
Roe v. Wade.

Saw this on a friend’s IG. So much truth here. And how does the anti-choice contingent counter?
(Spoiler: They don’t.)


Best argument I've seen, but cultish tribalism and a lack of rationality and critical thinking skills will prevent some people from recognizing the logic here. :(sad
C. Thomas has already stated that precedents re: same sex marriage, contraception, sodomy, need to be reexamined.

Alito's assertions were undercut by a concurrence by Thomas, who explicitly called for the court to reconsider its rulings striking down state restrictions on contraceptives, state sodomy bans and state prohibitions on same-sex marriage.
"Because any substantive due process decision is 'demonstrably erroneous,'" Thomas wrote, "we have a duty to 'correct the error' established in those precedents."
The liberal dissenters used Thomas' concurrence to go after Alito's assurances that the court was not putting those precedents at risks by overturning Roe.
Who cares! As long as they can shoot their w@d and guns :angryfire:
Sorry @stracci2000 I mean no anger towards you, but I am spittin’ pissed!

I know!
I keep wondering why these lawmakers haven't thought of their boys? They are laying the responsibility squarely on the women. The whole family will be disrupted when little Johnny gets his girlfriend pregnant. Forget law school, get a quick job at the carwash!
It takes two to make a baby, and the boys need to pay for not keeping their d!cks in their pants.
We rank last overall in maternal mortality among industrialized countries. Women's health obviously isn't a priority here. And, in a country so filled with hate, divisiveness, inadequate mental health care, and unequal access to health care, we are going to throw gas on the flames by adding to the emotional, physical, and psychological challenges faced by the LBGTQ+ community.

Vote, and vote wisely.
How many women who desperately want a child will die due to entopic pregnancies? Dr's in TX already won't preform D&Cs for fear of being sued. It is madness.

I offer this isn't just male supremacy and control, it is also taking away religious rights and imposing the ideas of a single religion on everyone else. Jews and Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains-none of these religions believe life begins at conception. All believe in bodily autonomy of the living. But heaven forfend religious school (bet this won't mean madrassas) won't get state funding.
With all the insanity that’s been going on I‘m angry, disappointed and fearful for our country and the security that we’ve taken for granted. We have fought these injustices already. What’s next for the women of the US?Repealing the 19th amendment?
Look out same sex marriage they’re coming for that next.

We've focused so long on attacks from other countries that I’m stunned by what has/is happening here. I’m really worried for our country!

ETA: Voting? Ha! We’ve got con artists gaslighting and tampering with that!
The justice department just issued a statement that says, “The FDA has approved the use of the medication Mifepristone. States May not ban Mifepristone based on disagreements with the FDA’s expert judgement about its safety and efficacy.”

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As soon as babydaddy’s identity is established that man should owe child support - backdating to moment of conception. Because a “child” has rights from that moment, right?
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As soon as babydaddy’s identity is established that young man should owe child support - backdating to moment of conception. Because a “child” has rights from that moment, right?

Also, women get to file for child tax credits, use the carpool lane, and claim the child on taxes too.
Can they sue to have all costs related to prenatal care, delivery, and any lost wages covered by the state that denied them the ability to have an abortion if they wanted one?
Saw this on a friend’s IG. So much truth here. And how does the anti-choice contingent counter?
(Spoiler: They don’t.)


If I could “like” this ten thousand times I would.

Just horrified. Appalling, shameful, regressive, repressive, misogynistic. No words are enough to express how I feel.
I am disgusted.

Whether you agree with abortion or not, it’s not your choice: We can agree to debate on some things, but this is not an issue I will debate… this is not your choice. I am so vehemently pissed off, distraught, disgusted, and absolutely exhausted that this had to happen. I don’t care if you have a moral obligation against it, I don’t care if you have a negative position on it, a religious disposition, whatever. I don’t care if you don’t want to have an abortion… I don’t care.

You do not have the right to dictate another body based on your religion, moral preference.

Hypothetical situation: Susie is 16, became pregnant with her boyfriend… she’s terrified, embarrassed. Her state has banned abortions, and is against her. Her boyfriend, kicks her down the stairs, she hits her head and dies.

Hypothetical situation #2: Meghan was accosted by her uncle, she’s 12, just hit puberty. She knows she’s pregnant after a couple months, she lives in a state that has banned abortion. She tries to self-abort, hurts herself, gets an infection, and gets sick.

Hypothetical situation #3: Amanda’s fetus has passed away inside of her… her stillbirth will kill her, she goes to another state to get an abortion, gets it, and she is now a convicted felon in her state.

Get out of a woman’s womb, get away from a woman’s choice, stop the rich, old, religious patriarchy. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, and never stop voting.

