
The Official TTC Thread!

inluv, so sorry to hear about AF.
I had pink spotting at the right time for implantation bleeding three months ago and it turned into nothing, but I really think I had a chemical pregnancy. I think those are a lot more common than we think, and it reassured me a little that I was capable of getting pregnant. We can never know for sure, of course . . .

Have fun on your cruise!
InLuv....DRATS. I'm sorry...
Do you use OPKS? I remember you said you had lots of ewcm and that you and the hubby were Bding a lot on the days. leading up to O..but didn't get to do much Bd the couple days before. I'm thinking OPK's might be helpful in determining when you're closer to O so you can help to time BD to better catch that eggie... ?
Peony, yay for Clomid and ovulation!!! Told you it would work!
Now you already know you can get hopefully it's just a matter of time before you do get KU again soon!

littlelysser - I can't belive you're 12 weeks already! Do you know what you're having yet? I'm glad you posted about exercising while preggo. That's one thing I would like to do, if I get KU. I dont' want to gain more weight than I really need to. Swimming is a great idea, swimmer!

Dreamer had her baby???? Congratulations, dreamer!!
Wow, must go to the preggo thread and check out!
Fisher yay on today''s rising temp!! I hope they stay up and that you guys were able to get some good BD in
I''m so sorry to hear about your MIL. I''m praying that she gets through this soon. Keeping you guys in my thoughts.

Hi InLuv
, boooo to AF! I''m sorry
That''s weird about your LP length. But like you said, 10day LP should be fine.
So will you share where you''re going on the cruise? Sounds fun!

Hi Lulu, You and Swimmer are so funny! But I totally think a celebration is in order. What a wonderful idea your hubby had! This TTC process needs all the positive vibes we can give it

Peony, wow awesomeness for the early O!!!! Go get um

Hi Steph, I''m still hoping the best for you this month
good luck~

Oh, and thanks to Mandarine, Sha, Festy, DD, and Lysser for the tips
Sha, Hoping there''s a way for another Dr. to see your test scores.

For all the recent/soon-to testers, GOOD LUCK!! Wishing all the best and PERFECT scores that land in a baby in 10 months!!


I thought I''d read that you''re not supposed to do anything creating saliva while TTC. Maybe that''s just a precaution people can take when they''ve been TTC for a while (which you haven''t!!), but I wanted to throw that out there anyway.

Thank you all for the thoughts for my mother-in-law. She''s so dear, and I swear, each time I get my period, I feel like I''ve let her down on her dream to be a grandmother. Ah, I know it will come and in the perfect time, and maybe that time is when she''s declared all well, but I so want to be able to share the joy of telling her she''s about to embark on the next phase of her life (which she has talked about since the day I met her!!), in hopes of that being some way of further encouraging her on the road to wellness.

Anyway, any thoughts or prayers for her are so very appreciated and I can''t tell you how much they mean to her.

FF has given me a few days of VIP to play with. Yay. I''m excited to putter around on the site tonight, see what I can find out.

I''m really excited about this pregnancy streak we have going on. Hope like crazy mad it keeps up!! How I long to hear (read) that each of us has popped on to say, "Hey, I''m gonna be a mommy!!"

Can''t wait!!!
Fisher, just wanted to say prayers are outgoing to your sweet MIL. She will be so thrilled when you get to announce your pregnancy.

Well, today is CD 32 and still no sign of AF. My backache has returned and that was a main symptom of both pregnancies I had. Sooo, I am going to pick up another pack of tests. I am just going to have to be patient and wait until Adam gets home to take it though b/c he really wants to find out with me! I'll let you guys know when I know something!
Inluv I am so sorry AF came!
...I too had hopes for you, but I trust it will happen!...and that cruise sounds awesome...I am sure you will enjoy it and it's good to look at the bright side a little cocktail with a tiny little umbrella sounds perfect!

Peony, Get on the floor, the saddle and grab that bull by the horns!!!!
I am so excited for you to see that Clomid is working!!!...yayyy! I so hope this positive news is contagious and you all catch the "bug"

Fisher I am still keeping MIL in my prayers. She sounds like such a wonderful lady and you are so so so lucky to have her. It is great to see how much you truly love her. I can't wait for the day you also get your positive, that baby will be just so blessed!.

Steph...any news???

