
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Date: 4/16/2010 2:20:02 AM
Author: drk
Diito the shoutout to RPS. I''ve certainly appreciated your BF advice (and your posts in general). Hope you''re still out there!

Am awaiting our next doc appointment in a few hours to see how the weight gain is going. Would love to stop feeding/pumping so frequently, but I doubt that will happen. Must ask the lactation consultant on Sat how I''d go about getting back to just nursing. Problem is that there''s usually an extra ounce in there after she''s done feeding, and she''s usually acting hungry still, even after 1 hour of nursing. Ugh. At least we''ve done 4.5 weeks of EBF so far, despite the issues, which makes me really proud. I''m totally committed to BF, mostly because of the terrible eczema and asthma that DH has, along with all the various allergies present in his side of the family. I''m hoping this will help Kara avoid some of those problems.
DrK - not RPS, but had a lot of issues with supply etc.

How often are you feeding Kara? Also, is she feeding for the whole hour or is she feeding for only the first 10-15 minutes and then hanging out on the boob for fun? If it''s the latter, then taking her off after the 15 minutes and repeating an hour later might work better in terms of eating. She''ll probably screech like crazy if you are being used as a paci at first, but you can either substitute a real paci or find another distraction.

You''ll also find at certain points they go through a growth spurt and just do nothing but eat (in order to get your supply up to their needs) for a couple of days and then go back to normal.

I found that when I''m having supply issues doing a ''nursing vacation'' (as prescribed by RPS) was the best thing for increasing my milk as fast as possible. Literally set aside a day and do nothing but veg in front of the TV nursing Daisy as often as possible. It really does work!

Like you I was determined to BF due to DHs allergies, asthma and his being immuno-compromised and so exposing D to a lot of illnesses as he gets EVERYTHING! It took me a long time to get EBF established and a very long time to get D back to her birth weight, but it can be done. Hang in there!
OK, after it was pointed out on the social site place that having friends with "PS" in their names might lead some people to find your posts, I decided to delete anyone with PS in their name. I don''t have any problem being friends if your name doesn''t say that, though, although I''ve always liked that you had to be your real name on there in the early days and am not interested in taking the time to maintain a second, anonymous, PS profile. I definitely vent a lot on here and need to be circumspect, so don''t take it personally.

So I saw my ob/gyn yesterday for my annual check-up, and she said I have a platepelloid pelvis, which apparently is a huge predictor for not being able to deliver vaginally. I wish she would have mentioned this before I attempted vaginal delivery, but I probably would have tried it anyway.

My OB is super brusque. I mean, I like her and trust her, but she never sugar coats anything. Some of the things she said were,

"Wow! Look how crooked your scar is! I usually do better than that! At least it''s under your hair line . . ."

"Wow! You''ll never deliver vaginally! I mean, you can try if you want, but the writing''s on the wall . . ."

And when I said, oh, I guess I would have died in childbirth 200 years ago what with my defective pelvis and all, she said, "Yeah, or they would have dismembered the baby. They used to do that back then to try to save the mother." Oh, thanks for that image, doctor. She also said that there was a 1% chance the baby would die if I attempted VBAC. So cheerful, so encouraging, this doctor. She says it all with a smile, though, and she''s foreign and from a very straightforward culture. She means well, and I wouldn''t consider changing practices, so my only choice is to stick with her or feel awkward about switching within the practice.
Thritto to the shoutout to RPS. I would be really sad to see her leave. She''s such a great resource. RPS - hope you''re still out there and reading!
We miss you!
yeppers.. that's why i haven't had the heart to friend anyone with PS in their name. this is totally a guilty pleasure too and don't want anyone IRL to find me
although i do wonder if my RL friends think "that's strange, i didn't know viz knew anyone in _______" ;)

thritto on RPS - i sent her a message on that other site and hope she comes back

PG - can i just say how jealous i am of you... i'm GREEEEEEN with envy...
oh, but speaking of feeding.. i would think because claire is EBF then she would wake more to eat - although i don't know about that whole formula doesn't digest as fast mumbo jumbo since my LO is exclusively on formula and he wakes 3 times a night to eat.

