
Roe v. Wade.

The night the leak came out about Abortion they put up small fences as a barrier around the Supreme Court Building. They replaced them with high nonscalable fences last night. WTH
The night the leak came out about Abortion they put up small fences as a barrier around the Supreme Court Building. They replaced them with high nonscalable fences last night. WTH

Because they know they've willfully subverted the will of the people.
@yssie, I figured it would be political suicide considering way more than half the country was against it and for that reason didn’t worry too much about it. Was I wrong.

I would like to see perjury charges brought up against Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett for lying during confirmation hearings.

I fully expected it so I am not surprised. But I am definitely sick about it and angry. Although more than half the country supports this basic right, it may not be first on their list. Many people vote with their pocketbook, not their ethics or beliefs.

I was thinking last night that i'd like to see these justices who lied at their confirmation hearings impeached. That will never happen, but I think it should. I'd have to go back and listen to their testimony as I'm sure they parsed their words when answering questions about precedent, super precedent, etc. They aren't stupid. I'm sure some gave answers that sounded like answers, but really weren't.
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I want to scream each time I hear someone state: If women don't want children they shouldn't have sex. If women don't want children, they should use birth control. Please, all women of child bearing years across this nation, stop having sex with men unless Roe v Wade is codified. Hoist the nutters on their own petards.

That was the first thought I had. Every last woman decides not to have sex. And try our best not to be impregnated and the human race dies out in a 100 years. What are they gonna do? Rape every last one of us? Not that they wouldn’t consider it. Some sci fi movie comes to mind, where women are just incubators. This road is so dark and disturbing that I find it hard to even contemplate the potential eventualities.
That was the first thought I had. Every last woman decides not to have sex. And try our best not to be impregnated and the human race dies out in a 100 years. What are they gonna do? Rape every last one of us? Not that they wouldn’t consider it.
They’d create legislation to demand intercourse from all women of childbearing age. And encourage private citizens to sue women who refused.
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Thought this might also be of interest.
Countries that Ban Abortion:
DR Congo
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Republic of the Congo
Sao Tome And Principe
Marshall Islands
San Marino

Forced pregnancy is a United Nations humans rights violation.
Thought this might also be of interest.
Countries that Ban Abortion:
DR Congo
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Republic of the Congo
Sao Tome And Principe
Marshall Islands
San Marino

Forced pregnancy is a United Nations humans rights violation.

Right up there with Iraq. Isn't that nice.
Right up there with Iraq. Isn't that nice.

We have already arguably lost first world status by a variety of metrics.
I thought it pertinent to know this would be our official induction in to the third world/developing nations countries if allowed to come to pass.
Reuters is reporting Louisiana lawmakers have advanced a bill that would abolish abortion in the state, grant constitutional rights to “all “unborn children from the moment of fertilization“ and classify abortion as a homicide crime.

OMG. We live in a sh$thole country. This gets scarier every day that passes.
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Reuters is reporting Louisiana lawmakers have advanced a bill that would abolish abortion in the state, grant constitutional rights to “all “unborn children from the moment of fertilization“ and classify abortion as a homicide crime.

God bless. I assume zygotedaddy will need to pay child support starting from moment of fertilization too?
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Reuters is reporting Louisiana lawmakers have advanced a bill that would abolish abortion in the state, grant constitutional rights to “all “unborn children from the moment of fertilization“ and classify abortion as a homicide crime.

Oh goodie, zygotes can vote and pay federal taxes. What a wonderful world.
Now I’m wondering how many other states will copy Louisiana.
We all are shaped by our experiences. The last few days have been extremely hard for many woman. I have always believed that abortion is a woman’s choice and it’s no ones business if a woman decides this is the best choice for her. It’s her choice PERIOD.

I was violently raped when I was young. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and one that still haunts me to this day. Had I gotten pregnant and was forced to have this monster’s child, I would have committed suicide. Reading Jean Schmidt’s comments last night had me in tears.

33% of all women who are raped contemplate suicide.
13% of all women who are raped commit suicide.

With the amount of rapes committed in this country on a yearly basis and the small fraction of men who go to prison for committing this crime, making no exception for rape and incest is unconscionable. I’ve yet to hear what stronger, stricter laws are going to be put in place for rapists. The good ole boy club is alive and well in America.

Thank you @Tonks for volunteering your time to help woman seeking an abortion.

I am disgusted by the fact that all women are being treated like second class citizens in this country. We are not a feee country. We have people actively trying to take away the right to make decisions regarding our own bodies.

Oh, @Calliecake , I’m so sorry you went through that.

Please take care of yourself—the news cycle is going to be full of all of this stuff for a good while.
Reuters is reporting Louisiana lawmakers have advanced a bill that would abolish abortion in the state, grant constitutional rights to “all “unborn children from the moment of fertilization“ and classify abortion as a homicide crime.

OMG. We live in a sh$thole country. This gets scarier every day that passes.

Yup. It got out of committee today. I read the text.

