
PS Mommies Thread!

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you are obviously much smarter than me!! why didn''t i think of that? i''m an idiot!!

(did i mention i''m low on sleep lately??

thanks. :)
Date: 4/14/2009 5:12:06 PM
Author: lover in athens
hi everyone!!
real quick drive by. things have been crazy. coby has decided that there are way too many exciting things going on during the day to nurse, and that it''s much better to do it during the middle of the night when it''s quiet and dark. so needless to say, neither of us have been getting too much sleep! (this from my son who has been sleeping 10-11 hours/night since he was 10 weeks old!). oh well... and now we''re both sick on top of it all. AND he''s teething. it''s been really crazy.

haha, that sound so much like J.
the day is just too short to be wasting on napping and eating.
hope you and Coby feel better soon.
Date: 4/14/2009 3:23:29 PM
Author: neatfreak
Blen I just wanted to say that the BFing does get easier. After about 3 weeks IIRC your nips will be muuuuch less sensitive and it won''t hurt at all. Just hang in there.
BIG ditto! I also found that for some reason the football hold hurt less. And my middie gave me a tip to help, maybe it will help you: If hunter was latched in the cross-cradle hold nursing on my left breast, I sort of pinched my areola so that the left side was more indented than the right... this angled my nipple towards the left (the top of Hunter mouth) and then I stuffed as much of the right side of the areola into his mouth as I could before I allowed the nipple to enter his mouth. OK, that is hard to explain
but the point was to try and get the nipple really really pointed towards the tope of his mouth.
Date: 4/14/2009 6:04:31 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 4/14/2009 3:23:29 PM
Author: neatfreak
Blen I just wanted to say that the BFing does get easier. After about 3 weeks IIRC your nips will be muuuuch less sensitive and it won''t hurt at all. Just hang in there.
BIG ditto! I also found that for some reason the football hold hurt less. And my middie gave me a tip to help, maybe it will help you: If hunter was latched in the cross-cradle hold nursing on my left breast, I sort of pinched my areola so that the left side was more indented than the right... this angled my nipple towards the left (the top of Hunter mouth) and then I stuffed as much of the right side of the areola into his mouth as I could before I allowed the nipple to enter his mouth. OK, that is hard to explain
but the point was to try and get the nipple really really pointed towards the tope of his mouth.
ETA I do think a good latch wont hurt. It''s just that sometimes you can''t get a perfect latch! I know that my left nipple was flatter than my right, and this caused pain when Hunter nursed. No trouble at all on the right! Dr. Jack Newman (check his website) says that if someone tells you to tough it out you should look for some other advice. I don''t know if that is totally true, but it is worth looking for more help. That said, it will also clear un by week 3, so you can just tough it out too!
LIA hope you and colby get better soon!!! hopefully he will be back to his old sleep habits soon.
lili-cute pics of J!!! I did get a couple of Easter pics but none of them really turned out frameworthy.

puffy: yep, still nursing. I''ve got him down to only 2x a day. I will keep it up until we get to the dr and I find out what else I can give him. I do give him a little milk of soy milk and apple juice now but I''d really like to wean asap.
TGal, so glad that Amelia is ok. When we assist little B with walking, we usually hold him by the armpit. I was afraid I will pull his little arms out if I hold him by his hands.

Good thing you found the earring, and Amelia is not hurt.

puffy, yay on no more waking B up in the middle of the night!!!
Hope he recover completely soon! Little B is doing great, I think he figure out that he can''t really run yet so now when he walk he takes very big steps and fast so it kind of look like he is running.

Janine, sorry to hear C is developing separation anxiety. It will get better.

curly, the pictures are so cute! They look like they are having a blast together.

Tacori, little B is doing great, thanks for asking. I was singing songs from sesame street today while changing his diaper to distract him and he look at me and said "Elmo?" I can''t wait until he start really talking

Burk, yay on getting the lot!!
Where are you guys going to live if you guys sell the house?

lili, J is so cute!! I love the one she is waiting for her porridge. Is that all she ate?

LIA, hope you and Coby both feel better soon.
JANINE, I hope C''s tooth comes in fast if she is teething. We need pics of your little pirate! D eats twice a day. He eats about 2 tablespoons of RC with fruit in the morning and RC or oatmeal with some veggies in the evening. I don''t know when to start a third meal or move on to stage 2 foods. This food stuff is confusing! What is C eating now?

TACORI, love the PS baby GTG pics! The babies are so cute and love the bling of course!

