
PS Mommies Thread!

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bunny baby!!!

snlee- Jake doesn't do the stage 3 foods either. I still do stage two and just give him some of whatever we're eating. We did stage 2 and then started him on puffs. once he got the hang of putting food into his mouth himself and "chewing" without choking on them, then I started giving him small bits of other foods. The baby food with the meats in it kinda grosses me out so I never fed it to any of my kids

q-cute bunny pic!!!

lili-forgot to say, I give Jake water and apple juice. His dr. said I can give him 4 oz. a day of juice. I may even be alble to give him a more now that he's one. I usually dilute the juice with some water though. He has finally got the hang of the sippy cup and the sippy straw cup so once I know what I can do about the milk I'm hope he'll be easy to wean completely. yesterday when we were at Chick Filet I took his straw sippy with some juice in it and he was sitting there eating the nuggets and drinking out of his sippy and looked like such the big boy, so not a baby anymore

puffy-hope the dr. visit goes well today..
I think our little Hunter has torticullis!

We have noticed basically since birth that he preffers looking to the right, and he sleeps looking to the right and up, and we always wondered. We asked our midwives about it and they moved his nec kand noticed that he *can* move his head to the left---but he hates it
Last time we went the middie also did a bunch of poking around on his hips... which I now think was her looking for congenital hip displaysia, which accompanies about 20% of cases of torticullis. She said nothing so I assume his hips are fine (I never noticed hip issues). But he is getting a flat spot on the back right portion of his head from it.

TGal I seem to recall that Amelia had this? We go to the doctor for his 2 month appointment next week so I will ask about it then, but I googled it and I am 99% sure he has left torticullis (head tilted to the left and looking right). I found a website with excercises for it: Does this look familiar to you? I want to start doing the stretches to help it right away! The can''t hurt him and maybe it will help. If I had to guess, I''d say his case is mild to moderate, since he is capable of moving his head in the affected direction, he just hates it.
DD--hopefully Tgal will see your post and chime in, but yes, Amelia did have that and she went for physio for it. They gave Tgal a bunch of exercises she had to practice with Amelia everyday and as far as i know, it has cleared up. Good that you caught it early b/c it will result in the flat head you are noticing.
I also remember Tgal put black and white patterns on the walls of the bassi to encourage Amelia to look in the direction she did not favor. I think you can just google some patterns, print and then tape them up. Hopefully that helps until she can pass on more info (or u see the Dr.)
Just running in for a sec to say

QT what an adorable bunny you have! how sweet!
Date: 4/16/2009 11:47:03 AM
Author: Jas12
DD--hopefully Tgal will see your post and chime in, but yes, Amelia did have that and she went for physio for it. They gave Tgal a bunch of exercises she had to practice with Amelia everyday and as far as i know, it has cleared up. Good that you caught it early b/c it will result in the flat head you are noticing.
I also remember Tgal put black and white patterns on the walls of the bassi to encourage Amelia to look in the direction she did not favor. I think you can just google some patterns, print and then tape them up. Hopefully that helps until she can pass on more info (or u see the Dr.)
Thanks Jas, if TGal doesn''t see my question I will hail her in a thread! LOL!

I started doing the excercises I say on the internet, they are very simple and the same ones my physio gave me when I had acute torticullis one time in my neck! I think his case is very mild because when he is relaxed or sleepy he easily turns his head that way... but when awake he has a strong preference. Good idea about the shapes, I will try that now.
Date: 4/16/2009 12:14:39 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 4/16/2009 11:47:03 AM
Author: Jas12
DD--hopefully Tgal will see your post and chime in, but yes, Amelia did have that and she went for physio for it. They gave Tgal a bunch of exercises she had to practice with Amelia everyday and as far as i know, it has cleared up. Good that you caught it early b/c it will result in the flat head you are noticing.
I also remember Tgal put black and white patterns on the walls of the bassi to encourage Amelia to look in the direction she did not favor. I think you can just google some patterns, print and then tape them up. Hopefully that helps until she can pass on more info (or u see the Dr.)
Thanks Jas, if TGal doesn''t see my question I will hail her in a thread! LOL!

