
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 3/18/2010 10:29:49 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 9:40:33 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/18/2010 9:36:47 AM
Author: elrohwen
That''s so awesome, elle! Do you get to clean out cages and stuff?

I really need to wear DH down about the second bun. He originally said not until we have a house, but that could easily be 3 more years and by then Otto will be middle aged. If we were just waiting one more year, fine, but I don''t think we can put it off forever and I don''t think there''s really a need to put it off forever. We might even be able to work out with the rescue to return the new bun if she and Otto can''t bond, but I think it''s possible to bond almost any bunny unless they want to fight to the death. And this little girl is so cute and sounds like a good fit for us!
She''s so cute. I don''t know how he can say no!

J is using the ''not til we get a house'' excuse for having kids.
Bunnehs, I imagine, are like cats. If you have one, two is no big deal. But you cant get three because then they outnumber humans and can take over the house.

I will volunteer to clean cages/feed bunnehs, and I also want to take the ''Bunneh Socializing'' class so I can help socialize nervous bunnehs. Then I can always help at events, too.

I just realized I dont say bunny. Only bunneh. Whoops.
This made me snort in my office. So true.

J and I stand firm on not being outnumbered by the evil manipulative kittehs!
Date: 3/18/2010 10:26:36 AM
Author: elrohwen
Yay for your sister visiting! Do you think you''ll have any exciting news to share with her? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Haha. Not yet.

Still thinking next weekend. But who knows.

And thanks, elle...I''m like a zombie today...but I did my makeup, so at least I *look* awake!
Date: 3/18/2010 10:29:49 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/18/2010 10:28:00 AM
Author: elrohwen

I started looking for a new job in February of 2008, so I definitely know how you feel!

Terrible! Obama - Fix it!
Well, I did have another job until Sep 2009, but it was a horrible toxic job. But yeah, the stupid economy screwed me over! I almost had a job in May of 2008 until the company went on a hiring freeze for 1.5 years.
Elle, I so want a flemish giant! I think I want a pair - a flemish giant and an english lop. So I can have Otto and another smallish bunny together, then a pair of giant bunnehs!! E-lops are supposed to be like the puppies of the bunny world. Want!
Date: 3/18/2010 10:33:54 AM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 3/18/2010 10:29:49 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/18/2010 10:28:00 AM
Author: elrohwen

I started looking for a new job in February of 2008, so I definitely know how you feel!

Terrible! Obama - Fix it!
Well, I did have another job until Sep 2009, but it was a horrible toxic job. But yeah, the stupid economy screwed me over! I almost had a job in May of 2008 until the company went on a hiring freeze for 1.5 years.
Gah. That really sucks!

I cant even get a call back, let alone an interview. If I could just hear back from someone I''d be ELATED!
Date: 3/18/2010 10:35:38 AM
Author: elrohwen
Elle, I so want a flemish giant! I think I want a pair - a flemish giant and an english lop. So I can have Otto and another smallish bunny together, then a pair of giant bunnehs!! E-lops are supposed to be like the puppies of the bunny world. Want!
They''re so freaking cute!! I''m bunny obsessed lately!!

In my super awesome fantasy world I run a nonprofit shelter that saves kittehs and giant bunnehs.
Date: 3/18/2010 10:21:43 AM
Author: vc10um
Morning, ladies!

el and el, your bunneh talk makes me want one!!! But we have no room for a cage.
7.gif stressing!

Sister comes this evening. I did not sleep well last night...I could not breathe cuz, although I love spring, stupid allergies have reared their ugly heads...
I feel so bad for anyone with seasonal allergies like that. It really takes away from the lovliness of winter ending. DH has pretty bag allergies and the season change combined with all of the drywall sanding we are doing in our bathroom right now he is miserable. I think he is currently allergic to our house in general. I hope your nasal passages are able to get their act together soon.
Date: 3/18/2010 10:38:22 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 10:21:43 AM
Author: vc10um
Morning, ladies!

el and el, your bunneh talk makes me want one!!! But we have no room for a cage.
7.gif stressing!

Sister comes this evening. I did not sleep well last night...I could not breathe cuz, although I love spring, stupid allergies have reared their ugly heads...
I feel so bad for anyone with seasonal allergies like that. It really takes away from the lovliness of winter ending. DH has pretty bag allergies and the season change combined with all of the drywall sanding we are doing in our bathroom right now he is miserable. I think he is currently allergic to our house in general. I hope your nasal passages are able to get their act together soon.
The nasal passages aren''t too''s the sinuses that just aren''t cooperating.
Hi, we ate tacos for St. Patty''s day. The lettuce was green.

