
PS Mommies Thread!

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Date: 4/15/2009 3:53:52 PM
Author: Burk
mrss~You are NOT a bad mom. That would have never occurred to me! Do most fast food places use peanut oil?

I think most just use vegetable oil...
TACORI, PUFFY, DIVA, BURK thanks for the dust. Still working on it...

TACORI, I hope you come visit here sometime so we can do a GTG too! I've done all fours, massage, heat, nurse and pump often. I have frequent clogs but it's been awhile since I've had one that hurts this badly and lasts so long. I noticed some skin redness and it was extremely painful (stinging, stabbing, and sometimes itchiness) so I thought it might be mastitis but turned out it was from all the heat and massaging. It's just so frustrating and painful! Thanks for your sympathies, I know you understand what I'm going though.

PUFFY, 10-12 hours straight sounds like a dream! That would be so wonderful! When D is with family, they put him down to sleep. I made sure that we're consistently putting him down to sleep so he gets used to it. No more rocking to sleep! QT is visiting mother's day weekend and wanted to know if we could GTG on Sat. Are you free? Hope has B been sleeping now that you don't have to wake him up anymore?

JANINE, I wish D would go to sleep on his own in less than 5 mins consistently but I'll take what I can get! How is C doing falling asleep on her own? We usually mix the fruit or veggies with RC, or give a little of some in each bite. But D will eat the fruits and veggies alone, he'll eat anything! Haven't made my own baby food yet. Just some mushed up bananas if that counts. Did you see my work update a few pages back? Thanks for asking. Sorry to hear about C's separation anxiety. D sometimes has those moments where we leave the room and he starts crying. So sad. Are you enjoying your new home?

BURK and JAS12, yay for building your dream houses! Very exciting and I am so happy for both of you! I am jealous!

JAS12, can't wait to see pictures from Co's parties.

PAVE, glad things are status quo. We need some pictures of your cutie pie!

BLEN, cute pictures of G!

MRSS, you are not a bad mom! Glad Jake isn't allergic. Are you supposed to avoid nut products until they are 3 if there's history of allergy in the family?
snlee, sending lots of unclogging dust your way~

Tacori, how cute that Tessa sings now. little B babbles a lot too, I don''t understand any of it but he seems to understand us when we talk to him.

Puffy, how funny B throws them in the garbage. Little B''s favorite is Elmo and Curious George.

Jas, can''t wait to see the pictures. heading over to the cupcake thread to check out the food pixs.

Burk, of course your DH think it''s a good idea, it''s his parents. I think an apartment is the best too.

pave, yay on reflux under control!

Blen, poor George, it looked painful. Does George feel pain from it? George look so handsome!

MrsS, so glad Jake is not allergic to the peanut oil. I remembered one time we went to a restaurant and I gave little B a little bit of bread and later found out the bread had honey in it. I panicked, because we''re not supposed to give baby honey until after he is one. DH keep trying to calm me down by saying the bread is baked so it should be ok...that was my bad mommy moment.
Date: 4/15/2009 4:57:48 PM
Author: snlee

MRSS, you are not a bad mom! Glad Jake isn't allergic. Are you supposed to avoid nut products until they are 3 if there's history of allergy in the family?

snlee-I think you are supposed to avoid them until they are 2 even if there is no family history of a nut allergy. we actually don't have any nut allergies in the family so I'm not really worried but I will hold off on peanut butter and other things with nuts in them until he's closer to 2. The guide may very well be 3 now, but I just held off until 2 with my girls.

Date: 4/15/2009 5:08:20 PM
Author: Bobo ^__*

MrsS, so glad Jake is not allergic to the peanut oil. I remembered one time we went to a restaurant and I gave little B a little bit of bread and later found out the bread had honey in it. I panicked, because we're not supposed to give baby honey until after he is one. DH keep trying to calm me down by saying the bread is baked so it should be ok...that was my bad mommy moment.

aw bobo, you're hubby was probably right. Plus, I think they can have things with honey in them, they just aren't supposed to have pure honey, like on a piece of toast before they are one. jake's been eating the Rice Crispy jumbo's for a couple of months now and they have a touch of honey so if it's really no honey until one for all honey then I messed up on that one too..
So you know how we all want our kids to talk (obviously) well today was the first day I kinda found it annoying. I swear, she kept saying "more! more!" when we were out shopping (b/c I am always armed with snacks to keep her happy).

pave, glad his reflux is under control. I think some babies just do not like to be strapped in. I NEVER considered Tessa an easy baby or toddler so I can totally relate.

Burk, glad T is napping longer. How exciting about your new house. I am jealous!

Blen, G is so cute and tiny! Love the new pics.

MrsS, now that you mention it T has totally had the nuggets there SEVERAL times and I never thought twice about it. Guess I will share the bad mom award with you. At least we both know there was no ill reaction.