DIVA, what a cute picture of James! He''s getting big!

TGAL, I''m glad Amelia is fine and no PT is needed. Good tips about helping baby walk. I am glad Amelia wasn''t hurt and your earring was found! Whew!

PUFFY, glad to hear B is doing better and healing quickly. D has been sleeping okay. He''s still in his crib and when we''re lucky he''ll go to sleep without much fuss in less than 5 minutes. Yay! He''s been waking up a few times a night though and sometimes we have to help him go back to sleep.

BLEN, BFing is HARD and it''s hurts like hell sometimes (especially those damn clogs!) but I promise it''ll get better!
After 2 or 3 weeks, your nipples are much less sore. Hang in there girl!

CURLY, hope Lucy sleeps better soon. Your girls are so adorable!!! I love the naked bath shot!

QT, wow 18 oz in 3 pumpings...that''s awesome! I wish I could pump as much as you and be clog free. A GTG sounds great! I''m not sure what we''re doing that weekend though. PUFFY, are you in?

BURK, congrats on getting the lot and for under asking too!!! Yay!

LILI, J looks so big! What a cutie!

LIA, sorry to hear things are so crazy right now. We miss you! Hope Coby''s tooth break though soon and he goes back to being a great sleeper! $229 is a pretty good price for that cover pattern and during non-britax sale time. The ones on sale for less are usually flowerly girl prints.

Please send some unclogging dust my way. I''ve been trying to get rid of a really painful clog since early Sunday morning. It got really bad Monday and then a little better when I finally got it to start draining a little. It''s not completely unclogged. I think I might have mastitis again! ARGH! I may have to take antibiotics, which I''ve been trying to avoid.
Date: 4/14/2009 6:09:21 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 4/14/2009 6:04:31 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 4/14/2009 3:23:29 PM
Author: neatfreak
Blen I just wanted to say that the BFing does get easier. After about 3 weeks IIRC your nips will be muuuuch less sensitive and it won''t hurt at all. Just hang in there.
BIG ditto! I also found that for some reason the football hold hurt less. And my middie gave me a tip to help, maybe it will help you: If hunter was latched in the cross-cradle hold nursing on my left breast, I sort of pinched my areola so that the left side was more indented than the right... this angled my nipple towards the left (the top of Hunter mouth) and then I stuffed as much of the right side of the areola into his mouth as I could before I allowed the nipple to enter his mouth. OK, that is hard to explain
but the point was to try and get the nipple really really pointed towards the tope of his mouth.
ETA I do think a good latch wont hurt. It''s just that sometimes you can''t get a perfect latch! I know that my left nipple was flatter than my right, and this caused pain when Hunter nursed. No trouble at all on the right! Dr. Jack Newman (check his website) says that if someone tells you to tough it out you should look for some other advice. I don''t know if that is totally true, but it is worth looking for more help. That said, it will also clear un by week 3, so you can just tough it out too!
I think that the description of that latch is basically what she''s teaching me how to do, so I can picture it. Thanks!

And she didn''t exactly just tell me to tough it out. She offered to refer me to a lactation consultant if I want, and also asked me to talk to the ped when we see him tomorow about if Jack Newman cream would help provide some relief while my nipples heal and get used to BFing. But I''m just getting the impression from talking with her, her apprentice, and hearing the stories on here that I may just need to deal with the initial pain of latching him on, for the time being, and allow myself some time to get used to BFing.
Blen, I had to use the shield the whole time but I do remember severe discomfort in the first few weeks. BFing is one of the HARDEST things I have ever done in my life. Should be natural but it isn''t for everyone. I am so stubborn though somehow I stayed with it until miss independent decided she was done with me.

Burk, yay for getting your lot AND $20K under!
Awesome! T only links a few words once in awhile. She does say "go away" all the time.

Lili, I don''t think I put any pics in the other thread I didn''t put in here. Did I? She is a firecracker. I only had a hair elastic for myself so I had to make do. It is so ugly. Haha. Little J is so beautiful! She really is you lucky mama. Love her new pictures! I don''t feel like I look great but thank you. Still got 8 lbs to go
Funny how the number keeps going UP lately not down.

puffy, she thinks it is a game. That is so cute B has a favorite color. T could care less. She never seems interested when I try to teach them to her. Oh well. I bet the poor guy itches. But that is a good sign he is healing.

