
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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also the file needs to be under 1mb... go to the first page of this thread and GoldenGirl wrote out instructions on how to post pictures... I cant wait to see them!!!! YEA!!!!
Welcome all new ladies-in-waiting!! Hope you all enjoy your stay!

NoonersMom - January 17th is my birthday!! What a great day, huh?

ginger - Congrats on your dream stone and setting!!! That Tacori rosebud custom will be amazing!! I can''t wait, I don''t know how you''re dealing with the anticipation!!

Croi - any chance you''ll get to post pics of the Ireland countryside for me/us on here? I dream of visiting Ireland someday!

goldengirl - Thanks for the nail polish tip! Should have thought of that myself! LOL - that''s what I did with my Claire''s p-rings!!

lovey - I''m DROOLING!!!! That setting sounds awesome with your Asscher!!!!

blueroses - So glad your dad''s doing better!!! I meant to post this after your last update, but you could just remind your dad that he has to take extra care of himself if he wants to walk you down the aisle someday!!
I''ve been taking every chance I can to look at my mom''s wedding ring! She hasn''t cleaned it in a while, so her sapphires in the w-band look oily cause they''re dirty, but otherwise it''s really nice! I think it might be an OEC, cause it''s an estate ring they got off ebay, and it''s beautiful! I''m obsessed too, I might quit my PhD and become a gemologist! (Yeah right, I''m too much of a science geek to quit the PhD, but after graduation.....)

Update on JC''s real e-ring. I found an awesome stone through the PS searches yesterday, and sent the webpage to my FI. Now, maybe it''s because he''s stressed out at work this week, but he wasn''t too thrilled about it (.414 ct, I, SI2, only 3 tiny clouds, H&A, less than $700
). Or maybe he''s got something in the workings that he hasn''t hinted about yet....
side view....

SuziQ - Awesome looking ring!!! That stone is so icy white and HUGE!!!!! And the proposal - so sweet!! Congratulations!!!
Welcome to the new ladies!! Three in one day, wow, this list just gets crazier every day!!

NoonersMom, don't feel bad... I SELDOM get any work done at the office!!
The Ritani you like is a beautiful setting and Leon is well worth checking out if you like pave. If you don't, don't stick around here too long, or odds are you'll learn to LOOOOOVE it!! lol.. The Ritani will have a premium price tag for its name, much like a BMW, you will pay less of a premium if you shop someplace other than the large chain mall stores like Bailey Banks & will find recommendations for many vendors here, like Whiteflash or GoodOldGold or Wink Jones. I'd look around at their sites or give them a call and see what they can do for you. Like Leon, these guys will also do custom work.

kasih--isn't that first time ring shopping so exciting?!? Tell us a little about yourselves, whatever you feel comfortable sharing, age, location, time together, when you first started talking about marriage, if you have any cute dogs I can drool over, etc.

persistent, congrats on your recent graduation! And CONGRATS on your recent diamond purchase!! How exciting for you! How long do you think he'll make you wait? Has he set himself a time frame, like "You'll get it before next year"? Oooooh, I'd be tearing the house apart to get a looksee!!

blue, so glad to hear your dad's recovering! And I'm glad your mom has diamonds for you to play with in the meantime... I did the same thing to my mom, we met in NYC for a play (me from AZ, her from UT) and I was asking if she'd bring her diamond collection for me to ooogle. She said no, of course, probably the smart thing to do since we planned on walking around New York for the day, but we did get to compromise with a nice long trip to the diamond district. Hooray! That one block has more bling than I've ever seen in my life!!!

susiQ, what a cute story! I love that he managed to surprise you, and I love that he did it on the beach... how sweet! And that ring is just perfect... that stone looks HUGE!! What size is it, and what size is your probably-tiny finger???
New list!

Dodger Gurl
kayla17 (honorary member)
JCJD (honorary member)
innerkitten(honorary member)
Date: 12/15/2004 9:56:23 AM
Author: fortheloveofdiamonds

As for your coworkers-vs-friends ring. There are two factors that may be at play here. 1. cut 2. lighting. Diamonds, even the best ones, perform differently under different lighting. Sometimes my ring shoots arrows of dark reds, oranges, sometimes it shoots all the colors of the rainbow, sometimes it is just icy white. It really depends where you are and what kind of lighting it is in. Observe rings in all kinds of lighting before you make a decision!!

