
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

I'd take 3 naps!

Mine go like this (most days)

6:30 - wake up
8am - first nap (I'm lucky if they both nap...and this is teh make it or break it for the rest of the day)....this is their longest nap at 45 minutes.
10:30am - 20 minute cat nap
1:30- 20 minute cat nap
3:30- 20 minute cat nap
and then most days, I MAKE them take a cat nap at like 5:30 or 6pm so they last awake until 7:15 or so (otherwise they SCREAM from 6pm on)
7pm - bedtime

So it's more like one good nap...and 4 horrible I take that back...they don't take four, they take five naps!

I have tried delaying the second nap, hoping they will sleep longer...but that never happens. They get too tired and can't nap at all. Of course they don't take these tiny naps at the same time...ohh no, that would make it too easy!. So I usually put them down, they fuss, then one falls sleep..the other keeps fussin...10 minutes later I move the fussy baby to the swing. Second baby starts napping 10 minutes later....First baby is up!

ETA: There are though days like today...where Alex took a morning nap (8am) and that was it. Has managed two 10-minute naps since...and the in between has been just screaming. Lovely.
mandy - this is what my little c does

up between 5-6a

first nap (should be around 8:00) but this is usually right after he gets dropped off at daycare so it''s more like 8:45a - about 40mins

11:45 - nap 40mins

2:45 - nap 40mins

DH picks him up between 3:30-4:00 and he naps again from about 4:45 - 5:30p

then he''s up until it''s ''bedtime'' at 7:00-7:30

then again, he''s up again at 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3 ...

so similar enough.. i''d love a longerish nap in the afternoon too!


and i have no idea what kind of magic juju our daycare worked on charlie today, but i might have to have her come over and feed charlie all of the time

i have been trying to ''tank'' him up - he usually eats about 4-5oz at 6:00 and then another 4oz right before he goes to bed - so only an hour or hour and 1/2 later... gonna see what the little booger nose does at 6 and adjust the bedtime bottle accordingly ;)
ugh Viz....I just can''t imagine waking up that often at are a SAINT.

I forgot what I was going to write because Alex is screaming (probably lack of naps and lack of eating!) will be back later!
nope... not a saint.. just tired

and sometimes it is just a ''light fuss'' ... something that a few mins of just laying my hand on him will cure... other times... yeah, not so much

but yeah.. never sleeps for more than like an hour or an hour and a half.. (exception last night).. so... yeah, there is something that is waking him up after that light cycle of sleep... push thru it little man.. you can dooooo eeeettttt.
I need to read all this talk about sleep because I''m pretty sure K is not going to be as good of a sleeper as T was so I need to know I''m not alone!
But, I just popped because I need to vent:

I am so annoyed with BFing and mostly my left boob. It is like super milk producer and it''s driving me CRAZY!! I don''t know what to do. I pumped this morning around 11:15-left side only because we were leaving for an appt and I knew K was due to eat on that side around 11:45-12. I got 5.5 oz and could have gotten more if I had pumped for more than the 10 minutes I had. Now, at 4pm it is sooooo engorged and killing me. K isn''t due to eat again on that side for at least another hour or so and I''m in pain. I don''t want to pump because I don''t want to encourage super milk production but what else can I do?!?! I never pump unless I am going to be replacing a feeding (not trying to build a stash or anything) so I just don''t get it. We do all one-sided feedings and he eats every 2-3 hours during the day. If anyone has any ideas please let me know because this is just ridiculous!!
Sorry I don''t have any ideas Burk but I''m sure one of the moms will chime in with ideas!

So I just went back a few pages to read up on Sophia''s sleep patterns because I really can''t remember it all. I''m glad a lot is documented here.

I totally forgot that I used to bring Sophia to bed with me! Completely forgot about that. She used to wake up around 3am and wouldn''t go back to sleep so I would bring her to bed with me and FI would sleep in the living room. We did this for about 2 weeks when she was 3 months old.

