
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Ben and Des are adorable!

Re waking baby: Sophia was jaundice and everything I had read said to wake her up every 3 hours no matter what to feed her so that''s what I did. Problem was that it never really told me when to stop
. I remember during one of her check-ups either with the pedi or the LC they asked why I was still waking her every 3 hours at night when I should just let her sleep. Doh! So from about 8 weeks, I let her wake up on her own. Also, when she moved in to her room I stopped going in for grunts.

As for now, I mentioned before that I pay attention to how many ounces she has had because I know how much she needs in order to STTN. If it''s in the 20 to 24oz range, I''ll do a "dream feed" around 10pm because otherwise she''ll wake up really hungry and cranky.
i wonder if i''m ever *actually* going to be in the situation where i would have to decide... should i wake? or not wake? ahahahahahahahahahahaha

charlie is seriously the LIGHTEST sleeper EVER... the smallest noise wakes him up.. and we have that darn white noise going full blast...


fiery - yeah, sorry about this AM... 5:30 is like... yeah, it''s too early...nuff said ;)
and no, c is not normally a tummy sleeper. i was waiting until he could roll in both directions before i put him to sleep on his tummy... just to be sure he could get himself out of danger if need be. (yeah, don''t know what that danger is - but he needs to be able to get out of it;) anyhoo, i did notice that last night after the tummy sleeping episode - DH got up to feed him - and put him in the PNP in our room and he immediately rolled onto his side and slept that way until the next time he woke up. i''d LOVE to try and put him on his tummy to sleep, but i usually can''t finangle it because he completely wakes himself up - and then it''s another little session before he gets comfortable and falls back to sleep.

yeah, speaking of... i swear this kid would stay up 24 hours a day if we didn''t force him to sleep. wouldn''t their little bodies eventually take over and just make them close their eyes?

robbie - i''m sorry you are having issues with your family. although, i would have felt the same way if my mother had done something similar. i wonder about my IL''s judgment as well. i know i can''t expect them to do things exactly the same way as me... buuuutttt if there is a fundamental difference in ''parenting'' then i think we will eventually have problems. just as an example.. obviously i am against CIO.. my MIL, on the other hand, thinks this is the fix-all. so, yeah.. i don''t trust that when she watches c she''s not just going to let him cry. anyhoo... i''m sad that you lost that relationship, but when it''s in the best interest of your child - i admire your ability to stand your ground.

kennedy - what you suggested is exactly the little bug that buzzes around in my head 24hrs a day. my job/hours produce a LOT of guilt.. one that i try to ignore. i have the feeling that *some* of his night wakings can be attributed to the amount of time i am physically with him.

and i''d totally lobby DH for a king bed... DH, on the other hand, thinks they are too imperson and just a way not to cuddle at night (well, duh!) ... but, awwwww, i have a hubby and baby who just want a cuddle with me all of the time.

but i have a baby and hubby who just want to cuddle with me all.of.the.time
i have to admit (confess?)... that between my super needy dog (she''s more high needs than charlie.. trust!) AND my touchy feely baby AND a husband who wants to snuggle on the couch or a head rub every night - most days i just want to scream "OK, NO ONE TOUCH ME FOR, LIKE, 10 MINS!" i feel like there is something/one touching me the second i get home until the second i get back into the car to go to work. OFF!
Date: 3/25/2010 1:40:16 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/25/2010 1:15:09 PM

Author: snlee

Date: 3/25/2010 1:11:45 PM

Author: Mara

So question for the Moms with older kids where you were not cosleeping and trying to get kiddo to sleep longer and potentially wean off the nighttime bottle-- is there ever a good reason to wake the baby if they are not fussing, to give them their ''scheduled'' bottle?

Nope, never wake a sleeping baby.

Back to lurking.
They say this, but in our case we had to wake the sleeping baby all the time and didn''t have an issue.

Amelia nearly didn''t leave the hospital because I didn''t have any milk and she lost over 10% of her weight. The LC at the hospital and the LC at my breastfeeding class said we needed to wake her. We used techniques like blowing her feet or belly and light tickling. So from the getgo, we woke up our sleeping baby.