I started doing the excercises I say on the internet, they are very simple and the same ones my physio gave me when I had acute torticullis one time in my neck! I think his case is very mild because when he is relaxed or sleepy he easily turns his head that way... but when awake he has a strong preference. Good idea about the shapes, I will try that now.
I see ya DD, give me a sec...typing up a response right now....
MrsS, I asked my pedi about the honey question back then after the bread episode. He wasn''t sure either if it''s no honey at all until one or pure honey straight out of the package. Oh well...what''s done is done.

Tacori, how funny Tessa keep saying "more! more!" She must love snacking.

lili, he don''t really like the taste of avocado so I mixed it with banana to hide the taste. But I think his stomach can''t take too much avocado. I can hear a lot of action from his stomach after he eats avocado. We also leave some chicken fat in the chicken stock so he get some fat from that too. He''ll get another weight in in May so we''ll see if he gain any.

Jas, Co is so cute~ what a beautiful family! That ice cream lollies look really yummy.

Puffy, B is such a smart boy! I hope the appt. goes well.

qtiekiki, M is such a cute bunny!

DD, sorry to hear Hunter has torticullis, hope TGal can give you some advice.

Yes, Amelia had a mild/moderate case of torticollis. She was the opposite of Hunter - she faced left. She had full range of movement, but it must have been uncomfortable for her because, like Hunter, when awake she definitely chose to look left. She slept in that position as well. Amelia went to therapy from 4 weeks to 4 months. It''s great to catch it early because it gets progressively harder to do the exercises when they get older because they get stronger fighting them! I wish I had more of my plagiocephaly links for you - my computer crashed and I lost all my bookmarks. I posted some for Janine awhile back. You really want to watch Hunter carefully on this because of the flat spot - Amelia also could have gotten a flat spot on the left back of her head too. This causes a bulge on the opposite front part of the head and can cause some facial deformity. However don''t be alarmed! All this is easily avoided.

So this will probably be a long post...let''s see....

First off, see what you can do to get him out of that position...

I know you have a playmat. Do you have a toy on it that plays music and flashes lights? For Amelia I positioned it straight above so he would stare straight up. Basically you''re talking baby steps. If Hunter favors right, you''re trying to get him to mid point FIRST before you start cranking him over to the left (just because it''s easier).

In the crib, what direction does he turn to to see the center of the room? Position him so that he will have to face left to face the room. This didn''t really work for Amelia, but it''s a common tip.

Also, like Jas said, I taped B&W designs to the side of the bassinet that I wanted her to face. Again, didn''t really help early on, but worth a try.


Yup, all of those are what I had to do. Sidebending, Rotation to start off. Here''s some tips because I found that babies do not like having their heads cranked around!!!!

Sidebending: You can try it the way in the picture. However a method I used was more comfortable and I had more control. I''ll tell you now they HATE this exercise (they hate all of them, but oh well). Do you see the picture for the carrying? Hold Hunter like that with your arm through this legs. You should do this on BOTH sides so it doesn''t matter which side you start with. That picture shows her right hand resting on the baby''s abdomen. Instead of doing that, snake your arm across his entire body, with your hand holding the baby''s shoulder closest to the ground (in the pic''s case, it is the left shoulder). The left hand is positioned cradling the side of the babies head/ear. Then slowly with your right hand, pull the shoulder away from the ear and with the left hand pull the head away from the shoulder. I hope this makes gives a lot more control than the sidebending exercise mentioned in the picture. I also found that gently rocking the baby while doing this exercise helped ease some of the anxiety.

Rotation: The exercise on your link is what I did too. You should have the baby on your lap (on a pillow is easier) and be gentle while you do it. You shouldn''t force him, because he''ll fight it. Just gently get him there. You''ll see what I mean when you try it. Your thumb is what is gently putting pressure to turn the face and the back of the fingers is helping to navigate.