Ha. I really need to copy/paste all of these things for quick reference.
TG, Claire just talks and fusses too, no crying in the middle of the night. She wakes up only once (has STTN a few times) usually, and I just know we could get her to skip that feeding, but like I said in my last post, I''m worried about needing to pump more milk to compensate. I''m barely breaking even right now.

So DH and I made up. I think it was mainly that we both felt attacked. He felt helpless to fix my problem, so he kept suggesting that I work out, or go out, or do less work, or take a day off, and those suggestions made me feel like he thought the problem was that I wasn''t trying hard enough, wasn''t being a good enough mom. I''m still not sure about the dinner weirdness, but now that we''re talking I know it will be better.

The last two nights after work Claire has been really fussy to fall asleep. Tonight I thought she was hungry (had been 3+ hours since she had eaten), but she wouldn''t take the boob, and it turned out she was tired. I can get her to fall asleep by putting the pacifier back in until she calms down, but both nights she''s done the sad little post-crying hiccups for several minutes after falling asleep. Yesterday I actually checked her fingers and toes because I read that if your baby is crying for seemingly no reason, maybe a hair is wrapped around an appendage, and goodness knows my hairs are everywhere! This is just more the 5 month weirdness. Yesterday she cried for a lot longer, and I thought maybe it was teething pain, but now I think it''s just wonky naps. She had an hour nap in the morning and a 45 minute nap around lunch; I don''t think that''s enough for her. But I hope she doesn''t think she''s down for the night now (went down around quarter to five)!
I have a random question here...has anyone found any stores that will pay money for good condition 2nd hand baby clothes? I''ve been going through Jackson''s things since we''ll be moving again soon, and even though we''re keeping a LOT of his stuff in case we have another boy down the road, I have a HUGE bag of things I am ok getting rid of. He has 6 0-3 month sleepers that he never even wore because it was summer and we swaddled! I''ll end up donating it if I can''t find somewhere to take it, but I''d love to get SOMETHING for it!
Hey girls...quick fly-by as I'm by myself tonight, Adam is working late. I had a GREAT night last night and got a full night's sleep for the first time in months. We did E's same bedtime routine (bath with lights down low, Baby Eistein playing in the background, bottle, and rocking for a little while). He went down at 9:30 and woke up at 3:30, so 6 hours which is his longest! Adam got up with him since he was going in late this morning and said he was wide awake and didn't go back down until 5:30. He put him down and then E was back up at 7 and I got him. So I feel like he is making some progress, although I don't know what to do about wanting to "play" for a few hours at that 3:30 feeding, but I'm not complaining. He has been pretty fussy this afternoon for whatever reason, so I'm hoping he has at least worn himself out in the process so we both can sleep tonight!

Confession? I'm like Mandi...I like my alone time. I am kind of happy when Adam works late b/c it's the best of both worlds...I see him in the mornings, then I don't have to cook a big meal, can get A in bed early and have some alone time (well, it will probably be some time alone with Evan but still looking forward to it)!

Went to the gym today and ran for 30 minutes and did weights and am feeling it already tonight. I'm loving getting back into running, but my body is still holding onto the last 5 pounds no matter what I do.

Hope everyone has a great night!
Sabine: I googled it for you...and there is a place called Kid to Kid in the Hilltop area. They have a website sure what amount of money they will give you...but it''s better then no money at all.

I hate to post this....

Evan slept through the night last night!

And I''m gone---want to avoid any beatings I might get.
Date: 3/25/2010 6:21:21 PM
Author: FL Steph
Hey girls...quick fly-by as I''m by myself tonight, Adam is working late. I had a GREAT night last night and got a full night''s sleep for the first time in months. We did E''s same bedtime routine (bath with lights down low, Baby Eistein playing in the background, bottle, and rocking for a little while). He went down at 9:30 and woke up at 3:30, so 6 hours which is his longest! Adam got up with him since he was going in late this morning and said he was wide awake and didn''t go back down until 5:30. He put him down and then E was back up at 7 and I got him. So I feel like he is making some progress, although I don''t know what to do about wanting to ''play'' for a few hours at that 3:30 feeding, but I''m not complaining. He has been pretty fussy this afternoon for whatever reason, so I''m hoping he has at least worn himself out in the process so we both can sleep tonight!

