
PS Mommies Thread!

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Totally butting my head in here for selfish reasons.
'scuze the interruption!!

DREAMER - in that adorable pic of Hunter that you posted 2 pages back...where he is sucking his binky and waving...What sling is that? Baby Buddha? I
Tacori~I''m the same way...most of the time if T says something that sounds like a word I just assume it was jibberish that accidentally sounded like something! I was completely shocked when she put the "woof woof" with puppy together last week. I just don''t expect that much. Might be because I still think of her as my baby...and I''m not really all that concerned about her speaking sentences yet. There''s plenty of time for that!

lili~Um, yea, totally a drama queen. I tried to pick her baby up and give it back to her and she shook her finger at me and said "no no" so I put it in the storage thing under her stroller and told her she was done with the baby then. Kids I tell ya.
Attn all mommies who are thinking of going for the next one...

First of all, let me say there is NO WAY I am pregnant. TGuy has been out of town and I haven''t been shacking up with anyone else.

This morning, I woke up and was MASSIVELY dizzy and nauseous. TGuy had to stay home until the nanny got here. The room kept spinning and my stomach was jumping. I ended up running to the toilet and dry heaving (if I had eaten, I would have had lost the meal). Just hung onto the toilet for dear life while the room was spinning and spinning.

It felt like massive morning sickness, which I never had (I just had queasiness at around 4 pm every day). If this is what morning sickness is like and if you have it EVERY DAY for 6 to 7 weeks -


Happying TTCing!!!

awww Tgal that sucks!! Hope you're feeling better. Thank for reminding me what lies ahead. No fun. I rarely vomited with my pregnancy but felt like I was dying most of the time until 17 weeks
Soooo hoping I'm preggo now....
tgal how are you doing? are you better? i didn''t have morning sickness either and hopefully i will not have it with my 2nd.

burk that is so funny that T plays in the dirt. B touched dirt one time and he had the most disgusted look on his face. it was pretty funny. now when i take him out to the garden, he goes no where near the plants and dirt. he does love to play in the grass though. i think that B''s still a bit too young to do the potty training, but i figured since he did it every day before his bath, why not. he doesn''t tell me when he needs to go every time though, and i don''t even think he knows when he needs to go all the time. that''s such great news about T''s asthma. i hope she continues to do well.

tacori haha, they are way too young to be getting everything their way. but it is cute to see B try to get things that he knows he is not supposed to be playing with. i honestly don''t know how B learned half the stuff he knows cause i know i didn''t teach it to him. today he took a carton of milk that was just finished and he was running around the house with it saying "milk, milk, milk." then he tried to open the refrigerator door and put it inside. funny guy. T is a smart girl and she probably does say more than you think she says just because you are with her all the time. nice work on shopping for yourself.

lili glad to hear that J is doing better. that poor thing!! B does talk a lot and he loves it when people talk back to him, but what he loves most is to make people laugh. he will start to do a fake laugh sometimes just to get other people to start laughing.

ok here''s a funny story. B was kinda tired today cause i guess he was pooped from our class this morning and he ran around a lot more than usual. so we get home and i''m cleaning, doing laundry, and just walking around the house. this entire time he was in his room playing, or so i thought. so i go into his room to bring his laundry there and he has fallen asleep on the floor, next to his bed. haha!!! it was the funniest thing. he NEVER sleeps on the floor. he got one of his stuffed animals as a pillow and he was OUT.
Ugh, sorry about the spinning and dizzy spell.
Hope you are feeling better.
Any idea what it could have been?
I get those every once in while right before AF and when it is hot outside or when I''m dehydrated

You had it pretty easy w/ your pregnancy.
Are you sure you don''t want to do it one more time so A can have a playmate

One of the thing that I worried about when I found out that I was preggo is the MS that everyone is talking about.
Fortunately for me, I didn''t get it at all. Hopefully, I''ll be just as lucky the second time around.

Hey, been meaning to ask.
What was your mom''s reaction when you gave her the 10month picture of you and A?
Or have you not given it to her yet.

Ugh, ms til 17 wks?
If it makes you feel better, my sister was extremely queasy w/ her first (so much so that she needed medication to help keep food down).
But with her second, she was almost ms free

Hehe....too funny about T with the finger shake on her "no nos".
They certainly pick things like so fast at this age huh?

haha, B couldn''t quite make it to his bed huh?
Tacori--running to public washrooms with a toddler--ugh, ya, never really thought of that. i am sure we''ll see many a pee-pee dance during our parenting days
. I wonder if that stage lasts longer if you train earlier? If so, i am aborting the mission-ha.
Any luck with the melatonin?

