
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Re: DH fights about the future - You''re all cracking me up. DH and I haven''t had those fights (yet?). Mandy, no offense to your DH, but baby mohawks are so cute
, and it has nothing to do with how they will dress in the future... So him getting upset over them seems a bit silly to me. I would have been angry too in your place.

On the other hand, DH went to have dinner at his parents last night and didn''t call me. He had told me the day before that he was going to drop off his winter tires in his dad''s garage (we''re in an apartment until May 1st), but I forgot (thank you mommy brain), and he didn''t say he was going to have dinner there... So he came home at 7PM instead of 5PM and I had no idea where he''d been and hadn''t had dinner. He did the same thing on Saturday and I''m getting serious pissed off. How hard is it to call and say "hi honey I won''t be home for dinner"???
One of these days he''ll come home later than usual because of traffic to find that I''ll already have eaten because I''ll assume he just forgot to call me again...

Early bedtime was a failure again last night. I took Jacob to his room while he was still wide awake for some downtime and try to put him to sleep and he started screaming! So if you thought a 12-week-old can''t throw a "I don''t want to go to bed" tantrum, think again.
i just got my period

5 months PP and about 4ish weeks after stopping BF

i think i need to invest in some earplugs because you can hear EVERYTHING in our house. so, i don't typically sleep thru the 12-4 shift...

and now back to
about my period

ETA: lovely.. i just started a new page with period talk ....
hahahahahaha viz I heart you so much!

AF sucks. She came to visit when I went one day without pumping. One freakin day. Are you kidding me!

Yes, earplugs
Thank you all for the help on formula. I sucked it up and bought some on the way home from work yesterday. I thought I was going to be upset about it, but in the end I was just relieved. We gave her a test bottle last night (didn''t want her to have formula for the first time at daycare) and she sucked it right down. Our little piggy will eat anything. All signs point to her not being a picky eater - this is a kid that sucks down her vitamins and sucked down amoxicillin like it was candy. Not having to get up in the middle of the night or extra early to make up the difference from what I pumped at work was so nice and freeing. Today she got 2 breastmilk and 1 formula bottles for daycare and hopefully that will be the plan going forward.

CDT - I hope that teething was the issue and Lex starts to feel better soon. It must be so stressful not knowing what the issue is.

Mara - I saw some walkers at BRU the other day. We won''t get one because we have stairs, but I think they are ok if you don''t. My brother fell downa flight of stairs in his walker when he was a baby, so I would never get one in a house with stairs (he was fine though!)

Viz - too funny about the drink. I would totally drink that though, and I am the same way as you, I learned in law school and pulling all nighters as a junior associate that I could drink vast amounts of caffeine and still crash as soon as I got home.

Anchor - so glad it was not meningitis, that''s very scary though and I would have been furious at the doctors.

Mandy - I love the mowhawks! Your boys are too cute.

I am thinking about getting a jogging stroller. I have the Uppababy Vista and the UppaBaby Gluxe (umbrella stroller), so this would be solely for jogging. Do you think a Bob is worth it for that? I was a big runner before I had the baby and would love to get back into it. I also hate leaving her after work to work out, so I feel like this could be the answer, but it''s a lot of money for something that would only be used for jogging. Realistically I''d probably use it 2-3 times a week, but only for 6 months of the year (we live in the Northeast, so in late fall/winter it''s too cold and gets dark too early.) Are there any other joggers you''d recommend?
K must be going through a growth spurt because he slept pretty much all day yesterday and ate a TON. I am so exhausted because instead of doing his normal 4-5ish hours at night and then 3+ he was more like up every 2-3 hours and was *starving* Good news is he did great going back down in his crib after every feeding and going down at 8 so baby steps on the new bedtime routine on our end.

Re boobs and BFing...I HATE how huge my boobs are and how much they hurt. I have to wear 2 sports bras to work out and they still hurt. That coupled with the fact that I STILL have cracking and vasospasms 6 weeks later make me want to pull my hair out sometimes.