Bobo, that is so cute! I think it comes all at once (and I am still waiting). Mostly she still babbles...a lot! She also sings now. Usually not the right words but will get the melody.

snlee, thanks! It was a good time. Sorry to hear about the clog. Have you tried all 4s? I have had clogs that lasted longer than a week and it wasn''t mastitis if it makes you feel better. Massage, heat, ice, nurse often. Unclogging dust sent your way!
I think James is pretty cute too, but I''m biased

TACORI - Hahaha your Tessa stories always crack me up since she''s such a diva about everything. I love the GTG pics!

BOBO - Thanks for your compliments!

TGAL - I''m glad that A''s appointment went well and she won''t need official therapy. Thanks for the walking tips!

PUFFY - Thanks for your compliments on James. I am so glad that B is making a fast recovery. Such a sweet boy.

JANINE - I''m sorry that you''re going through separation anxiety. I hope it gets better soon. James is still all smiles when I drop him off or pick him up from daycare - but he does only go part-time. I think it''s harder for me than it is him.

CURLY - Your girls are such cuties and they look like they get along well. Cute bathtub pic - I just posted my own a few pages back.

LILI - James did make out for Easter, but the candy was really for me since he can''t have it yet
J is a really cute little girl and I love the face she''s making in the second picture.

LIA - I''m glad that Coby is doing good for you - even if his sleep/nursing schedule is mixed up. I hope he gets it straightened out soon for your sake!

SNLEE - James is a big boy - he''s definately taking after DH and not me. Sending dust your way to feel better soon.

BURK - Congrats on getting your lot for 20K less than the list price! I used the building cost estimator that somebody posted in another thread and for one of my fave houses it would be about 216K to build
That''s waaaayyyy out of our price range. We''ll either have to do a modular or scrap building all together and start browsing houses that are up for sale.

Did everybody get their taxes done? We just did ours yesterday and won''t owe either the IRS or the state. Whew! I figured we''d get a return from the IRS but I collected some unemployment while on maternity leave and didn''t have state taxes taken out so I figured we''d owe the state, but I guess not! The $$$ is going into our house fund.
lili i just noticed that you had something hanging on J''s chair in that 2nd pic. it made me laugh cause B NEVER lets me put anything on his chair. he will reach over and knock it off. haha.

snlee glad to hear that D is going to sleep on his own. it''ll get better and he''ll be sleeping 10-12 hours straight before you know it. when he is with family in the day time, do they put him some where to sleep or hold him to sleep? i only ask cause my mom still insists that she rock B to sleep sometimes, and B will have NO part in it. he screams bloody murder until she puts him in his bed and he goes to sleep. GTG? When? did i miss something? hope this clog heals itself!! it sounds so painful. i just hope you are free of all clogs soon!!! you poor thing.

diva YAY for putting money into your house fund!!

tacori haha, T is such HER own person!! and that is so funny that she says "go away!" when B gets into things he shouldn''t, i tell him to go away and he will look at me and scream "NO WAY!!" haha, so i have to drag him away. did i miss the update on you trip? how was it...the canada trip.

mrsS sounds like when jake is going to wean, he will be ready. hope the doc can figure out what''s going on and have some alternatives for jake. do you have any pics of hi digging into his cupcake?

bobo heehee, little B sounds so cute!! it is a good thing that he has figured out that he cant exactly run yet. how cute that he said, "elmo." B likes cookie monster. he has cookie monster toys in his crib, and when i give him elmo or big bird or any other sesame street character, he throws them in the garbage can and says "garbage." haha.
Curly: you always get the best shots, I have to work to get a smile with the camera! I think having a sis must make it easier! Lucy is always laughing by the looks of it, what a personality! Thanks for the supportive comments!

Snlee: wow, that is really awesome that D goes to sleep on his own in 5 mins without much sleep training. You got paid back big time for all those difficult sleep nights
. C also eats twice a day..RC and fruit and RC and veggie in afternoon. I agree this food stuff is tough..I need a month by month guide! Do you mix the veggie and cereal/oatmeal? We do since she is not a fan of it on its own, but I wonder when she'll get used to it if I keep masking it with cereal. Have you attempted to make your own baby food at all? How's working been going--you seemed to have adjusted so well.

Diva: yay for getting a refund!

Lili: love the shots..especially the impatient look!

bobo: I love the new avatar shot!

L2L: I'm also still losing hair, it sucks! I have long dark hair, so it's everywhere. I loved not losing even one strand in the shower while preggo.The first 3 mo's PP stayed that way (no hair loss) so I thought I'd hit the jackpot. About 4 mos PP, started to lose..lots. And still losing, but maybe it's slowed, can't tell since my little one now likes to pull my hair by the handful!