Confession? I''m like Mandi...I like my alone time. I am kind of happy when Adam works late b/c it''s the best of both worlds...I see him in the mornings, then I don''t have to cook a big meal, can get A in bed early and have some alone time (well, it will probably be some time alone with Evan but still looking forward to it)!

Went to the gym today and ran for 30 minutes and did weights and am feeling it already tonight. I''m loving getting back into running, but my body is still holding onto the last 5 pounds no matter what I do.

Hope everyone has a great night!
I love me some alone time as well. DH works late often and usually I''m a-okay with eating chips and salsa for dinner and catching up on my DVRed soaps after the kids are in bed!
Yay for E and yay for you for only having 5 lbs left! I have close to 20 (I did gain close to 50 however)and I''ve been doing the 30 day shred for 2 weeks with really nothing to show for it. Boooo. I''m pretty sure my boobs count for at least 7 lbs of the 20 so I''d be more than happy with dropping just 13!
Quick one from me...

Naps - Daisy has NEVER taken more than two naps in a day.

We went through a long period of time with none at all. The status quo for the last few months (she''s 10 months) is:

8.30am - Wake up
8.45 - 9.15am - Bath (we play in the bath, sing songs etc)
9.20 - 11.30am ish - Playing
11.30 - 12.00pm - nap
12.00 - 4pm - playing
4.00 - 5.00pm - nap
5.00pm - 8.00pm - playing, stories, supper
8.00pm - bed
9.30pm - wake-up
11.00pm - wake-up
12.30am - wake-up
12.40am - 8.30am - SLEEPING!

Eating is whenever she wants all day/night but tends to be every 2-3 hours. She has breakfast in the bath - even tries it in the shower!
Evening wake-ups are a PITA, but only 5-10 minutes each time. Once I go to bed at 12.30 she''s an angel.

The above schedule is for if we are at home all day. If we are out she''ll take 2 30 minute naps in the pram or sling. If I want her to nap longer at home then we have to co-nap and it will be about 3 hours.

For me the best change would be not waking up in the evening, but I trust that it will come in time.

Daisy has also never taken a paci, or sucked her hands or anything. She will occasionally want a toy to hold while she''s dropping off, but that is a fairly new thing. She often falls asleep without nursing - just needs to be hugged firmly - so it''s not like she relies on any one thing.

She''s been making me laugh all day today - she has a new obsession for rubber ducks, I have bought rather a lot over the last couple of weeks (drew the line at the life-size rubber bath duck in Selfridges last week - it was £30!) and she''s learnt to say ''duck''. Only it either comes out as ''uck'' or ''daaaa-t'', she can''t quite get the ''d'' sound and the ''uck'' sound together. So she''s walking round the house, pushing her walker and clutching a duck going ''bye daddy uck'' over and over.

Root canal tomorrow - ugghhh - this denist phobic is planning to take a mix of diclofenac and dihydrocodeine and paracetamol on top of the usal cocktail in the hope of being sufficiently out of it to get through the door. With any luck DH will be home in time to look after Daisy or else she has to come too.
so is there some kind of 7.5 week growth spurt??? J has been fussy a lot of today like yesterday but i can''t pinpoint any reason and he seems really tired too and has been catnapping all day (only for like 15-30 min each time) and eating up a storm. right now i just gave him 3.5oz and he is passing out again on the boppy but fighting it like mad. and when he''s not eating or sleeping he has a ''light fuss'' on most of the time and can go from being totally mellow to being totally crazy inconsolable for 5-10 min. i''ve just been shuttling him from the boppy to arms to swing to bed to try to keep him in a light fuss most of the day...poor kid!!

oh and his head is suddenly giant... last nite we bathed him and we put this hat on him which we do afterwards while his hair is damp and it used to be big like 2 weeks ago and now it''s snug! and my mom came over and said his head looks bigger..haha. i was laughing.

