
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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susiq- Your ring is gorgeous (and so are you and your fiance!!). It looks soooo white (and bigger than .84!!!) It looks wonderful on your beautiful hands. Congrats again!! I wish I lived somewhere were I could be on the beach in December!!!
croi - I know someone who is doing the different colors/ same style for their bridesmaids. I don''t know how it will turn out yet, but it sounds neat. My best friend is having the SAME color but different styles for her bridesmaids, which i am one of. It seems like it will look nice. I personally am going to have them all wear the same dress, with the possible exception of some being tea length and some being full length.

SusiQ - Wow! What a gorgeous ring! I really like that setting! Its so pretty. Congrats! That was a really sweet proposal, and you two are an adorable couple, good job

Lovey - Absolute gorgeous!!

Blueroses - Glad to hear that your dad is doing better. Hopefully things keep getting better.

Well, I have another update. He called yesterday. I had just finished my final and checked my cell for any messages and noticed that I had one missed call, from him. I called him back right away and he was on the line with someone else and said that he''d call me back. I wasn''t really expecting him to, but he did and we talked for about a half hour. We basically argued for the whole duration of the call. I got everything that I needed to say off of my chest. I told him how mad I was that he just forgot about me for two weeks, thinking that I would just accept the behavior and stick around once he decided to talk to me again. He said that he''s been really busy at work and stressed out in general. So I told him that if he had really wanted to talk to me, he would have called, he had nothing to say to that. He did say that he was going to pay me back my money, but I''d have to give him my mom''s address since I''m not at school anymore and I dont want to do that, so he can send it to me later.

Things are through between he and I. I don''t want to deal with this anymore. I can''t trust him anymore and he doesn''t respect me anymore, so there''s no point in trying to fix things. The only way I could maybe trust him again is if he moved up here, and that won''t happen anytime soon, so I will just let go.

On the up side, I went out last night with some friends from work and had a great time. One of the guys I worked with (he just graduated and is now done) designed the engagement ring for his fiancee. It was simply gorgeous! I didn''t get a really good look at it because it was really dark in the bar, but wow, even in the low lighting it really sparkled. Its .50 carat and looks huge on her tiny finger. It was a tension setting and it was different from what I''ve seen before, I don''t really know how to describe it. I''m going to have to get a better look at it in the future. I''m so jealous! He said that they''re not getting a wedding band because he doesn''t want to take away from the engagement ring, so she''ll get earings or a necklace instead. Its a nice idea, but I must be really old fashioned because I want a wedding band.

Is there a new trend starting? I''ve noticed lately that guys have their own ''engagement rings''. My friend is wearing a titanium band on his left ring finger and he told me that he''ll have a different one when he gets married. I have heard that some fiancees want this because if they have to wear a ring, then the guy must wear one too. Any thoughts on this?
quickly- susiQ your ring is beautiful, beautiful engagement, and you and your future hubby are sooo cute together! many congrats!!

BOL- sounds like you''re getting everything sorted out and moving on. good for you! everything will work out

(now i must stop messing around on ps- huge exam in 36 hours!!)
BOL--I''m sorry for the way things ended up, but I''m glad that you at least got some closure. As for the male e-ring, I think it''s hand-in-hand with the other new e-gifts...the engagement motorcycle and the engagement plasma TV, to name a few. I think it''s really hit mainstream that men get a gift to mark the engagement, too, and I wouldn''t mind if mine wore an ering; after all, I''m wearing a ring that screams "TAKEN!", why shouldn''t he??
If he wanted one I''d be happy to buy one for him. I think he''d still prefer the engagement motorcycle.

susiQ, you two make just the most adorable couple!!!