Burk--sorry to hear about your friend. Very sad. i think Down''s kids are amazing beautiful people but i could just imagine the worry over their future etc. it would be devestating news to digest--hopefully they can find a good support group.

Diver--you live...and knit! The kiddies are so big and cute. Glad u are well.

Tgal--sorry to hear u are sick
Do you feel any better? Your story of your mom and the Amelia pics had me laughing over here. I am curious too, did she get the 10 mnth pic from you yet?

Puffy--gald B''s appnt went well! As if B fell asleep on the floor--that is too funny

Not much new here--weather is finally warming up. It was a tropical 7 degrees here today and I kid you not, i saw TONS of ppl in shorts!
went for a nice walk down to the lake.
Co is not wanting 2 naps lately and so i have all of 40 mins in my day now to do laundry, dinner, shower etc. It''s driving me nutty. Charlie is working crazy hours (got in at 12:30 last night) this week so i ''ve been pooped.
ha tacori-I had forgotten about the frantic searches for clean bathrooms while potty training. I remember when we drove to Florida and Lily was still in pull=ups and I was selfishly glad b/c we could keep driving without having an endless number of potty breaks. now that I''ve got a boy i''m not so worried about a clean potty, a nice big outdoor tree would work just fine for him
oh and I never pushed for my kids to potty train. I''m sure I could have put forth the effort and had them trained a lot earlier than i did but both girls were about 2 1/2 and never had accidents nor wet the bed. My oldest actually wanted to wear big girl panties so badly that it was her motivation for ditching diapers/pull-ups and she did not want to potty on her new princess panties. they, whomever they is, say boys take longer so I guess I''ll just have to see how it goes with Jake.

tgal-i hope you''re feeling better. I didn''t really have MS with any of mine so if you do decide to go for a second you''ll hopefully repeat your pregnancy, minus the toxemia of course...

jas...7 degrees? oh was 60 something here today and I was so happy. I''ve had such a hard time adjusting to the winter here in Northern IN. I just can''t even fathom the climate you live in. I''ve noticed jake starting to want to skip his morning nap too. Fortunately on days that he does, he usually takes a good 2 hour nap in the afternoon. It''s hard once they start giving up naps b/c when they are awake they are just into everything so you can''t get a thing done. I had to put Jake in his Pack N Play today just so I could get dinner ready without him following me around and climbing up on my legs while I''m cooking around the oven and stove. I hope if Co really is dropping a nap that he''ll adjust into at least one good long one for you. i always found that my kids nap better in the summer too when they are so much for active at the pool/park etc. my hubby''s been gone too and I can totally relate to how hard it is being a ''single mom''. know that your not alone and I promise it does get better!
Jas Please tell me that was 7 degrees Celsius right???
Aww Lucy is adorable... she is looking more and more like Lily.
Wow Lily is so advance with her vocab, such a smartie.

Oh my, sorry about your co-worker''s baby. It must be tough for the parents to see their baby go through a big surgery. My heart goes out to them.
So cute T says "woof woof" for doggies.
Sounds like you got lots of goodies for T. We went to ON and Gap, and I held back from buying since I bought quite a bit for M already. =P
ms until 17 weeks? hope you don''t get ms for baby #2.

I was parked when I was posting on my phone. I was taking a PS break between two inspections.

You are right... babies'' ability to learn is amazing. M got up on all four for a few seconds and then just flop onto the floor today. Total fluke. LOL.

So good to hear from you.
D and J are adorable. So funny that "little" D is picking on big brother J.

B is so advance with all his skills. He got some good genes from you and your DH.
Isn''t it amazing how manipulative little babies/toddlers can be?

Will definitely post a pic of M in her hat once we actually use it.
You won''t know if T will be tall or not. My mom is 5''4" and my dad is 5''8", and I am shorter than my mom at 5''3", but my younger sis is 5''7". That''s pretty tall for an Asian girl.
And Tessa is very smart.

So funny that your friend asked you to rate her kid. There''s just no good answer to that one.
Hope you are feeling better.

Wow you are amazing... doing all those chores in 40 mins.

For the sake of St. Patrick''s Day...

PUFFY - We are so proud of James doing the army crawl. It was just the cutest thing ever. I''m glad that B had a good 15 month appointment. He looks so old and so cute in your avatar - I didn''t think he was that young!

LILI - I do agree that kids in daycare get sick more often than those that stay home - but they do need to build their immune systems. We''ve been really lucky with James. He''s had 2 itty bitty colds and one big one and that''s it. He goes to a home-based daycare part-time.