Elle - I''m so proud of you for volunteering at the bunneh place!

Elro - Hey Nikki you''re so fine, you''re so fine you blow my mind....wait nevermind. I don''t understand why you''re not allowed to get that bunneh?! I will write you a permission slip.

VC - I suffer from allergies too and someone was just telling me to start eating natural honey?! Apparently it has something to do w/ the natural pollen in honey builds up your immunity? I am heading up this weekend to get some. You should try it w/ me! I''ve also become a big fan of the Netti pot. A good nose douche really helps!

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.

Future-girl- Keep us posted on the interview!
Yay Netti pot! I don''t get any immediate relief, but I credit it with keeping me off antibiotics for a whole year (I used to be on them 3-4 times per year).

Everyone should get allergy shots! I don''t even take allergy meds anymore since my shots. Love them. I used to have horrible seasonal allergies.
Date: 3/18/2010 9:15:16 AM
Author: elrohwen
That''s awesome Future Girl!! Good luck!

Good morning ladies! I''ve started an all out campaign to get a second bun to be Otto''s buddy. DH is against it, but I feel like his arguments are getting sillier and sillier. I found a loppy girl who is probably a pound or two more than Otto, and he says ''But I want one the same size as him. And I want one in that fawn color you showed me before.''
I think his main fear is really that Otto won''t like us anymore after he''s bonded, but that''s silly. He spends the vast majority of his day sitting alone and sleeping alone and I think he could really use a buddy. He''ll still come out in the evening and hang out with us, snuggle, etc.

Anyway, here''s the Petfinder ad for the little girl I really want. The shelter I volunteer at doesn''t have many single buns, and most of those are male, but this other rescue is in the same town and I think the rescue owner I work with would still bond them for me (bonding bunnies can be easy or difficult, but it''s much easier if someone experienced does it in a neutral territory). So here she is: I would love to meet her and see if Otto likes her.
She''s a cutie! Looks more like a mini lop than holland, yeah?

This made me
though: "My guess is she was an "imperfect" baby bred by a show breeder. This is common practice among show breeder''s, who breed for the perfect bunny to win a prize."

Morning everybody!
Oh, and thanks for the bunneh permission slip, Wino! She is super cute, right? I luff her.
Date: 3/18/2010 11:01:38 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/18/2010 9:15:16 AM
Author: elrohwen
That''s awesome Future Girl!! Good luck!

Good morning ladies! I''ve started an all out campaign to get a second bun to be Otto''s buddy. DH is against it, but I feel like his arguments are getting sillier and sillier. I found a loppy girl who is probably a pound or two more than Otto, and he says ''But I want one the same size as him. And I want one in that fawn color you showed me before.''
I think his main fear is really that Otto won''t like us anymore after he''s bonded, but that''s silly. He spends the vast majority of his day sitting alone and sleeping alone and I think he could really use a buddy. He''ll still come out in the evening and hang out with us, snuggle, etc.

Anyway, here''s the Petfinder ad for the little girl I really want. The shelter I volunteer at doesn''t have many single buns, and most of those are male, but this other rescue is in the same town and I think the rescue owner I work with would still bond them for me (bonding bunnies can be easy or difficult, but it''s much easier if someone experienced does it in a neutral territory). So here she is: I would love to meet her and see if Otto likes her.
She''s a cutie! Looks more like a mini lop than holland, yeah?

This made me
though: ''My guess is she was an ''imperfect'' baby bred by a show breeder. This is common practice among show breeder''s, who breed for the perfect bunny to win a prize.''

Morning everybody!
Yeah, definitely looks mini-lop. It doesn''t list her weight, but I''m guessing 5-6lbs - she doesn''t look very big. And Otto is 4.3lbs, so she''s probably just a bit bigger than him.

at that too. I''m sure it happens, but I''m also sure that most breeders find good pet homes for the bunnies that won''t cut it as show animals. She could''ve been from somebody''s accidental litter too - they didn''t know what to do with the babies, so they sent her away.
Date: 3/18/2010 11:02:16 AM
Author: elrohwen
Oh, and thanks for the bunneh permission slip, Wino! She is super cute, right? I luff her.
You''re welcome. I''m having our notary notarize it right now so it seems more official. I luff her too. I luff Otto.
Date: 3/18/2010 10:15:06 AM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 3/18/2010 10:11:59 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Haha! Yes! Manipulate with video games!!

