took the hanger and said "no way!!" to it. FUNNY!!! your J is such a mover and shaker, no wonder she weighs so little.

tgal amelia IS cute, quite the little lady she is becoming. i had to laugh out loud at the conversation you and your mom had, very funny!! she''ll be feeding herself soon enough, but consider yourself lucky that she doesn''t put anything and everything in her mouth! can''t wait for pics of amelia.

pave glad you made it through your first night without DH!! it is tough initially but i got through it and a lot of other moms got through it and you will too. a few minutes for yourself is always important. good luck with tonight, but i''m sure you will be great!

tacori heehee, i love T''s little belly, it is so cute the way that the picture captured it. a pedi was much deserved!!! i get one every 2 weeks, i couldn''t imagine what i would do without them, SAD i know. B definitely knows what he can and can''t get away with, but he does push the buttons at times. then i of course have to yell at him then he''ll think he''s all cute and try to make me laugh and think that its ok. oh, his new thing is when i get mad at him, he gives me kisses. haha!! but i have to try to stay mad.

iluv haha, i know B will definitely try to eat the grass, but i try to stop him. but it is true, what doesn''t kill you will make you stronger! i will have to remember that for next time. raging hormones at 10 already??? i can''t imagine what she will be like when she is 13. YIKES!!
Date: 3/13/2009 3:25:02 PM
Author: mrssalvo
sabine- I had a manual with my first and HATED it. I never pumped b/c it hurt and was a PITA. I''d suggest renting one from your hospital, they are usually pretty cheap, maybe $15 a month or something and make sure you can do it b/f spending money on one yourself and then I''d recommend getting the full power one. Also, another reason to wait is so you are sure you are going to be able to nurse. there are gals here who wanted to nurse and their milk never came in etc. so I would just wait to make sure all is going as planned b/f you put that much money into something.
Sabine - I totally agree with this! I really wanted to breastfeed and when my milk finally decided to come in (like a week after delivery) I had next to none. I pumped a measly 1.5ozs and gave that mixed with formula to my little guy. Rent one from the hospital first and go from there. Good luck with your registry!
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