JANINE - I don''t feel like James is an early crawler especially since it''s strictly army crawling for now but he is growing up so fast.

CURLY - Awwwww - Lucy is a cutie. Does she have any teeth yet? Congrats on her sitting up without assistance! James started STTN around 12 weeks and then relapsed to waking several times a night so I know how you feel. He''s doing better and has only been waking up once a night for about 2 weeks now so hopefully he''ll get back into his old routine soon.

BURK - Poop training? I''ve never heard of this until now
Potty training is a bit far off for us yet
I dread the day James learns how to say "no". Obviously, we don''t discipline him yet but we do tell him NO in a firm tone when he grabs at our faces.

Q - M will crawl sooner than you think! We really need to get babyproofing before he''s really mobile.

It''s so nice to see you again. Your kiddos are so cute and I can''t believe that sweet little girl beats up her older brother

TGAL - Sorry to hear about your m/s-like symptoms. I did that exact same thing from like weeks 8 - 13 when I was preggo and I really thought that I would die with a death grip on the toilet. I hope you start feeling better soon.

The weather was sooo nice here today - about 68F!! We took James out for a walk and took him to the local outdoor mall again. It''s going to get back into the 40''s later this week but this has really been a nice treat so I''m not going to complain.

We got some really cute pics of James in the tub today that I''ll post tomorrow when after I load them to the computer.

Hope all the mommies had a wonderful day!
Q - we must have been posting at the same time - that pic of M is sooo cute. James is already in bed or I would have convinced DH to take a "beer shot" with James.
qt awww, what a great pic of M!! how is she doing? B totally works me, but i don''t let him know that it works.

diva i can''t wait to see pics of james. B does look old....i miss it when he was just a little baby, or at least looked like one. haha. did you guys have a good time at the outdoor mall? i love outdoor malls!

jas12 Co only takes a 40 min nap all day? and you can get all that done in 40 min? you are good!!! glad to hear that the weather is warming up! were you able to get some workout clothes the other day?

lili haha, the poor kid. i don''t know what happened! he must have fallen asleep on the floor (thank goodness we have carpet in his room) within minutes of us getting home. i put him in his room, closed the gate, went to put a load of laundry in the washer, got laundry out of the dryer, went back to his room, and he was snoozing away. haha. but lately, i noticed that he has been trying to climb in and out of his crib. i think it might be time say goodbye to the crib.
I''ve got a few solid food questions--mostly on order of foods.

Right now Chloe is 5.5 mo''s and we''ve slowly introduced her to solids. Her diet schedule so far is

Bottle feeding

Rice Cereal/Oatmeal mixed with fruit (pear, prune): She can eat quite a bit now. We follow this what is left in the bottle but she usually doesn''t finish it.

Bottle feedings until late afternoon.

Veggie serving followed by bottle. So far she''s only tried peas and HATES it.

I plan on introducing a new food (veggies I''ll try green beans, then squash) every few days.

My questions this ok? Should I actually be giving her cereal and THEN the new food (rather than the food alone). Should the bottle go before the food or after?

Thanks..i know it''s a lot of basic questions, but I just never know what''s best. She loves solids so far (except peas) so her cues tell me she''s an easy eater so far.
Hey everyone!

Janine~I don''t really think there is a "right" or "wrong" way to do it. When Tayva was 5.5 months her days looked something like this; 7:30 bottle, 11:30 bottle, 12 solids (veggie and fruit mixed with oatmeal), 3:30 bottle, 5:30-6 solids (veggie and fruit mixed with oatmeal), 7 bottle. We added the breakfast feeding at 8 or 8:30am around 7 or 8 months I think. So, as you can see mostly she had a bottle first, except at night where she ate her solids first and had her bath, play time and then bottle before bed.

I''ll be back to catch up with everyone in a bit...must go teach!
oh my...i have missed SO MUCH!!
i apologize for not having time right now to do a proper posting, but things are crazy since we got back from our trip, and i need to leave for work in a few minutes.

quickly...the trip was GREAT. coby did really well on the flights, although if you can believe it, we had a plane accident!! since i was traveling w/o DH, i was psyched that i wasn't going to have to switch planes. unfortunately, on the second leg of our trip in san diego, our plane hit another plane as we were leaving the gate! neither plane was flyable and we had to sit on the tarmac forever while the police came and photos were taken, etc etc. so we ended up being really late, AND having to switch planes. but coby was a trouper! but how funny to say that his first airplane was in a crash!

anyway, more later, but i need your HELP. coby is steadfastly refusing a bottle. which is completely stressing me out. does anyone have any suggestions? i only work half days on tuesday and wednesday, but tomorrow is a full day, and i'm not sure what to do (might have to have the nanny bring him to me at lunch to nurse!)...

we have tried born free, dr. browns, adiri, and playtex bottles and he won't take ANY of them (he used to take ANY and all of them). (btw, he also refuses pacifiers).
a friend suggested we try the nuby sippy cups, but he is only 5 months so it seems kind of early. someone else suggested the sassy/mam bottles...

i don't know what to do...anyone? anyone??

thanks in advance, and i promise to do a real post soon!!