Yeah, I haven''t handled too many bunnehs before, but I''m pretty comfortable with animals - even aggressive ones. Although it looks like a bunneh bite would hurt more than a kitteh bite. We''ll see!

I''ll bring Bev and get some awesome bunneh pics!
I haven''t been bitten yet because I try to keep something between my hand and the pissed off bunnehs. I use a shop vac to clean, so I put the hose in front of the bunny so they attack that instead of me. Haha.
Cat bites hurt more because they have sharper teeth, but buns have bigger teeth so they can do more damage. Ask the scars on my fingies.
Date: 3/18/2010 11:04:04 AM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 3/18/2010 11:01:38 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/18/2010 9:15:16 AM
Author: elrohwen
That''s awesome Future Girl!! Good luck!

Good morning ladies! I''ve started an all out campaign to get a second bun to be Otto''s buddy. DH is against it, but I feel like his arguments are getting sillier and sillier. I found a loppy girl who is probably a pound or two more than Otto, and he says ''But I want one the same size as him. And I want one in that fawn color you showed me before.''
I think his main fear is really that Otto won''t like us anymore after he''s bonded, but that''s silly. He spends the vast majority of his day sitting alone and sleeping alone and I think he could really use a buddy. He''ll still come out in the evening and hang out with us, snuggle, etc.

Anyway, here''s the Petfinder ad for the little girl I really want. The shelter I volunteer at doesn''t have many single buns, and most of those are male, but this other rescue is in the same town and I think the rescue owner I work with would still bond them for me (bonding bunnies can be easy or difficult, but it''s much easier if someone experienced does it in a neutral territory). So here she is: I would love to meet her and see if Otto likes her.
She''s a cutie! Looks more like a mini lop than holland, yeah?

This made me
though: ''My guess is she was an ''imperfect'' baby bred by a show breeder. This is common practice among show breeder''s, who breed for the perfect bunny to win a prize.''

Morning everybody!
Yeah, definitely looks mini-lop. It doesn''t list her weight, but I''m guessing 5-6lbs - she doesn''t look very big. And Otto is 4.3lbs, so she''s probably just a bit bigger than him.

at that too. I''m sure it happens, but I''m also sure that most breeders find good pet homes for the bunnies that won''t cut it as show animals. She could''ve been from somebody''s accidental litter too - they didn''t know what to do with the babies, so they sent her away.
Having spent a lot of time in that environment of showing rabbits, I know that most breeders will not send to ''snake people'' (as we called them) unless it''s a last resort. Most pet stores don''t take a lot of bunnies though, which sucks. You totally have to count on people buying as pets. It''s no different than showing dogs, really.
Date: 3/18/2010 10:58:40 AM
Author: winelover23

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.
Ummmm do I need to be worried about anything here?? ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE!?!?!

But I totally agree. Such pretty eyes and classically beautiful bone structure. I would KILL for cheekbones like that!!

Ok. I''ll stop now.
Date: 3/18/2010 11:23:46 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 10:58:40 AM
Author: winelover23

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.
Ummmm do I need to be worried about anything here?? ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE!?!?!

But I totally agree. Such pretty eyes and classically beautiful bone structure. I would KILL for cheekbones like that!!

Ok. I''ll stop now.
I still want her hair.
Date: 3/18/2010 11:24:40 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/18/2010 11:23:46 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 10:58:40 AM
Author: winelover23

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.
Ummmm do I need to be worried about anything here?? ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE!?!?!

But I totally agree. Such pretty eyes and classically beautiful bone structure. I would KILL for cheekbones like that!!

Ok. I''ll stop now.
I still want her hair.
Oh I forgot about that... I''m such a plain Jane next to my wifey!!
Date: 3/18/2010 11:22:01 AM
Author: sunnyd
Having spent a lot of time in that environment of showing rabbits, I know that most breeders will not send to ''snake people'' (as we called them) unless it''s a last resort. Most pet stores don''t take a lot of bunnies though, which sucks. You totally have to count on people buying as pets. It''s no different than showing dogs, really.
I don''t think I could sell bunnies to a pet store. So many people grab a baby bunny as an impulse buy and they later get dumped. I couldn''t breed because I''d be so picky about every home my buns went to
I guess it''s possible to do this with dogs if you only have one litter a year or something, but for the number of bunnies breeders raise, I imagine it would be very difficult to be that picky about new homes.
Date: 3/18/2010 11:27:06 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 11:24:40 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/18/2010 11:23:46 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 10:58:40 AM
Author: winelover23

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.
Ummmm do I need to be worried about anything here?? ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE!?!?!