Mara~K seems to have a milder case of reflux/intolerance than T did but that could be because I was prepared and cut out the dairy and corn in advance. Who knows. K's reflux seems to have improved on the Zantac thank goodness. I couldn't try the camomile because it needs to be mixed with powder formula and K can't have any powdered formula because it all has corn syrup in it.
There is only one formula out there without the corn. Boo. Glad J's gas and reflux is improving. On the walker topic, MIL got one for T and we used it here and there. T preferred her jumperoo but the walker was pretty cute and it's good to have a variety of stuff to occupy them.

cdt~Keep us posted! I have terrible allergies/asthma so I feel very responsible for poor T's issues but her allergist said she had a 50% chance of outgrowing it and it does seem as if she may be doing that. Hopefully Lex will as well!!

vizsla~So cute Charlie has a "girlfriend" at his daycare!
Sounds a lot like T! She loved the jumperoo and would go crazy in it! I miss caffeine...Bfing is NOT my friend sometimes!

puffy~We are so relieved to have him in the crib. I was worried but it has gone fairly well the past couple nights so hopefully it continues. T is such a light sleeper we were so worried to have it go poorly and then have him AND her up. I had been sleeping on the couch on the main floor with the bassinet the 5 weeks was getting OLD! Any news on your house search?

Mandarine~LOVE the mohawks!! They are so cute!

ginger~Sorry A is having a rough time. If you think he may have reflux I think you should get in to see your pedi! K is on Zantac for his and it has gotten quite a bit better since we started the meds!

Steph~Sorry E wanted to party all night but YAY for the long stretch. K was consistently giving me one longer stretch until last night. BOOO!!! T is feeling much better today and even went to school...thank goodness because I think we both needed a break!
Date: 3/24/2010 8:40:16 AM
Author: cdt1101
Mandy - Personally I LOVE a mohawk on a baby...the pics are super cute! I try keeping the mohawk on Lex, but his baby hair won''t stay like that unless it''s wet...I guess your DH will not let our boys play together

Pandora - We only have carpet in his room
The rest of our condo is tile throughout, but that room was the only room the previous owners decided not to tile. We replaced the carpet right before Lex was born. We also have a dog, who sheds like crazy
I really don''t think the dog is helping Lex, but w/out knowing for sure my DH isn''t willing to re-home him (although we''re lucky in that DH''s mom would take our dog if it came down to that).

Lex is still running a low grade fever, but when he woke up this morning I noticed one of his 2 front teeth poking thru, so I''m wondering if that''s causing the fever...not sure. He''s still super congested, but already better since stopping all of the medication. Can''t wait to see his little tooth though, so cute

Hello to everyone else and thanks everyone for chiming in about Lex, I really needed to vent yesterday and feel so much better today because of ladies rock
Have you thought about getting one of those air-cleaner things with a hepa-filter in Lex''s room?

It might be worth seeing what happens if you put his cot in a room without carpet at night for a week and send the dog to your MILs at the same time (plus a mega-clean with a hepa-filter vacuum to get rid of the hair).

Do you let the dog into Lex''s room at all?

Doing a pin-prick test should be fairly simple? What age can you test babies for allergies at?

My DH is hideously allergic to dogs - sitting next to someone who has a dog at home will bring on sneezing, and being in a car or house with dogs will bring on a full-blown asthma attack. The rest of the time he has allergies, but only serious breathing difficulties if he''s near a dog. (It''s about to cause big problems with my BIL and his wife - they''re getting a dog which means they will have to put the dog in kennels whenever they visit our IL''s - I don''t think they realise just how dangerous it can be. My SIL was saying the other day how much she''s looking forward to taking the dog for walks at MIL''s... oh dear)
Date: 3/24/2010 11:09:37 AM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 3/24/2010 8:40:16 AM
Author: cdt1101
Mandy - Personally I LOVE a mohawk on a baby...the pics are super cute! I try keeping the mohawk on Lex, but his baby hair won''t stay like that unless it''s wet...I guess your DH will not let our boys play together

Pandora - We only have carpet in his room
The rest of our condo is tile throughout, but that room was the only room the previous owners decided not to tile. We replaced the carpet right before Lex was born. We also have a dog, who sheds like crazy
I really don''t think the dog is helping Lex, but w/out knowing for sure my DH isn''t willing to re-home him (although we''re lucky in that DH''s mom would take our dog if it came down to that).