ETA: JANINE...thanks for asking all those feeding questions. i may just resort to starting solids and have the nanny feed coby his cereal instead of a bottle (when i'm at work), and i too have the same questions. it's all so confusing!!
Janine - I agree with Burk. There''s not really a right or wrong way to introduce solids to your baby.

Here''s what we do with James (he''s 8.5 months):

6am - 7oz bottle

8:30ish am - 4oz bottle - sometimes he naps after this while I finish getting ready for work

10am - 1 container of 2nds foods fruit with cereal - he''s at the sitter''s house now and will usually go down for a nap after eating

Noonish - 7oz bottle and 1 container of 2nd foods veggie - still at the sitter''s house and, again, sometimes he''ll nap a bit after lunch, but not lately

4pm - 7oz bottle - this is right before I pick him up from the sitter

5-6pm - 4oz bottle and 1 container 2nd foods with cereal. This is James'' dinner and we alternate fruits and veggies here. Too many of one or the other tends to make him constipated.

7-8pm - 7oz bottle and sometimes cereal if he''s acting super hungry before bed

This is a typical schedule for us, but we pretty much bottle feed on demand. If he''s hungry after breakfast his sitter knows to give him a 4oz bottle to hold him over until lunch but he can usually go 3-4 hours during the day without a feeding. Also, if (when) he wakes up in the middle of the night hungry DH gives him 4oz.

When we first started James on solids we would give him a bottle first and then offer the food since babies get their nutrition from the formula/breastmilk. We also alternated fruits and veggies with James instead of doing all the veggies and then all the fruits or vice versa. I hope this helps! Good luck!
puffy~That is too funny that B doesn't like dirt. Tayva has been a mess the past few days since it's been nice out and they go outside at daycare and I take her for walks and we play outside. She even smells a little!
I don't think that Tayva is ready to potty train completely either. They're still young. Since she does squat every time she poops, I figure I will just put her on the potty when she squats and see. I'm in no rush. Especially with all these stories of finding restrooms, potty stops on trips, ect!! Too cute about B falling asleep on his floor, too! Tayva lays her head on the floor when she's tired, but never has she fallen asleep! Must have melted your heart!

lili~Yea, 17 weeks was rough. From week 12 on I kept waking up thinking it would be done. I was miserable. The only thing that helped was eating little bits often. So, I pretty much ate nonstop for 3 months straight! I so hope I get as lucky as your sister and escape MS this time!

Jas12~I totally agree that Down's kids are fantastic. We have a few at our school I'm in love with!
I think the shock is the worst part. I think the heart surgery is tomorrow. Glad things are warming up! Cold weather can be so depressing... I'm so ready for spring!

QT~Thanks! Tayva is certainly a character...I hear "uh oh" and "woof woof" A LOT throughout the day! Good for you holding back at ON and Gap. I wish I was that good. If I only get MS until 12 weeks with baby #2 I'll consider myself lucky! That pic of M is great!!

Diva~Isn't this thread great?! I swear I learn something new every day.
Poop training sounds pretty funny! Not something every parent does or can do for that matter. For us, Tayva squats every time she poops. That will be our signal to take her to the potty. Since she already has a "cue" for poop we're just going to start with that....and, I am not home with her right now so it'll be easier to fully train her in June when I'm home with her every day. As for the "no's"'s funny to an extent... I would highly recommend you start gently disciplining early. We would say "NO" and remove Tayva from the situation from a very early age and she knew to stop what she was doing when she heard "NO" or heard her name in a firm tone from very early on (probably 7 or 8 months).

LIA~Glad your trip was a success!! Crazy about the planes. I wish I could be of help with the refusing the bottle issue but Tayva was never picky. I started with Nubby sippies at 5 months, so I don't think that would be a stretch to try. Worth a shot. I know lili had similar issues. I'm sure she'll chime in.
Puffy - your story about B falling asleep on the floor made me smile because it reminds me of my DH. He can fall asleep anywhere, anytime and his parents have soooo many pictures of him sleeping in the oddest places - the dinner table, in a wooden wheelbarrel, on a kiddie rocking chair and on the floor in the kitchen. So so so cute!

