
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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FTLOD - CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING YOUR DEFENSE!!!!! How did your dissertation/thesis go over with the committee? Any revisions? This occasion calls for some chocolate!!

Goldie - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I can''t wait to see pics, and his proposal is so sweet!! I also wonder if he''s one of the proposal-thread posters.... Good boy!

lovey - I''m still last-minute shopping too! I''m baking cookies for my soon-to-be brother in law and my sis''s boyfriend, and to bring along to family dinners so I''m going to be busy on Thursday!! Also need gifts for FI''s mom and step-mom, and my sis is handling the gifts for our parents and step-parents. Whew!!! I''ll be glad when this is over!

Welcome kellypooh! You two are so cute together!!

jenwill - my kitties are both on antibiotics, so they''re just cuddly and sleepy, not picking up on my holiday insanity yet. And yes, pets ALWAYS know when you''re stressed out or about to travel somewhere!

golden - LOL!!! I define "filthy rich" the same way!!! I can''t wait until I make enough money to put more than a dollar in savings each month!

BOL - You go girl!!! Without sounding terribly cheesy, I''m really proud of you! You''ve got it together lady!! Congrats! I hope you can get the closure you need. ((HUGS!!!))

Update ladies!!! I was checking on the FI''s computer yesterday, and on his desk was a business card of a local B&M jeweler AND a business card of an "independent appraisal" insurance agency!!! EEEEEEK!!! I''m feeling a sparkly Christmas present for JC!!!!
erin- you find such great stuff! The giant diamond ring napkin holders are too funny. Those would make cute party favors.

blueroses- how did I wait 10 years (btw we haved lived together for 9)? wasn''t really waiting. I just did not want to get married until about 2 years ago. I was scared!! He wanted to get married 3 years into the relationship. So by the time I was ready, he was frustrated and unhappy and then HE wasn''t ready. It took a lot of work, but we figured out our priorities and decided that we could not imagine life with anyone else. In retrospect, I don''t think it could have happened any other way. We''ve grown as individuals. =) Now I can''t WAIT to get married! It is such a good feeling.

BOL- good going! Thanks for the update.

How many of you buy bridal mags? I love to browse. Feels more like a guilty pleasure since we are not official yet!
Ok I am now halfway through christmas shopping and my house is spotless (we are having Christmas dinner). That''s progress right???? so much to do and still no tree. One year we just strung lights on the TV (tree-V). Now that we have our own house, I feel obligated to decorate nicely (like I have time to twirl around like Donna Reed).

Wow, I missed so much. OOT at at wedding. It was gorgeous. Of course, depressing. My girlfriend the bride, delibrately threw the bouquet towards me. Of course, I folded my arms. I have never had a desire to catch those things. I don''t need anymore pressure.

Goldielocks, congrats. Can''t wait to see pics of the ring.

Lovey, I do by the mags. Actually bought some this last trip. I love it for plane reading, since I just look at all the pretty pics. I like to call it "bridal ****" indulgence.

diamondgeezer, I love the matching rings idea.

BOL, glad to here things are going better and you are getting the answeres you wanted.

sciencegeek, what are the comments on the TV. I planned on getting BF, waiting till after Xmas sales to get a better deal.

I am hoping by next week, you ladies can cross me off. My gut says he gets the ring back this week. Who knows though.
Update ladies!!! I was checking on the FI''s computer yesterday, and on his desk was a business card of a local B&M jeweler AND a business card of an ''independent appraisal'' insurance agency!!! EEEEEEK!!! I''m feeling a sparkly Christmas present for JC!!!!
that has just given me a great idea for the future...

have the business cards of a b & m jeweler on my desk so she sees them, then on Christmas day, give her lots and lots and lots and lots of little presents - none of which are sparkly. build up the suspense
then "miraculously find" another one - the something sparkly

diamondgeezer, I love the matching rings idea.

Lovey, I do by the mags. Actually bought some this last trip. I love it for plane reading, since I just look at all the pretty pics. I like to call it ''bridal ****'' indulgence.
lol, but for the sake of decency can we call it "top-shelf bridal"?


A. Prude
United Kingdom


[note: in the UK so-called "adult" magazines are only sold on the top-shelf, for obvious reasons. I am not sure if that is true in the US]
diamond geezer. That is hilarious. In the US, they are sold on any shelf unfortunately. Heck, the little street magazine kiosks, have them pinned up. Only in NYC, I guess.