Lex is still running a low grade fever, but when he woke up this morning I noticed one of his 2 front teeth poking thru, so I''m wondering if that''s causing the fever...not sure. He''s still super congested, but already better since stopping all of the medication. Can''t wait to see his little tooth though, so cute

Hello to everyone else and thanks everyone for chiming in about Lex, I really needed to vent yesterday and feel so much better today because of ladies rock
Have you thought about getting one of those air-cleaner things with a hepa-filter in Lex''s room?

It might be worth seeing what happens if you put his cot in a room without carpet at night for a week and send the dog to your MILs at the same time (plus a mega-clean with a hepa-filter vacuum to get rid of the hair).

Do you let the dog into Lex''s room at all?

Doing a pin-prick test should be fairly simple? What age can you test babies for allergies at?

My DH is hideously allergic to dogs - sitting next to someone who has a dog at home will bring on sneezing, and being in a car or house with dogs will bring on a full-blown asthma attack. The rest of the time he has allergies, but only serious breathing difficulties if he''s near a dog. (It''s about to cause big problems with my BIL and his wife - they''re getting a dog which means they will have to put the dog in kennels whenever they visit our IL''s - I don''t think they realise just how dangerous it can be. My SIL was saying the other day how much she''s looking forward to taking the dog for walks at MIL''s... oh dear)
I''ve actually been thinking about discussing taking the dog to MIL for awhile to just *see* if it helps. Can''t hurt. They did do a quick pin-prick test on Lex back in December, but he''s so young that even if he has allergies, the test would show a false negative right now.

Your DH sounds like me, except it''s not dogs or cats. It''s wool! When we went to Peru, the hotel we stayed in had these wool blankets, my allergies were CRAZY! I felt horrible, but during the day (when not in the room, I was better). At one point, we took a taxi and the guy had the same wool blanket in the backseat, I couldn''t stop sneezing! Finally we realized what I was allergic too..sure enough we took the blankets out of our room and my allergies were fine for the rest of the weird
Otherwise, I really only have seasonal allergies, but not nearly as severe as when I was a child.

Sorry to hear about your BIL''s new dog....and you''re right, people really don''t understand how serious (not to mention miserable) it is.
One of the moms at playgroup mentioned that Fisher Price''s website has some online games designed for babies, and since G loves trying to bang on our computers I decided to give them a try. Within minutes of "playing" he had managed to pry some of the keys off of the keyboard, which reinforces that computers and Georgies do not mix.

Little sucker has also figured out the cabinet locks. Once open, he has so far gotten distracted by playing with the locks versus exploring the cabinets, but big boo on that one. Part of it is our fault as we tried to get the ones that go on over the cabinet knobs, as MIL preferred for us to try those instead of doing anything more permanent to her cabinets, but the spacing of the knobs prevents the baby locks from really locking properly. They do lock on the wine refrigerator though, which is good because he''s taken to trying to get out bottles of wine for us to drink for dinner and clearly has no idea of how to match wine to food. We will need to work on that one.

Pandora - my feeling is that there are a lot of similarities between STTN and sitting, crawling, walking, etc in that you can create an environment conducive to baby developing the skills and strengths that they need, but you can''t force them to do it and they need to get to that point on their own. But at the same time, I think that babies are driven to become increasingly mobile while it''s mostly the adults driven to getting them to sleep in long stretches. G has done it some on his own, and regressed, and I don''t think he cares whatsoever whether he STTN but he certainly wanted to crawl to get places. I think that parents also play a larger role in helping with the STTN timeline for the "average" baby sitting near the middle of the sleeping bell curve. My gut says that we could get G to STTN now if we had him sleeping in a separate room (impossible with current living situation) and nightweaned him, but since he''s a little milk monster who knows that he often gets milk when he wakes, it''s just not happening right now. Since he''s already nursing at night and since I hate pumping, I am contemplating trying to get him to reverse cycle when I go back to work, which would certainly hamper the whole STTN thing. It''s probably possible to hamper physical milestones to some extent (like TG said carrying them all the time and not letting them explore on the ground) but my feeling is that once they''re ready, they''re ready and you''re not going to get them to hold off but for so long.