But I totally agree. Such pretty eyes and classically beautiful bone structure. I would KILL for cheekbones like that!!

Ok. I''ll stop now.
I still want her hair.
Oh I forgot about that... I''m such a plain Jane next to my wifey!!
SAME! My wifey is way hot!

I will always live in fear of losing her!

And yes.. princesss is quite gorgeous! Wouldnt mind having a wife like her either!

The small talkers are like an exclusive sorority now. They''re all gorgeous. Its a prereq!
I am not friends with Princesss

Princesss...find me!!! It''s pretty easy...just look at your wife''s friends for someone with the initials VC.

Pwweeeeeezzzeeee **lower lip tremble**
Date: 3/18/2010 11:32:38 AM
Author: elledizzy5

SAME! My wifey is way hot!

I will always live in fear of losing her!

And yes.. princesss is quite gorgeous! Wouldnt mind having a wife like her either!

The small talkers are like an exclusive sorority now. They''re all gorgeous. Its a prereq!
Does that mean we need a dress code???
Date: 3/18/2010 11:27:06 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 11:24:40 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/18/2010 11:23:46 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 10:58:40 AM
Author: winelover23

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.
Ummmm do I need to be worried about anything here?? ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE!?!?!

But I totally agree. Such pretty eyes and classically beautiful bone structure. I would KILL for cheekbones like that!!

Ok. I''ll stop now.
I still want her hair.
Oh I forgot about that... I''m such a plain Jane next to my wifey!!
A) Wifey, you''re boooooootiful
B) You guys are super sweet. I''ve been having a MAYJAH attack of insecurititis (super ''ficial term, donchaknow), so I''m feeling extra super special right now. Spanks! I''m blushing...
Date: 3/18/2010 11:35:31 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 3/18/2010 11:32:38 AM
Author: elledizzy5

SAME! My wifey is way hot!

I will always live in fear of losing her!

And yes.. princesss is quite gorgeous! Wouldnt mind having a wife like her either!

The small talkers are like an exclusive sorority now. They're all gorgeous. Its a prereq!
Does that mean we need a dress code???
On Wednesdays we wear PINK!
Date: 3/18/2010 11:35:31 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 3/18/2010 11:32:38 AM
Author: elledizzy5

SAME! My wifey is way hot!

I will always live in fear of losing her!

And yes.. princesss is quite gorgeous! Wouldnt mind having a wife like her either!

The small talkers are like an exclusive sorority now. They''re all gorgeous. Its a prereq!
Does that mean we need a dress code???
YES. No American Apparel leggings!
Date: 3/18/2010 11:34:24 AM
Author: vc10um
I am not friends with Princesss

Princesss...find me!!! It''s pretty easy...just look at your wife''s friends for someone with the initials VC.

Pwweeeeeezzzeeee **lower lip tremble**
Awww, VC, no worries! We be friends by tonight. Pinky swears.
Morning everyone.

Elle -- Yay for bunnehs!

VC -- Allergies stink. (I''m suffering too -- early this year)
Speaking of sororities. Do you remember that lifetime movie with Jenny Von Oy? She ended up dying by falling off a roof or something, but the sorority she was rushing made her get in her underwear and then they circled the parts of her that were too fat?

Ohh.... Lifetime Movies!!

ETA: Found it!
Date: 3/18/2010 11:23:46 AM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 3/18/2010 10:58:40 AM
Author: winelover23

Princess - Everyone is right, he WILL find something! Hang in there! OH and BTW, you''re freaking hot. I''m not coming on to you or anything but I could stare at your pretty green eyes on the nameless site for hours. You should be a model.
Ummmm do I need to be worried about anything here?? ARE YOU HITTING ON MY WIFE!?!?!

But I totally agree. Such pretty eyes and classically beautiful bone structure. I would KILL for cheekbones like that!!

Ok. I''ll stop now.
CTek - I would NEVER hit on your wife. I was merely appreciating her classic beauty. Please forgive me if I have offended you.