LIA - I''m so glad that your trip was a success and fun. The plane situation would scare me though
You''re far braver than I am traveling alone with an infant.

Burk - James just started with the face grabbing about 2 weeks ago so that''s when we decided to start "disciplining" him. We figure that he''s gotta learn what''s acceptable and what''s not - and grabbing people''s faces is not. I think part of it has to do with the fact that DH wears glasses all the time and I wear mine sometimes too and he''s more interested in playing with the glasses than he his actually grabbing your face, ya know? When he reaches out to grab we just say no in a firm tone and redirect his hand. So far so good

Lunchtime is over for me and I gotta run to court to file some documents for my boss. Will check in later.
Potty training.. .well Jake pt''d one month before his 4th birthday. read that right. I''d been trying, gently, since he turned 2 and he was never ready.

I chose not to push it, since I find it easier to change a diaper (that holds the mess for me) rather than get a 2 year old to a bathroom.

However, knowing now what I didn''t know then (nothing is as bad as we imagine it to be) I think I would have pushed it a bit sooner. (we did the naked thing for 2 days, then the underpants, and he was trained in 2 days...but he was also ready, which played a HUGE role)

I will be surprised if Miss D isn''t out of her diapers by the end of summer. She''s such a big brother copy cat. I''m going to try anyway, and if she''s not ready...well...I''ve been down this road before.

Tgal: you remember how I felt when I was preggy with D? It was TIRING. OMG...I put the movie Cars on a continuous loop & tossed Goldfish in Jake''s mouth from my spot on the sofa for my entire 1st trimester.

Its good now. This morning D got up and was calling for her "braaa, Jaaaaaa" and crawled in his bed, wrapped her fat little arms around him and gave him the snuggles. Melts my heart.

Mrs. S: I have knitted about a half dozen scarves (xmas gifts) and a hoodie sweater for myself. I am working on a hat for DH, and 2 more sweaters. (Central Park Hoodie was my first project, I''m knitting the Silken Scabbard & Sahara sweaters right now)

I love it. There is a yarn shop here that lets you combine your own yarn & puts it ALL on a cone for you. SO much cheaper. They sell single ply strands of fiber. So I picked out a light lavender bamboo, and combined it with 4 strands of eggplant cotton & 1 strand of a light sugarplum cotton....for the edging (which is supposed to be beaded) I had them weave in an extra strand of silver lurex. Total cost? $40. And (except for my sparkle yarn) its all on one cone, so no ends to weave in. They have an online store, i think its Their house blend: Noni is to. die. for.

I need a project to do in that one. its a sport weight yarn, so I need to find a sweater that speaks to it. I might have the owner just mix up a version in bulky or worsted instead. I hate knitting in thin fibers, takes too long.

I take lessons at 2 different yarn shops....ok.. my kids are restless & the freakin sun is out, so I''m gonna blow this popstand...

Hi Mommies!
Been super busy since DH sister''s family are visiting and we are in escrow again.

Want to pop in and report little B''s one month weight check visit with the pedi. He gained 6 oz. in one month which the pedi is very happy about but he is still off the chart. He is only 18lb and 2oz. So the pedi still want to see us back in two months and send us to a nutritionist and order some blood work.

He said he want to make sure there is nothing wrong with him before he rule little B is just a string bean due to high metabolism.

Tgal, the pedi isn''t too concern with little B not feeding himself yet because he is feeding him self to toys, books, dirt off the ground pretty much everything but food. We just think because he is not that into food that is why. But will continue to monitor...

Question to all mommies, does your little one eat their soap leather hands and toys while in the bath? It''s like little B is always waiting until everything is leather in soap and then decide to put them in his mouth which really drive me nuts.
Hey everyone! I hope that the "new mommy" slack applies to me, since there is no way I can keep up right now with this thread! LOL! I track some of my friends on the pg and TTC threads, but for now keeping up full time with any thread just isn''t possible! But I do skim everyone''s posts and eventually I will be a better contributor.

We had a very scary moment around here last night! Round 3am I awoke to hear Hunter coughing/spitting up and he sounded like he was really choking! So I turned him on his side so the spit up could exit easier, and it did, but then he just FREAKED OUT! He was coughing and choking and screaming like a mad man! I unswaddled him and took him to the other room where there was light and a changetable where I could see him better and lay him on his back, and he was screaming and crying--with actual tears!--and turning bright red. I was worried for a second that he was really choking, but he was crying and the logical part of my brain thought, "He is screaming so he must be breathing!" The animal part of my brain thought my baby was dying
. It was truly scary. Once it was clear to us that he was not choking I picked him up and he started to calm down, and within another 10 minutes he wanted to feed. But that was a terrible experience, that''s for sure!