speaking of: do we think there is any correlation about the feeding habits of boys vs. girls? just curious b/c the moms of both boys and girls that i have talked to have all - not an exaggeration - *all* said that their boy definitely ate more frequently than their girls and that they also had a harder time sleeping. i can think of several examples on here which would contradict that, but i was just curious to see if this is something others have heard or witnessed??

duh duh duuuuuuuuu: i've got a sleeping post.. feel free to skip if you are tired of such conversations

so, our routine for the past 2 months has been the same: bath every other day - change into pjs - pick out a book - read a book in my bedroom, soft light, white noise - bottle - hold until asleep - leave... the entire process (bath aside) takes between 30-45 mins.

about a month ago i wanted to wean c off the swaddle AND holding to sleep - so, for the past 2 weeks i have been doing all of the above BUT after bottle, burp, hold for a few mins i then lay him down until he falls asleep. for the first week and 1/2 as soon as i would lay him down it was like the energizer bunny kicked in and he was "up" rolling around, squealing, kicking his legs etc (even if he had JUST been "asleep", wth?) in order to finally get him to sleep i would hold his hands and play 'plug the baby' with his pacifier for 30 mins. anyhoo, just in the past 3 days i'm finally seeing some improvement (does this mean i have a slow learner?) but i have some questions/concerns:
my thought process is that once he learns that me putting him down is 'sleep time' and stops fighting sleep - i will put him down in his crib - right now he is sleeping with us. does that seem counterproductive? DH think so.
MY thinking is that it would be easier to transition him to his crib once he is able to put himself to sleep without me. i've gradually been doing less each night - and last night i let him roll around, put his paci back in a few times, and only patted his back for about 3 mins before he fell asleep (which, in total, is down to about 15mins). ideally, in another few weeks i will just be able to put him down, kiss his head, pat his back and leave.
so, should i be trying to do this in the crib, even tho he's never slept in there? do you think this will disrupt what we have built up thus far? will it be too confusing for him? do you think my thought process about putting him in his crib AFTER he masters falling asleep on his own is a good one??

the whole thing is going to go to pot tonight anyway b/c we are headed to a friend's house for the evening. i'm going to attempt to put him to sleep at their house - wish me luck! but i'm sooooo ov-ah our weekend nights wrapping up by 7
- not that i plan on making this a habit, but once a month would be nice.

in other me-centric news... c still woke up every 2 hours last night - BUT a soft pat on the bum put him back to sleep :) AND and and and ... he went 5 hours between feedings again last night!!! it was amazing! he didn't 'cry' until 4:30 to eat.. the rest of the time he just woke up and made either grunting noises or - at one point - started cooing and talking.. i had to laugh even tho it was 2:30 in the morning.
Hey everyone! Happy Friday!
A quick one from me, since the baby seems ready to nap and that means work time.

drk- Ditto Pandora. Some days, Henry would nurse, nurse, nurse for what seemed like hours, but he built me a great supply. I've had no supply issues (that I know of) and I think a lot of that had to do with my non-stop nurser in the beginning. Anyway, I hope your LC has some good advice for you!

Phoenix- I changed my Facebook last name from "Pricescope" to "Ps" and sent you a new friend request. I hope that's okay! ETA: Oops! I see you meant "Ps," not Pricescope. I read it quickly. No worries- I completely understand.

viz- Yay for 5 hours between feedings! I know I haven't been around much to lend support, but I can *sort of* empathize with you. For a few months, H was up every hour and I was a ZOMBIE, but I didn't have to go to work in the morning. You're incredible for staying as positive as you do. BIG hugs to you.

As for boys vs. girls (and eating and sleeping), I'm not sure. My little turkey ate ALL the time (and still eats a lot), but he's a big baby, and apparently, his father (my husband) did the same thing. He only had trouble sleeping when he was in our bed, though. In his crib, he sleeps pretty well.

RPS- Please come back! You've provided such great information to us moms, not to mention cute photos of Ben. We want you around!

Henry had his 9 month well-visit (2 weeks ago, at 9.5 months
). He measured at 22.3 lbs and 30 inches! I think I saw similar stats over on the 12-36 month board.

