
Roe v. Wade.

Come to think of it, I bet the SC let the bounty law stay because they knew that they were going to overturn Roe v Wade and Texas has a trigger law which would make the bounty law moot. Sniveling cowards.
Huff post is reporting that in an interview, McConnel spoke to the possibility of a national ban on abortions.
Just curious for those who are at “rage” level Is there anything that causes you pause? (I am middle of road here) I support a women’s right to choose, I believe rape and incest are real reasons to terminate. I believe in medical choices for the mother’s safety (sadly having experienced a difficult decision myself for my medical safety).

Where I struggle is the woman standing on the corner with a sign that says ”I had 21 abortions”. I struggle with women who choose to use abortion as birth control. This is just so painful and personal for me. What I would not have given to have had a different outcome. And oh how I struggle now with the memories of my doctors’ opinions the agony of giving up and the complete sadness after. To this day sitting alone thinking about it will bring me to tears.

I have a friend who had an abortion in her early 20’s. Then when she got married was never able to conceive. She is 60 now and to this day it pains her.

There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground anywhere anymore and certainly not on this topic.

Try not to lop my head off. Just posing an opinion or a feeling that doesn’t really have an answer but I’m sure will anger some.

P.S. I’m adopted. Somehow I think this also casts a shadow on how I feel.

I hesitate to post because I don't want to perceived as lobbing your head off. And because you've apparently left the thread.

In my mind there is no middle ground because it's a have it or don't medical procedure. I'm terribly sorry that you had to make an incredibly difficult decision. However, it was still a decision that you got to make. You got to choose. Just because it wasn't a choice that you wanted to make doesn't change the fact that it would have been considered a choice by medial professionals and law-makers.

If that right to choose is taken away it effects us all. Women die regularly in countries which outlaw abortion because doctors won't preform the procedure, even if it's one of the few cases where it's allowed, because they don't want to suffer the potential consequences, experts disagree all the time and those doctors face a murder trials, being sued, and losing their career and means for support. It's often better for those doctors to simply let a potentially dangerous pregnancy take it's course, kill the women and embryo, but that doctor still has their livelihood, their reputation, and their freedom in tact. To be honest, I don't blame doctors in that situation. Preforming an abortion, even if it seems like it might be one of the few legally allowed cases at the time a decision must be made, can have serious consequences.
Huff post is reporting that in an interview, McConnel spoke to the possibility of a national ban on abortions.

Yes, that will be the next step which is why the only way to stop it is for women and men in red states to help turn them blue in the mid-terms.
I am not as erudite as many of my fellow PSers, but I want to make a comparison.

My dad is a big NRA guy. I once had a conversation with him about the banning of assault rifles. He told me that if certain guns are banned, then where will it end? That banning certain guns was chipping away at the rights of gun owners.
Of course, the NRA is so big and powerful, they won't let it happen.

So, Isn't this the same thing? Aren't they chipping away at our rights as women?
These red states are already planning to take away all women's reproductive rights.
We need to be as powerful as the NRA.

Also, I just don't know how any of these male lawmakers have the audacity to make a ruling on something they will never ever have to experience.
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I see the right to get an abortion as allowing a citizen with equal rights under the law to determine what they want to do with their own body, along with their doctor. The best argument I’ve seen for abortion up until viability, is that forced pregnancy is forcing a person to assume medical risks that are potentially life threatening. To me, this is about forcing someone to assume medical risk for someone else. We don’t force people to donate kidneys or livers. So we don’t force someone to take on a dangerous physical process. Ever. Period. Up until viability. I had to change my mind about the compromise of limiting abortion only to the first 15 weeks or so, when I understood that it was asking someone to take on a potentially deadly medical condition, always involving injury, which we don’t do to people in any other circumstance (actually we do, and I object to that too) and we shouldn‘t ever.
Where I struggle is the woman standing on the corner with a sign that says ”I had 21 abortions”. I struggle with women who choose to use abortion as birth control. This is just so painful and personal for me. What I would not have given to have had a different outcome. And oh how I struggle now with the memories of my doctors’ opinions the agony of giving up and the complete sadness after. To this day sitting alone thinking about it will bring me to tears.