Please help if you can with this feeding issue: For the last 5 days Hunter has changed his eating habits... he is feeding much more often (every 3 hours like clockwork, whereas before he would go 4-5 at night), which I assume is something to do with growing... but sometimes, not every feed, he spits up a tonne after eating! At least it seems like a tonne. Most of the time he does a little tiny spit up when I burp him, but then there have been maybe 3 times in the last few days when after eating he is in some pain until I burp him or he spits up a larger amount maybe 3 to 5 times. After spitting up and bruping he is fine. So I wonder whether I am overfeeding him?? I am not forcing him to eat, but sometimes he seems really hungry and wants to be on the boob for a longer than typical time. I don''t think it is a reflux/diet thing since it doesn''t seem related to anything I eat and it seems random. Any thoughts? I am wondering if I should be limiting the amount of time he feeds or whether I should let him eat himself silly?

Thanks! You all are the greatest

Oh, and here is a funny picture of Hunter having his diaper changed. I think it really shows his face for what he looks like in real life!

Bobo, thanks for the update! I will let you know what my ped says!

Diver, hey girl! I will write more later. Just skimming for now. I had a laptop crash and this thing is SO slow.

DD, Amelia started to spit up at around month 3. And it was MASSIVE. Drenching wet. I''m not talking about "spit up" but a flood of fluid gushing from her mouth. This continued until 7 months. I know Hunter is younger, so I don''t know exactly what to tell you, but it may just as well be normal. My doctor wasn''t concerned about it as long as it wasn''t projectile and not after every feed. Amelia would burp, spit up and then be fine. When she was able to sit up better, the spit up stopped, pretty much overnight. Definitely bring it up with your ped.

It the meantime, it was so gross. I walked around for months just helplessly smelling like vomit.

Also, even though I didn''t breastfeed after Amelia was 2 months, up until then I was constantly trying. I did not get the go ahead to feed at will (meaning letting her go until she woke up during the night) until she was several weeks old (I believe 6?) so the mandate was to feed her every 3-3.5 hours. Keep in mind this was with formula supplementation with a SNS. With breastfeeding only, my understanding is that in those early weeks, they should be fed every 2-3 hours, even through the night. Sounds to me like he''s just hankering for what he needs.

More later, as I have a lot to comment on!
Date: 3/18/2009 4:45:28 PM
Author: TravelingGal
DD, Amelia started to spit up at around month 3. And it was MASSIVE. Drenching wet. I''m not talking about ''spit up'' but a flood of fluid gushing from her mouth. This continued until 7 months. I know Hunter is younger, so I don''t know exactly what to tell you, but it may just as well be normal. My doctor wasn''t concerned about it as long as it wasn''t projectile and not after every feed. Amelia would burp, spit up and then be fine. When she was able to sit up better, the spit up stopped, pretty much overnight. Definitely bring it up with your ped.

It the meantime, it was so gross. I walked around for months just helplessly smelling like vomit.

Also, even though I didn''t breastfeed after Amelia was 2 months, up until then I was constantly trying. I did not get the go ahead to feed at will (meaning letting her go until she woke up during the night) until she was several weeks old (I believe 6?) so the mandate was to feed her every 3-3.5 hours. Keep in mind this was with formula supplementation with a SNS. With breastfeeding only, my understanding is that in those early weeks, they should be fed every 2-3 hours, even through the night. Sounds to me like he''s just hankering for what he needs.
Thanks TGal... I suspect this is just normal too, but I did notice that the spit ups seemed to coincide with my milk supply really increasing! Ever since about a week ago when he started feeding more, I have a faster let down and lots more milk, and so I wondered if maybe he wasn''t used to that and was over eating... but that seems a little silly since when his tummy is full you''d think he would stop! I think perhaps I just need to be careful to burp him well. It doesn''t help that we are still learning his signs. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between overtired/pain/hungry cries, and so I don''t know what to do, and sometimes I think I fed him when he really was just tired. I think we are getting better at understanding him, but it is a learning curve for sure.

I have been feeding him on demand for about 2 weeks now, since he was gaining over and oz. per day on that schedule, we were given the go ahead to continue. So he wakes every 2.5 to 3 hours to eat. I suppose it just *feels* often because when it is a 2.5 hour cycle at night, and it took 45 minutes to feed/change/redress him, then that only leave 1.5 hours for sleep
As DH said, no one said parenting was easy! LOL!

