
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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Date: 12/16/2004 2:48:12 PM
Author: Erin
I don''t know if this makes it easier or harder, but I''m only going to have one person standing up in our wedding (same for my bf). When you''ve moved around as much as we have you count your good friends on one hand (or in our case one finger).

My dress is very unusual - 1920''s inspired - ivory with white lace.

Since I only get to pick one dress I SHOULD keep my dress in mind - not only color but also style. However, I also DO NOT want to have a ''theme'' wedding where my bf wears a tweed suit to keep with the times.

Any suggestions?

p.s. I''ll try to take a picture of it over Christmas. And, like half the girls in this group, I''m hoping for a holiday proposal and then I''d have two pictures to share....

MUST SEE PICS OF THIS DRESSSS!!! 1920s inspired with lace sound gooooorgeous!
Science Geek....I''ve always felt that you get what you pay for. There is something to be said for a reasonable, good deal and then there''s cheap... Thanks for the input & recommendation. :)
I''m in love with this cake!

hi ladies !

well, I am still only learning about rings and diamonds so I cannot say much by way of who is ''better'' but I did find GoodOldGold a great site.

I have AMAZING news, just totally mind-boggling !!!!

I have had an online gal-pal for several years, but she is in Australia - we have never met. She and her beau have also been thinking/talking of tying the knot. Yesterday she told me that they were talking about making the trip to Ireland to OUR day and then getting married themselves while they are there !! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited ! Not only would we meet but we''d both be celebrating each other''s weddings.

how totally and utterly fantastic would that be !!?!??

and yes, definitely want to see pics of that dress (and that was a very yummy looking cake !)

PS. I did the lottery this morning ( I never play! ) If I win the 25M, you''ll all be coming to Kerry for the Big Day !!
Erin - That cake is too cool! Where did you find it?
erin: that is such a cute cake...I love the ribbons on it.

Sorry I haven''t been posting much this week...been busy at work, and celebrating the big 2-5.

19 more hours until my man gets back...I will actually be excited to wake up at 4am to get cute and go pick him up from the airport. I keep hoping that tomorrow will be the night, but it probably won''t be. Last weekend he had some commentary that indicated tomorrow night could be a possiblity. He kept saying "I can''t wait until our date and I''m so excited about our date" instead of I''m to excited to see you. He also mentioned that we needed to stop by his parents house on the way back from the airport b/c he needed to pick something up. When I asked what he said some insurance papers, car registration, and some other things. Well I was discussing this with a male co-worker (he is completely unromantic, and married with two kids, so I knew I''d get an honest answer), he said he thought it was 65% chance that he would pop the question. Probably won''t happen this weekend, but a girl can dream.

For the bridesmaids dresses discussion...depending on the time of year (if it were winter or fall) having all of my girls wear a black cocktail dress, b/c that way its something they already have and definitely would wear again. I''d rather have them spend that money on the bachelorette party (best friend/future MOH suggested NYC for a fun girls weekend) or a spa day for all of us. My roommate said she has complete faith in me if I do pick out official bm dresses, b/c she knows that I have good taste, and would take future events and or dress modifications for future wear into account when choosing the dresses.

And my friends are in love with the Carolina Herrera remake dress that I I might have to have that one made locally.
you must be going nuts!! hmmmm. He has to pick "some things" up at his parents. Hope that includes something sparkly. ;) I love the Herrera dresses too. Black cocktail dresses are a great idea. Easy to find and very practical.

Here''s a dress that I really like.

keep us posted!!!


hi ladies! looooonnnnnngggggggg time no speak (from me that is). work is so hectic! dunno why everyone decides to wait ''til the end of year to start doing some work. lol! we have all these projects to complete w/in the next 2wks. anyways, just wanted to say, I''m still around.

here''s a pic of my stone waiting to be set.
thanks to Good Ol'' Gold.
I, VVs1, 1.24 round AND a super duper ideal cut. :)

Havent been happy lately. We lost our 4month old rabbit Tuesday to a brain virus. So I''m totally in the dumps. But I have to say, everyone''s stories cheered me up. Gorgeous ring SusiQ! Well, leaving work... I''m sure I''ll hop back on once I reach home.

Happy Holidays Everybody!

cute330, nice to see you back around. :) I''m sorry to hear about your bunny... I lost mine 1.5 years ago when my apartment''s AC went out midday in July while I was at work, and a third floor apartment in Phoenix summer was too much for one little rabbit to take.
I still miss him a lot.