Viz - LOL on the timing of your announcement to us, although I''m sorry that AF is back. Earplugs sound like a very good investment. I think DD went that route and liked it? And that''s funny about your coffee drink.

Mandy - love your little punks! DH and I have had similar arguments, although they''re all too stupid for me to be able to recall any at the moment.

Walkers- I was a devil child and once when my little brother was in the walker, I tried to push it down the stairs. True story.

NovemberBride - I have experience with the BOB, as well as an ancient fixed wheel BabyJogger that didn''t even collapse or have a sunshade or anything (would recommend at a minimum ability to collapse as well as sunshade and rain shield, if you ever run in inclement weather). If you''re only using it for running around the neighborhood, you could probably get by with a fixed wheel jogging stroller which would be a bit less money than the more versatile swivel wheel. The BOB is really well built, and I know some people who love the (even more pricey) Mountain Buggy. The BabyJogger seemed well constructed and built to last but too basic for our needs, but the more modern ones may fit the bill for you. According to BabyJogger''s website, nothing in the City series (City Classic, City Elite included) are suitable for jogging or running, which is why we steered away from them, but they do make fixed wheel ones that are made for running as well as a swivel wheel running one (Summit) that''s admittedly pricier than the BOB Revolution.
If you want me to be that little devil sitting on your shoulder whispering for you to go ahead and go for the BOB, if you bought one used on Craigslist and then sold it again when you''re done with it, it would probably cost way less money overall than most people would willingly spend on a gym membership that they use a couple of times a week. Just saying.
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the "shiver" I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF'ing around the clock!
Date: 3/24/2010 9:47:19 AM
Author: vizsla
the discussion i had earlier about books and not taking into consideration the child''s ability/development might need a smidgen more elaboration. i went back and skimmed (ha!) HSHHC and baby whisper last night to see if i was coo-coo or not.. lord knows my mind isn''t as sharp these days... i guess my frustration is that - YES, they do say there are varying temperaments of children - HOWEVER, they don''t tailor their strategy. instead, they might merely say something like it could take 7 times instead of 3 to do ____________ if you have an ''active'' or high spirited child. to me that''s not helpful - because it''s still lumping these children with the average baby who maybe more receptive.

OK, so i''m trying to think of things that are not sleep related because it even drives ME nuts that my whole life seems to be fixated on how much sleep or how little sleep our family is getting - i can only imagine how you all are feeling
This. Sounds like the coffee shop was a fun diversion...the New Mom sounds perfect and what I need right now.

I feel for you Viz...hang in there. It''s hard not to focus on sleep when it becomes an ongoing challenge. But think about other things and take it a day at a time, and at some point, you''ll notice things are better. And I would say throw those sleep books (the two you mentioned) away...they are not for you.

NovemberBride, BOB is worth it. Buy for $350ish, sell for 200-250ish. 100 bucks for one of the best jogging strollers around. There is also a site that sells Mountain buggys'' for cheap from time to time...I found a triple MB for my friend for $699, which is a good deal. Both strollers are nice, but I prefer BOB because more people sell it (and are familiar with the stroller should anything go wrong), and it had a much bigger canopy than the last MB I checked out.
Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Lex doesn''t shiver. If you''re concerned, I would definitely bring it up to the Dr. Wish I could help more!
Date: 3/24/2010 11:54:56 AM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Lex doesn''t shiver. If you''re concerned, I would definitely bring it up to the Dr. Wish I could help more!
Amelia has never shivered. Definitely mention it to the ped.
Blen and Tgal, Thanks for the info on the Bob. Blen, I already have a gym membership and weekly sessions with a trainer, so this would be on top of that. It is costing me a lot of money to get my pre-baby body back and I still have a way to go. However, I am admittedly a clothes whore and as DH says, all of this is way cheaper than a new wardrobe.