Amelia really hated this exercise too - so here''s a varation that worked great. Instead of turning her head, I turned her body! Again, you should do the exercise BOTH ways.

Basically take Hunter in the same position as in the "carrying" pic on your link. Your head should be closer to his chest for support and your hand is cradling his head, same as in the above sidebending exercise position. Obviously in the initial position, hunter is facing out into the room and his head is facing straight from his body. While cradling/keeping his head in the same position, rotate your entire arm, bringing his body into a belly DOWN position. Now hunter should be looking sideways and "on" his tummy, much like the "positioning" picture on that link.

Do the above exercises, 10 reps, 3 times a day if possible, each side. 5 reps is fine to start as well.

There is also a stretch I did to get her chin away from her chest. But this one is kind of "dangerous" so I won''t go into it. Ask your PT if it''s necessary. Basically I had her lying on my lap with her head in my hands and tilted her head back, pressed her chin up and away from her chest. This was the one she hated most.

Eye exercises: Babies with torticollis often don''t follow objects with their eyes because of the stiffness in their necks. If you don''t feel like doing some of the physical exercises above (because believe me, it kind of gets stressful and old), try this one.

Lay Hunter down on his back on a pillow on your lap (like the picture on your link). Let his head fall wherever he likes. I take it that it will fall to his right. Take a bright, loud toy...a rattle or a clacking toy will be great. Catch his eye with it and slowly try to bring his eyes/head to mid point at eye level (when he gets better at this, you can bring the toy on an arc path over his head and see if he can do that. Go back and forth from mid point to right. If he gets better at it, take him all the way to the left as much as he will go.

Physical therapy, as you probably know from your own experience, is only going to work as well as the effort you put into it. Babies can grow out of it, or they can get "stuck" and need treatment such as helmets, etc. So don''t let your doc tell you he''ll grow out of it...get referred to a good ped PT in your area. Mine was phenomenal and amazing with Amelia.

I hope that helps!
PUFFY, hope the doctor appointment goes well today. That''s good B has gone back to sleeping through the night. He is such a smart boy!

QT, what an adorable bunny you have!

DREAMER, sorry to hear Hunter has torticullis.

Thanks for the food advice. We haven''t started puffy yet. He''ll be 7 months soon so maybe I''ll give it a try in a month or so.

What age did you start giving your baby water? When and how much?
snlee: sorry if you answered this somewhere else--but are you making food at all? I haven''t but think I might try.
That''s great that D''s onto 2nd foods, we''re still on #1''s! Does D eat fruts/veggies on its own or do you have to mix it w/cereal?
DD: Chloe had a slight case of flat head at 2-3 mo''s. It was upsetting since I honestly don''t know how it came about--I think she was born with the preference for one side (in womb) and didn''t think to position her when she a newborn (I was just happy she was sleeping!). It''s possible she had a slight case of torticullis, but the pedi never diagnosed it. He gave me a sheet on neck exercises which we did daily (very basic ones). Her neck muscles were pretty strong on both sides though so it was either a mild case or something else.
In any case, that combined with head positioning (I pushed the poor thing''s head to the right constantly--since she prefered to turn left), corrected things over time and now she has a nice round head :). We never required p/t. We saw the doc at 4 mo''s and he said she looked good, and to keep it up. At 6 mo''s, I think it''s all good so no longer position.

In any case, it''s easy to correct, especially early on. TGAL knows much more than me though! :)

QT: LOVE the bunny ears...looks like she''s ready to whip them off though in the 2nd shot.
I gotta pick up a pair next year!

Speaking of "seasonal fun", what''s the protocol on beach and babies? (wishful thinking that warm weather will arrive on the east coast some day). Do we have to lather them with sun screen constantly? And I was always curious, do little ones who are old enough to be carried into water wear diapers?
Date: 4/16/2009 1:36:38 PM
Author: janinegirly
snlee: sorry if you answered this somewhere else--but are you making food at all? I haven''t but think I might try.