Ladies, I have a bit of an issue. Tonight when I came home Kyle asked me if I''d been on his website today, real serious-like... I said no, because I hadn''t, and asked him what was wrong. He said somebody had signed up for an account on his site and then posted a comment about me--obviously not something he liked, but he wouldn''t tell me what. He did some digging and found out that the ISP is from overseas, so it''s just some random person trying to get a rise out of him about me, which made him feel better (at least none of what was said is potentially true). But he still won''t tell me what the dude wrote; I know that he thinks he''s protecting me by keeping this info from me, but I''m not so fragile I''d curl up and die over some stranger''s jabs, and I want to know what someone said about me that got him so upset. I tried to tell him I had a right to defend myself, but he says it''s moot now that he knows the person doesn''t know either of us personally. Regardless, I think I have a right to know.

Like I told him, I think it''s really sweet that he''s trying to protect me, but it''s very hard for me to just "let it go" and trust in him to make the right decision for both of us. I doubt he''s going to change his mind, so I''m trying to set mine at ease. I don''t want to fight about this.. I don''t think it''s really that important.. but I want to know, if you were in my shoes, how would you feel?
goldengirl - I would want to know too. I don''t know why boys want to protect us. Something sort of similar happened to me once.. someone posted a comment about ME on a message board Jeff goes on.. and when Jeff told me about it.. he made it sound like a POSITIVE comment, (basically they said I was a ho, but.. he told me that they said I was cute or something like that..) but then I SAW it, later on.. and I totally didn''t even care that much, cuz it was a dumbass kid or something.. but Jeff was like.. "Oh they must have edited their post to make me angry.." RIIIIIIGHT.. I think you have a right to know.. he probably just doesn''t want you to be upset..
gg - I don''t understand:
1. how this person knew you and what site your guy goes to?
2. why this person would do it?

*please forgive my language*
some bastard sent my gf a load of virus, literally hundreds
she has spent so much time trying to sort it out, but she can''t it is still not fixed. she thinks it is some arsehole from pakistan who was bothering her in a chatroom
but you have no idea how that kind of thing makes a man feel, especially when she is 3500 miles away

but she won''t even let me get her a new pc, why is that?

I can''t say what I would do in your shoes, but I know I wouldn''t want my gf to know if someone was posting comments about her online

melissasue - "I don''t know why boys want to protect us." that is just what we do...! call it nurture, call it nature, doesn''t matter, it is just how we are!
Date: 12/18/2004 7:15:48 AM
Author: diamondgeezer
gg - I don''t understand:

1. how this person knew you and what site your guy goes to?

2. why this person would do it?

It is his own personal web site, not a site he goes to. There is some tracking information for the admin of the site, so as he was looking around he saw that the guy had stumbled upon his site by googling for "illegal webmail php" so he thinks the guy was looking to register and use the webmail Kyle''s site provides for illegal spamming. Kyle has since disabled the option for registered users to have a webmail account at his address.

As to how they know me, they wouldn''t have to. Kyle''s got a bunch of pics and info about me up on his site. In fact, while tracing this bugger, he found something else that pissed him off, too: somebody had ripped a clip of me dancing (at my first bellydance recital) and posted it on their own bellydance-themed site. Kyle deleted the clip and sent a NASTY letter to THAT guy about using it without permission!! (I don''t mind, I think it''s kinda flattering that they thought I was good enough to want it on their site!!

As to WHY this person would do it.....your guess is as good as anybody''s!!!!!!!
sounds like he was understandably pissed, I don''t know why someone would do that, these people are freaks! the only explanation for me for someone who could do that, or send someone a load of viriuses, is that they have some kind of mental problems.

my gf still hasn''t been able to sort her pc out, it has been weeks, she is still having so many problems with it. why do you think she won''t let me buy her a new one?
and this one, I guess the roses are icing

p.s. - how do you put more than one pic on each post?

Well, frankly, DG, it''s silly to buy her a new computer when she could just restore the old one. :) I know it''d be a PITA and she''d lose a ton of her stuff, but it''s still cheaper than buying a new one. I''d say no, if he offered, for that reason.