Can you tell that Hunter is napping from my long posts?
I think he will wake very soon so I am getting my personal time in while I can!
Date: 3/18/2009 4:56:03 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 3/18/2009 4:45:28 PM

Author: TravelingGal

DD, Amelia started to spit up at around month 3. And it was MASSIVE. Drenching wet. I''m not talking about ''spit up'' but a flood of fluid gushing from her mouth. This continued until 7 months. I know Hunter is younger, so I don''t know exactly what to tell you, but it may just as well be normal. My doctor wasn''t concerned about it as long as it wasn''t projectile and not after every feed. Amelia would burp, spit up and then be fine. When she was able to sit up better, the spit up stopped, pretty much overnight. Definitely bring it up with your ped.

It the meantime, it was so gross. I walked around for months just helplessly smelling like vomit.

Also, even though I didn''t breastfeed after Amelia was 2 months, up until then I was constantly trying. I did not get the go ahead to feed at will (meaning letting her go until she woke up during the night) until she was several weeks old (I believe 6?) so the mandate was to feed her every 3-3.5 hours. Keep in mind this was with formula supplementation with a SNS. With breastfeeding only, my understanding is that in those early weeks, they should be fed every 2-3 hours, even through the night. Sounds to me like he''s just hankering for what he needs.

Thanks TGal... I suspect this is just normal too, but I did notice that the spit ups seemed to coincide with my milk supply really increasing! Ever since about a week ago when he started feeding more, I have a faster let down and lots more milk, and so I wondered if maybe he wasn''t used to that and was over eating... but that seems a little silly since when his tummy is full you''d think he would stop! I think perhaps I just need to be careful to burp him well. It doesn''t help that we are still learning his signs. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between overtired/pain/hungry cries, and so I don''t know what to do, and sometimes I think I fed him when he really was just tired. I think we are getting better at understanding him, but it is a learning curve for sure.

I have been feeding him on demand for about 2 weeks now, since he was gaining over and oz. per day on that schedule, we were given the go ahead to continue. So he wakes every 2.5 to 3 hours to eat. I suppose it just *feels* often because when it is a 2.5 hour cycle at night, and it took 45 minutes to feed/change/redress him, then that only leave 1.5 hours for sleep
As DH said, no one said parenting was easy! LOL!

Can you tell that Hunter is napping from my long posts?
I think he will wake very soon so I am getting my personal time in while I can!

Dreamer, I can''t speak to the spit up, but as for the frequency of feedings it''s normal-our boys were less frequent feeders at first, then went up, then back down, rinse and repeat. Keeps changing. And your milk will eventually regulate itself too.
LIA glad to hear the trip went well. YIKES about the plane accident. that must have been crazy!!!

janine at that age, i''m not sure that there is a right way or a wrong way for feeding. as long as she is getting her milk and her solids, i think that''s all that matters. the way you are doing it with mixing grains with the fruit and veggie sounds fine for her age. we didn''t let B have a real meal from the fruit or veggie until later on. how is chloe doing?

burk how is T doing? that''s so cute that she''s a mess. when B makes a mess on himself, like eating or playing, he will come to me and point to his messy shirt and if i don''t change it, the boy goes crazy! he is such a weird boy.

diva haha, my DH can fall asleep anytime and anyplace too. it is pretty funny. when we are in the car going out, he will fall asleep after being in the car for 2 minutes, i swear!!! he is like a kid, the motion puts him to sleep. haha. he actually falls asleep in the car more often than B does.

bobo glad little B is gaining weight. how''s he doing? taking more steps? haha, i had to laugh that little B eats his lathered up toys. B doesn''t do it, but i would assume that he''s just interested in it, i guess.

DD are you still supplementing? for most babies who are BFed, they should be nursing at every 2-3 hours or so, even at night. Hunter is so young that he needs to be eating that often too. as for the spit up, B spit up ALL the time. he would burp then spit up. at his age, he needs to nurse until he is done, so just let him go to town.
Date: 3/18/2009 4:56:03 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Thanks TGal... I suspect this is just normal too, but I did notice that the spit ups seemed to coincide with my milk supply really increasing! Ever since about a week ago when he started feeding more, I have a faster let down and lots more milk, and so I wondered if maybe he wasn''t used to that and was over eating... but that seems a little silly since when his tummy is full you''d think he would stop! I think perhaps I just need to be careful to burp him well. It doesn''t help that we are still learning his signs. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between overtired/pain/hungry cries, and so I don''t know what to do, and sometimes I think I fed him when he really was just tired. I think we are getting better at understanding him, but it is a learning curve for sure.