That''s great that D''s onto 2nd foods, we''re still on #1''s! Does D eat fruts/veggies on its own or do you have to mix it w/cereal?
Guess you missed my message to your earlier. Here it is -

JANINE, I wish D would go to sleep on his own in less than 5 mins consistently but I''ll take what I can get! How is C doing falling asleep on her own? We usually mix the fruit or veggies with RC or OC, or give a little of some in each bite. But D will eat the fruits and veggies alone, he''ll eat anything! Haven''t made my own baby food yet. Just some mushed up bananas if that counts. Did you see my work update a few pages back? Thanks for asking. Sorry to hear about C''s separation anxiety. D sometimes has those moments where we leave the room and he starts crying. So sad. Are you enjoying your new home?

You should give Stage 2 a try. We started a few weeks ago when D turned 6 month. It''s not much different than Stage 1.

Did you decide about your trip? Are you going to travel without C?
mrss~Good to know. I hadn't even thought of that before you posted. Thanks!

snlee~Thanks! We're very excited about the house. This is our stepping stone house (not quite our "dream home"). It'll be fun to choose all the finishes and get a floor plan I love. I also started with puffs at around 7 months. Once she was able to pick them up and feed herself I started giving her other table foods.

Bobo~I know. I'm just hoping we are able to sell it and close around the time we have to move out so we don't have to worry about moving twice....but we'd save money living in an apartment, too, so we'll see if I can't get him to change his mind!

Tacori~That's too funny about Miss Talkative while you were shopping! Exciting about your trip in June! I need to plan a trip for myself...

Jas12~Those pics of Co's party are great! I love his outfits...such a great dresser your little man is!

QT~Thanks! We are very excited. T doesn't identify all colors yet (only the ones SHE wants to) but it is very fun seeing her talk more and prove that she actually listens when I talk!
T still isn't able to drink out of the straw sippy cups. Cute bunny you have there!

lili~Building buddies, yes. Preggo buddies, maybe. We're putting that on the backburner right now with the whole building a house thing. We shall see, though. Um...where are those pics?? There's no such thing as clogging up a thread. Pics needed now!

puffy~I hope it all happens as fast as it's supposed to. I'm a very patient person usually (I have to be...I teach middle school
) but I could see myself getting very impatient for the house to be done!! That's awesome that B is identifying all those animals! Tayva still calls a dog a "woof woof" so we have a ways to go!

dd~sorry about Hunter's torticullis. Looks like a bunch of great stuff Tgal posted. Good thing you caught it early.
oops sorrry snlee--I must''ve missed it! This thread moves too fast...

Thanks for the info, and I''ll have to try stage 2 soon. I''ve been by the book with the "try a new food every 4 days" so it''s taken a while to get through my stage 1''s!

haven''t thought about the trip in awhile. Since it''s primarily a family event, I''m not that gung ho, so have been delaying the planning! Still 50/50 on going. Some days I think I need the break and alone time with DH, other days I think a family event is not a "break" and I''d rather save the money and stay home with C!
Date: 4/16/2009 1:45:43 PM
Author: janinegirly

Speaking of ''seasonal fun'', what''s the protocol on beach and babies? (wishful thinking that warm weather will arrive on the east coast some day). Do we have to lather them with sun screen constantly? And I was always curious, do little ones who are old enough to be carried into water wear diapers?

yes. you want to keep them in the shade as much as possible but if you are going to be in the sun that sunscreen is a must. and don''t forget to reapply every couple of hours. A hat is a good idea too if you can get babies to keep them on. They make swim diapers for babies to wear when they go into the pool. a regular diaper gets so soggy and gross so you''ll want to get the swim diapers for the pool or ocean.
TGal Awesome, thanks so much! I have instituted a new routine in our day where every time I BF, afterwards when he is milk drunk and relaxed/sleepy, we do the excercises! So I have been going 15 reps of the sidebend and the rotation each time, and have done them three times today. This routine should result in 6 times a day. Even when he is awake if I move slowly he doesn''t fight it too much, so far so good it seems. For a bit I thought that maybe him being sleepy would make the excercises less effective because he isn''t, I don''t know, participating... but if the point is to stretch the muscle then it shouldn''t matter what state he is in. I notice that he has a full range of motion but some definite stiffness and I can feel with my fingers than the muscle is hard there.