As to more than one pic per post... the pics have to be on the internet, and you insert a link to the image (the little pic of a mountain next to the strikeout button above the composition box when you''re typing a post). You can''t upload more than one pic from your computer at a time. :)
oooh.. if my fiance wanted to buy ME a new PC I''d love it. There isn''t anything really wrong with mine, but I''m almost rooting for it to break so I can have an excuse to get a cooler one. Mine was fantastic 2 years ago.. and I was sort of only planning on it lasting two years.. (its an e-machines.. and the guy in the store told me that they don''t last well.. probably just to get me to buy their stinky warranty though..) But its still going strong.. Its not even slowed down that much. The only thing that has gone a little bit on it is the monitor.. but I still want a new PC.. one of those new media center ones with built in TV tuners and an LCD monitor. I can''t afford it though.. and I promised Jeff I wouldn''t get a new computer til after we got married (I said that however, when I thought we would be getting married THIS summer).
He''d never buy me one though, because he is under the impression that he can build a system for less than we can buy one. The last PC he "built" though.. is the most hideous thing I''ve ever seen. He is really NOT that technilogically skilled..(he has a few friends that are that helped him..) And the only reason he was able to build it for less than buying a new one, is because he used parts from his old PC..(cd burner, monitor, some fans, and lots of other things) so half of his system is like 10 years old. The case he bought is bigger than my DESK, And he has like 15 fans in it, because he thinks he needs them and the thing makes the most AWFUL grinding/whining noised i''ve ever HEARD in my life. So.. he will not be building ME a PC anytime soon, and his frankenstien computer will not be living in our first house, if I can help it. So.. i''ll probably not be buying a PC for at least another year, or until this one kicks..

I''m kind of bummed though, because the place where I wanted to have my wedding reception won''t let me book it there. They said that my date will most likely be available but they won''t book anything for may 2006 til JUNE 2005. I don''t want to wait that long to book something, because I really want to have it somewhere nice and don''t want to get stuck with some crappy place. Its a big theatre in buffalo, and it beautiful inside, but they won''t book anything because they don''t know what shows will be coming in..

My reception site is the thing that I care MOST about, but I also have the LEAST idea of where to do it.. because the "picture" that I have in my head of what it looks like doesn''t really exist around here. (just like all the designer dresses I like). I hate buffalo. There were a couple other places I had in mind that were close, but one isn''t air conditioned (yikes!!) and the other just does a funny wedding layout.. everyone is spread out all over the place and you can''t really see each other (I had my prom there.. and it was similar..). So I''m down to like three places... all of which my parents chose, and I don''t love any of them.

Okay. this post is LONG and about nothing, so I will shut up now and go take a shower.

I''m kind of bummed though, because the place where I wanted to have my wedding reception won''t let me book it there. They said that my date will most likely be available but they won''t book anything for may 2006 til JUNE 2005. I don''t want to wait that long to book something, because I really want to have it somewhere nice and don''t want to get stuck with some crappy place. Its a big theatre in buffalo, and it beautiful inside, but they won''t book anything because they don''t know what shows will be coming in..
sorry to hear that! it would be a real shame for you not to have the place of your dreams, especially if it turns out that you can''t get it and have to settle for somewhere else. I don''t know upstate NY at all, but is there no where slighty further afield, maybe an hours drive or so away? not sure how ethical it is, but you could always make arrangements somewhere else and then see if the theatre is available in June...? I really hope you get the wedding of your dreams
Date: 12/19/2004 10:31:31 AM
Author: MelissaSue
He''d never buy me one though, because he is under the impression that he can build a system for less than we can buy one. The last PC he ''built'' though.. is the most hideous thing I''ve ever seen. He is really NOT that technilogically skilled..(he has a few friends that are that helped him..) And the only reason he was able to build it for less than buying a new one, is because he used parts from his old PC..(cd burner, monitor, some fans, and lots of other things) so half of his system is like 10 years old. The case he bought is bigger than my DESK, And he has like 15 fans in it, because he thinks he needs them and the thing makes the most AWFUL grinding/whining noised i''ve ever HEARD in my life. So.. he will not be building ME a PC anytime soon, and his frankenstien computer will not be living in our first house, if I can help it.


MS, welcome to MY world!!!!! Well, okay, really my mom''s world.... growing up, all we had were frankenstein computers!! My dad can actually build them, but they look so mismatched and they''re usually in a case that''s twice as old as I am....ahhhh, good times!! LOL...

I''m sorry to hear you have to wait to book your reception venue... I know you must be anxious to just have it a done deal so you can worry about something else! But June''s not TOO far away, and I know you''ll be the first one in line to get it booked!
OH MY GOSH, I''m FINALLY caught up!!!! I just had almost a week''s worth of posts to get through. Whew! Glad to be up to speed, and I''ve missed the group so much!

My dad continues to improve every day. His appetite is better, he''s more mobile, and is sleeping more. Yay!!!

