
The All New Ladies-In-Waiting Club!

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I love the cool and different. Do what you want...its your special day!!!
Melissa - that theatre is GORGEOUS!

I didn''t want to book a place as soon as we did either, but when we went to see it and knew it was where we wanted to have our ceremony and reception, the coordinator sat down and told us exactly when the place was booked. WAY in advance, and this isn''t even one of the more popular places! (This is it) Since it was owned by the city, things were a bit different for deposit - they wanted the whole fee upfront, but since we''re residents of the city, it was half of the normal fee. I think most places in this area have around a pretty sizeable deposit and how much you get back varies depending on when you cancel the reservation. There''s a penalty even 6 months out.

Wedding planning! The madness!
MS, I agree that the theatre is phenomenal and would be a beautifully unique setting for your reception.

I''d find out all their rental terms, ie, can you have your own caterer etc, and make sure they are acceptable to you. If so, wait until June and book it!! (I''d also wait to send out your invites, just in case they''re not available on YOUR day but, say, the week after.) Maybe you can ask the guy-in-charge-of-rentals to note you down as first dibs on that date once it becomes available, that way if by some horrid stroke of luck some other girl calls right before you (unlikely, since I know you''ll have it programmed in your PDA to remind you the day before!
) he''ll be able to say thanks but no thanks, or at least call you before he books it with someone else.

It''ll be just fine!!
Melissa - If you can stand the wait until June and it fits your budget, go with the theatre that you love!!! I think it''s gorgeous, elegant, unique, and memorable for a wedding reception! So, they have to wait to see what''s playing in 2006 before they''ll book you? Are you flexible on the date just in case? Good luck!

You know how I want to have my reception at my dad''s house, right? Well I called a tent-rental company and for a tent to cover the people, the food tables, DJ, dance floor, and people tables, it''s about 600 to 900 bucks for one day!!
So I''m looking into reception halls to see if they''re cheaper.... Although we could cut the guest list (FI wants to invite all of his great-aunts that he hasn''t seen in 10 years even though they most likely won''t come anyways....) down to 80 and just decorate the garage in case of rain!

My point - if your sanity and budget allow, go with the theatre that you want!
rfath, your site is AMAZING!!!!
hi all
well, what do you know - he really did spend the day with his son ........ darn it !

I guess I''m kinda glad, I''ve only just started to get excited about being proposed to, I don''t want it to end too soon !

I don''t know how many of us will be crossed off, I am going to go with six I think !

MelissaSue, that is a gorgeous venue alright - I hope it works out for you.

btw, does everyone plan to do the ''traditional'' invitation ? how do you all feel about a pic on an invite ? I have this great pic of us from Cape Breton last year and it''s mostly scenery with us in one corner, him hugging me tight, all smiles ....... and I really want to use it as a background .....


PS. DG, it''s obvious to me now that you are geographically far from your gf. is she Stateside ? what is your story ? you can post me offlist if everyone knows this part already !
Date: 12/22/2004 11:32:38 AM
Author: goldengirl
rfath, your site is AMAZING!!!!

Croi - I agree! I''m kinda having fun waiting for my "real" ring and second proposal!

RE photo invitations: We got a gorgeous invite this summer to some friends'' wedding. It was a sheer piece of paper (don''t know what else to call it... you could read the printing but kind of see through it too) tied on top of a pic of the two of them with a ribbon. I think they ordered the printed sheet and assembled it themselves, and they looked spectacular! Plus, if you''re sending invites/announcements to distant relatives you haven''t seen since you were 9, or haven''t met your intended, having the pics will help them place who in the world is sending the invite! LOL!
Date: 12/22/2004 11:37
4 AM
Author: JCJD
Date: 12/22/2004 11:32:38 AM

Author: goldengirl

rfath, your site is AMAZING!!!!


Thanks for the compliments! We literally stumbled across a single ad for the place - and realized that it''s around the corner from where we live, but so set back in the trees that we never knew it was there. It *so* fits our personalities.