Hunter actually preferrs to have his chin UP rather than tucked to his chest, so that is also the opposite of Amelia.

I have put pictures on the crib and will position him in there so that it involves looking left. Won''t do much good in the night when it is dark, LOL, but I guess it could help during naps. I have also tucked a rolled cloth beside his head when he is in the car seat now, which keeps his head looking straight on or a little angeled to the left. I also plan to have him in the snuggly carrier as much as possible during the day, because it keeps the pressure of his noggin. I may also let him nap on his stomach with his head facing left when I am letting him nap in our bed beside the computer (PS time! LOL!) I''ll look back to find the stuff you posted for janine.

When I go to the doc I am just going to ask for the referral. Don''t worry, I have no issues being demanding

The slight flattening of the head it yucky, and now that you mention it, I have also noticed a slight asymmetry in his forhead like you describe, bulging out on the opposite side. So I am going to tackle this full on because I don''t want him being deformed because of it! Right now, you can only see the asymmetry in his head when you really look, like I do, so best to stop it now.

Question: You mentioned that you were told to do all the stretches in BOTH directions? Did I read that correctly?

PS: How long did it take for it to clear up in Amelia? Did she get any head flattening/bulging?
Thanks, you rock.
Janine I think that Hunter isn''t a serious case either because the middies never commented that it was a problem. Still, I would rather be proactive and avoid something or even do excercises etc unnecessarily than to miss something later and regret it! Like you, I think that Hunter was in a position in the womb that favoured him looking to his right. So did you just worry about positioning her head during the day or did you try at night too? I can''t think how to manage that...
Dreamer: the flatness is unsettling when you first notice it, but it goes away/is reduced sometimes after only a few weeks. It did for us..and was even better after another month. We did the exercises in both directions.

Things I did that helped (not suggesting them, just sharing): put her to sleep on her tummy supervised. I did this during the nights sometimes when she co-slept as I'm a very light sleeper and the bed is huge (DH was away during the week at the time). No one suggested this, but I felt all those hours had to be critical. At first I used a cushion to push her to her side (they sell these, but I just used a small cushion) so she couldn't turn her head, but it was not comfortable (she kept wanting to turn her head!) so I felt bad. On her tummy, she slept very well and still does (and therefore rarely turned her head--if she did, I gently pushed it the other way, which yes, meant I woke up several times a night to check). Again, this is just something I chose to do.

I also bought a noggin cushion..i forget the exact name. I think it's by Boppy? Cushion with a hole cut out in the back ..I still use it b/c it's quite comfy looking. Great for stroller/ car seat so you dont' feel guilty putting them in there. There are other variations so take a look at BRU for what cushios/head rests/positioners best suit you.
OMG, the photos are killing me!!!

Blen, George is a cutie! Can''t believe that''s how his legs looked when he first came out. Fascinating, actually!

mrssalvo, I never would have thought about things being cooked in peanut oil! We''ve been giving peanut butter to Lily since around 18 months or so. It actually started out with my FIL trying to win her affection by giving her Reese''s Pieces! I didn''t even make the peanut butter connection until a while later and realized that she didn''t have a reaction so we figured it was safe to give it to her and now she LOVES it! Peanut butter sandwiches are the "go to" meal when there''s nothing else around or I''m not in the mood to cook something for her!!! Fortunately, neither DH nor I have any food allergies so I don''t think we had much to worry about but you just never know...

snlee, sounds like D is doing really well in the sleep department! That''s so great!! We just started stage 2 foods as well because Lucy is such a piggy. I didn''t love the Stage 3 foods and neither did Lily so I think we mostly just mashed up whatever we were eating and gave it to her at that point. I''m not sure when we''ll start with Lucy--probably not till around 8 months or so. She doesn''t have any teeth yet so I''m nervous about giving her anything besides the purees even though I''m sure she''ll love puffs! Lily got her first teeth around 4-5 months and then the rest of them came in so quickly that I felt more comfortable giving her "real" foods faster. Totally psychological on my end--if they can gum the stuff, it''s probably fine! On the water thing, we started her with a sippy right at 6 months. She''s actually quite good with the cup, surprisingly. Also, since she''s still waking up during the night, I''m trying to give her water instead of formula so she doesn''t have all those empty calories which she really doesn''t need since she''s a giant anyway!