Okay, guys, off-topic question: if you''re working, do you have benefits? ..and would you consider them "good", "eh", or "why bother?". I might have the opportunity to go full-time at my realtor''s office but I don''t want a full-time gig if I''m not getting any benefits (and a really good pay raise to make up for the lack is not going to happen), so I think I''m going to ask for them. If she can''t offer me benefits, I''m going to have to keep looking for a different position, because one of these days I''m going to really need health insurance...
Fortheloveofdiamonds: you were so right! we all went out to lunch today and under the restaurant lighting her diamond sparkled like mad! God, what a total difference!

ETA: my bf's birthday is this weekend. this morning as we were slowing waking up he asks, "am i turning 36 or 37 this year?" and i tell him it's the latter. then he says, "wow, i guess i should hurry up and buy your ring huh?" LOL it was so cute!

I''ve been debating whether or not to join....lurking for quite a while! I love reading this stuff though, so I figured I should at least iintroduce myself!

Me = 22, Chicago, currently employed at a museum, but looking for something new
Him = 22, Arlington, VA, working in economics

We''ve been dating for 3 years and recently started seriously discussing engagement/marriage. We met our soph. yr at college, of course just when I''d stopped looking because I was heading to Rome in 2 mos. But we got together, did long distance, you don''t want to even know what my phone bills were like! We did long distance again our junior year he studied in London and I in Paris, but at least that was a quick train ride. When we graduated this past May, I just wasn''t ready for the level of commitment that moving for the other person insinuated. Plus, we''re young, and we felt it was important year for us to develop and adjust to the ''real world'' on our own. Very hard decision. We''ve been through a lot at this point, and I miss him so much, but now we both have our feelings worked out and realize that we do want to get married.

Since I put off his move to Chicago, we''re now trying to decide whether or not he should get instate in VA and finish his masters there (around $700/class) or move to Chicago ($2200/class). Its an easy decision when you look at the numbers, but we can''t wait to be in the same city again. Long distance is hard! We''ve done so much we''re just ready to be together! Once he comes here, I want him to get to know my family better before we get engaged, so that also pushes things back a bit.

Anyway, I''ll be on this list for a looooong time, and I have only myself to blame, he''d do it within the next year if I''d let him. Just for fun we are going to look at rings when he''s in town over New Years though!

A long engagement too, because I''m a horrible perfectionist. Part of my job is to assist at weddings held where I work, so I''ve been thinking about what I''ve wanted for a while and learned a ton. We decided that we''d combine our ceremony and honeymoon into a private trip to Italy, a glorified elopement? And then back to Chicago for a reception.

Sorry that my intro was so long!
Date: 12/15/2004 5:43:17 PM
Author: MelissaSue
croi - I know someone who is doing the different colors/ same style for their bridesmaids. I don''t know how it will turn out yet, but it sounds neat. My best friend is having the SAME color but different styles for her bridesmaids, which i am one of. It seems like it will look nice. I personally am going to have them all wear the same dress, with the possible exception of some being tea length and some being full length.


I''ve seen the mixing and matching of different top and bottom styles, but this summer I worked a wedding with a really adorable bridal party. The bride chose the same fabric and color combo (brown & pink) for her bridesmaids and they were able to choose everything else. They were all about the same length, but I thought it was great because each bridesmaid was able to have a little more personality, and the way this bride did it, the dresses were totally reuseable. For example, one was halter with a pink flower accent on it, another was spaghetti strapped with just pink bow around the waist, another was strapless with a ruffle up one side that had a pink accent. They came up with about 6 different options, and my descriptions don''t do them justice, because they were really cute.
As for the male e-ring, I think it''s hand-in-hand with the other new e-gifts...the engagement motorcycle and the engagement plasma TV, to name a few. I think it''s really hit mainstream that men get a gift to mark the engagement, too, and I wouldn''t mind if mine wore an ering; after all, I''m wearing a ring that screams ''TAKEN!'', why shouldn''t he??
If he wanted one I''d be happy to buy one for him. I think he''d still prefer the engagement motorcycle.
I don''t agree with engagement plasma tv''s or engagement motorcycles, my e-ring is a gift for my gf, to let her know how much I love her and how special she is. I don''t want anything in return, only her love for the rest of our lives.