We are going to go to REI this weekend to check the Bob out since my bday is coming up in early April. Is the 20% off member discount at REI a good price?
Date: 3/24/2010 11:56:59 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/24/2010 11:54:56 AM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Lex doesn''t shiver. If you''re concerned, I would definitely bring it up to the Dr. Wish I could help more!
Amelia has never shivered. Definitely mention it to the ped.
TGal - I''ve been meaning to ask...did you ever figure out what the bluish palor was on Amelia? Recently I''ve noticed the same thing on Lex, especially on the bridge of his nose, and just around his eyes in general. He''s also very veiny though on the forhead (he''s pretty fair). Just curious...
Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!

Nat - Liv has never shivered. I''d just give the pedi a call for reassurance that it''s nothing. I call my pedi like once a week with these type of questions - I figure I pay enough for my health insurance, I am going to take full advantage.
November, from back when I was BOB price hunting (which I''ve done multiple times as my friend wanted one and a few people here did), the 20% is consistently the best price you''ll get on a BOB.

cdt, no I didn''t, but it hasn''t happened much again. I do have it on my list to ask the ped when I go for her 2 yr next week, so I will report back to you.
Date: 3/24/2010 12:01:59 PM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:56:59 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/24/2010 11:54:56 AM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Lex doesn''t shiver. If you''re concerned, I would definitely bring it up to the Dr. Wish I could help more!
Amelia has never shivered. Definitely mention it to the ped.
TGal - I''ve been meaning to ask...did you ever figure out what the bluish palor was on Amelia? Recently I''ve noticed the same thing on Lex, especially on the bridge of his nose, and just around his eyes in general. He''s also very veiny though on the forhead (he''s pretty fair). Just curious...
Not TGal, but my Amelia had something similar and her doc was actually quite concerned about it. He ran a lot of tests. She''s anaemic, and that was the main cause of her palor and also some other stuff we were worrying about.

She does shiver when she''s cold, but we live in Scotland - we''re born shivering!
Date: 3/24/2010 12:22:17 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell

Date: 3/24/2010 12:01:59 PM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:56:59 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/24/2010 11:54:56 AM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Lex doesn''t shiver. If you''re concerned, I would definitely bring it up to the Dr. Wish I could help more!
Amelia has never shivered. Definitely mention it to the ped.
TGal - I''ve been meaning to ask...did you ever figure out what the bluish palor was on Amelia? Recently I''ve noticed the same thing on Lex, especially on the bridge of his nose, and just around his eyes in general. He''s also very veiny though on the forhead (he''s pretty fair). Just curious...
Not TGal, but my Amelia had something similar and her doc was actually quite concerned about it. He ran a lot of tests. She''s anaemic, and that was the main cause of her palor and also some other stuff we were worrying about.

She does shiver when she''s cold, but we live in Scotland - we''re born shivering!
Good to know MrsM, I''ll definitely bring it up. Anemia was a concern in my mind as she probably wasn''t getting enough iron until recently. Thanks for your input on this!
Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the ''shiver'' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF''ing around the clock!
Is it just when she pees? Has she had any fevers by chance?
Thanks for the responses re:shiver.