Once her weight was up, we didn''t have to do that anymore, but by 6 weeks, she was on a generaly schedule. I never woke her up a night...she woke up on her own for that middle of the night feed. However, throughout the day, we did wake her if her nap seemed to be going too long. Nothing harsh...just the light blowing technique and since she had gotten plenty of rest, she always woke up fairly easily and just slowly and comfortably came too. For us, this seemed to help set her schedule where it soon became like clockwork.

To answer your specific question Mara, it seems that you want to wake him up in the middle of the night to give him a bottle since you know he takes one. If the pedi has given the green light to let him sleep as long as he''ll go at night (which I assume is the case as Amelia had the same green light at J''s age), there''s no reason to wake the kid. Just let him sleep. The wake up times will vary (Amelia''s did) but hopefully at some point it will go away. It will probably also become more regular as schedules solidify. However what I mean by ''regular'' is that there is a window...for Amelia it was anywhere between 1 and 3:30. Still a good sized window.

One day Amelia never woke up for that bottle. Problem solved, 12 hours of sleep - check!

Really?? Just one day didn''t wake up and kept that going?
Mine wake up anywhere from 1am to 5am....with the occasional STTN nights (few and far in between)
I keep hoping they just won''t wake up one day...and they don''t sometimes, but then are up again the next night!. They are 5.5months..
Viz-Maybe Charlie is moving in the direction of being a tummy sleeper. One night Sophia turned on to her side and it freaked me out. For a few days she slept that way and slowly moved on to her belly. She''s a full belly sleeper now.

Mandy-Sophia did the same. We got rid of the 2/3am bottle when she started having less and less. The 10pm bottle we got rid of as well maybe 3 weeks later. But she still would wake up and needed someone to go in there. One night she just didn''t wake up and it''s been that way every since. She was 6 months though.
Date: 3/25/2010 1:53:05 PM
Author: Mandarine

Really?? Just one day didn''t wake up and kept that going?
Mine wake up anywhere from 1am to 5am....with the occasional STTN nights (few and far in between)
I keep hoping they just won''t wake up one day...and they don''t sometimes, but then are up again the next night!. They are 5.5months..
Yeah, I know exactly when it happened, I''m sure it''s on the preggo thread somewhere (we were all posting mommy stuff on the preggo thread back then.) We went to a 4th of July party at my friend''s house (the one who now has triplets). We spent the night there and I woke up the next day to find that my daughter never woke up once during the night (and I know this because since we were spending the night, we were all in the same room.) She was conceived on July 4th (after the same party the year before), born April 1, slept through 12 hours on July 4. So I know the dates for sure.

Anyway, she woke up happy and was fine. I understand flukes happen, so I didn''t think that that was *it*, per se. I think the next night we waited to see if she would wake up but I didn''t bring her the bottle. I think there was a few days when she woke and settled down just fine. I just didn''t give her the bottle. Very shortly thereafter, she didn''t wake up during the night again.

Tacori''s Tessa did something similar...had her 6 month shots and slept through the night 12 hours and never looked back after that. Tacori used HSHHC from 4 months on so our kids were both on schedules by that point anyway. It''s just that the middle of the night feed just went away one day.
So there is hope without having to go the CIO route?

ETA: Because they don't take a I don't know how to soothe them without giving them food and if they do wake up to eat, they scream like a grizzly bear after hibernating all winter.

Granted they have been sick for the last month between the colds and the maybe, just maybe, they were on their way to do this but then go all messed up?
Date: 3/25/2010 2:02:51 PM
Author: Mandarine
So there is hope without having to go the CIO route?
Yes, there''s hope. I didn''t have to use it...that I know for sure in those early months (because I think mentally I was looking at the 4 month mark to use it, and Amelia was doing 12 hours before then.)