Well C did not cry when I got home last night, just stared and looked content and pretended it wasn't a big deal. I think the 4 days with her made the separation more apparent--if I'm gone consistently she's ok. But it does make me I should be there consistently or something, not have her just get used to it the other way around. But then, lots of mommies do it and have great independent, spunky and well rounded kids, so just need to remember that.
Unfortunately, she also cries when I leave a room for even a second (to throw away a diaper for example). I'm thinking it's just a phase for now though..
Blen--although i think it is mostly true that a good latch won''t hurt, i think that sometimes it can be really difficult to get it. Co would sometimes be perfect (and no accomplanying pain) but most of the time--ouch! After i while i gave up trying to correct it b/c it stressed me out and i knew he was getting enough. Weeks went by and i noticed the pain was/is completely gone--so, if nothing else, know that you''ll eventually get thick skin (literally) and it should be fine. Also with most things in motherhood-time heals.

Burk--terrific news on the lot. Yay! We will be building houses together (and very similar ones by the sounds of it)--we looked at kitchens this w/e--my mom designs them for a living so this is the one area i feel really comfortable about (other than the actual building b/c DH is doing it) every other decision scares me. I am bad at making up my mind to begin with--so this will be interesting. Do u already have ideas for the interior stuff?

Lili--J looks SO grown up in her big-girl clothing. She just seems so much more mature than Co--i guess cause she can do so much more physically--once they walk they don''t seem as ''baby-ish'' to me. And hair helps too--haha.
J is as beautiful as ever!

Puffy--hope B continues to heal well, i think about him often. glad baths are a-okay again.

Diva--nope, not just bias, James is a super-cutie!!!

I promise some party pics tonight--as i mentioned, my sister sent some, but none that are really great--sorry gang. I did post some food pics on the cupcake thread.
Tgal~Thanks! We got lucky.

puffy~Thanks! We meet with the builder tonight to try and finalize the plans. Our goal is to dig the hole by the end of May! Poor B not being able to play outside!
Sounds like he''s healing well, though, so it won''t be long! Funny that B''s fav color is red because that''s the one T says the most.

lili~Those pics are awesome! She''s such a doll!

LIA~Sorry about the sleep regression! Hope those teeth come through and you are both back to getting good sleep!

Bobo~Thanks! Our current plan is to live with my MIL and FIL if we sell before the new house is done....I think it''s a flawed plan, but DH thinks it''s genesis!
I think an apartment would be best and put our stuff in storage....we''ll see.

Snlee~Thank you! We''re so excited! Dust for your clog! You poor thing!

Blen~I agree with the others-hang in there! It was painful for me....T had a bad latch to start but she had already done so much damage (I had bruising) that it hurt even when she started latching properly. It got better.

Bell just back to finish...
Tacori~Thanks! I''m so excited to get started! I''m sure I''ll be asking for your guys'' advice on stuff! That is so stinkin cute that T says "go away" and so typical!
Our T just says "bye bye" to me when she wants me to leave her alone.

Diva~I went to that cost estimator had our price at well over 500K and we are NOT spending that much. We''ll be bidding it out today, but our builder has assured us we''d be around 350K so don''t put too much into it. Yay for saving on your taxes and putting away for the house!

Janine~Glad C didn''t cry when you came home last night. I feel guilty at times too (and I work PT). I think it''s normal and you wouldn''t be such a great mom if you didn''t worry about the decisions you make for your child the way you do.

Jas12~Yes, we''ll be building buddies!
That''s awesome that your mom designs kitchens. I may have to post for her help!
I do have a good idea about some of the interior stuff. DH has a great sense of style too (he''s kind of metro sexual
) so hopefully he can help and we won''t butt heads! I''m having the builder make some changes to our plan today when we meet....I don''t have a walk-in pantry and I think I need one and I think our breakfast area is too small. I have a feeling I''ll be changing my mind a lot....
Hi Everyone! Good to see you. I have been trying to keep up reading but may have missed some things. Status quo for me which is a blessing. Reflux seems under control *holds breath* and the sleeping is ok but not great. The baby is definitely getting more interactive and fun but he still screams in the car seat and stroller. Not sure why. I hope it''s a short phase.

Burk- congrats on the lot/house/building plans! That is so exciting! Sorry to hear that T was sick again but it sounds like she is better now so yay!!!