Bobo, I was told no straight honey until after one because there is some kind of botulism in it that can be harmful to young infants but if it''s cooked into something, I''m sure it''s ok. And clearly it was ok because Little B is fine!!

Tacori, I know exactly what you mean about the talking too much!!! Lily is non-stop from the minute she wakes up in the morning and to tell you the truth, she actually TALKS IN HER SLEEP! The girl can not shut up!!

Burk, congrats on the land. So excited for your new house!!! And yay for good naps!

Jas12, I LOVE the photos of Co''s party. That family shot is absolutely lovely.

lili, your cutie pie just keeps getting cuter!!!! Love the dimsum photos. You should post more!

Diva, love the photo of James and his easter basket. We have the same remote that makes the Sesame Street sounds. Lily uses it as a phone, though!
She''s too smart and prefers the real remote but she still plays with that one too.

qtiekiki, ADORABLE!!!!! M is too stinking cute! Regarding push toys, Lily used one before she started walking. I think it really helped her. And then we got her a baby doll stroller and she still loves it. She thinks she''s really cool! I would recommend getting something just so she can "practice" before she really starts to take off.

puffy, hope everything goes well for B at the doctor. I''m sure everything will be fine. And how cool that he can identify animals?! I love that, it still amazes me when they start to "get it".

dd, I hope Hunter''s torticollis can be remedied without too much difficulty. TGal gave you some great tips. I''m glad that you caught it early--always trust your maternal instincts!

janine, I never made my own food. Always aspired to do it but can''t find the time! My pedi says the pre-made stuff is just as good these days. We buy the Gerber organics and the ones with DHA in them. Don''t know if it makes any difference but I figure it''s the best I can do for my child! Regarding sunscreen, SLATHER it on. SPF 50 or higher and keep a hat on her if you can. It''s best to avoid really direct sunlight because their skin is so perfect and untainted! Swim diapers are a must if you''re going to take her in the water. Both Huggies and Pampers make swim diapers but be forewarned that they''re not really that absorbant so you''ll want to put her back in a regular diaper when she''s out of the water!
curly, I hear you on not having time to make baby food! i don''t really have time either, but thought I''d attempt it a few items.

Thanks Curly and mrs Salvo on swim diaper info, I had no idea! I''ll be slathering on the spf 50..just hope it doesn''t end up in her mouth like everything else does these days!
Hm, I went back looking for some photos, and it seems that Amelia favored the right too. Boy, memory is faulty!!

DD, positioning the head in the carseat helps. I also got a set of "banana" head positioners that I used for Amelia during supervised naps. I actually needed to get her ON the back of the head. I''ve attached a pic below.

Hehe, I tried the milk drunk thing. Your H must be more mellow than my A. Mine got pissed off and fully awake again. And you''re right, you''re just stretching, so if you can take advantage of a more relaxed baby, that''s the way to go.

Amelia put her chin up a bit as well. It was just a stretch to get her neck healthy all the way around.

Don''t worry too much about the head the point, nothing is permanent and as Janine said, it is pretty easily resolved. Amelia never had a flat spot - I was just told that it would happen soon if I wasn''t diligent about preventing it. I caught it at 4 weeks, so that is pretty darn early. We went to therapy for 3 months. She progressed great and we continued for some extra weeks for fine tuning. There are all kinds of little exercises that we did to make sure her reflexes for her head were right. For instance, holding the baby out in front of you (facing out) and tilting her left and right. Her head should struggle to stay perpendicular to the ground. That kind of stuff. I''m not sure how much of it was necessary, but it sure was helpful.