Croi, your wedding ideas are gorgeous. A dear friend of mine married an Irish man 5 years ago, and though their wedding was pretty traditional American, the *after*party was one of the most fun nights of my life....everyone singing Irish folk songs, dancing, old relatives playing the accordian, etc....your family and friends will ensure the party of your lives, I''m sure--and how great that your Aussie friend may be there too!! Keep us posted on Plan E!!!

Suzi, your stone looks just massive on your finger!! I''m a ring size 6 w/ stubby fingers, so I''m jealous of all your long limbed finger types! What a wonderful proposal:)

BOL, congrats for being able to get everything off your chest and work toward closure. Yay!

God, I won''t remember everything to reply to!

GG, get that insurance, girl;)

Tybee, you will LOVELOVELOVE Park City....I was in a wedding there this year and it is stunning. (One of the MANY places I thought the boy might propose--it is a beautiful place.) My friend was married at the base of the town chair lift--the "Town Lift Plaza"--in the Fall. You''ll have so much fun! I''m afraid of snowboarding--I"m an ok skiier, but the one time I rented a board made an as$ of myself and have never tried again!!

Lovey, you make Leon sound wonderful--I will have to talk to the boy about him.

Ginger (think it was you?) what did your boy end up doing or not doing about that stone?

Welcome to all the new ladies!! As far as the VA/Chi longdistance, I feel your the moment we are NYC/CA, and have done LD a few times over our 8 years together. It sucks, but you find out a lot about yourselves as a couple and as individuals. But get back in the same place as soon as you can reasonably afford to do it!!

SO.....that Dr. Phil thing is really tempting. That''s my BF all over. We talked a lot this week--where we want to live, buying a house, kids (we''re 30 and 31, so it''s sooner than we like to admit), family, RINGS--and he has no problem saying he wants to marry me and acknowledging that at 8 years together and over 6 months past his self-appointed deadline to propose, that I''m within my rights to be freaked. It doesn''t feel like WHEN anymore, it feels like IF. And I know he loves me, I know this is what we both want, but he just has some obstacle to the actual proposal. I feel like it''s closer, but it''s hard to not be too frustrated when everyone around me (and him) is constantly wondering what the status is. He has a whole drawer that''s all ring stuff--biz cards, pics of rings, etc....I mean, we''ve been pondering this for a LONG time, and the longer it goes, the more I become a PS junkie and a diamond freak!! He was with me when I was freaking out cleaning my mom''s rings and that was funny. He''s made some noise about this being a brand new year with a lot of good change coming, etc....but I''m just so out of patience.

Lovey, how did you do it?! I''m nuts w/ 8 years, I don''t know how you managed 10.

Thanks again to ALL OF YOU for the good thoughts for my Dad--the healing power of positivity and prayer is amazing.

I don''t know how much I will be on here this week, but I appreciate this thread and all of you very much
Date: 12/16/2004 6:11:31 PM
Author: NoonersMom

One other question for you goils in the know......what do you believe are the best sites for value when it comes to THE precious? I''ve checked out bluenile, whiteflash and nydiamond exchange. Bluenile still seems a bit pricey compared to whiteflash, nyexchange doesn''t have the quality of bluenile or whiteflash. Are there any others that I should be researching?

Hi All!
I''m posting from Park City! OMG! I LOVE it! Second day of skiing and I still have all my ligaments intact. Good advice on the snowboarding GG, I opted out...and passed so many down boarders everywhere I went. If I''d tried it, I''m sure my butt would be mighty sore from falling right now. Maybe on the next trip. It''s good to get back to skiing again. Being here now makes me wonder why we live in Atlanta. It is SO beautiful!
By the way, does this make me a super geek? FI is in the shower...we''re about to go to dinner...but I just had to pop in here and see how you all were doing. Hurrah for internet access in our room!

Noonersmom. I agree that Bluenile is pricier. There are definitely better deals out there. My ring happens to be from Bluenile, though. It was the only website that I could get the FI comfortable with. The site is super user friendly etc. I couldn''t get him near any of the other dirtcheap diamonds...ha ha...he was too uncomfortable with the name.

I''m in love with my ring, though--and according to him, they were super easy and nice to deal with. We even sent it back to have it reset--and they were really great.

Whatever you decide, I''m now a HUGE advocate for buying online. I really have to thank everyone at Pricescope for helping out...