Puffy I hope B is healing well. That is a drag that he can''t go outside and must be so hard on both of you guys. I hope the time passes quickly! Maybe a new toy would distract him for a bit?

Blen I hope the pain goes away soon! My experience was different b/c I pumped for a long time before exclusively bf. I do remember the weeks when we were *trying* it was painful, even if he was on decently. And I hated to take him off to try and fix the latch b/c it was so hard to fix. I have been feeding for 7 weeks now and it does not hurt anymore(rarely).

baby is awake bbl
Date: 4/14/2009 8:13:27 PM
Author: Blenheim

I think that the description of that latch is basically what she''s teaching me how to do, so I can picture it. Thanks!

And she didn''t exactly just tell me to tough it out. She offered to refer me to a lactation consultant if I want, and also asked me to talk to the ped when we see him tomorow about if Jack Newman cream would help provide some relief while my nipples heal and get used to BFing. But I''m just getting the impression from talking with her, her apprentice, and hearing the stories on here that I may just need to deal with the initial pain of latching him on, for the time being, and allow myself some time to get used to BFing.
Ok Good! I t sounds like you are getting lots of help then! But you are right, even Dr. Newman says that most/all babies figure it out by 4 weeks without any intervention. I guess the worry is that many mothers, understandably, stop nursing in the interim because of pain etc., so it is worth fixing. FWIW, my middies hates nipple shields and so does Jack Newman. I know in some cases it is use the shields or stop BFing, but if you are a more moderate case of pain issues, then apparently using them is bad because it means your nips never get used to the suck and baby never really learns a proper latch.

Hey, we need some new pics of George too! And I am curious, were his legs really stiff pointing at his noggin for a while? Our friend''s baby was frank breech too and his legs took like a week to unfold from their pike position!
Date: 4/15/2009 11:17:23 AM
Author: pavelover
Hi Everyone! Good to see you. I have been trying to keep up reading but may have missed some things. Status quo for me which is a blessing. Reflux seems under control *holds breath* and the sleeping is ok but not great. The baby is definitely getting more interactive and fun but he still screams in the car seat and stroller. Not sure why. I hope it''s a short phase.
My friends'' LO was like that too, and eventually she just went about her business with his crying! She felt bad for him, but there was nothing she could do. One day, she was in the grocery store and someone was oogling and boogling about her baby, and said, "Oh is he a good baby?" and my friend replied, "Um, not really." LOL! He is a really sweet kid and so cute... such an imp now that he is walking... but not an easy baby. We think he just needed to start being able to move and walk around, he used to get so upset when he was little and immobile and he is much happier now that he crawls and can get around on his own. Anyways, glad things are looking good for you guys! Hang in there!

Lili What a cutie your little J is! And QT and Diva Your babies are getting so big I can''t believe it!
Date: 4/15/2009 11:22:45 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
And I am curious, were his legs really stiff pointing at his noggin for a while? Our friend's baby was frank breech too and his legs took like a week to unfold from their pike position!

Love that you just called it PIKE position. I was a gymnast growing up, so pike is a familiar word for me...but I rarely hear it used!

Blen - GL with the BF. That is another thing I'm more scared of than labour. I pray for success in that Dept.
janine separation anxiety is really tough but it does get better and before you know it, C will just wave bye to you when you leave the room.

jas12 i can''t wait for some pics of Co''s party. that''s sweet that you think of B. he''s doing well just miserable that he can''t go outside.

burk i hope everything goes right for you with the house building. it must be super exciting. heehee, B LOVES red. i got these snacks for him in different colors and he picked out all the red ones and threw the rest of them on the floor. haha. how is T doing? she''s back to her old sleep pattern?

pave that''s great that the reflux is under control. i hope it continues to stay that way. B''s been healing pretty well. he''s just so upset about not being able to go outside and bird watch. haha. he will stand by the sliding door and point to the birds outside then start to cry. but i do my bet to distract him.

blen how are you and george doing? hope the BFing is going well and less pain each time.

DD how''s hunter?
Pave~Hey there!! Glad T is doing well. Weird about the car seat and stroller...hopefully it''s a phase. T had a rough week or so, but she''s back to herself again. They''re pretty sure she''s lactose intolerant so we''re just keeping her on a very limited dairy diet since it doesn''t appear it''s severe lactose intolerance.