But, memory certainly IS faulty, so I went to see what I had posted because I wondered if she did indeed not wake up at all. I was wrong (so isn''t it wonderful that we document all this crap here?
) Apparently she did wake up to fuss, and for whatever reason, she didn''t make too big of one and me being tired probably just popped a paci in and she conked back out. So it looks like it was actually another "experiment" on my part because my ped said she was actually capable of not having the middle of the feed. You can see on the post below that I really was a bit doubtful, but decided to see if it was true.

I think I AM remembering correctly however, that Tessa did it on her own. I''ll go and see if I can find the post.

Here''s the page...not on the preggo thread but the first mommy thread:

And here''s the post, dated July 6, 2008.


Hey gals...

More later. I am still battling fleas. Can you believe it? I am SICK of this. I called the landlord and asked them to call an exterminator. I have done everything I can do, including vacuuming everyday, borax, and flea bombs. I wonder if it is possible they can come through the walls from next door (which I am SURE is infested) to our place.

Jas, I hear ya on the swaddle thing. I was SO freaked out to wean, but I figure doing it when they are younger (and have shorter memories) has got to be easier...although not sure if that really is the case. For Amelia, it took about 3-4 days, with the 2nd to 3rd day being the toughest. It was scary because as you know, Amelia was sleeping so well and I loved getting predictable sleep out of her, and I was scared to mess with it.

Now it is as if she was never swaddled, and she is doing great. Also, once I stopped swaddling her, she REALLY found her hands, as obviously she has had more time to discover them. Happiest Baby on the Block recommends weaning swaddling by 3-4 months, and I think the miracle blanket people might have as well (can''t remember on that one though). I *think* Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child says the same, so that is what I went by.

I''m trying to do everything a bit the order it makes sense. Swaddle weaned first, then paci (since she found her fingers, this has been a bit easier). I went to the doc''s for her 3 month appointment and he said since she is sleeping so well, he thinks by 4 months she should be sleeping through the night. I was like...hmmm...not sure about that. He also recommended not going to her for at least 15 minutes in the middle of the night (I believe Tacori has mentioned this, and it''s also in HSHHC).

Well, Amelia doesn''t cry in the middle of the night (only "talks" and fusses) so I thought I might try it this weekend. We spent the night over at a friend''s since I don''t like to put her down for the night and wake her up to leave someplace. Since all of us were in the same room, it was a good opportunity to observe her easily. She fussed at about 1 am and 2 am, but each time within the 15 minutes, she conked back out (for her 2am, I did sneak the pacifier back in her mouth and that helped). So it was the first time that we didn''t give her a middle of the night feed and she went from 7 pm to 6am.

Last night was the first night we tried it at home and it went well again. From 7 to 7 today, with one night waking with some fussing, but back to sleep within 15 minutes. I still wonder if it''s a bit too early, but the doc, the books I''ve read and her disposition seem to be showing that it might work so we will see. The doc says at this stage she does not NEED her night feeding, but that she may just simply want it. Now I am trying to figure out how to get all her needed calories/ounces in with only 4 feedings per day. So far what he has said is true...she is making up the ounces during the day, pretty easily taking 6 ounces and up to 7 at bedtime. I''m thinking also because she is formula fed, it may be helping? I know BF''ed babies get hungrier faster so I wonder how that works for middle of the night hunger.

Anyway, hope that this is interesting to you. I thought I''d share because I was really scared to get her off that blanket (she''d conk out SO quickly once in it...and now it does it take longer for her to fall asleep, but I also wonder if developmentally she is awake longer because she''s found more interestings things to see and do while awake). My goal has always been to teach her how to self soothe, understand that bedtime is bedtime and not have to much CIO if at all possible. HSHHC has mentioned that if you can get the baby to sleep within a certain window, there really shouldn''t be much crying and in Amelia''s case I have found that to be far. The one thing I KNOW (from friends with kids and from reading stuff here) is that babies sleep habits change on ya!

More later...have many more posts I want to respond to...


And on 7/15...