my mom came over and i went to the mall to try to find some pants since my BIRTHING HIPS are still huge and no pants fit me. well SCREW PANTS... i am wearing dresses most of this spring i can tell already. i did buy one pair of cheapo jeans at AE but they are not cute on me at all yet, but they work. and i am like 2 sizes bigger in the hip area, so sad. it will take serious cardio to get them down again if they even will go down to where they used to be, who knows, so i just have to continue with what i''m doing i guess. i have seen some improvement but it''s DEPRESSING. and umm ..i discovered Forever21 is an amazing store when you are trying to find cheapo clothes that you can wear for one season, i was all over their spring dresses and cute little cardigans for $20.

burk, JOINING YOU on the hate the big giant boobs thing. talk about throwing the line of the clothing off...every cute top i tried on was marred by my ginormous boobs. BOO.

tao yay on STTN!

steph yay for 6 hours! re: him playing in between, i assume you guys are doing the whole no talking, dark room, no interaction thing for that 3am feeding. try to keep him as sedate as possible and do your ''routine'' for putting him down. you are prob already doing this anyway, but we do this for J and keep it as short and sweet as possible. sometimes he fights it a little but 95% of the time he just goes down for the count after eating his bottle. we are totally doing the whole ''night is for sleeping'' kind of thing. even if he didn''t sleep we would prob still put him in his dark room with his sheep.

and i was thinking of buying the ergo carrier from babysteals but we''d have to get the infant insert for $25 ... ugh! i don''t know if i want to deal with $100 for it when we have the bjorn and it seems fine. esp when i might be forking out $350 for the BOB soon.

oh and this afternoon i caught J carrying on a conversation with the animals in the mobile on the swing which was so effin'' cute... i immediately went onto Amazon and bought an HD Flip video camera on sale for $150. it comes tomorrow..i am so excited to catch moments like that on camera now.
Mara, yep I do keep it dark and quiet (although I usually have the tv on low). He used to go right back to sleep after a bottle, but the past two nights since he''s gone longer stretches, he has been totally wide eyed and ready to play. I kept putting him in his crib and turning his cd on low, but he ended up screaming and not looking the least bit sleepy, so I stayed up and then Adam said he did the same thing last night. Hopefully he will go right back down tonight (or just sleep through till morning haha). Yea for the flip camera. We have the regular version from a few years back, but was thinking about upgrading to the HD so let me know how you like it if you get a chance!
Just have to say that Daisy is a genius -- talking and already knowing how to construct things at such a young age!
She''s a doll too.
Date: 3/25/2010 10:45:48 PM
Author: lili
Just have to say that Daisy is a genius -- talking and already knowing how to construct things at such a young age!
She's a doll too.
LOL, I know she's not stupid, but she's far from genius I assure you! Heck, ravens can talk and use tools better far younger than her!

Both my husband and I were very early talkers - she's a long way behind him - so it was likely that she would be too apparently. She's got about 5 words now - it seems that positive feedback works very well in encouraging it. If we get on a bus she'll say 'hi' to everyone and wave - of course they all wave back and make a fuss of her. She's a complete show-off and loves the attention so she's learnt that saying 'hi' and 'bye' and waving gets her this and so she'll use any opportunity.

My sister, who's a speech therapist gave me a list of good early words - I kept talking about 'fish' to her and apparently the 'f' and 'sh' sounds are hard for children whereas 'b' and 'd' sounds are fairly easy, so 'dog', 'duck', 'bubbles', 'bed' are better ones to start with. I don't sit there saying 'duck' for hours, but she has heard the word a lot since she started wanting to play with them so much which is why she's cottoned on to it. (I don't count it as a word till she can use it repeatedly and appropriately, random babbling that makes a real word is not the same.

I bought a book on signing, but I'm lazy and haven't managed to learn them - and forget to use them all the time, so I don't think that is going to happen. I've heard that it is really good though.