DD~I told anyone who asked me about T being a good baby that she wasn'' was the truth. At about 5 months or so we finally figured out her reflux and she was a great bby from then on.

puffy~I''m very excited about the house. If all goes as planned we should be in by Thanksgiving next year!
That is so funny that B would only eat the red snacks. T has been doing much better, thanks for asking. She quit waking and crying and is back to sleeping until 7:30 or so. Oh, and she has taken naps longer than 25 min at daycare so that''s good news. Did B get back into his sleep pattern okay after you were having to wake him in the middle of the night?
Date: 4/15/2009 11:22:45 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 4/14/2009 8:13:27 PM
Author: Blenheim

I think that the description of that latch is basically what she''s teaching me how to do, so I can picture it. Thanks!

And she didn''t exactly just tell me to tough it out. She offered to refer me to a lactation consultant if I want, and also asked me to talk to the ped when we see him tomorow about if Jack Newman cream would help provide some relief while my nipples heal and get used to BFing. But I''m just getting the impression from talking with her, her apprentice, and hearing the stories on here that I may just need to deal with the initial pain of latching him on, for the time being, and allow myself some time to get used to BFing.
Ok Good! I t sounds like you are getting lots of help then! But you are right, even Dr. Newman says that most/all babies figure it out by 4 weeks without any intervention. I guess the worry is that many mothers, understandably, stop nursing in the interim because of pain etc., so it is worth fixing. FWIW, my middies hates nipple shields and so does Jack Newman. I know in some cases it is use the shields or stop BFing, but if you are a more moderate case of pain issues, then apparently using them is bad because it means your nips never get used to the suck and baby never really learns a proper latch.

Hey, we need some new pics of George too! And I am curious, were his legs really stiff pointing at his noggin for a while? Our friend''s baby was frank breech too and his legs took like a week to unfold from their pike position!


some pics of george''s legs right after birth -
i know that the diapering job is horrible, but we couldn''t get a good one at first with all the swelling and the wonky legs. i think he looks like ninja baby in the pic.
his legs have now straightened out and all of the swelling is gone.

george birthday legs.jpg
and g yesterday

george 1 wk.jpg
Blen~What a cutie!!
Blen- ouch his legs look sore! What a cutie!!!!!
Blen, he is such a cutie pie. I have come to the conclusion that PS has the cuties babies ever!!!
aw blen: love the pics..what a cutiepie..

okay, so I will get the bad mommy award for today. i was out running a few errands and Lily asked if we could go to Chick Filet for lunch. We never eat fast food and I thought it might be fun, plus there is a playland that she and Jake could get out and play for a while. I actually like the nuggests
anyway, I ordered a 12 pack and figured we could just share. Not even thinking I broke up a nugget into bite size pieces and gave it to Jake. he loved it and so I fed him 2 more before it dawned on me that Chick Filet cooks their food in peanut oil
The good news is, he had no reaction whatsoever but he is my 3rd kid and I''m usually very on top of what my kids eat and holding off on the nut products etc. Not the way I wanted to find out that he''s not allergic but very thankful he''s not! Funny thing is my sister just took her 11 month old daughter to chick filet over the weekend and fed her nuggets too and didn''t think about it until she was out with a friend yesterday and her friend mentioned the peanut oil. my sister felt like a bad mommy too. thankfully her daughter had no reaction either.
Date: 4/15/2009 12:53:48 PM
Author: Blenheim
and g yesterday
What a cutie! And Blen, he looks like a ninja in that pose too! See how he is all sideways with one arm posed to CHOP!! hee hee... I sense a new avatar! I can''t wait for him to start smiling for you and reacting to you, it is too fun. In the beginning I called Hunter our little houseplant
Now he is almost as responsive as the dogs
He stares at me sometimes with total adoration in his eyes, it is really special! And he smiles when we "play" together (i.e., when he looks at things and I look at them too
). So much fun.

Puffy Thanks for asking! I kind of commented above, but he''s doing great.

Burk too funny. People always looked at my friend like she was a terrible mother for saying it! But she was being honest too!

MrsS Well I think you are a great mom. I totally would have done the same thing! There are so many things to watch out for, I can''t imagine how we are supposed to keep track.
mrss~You are NOT a bad mom. That would have never occurred to me! Do most fast food places use peanut oil?

DD~If it was someone I didn''t know, I''d usually do the "well, um, she has reflux..."
But, I figured, they asked, why lie..
Tayva really was only fussy in the evenings. DH thought she hated him for the longest time because she was fussy right about when he got home from work every night!
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