I do like the idea of a male-e-ring, but I would be VERY!!! particular about the ring... there are so few nice male rings. I never wanted any jewelry except for a wedding band, "guy" jewelry is generally big, bulky, and so utterly macho it is depressing
personally I think they are compensating for something...

I would like something classy, elegant and gentlemanly
I am getting my gf and I matching promise rings, tension set sapphs (pink for her, blue for me)

Okay, guys, off-topic question: if you''re working, do you have benefits? ..and would you consider them ''good'', ''eh'', or ''why bother?''. I might have the opportunity to go full-time at my realtor''s office but I don''t want a full-time gig if I''m not getting any benefits (and a really good pay raise to make up for the lack is not going to happen), so I think I''m going to ask for them. If she can''t offer me benefits, I''m going to have to keep looking for a different position, because one of these days I''m going to really need health insurance...
my ''benefits'' is 10% off in store... lol, the joys of a minimum wage job!!!

but of course we have the NHS, which is bloody awful, but at least there is some standard of healthcare for everybody, free at the point of need, regardless of the ability to pay.
Date: 12/15/2004 9:41:49 PM
Author: goldengirl
BOL--I''m sorry for the way things ended up, but I''m glad that you at least got some closure. As for the male e-ring, I think it''s hand-in-hand with the other new e-gifts...the engagement motorcycle and the engagement plasma TV, to name a few. I think it''s really hit mainstream that men get a gift to mark the engagement, too, and I wouldn''t mind if mine wore an ering; after all, I''m wearing a ring that screams ''TAKEN!'', why shouldn''t he??
If he wanted one I''d be happy to buy one for him. I think he''d still prefer the engagement motorcycle.

susiQ, you two make just the most adorable couple!!!

Okay, guys, off-topic question: if you''re working, do you have benefits? ..and would you consider them ''good'', ''eh'', or ''why bother?''. I might have the opportunity to go full-time at my realtor''s office but I don''t want a full-time gig if I''m not getting any benefits (and a really good pay raise to make up for the lack is not going to happen), so I think I''m going to ask for them. If she can''t offer me benefits, I''m going to have to keep looking for a different position, because one of these days I''m going to really need health insurance...
AS far as th guy engagement gift goes...I really thought about it. He wants and i-pod..but then after serious consideration I thought about the meaning of the engagement ring...a diamond is forever...and all that jazz. Certainly an i-pod is not forever. Neither is a plasma TV or a motorcycle. None of those things would signify our life together. If mine would wear a ring or an earring, that is what I''d do--Your fiinger does scream I''M TAKEN...why shouldn''t his?

GG-- You NEED health insurance! (here''s my little soap-box, please excuse) Especially if you are athletic (snowboarding) speaking as someone who''s had three knee surgeries due to athletic injuries (durn you ACL!) you never know what could happen! Hospital bills are a bi***.
I totally agree with you that you shouldn''t take the position unless they offer benefits. Good luck, hope it works out!

Oh, speaking of snowboarding...FI and I are leaving for Utah tomorrow (this is the trip where I thought he''d propose, thank goodness he already did, or I''d be on pins and needles here.) How difficult do you think it is to transition from being a crappy skiier to a snowboarder?

GG - I totaly agree with Tybee that you need health insurance!!!!!! I''m very glad that I have it even though it costs me 300 a month for family - I have to have family coverage cuz I am the only provider for my daughter. my office co-pay is $30!!!! but in the long run it isn''t so bad. the bigger the company you work for usually the employees portion of the benefits is less expensive but not always. I wish you all the luck getting a new job with fantastic benefits
I agree - guys could wear an e-ring, too. But an engagement present like a plasma tv or a motorcycle? Isn''t that like you getting a present and your little brother saying, ''where''s mine? why does she get all the presents?''