I was a little surprised by the steps - we are obviously expecting her to be building an extension to the house by the time she's at pre-school...
We taught Hunter some signs and it is fun! He knows "milk" and "more". We taught them because prior he was banging on the table and screeching when he wanted more food
mara i LOVE my ergo!! i used it with B all the time and now with N, i still use it. we have 2 of them now, 1 for the house and 1 for the car. and i''m sure you''ll get your body to where it was before in no time.

signing: we did it with B and he took to it right away. we taught him a ton of signs. i''ll probably do it with N also but who knows if he''ll take to it.
dd and puffy - what age did you start signing?

Also how consistent did you need to be - did they pick it up fairly quickly or did it take a lot of work on your part to teach them - geez I sound lazy!

Finally did you use the verbal word at the same time as the sign and - if your child is now talking - how long did it take for them to learn the verbal word after they learnt the sign. Plus did they stop signing the word once they had it verbally...

Any other hints, tips or advice on signing?

Sorry, loads of questions!
mara -- awww on j talking to his mobile --- that is freakin cute! we''ve thought of doing the lfip also, but right now just making do with the video feature on our camera. let me know how you like the flip. oh and total forever 21 addict here. i call it my throw away clothing store -- meaning if it get messd up or whatever, i don''t feel as bad as it only cost a few bucks to begin with anyway. used to love it for clubbing (ahhh...back in the day

pandora - daisy is so adorable. i''m sooo impressed she built steps -- i fully expect photos of the house extension btw.

nothing new to add here. just chugging along
. we have a wedding to go to sat, which will be the longest we''ve left A with someone else (
). my bro is babysitting with his fiancee. hope they don''t get overwhelmed. not looking forward to trying to figure out how to pump in the middle of the festivities. bleah. the joys of new mom boob.
So true about the "f" and "sh".
J still doesn't say the "f" correctly and it sounds like a "s" instead.
slower for flower, sloss for floss, sly for fly, sind for find...but funny enough her fish sounds ok.

I didn't teach J sign, but they were using them at her daycare and were signing since she started at 6 mnths.
They just do the basic "milk, water, more, eat, sleep/tired, diaper, and etc"
And yes, they use the verbal word and sign at the same time.
Date: 3/26/2010 12:50:21 AM
Author: Pandora II
dd and puffy - what age did you start signing?

Also how consistent did you need to be - did they pick it up fairly quickly or did it take a lot of work on your part to teach them - geez I sound lazy!

Finally did you use the verbal word at the same time as the sign and - if your child is now talking - how long did it take for them to learn the verbal word after they learnt the sign. Plus did they stop signing the word once they had it verbally...

Any other hints, tips or advice on signing?

Sorry, loads of questions!
We started prior to 12 months but he didn''t get it
Once he was old enough, basically I just did the sign for more every time he paused in eating and wanted another bite. Then I moved his hands in the sign, and eventually he started doing it and I would only give him another bite of food/another piece on his plate if he did the sign. Worked best when he wasn''t *starving*
I say the word at the same time. When I say the word he makes the sign and I give him his food. He does it basically the whole time he eats now in between every bite... we have to slowing dole out the food on his tray or he crams it all in his mouth and canot even chew. So there''s lots of "more" during meals in our house!
Milk we jus tmade the sign before each bottle. He just started doing it recently so it is not as consistent.

I don''t think he will be early verbal but I suppose you never know. We will teach him more signs as time goes on so that he can communicate.
i started with B before he was 6 months and before he was 9 months, he had the basics, milk, please, thank you, more, drink, sleep. he caught on pretty quick, but i did it A LOT!!! every time i nursed him, i did the sign for milk, at least 5 times, then when i gave him a toy, i would do please, thank you.

ETA: he also watched the baby einstein signing DVD and other signing DVDs, but if he was not interested or didn't bother, it would have been fine also. it wasn't something that i pushed on him all day every day.