Respectfully, I don't think these are really "things." I know many people who have had an abortion. I know no one who has had two, let alone 21. I know no one who has used it as birth control. I think this is the "welfare queen" canard of the present day.

No one (no one!) is "pro-abortion," despite what you have been led to believe. Everyone I know who has gone through this has struggled with the decision and some have questioned their decision decades later. I am the child of a parent who was a late-life unplanned pregnancy and was (by some accounts) "supposed" to be aborted and I have a dear relative who was "supposed" to be aborted.

To imply that it was so hard for you but all those other people just head to the clinic every other month and never think twice -- that is how we "make exceptions for ourselves" while minimizing the hardships of others. I don't buy it. I do not think your obviously heart-wrenching experience was the least bit special in the world of abortions. It's just that your experience is the only one you are deeply familiar with.

To me, it's only about who has the right to make that choice for a woman. No one can make it easy. It's not about what's a "good" abortion and what's a "bad" abortion. And it is not someone else's decision. And I don't care if the (comically misnamed) "pro-life" set could or would guarantee a life of unicorns and luxury for that "saved" baby and send it to Harvard -- that is all 100% irrelevant.

It's a surprising assertion to imply that a forum composed largely of affluent, articulate (read: educated) women is a lop-sided echo chamber. Educational attainment is one of the key demographic determinants associating with an interest in social justice -- of which women's rights is but one element. This is why the anti-choice set is forced to lie about its agenda and pack the courts with anti-choice activists who have similarly lied about their agenda.
I'm just so sad that we have to keep talking about this. Sad and angry. This should not be rising on the horizon. It should be descending. I spoke to my daughter today, In her early 30's. She is appalled as I am, but she didn't think this was really coming. I told her that I did after the last 3 justices that were seated on the SC. And we discussed how Obama's nominee was never given a chance for a confirmation hearing. How that may have changed the makeup to the point with Roberts, as a swing vote, we might not have been facing this. Maybe this is too political to say, but it's fact.
Huffington Post ran an article where it was suggested that a National ban on abortion is possible if the Supreme Court guts Roe vs Wade.

Sad and angry describes how many of us are feeling @Lookinagain .
Huffington Post ran an article where it was suggested that a National ban on abortion is possible if the Supreme Court guts Roe vs Wade.

Sad and angry describes how many of us are feeling @Lookinagain .

I believe the backlash against such a ban would be so great and so swift that this country would see another civil war. From what I’m seeing on Tiktok and other socials, VERY few people (uterus owners and non-owners) are pro-abortion ban.

That said, the ramifications for just, let’s say, young boys becoming fathers with no option to NOT become fathers would mean less inclusion (think D1-3 athletes, award-winners, academic candidates, etc). And the middle class boys? Well, they’d never be able to join the club hoping to get a leg up and into the next societal level. And that’s just talking about white kids. Disadvantaged youth, young men who have been raised to become pro-athletes no matter what, boys in religious families…

Which is why if a ban actually happens and boys/men aren’t forced to give a DNA sample once they reach the age they can produce and ejaculate speed, women can and should revolt. This is the ultimate ploy to further the divide between rich and poor. The problem is we still have people who refuse to see WHY there is a divide and still hold out hope that they will someday (if they do everything “right!”) ascend to some promised land level. Like, listen up Pole Barn Paul, supporting either side isn’t going to boost you into the upper echelons of FarmCity from your current lowly status of Deputy of FarmTinyVillage.
Huffington Post ran an article where it was suggested that a National ban on abortion is possible if the Supreme Court guts Roe vs Wade.

Sad and angry describes how many of us are feeling @Lookinagain .

Yes, I heard that too. At least Biden can still veto and then at least you'd need 2/3rds of both houses to override which would hopefully be hard to get unless the mid-terms really shake things up. That takes us to Jan. 20, 2025 at least.
I have typed answers many times and I've never send them. It was always long and not concise enough.
It boils down to: I'm sorry, my heart goes out to all of you. This is autocratic, misogynistic, horrible.
Ok, I need to get off Twitter. They are saying that Amy on the court was saying that women need to have babies because there are women who want to adopt babies and there isn’t enough supply of this commodity.