ohmigoodness - it might happen REALLY soon !!!!! I can''t STAND it !!!! (why isn''t there an emoticon for goosebumps ?!?!?)

as you all know by now, I''m heading home in January and all of that. you also know I''ve already started the wedding plans though I haven''t even been proposed to yet !
anyhoooo, we had that long chat and I have been trying to be less of a whirling dervish so that he can do this ''thing'' and all of that. last night we were having a great chat and a laugh and he told me it''s all my own fault that I haven''t been asked yet because I keep making new plans about other things and changing things up on him all the time and then he says '''' I''m on Plan E now for pete''s sake ''''

PLAN E ???? ohmigosh, have I really screwed up four proposal attempts ?!?!?

He is finding all this very amusing ! anyway, I think it will be soon because he said he''s ''probably'' going to ask without the ring, not wait until he has it (he knows I want to be part of the process of getting it anyway). He also teased about why should he have to get me a diamond, why don''t I get him one ? (believe me ladies, my love is not the type of man (he''s a military guy) to be wearing anything sparkly! hehehe
Guess who just gave me the perfect excuse to go back and get that huge, hunking, e-ring paperweight for his Christmas stocking ?!?!?

So now I''m just sitting here imaging all the times over Christmas and New Year''s when he could possibly spring it on me !

anyway, enough about me ........
B-o-L - I know it''s tough but I''m SO proud of you for cutting this loser out of your life. Great love will find you and you''ll be so glad you let this one go. Just remember that. We all can''t be wrong !

I read all the posts but can''t keep the people straight ! we''ve another newbie (Chicago) and welcome, welcome to you m''dear. Sounds like you have your plans all set and I wish you all the best with the move and all the rest of it.

Melissa - thanks for the info re: the dresses. I have something very specific in mind, where they all have one overlay in common but can be different outside of that. Don''t worry, there will be a million photos to share if it all comes together. heck, maybe I''ll try to stream it all online and invite you all to ''be there'' too !!

Someone else (sorry again, should take notes when I''m reading!) mentioned the brown and pink dresses idea and that sounds really good. I like that the girls got to do what suited them and then had a dress that they could wear again. Not only do you have a great dress to wear but hopefully good memories of why you got the dress to begin with ! Nice idea !

right, I should be working .......... better make an attempt at it !

oh, and btw, about insurance - I think it''s so important and for some bizarre reason I think when you need it the Universe tells you so (in that, I didn''t have it for years and then finally got a job where I did - and not long after was in a bad car crash (not my fault, other guys brakes failed, lost control of his truck and camper (which he was towing)) ....... my bills were so crazy but all taken care of by the insurance. If you feel like this is in your head, listen to that voice - you need a job with insurance. Good luck with asking etc. I hope it goes well.

right - bouncing back to the grindstone (which doesn''t happen often! the ''bouncing'' part - hehe)
goldengirl - YOU MUST INSIST ON BENEFITS!!!!!!!!! From what I remember you posting about those employers (husband and wife, right?), I think you''d be better off looking for another job anyways, but you NEED benefits either way! Or at the very least, a MASSIVE pay increase so you can afford your own health insurance! Will they give you paid vacation time? sick leave? personal leave? What about dental? My mom went without a dentist''s visit for 8 years cause her employer didn''t cover it and we couldn''t afford it, and ended up needing 5 root canals when she finally got coverage! YOU NEED BENEFITS!!!! Sorry, my maternal/caring instincts are kicking in here on this - I need to look out for my ladies-in-waiting!!

Croi - For my bridesmaid''s dresses, I really don''t care much so long as they''re all happy with them and don''t clash with me or each other. The plan I''m going with for the moment is all one color with different styles/separates chosen by each maid. Or, all one style in coordinating colors to flatter each of their complexions. My sister (MOH) is doing the color choosing, and she''s choosing between black or deep wine red, both of which would look great on all 4 of my girls. But I know my sis wants a square-neck halter top, another maid will want strapless, another will want spaghetti straps, and the other will probably want short sleeves or thicker straps and a higher neckline for more coverage. So I figure letting them choose their own dress within some guidelines is the best option.