He's crawling and standing (using support), but no new words. He hasn't even said "mama" in a long time. When he wants to communicate, he'll go AH! very loudly, and he likes it if you AH! back at him. Oh, and this is cool: He understands when I think something he does is funny, and so he'll repeat it. The other day, he had one of his baby spoons in his mouth, and he flipped it so the handle part of the spoon hit his nose and forehead (with the spoon still in his mouth- does this make sense?). Anyway, it cracked me up, so he laughed and did it again and again. I thought it was pretty cool.

We've got a mom's meetup at lunch time today, so I hope that goes well. Have a great weekend, everyone!
I think RPS was on a business trip the past two days so hopefully she''s just busy. I''d hate to lose her as a resource too and her kids are so cute! She''s also a really positive person

Date: 4/16/2010 9:47:12 AM
Author: E B

He''s crawling and standing (using support), but no new words. He hasn''t even said ''mama'' in a long time. When he wants to communicate, he''ll go AH! very loudly, and he likes it if you AH! back at him. Oh, and this is cool: He understands when I think something he does is funny, and so he''ll repeat it. The other day, he had one of his baby spoons in his mouth, and he flipped it so the handle part of the spoon hit his nose and forehead (with the spoon still in his mouth- does this make sense?). Anyway, it cracked me up, so he laughed and did it again and again. I thought it was pretty cool.

We''ve got a mom''s meetup at lunch time today, so I hope that goes well. Have a great weekend, everyone!
This must be a developmental thing because Sophia is doing the exact same thing! She hardly ever says mama anymore but she does the AH! thing too.

She''s also pointing at stuff and screaming in excitement at it. I point stuff out to her and go "OH Wow Sophia! Mira! How Beautiful!" LOL my poor child is going to grow up speaking Spanglish because of me
. She''s also paying a lot of attention when we read to her. I''m hoping she''ll love reading.

Side funny story: FI was cracking me up last night when he was reading her some book we got from a friend of his on animals, colors, and the alphabets. One of the pages has A, Ants, The ants are green. He stops and explains to her that ants are not green. They are usually black or red and that it is very important that she learn how to do research so that she isn''t given wrong information in the future. He did that with every single page. When he got to L he said, ok I guess technically the lion is yellow but he would not be combing his hair. LOL! Talk about Debbie Downer.

Here''s a pic of Sophia from this past weekend:

Also in this pic even though you can''t see her face, I found it hilarious. Where the arrow is pointing is NOT a palm tree, it''s her hair! lololololololololol!!!! My kid''s hair looks like a palm tree
(She was pointing at the parrots which she loved!)

EB, I was just abbreviating, I really meant Pricescope. "PS" by itself shouldnt mean anything to anyone.

I assume I''ll still have the request when I get home? (FB is blocked at work, but luckily PS isn''t!)

Viz, I know, we have it pretty good with Claire most nights.

She had a really fussy morning though, and was bawling when DH left her at daycare. We''ve been joking about how all the other babies are always crying, and they don''t get sent home just for being fussy in general, but Claire has one bad day and they call us to pick her up!
Date: 4/16/2010 9:31:50 AM
Author: vizsla

in other me-centric news... c still woke up every 2 hours last night - BUT a soft pat on the bum put him back to sleep :) AND and and and ... he went 5 hours between feedings again last night!!! it was amazing! he didn''t ''cry'' until 4:30 to eat.. the rest of the time he just woke up and made either grunting noises or - at one point - started cooing and talking.. i had to laugh even tho it was 2:30 in the morning.
That''s awesome about the 5 hours in between feedings!

It seems to me that if all he needed was a soft pat on the bum, then he''s moving in the direction of a) not needing food and b) being able to fall back to sleep quickly which is wonderful

As for the bed/crib discussion, IDK. I''m sort of leaning towards getting him to learn to sleep on his own while he''s in the crib so that you get it all done at once. Is there any way for you to sleep in his room?
Ugghhh, I should probably be posting this in the toddler thread, but I''m getting desperate for advice on tantrums!

Daisy is 20 minutes into the current one which is about my not giving her my iPhone. I gave her the Blackberry but she doesn''t want that. She''s bitten me, hit me and is currently sobbing her heart out...