And in Amelia news (although I feel bad sharing this because I know some of you are so sleep deprived, but it is a milestone, so...), she has been sleeping through the night with no wake-ups now (at least for the last 3 nights). 7 to 7. I had still been waking up automatically in the middle of the night so I go check on her, but last night I was so tired that I slept the night through myself. My first night of 8 hours sleep in 3.5 months. Heaven!
thanks ladies... greg wanted to wake him at 6 so he could feed him before he left, and i was tempted since i KNEW he'd be getting up at some point (prob 6:30 or 7) to get that bottle and i would have to do it, and i thought well maybe...but then i said well we don't WANT to wake him up if he doesn't need it. Ginger i like your phrase 'express his needs'. when i got him at 6:30 i knew he'd be up within 30-45 minutes just based on his wake-cycle and it would have been harder to get him to go back down when it was bright outside so it worked out ok today, but hopefully over the next 4-5 weeks his nighttime sleeping will solidify a bit more so we can figure out our schedule for when i go back to work.

for now it's not a big deal for me to feed him at 7am if he wakes and then go back to get 2 hours of shut eye when he does...but if i have conf calls like i typically do at 7 and 7:30 for europe, then obviously that won't work and greg is gone by then sooo. but we have some time. and since my brain has NOTHING ELSE TO DO right now than obsess over my kid's sleeping habits...well you can see why i need to go back to work.
most people prob think 'seriously wacko let the kid sleep, who cares'...hahaa. but it's just such a big range to sleep from 6 hours to 9 hours and the 9 hours when it's bright outside throws things off esp when i struggle to get him to nap during the day.

my friends who have kids like J who have always been decent night sleepers said their kids go 12 hours around 2-3 months or i am hoping he is moving more towards that but it's hit or miss.

in other J-related news (uh oh am i turning into one of those moms)... yesterday he was inconsolable and i had no idea why, he shouldn't have been hungry as he had a huge bottle like an hour before, but he was screaming for 15 min sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME...picking him and cuddling or playing did nothing. he didn't seem like he had gas or issues, clean diaper etc. so i let him sit next to me and scream and it was SCREAMING bloody murder, red face, crying, coughing. i kept talking to him and patting him which somehow just pissed him off more. i am SURE the neighbors are calling child services!! but then he just calmed down and was like totally smiling and talking to me. my child is Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde!! what a weirdo..hehe. and i think we really need AC for summer. thank goodness it's going to rain today so i can keep the windows closed.

re: carters online--uh oh. i friggin love carters!!!

viz... re light sleeper, i was just talking to G about this last nite. it seems like sometimes we could be trumpeting around J with cymbals, and he won't wake up. other times i swear he can hear me open my eyes through 3 doors and 2 rooms. sometimes when i get up at 3am i don't want to go pee because i am SURE he will wake up. it's like he KNOWS the minute my eyes open. what is up with that? i also wondered if when i was no longer BF'ing if that would change, like maybe his little biologicals are like 'mmm the milk is awake'...hahaha.

so on that same note, when do you have to stop tiptoeing around the kid when they sleep?? we try not to be super quiet but at night it's hard NOT to do that yanno. during the day it's easier. also he seems to sleep well through noise during the day in the living room, aka tv is on, i am on the phone, whatever, but in his room he hears the tiniest creak outside his door and opens his eyes. WEIRD.
Thank you TG!!!

Ughh...I wish they would take the paci!!!!!!!!!!

I guess the main difference is that mine do scream when they wake up in the middle of the night. Last night when Alex woke up, I waited like 6 minutes before going in (he was getting louder and louder) and I didn't want him to wake up I gave in and grabbed him.

I am thinking that maybe I need to separate the boys as a test and let them cry 15-20 minutes before going in...that way I don't worry about one waking up the other.

Plus I could use the added fun of running from room to room...not!...but it may be what I have to do!
Post about Tessa on 5.5.08, shortly after she turned 6 months:

Burk, Tessa goes to sleep between 6:30-7:30 (I try to keep it at least 7 but sometimes she is just too tired). Wakes up around 2am-3am for a feeding. Then wakes up at 7am for the day. She always has a morning nap (9:00-10:00) for a 1.5-2 hours and her afternoon nap varies. Last night she didn''t wake up until 5:30 for her bottle but she is sick so not as hungry. She probably COULD go longer but DH is in charge of the nighttime bottle so I leave it up to him. I would a bit longer b/c you know she CAN go 9 hours.