Snlee, you are in the bay area right? If so I am actually going to be there at the end of June. Sadly (for you NOT me
) Tessa will not be with me. First vacay alone.
totally can relate to your clog pain. I remember talking to the LC and she said some women (lucky us) are more prone and unless you want to go on medicine there was not much that can be done (besides what you are already doing). She was really nice b/c she is ALSO prone to them so she totally could relate. Have you tried ice? I would switch off b/c it seemed to help.
I would always get one by my arm pit and I wouldn''t be able to lift my arm.

bobo, I can''t understand most of what she says either. Other people seem to translate more then me. Like today my mom swore she said "let''s go!" when we were leaving the house. Sounded like gibberish to me. He will start saying more real words really soon. Watch out!

that''s too funny about B not letting you hang anything on his chair.
i think J was a bit distracted w/ food at the moment to care

B is a character too -- such attitude telling you his unwanted animals belong in the garbage and knowing which color he likes.

frameworthy or not, we still would like to see it

that''s great you got Jake weaned to 2x BF.
so what do you give him other times (water and juice?) are not a bad mom. i''m guilty of doing something similar.

thanks. she loves her porridge and anything thick noodle (particularly udon).
she had porridge and some of the minced shrimp on the eggplant dish and tried the sweet rice cake (which she didn''t care for).
how''s the mission to fatten up little B?
is he liking the avocado?
awweee....little B is starting to talk already?
hehe, that''s good that he figured he better take some baby steps (although not itty bitty) instead of trying to run.
MrsS. --well, i am a much worse mom b/c i have been giving Co peanut butter (intentionally) for a few weeks now
so you aren''t going to hear any lectures from me. The rules are all changing again anyway, so who knows what the deal is with allergies. At least you know you can cross that one off your list now!

Blen--george is reallllly, really cute. Look at his adorable legs, glad all the swelling went away. he looks 100% perfect now

Tacori-haha, we can''t wait for our kiddies to reach milestones and then when they do our backs are broken chasing after them or we wish they had an on/off switch
is your trip in June just you, all alone? I think that would be very relaxing --shopping/sleeping etc. as i please sounds very, very nice right about now

a few pictures as promised
first--Co''s first real taste of sugar at my inlaw''s place (party 1) --of course, like all things edible, he liked it. He uses a spoon pretty well now, but for the cake, only hands could shovel in it fast enough

Mesmerized by the helium balloons...i thought this was a cute shot...

Family photo--not a single one where we are all looking at the camera and smiling--ahh well
(this was at the party i threw at our cottage)

Date: 4/13/2009 9:11:14 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007

Date: 4/13/2009 8:55:49 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

LOVE the ''chick magnet'' Easter bib. Too funny!

He''s a doll!!

(Did he get a remote control in his Easter basket??)
Thank you for your complments, Fisher! He did get a remote in his Easter basket. He loves ours so much that we went to BRU and found a baby one just for him. It has Sesame Street characters on it and makes all kinds of fun noises. It''s his new favorite toy.

The wood basket is his that our ''Basket Lady'' got him from Longaberger and the bunny is DH''s childhood Easter basket.
Haha. I didn''t know they made baby remote controls! How fun!!!

I have a lot to learn!!
Date: 4/15/2009 8:39:02 PM
Author: Jas12
Family photo--not a single one where we are all looking at the camera and smiling--ahh well
(this was at the party i threw at our cottage)
Precious!! He gets cuter all the time!!


ETA: Jas, this picture reminds me of something back in your prego days.... didn't your hubby get "caught" by you on camera with a carrier and a stuffed animal in use? I thought that was one of the *best* pictures on this place, ever!!
Last one....instead of ''cake and ice cream'' I did cupcakes (see cupcake thread) and ice cream-lollies (i was all about mini finger-food stuff that didn''t require utensils)
These were a big hit--a little bit of work, but worth the effort

Date: 4/15/2009 1:45:50 PM
Author: pavelover
Blen- ouch his legs look sore! What a cutie!!!!!
Yeah, Blen, was it painful for George? I know babies are limber as all get out, but did the moving from folded up to straightening out appear to cause him pain? Did it scare you at all to see him like that, or were you so aware of the possibility of being breech, that you were expecting it? He''s a gorgeous baby, I just wonder how the experience has been...
awww....sending lots of dust to break those darn clogs!
sounds like D is doing really well w/ the solids.
stage 2 is not much different than stage 1 -- just not as pureed.
i think i gave J stage 2 not too long after stage 1.

haha, you didn''t else you''d have an earful from me

i hear you on those pesky pounds creeping up on you.
i''ve gained 4 pounds recently -- must be those cookies and cakes that i''ve been munching

haha....this may be the only easter that you can get his candies.
haha, glad to know that we are not the only procrastinators when it comes to tax returns.
barely got mine done yesterday

that''s great that you don''t owe state.
Congrats on getting the lot and yay for getting it 20K under. Must be exciting.
Can’t believe Tayva can identify colors already. PS is full of baby geniuses.