I can just about cope with this at home, she also throws them when we are out - especially on public transport - so I end up giving in to her so as not to disrupt other people. Most of the time she''s lovely, but the fits are getting more frequent and I don''t know what to do.

In ''I like my child'' news, I found her reading ''Baby''s Busy Time'' on the floor earlier while I was doing the laundry. Each page has photos of babies doing different things on one page and associated items on the other, so playtime and toys, bathtime and ducks, shampoo etc.

I heard this ''mmmmmmmm'', ''nomnomnom'' and eating noises from the floor - and she was looking at the food and eating pages. So seems that sign language is not a hit but noises are - she''s been doing a glug glug glug noise for ''drink'' for a week or so now, but hadn''t heard the eating one at all.

Have started her on Actimel Probiotic yoghurt to see if it helps. If not I''m going to try Biogaia''s lactobacillus reuteri which costs a bomb but did incredibly well in tests for colic - way better than Infacol even. I''m getting desperate for some sleep after a month of no more than an hour at a stretch... nearly cried when DH woke her up this am by mistake...
wow i can definitely wait until the biting and hitting days, that is for sure. hopefully by the time that happens i have learned more patience.
sorry pandora i dont have any helpful hints, but i hope you neosporin'd your wound.

re: social sites. i have gotten a lot of 'pricescope' requests too. i am totally torn because i would love to see more pics and be able to piggyback on advice all that but my profile is my real life profile where i only have like 2 PS'ers on there from way back, i don't want it to turn into this huge PS thing. i'm thinking of doing a 2nd profile but just not sure i have the time or inclination. i don't even know how i would maintain both. i guess we'll see.

burk... i was reading your post over on the toddler thread (it's fun to lurk over there and see what is in store for us (during the before-bed pump) and saw that you are still having bb issues. just wanna say i feel your pain. J is almost 11 weeks and my bb's still don't feel that fabulous. i feel like the 'pain' is manageable since i only pump 2x a day and feed him 1-2x a day, but i feel like i have shallow cracks (dr said skin wasn't broken but they still hurt) and the inside muscle vasospasms from time to time. i am still waiting for nips to feel numb, WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN hehe. anyway hang in there..! hang in there too. BF'ing is tough and good for you on perservering. they say it gets easier and i guess it does but to me it's not easy in general. it is nice just to be able to plug the boob into their mouth when nothing else works though for sure hehe.

speaking of that, at night J is taking less and less of his before-bed bottle. last nite i had to boob him for the last few minutes to hopefully give him one more ounce. weird thing is he took the boob when he was doing everything to reject the bottle. then he promptly totally passed out on the boob so maybe he was just exhausted. i might try upping his bedtime since i feel like lately he's been giving us signs he'd like that. we'll see.

we are also going to try the full crib move this wkd...yikes! i am afraid of affecting the long stretch of sleep but G thinks he won't be affected by it at all. i seriously hope he is right. crib move. can you start putting C to nap in the crib? that is how we did it with J to get him used to being in there before we just started expecting him to sleep in there. now when we put him in it seems like he has the association a bit more with sleep. and YAY for a pat on the butt and 5 hours with no food.

random note but i just have to say how much i love watching my kid in the bassinet in the monitor and seeing the one flailing, stretching arm reach out from the depths and waving around. it makes me laugh like crazy...the things he does with his arms and legs.

PG...your OB sounds a little scary, but i do like straight talking. i switched within the practice at 11 weeks pregnant and didn't look back. i didn't really care if the original gal was offended (seriously i doubt she even noticed..!) because i just wanted someone i could relate to and clicked with for the rest of my pregnancy. now that i only see her like once a YEAR it doesn't matter as much. speaking of, she is 32 weeks pregnant and i have to drop a gift off for her, mental note. hee.

fiery, love the pic of sophia..she is such a happy looking little doll!!

re: rice cereal from a prev discussion. i got Earth's Best from BRU and it is whole grain rice, just FYI. i asked pedi if it was ok to give J that in his night bottle or if it was too much and she said it should be ok. the last 2 nights we have done a 50/50 of EB and Gerber so we can wean him off the regular white rice, so far it seems ok.