And on 5.15 after Tessa''s doc appt on 5.14:

Oh I forgot to mention T slept from 8pm-9am (and that was with DH waking her up b/c he was concerned she hadn''t eaten in so many hours). I am sure it the vacs that made her so sleepy but it sure was nice!

And on 5.16

SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! Okay, so she did on Wed. night too but I thought maybe it was a fluke from the vacs and stuff. Well she did last night too (7pm-8am) and just woke up from a 2.5 hour nap. Could this be my new reality? I hope so. Okay I am done bragging.


I know I am missing people sorry! T has been sleeping 12-13 hours STRAIGHT for the last 5 nights! Her diaper is overflowing when she wakes up.

So at least my memory wasn''t totally off there!!
Date: 3/25/2010 2:27:58 PM
Author: Mandarine
Thank you TG!!!

Ughh...I wish they would take the paci!!!!!!!!!!

I guess the main difference is that mine do scream when they wake up in the middle of the night. Last night when Alex woke up, I waited like 6 minutes before going in (he was getting louder and louder) and I didn''t want him to wake up I gave in and grabbed him.

I am thinking that maybe I need to separate the boys as a test and let them cry 15-20 minutes before going in...that way I don''t worry about one waking up the other.

Plus I could use the added fun of running from room to room...not!...but it may be what I have to do!
I can''t imagine how hard it is to deal with twins when one wakes up. I''m sure the twin mommas have good advice.

Yes, the paci was a life saver for us. I was happy that Amelia took to it. Hope things continue to go well Mandy...honestly, it sounds like your boys are doing really well and you have a great sense of humor about raising twins.
Date: 3/25/2010 2:23:31 PM
Author: Mara

so on that same note, when do you have to stop tiptoeing around the kid when they sleep?? we try not to be super quiet but at night it''s hard NOT to do that yanno. during the day it''s easier. also he seems to sleep well through noise during the day in the living room, aka tv is on, i am on the phone, whatever, but in his room he hears the tiniest creak outside his door and opens his eyes. WEIRD.
Not weird to me. 50% of the time Amelia wakes up when we go into the room because the door slightly creaks. She''ll look up at me, then pass back out. However we have always been normal with the noises in our house (we used to live in an apartment, so that probably helped her in the noise department) and sometimes when we have company over, it gets LOUD in our house. She doesn''t stir at all with normal household noises, so I am glad we never tiptoed around her.
haha, well, sometimes something sounds so silly that it''s humorous...I can just picture myself going in the wrong room and waking up by accident a happy sleeping

There is hope!!!!

I haven''t read the baby whisperer...but have read (well, mostly read) HSHHB (twins edition). The thing that''s not clear to me from that book is that he says that if they wake up to eat once then that''s fine..that''s considered STTN. Well yeah, but not really.

I was just browsing google about the baby shisperer and found that the author says that if the baby wakes up to eat at the same time everyday, then maybe that''s a sign of it being more a habit than a need. Also if they eat much less than a regular feed.

Alex has a favorite time to wake up...and wakes up at this time I would say 75% of the time: 1:40am. Not 1:30, not 1:45...1:40am on the DOT. The day the time changed he woke up at.....2:40am, but he has quickly adjusted to the time change so the night before yesterday he went for his usual 1:40am! ISn''t that nuts?

They both take less than their regular feeds this author may be on to something. Back to google to see what she says about habits..
I don''t personally know anyone IRL who''s kid slept through the night prior to like 18 months without using CIO. Sorry to be a bummer
It really is not that bad, but I understand the hesitation. I hated to do it, but in the end, 2 nights and now he sleeps 12 hours straight every night and is a happy little camper.
Date: 3/25/2010 2:40:59 PM
Author: Mandarine
haha, well, sometimes something sounds so silly that it''s humorous...I can just picture myself going in the wrong room and waking up by accident a happy sleeping

There is hope!!!!