Just to note, if my BF did that, I would be practically on the verge or murder after the first 2 boxes. That plan is borderline evil.
I agree - I''d be on the verge of tears riding the emotional rollercoaster of anticipation followed by appreciation but disappointment followed by exhileration and then my heart sinking. I don''t think I could take it till the real bling!!!

ohmigoodness !!!!
first and foremost, hello ladies ! CONGRATS Goldie, that is the sweetest story ! very happy for you and yours. welcome to the newbies too, cute guy Kelly, he''s not like anyone I know ! heheh.

right, so you all know I''m waiting to be asked but that my honey was not overjoyed at the fact that I had somewhat stolen his thunder by telling our news to some best friends so they''d have a heads-up for travelling etc.

well, all he keeps saying is " I''m going to ask when you least expect it, it''s going to be a surprise" and that is GREAT because I love surprises (the good kind!)

SO, I''m here working and chatting on MSN to a pal in FL and she asks about himself and I tell her he took the day off to go to the range with his son and then she goes "and how do you know that''s where he REALLY is ?" and I DON''T!!!!!

He could be planning and arranging things RIGHT NOW THIS INSTANT !!!!!

(darn it, why don''t they have an emoticon for goosebumps !?)

and goddammit, I wore my WORST clothes (baggy old black jersey and jeans and sneakers, hair in an ugly braid) to work because I decided today was the day I was going to tackle all my old files and chuck ''em in the recycling.

*BOUNCEBOUNCEBOUCNE* what if he really IS planning it ??? RIGHT NOW !!!!

Croí, dyingofgiddyness

ps. truthfully he''s probably with his son, but I LOVE feeling this giddy !!!!!! and MAYBE he''s not and she''s right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Croi - I''m crossing my fingers and toes for you
JC, how exciting!!! I hope Santa brings you something extra nice this year!!!

Croi, ohhhhhh those goosebumps! I kinda know the last night, I''m watching TV and the bf comes out of the bedroom with a huge grin on his face and says, "Come here!" I walk over to him and he takes me by the hand and leads me into the bedroom and says, "Close your eyes." So I close my eyes and I feel him getting down on his knees and of course my stomach just FREAKS OUT and my mind starts racing because, you know, that''s what happens, right?, and I''m thinking omg, we''re in our PJs.......

.........and then he pulls my hand down to the floor to touch something gross.

If THAT wasn''t a tease, I don''t know what IS!!!!
oooh - boys are SO GROSS ! and think it''s funny to boot !!!

but I''m enjoying myself, I hope it doesn''t happen soon so I can keep giving myself happy mini-heart-attacks ! hehhhe

JCJD, you too !!!!! sooooooo exciting, isn''t it ?!?

btw ladies, I checked my numbers and didn''t win 25M in the lottery but there are plenty more lotteries to play between now and next May so don''t lose hope !!

C, having a really good day for no reason other than I''m so darned happy !
Croi-don''t you love being a giddy girl!!!!!!
It''s so fun to think about when they might be planning and plotting....
Sometimes I think my boy thinks I''m crazy b/c I always think he''s doing something regarding the big question!

I hope your future fiance is out planning right this minute! Congrats!
Date: 12/21/2004 1:39:59 PM
Author: yanekie25
diamond geezer. That is hilarious. In the US, they are sold on any shelf unfortunately. Heck, the little street magazine kiosks, have them pinned up. Only in NYC, I guess.

Just to note, if my BF did that, I would be practically on the verge or murder after the first 2 boxes. That plan is borderline evil.
only in NYC? well, and all of Europe too (I can personally vouch for Switzerland and Spain and I think it is the same in the rest of Europe)

well just maybe I am borderline evil
Date: 12/21/2004 2:35:17 PM
Author: goldengirl
.........and then he pulls my hand down to the floor to touch something gross.
HOW GROSS!!! Did he realize what he was even doing? The whole down on the knee, close your eyes??? I hope you punched him after you opened your eyes for no other reason than you having to go wash your hands

YEA CROI and JC!!! Sparkle Sparkle Christmas!!! Really hope you guys have an "icy-white" Christmas! I hope all you ladies do... that list is too long!!!!

Sorry DG, but i love it!!! Re: I like to call it "bridal ****." Yanekie, tooooooo funny! I felt/feel the same way. I''d sneak a mag every once in a while and now that its "okay" i still feel dirty!!! All those dresses and rings and honeymoons getting me all worked up!
Sorry DG, but i love it!!! Re: I like to call it ''bridal ****.'' Yanekie, tooooooo funny! I felt/feel the same way.
"bridal ****" it is... lol

I''d sneak a mag every once in a while and now that its ''okay'' i still feel dirty!!! All those dresses and rings and honeymoons getting me all worked up!
as woody allen said, it is only dirty if you are doing it right
This past weekend, after walking through the front door taking our coats and scarves off, my bf goes into this long monologue about how much I mean to him and how perfect we are for each other and how he can''t wait to spend the rest of our lives together and..........