Does Tessa like her doll stroller as much as the real thing?
Out of curiosity, did T use any push toys before she started walking (since she started walking pretty early)? I am pondering if we should get M one.

Hope BFing gets easier for you. I don’t remember it being that painful, just soreness. Sometimes I wonder if LCs can really tell for sure that it’s a good latch; I mean sure the baby’s mouth/lips can look like a good latch, but they can’t see the gum or tongue right?
George is such a cutie pie.

M is not army crawling. She only crawls when she wants something. Otherwise she just lay on her tummy. She likes standing a lot. If we are holding her by her armpits, she will bounce her legs. But she can’t pull herself up yet; she can get on her knees and that’s it.
I was telling snlee that I’ll be in town for Mother’s Day weekend and wanted to see if you and she want/have time for a GTG on Sat. But snlee is not sure of her plan yet.

J is such a pretty girl. So cute that she is giving daddy the eyes. LOL.
Great to hear from you. Coby is just curious about the world. M gets distracted easily when nursing too; she barely nurses when I NIP. Hope you feel better, and Coby’s teeth break through soon and get back to his old sleep schedule.

How cute that little B said “Elmo?”

I only get 18 oz because I don’t get to nurse M in the morning before heading to work. I leave the house at 6am before she wakes up. If it’s one of those days when she wakes up early and I nurse her before work, I don’t get that much.
Sorry about your clog.
Keep me posted on whether you are down with the GTG.

So true about the candies being for us. My dad got M the Godiva stuffed bunny with a pouch of chocolate medallions, the chocolate bunny, and the sunflower lollipop. I’ll be eating all those. LOL.
Yay for not owing IRS and the state. We always owe just a little $$, but DH says he rather has his money upfront than withhold more taxes.
Glad C didn’t cry when you got home yesterday. Don’t feel bad about working. You are doing what’s best for your family.

Can’t wait for Co’s Bday party pics. I saw pics of the goodies in the cupcake thread; they are super cute.

Good to see you. Glad the reflux is under control.

Thanks. Before you know it, Hunter will be big too. I can’t believe M is already 9 months by the end of this month. Time flies.

You know I would’ve never thought about the oil used to cook the nuggets. I am not careful at all. You are a great mom.

M knows how to sip out of the sippy cup now, but she doesn’t hold her bottles/sippy cup to drink. I have to hold the sippy cup for her to sip from it. I tried the sippy cup again b/c I let M sip on the straw of my drink at dinner last weekend (I was just letting her play with it, and didn’t expect to know how to sip) andl she got a mouthful of my lemonade. She spat it all out as soon as she got it in her mouth, so she didn’t swallow. I tried straw with her again; but she doesn’t suck strong enough to get the water up the straw. So the other night was a fluke.

I am charging my camera battery; I’ll post M’s bunny ears pic later.
tacori-I"m glad I'm not the only mom that has done chick filet with their baby/toddler. I actually am glad to know he's not allergic and I'm sure we'll be back again at some point b/c it really is my favorite fast food place to take the kids. their nuggets really look like pieces of chicken. (oh and I'm getting my new Macbook next week!! i cannot wait. mine is going on 6 years. )

jas12-too funny you have already given Co peanut butter. My oldest got into a bag of PB crackers at my mom's when she was about 16 months old. she ate several b/f we caught on and stopped. i called her dr. and they said if she didn't have a reaction she was not allergic and it was fine to give it to her so she was eating PB well before 2. funny thing is, she doesn't like it now. what kid doesn't like PB?? drives me crazy b/c I wish I could pack it in her lunch for school so I don't have to worry about keeping deli meats cool enough while her lunch box sits in her locker. Love the pics from Cohen's party. your finger foods look amazing, like you had it cool!!

q-that's great that M is figuring out the sippy! i can't wait to see the bunny pics!
thanks. we need to see recent pictures of your chloe.
it feels like ages since we saw her!
don''t worry about the is a phase. hopefully, she''ll pass it soon.

i know, she looks so mature. where''s my little baby?
haha, the hair definitely makes her look older than she is.
wow, love the bday pictures!
Co and your treats are yummy!
Great family picture.
Haha, if you think it''s hard getting a picture of parent and kid smiling for the camera,
try getting 7 kids :D
i am impress that he can use the spoon already.
J tried and let me say that it''s just a mess.
she looks like someone had dumped her food on her after she''s done.
and there''s food up her nostrils too
burk and jas12--
how exciting about being building buddies.
hey, you guys may be preggo buddies too!
glad to hear that T''s reflux is under control.
i like to add to what DD said about her friend''s kid being much more happy once he''s mobile or at least able to sit up.
one kid in J''s class was crying everyday cuz he wanted to be held....but once he''s able to sit up, he''s the happiest kid in there.

how''s hunter doing?
did he get his first round of booster shots yet?

aweee.....those pictures of G are so cute and precious.
the recent one looked like he''s standing!
glad to hear that his legs are getting better.
so how long was he when he''s born?

tacori-- are too funny, but i guess that''s how things go.
just like when you were preggo and can''t wait for those kicks....then later you are so tired of those painful kicks

i think i''ll be one of those parents who can''t understand their kids too -- i''m more visual than audio.
i''m relying on DH to decipher J''s babbling for me later on.