I haven''t read the baby whisperer...but have read (well, mostly read) HSHHB (twins edition). The thing that''s not clear to me from that book is that he says that if they wake up to eat once then that''s fine..that''s considered STTN. Well yeah, but not really.

I was just browsing google about the baby shisperer and found that the author says that if the baby wakes up to eat at the same time everyday, then maybe that''s a sign of it being more a habit than a need. Also if they eat much less than a regular feed.

Alex has a favorite time to wake up...and wakes up at this time I would say 75% of the time: 1:40am. Not 1:30, not 1:45...1:40am on the DOT. The day the time changed he woke up at.....2:40am, but he has quickly adjusted to the time change so the night before yesterday he went for his usual 1:40am! ISn''t that nuts?

They both take less than their regular feeds this author may be on to something. Back to google to see what she says about habits..
All I know is in the end, it''s a great mystery! I do remember Tacori''s story because I was like, "WOW, that can happen? Just like that? Just one day?" So I do give credence to the developmental readiness theory. But I also think that Tacori''s consistency (sleep training Tessa from 4 months on) must have helped.

Looking back, I appreciate my doc saying what he did. I actually do remember that I must have looked at him rather skeptically. 12 ours of sleep seemed light years away, even for my baby who slept fairly well. I must have been shocked when the experiment worked. Probably more so when she stopped waking up altogether within a few days. That actually is in HSHHC IIRC...something about the baby will not bother waking up if there''s nothing to wake up for. So in my case, it was true.

Amelia wasn''t that precise Mandy, but it was always around the same time of night (1-3 with 2 being average, I think). So maybe you are onto something.
Date: 3/25/2010 2:44:15 PM
Author: dreamer_d
I don''t personally know anyone IRL who''s kid slept through the night prior to like 18 months without using CIO. Sorry to be a bummer
It really is not that bad, but I understand the hesitation. I hated to do it, but in the end, 2 nights and now he sleeps 12 hours straight every night and is a happy little camper.
Personally I only know myself/Amelia. And on PS, Tessa, although I do recall she used it at the 4 month mark when she started sleep training? That got her going down consistently, but the 12 hours happened on its own. Can''t remember what it took for the other kids on our toddler group to get there. Maybe I''ll go over to the toddler thread and ask...

So not sure if I''m contributing to the "bummer."
Date: 3/25/2010 2:44:15 PM
Author: dreamer_d
I don''t personally know anyone IRL who''s kid slept through the night prior to like 18 months without using CIO. Sorry to be a bummer
It really is not that bad, but I understand the hesitation. I hated to do it, but in the end, 2 nights and now he sleeps 12 hours straight every night and is a happy little camper.

I do...(my sister for example...with both my newphews).

The thing is, I think if I had one baby I would just do it...especially with Lucas, because he really has STTN a few nights and he''s not that desperate to eat when he wakes up.

I just don''t know that it will be just 2-3 nights with two babies. One wakes up, starts screaming...the other one wakes up and forget it. Crying is contagious. They get each other going...that''s why I have to separate them for naps!. I''m just afraid they will never stop crying!.

Which is why I think I may have to move one baby to another room...maybe move Alex since he seems to have more of the problem...but where to put him? Out detached garage comes to mind
Date: 3/25/2010 2:44:15 PM
Author: dreamer_d
I don''t personally know anyone IRL who''s kid slept through the night prior to like 18 months without using CIO. Sorry to be a bummer
It really is not that bad, but I understand the hesitation. I hated to do it, but in the end, 2 nights and now he sleeps 12 hours straight every night and is a happy little camper.
Oh, and I don''t think that''s such a bummer Dreamer. For those who don''t want to do it, 18 month doesn''t seem like a ridiculous amount of time for a kid not to be sleeping 12 hour stretches. So if the mom can prepare to go a couple of years without a night of wakeless sleep, it''s probably good to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel for parents who don''t want to CIO and hope their kids will figure it out at some point.

i would totally separate them as a test mandarine, why not! i love experimenting on the kid hehe.

i added something to my prev post about light vs deep sleeper... does anyone think that is ingrained from birth or you think it''s developed over time? i am a deep sleeper typically and always have been i guess.