(butterflies in stomach)

he hugs me and kisses my forehead.

and hung his coat up.

C''mon now ladies - aren''t you tired of all those ''special moments'' without the climax? the finale? the closing arguments?
The proposal must be on my brain because that was the perfect introduction to a proposal. I feel borderline manic about it.
Date: 12/21/2004 3:15:49 PM
Author: njc
HOW GROSS!!! Did he realize what he was even doing? The whole down on the knee, close your eyes??? I hope you punched him after you opened your eyes for no other reason than you having to go wash your hands

Well, it was a dry something gross and I won't get into much detail but it was kinda my fault it was on the floor
31.gif, I doubt it even occurred to him. I knew that wasn't what was happening, but my heart rate still shot up, y'know??
I didn't say anything... I didn't want him to think I'm obsessed.

Oh, RE: bridal ****; no, I don't buy them. I just can't justify paying $10 for advertisements, and the articles don't tell me anything I couldn't learn online. Even their "budget" weddings are like, 10K.

Ok, I did buy *one* once. I felt deliciously guilty about it. HAHA!!

Erin: please refer to my earlier post about the one-the-knee gross-substance touch!!! LOL!!!!
Okay, QOD!! Let''s take bets: How many names do you think we''ll see crossed off between now and New Year''s Day??

I''m betting...... FIVE!
I am thinking 7. Like the number no other reason.
I''ll take 7
Fine Yanekie25 - you beat me by 30 secs - I''ll go crazy 8s
Don''t bet on my name, it''ll still be there.
Don''t feel bad, Morticia, I''ll still be standing, too.
I''ll still be on the list too!
I'm pretty sure that I will be able to be crossed of the list by the end of the year

so that is 1 but I will go with 6
JCJD: Thank you SO much! It feels great. The defense went great!!!! They had nothing but good things to say about it. There are revisions to be made but they are very minimal!! and mostly from the editorial department. I hope to be completely done by the end of the week!
Good Morning!!!!!! BBBRRRRRRRR it''s cold, it is 5 degrees but with the windchill it feels like 7 below
Congrats goldielocks! Yay!

Wandering around the Art Deco exhibit at the MFA a few days ago, I was a bit surprised when this woman (who''d been sort of following me around the exhibit) grabbed her husband in front of me and declared that she''d NEVER liked diamonds and didn''t think they could look like THAT! I looked down and realized that my little stone was chattering away in the spotlights. I was SURE she was talking about someone else''s ring and kept looking for another ring or *something*. Nope... no one else was wearing a diamond. It made me smile.

I''ll confess that I feel guilty when I buy a bridal magazine... my fiance gets a bit hysterical, sure that *this* one will turn me into some raging Bridezilla.
Maybe I''ll bring them ALL along for the flight back to Ohio this week.

What do y''all think about monograms, especially as part of a wedding? I don''t really have an opinion one way or the other yet, but my fiance HATES them.
ladies.. I've been buying bridal magazines since before I was even DATING my fiance! My college roommate and I used to buy them and dream.. I used to hide them though.. because I thought it was somewhat embarrassing. I bought a few just for fun before we were seriously talking about getting engaged.. but those months and months when I was waiting for the the ring.. I bought almost every one!!! They entertain me much more than cosmo or glamour.. Now that we are engaged I just last week bought myself a subscription to both Brides and Modern Bride!! Its so much cheaper with a subscription. (its less than the price of 2 issues for 6 issues.) ANd I've been wanting to get a subscription for a long time but I WOULD NOT DO IT unless I was engaged. Jeff knew I wanted to before we were engaged and he was trying to get me to just do it, so it would be one less thing I would be able to whine about not doing because we weren't engaged, but I didn't.. and then for some reason it took me two months to order myself the subscription.

As for my reception venue.. I just don't know.. Jeff, who just wants me to have whatever I want.. wants me to wait til June to book it.. His mom and his sister also REALLY like the idea of that place.. so they are kind of nudging me that way too.. However.. my father and mother are much more practical (as I used to be, before it came to planning a wedding) and I know they don't want to let me wait that long (As I know that i shouldnt). The place that my dad realy likes for my reception books up WAAAAAY in advance. So there is NO way we'd get that if we waited til June. Diamondgeezers idea of booking one place and then canceling it isn't BAD.. i just wonder what sort of deposit most places require to book a venue. I just don't know what to do.

This is the inside of the theatre that I want for my reception.

this is the place my dad likes that looks just like everyone elses wedding reception..
that theatre is amazing!!!
I really hope you can have your reception there! that is an exquisite venue!!!

I don''t know how much it would cost - I don''t want to think about it!

the theatre really is so beautiful! I have my fingers crossed for you
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