today i'm meeting a friend who had her baby 3 days before J and another friend who had hers a month and a half after J was born today for lunch. we took a 'belly' pic while still preggo so we are going to take a 3 babies pic (aka an AFTER). hehee. should be fun!

annnnddd i have finally frozen all the milk i need for our end of month hawaii trip, YAY. now if mom just follows my directions and doesn't feed him every time he opens his mouth, we should be ok for food hehe.

i have to go dig out a pic but the arm is flailing a little more wildly, and i need to finish pumping, back later.
PG - I don''t know about whether EBF babies can sleep through the night, but Olivia is still waking twice to feed(she''s mostly EBF, she gets one formula bottle a day at daycare). We put her down at 8, she wakes around 11-12 to feed and then again between 4:30-5. Sometimes she holds out and doesn''t wake until 6 or so, at which point we just stay up for the day. I agree with Mara, if she''s eating hungrily, I''d feed her, if she''s just snacking, maybe she if you can get her to go back down without eating. Olivia is only 13 lbs at 5 months and she always eats a full meal when she wakes, so I am not comfortable not feeding her at this point.

Viz - Yay on sleep progress. I would say make the move to the crib all at once if you can, but I understand not wanting to undo your progress. And thanks for all your advice re: milk allergies, I am heading to Whole Foods this weekend and will definitely try some of your recommendations.

Fiery and Mara re: daycare younger babies- I was very nervous about daycare, and spent a lot of time researching and visiting facilities. It paid off, because I absolutely love our daycare. Yes, she''s gotten sick a few times, but that happens to all kids when they start daycare/school. I figure she''s just getting it over with now. I know she probably doesn''t benefit that much from social interaction now, but I can see her smiling and laughing when she''s sitting with the other kids. The teachers love her, they are always holding her when I pick her up. They also include her in as many activities as they can (I already have a fridge covered in little art projects (finger painting and the like). I have many stresses in my life, but daycare is not one of them thankfully. This is a long winded way of saying that I think if you do your research you can find a daycare that is a good environment for babies even when they are young.

Fiery - the hair is hilarious and Sophia is as gorgeous as ever.

Where are the rest of the baby pics?

Here''s one of Olivia from her first Easter (yep, I am a few weeks behind in uploading pics.)

OMG November this pic makes me want a giiiiirl so badly (but not right now lol)!

viz - re: boy vs girl feeding/sleeping... Jacob has always been a ravenous monster in the evenings, but during the day he usually goes two 4-hour stretches without eating. As for sleeping, he''s erratic, but mostly goes 6 to 8-hour stretches. Sometimes putting him to bed is easy-peasy, sometimes...
But YAY on C going 5 hours without eating! I hope it''s not a fluke.

PG - re: EBF vs. formula and sleeping... The night we gave J formula because he wouldn''t take the boob and I didn''t have any pumped BM left, he actually slept a shorter stretch than usual (4 hours instead of 6-8). So, I''m not convinced.

Re: FB - I started a 2nd account. I don''t spend much time on either accounts, but I like to put up pictures and comment and on other people''s pics.

Good news, yesterday J took the boob all day, even in the evening!
It might be a fluke, who knows... He went down at 8:15PM after nursing and a bit of rocking, which he''s only done once before. Woke up at 4:30AM, then 8:30AM. It was a great night. On Wednesday night I didn''t really try because we went to the notary to sign papers for the house (I''m a home-owner, WOOT!
) and I didn''t want to risk a meltdown in the notary''s office... He took 8oz at 7PM at the notary''s and 3oz at 9PM when we got home!
Good thing I''d pumped like crazy.

Here''s his 15 weeks pic... teehee

love the pics!! anchor that shirt is too cute. november, adorable easter pic!

i feel like a bad mom because we didn't get J an easter basket or anything but i figured he is 8 weeks...he doesn't care unless it has breast milk in it. heehe.

and here's my pic for today. i am obsessed with J's chunkster cheeks. i had chipmunk cheeks when i was little and he has huge ones. i just love them and taking pics of them and i am always smooshing kisses onto them. hehee. here i am holding him and he is looking over my shoulder at outside. he loves to stare out at the garden.