J won''t take the paci either which in a way is a blessing since we don''t have to wean him from it, but a curse in that sometimes i wish he would as it would help him to soothe. he IS finding his hand more on his own which is great but he can''t quite SUCK it properly yet, he ends up just sucking the knuckle and if he does get a finger or two in he rakes his mouth on the way out which makes him scream. self-mutilator!

Date: 3/25/2010 2:52:21 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/25/2010 2:44:15 PM
Author: dreamer_d
I don''t personally know anyone IRL who''s kid slept through the night prior to like 18 months without using CIO. Sorry to be a bummer
It really is not that bad, but I understand the hesitation. I hated to do it, but in the end, 2 nights and now he sleeps 12 hours straight every night and is a happy little camper.
Oh, and I don''t think that''s such a bummer Dreamer. For those who don''t want to do it, 18 month doesn''t seem like a ridiculous amount of time for a kid not to be sleeping 12 hour stretches. So if the mom can prepare to go a couple of years without a night of wakeless sleep, it''s probably good to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel for parents who don''t want to CIO and hope their kids will figure it out at some point.
You are right, in the long run it is not that long! I think 2 years in the max I have heard of. And too right about it being mom who will need to prepare for little sleep
B''s been STTN since 6 weeks, 12 hours and now most of the time more. we obviously didn''t CIO when he was 6 weeks. there have been those few nights where he would wake up cause he was sick. and N has been doing it since 7 weeks, again at least 12 hours. i''m hoping that with him it will continue, but anything can happen.

and we are make the same amount of noise with the kids sleeping as when they are awake. i know that B''s woken up occasionally but pass out again within minutes.
we''ve even had parties and friends over when the kids are sleeping and they seem to be fine.
dreamer do you mean the technical STTN aka 6 hours or the 12 hour stretches adults consider STTN?

my girlfriend has a 4 month old who was sleeping 12 hours at i think 7-8 weeks, consistently. i remember thinking 'holy crap' hahaha. her kid is totally 'easy' though...and she would admit it. total sunny personality and seems pretty easy going. my friend also started her on a routine/schedule at 6 weeks though. and she didn't use CIO.

i think it's possible but those kids are prob the exception not the rule..making all sleep deprived parents with 'normal' children feel like they are doing something incorrectly. i know way more parents with kids who didn't STTN even 6 hours a stretch for months and months than those who did.

re noise level i feel like J does better when there is more noise around him but when he is sleeping and its just us and the TV isnt on we tend to be really quiet in GENERAL. i feel like it might be working against us. i actually considered downloading some radio shows on the iPod to play in his room and see if he liked that while he napped. it seems like he naps for longer when he is outside in the main room and TV is on.
Date: 3/25/2010 3:14:46 PM
Author: Mara
dreamer do you mean the technical STTN aka 6 hours or the 12 hour stretches adults consider STTN?

my girlfriend has a 4 month old who was sleeping 12 hours at i think 7-8 weeks, consistently. i remember thinking ''holy crap'' hahaha. her kid is totally ''easy'' though...and she would admit it. total sunny personality and seems pretty easy going. my friend also started her on a routine/schedule at 6 weeks though. and she didn''t use CIO.

i think it''s possible but those kids are prob the exception not the rule..making all sleep deprived parents with ''normal'' children feel like they are doing something incorrectly. i know way more parents with kids who didn''t STTN even 6 hours a stretch for months and months than those who did.

re noise level i feel like J does better when there is more noise around him but when he is sleeping and its just us and the TV isnt on we tend to be really quiet in GENERAL. i feel like it might be working against us. i actually considered downloading some radio shows on the iPod to play in his room and see if he liked that while he napped. it seems like he naps for longer when he is outside in the main room and TV is on.
Oh I mean 12 hours. When you are in the thick of it, 5 hours is like who cares! haha. Hunter would sleep from 6:30 until 12:30 every nigh then wake 2-4 times between then and 7am. Yeah it was technically STTN, but it sucked!