Fiery- don''t think its just when she pees. Hard to know for sure. She has only had a fever once (about a month ago) that I am aware of, but it did get pretty high before we were able to get Tylenol to bring it down. Could that have caused this?
re: period...i thought mine returned last week but i think it might just be bleeding from that stupid gummi bear removal!!! i can't feel anything down there and i don't have a mirorr, lol. so i will just wait for my appt next week to have her look...but hello ready to have my ladybits be normal again. and when i jump i feel like my insides are going to fall out. NOT FAIR!!!! sorry viz but on the flip side 6 months pp is awesome. i hope mine stays gone that long!

re: being a softie and CIO... i am definitely not a softie.
in fact it gives me a little smirk of pleasure when J starts fighting his swaddle when being put down at night because i think 'dude you won't win this one!! i wrapped you like a mummy burrito!...AAANNND if you get out i will just do it again..and again!'. it makes me kind of laugh. i know, i am a mean mom.
i will say that his crying bothers me more than it does Greg. he can just let him cry for days and he can SLEEP through it too. i def can't. so i am hoping we don't have to do CIO since it will mean sleepless for ME even though portia and G will be zzz'ing through it all.

re: the 20% for BOB... does anyone know, do you just pay for the membership then get notified? i don't know if i want to wait for it...but i dont want to pay more haha!!

mandarine... lol re: the fight with your DH but i love it..!! fighting over if they are going to be punks haha. and they are 5 months. we haven't had too many issues like that yet but i do like teasing greg that the kid won't be required to 'eat all his food' and can have 'dessert before dinner' LOL and that drives him nuts!! (note i would not allow dessert before dinner but i know it drives G crazy when i do it haha). plus i love the mohawks!

viz re the sleeping and the books saying 'keep at it for X days longer if you have a HM child'... if you guys really feel like you are doing what is right, then keep doing it and don't change it just because he's not with it yet. if he really does just need to get there developmentally, then if you stick with your routine, he'd have to eventually pick it up, right? i guess that's rational anyway but not sure our little darlings are quite THAT.


since i was asking for advice on moving his bedtime up since he was sleeping so long i think he is determined to foil my happy plan. J went down again last nite at 9pm and woke up at 3am for 6 hours. i went in at 3 and tried to soothe him back to sleep, nope. AND the kid got almost 7oz before bed so i doubted he was starving, but maybe he was...7 week growth spurt?!? hehe. so we fed him and put him back down at 4 and he was trying to struggle through having to go back down but he was out about 15 min after we put him down and he slept til 9am at which point i put the sheep on and he went back down til 10:15am. it bothers me that he is suddenly only going 6 hours when he was doing 8-9 for about a week but he is still getting his 12 hours total so we'll stick with his routine. but greg is happy to get up at 3am or 3:30am, and feed him so why should i complain?

thanks for the links on the walkers. i am going to get him the evenflo johnny jump up..i used to have one of those when i was little and friggin LOVED it apparently... and my mom would love it for her house. and umm the walkers are UGLY!!!! where's the cool llooking dwell studio'ish one? hehee. i seriously need to get into kiddie product design. i am not worried about the safety on them unless they are crappily built BUT anything we put together for the kid Greg totally scrutinizes and ends up 'reinforcing' if necessary so i'm not worried about collapsing or anything like that. and we don't have stairs. blen LOL re: you being a devil child!!!

steph YAY for a long stretch!! that is great. J would love to not go back down at 4am, but he ends up succumbing eventually to the dark room and sheep. i really want to reinforce the whole 'night is for sleep' thing so he doesn't have a choice.

someone is squeaking...gotta run!! oh and i haven't done a thing with announcements yet. BAD MOM.
re 20% members discount...REI runs a promotion a couple of times of year for BOB. It''s 20% off and has nothing to do with being a member. So if you can hold off, you can wait for that. Other websites can run a 10-15% discount with free shipping. If you are in a state like CA with high sales tax, that can even out as well. Just keep a lookout. If you read babycheapskate, she''ll usually mention any sales on BOB, since it''s so popular.
nat - my sister's kids did the same thing (i think they were older tho) the pedi said it could be because they just liked the sensation... but i think it's probably something worth calling about.

nov - i hear ya on being a clothes hound... you would probably gag if i told you how many pairs of denim i have... of which only about 30% fit me right now
. i HAVE to do something before layering pieces are no longer needed... oh how an open front cardigan has been my best friend this winter. anyhoo a BOB costs about the same as 1 or 2 pairs of denim, right? (heck, i think i spent close to $300 on some maternity seven's) anyhoo go for it gurrrlllll!!! and sell it later.... or keep it for kiddo two ;) cost per use

blen - lol about wine parings...