And then there''s the dirt factor... I can''t believe how dull my ring can look by the end of the day! Maybe one of them also cleans her rings more regularly than the other?

and more....

SuziQ, i LOVE the ring!!! Gotta love the cathedral setting!
I second the posting of stats on that rock! Your beach proposal sounds very sweet and romantic and perfect! How wonderful that he totally caught you off gaurd! Congratulations!
even more.....

here is my finace!!!!! I took this when we first got on the beach before the proposal (I am constantly taking pictures) It was really bright out, so he is making a funny face

This is where it happened!!!

jaxbeachproposal (1).JPG
And the final picture: a very happy couple!!!!

oh ladies & gent .... .hello one and all
I just love coming here now and catching up !

blue -- great about your dad, hope he keeps improving back to his old self

suziQ -- wow, wow - not only a GORGEOUS ring, but such pretty slim fingers and perfect fingernails, I can''t ever post pics on here now ! heh

JCJD -- oh, you found my failing ! photographs, I ADORE photographs (taking them, not really being in them!) and one thing I went after right away was my favourite photographer from home - she is amazing and if we can splurge on one thing it''s going to be the photos.
here is a link, I kinda dare anyone not to love her stuff
(um, I hope it''s okay to post a link - is that allowed on PS?)

anyway, congrats again to SuziQ and I loved how he proposed ! so cute !

welcome to the newbies !! hello, you are all going to love it here, everyone is so nice !

my news is terrific too - had a long chat with my honey re: all the ''stuff'' last night and everything is fine. we hope to get a day to ourselves soon to start fine-tuning some of our plans and I''m hoping/hoping/hoping/excited at the thought that it might happen (the official proposal) before the end of January as I am flying home then (who asked if I was in Ireland ? live in Mass. but go home a LOT - I''m the only member of my family who isn''t there !
) as it would be SO AMAZING to spring the news on my Mom and sisters and start the plans in motion.

me, in a happy place
Finally, the specs

.84 ct RB unbranded H&A GIA cert.
table 57%
depth 60.3%
ex polish/ex symm
no flour/culet
white gold cathedral setting with platinum head
ring size 4.5 (finger size 4)
Wow!! Suzi, your ring is gorgeous!! but YOU are even more gorgeous!!!! and your fiance is not too bad at all :)! You guys make a beautiful couple and your will make a gorgeous bride!!!
SuziQ - you''re gorgeous, and you two make a beautiful couple!!!

I would have guessed 1ct on your stone! Gotta love these tiny fingers we have (I''m size 4.5)!

Croi - Thanks for the link, and it''s perfectly acceptable to post links on here, at least I hope it is, cause I''ve done so myself! I agree, the photog will be the one area of our wedding that we won''t scrimp on, cause photos are all we''ll really have for the rest of our lives to remember our day.

Any advice on this ladies? There''s a local jeweler here in town that is retiring, so he''s having a huge going out of business sale. I''d like to check it out for wedding day jewelry and bridesmaids gifts. My problem is I''m on a tight budget, so if I find something I really like, I can''t wait to save the $$ or for it to go down in price cause it might be gone tomorrow. Should I risk it anyways? I can always just go in for ideas I suppose. Thanks!
Thank you for all the compliments! So sweet!!!

Yes I am definitely thankful for the small fingers... I always tell Reese his wallet should be thankful too! I have girlfriends with size 7 and 6 fingers and they have 1 carat and over diamonds that look the same size or smaller than mine!(of course they are probably deep cuts in addition)

So now ladies I need some wedding planning support
Congrats SusieQ! I agree with what everybody else said! Beautiful couple, beautiful ring, lovely small hands!! Talk to me about wedding plans! I''m not allowed to do ANY until after the holidays!!
Oh my, this thread has grown!! It grew so fast I couldnt keep up with it! Just checked out the last page, and wanted to say that your ring SusiQ is really gorgeous and looks way bigger than it is! You and your fiance make a stunning couple. If anyone else has become engaged (i''m going to have to read back) then congratulations!! I think my name will be crossed off the list next week, if my hunches are correct.
Suzy Q,

I love the ring! It looks very, very big on your tiny fingers! You guys are a beautiful couple.
susiq - omg what a sweet proposal story! and your ring is elegant and classic. I can''t beleive it isn''t over a looks so huge on your fingers, and icy white!! and you guys are a great looking couple!

blueroses - i''m so glad to hear your dad is doing better! i bet that is the best christmas gift you could ask for...second best being the ring of course!