Puffy is an example of this! There is a wide range of what is developmentally normal for kids, that is for sure.
I know what you mean Dreamer...5-6 hours is not STTN!. Yeah sure, to go from every 1.5 hours to every 6 hours is great...but most babies do their long stretches if they go to sleep at 7 or 8pm...5 or 6 hours doesn''t do much for the parents!.

I was wondering...can we also talk naps?

We''re still all over the place. Synchronizing naps is REALLY REALLY hard! I''m having a hard time.

How many naps should they be taking now?. They are cat nappers...meaning none of their naps are longer than 45 minutes (that''s a long nap around here!).

It seems like they get really cranky after 1.5-2 hours after being they take like 4 catnaps/day. I would prefer to have a solid 2 naps, but I have no idea how to get there!
We did not do CIO to get Sophia to STTN. I didn''t want to do CIO until she was 9 months. We flirted with CIO a few times but it didn''t fit. It would have worked and I believe in the power of CIO but it just didn''t fit us at the time.

She has also never taken a paci or sucked her thumb.

I honestly feel that Sophia was just ready to sleep.

Now here''s another theory I have on Sophia, hope it doesn''t sound whacko or offensive.

I also think the reason is partly due to her being a very independent baby. And I don''t mean that in a she doesn''t want to play with anyone kind of way or in a she''s not clingy kind of way. We moved her to her own room right at 2 months and she spends the majority of her days with MIL. She has never needed me to soothe her. As much as it breaks my heart to say that, I believe it''s true. I''m there. I''m mom. Everyone comments on the difference in the look she gives me vs the look she gives everyone else. I know Sophia loves me very much (and I obviously don''t have to explain the depth of my love for her to other mommies
). However, she doesn''t rely on me for day to day soothing. When she''s sick, yes she wants mommy. But on nights when she just wants help sleeping, it can be anyone or anything. She just doesn''t place her reliance on me to soothe.

I don''t know if any of that made sense. I promise it makes sense in my brain lol.
fiery - it makes total sense. c doesn''t needs *me* to soothe.. but he does need *someone*. i think it''s awesome you have an independent lady on your hands. i guess i was pretty independent as a kid and it definitely carried over into adulthood. has been an absolute godsend for me :)

mandy- c naps are ALL over the place too. almost identical to what your boys do. i can ''force'' him to sleep longer if i hold him, but he''s a cat napper. and it''s upwards of 4x a day like your boys. i''ll be interested to hear what other people say about this.

and can i just say my baby is throwing me for a complete LOOP D LOOP!

DH always picks up C and reports back to me on the day''s poop.. hahaha kidding... kind of...

anyhoo, they mark down how much he ate, when he ate, when he slept, for how long etc. today my little "peanut" ate 8oz at one sitting!!!! now, this may seem like nothing but he''s NEVER EVER EVER NEVER eaten more than 5.5oz and today he ate 8oz??? what''s THAT about??
Hunter was doing 3 naps a day until he was probably 8-9 months old, so Mandy I think 2 per day at their age is wishful thinking
He would be awake for about 1.5 to 2 hours between naps at 5/6 months IIRC.
Date: 3/25/2010 4:24:27 PM
Author: dreamer_d
Hunter was doing 3 naps a day until he was probably 8-9 months old, so Mandy I think 2 per day at their age is wishful thinking
He would be awake for about 1.5 to 2 hours between naps at 5/6 months IIRC.
Exactly this. She was definitely taking 3 naps when we went to Oz, and we came back when she was 9 months old. Shortly thereafter, she went to 2 naps, I believe. I really missed that 3 naps schedule.
viz maybe he''s telling you subliminally that he wants you to try tanking him up with 8oz at bedtime tonite.
Date: 3/25/2010 4:30:43 PM
Author: Mara
viz maybe he''s telling you subliminally that he wants you to try tanking him up with 8oz at bedtime tonite.
I was thinking the same thing! Ha!

I would try to fill that belly up with 8oz tonight too
. Ok, maybe not 8oz but maybe a little more than usual