I have so much rage about this I want (in my thoughts, not actions) to DO something about this. *no emoji exists for how mad I am*

edited to add: part of the quote is: the US needs a “domestic supply of infants”

These people are DISGUSTING

I remember reading that the US adoption industry is a 15 billion annual industry.
I remember reading that the US adoption industry is a 15 billion annual industry.

And diapers something like 80 billion.
They're also actively trying to get rid of child labor laws...
Don’t forget the freaks are trying to keep child marriage also
Content warning for SV: This is part and parcel and a continuation of stripping women's rights. It's worth the read as it is eye opening. This is already our reality of tiered justice. What happens when women no longer even have the pretense of autonomy/rights/choice?

@ItsMainelyYou, I read about Bowen Turner the day it was announced the Supreme Court was going to overturn Roe vs Wade. Daily Mail also ran a story on him. Sickening.
I am horrified that Roe will be overturned. I have two daughters, 21 & 19. I cannot fathom if they were sexually assaulted and were forced to have a child with their rapist. Sharing parental rights with a monster. How is that the better option than allowing a woman to choose what is right for her own body?

I have witnessed a family member have multiple abortions growing up. 5 to be exact. I walked with her past the protesters as she was going in for her 5th. I grew up 100% against abortion because of this experience. I was a believer that life began at conception. I would have been on the other side. Then I gave birth to a baby girl.

No one should be forced to carry a child to term based on someone else's beliefs. Period!

Oh Goddie Gum Drops! :dance:

Millions of unwanted kids will surely Make America Great Again! :doh::doh::doh::nono::nono::nono:

Life is sacred :pray::pray::pray: ya know, well, sacred while it is unborn.

You ever notice that the people who are against a woman's freedom to choose never adopt any of these babies??

For most of my career, as a psychotherapist, I've worked with women who have had more kids than they could handle. They don't believe in abortion. But, what about the young women who do? Should they lose their right to choose??? Absolutely NOT!!
You ever notice that the people who are against a woman's freedom to choose never adopt any of these babies??

These same people don’t want school lunches provided for poor children and complain their tax dollars are going to help poor families. Yet they claim to care so much about a fetus.

It’s all about controlling women.
These same people don’t want school lunches provided for poor children and complain their tax dollars are going to help poor families. Yet they claim to care so much about a fetus.

It’s all about controlling women.

I think In their minds it it about personal responsibility. They think it’s your responsibility to feed your kids. To give birth to the kid you conceived irresponsibly. It’s your responsibility to pay for your kids college— don’t allow loan forgiveness bc you knew what you were doing when you signed up for those loans. Etc. They don’t believe in allowing others to make mistakes. That’s what I think they think based on their policies.
To give birth to the kid you conceived irresponsibly.

What about the kids that weren't conceived irresponsibly? Are not a product of mistake? Those pregnancies that have issues and either threaten the life of the mother or the potential child is severely damaged, etc? I agree with you that what you state is the reason for some, but that rationale seems to apply only to those who use abortion as birth control. And don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone should be forced to have any child, be it conceived irresponsibly or not. But how does personal responsibility or lack thereof come into play when there are other many other reasons women choose abortion that have nothing to do with bc. These other reasons don't seem to come into play for people like the person who put forth the Louisiana bill saying life begins at conception and any thing that prevents birth is murder. This goes way beyond punishing people for lack of personal responsibility. It's something else and I honestly can't wrap my head around what it is..
What about the kids that weren't conceived irresponsibly? Are not a product of mistake? Those pregnancies that have issues and either threaten the life of the mother or the potential child is severely damaged, etc? I agree with you that what you state is the reason for some, but that rationale seems to apply only to those who use abortion as birth control. And don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone should be forced to have any child, be it conceived irresponsibly or not. But how does personal responsibility or lack thereof come into play when there are other many other reasons women choose abortion that have nothing to do with bc. These other reasons don't seem to come into play for people like the person who put forth the Louisiana bill saying life begins at conception and any thing that prevents birth is murder. This goes way beyond punishing people for lack of personal responsibility. It's something else and I honestly can't wrap my head around what it is..

I said that I think that’s what they think based on their other policies—I’m not here to defend their perspective.
I said that I think that’s what they think based on their other policies—I’m not here to defend their perspective.

I didn't think that you were. I was just pointing out some holes in their logic.