Thanks. J has some serious attitude already.
That''s great that M figured out the sippy cups.
One tip I have for the straw is to get the ones w/ the bendy head (and it helps if they are skinny too since it won''t take much force to draw the liquid up).
Can''t wait for her easter pic!
Heheh, got some bday pictures, but don''t know if i should clog up this thread w/ it.
I can''t believe i''ve posted more than 70 pictures of her already!
Date: 4/15/2009 9:48:52 PM
Author: lili
Heheh, got some bday pictures, but don''t know if i should clog up this thread w/ it.

I can''t believe i''ve posted more than 70 pictures of her already!

oh you''ve got to post the bday pics!! this is one thread where you can post shamelessly the baby pics and never tire of seeing them!
Date: 4/15/2009 9:48:52 PM
Author: lili
Heheh, got some bday pictures, but don''t know if i should clog up this thread w/ it.

I can''t believe i''ve posted more than 70 pictures of her already!
Post away! I can''t wait to see!
JAS12, that''s a great candid family shot. Co is adorable! The ice cream-lollies look so yummy!

QT, I have no definite plans yet for Mother''s Day weekend. Probably lunch and dinner on Sunday with family so Sat I should be free.

Regarding foods, D is actually on Stage 2 foods right now (I typed it wrong before). I''m not sure when to move onto Stage 3 foods and other table foods and when to add a third meal. Any advice?
jas12 Co is adorable!!! and i love all your homemade treats!!

mrsS the good thing is that Jake is a-ok! the peanut oil would have been the last thing that i thought of. if B got some reaction from that, i would have thought he was allergic to chicken. haha.

lili i want to see pics of your beautiful girl!!! and yes, B is quite the character, with a temper and attitude!! NOT FUN.

snlee B is back to sleeping the entire night, so me waking him had really no effect on him i guess. that''s good that D puts himself to sleep all the time. hmmm, keep me updated on the GTG, i might be able to join. how''s the clog? hope you''re doing better. as for food, i think that when D is able to mash food with his gums, you can move to stage 3 just because it is so much chunkier. have you tried puffs with him? he''s about 7 months? we did stage 3 around 8 or so months and started table foods around 9ish months.

burk WOW!!! that''s great that you guys can be in that soon. it''s so awesome that you guys get to build your own home and have just the way you guys want it. that''s good to hear that T is doing better. every time i read that she''s had a bad night or her asthma is acting up or something, my heart just aches for her.

bobo awww that''s so cute that little B like elmo and curious george. when i put B in his curious george clothes, he will say monkey, then he will say that chinese word for "beautiful." haha. kids crack me up!!

tacori haha!!! sometimes i wish B would just stop talking for 30 seconds. haha. it''s pretty cute when they talk, but all day long?!?! i get tired of listening to him talk, i don''t know how he isn''t tired from talking.

DD awww, thats the best!! when they start being so much fun and interacting. i miss those days when B would just look at me like i was the only person who mattered.

qt not tacori, obviously, but B was walking pretty early as well. we had a few different walkers for him. as soon as he was able to pull himself up, around 7-8 months, we got him a push toy. the one that he liked the most was the one that made music when the walker/push toy moved forward. do you still use an exersaucer for her? she will be pulling up soon enough. trust me, there is no rush for that!!

i''ll be taking B back to the doc tomorrow for a check up on the wounds. during his bath tonight, the wounds looked really good, just a little pink, but definitely healing. there''s just one patch on his arm that isn''t healing as quickly, so i''m just hoping that isn''t infected or anything. please keep him in your thoughts tomorrow. thanks ladies!!!
i just had to share as well, B is totally identifying animals. he knows, elephant, horse, dog, cat, mouse, pig, cow, bear, bird, donkey, shark, fish. he doesn''t say them perfectly, but pretty close.
Here''s the pic as promised.

QT-- absolutely cute

Hehe, she doesn''t look too happy in that first pix
Haha, I just feel like there''s so much of her floating around on this thread already.
I''ll get some up later.
You know, J never did like stage 3 food.
I think she''s not a keen meat eater.

Wow, smart boy that B is.
Identifying so many animals already?
That''s great that his wounds are healing nicely.
Good luck w/ the appt tomorrow.
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