JCJD - ooooh! so we have stone potentials exciting! fyi...i''ve found lots of great diamonds by blue nile that aren''t on ps. if you don''t want to pay the blue nile premium...just do what alot of other psers do, get mark turnkowski or someone else to get the diamond for you for much less. i thin moremoremore does that, or has done that. just another database of diamonds to check.

croi - yay!
Date: 12/15/2004 11:43:53 AM
Author: rfath
Date: 12/15/2004 9:56:23 AM

Author: fortheloveofdiamonds

As for your coworkers-vs-friends ring. There are two factors that may be at play here. 1. cut 2. lighting. Diamonds, even the best ones, perform differently under different lighting. Sometimes my ring shoots arrows of dark reds, oranges, sometimes it shoots all the colors of the rainbow, sometimes it is just icy white. It really depends where you are and what kind of lighting it is in. Observe rings in all kinds of lighting before you make a decision!!

And then there''s the dirt factor... I can''t believe how dull my ring can look by the end of the day! Maybe one of them also cleans her rings more regularly than the other?

LOL ! That had me laughing out loud at my desk! Stop making me look crazy to my coworkers! =)
Blue - glad your dad is doing better! I admit i started staring at my moms ring a lot more than usual the past 6 months or so!

Croi - HOLY COW!!! I love Riona!!!! That is totally my style of photo. Every single picture looks like sooooo much fun and all the "artsy" type ones are fabulous... they look like they should be advertising perfume or jewelry or something REALLY expensive... you HAVE to get her!!!! I love #15, what a great way to show off the back of your dress AND bridal party! And the boys skipping with the flowers (#22) and #31, boys and their guiness! Oh my... how much do you think it would cost to get her to come to Virginia??!?!?! GET HER!!!!!
SusiQ : Congratulations! What a sweet proposal and beautiful ring! I must say your diamond looks much larger than .84!! You guys make a beautiful couple!
susiQ - what an awsome ring, looks great on you! i love the beach proposal! what pier is that in the background? it reminds me of the cocoa beach pier (my most favorite place!) only 12 more days till i''m in sunny warm fl!!!! this morning when i left for work the temp here in milwaukee was 19 (it was 14 yesterday).
congrats again
susiQ: Your ring is beautiful, and you and your fiance are so cute together! I can''t wait to hear the wedding details. Not to mention that stone looks so much bigger on your tiny fingers. I have boy hands, and ring size is 6.5 (thanks to having wide joints...I get them from my dad).
blue - i''m glad that your dad is going to be alright! you and your family will contiune with my good thoughts.

noonersmom - i am in wi also, i am in the milwaukee area, i have a great jeweler near the airport if your interested. of course i haven''t seen my ring yet, it is now in fl awaiting my arrival. my sister has seen the ring and gave the final approval (my ff bought it over the phone cuz we thought since i live in wi that is where it should come from), my sis tells me it is awsome but that is all i know, i wanted something to be a suprise
SusiQ - your ring looks enormous on your finger - and you and your fiance are just as gorgeous!

you made me laugh aloud with your enthusiasm for Riona - yes, she''s phenomenal and I contacted her and, miracle of miracles, she IS free on May 1st - so we are pencilled in !!!! whoop-dee-do !
I hope to see her when I go home in January, to get it written down in sharpie irremovable ink !

brooksgirl24 and palmbeachbabe - SOOOOOOO exciting !! you two will be the next ones off our list and joining SuziQ (who is so smiley and happy and pretty with handsome beau to match ! congrats honey, you two are DARLING together)

whoever has the 6.5 ring finger - count me as a sister !

hmmm, speaking of things wedding-y ....... has anyone any ''thoughts'' on the idea of different dresses for your bridesmaids, similiar style but different colours perhaps ?? I am leaning towards this as all of my sisters are soooo different, I thought I could ''borrow'' some cousins little girls for flower girls and do them up in a colour to match each ''big girl'' ........
thoughts on this ???

btw, I am still trying to get a handle on the whole diamond-how-do-you-chose-it thing ... I am learning loads but still a bit lost (for instance the conversation where DG pointed out differences in depth etc. ....... eeek ! lost me !) I am hoping to come up with some very intelligent diamond questions anyday now instead of all this ooooh-ing and aaaah-ing

and just so you all know ahead of time - I don''t care when it happens, I''m not leaving you all - this is a GREAT bunch of folk - I''ll be ''in-waiting'' forever !!!!
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