Yes, stretch both ways. That''s to ensure you don''t make the baby start favoring the other side. You want them to be supple all the way around.

Just keep moving his head around. I didn''t worry too much at night because I just kept positiong her the best I could (we stuck a towel under the sheets to position her head here and there though). I''m not sure what kind of carrier you are using, but change his position in there as well if it''s the type where his side is up against you. On the tummy is a great idea too (as Janine mentioned). Amelia wouldn''t have it, as she hated being on her tummy early on...that left me with a lot less options!! If he likes being on his tummy, just put him over your legs on his tummy while you watch TV or something and give him a back rub. Great positioning and little bonus massage for the cutie!

I mentioned it before, but I never realize that flat head on one side means the bits inside the head have to go somewhere. It''s not like the brain flattens shifts to somewhere else, hence the bulge. Don''t know about you, but that weirded me out!

Feel free to ask whatever you''d like. I''m don''t have all the answers but am happy to share our experience.

Sorry to hear that Hunter has a slight case of torticullis.
Sounds like you already got alot of ammunition to tackle it.
J favored one side too and chin up when she''s awake-- can''t remember which side.
At the time I didn''t know what it was called, but I always made sure that she alternates head position when she naps.
I usually put her on my chest (pseudo tummy time) when she''s awake and get her head to move from one side to another.
I do the chest thing because I have a hard time carrying with my left arm so that her head would face left (oh, she favors her right side).
Hope the stretches and exercises are all that Hunter needs.

Didn''t see your question about push toys.
Just give her an empty diaper box to play with

It''s the right height and probably offers more stability at this point (since there are no wheels on them).

Aweee....too bad B doesn''t like the taste of avocado.
J goes crazy for it. Hope the chicken fat works.

Awweee...that''s such a cute pic of your sweet A.
Look how much she''s grown.
I''m sure she''s alot bigger than when we last saw her.
Get those software loaded woman and give us updated pictures of A!

I hear you about our babies no longer looking like babies.
Yeah, they do look so mature when they can hold their own cup and eat -- finger food in one hand, cup in another -- very cute though.
Ok, I apologized first for the flooding to follow.

First off, these are for MsLinda (so I don''t get clobbered w/ her bat).
Bday decoration.

Bday cake (nothing like Jas12 or litte B''s wedding style cake

Here''s a grouchy bday girl w/ her hat.

when can i open my presents?

here's one w/ one of her toy, thanks to QT (I hope you don't mind)

i'll have you know that she picked this one herself.
i wasn't going to get it for her until xmas, but she got really excited when she saw it and literally climbed off my lap when i was browsing on the web.
i asked her if she likes and wants me to get it for her. and she answered w/ a firm head nod

i thought maybe she just want anything new, so I clicked over to another page w/ another animal and no reaction.
but when i clicked back to this, she was "ooing" and pointing again, so what's a mother to do but get it for her

Dreamer Max has a flat spot too. Not torticollis (sp?) but just likes to sleep on one side. But he has no bulging so the doc isn''t worried about it. We just try to reposition him when we catch him on that side. Now that he''s older he moves around a ton-even while sleeping-so I am hopeful it will continue to get better.

Seems VERY common these days-I am sure Hunter will be fine!
newborn pics

JAS12 - Co was soo cute on his b-day! I like the picture of him eating his cake

LILI - We don''t usually wait until the last minute to file our taxes, we just sort of kept putting it off. J is such a cute little girl - she looks so old with all that wonderful hair!

Q - We don''t usually get much back for a tax refund, but I''m scared to change my withholdings and then end up owing a lot of money. Cute pics too!

DD - I hope Hunter does well with his therapy. I think NEAT is right that flat spots are so common these days. I have three nephews and a niece that all have flat spots on the backs of their heads. I think it''s from the baby sleeping on his/her back all the time.

Things are good over here. James is still tolerating milk really well, no teeth yet and he''s still working on crawling.
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