ETA: (sorry, keep submitting before i mean to) yes, i would say the word as i was signing it. B was a very early talker. he started to really talk before 12 months. he said his first real word at 10 months (up). and after that, he was a non stop talking machine. when he was able to say all the things he knew how to sign, he would say the word then sign it, or sign it then say it. around 15 months, he stopped signing and just talked. but i know he still knows the signs.
Date: 3/25/2010 5:20:25 PM
Author: Burk
I need to read all this talk about sleep because I''m pretty sure K is not going to be as good of a sleeper as T was so I need to know I''m not alone!
But, I just popped because I need to vent:

I am so annoyed with BFing and mostly my left boob. It is like super milk producer and it''s driving me CRAZY!! I don''t know what to do. I pumped this morning around 11:15-left side only because we were leaving for an appt and I knew K was due to eat on that side around 11:45-12. I got 5.5 oz and could have gotten more if I had pumped for more than the 10 minutes I had. Now, at 4pm it is sooooo engorged and killing me. K isn''t due to eat again on that side for at least another hour or so and I''m in pain. I don''t want to pump because I don''t want to encourage super milk production but what else can I do?!?! I never pump unless I am going to be replacing a feeding (not trying to build a stash or anything) so I just don''t get it. We do all one-sided feedings and he eats every 2-3 hours during the day. If anyone has any ideas please let me know because this is just ridiculous!!
Burk, I remember having this problem. It was a whole lot of fun... I never really pumped, so I know I wasn''t doing anything to encourage over supply.
My midwife suggested feeding both sides at each feed and that seemed to do the trick. My midwife visited every day until Amelia was (I think) about 3 weeks. She said after that the foremilk/ hindmilk issue was less critical as long as she was gaining weight and it was less of a big deal that letting one side or the other get engorged. I switched to a lactation consultant weekly visit after that and she was happy with both sides at each feed too. It stopped me getting engorged.

Hope it calms down for you, I know it''s uncomfortable.

Date: 3/24/2010 12:22:17 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell

Date: 3/24/2010 12:01:59 PM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:56:59 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/24/2010 11:54:56 AM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Lex doesn''t shiver. If you''re concerned, I would definitely bring it up to the Dr. Wish I could help more!
Amelia has never shivered. Definitely mention it to the ped.
TGal - I''ve been meaning to ask...did you ever figure out what the bluish palor was on Amelia? Recently I''ve noticed the same thing on Lex, especially on the bridge of his nose, and just around his eyes in general. He''s also very veiny though on the forhead (he''s pretty fair). Just curious...
Not TGal, but my Amelia had something similar and her doc was actually quite concerned about it. He ran a lot of tests. She''s anaemic, and that was the main cause of her palor and also some other stuff we were worrying about.

She does shiver when she''s cold, but we live in Scotland - we''re born shivering!
thanks for the response! I plan on mentioning my concern next week when I see our Pedi. Did hers go away like Tgal''s Amelia? Lex''s does not, he has what looks like a blue "mark" on the bridge of his nose. It almost looks like a vein (maybe it is????), I''m not sure. And like I said a few days ago, he''s pretty veiny anyway especially around the temple area. But he also has another one of the "marks" on his shoulder and it''s been there since at least October (1st time I noticed it), that one looks more like a bruise the size of a pencil eraser, never has changed though and doesn''t go away. So strange....
babies are weirddddddddddddd!!!!!

Yesterday Alex didn''t nap all afternoon...and din''t eat much either!! (maybe like 2 oz at 2pm and nothing again until 7pm). Anyway, I thought I would be in for a bad night but it was pretty good!!!.

Down at 7:20pm...Alex woke up at 4am and I gave him 3 oz. 4am!!!...yes, that means I slept 6 hours in a row!!!!
. My dear Lucas made it all the way to 5:50am!. It went down hill from there and nobody wanted to go back to bed...but I can''t complain (specially not to Lucas who''s made it two nights in a row past 5:30am!!!...that''s over 10 hours straight!). theory is that since Lucas got sick first (with the cold), he''s tunring the corner to go back to "normal" sooner (meaning he''s taking better naps and eating on schedule during the day). Alex got sick like 3 days after maybe by Monday he will start to go back to normal too!.