Just have to beat up the function coordinator - she''s one of those who doesn''t understand why we''d want to do something other than what everyone else has done. She and my florist had an interesting conversation, I guess... she can''t really stop us from doing what we''d like, but gosh is she VERBAL about her opinions!
PS. DG, it''s obvious to me now that you are geographically far from your gf. is she Stateside ? what is your story ? you can post me offlist if everyone knows this part already !
just 3500 miles...
I don''t think I have posted "my story" but since you asked here is a very short version, lol
she is American, 29, cradle-Catholic, a real sweetheart and far too good for me; I am 21, British, masters student. we met in a politics chatroom in July, we have spoken almost every single day since then. I will be going to see her at spring-break in March
we went to pick up the Christmas cake this morning from the Cake Shop (

guess at what I found myself looking? the wedding cakes, of course! lol, they were all so gorgeous, but sooooooooooooooooooooooooo expensive!!! I was genuinely a little shocked! but we won''t be getting married over here anyway, I hope they are cheaper over there! but they really are fantastic

oh, they had cup-cake cakes too, which I assumed was an American thing
Hello Ladies,
It''s been fun reading your posts and not waiting alone feeling like an obsessed freek!

I think I will be off the list this week! I''m stuck at home right now waiting at home for a special sparkly FedEx package! My b/f has made it very clear to me, that I am not to open this package. We picked the ring out together and found the diamond with Mark at engagmentringsdirect, but it took about 1 month to have it''s finally done and I think I''ll get it for Christmas. We''re going home to Oregon on Christmas Eve--he''s never met my father--so this will give them a chance to chat, and then...I''m going to be going nuts! My mom knows we''re talking about getting married, and I told her we were looking at rings, but I don''t think they expect anything.

SO--FedEx better hurry up! I''m really going to try to be good over the next couple of days, and not pester him too much to see it...arrrggg! I just want to try it on! See how it fits, and if I like it! I''m sure I will...I''m so excited!
Date: 12/22/2004 11:59:44 AM
Author: diamondgeezer
PS. DG, it''s obvious to me now that you are geographically far from your gf. is she Stateside ? what is your story ? you can post me offlist if everyone knows this part already !

just 3500 miles...
I don''t think I have posted ''my story'' but since you asked here is a very short version, lol

she is American, 29, cradle-Catholic, a real sweetheart and far too good for me; I am 21, British, masters student. we met in a politics chatroom in July, we have spoken almost every single day since then. I will be going to see her at spring-break in March

Another online romance? Woohoo! I met my fiance online while trying to figure out how to fix my computer - he ran the server I was on. It''s amazing how people look at us funny even now when they find out how we met.
you and I are like-minded I think ! I really am enjoying the waiting ........

and the invite you describe is so like what I have been looking at ..... they are ''do-it-yourself'' which I love because I''m arty and want to make them very ''us'' (i.e. totally non-trad!)

I also want a tent, but hopefully set up beside a rural pub in the middle of nowhere, fields and mountain and the Atlantic ocean ! (basically about ten mins. drive from my mother''s house ! hehehehe!)
I wrote the pub I had in mind (snail mail) but haven''t heard a peep back. Also contacted the one place I found online that does marquee''s and haven''t heard back from them either. I''m not worried, everyone takes their ease and their own sweet time about getting back to you at home !

I am very lucky though. From a family of five girls, one''s a florist, one''s a pastry chef, one''s an artist with a trad. musician bf (who has lots of friends!) and the youngest is going to help pull it all together (since I''ll be trying to organise from here).

anyway, budget is tight on our end too so it''s everyone pitch in and if the pub thing doesn''t work out I''m thinking of using my Mom''s house.

my biggest ''uh-oh'' is the Irish weather, it''s generally raining ! still, the gods/goddesses might smile on us !