Tybee from the slopes
blue, SO glad to hear how well your dad is doing! It''s so scary when our folks get sick, because you always think of them the way you did as a child, big and invincible. It''s hard to have to grow up and find out there''s really only human. ;)

Tybee, that''s great you''re having such a good time! What resort are you staying at? I had a season pass to The Canyons for a long time... the snow isn''t the best, but it was cheap and the place is HUGE! :)
We''re staying at the Lodge at Park City. Love it love it love it! I tell you, I''m hooked. I used to ski in the Northeast...but nothing like this! You could lose yourself on these slopes. The weather has been little warm, and there''s no snow in our future, but the man-made is good enough for this Georgia Peach. Trying to work out a Yearly ski vacation with the FI. We''re having such a good time. We''ll see how that pans out. Maybe once I finish grad school and have a bigger paycheck. The sad thing is that I will never have a really big salary as a teacher.

Blueroses, I must say, I am really happy that things are looking brighter. It''s so scary when things start happening to our parents. I lost my dear mother a few years back, and my dad is like my connection to the earth. I hope that things continue going well.

The holidays are breathing down our backs my friends, who is next to be crossed off the list?
Blueroses-is that your pink poodle or just a random pic? It is PRECIOUS. There is a lady here where I live that has a standard poodle that she dyes all sorts of colors...and takes him to the hospital to do pet therapy. He is awesome. I''m about to get my shih tzu certified (if she can just get the training down a little more!)

I don''t think I''ll be getting crossed of the list for the holidays. Although my BF''s birthday was yesterday & I got him the Ipod that he''s been drooling maybe he''ll surprise me like I did him! (I wrapped it in a Smoothie maker box!!)

Anyway...about the doctor Phil thing...I''m SO tempted! My boyfriend is sooooo shy about all this. He would FREAK out if I asked him to go on national tv...esp. a show his Mom loves! haha!

I am home for a whole week''s nice to be able to relax!

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday!
I''ll actually get to read and post more, now that I''m not at work!!

Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!
Nah, I''m pretty sure I''ll still be around after the holidays. :) Anybody been getting vibes lately?
GG how long have you and your BF been together? How long has the Ladies in waiting thread been around too?
Just curious ...
What is everyone''s *Dream E-Ring*???
BR: I don't think he'll keep you waiting too much longe

Ama: The Dr. Phil thing is tempting...

I picked up the BF from the airport at 5:30am Saturday...I was so happy to see him!!! We stopped by the parents house and his mom is so sweet she had a birthday present for me...a creme brulee torch and ramekins. Well he picked up his mail and one of the packages (he did a lot of online shopping for the fam and had it all sent to his parents house). Turns out the package he was picking up was part of my b-day present...a pearl necklace that I had wanted from Neiman Marcus...he also got me a gift certificate to my favorite I'm set for manicures the next few weeks. He did way more for my b-day than I had expected, especially since its right before Christmas, I guess he felt bad about being gone. Our fancy dinner date was fabulous and really yummy. Afterwards we met up with his friends so that he could catch up with them.

So no proposal, but we did do some ring talking. He got his work bonus, so hopefully between his next two business trips he'll do it (going back to brazil jan. 2nd and then to Chile in ~April). He did mention us taking a tropical trip (probably Cabo b/c I love it and prime engagement trip location), so I'm hoping he'll ask then. He had mentioned at dinner that I could visit him when he goes to Chile and I told him there was one condition...only with a ring on my finger, otherwise he could just miss me. Well it turns out he has been doing some research...he has USAA for his car insurance, and they have great deals on diamonds (makes sense, b/c they would be the ones insuring it). He's going to get it through them and then have it set later. I sent him an email complete with all the specs and pararmeters for a diamond and the link to Kayla's ritani ring thread that I hopefully I'll get exactly what I want.
FYI Ladies - (and Gent)

Apparently cell phone numbers are going to be released to telemarketers in a few weeks.
Call 1-888-382-1222 to have your cell phone registered to block telemarketing calls.
You might share this number with anyone else. You just follow a couple of prompts.
Takes about a minute.

In a few weeks, cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing
companies and you will start to receive sales calls. Call this number
from your cell phone 888-382-1222. It is the national Do Not Call list.
It blocks your number for 5 years.

You can also go to to register your phones online.

While it will not hurt to list your cell number on the do not call list, it probably will not also help much. From what I can gather from the various HOAX websites, this may be a hoax and it may not be. One important thing, the list being made available to telemarketers does not appear to have much validity as there will be some considerable cost to get and use the list with little hope of profit. Or at least that is my appraisal of what I have read.

Always better to pass the info on - just in case!
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