I have been feeding him on demand for about 2 weeks now, since he was gaining over and oz. per day on that schedule, we were given the go ahead to continue. So he wakes every 2.5 to 3 hours to eat. I suppose it just *feels* often because when it is a 2.5 hour cycle at night, and it took 45 minutes to feed/change/redress him, then that only leave 1.5 hours for sleep
As DH said, no one said parenting was easy! LOL!

Can you tell that Hunter is napping from my long posts?
I think he will wake very soon so I am getting my personal time in while I can!
Ha, isn''t motherhood welcoming? Amelia used to take 50 minutes to take 1.5-2 oz of formula when we finger fed her with the SNS. 50 minutes of my finger stuck in her mouth with my arm crooked and sore! By the time I burped her, changed her, put her back down and cleaned all the parts of the SNS, I remember distinctly only having an hour and 15 minutes before the next round (we were instructed to feed every 2.5 due to her weight loss issues). By the time I got to sleep, it was usually only an hour and sometimes I didn''t even want to fall asleep because waking up was SO painful!!!

When we switched to the bottle, I couldn''t believe it when she downed the same amount in 5 minutes. I freaked out initially but after it seemed she was fine, I never looked back.

That''s great that you got the OK! I was so happy when we got ours to feed at will during the night as well!
Date: 3/18/2009 5:07:17 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Ha, isn't motherhood welcoming? Amelia used to take 50 minutes to take 1.5-2 oz of formula when we finger fed her with the SNS. 50 minutes of my finger stuck in her mouth with my arm crooked and sore! By the time I burped her, changed her, put her back down and cleaned all the parts of the SNS, I remember distinctly only having an hour and 15 minutes before the next round (we were instructed to feed every 2.5 due to her weight loss issues). By the time I got to sleep, it was usually only an hour and sometimes I didn't even want to fall asleep because waking up was SO painful!!!
The other day when I was sitting in bed feeding Hunter at 3am I thought of you and this type of situation! And I thought of Neatfreak feeding TWO babies! The effort you both went through, and are going through, is inspiring and keeps me going at night sometimes!

NF Thanks for the word about the frequency thing, I figured it was normal. BTW, are you exclusively BFing? As I mentioned above, I thought of you feeding twins and tried to work out in my mind how you manage and it was hard to imagine!

Puffy No we are not supplementing anymore at all, we only did that for 2 days and then my milk came in full force. So it's all boob all the time!
Good to hear that spitting up is normal for little babies too.

I know everyone is right about the frequency, my only thought was that *occassionally* he would eat and eat and eat and those times seemed to coincide with him being fussy and spitting up after. Usually, I will let him "drain" one side (25 minutes or so, no drinking even with compressions) and then offer the other, but I wondered if offering the second was overkill. Then again, when he is really done he will pull off and refuse any more. So maybe I just need to go by his wants/needs and be sure to burp him well after times when he seems to eat more...
7 degrees and people are in short?
Man, you guys must be very fit!
Sorry to hear that Co is down one nap.
Hope the one nap gets longer though.
You must be super fast to do all those things in less than an hour.
I can probably only squeeze in a nice long shower

Awwww....loving the St. Paddy''s pix of M.
She''s got a cute pout
1.gif nice it must be to surf the web on the road.

Yeah, daycare is germ fest.
J has been well for 2 wks out of half a year.
Hopefully with the weather warming up, colds are a thing of the past.
You are lucky James is in a home-base environment....probably not as many kids?

Haha, B looks and sounds so mature with all his skills, I almost forgot that he''s just a tad over 1 yr.
I was a bit shocked when you said that he''s been trying to climb out of the crib.
I was thinking? What he''s still in a crib...when I realized that he''s still a baby
there really is no proper way to introduce new food.
sometimes i give j the solid before the bottle and sometimes after.
sometimes i give her the new food w/ the cereal mixed in and sometimes by itself.
i tend to mix a little cereal when the veggie/fruit is a bit liquidy.
the point of solid right now is that more to introduce her to the different texture and taste instead of filling her up w/ it.

Wow, how scary about the plane crash.
Glad everyone is ok.
And glad to hear that Coby was a trooper on the trip.
Sorry about the nipple refusal. I wish I have some advice for you.
J didn''t take to the nipple either, so now she''s drinking from a straw.
We tried with all different types of nipples and cups and nothing worked.

You said that Coby took the nipple before?
Is he refusing now after your trip?
Was he exclusively being breastfed during your trip?
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