“My body, my choice,” was such a token phrase, and a right when it came to vaccinations… That doesn’t apply when it comes to an unwanted pregnancy… You wanna preach this and that on your own agenda.. I’m exhausted from it.

I’m here for every woman in the United States and every country that has inhibited women.

How can a bunch of men.......MEN!.......tell us what they think is best for women?
Have you tried telling a man details about menstruation? Have you seen them squirm, turn green, and change the subject? They don't even want to know about how our bodies work!
How can they then make a ruling on something they don't even want to understand?
How can a bunch of men.......MEN!.......tell us what they think is best for women?
Have you tried telling a man details about menstruation? Have you seen them squirm, turn green, and change the subject? They don't even want to know about how our bodies work!
How can they then make a ruling on something they don't even want to know about?

I am so angry right now. This should not be a decision for the states, the government, or anyone, but each individual woman. PERIOD.

The right to bear arms is safe but the right to do what we want with our own bodies is not.
As soon as babydaddy’s identity is established that man should owe child support - backdating to moment of conception. Because a “child” has rights from that moment, right?

All the back to when the female was born because females are born with all the eggs they'll ever produce. Maybe the men should pay child support for all 400,000 eggs that survive to puberty because how do we know which of those was the chosen one. Yeah, sarcasm, cause I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn angry.
How can a bunch of men.......MEN!.......tell us what they think is best for women?
Have you tried telling a man details about menstruation? Have you seen them squirm, turn green, and change the subject? They don't even want to know about how our bodies work!
How can they then make a ruling on something they don't even want to understand?

Because women have allowed it. For all of you out there who feel all is lost and that we don't have the power to effect change, remember Rosa Parks, remember Iceland where the majority of women went on strike to protest unfair labor practices. This country can't run without us. If we all sit down and do nothing, went on strike against the entire poop show, I wager it wouldn't take long to enact change.
Michelle Obama

I am heartbroken today.

I am heartbroken for people around this country who just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their own bodies.

I am heartbroken that we may now be destined to learn the painful lessons of a time before Roe was made law of the land—a time when women risked losing their lives getting illegal abortions. A time when the government denied women control over their reproductive functions, forced them to move forward with pregnancies they didn’t want, and then abandoned them once their babies were born.

That is what our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived through, and now here we are again.

So yes, I am heartbroken—for the teenage girl, full of zest and promise, who won’t be able to finish school or live the life she wants because her state controls her reproductive decisions; for the mother of a nonviable pregnancy who is now forced to bring that pregnancy to term; for the parents watching their child’s future evaporate before their very eyes; for the health care workers who can no longer help them without risking jail time.

When we don’t understand our history, we are doomed to repeat its mistakes. In this country, our futures are tied together in a delicate tapestry that we each have a hand in making. Too often, cynicism or indifference makes us feel like we don’t have a say in weaving it, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The more we allow pessimism to push us further into helplessness, the less we will be empowered to help create the kind of country we want to live in.

This horrifying decision will have devastating consequences, and it must be a wake-up call, especially to the young people who will bear its burden. I know this is not the future you chose for your generation—but if you give up now, you will inherit a country that does not resemble you or any of the values you believe in.

This moment is difficult, but our story does not end here. It may not feel like we are able to do much right now, but we can. And we must.

If you’re like me and you want to get started right now, I encourage you to channel your frustration and anger into action by getting involved. Organizations like Planned Parenthood and The United State of Women, among many others, have resources you can look to if you want to help others or if you need help yourself.

Our hearts may be broken today, but tomorrow, we’ve got to get up and find the courage to keep working towards creating the more just America we all deserve. We have so much left to push for, to rally for, to speak for—and I know we can do this together.

Planned Parenthood:
- Access care, learn more, and get involved:

The United State of Women Reproductive Justice Hub
- Access care, volunteer, and donate to abortion funds:

I don’t live in your country and couldn’t even begin to pretend I know anything about it or what being a citizen of it means.

But I am a woman.

And I am so sorry and outraged for each and every one of you.
IMO, there is NOTHING we can do that would make up for this invasion of our rights.
Not making the baby daddy cover all expenses. Not refusing to have sexual intercourse. Nothing.

The only thing that will make this right is to allow women the right to do as they please with their OWN bodies.

Stay out of my personal business. Stay out of my doctor patient relationship.
Or I will use my right to bear arms all over you. (Just kidding on that one but you get the point). That isn't funny and neither is this.
It would certainly be very useful right now if certain important persons were struck dead. Would change the course of history.

Pox to them. I hope they drop dead.
This is only the beginning.
Under His Eye.
This is the Christian way.
Keep sweet.

Enjoy what is left of your fleetingly perceived freedoms while you have the illusion of them.

No one will be immune from the coming subjugation. Not by creed, nor by sex.
Not even you.
No one.