OK, I have a math exam in 8 hours, so I must stop procrastinating NOW!!! Wish me luck!

Oh! Welcome to the new ladies!!!
Thanks guys, I feel much better being able to get these things off of my chest. I feel like I can really move on now. I just hope that adorable blonde guy I had dinner with will be around after the holiday season

Now that I think about it more, I think a guy''s engagement ring is a good idea. I would never want to get my guy a plasma tv or something along those lines, because engagement is different than that. My friend that is wearing a ring desinged that one as well and its a really cool titanium ring with a couple of deep grooves in it (that''s the best way to describe it). He''s really brilliant when it comes to designing things and his fiancee will be taken care of for the rest of her life. Lucky girl
Date: 12/16/2004 9
1:22 AM
Author: palmbaybabe
the bigger the company you work for usually the employees portion of the benefits is less expensive but not always.
Im in that "not always" group. At my old job (about 600 employees) everything was free, it was WONDERFUL! My new job with a HUGE HUGE HUGE company i will be paying $110 a month, which still isnt bad, but i liked it better when it was free.
But yes, you do need insurance! You never miss it until you need it and then its too late! Good luck with asking and agree that if you cant get some kind of benefits, you might need to move on.

Welcome Blue824

Glad you are starting to move on BoL!!!

And for the e-presents for the guys... i bought the big screen TV. I put a picture of him with it in my e-ring thread. But now i feel bad after reading some of the good, thought provoking comments....

Croi - YEA!!! You think he might be pulling your leg about "Plan E"? YEA!!!
jc - good luck with you maths exam!

njc - noooooooooooooooooooooo! don''t feel bad! just look at that huge grin on his face!!!
Date: 12/16/2004 12:40
8 AM
Author: twinkletoes
Fortheloveofdiamonds: you were so right! we all went out to lunch today and under the restaurant lighting her diamond sparkled like mad! God, what a total difference!

LOL! Twinkie: I figured it would be something like that!!
I''m FREEEEEEE!!!! Final projects handed in and I can now start my emergency christmas shopping, tree chosing and card sending (and of course e-ring obsessing)! I haven''t logged in for 2 whole days and I miss you guys already! Don''t you all think we need to be upgraded to our own Forum instead of this thread? C''mon Leonid!

Blue - that''s great news about your dad!!! His recovery will make this holiday season even more special to you and your family.

Nooners.. of course..any excuse to talk about my e-ring!!! If you are seriously thinking of working with Leon M, your best bet is to have your ideas in order before you set up an appt. We did not visit his studio until we had the diamond in hand. Shop around first and try on as many setting as you can because he does not have tons of rings hanging around. Everything is custom (ie sold and out the inventory). I did try on two incredible examples of his work. He does have tons of pictures. IMO his prices are fair. It is quality work.. I think Reena posted prices for her ring..that should give you an idea (I am unsure of the final cost of my ring since my BF is handling the $$). I''ll keep you posted! What type of setting are you interested in having made?

Another thing about Leon that I really like is that he has a certain style. Some people''s tastes click with his and some don''t. But it seems as though he does not like to make settings that (in his opinion) are not beautiful. He has a certain vision of beauty plus form and function. I can respect that.

BOL - I''m glad that you are staying strong!! You deserve better treatment. Go girl!

SuzyQ That is a gorgeous ring and finace. You two look so happy in the photos. Enjoy your ring and wedding planning!!!!!!

Date: 12/16/2004 11
2 AM
Author: njc
Date: 12/16/2004 9
1:22 AM

And for the e-presents for the guys... i bought the big screen TV. I put a picture of him with it in my e-ring thread. But now i feel bad after reading some of the good, thought provoking comments....