I am soooooooooo excited though. Another friend here is a definite and is going to travel with her sister. I''m very excited as she is one of seven sisters and I''m one of five and we pretty much adopted each other as extra-sister a few years ago. Things are just coming together so well, already !

hmmmmmmmmmm, what else ? oh, yeah, if only he''d ASK me !
Heh, I met mine online too, but intentionally--personals.

DG, have you gotten to see your sweetie in person yet? I think it''s awesome you met in a political chat and didn''t end up hating each other, lol...
right - this site ..... is it rfath? ........ can someone post a link please ??

wow, lots of online romances.
has everyone met in person or not ???

I have been down that road too. It''s very different to the usual way of meeting someone but sometimes affords one a chance to really get to know each other - still, I believe the proof is in the pudding - the spark can only happen (or not) in person ....

would you all agree ??
Oh, yes, I wanted to throw in my do-it-yourself invite idea!

I have a few, but this is the one I've been really loving lately:

I'll take a sheet of heavy, dark-colored cardstock (like cranberry) and cut it in 1/2 hamburger-ways so instead of 8.5"x11" it's 8.5"x5.5". Print out invites on white paper. Cut slightly smaller than the cardstock so there's like 1/4" border all the way around. Punch one or two accent shapes out of the white paper (I am going to use a maple leaf, I think) and then glue onto cardstock. The bright-colored cardstock will show under the punched-out leaf. I like that it's simple, but has a little something to make it visually interesting. Let me see if I can find my inspiration invite.....

ETA: I met mine in person a week after we first made contact online. We've been inseparable ever since.
Persistant: I bet you are going nuts right now, but that is so exciting!!!

I''ve been obsessing about the wedding all week, and spent way to much time researching all the details online while I am at work.
Eh, I give up. Too many invitation web sites...
I have it bookmarked at home, along with about a thousand other wedding-related post it later. :)

apple, I, too, spend too much time doing absolutely nuthin'' productive at work. But that''s not my fault, my boss just doesn''t have anything for me to do!!
thanks for the support

no, we have not yet met in person, we will (finally!) meet in March, I am going to be over there for 3 or 4 weeks

I already know all I need to know

Date: 12/22/2004 12:55:12 PM
Author: goldengirl

I think it''s awesome you met in a political chat and didn''t end up hating each other, lol...
lol!!! I don''t mind if someone has a different opinion to me, so long as it is considered

those I do genuinely detest, and I do mean loathe with a passion, are the mindless mouthpieces of one ideology or another - especially when they are calling for a more intrusive and authoritarian kind of government
I my ff on line through a mutual friend. Yes, we have met, He has come to visit me 5 times in the last year - he has helped support Delta. I will be going to visit him in 5 days - not that I''m counting or anything (I started the count down at 133 days and I can''t believe it''s almost here)
I also want a tent, but hopefully set up beside a rural pub in the middle of nowhere, fields and mountain and the Atlantic ocean ! (basically about ten mins. drive from my mother''s house ! hehehehe!)
I wrote the pub I had in mind (snail mail) but haven''t heard a peep back. Also contacted the one place I found online that does marquee''s and haven''t heard back from them either. I''m not worried, everyone takes their ease and their own sweet time about getting back to you at home !
croi, I didn''t know you are British! I assumed almost everyone on PS was American, lol
DG, I think that''s very sweet, and telling, that you know everything you need to know already. :) How excited you must be to see her on spring break!! I know you''re planning to move to the US to be with her, when do you think that will happen? And how long have you been talking already? I don''t think I could do long-term LDRs!!
I bet your phone bill got suddenly astronomical!!
Date: 12/22/2004 1:53:31 PM
Author: goldengirl
DG, I think that''s very sweet, and telling, that you know everything you need to know already. :) How excited you must be to see her on spring break!! I know you''re planning to move to the US to be with her, when do you think that will happen? And how long have you been talking already? I don''t think I could do long-term LDRs!!
I bet your phone bill got suddenly astronomical!!
I am planning to move to US after I finish college, September 28th 2005, anytime after that, asap!