And maybe, just maybe they both start sleeping until 6am AND napping at the same time!. Ok, that''s a stretch...but a momma can dream!!

I''m almost scared to start solids in a couple of weeks and mess them up again!
i said NO salt NOOOO salt...
gah, don''t you HATE when you go to a drive thru starbucks... wait the customary 10mins to take the first sip so you don''t burn your mouth off, only to discover they screwed up your order..... don''t MESS with my caffeine!!!

pandora - not only are little babes who are learning to talk the CUUUUTTTEEESSTTT thing in the world.. but then you brits have to go and up the cuteness factor by having that lovely accent! i can only imagine how adorable it would be to hear an itty bitty babe talking with a british accent... i''ve watched that youtube video "charlie bit my finger" so many times.. i can''t get enough of it! i hate the way americans sound... particularly where i''m from.... it''s like we talk out of our nose

for all of you ladies with sleepy babies... don''t feel bad :)... this forum isn''t just for me to bi*ch about not sleeping.. and you can bet your sweet bippy the DAY that charlie sleeps for more than 4 hours i''m going to come here and gloat ;) and will expect nothing but congrats and pats on the back
i keed i keed..........cuz no one will be around in 2 years

burk - would it be helpful to nurse on both sides for each feeding?? i know it''s kinda a PIA, but K may always be more hungry when he''s on that one side so triggering it to produce more?? just thinking out loud here. and i''ve said it before and i''ll say it again.. misery loves company.. complain all you want about not sleeping.

i was thinking... wouldn''t it be great if the parents of those babies who don''t sleep during the night took turns? heck, we are up anyway.. what''s another baby or two (mandy is probably laughing her toosh off at me right now) .. i just mean heck we are already up - at least someone could get a good night''s sleep....

fiery - yeah, what IS it about that 3-4am time?? bringing him into bed is the ONLY way i can get C to go back to sleep at that time! cuz, yeah.. i''m not rocking him for an hour at 3 in the morning. come ON internal clock!

sabine - i can''t comment on a ''good'' place for baby clothes that is nationwide.. i find the smaller mom and pops shops offer more $ than a once upon a child or something like that. i have donated a bunch of baby stuff to our local YMCA that has a family center. they are always EXTREMELY grateful for any donations.

re: singing.. OMG i sing the dorkiest songs to c all of the time... he always smiles when i sing, even tho i have the worst voice in history... i think c is going to be an early talker too.. right now he''s found his gurgle... HI-larious!

speaking of clothes.. it''s probably a moot point to those people who are enjoying warmer weather, but my best look this winter/spring has been skinny jeans, boots, open front cardi and a long scarf... like so:

Viz, I love your file name, lol. You do wear a shirt under that, right? I just ask because it wasn''t in the list of clothing, so you know I was wondering if you simply distract people by not wearing one.

I''m so annoyed right now and I don''t like to make a me-centric post but I need to get this out.

SO had a meeting this morning at 7:30 a.m. I *could* have gotten up and taken Will to day care but SO assured me that he''d be back before 9. It''s now 10:30 and SO is not here. To make matters worse, Will was having one of those mornings. At one point, he was naked, running around the apartment and yelling at me. Oh, yes, it''s a joyful day! I would take him but it''s raining so I would have to not only drag Ben to the car, but then into day care and back out again. It''s a PITA and all could have been avoided if SO had ANY time management skills. I''m technically at work, too!

Plus, his great aunt died so the viewing is tonight and tomorrow is the funeral. I''m not taking the boys to the viewing because they''re just too young. I would have taken them to the funeral but SO is a pall bearer, so now I''m supposed to go later to the reception. That''s another joy to add to my list. I know that I need to do this because it''s family. I''m just in a pissy mood about it.
ugh that kind of stuff totally ticks me off.... if you say you are going to be somewhere at a certain time.. and it''s important then, yeah.. you better be there...
ugh, annoyed for you!

hahaha, yes i wear a shirt...... sometimes

here is another picture in the series ''charlie is always happy''

Gotta go get ready for lunch out, but wanted to post a picture of the little dudes