Don''t feel bad. A diamond is only forever because DeBeers tells you so. Because you love him and this is an exciting and joyful time in your life together, you bought him something that made him extremely happy. You should never feel bad about that. And people should stop being preachy about what is and is not a good engagement gift. Every couple is different.

The grin on his face says it all
Welcome, blue824! I'll get you on the list here in just one second... it sounds like you've been waiting a long time to get to this point, LDR's are so hard, I really respect those couples that can make it through them.. I think it makes you stronger together, because if you can survive an LDR with all its special challenges, being together should be easy!
OH, you should PM innerkitten, I believe she's intending the "glorified elopement" to Italy, as might share some great ideas!

Date: 12/16/2004 5
7:51 AM
Author: diamondgeezer

I would like something classy, elegant and gentlemanly
I am getting my gf and I matching promise rings, tension set sapphs (pink for her, blue for me)

Whaddaya know, I helped somebody!!!!
I think they will really be a statement, very beautiful and unique looking individually, but obviously a matched pair when you're together. A very special secret for the two of you.

Okay, okay, everybody nagging me about health insurance
, I know I need it. I've been looking for a job that meets my needs for a while now. JC, omg yes, the husband-wife team, oh man are they a trip!! I'll take it if she offers even w/out the benefits because it's better than what I have now but you're right...I do need another job, anyway. I'd feel bad ditching them right now cuz they just sent me a very nice Christmas bonus.. [$$)] it's much easier in the office around the holidays because they leave!! lol... They were gone almost two weeks at Thxgiving and they're leaving again for 10 days right after Christmas. Yippee, I'll be surfing the internet alllllllll daaaaayyyyyyyyyy.....

And Tybee-- AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! to the transition. Learning to snowboard isn't easy, period, in fact the saying is "It's easier to learn to ski, but easier to master the snowboard." And it's supposed to be harder to learn if you've already learned how to ski. Which means that you'll probably be picking your butt off the mountain for the first two days like everybody else.
You really have to stick with it, because it can be so frustrating to learn, cuz it seems like you'll NEVER get it... and then one time, you'll do "it" (whatever you're learning) right, and your muscles will remember what that feels like and suddenly it'll be much easier to do "it" again. But yeah, you really have to give it 2-3 days before you can expect not to eat snow. But then once you've got it, it's sooooooo much fun. Your arms will hurt after day 1. I still have trouble putting my shirts on, lol... I don't mean to pee on your parade, but I know your well-meaning bf (like everyone's, because somehow it's always the gf's learning to snowboard) is telling you "it's not that bad" and "you'll pick it right up"...I want you to be prepared. No, it's not easy, but stick with it--it's totally worth it.
Where will you be snowboarding in UT? That's my homestate.

Croi---HOW EXCITING!! That ring (well, free license to shop for that ring!
) is so close you can taste it!!! It's going to be a very good Christmas for a great many of our ladies, I just know it....
Dodger Gurl
kayla17 (honorary member)
JCJD (honorary member)
innerkitten(honorary member)
Whaddaya know, I helped somebody!!!!
I think they will really be a statement, very beautiful and unique looking individually, but obviously a matched pair when you''re together. A very special secret for the two of you.
you certainly did! I thought it was a great idea, ty! now I am just trying to find something that will look great on her finger without making me look effeminate! I am going to go to a few jewelers after Christmas, see what they could do for me! I posted some that I found online, on the Wist List thread
so thankyou!!! I will take them when I go see her in March (soooooooooooooo long away
) and we will slip them on each others fingers
it will be a special moment
Thanks for the advice Golden Girl...I''m going to stick to skiing. Let me see if I remember how to do that first. I''ll try snowboarding another time! I''ve been at the gym the past few weeks trying to get my quads back in shape--doing invisible chairs and such. Ha ha, I''m such a geek! We''re going to Park City. I''m totally excited! I''m originally from the NorthEast, and have never been skiing out west. I can hardly sit still...It would be totally perfect if i could pack my doggies with me, oh well, Great Danes aren''t much for cold weather...