been talking almost every single day for nearly 6 months, only when it was unavoidable did we not speak (like when she had to go to her neice''s birthday party, or thanksgiving, and I had to go to my uncles wedding)

phone bill? no worries about that - thank God for yahoo im and voicechat
lol she has the sweetest voice, and the sexiest yawn

they say patience is a virtue! thankfully, I am British, so it is not too bad, still, I just want to drop everything - work, school, christmas - and just get on that plane
Date: 12/22/2004 11:45:58 AM
Author: JCJD
It was a sheer piece of paper (don''t know what else to call it... you could read the printing but kind of see through it too) tied on top of a pic of the two of them with a ribbon. I think they ordered the printed sheet and assembled it themselves, and they looked spectacular! Plus, if you''re sending invites/announcements to distant relatives you haven''t seen since you were 9, or haven''t met your intended, having the pics will help them place who in the world is sending the invite! LOL!
That sheer paper is called vellum. You can buy it at places like Michaels in smaller sizes (like 8.5x5.5) or from places like Staples. They make it so you can print on either a laser printer or ink jet. You just need to make sure you get the right kind for whatever printer you are using.

GG - What is this hamburger business??? I have never heard paper described like that before! Its either portrait or landscape.
Date: 12/22/2004 1:23:16 PM
Author: Croí

right - this site ..... is it rfath? ........ can someone post a link please ??

wow, lots of online romances.

has everyone met in person or not ???

I have been down that road too. It''s very different to the usual way of meeting someone but sometimes affords one a chance to really get to know each other - still, I believe the proof is in the pudding - the spark can only happen (or not) in person ....

would you all agree ??

dg - how romantic!

My wedding site? I posted a link in one of my previous posts... the address is

When I first met my now-fiance, he was actually seeing someone. She was actually seeing several someones at the same time. I went out to meet him on a whim (and trying to get away from school!); the sparks were still there
. I spent the summer out there working, then transferred myself a semester later - money situation meant that I lived with him from the beginning - luckily it worked out! Parents NOT thrilled. Parents very sad to admit later that they couldn''t help but like him.

The rest of the family has dubbed me the black sheep and treated me accordingly. I like it this way, actually.
When I first met my now-fiance, he was actually seeing someone. She was actually seeing several someones at the same time.
that is terrible, why would someone do that? someone should tell her that people are not chocolates. whilst one chocolate is never enough, one person is plenty!

I went out to meet him on a whim (and trying to get away from school!); the sparks were still there
. I spent the summer out there working, then transferred myself a semester later - money situation meant that I lived with him from the beginning - luckily it worked out!
awww, that is really sweet, I am so glad it worked out for you!
Date: 12/22/2004 2:18:40 PM
Author: njc

GG - What is this hamburger business??? I have never heard paper described like that before! Its either portrait or landscape.''s from elementary school, when you were doing arts & crafts...and your teacher would say, "Fold your paper in half" and if she said "hamburger-ways" it meant the fold went perpendicular through the long side, and if she said "hot-dog-ways" it meant the fold went through the short side, so it looked like you got two long, skinny pieces dog. I don''t think the hamburger-ways makes any sense unless you understand it''s only hamburger in relation to the hot-dog-ways. LMAO!!!!

dg, TOOOOOOOO funny... "People are not chocolates".... lol!!!!!
Date: 12/22/2004 2:41:11 PM
Author: diamondgeezer
that is terrible, why would someone do that?

I agree... unless she was open with them about her casual dating... who knows! It all worked out in the end!

"someone should tell her that people are not chocolates. whilst one chocolate is never enough, one person is plenty!"

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Glad to have a male chocoholic in our midst! (FI doesn''t like chocolate, the crazy man!!)
Thanks njc!! Too bad my sister just quit at Michael''s and I can''t get her discount anymore!
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