PSA ... gymbucks expire on sunday! this is as much a reminder for myself since i have not purchased anything yikes.

j cheekster 11w.jpg
Hi, Girls. So I took the boys on a trip to a baby store downtown today to look at strollers (they were thrilled
). The place I went was awesome as far as selection...they had the Bumbleride, BOB, Phil & Ted, City Selects, etc. However, the customer service was severely lacking, so when I make my final decision, I will certainly buy online. There was only 1 Bumbleride Indie to look at and this pregnant lady was looking at it for at least 25 minutes while I was going around the store looking at other things. At this point, no salesperson even acknowledged me or asked if I needed any help, so finally I asked the salesguy if he had another one in the back and he said yes, but disappeared and I never saw him again. So weird! Anyway, at that point Evan started waking up so I just went and told the lady very nicely that I had driven 30 minutes to see that stroller and asked if I could take 1 minute to look at it. I really liked how it wheeled around, but it is a little bigger than I had I''m still not 100% sure. Anyway, we left the store and went to lunch, now we are back home and I''m going to take them to the park this afternoon to enjoy the weather. Happy Friday all!

Oh and CUTE pics Fiery, Nov, Anchor & Mara!

Re: FB...I created a separate account for PS friends as well b/c I don''t want my IRL friends to find me here since I probably share too much. It only took a few minutes to set it up and I only check in like once a day to see pics and updates.
Oh and here''s my pic for this week. After his bath!

oh my gosh steph he is sooo cute there!!! that little face. and he''s chunking out too! adorable.

the indie is bigger than i had originally thought just from measurements, i think most of the 3 wheelers are just that much bigger. i do love that it folds up well and fits in our little A3 trunk. and it''s so funny because i told a friend what i had gotten and she said she sees them all the time and i thought WHERE? i swear i never heard of this thing before mandarine mentioned it. or maybe its mommy brain at it''s worst! hahaa.

oh and i went walking with it for an hour yesterday, it was great on the park trail. i just wish the sun shade was longer but we just tossed a blanket over the top. i actually think J would PREFER if it was less of a smooth ride because he likes to be jostled. weirdo!
The pics are adorable!!

November-I want to squeeze Olivia! She''s beautiful! Sophia canNOT pull off dresses, she looks awkward in them lol.

Anchor-Jacob is adorable and the onesie made me LOL

Mara-those cheeks are TDF! We need more pictures of Julian around here

Steph-Evan is so cute! I love his robe
Cute pics ladies
I swear that everyone on PS has such cute babies. By the way, fiery, I
Sophia''s hair.

Wow, phoenix, your OBGYN seems ridiculously blunt! I don''t know if I could handle that!

Viz - Yay for C! Maybe he is turning the corner with his sleeping. If he can go 5 hours without eating, maybe he will start sleeping that entire time.

As for the boys vs girls eating, it seems that all the boy babies I know eat more, but they all seem to throw up more too!

E is still totally breastfed, and he STTN for about 3 weeks straight at 4.5 months, but he''s been all over the place since then. I don''t think it is unreasonable for an EBF to STTN. I don''t even think E is hungry when he wakes up now. He just wants comfort. I think it has to do with him teething. Damn, I want that tooth to come in already.

Steph - Are you thinking about getting the Bumbleride after seeing it? My friend is due to have her second soon, and I told her about it after some people mentioned it in another thread I started about double strollers. We saw one at Disney yesterday, and I made her go up and ask about it. The owner really seemed to like it.

We had a great day at Disney yesterday. Now that E is more alert, he likes it more and more every time we go. Here is a pic of him from yesterday.

my birthday eli at disney.jpg all the cute pictures of all your babies!

LOL...that''s what I call them too "palm tree" it.
Awww...sitting here at work looking at these cute pics is making me miss my little girl.

fiery - I totally thought that was a palm tree! haha! What a cool picture. She completely fits in!

Mara - I love chubby cheeks too! So kissable.

November - Olivia looks so adorable in her Easter outfit

anchor - I love that onesie too. He looks like he's going to be tall!