Here''s my idea for my bridesmaids. I''m pretty old (as I''ve mentioned a million times) and I don''t think that my wedding will be too traditional or formal (but I''m still in the pre-planning stages.) I am going to let my bridesmaids wear whatever they want. I went to a wedding in October where they did that, and all of the dresses were stunning, plus each girl looked lovely and unique in her own way. As long as none of them choose a bridal gown that should be fine, right?

Christmas vacation: one of the perks of being a teacher and student! I have the next two weeks off!! Wahoo!!!!!!
I don''t know if this makes it easier or harder, but I''m only going to have one person standing up in our wedding (same for my bf). When you''ve moved around as much as we have you count your good friends on one hand (or in our case one finger).

My dress is very unusual - 1920''s inspired - ivory with white lace.

Since I only get to pick one dress I SHOULD keep my dress in mind - not only color but also style. However, I also DO NOT want to have a ''theme'' wedding where my bf wears a tweed suit to keep with the times.

Any suggestions?

p.s. I''ll try to take a picture of it over Christmas. And, like half the girls in this group, I''m hoping for a holiday proposal and then I''d have two pictures to share....
erin. I love your 1920''s dress idea. Post pics!!
Tybee, I don''t mean to scare you off the sport... if you''re only going to be there a few days, yeah, I''d stick with what you know--you''ll have a lot more fun. Learn to snowboard close to home, so you can have a good time on vacay. Else you''ll just have a cold, sore, tired, grumpy vacay. I went Tues with some friends of Kyle''s, a couple planning a vacation to CO in Jan, so the girl is learning to snowboard now so she''ll be able to do it with relative ease and enjoy her vacation. I thought that was very smart of her!

I love it but it''s not easy. But then, I''m not exactly athletically inclined, lol....
2.gif many goils, it hard to keep track of all of you. :)

JCJD - It is a very lovely day indeed. :) Too bad they don''t have a little icon for birthday cakes on here. hehe.

Golden Girl - Thank you for your opinion regarding Ritani. I called the store this afternoon to find out the specs. The polish and cut were only a good. They don''t have the crown or pavillion angle, so I couldn''t run it on the Holloway Cut Adviser. No doubt I will be making full use of the adviser while searching for the perfect stone. When I checked for 1cts, the cost came up anywhere from $5500 - $7500. Knowing full well that the micropaves aren''t expensive & that the ring band is mass produced, I am probably going to have someone design the ring.

Lovey - Thanks for the Leon feedback. I like that (according to Leon''s website) the platinum is more of a function & should ultimately compliment/fade into the background so that the center stone is the Queen. I also like the almost beading like of the platimum on the edges. It adds a very antique/delicate least I think. Did you purchase the pave stones or is that something that Leon will be providing at a reasonable cost? (I believe a version of your ring has pave. :)

SuzQ - Congrats on your sweet engagement & beautiful ring! How nice it must be to have small fingers. hehe.

One other question for you goils in the know......what do you believe are the best sites for value when it comes to THE precious? I''ve checked out bluenile, whiteflash and nydiamond exchange. Bluenile still seems a bit pricey compared to whiteflash, nyexchange doesn''t have the quality of bluenile or whiteflash. Are there any others that I should be researching?
bluenile IS more expensive than some of the other vendors on here, but lots of people like them anyway because their site is so user-friendly and they finance.

Now granted this is all coming from a girl who has yet to purchase a diamond(!), but I''ve heard good things about, and I like''s site. I''d recommend both.

I know there are others on here that are recommended, but when I want to look at sparklies that''s where I go.
I heartily recommend GoodOldGold, that''s where my stone is from. Jonathan (aka Rhino here on PS) is very friendly and will really take the time to educate you and make you feel good about the purchase. He''s not the cheapest but is still very competitive. I think DirtCheap tends to have the lowest prices by a small margin, but I''d pick Jonathan''s service any day
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