and that's another thing... i loves me a glass (or 2, or 3) of wine.. it's something i super dupery enjoy having on, like, a thursday or friday night after work... but this darn kid! i tell ya, takes the fun out of everything ;P

.... cuz, yeah.. i'm not going on an all night bender with charlie after having enjoyed some vino.. the two shall never meet again. i made that mistake a few weeks ago... torture!
Date: 3/24/2010 11:46:55 AM
Author: natalina
Sorry to bring it up again, but anyone have any advice about the 'shiver' I posted above?

Viz- sorry about AF. I was so bummed when she came back, too. Especially since still BF'ing around the clock!
I think I know what you mean. It's like a full body shudder, kind of? Dalila has done that since she was born. I distinctly remember her doing it on her first night, sleeping in her bassinet. In fact, the shudder usually happens when she's sleeping. I don't think it's anything to worry about, really... , I think it's like a liitle jump/startle reflex thingy that happens sometimes, maybe while dreaming?. I've seen moms asking about it on some other baby sites I'm on, too.
I think I might also bite the bullet and get a BOB. I''ve been running in the neighborhood at night when Adam gets home, but I would like to have the option to do it during the day. Is there a certain age where it is safe to use or would it be okay now? Thanks!
Date: 3/24/2010 1:20:23 PM
Author: natalina
Thanks for the responses re:shiver.

Fiery- don''t think its just when she pees. Hard to know for sure. She has only had a fever once (about a month ago) that I am aware of, but it did get pretty high before we were able to get Tylenol to bring it down. Could that have caused this?
Hmmm I don''t think so.

It could just be that she gets cold. I had asked to see if maybe it could be associated with a UTI but if it happens randomly then it''s not.
I''m on the longest conference call!!!!!!!! ugh....I forgot how brutal these were! 3 hours and counting!!!

Steph They say 6 months, but I have taking them jogging with me already!. I have a seat snuggler (so they fit comfortably in there and are supported). I''m jogging on pretty smooth surfaces and leveled (FL!) I think after 4 months or so it''s safe to take them on a BOB for a jog. They''ve been on it for walks since like 6 weeks!. The suspension is so awesome, I think they jump more when they are in the snap and go thank when they are in the BOB!.

Speaking of strollers!!! I just received my Maclaren twin and love it!!! Can''t wait to use it and retire the snap and go!!!!!!!!
Date: 3/24/2010 2:15:35 PM
Author: FL Steph
I think I might also bite the bullet and get a BOB. I''ve been running in the neighborhood at night when Adam gets home, but I would like to have the option to do it during the day. Is there a certain age where it is safe to use or would it be okay now? Thanks!
Safe to use from infancy in the full recline position (with a snuzzler, or their head bounces around more) for walking only. I would wait until they are a few months old for jogging on smooth surfaces. For normal surburban jogging (with curbs, etc), I would wait longer. BOB recommends 6 months old for jogging.
Mara...did I read that correctly or did you say Greg LIKES to do the 3am feeding?
and J only wakes up once between 9 and 9?

Ok, I must stop reading your posts.

(just kidding!

You lucky, lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Greg if he ever feels like he wants to feed more babies, I have two adorable punks over here!!!
Date: 3/24/2010 2:20:46 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/24/2010 2:15:35 PM

Author: FL Steph

I think I might also bite the bullet and get a BOB. I''ve been running in the neighborhood at night when Adam gets home, but I would like to have the option to do it during the day. Is there a certain age where it is safe to use or would it be okay now? Thanks!
Safe to use from infancy in the full recline position (with a snuzzler, or their head bounces around more) for walking only. I would wait until they are a few months old for jogging on smooth surfaces. For normal surburban jogging (with curbs, etc), I would wait longer. BOB recommends 6 months old for jogging.
Thanks! I will wait until 6 months then to do the jogging....hopefully the 20% coupon will come out before then