By moving the definition back to fertilization rather than implantation, it tees them up to ban birth control other than barrier methods.
On a lighter note, it reminds me of a scene from Legally Blonde when Elle is talking in class about emissions, "where the sperm is clearly not seeking an egg, could be termed reckless abandonment." I say let's go after that one! They'll all be locked-up within hours!
grant constitutional rights to “all “unborn children from the moment of fertilization“ and classify abortion as a homicide crime.
Won’t this make IVF all but impossible as an (unintended?) consequence? Are the doctors creating the embryos supposed to take maternal/paternal responsibility until they’re implanted? And must they implant all embryos they create, even non-ideal ones that are more likely to result in either a failed pregnancy or a child with significant health problems? Some rounds of IVF create many embryos that would presumably all need to be implanted by law with this definition (or the doctors would face murder convictions), even though multiple pregnancies are significantly more dangerous for mother and foetuses?!

So women who don’t want to be pregnant will be forced to be, while women who desperately want a child with their partner would likely find IVF illegal/impossible. What a ridiculous world these idiots want to create.

And what a short jump it would be to controlling the lifestyle and activities of pregnant women as a next step. It would be easy, for instance, to see them saying that driving carries a risk of accident that might damage the embryo, so pregnant women shouldn’t be allowed to drive, to ensure the foetus’s right to life. There goes freedom of movement for pregnant women as a next step.

It’s a slippery slope they want to create, and slipping downwards from an atrocious starting position. It’s a living nightmare they’ll create.
All of this is making me heart sick. It makes me realize a woman's hopes, dreams, aspirations for herself are 2ndary to others imposed beliefs in females value wholey tied with their reproductive status. Allowing women to be in control of their reproductive choices and family planning, improves the life, health and welfare of that woman and her entire family over her lifetime. Simply put, a fertilized egg in a woman who is against having that baby, is unviable. That woman (or scared teen) will do anything in her power to end that pregnancy. Pro lifers are ok with making that as difficult as possible. They are ok with trying to prevent safer means of abortion. They are ok with desperate woman injuring themselves, or even dying in the process. I'm sorry, but I care more about that already existing woman or teen or pubescent child and their life and their future. Anyone who has true compassion would as well.
And, pro life measures are not going to increase the number of born babies, it just shifts it to instances the woman is less prepared, less willing, or less medically favored to have that baby. I'm not a rocket scientist, but that doesn't seem like a good idea for anyone involved, including society in general.
A bunch of old dried-up men making laws for women. And we just let it happen because people wouldn't vote for the smart lady.

People vote for (in a word) themselves - rather, someone like them.
So, let's see - what kind of voter wouldn't vote for a smart person?

Hmmm. :think::think::think:
The Theory of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

I'm thrilled someone on PS finally brought up the S-word.

I support calling a spade, a spade.
People vary ... in this way too.
Why walk on eggshells, or pretend everyone's gray matter is "equal" too.
That was the first thought I had. Every last woman decides not to have sex. And try our best not to be impregnated and the human race dies out in a 100 years. What are they gonna do? Rape every last one of us? Not that they wouldn’t consider it. Some sci fi movie comes to mind, where women are just incubators. This road is so dark and disturbing that I find it hard to even contemplate the potential eventualities.

It’s not as simple as deciding not to have sex when we live in a nation with sexual assault and rape as rampant as they are. The statistics are appalling. Pregnancy is not always a choice.
Won’t this make IVF all but impossible as an (unintended?) consequence? Are the doctors creating the embryos supposed to take maternal/paternal responsibility until they’re implanted? And must they implant all embryos they create, even non-ideal ones that are more likely to result in either a failed pregnancy or a child with significant health problems? Some rounds of IVF create many embryos that would presumably all need to be implanted by law with this definition (or the doctors would face murder convictions), even though multiple pregnancies are significantly more dangerous for mother and foetuses?!

So women who don’t want to be pregnant will be forced to be, while women who desperately want a child with their partner would likely find IVF illegal/impossible. What a ridiculous world these idiots want to create.

And what a short jump it would be to controlling the lifestyle and activities of pregnant women as a next step. It would be easy, for instance, to see them saying that driving carries a risk of accident that might damage the embryo, so pregnant women shouldn’t be allowed to drive, to ensure the foetus’s right to life. There goes freedom of movement for pregnant women as a next step.

It’s a slippery slope they want to create, and slipping downwards from an atrocious starting position. It’s a living nightmare they’ll create.

Yes, it will affect IVF.

They have already started arresting women who are having miscarriages.

Welcome to Gilead. But seriously. I hope that women who are upset at the news, and the impeding abridgment of rights of women start having conversations. Not only other women but the men in their lives to have them invested in the quality of life and welfare of their mom's, sisters, friends, and partner. This should be an everyone problem.
I feel that we need to stop calling this a women’s reproductive health issue. This is a government grab at owning the physical autonomy of half its citizens creating a second class tier and threatening physical, emotional and economic health. If we continue to insist that “physical autonomy” is a woman’s issue, we confuse the issue and play by their rules. We need to call attempts to control private decisions made by doctor and patient Unacceptable governmental Tyranny over citizens. Attempts to control physical autonomy are based on religious, political or individual beliefs, which should NEVER infringe on Constitutional rights. No, we won’t back down. This needs to be addressed by Federal Law if the Supreme Court won’t do their job to defend our fundamental human rights.