Steph - awww..look at that face! .he looks like a cute little boxer! haha..

socal girl - wow...those dreamy eyes ....(swoon...!)
Hope D is feeling better and her bruising is gone.
Date: 4/16/2010 3:00:53 PM
Author: lili
Hope D is feeling better and her bruising is gone.
Thanks lili!
Yes, she seems much better now, thankfully.

Hey, I''ve been meaning to ask this question of someone on the toddler there a ban on baby/toddler pics there? I thought I read something to that effect. If so, why? I lurk there sometimes hoping to see some pics posted, but there''s hardly any. Just curious...I would love to see more pics of all the PS toddlers.
Date: 4/16/2010 3:10:05 PM
Author: Sha
Date: 4/16/2010 3:00:53 PM

Author: lili


Hope D is feeling better and her bruising is gone.

Thanks lili!
Yes, she seems much better now, thankfully.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask this question of someone on the toddler there a ban on baby/toddler pics there? I thought I read something to that effect. If so, why? I lurk there sometimes hoping to see some pics posted, but there's hardly any. Just curious...I would love to see more pics of all the PS toddlers.

LOL...there is no ban.
W/ this being a public forum, we felt a little uncomfortable posting pictures of our babies when they are older and more recognizable (less babyish).
Most of us post them on FB.

We always love it when someone post pictures....
that's why you see us perusing this and the preggo threads
Beautiful pics ladies! Here is J''s pic from yesterday.

Fiery- LOL @ Sophia''s pic! SO cute! J has that same blouse but it doesn''t fit her yet!
Ugh. Kara''s back down to 12g/day over the past week. Back to more aggressive feeding evey 2h during the day and forcing 1oz of EBM down after each feed. If that doesn''t do the trick, formula supplementing is next. If we hadn''t weighed her, I''d have thought all was good...

RPS - you back? Any words of advice?
A got his 2 month shots today ... poor baby is feeling warm and has been dozing and fussing since. i don''t think he feels good
. anyone know how to dose tylenol for a <24 lb < 2 y.o baby? and unfort we have some out of town visitors coming tomorrow and family insisting on seeing him all weekend. not that i don''t appreciate the amount of love everyone has for him, but sometimes i wish we could have more space. it''s so hard to try to keep his naps/routine on schedule when ppl keep wanting to come by -- and almost always late when he is going down for bedtime. how quickly one forgets what a newborn''s schedule is like!

in good news, he is weighing in at 12 lbs 1 oz and is 23 inches putting him at ~50th percentile all around -- doc says he''s the picture of health

pg - oh my, that''s blunt. but hey, different strokes for diff folks. don''t feel bad if you want to change to someone with a diff bedside manner.

rps - we miss you! come back come back!

viz - wheeee! 5 hours!
good job on the amazing progress you''re making with c

eb - what a little funster! that is so so cute!

fiery - sophia is just gorgeous!! i lurve her dark dark hair!

pandora - not looking fwd to temper tantrums!

mara - good luck on the crib move!! and yay for the hawaii trip stash!
i hear ya on the feeding thing. everytime A whimpers, the g''ma''s are like he''s hungry! he''s hungry! even when i leave specific instructions about if he finishes a bottle less than 2 hours before and is fussin -- he''s TIRED and needs a nap, NOT a bottle, they still call and say, can i give him a bottle?
and ditto on obssessed with chunkster cheeks. A''s are downright irresistible -- i have to refrain from biting them

nb - what a doll! she is peaches and cream perfection!

steph - how annoying -- i hate when customer service is poor. i''m the type totally willing to pay a little more for good service, but will go out of my way to not give commission to bad service. and seriously woman, you have ridiculously good looking kids. i feel for you when the teenage years roll around

anchor - yay for the return of the boob!!
and congrats on being a home owner

so cal - what a face! i love when you can see their personality coming out!! and ditto on swooning over his big doe eyes!!

sha - glad to hear D is feeling better!!
pg- Wow! Your Ob is super straightforward! I don''t know if I would feel comfortable. My mom is the same way! She told me the other day that I let myself go cuz I was wearing sweat pants to the mall.
Gah! All the pictures are so cute!!

Nothing new to report over here....blah, I''m so boring!

Work is much better, Evan is still sleeping through the night, He has now had Carrots, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potatoes and Peas and he has loved them all. Not a picky eater just yet.