Festy thinking of you and DH today!! Many many good vibes to you!!!

LL, the anxiety of the first trimester really IS hard. Thank you for commenting on the running. I actually haven't gone since Saturday because I just don't feel like I want to so I will just do what my body tells me. My Dr said it was ok, as long as my heart rate stayed under 140 (my average is about 140 on regular runs) and as long as I didn't increase mileage. Yesterday I just did a toning class (with less weights) and it felt good to do it...but boy I did get tired a lot faster and had to take mini-breaks in between (which I didn't need to do a month ago!)...funny how quickly your body changes.


I am sure I'm missing more posts, but they are on the previous page!!
. Any case good luck to you all!! I am pulling for ALL of you girls!!!

So I've got some VERY VRY VERY exciting news to share!!!....

Remember I told you guys my friend was going for her 4th in-vitro??. Well.....IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
. I can't even begin to explain how happy I am for them!. They called us last night to share the news and of course we were in SHOCK and so excited!. We couldn't share our news yet (since not even our parents know)...but we are 2 days apart in our due dates!! How crazy is that!?. This is DH's best friend..they were each other's best mans at the weddings. It is just such an incredible blessing.

I had no idea how we were going to tell them our news if they didn't have their own reason to celebrate...and now they will freak out when they hear our news. They were telling us their HPT story and we were laughing over here because all four of us were doing the same exact thing this last weekend!. Crazy!
. I'm just so happy for them I couldn't stop smiling/screaming/jumping last night...I can't wait to tell them!.

I went to the Dr yesterday and we have our first U/S in 2 weeks. I have so much anxiety it's crazy...but I'm keeping only positive thoughts and praying each and every single day for the little bean to stick

So may the good news over here and IRL continue!!!


ETA: YAY STEPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go test!!!!!!!!!
Morning lovely ladies!

Steph -- Sounds promising! Hoping for a BFP for you, please let us know when you know!

Mandarine -- YAY for your friend! How awesome that you guys get to go through it together and have kids the same age!!! I know you must be bursting to tell them. Can''t wait to hear about your ultrasound in 2 weeks!

Fisher -- You are right...your BFP will come at the perfect time and your MIL will be thrilled!! Have fun searching through FF!

Phoenix -- I agree that chemicals are probably alot more common than we think. Hopefully it will happen for me soon! Thanks so much for your encouragement.

Sha -- Thanks girl...I don''t use OPKS and I did have a ton of days with fertlle CM. We didn''t really BD on ideal days this month because we were just tired! Lol, maybe I will try them especially since I will most likely be on the cruise when I''m fertile and it would be nice to not have to wake up at 6am to temp. How exactly do they work? Will it work without temping? Where is the best place to get them (store IRL vs. online?) Can you explain them a bit for me? TIA

Sunkist -- Thanks. We are going to Mexico on our cruise. It leaves next weekend...can''t wait!!

Festy -- Good luck to your DH & his SA today! I''m sure evrything is just fine.

Swimmer -- You crack me up!!
******************************************************************** is a better day
Date: 2/24/2009 3:54:12 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/24/2009 3:15:07 PM
Author: lovelylulu

Date: 2/24/2009 3:08:42 PM
Author: swimmer

Lulu, well done with the perfect uterus. Can you make yourself a certificate or something to celebrate? That accomplishment should go on the fridge.

Actually, my husband joked that we should go out to our favorite restaurant to celebrate
! Ah, the importance of having a sense of humor . . .
Ha ha! You totally should! But then I will look for any excuse for a nice meal. And I love the certificate idea. I really want to frame my charts but would rather not have to explain them to MIL.
my fingers crossed for you steph

glad to hear you''re feeling better today, inluv.

fisher - my thoughts are with your MIL

peony -


I got the results of my hormone tests and everything came back normal. I would be pretty happy (and have found yet another reason to go out to dinner), but i am facing a bit of a dilemna.

the next test up is an hsg, which i would prefer never having. something about a catheter and ink in my nether regions
typically this test is scheduled between CD5 and 10 (pre-ovulation) but the first opening was on my CD11. Because of the timing, while the test results will be the same, I am not to have any unprotected sex this cycle. My dilemna is should I have the test and take a TCC break or give my body another chance and postpone the test until the next cycle. Apparently, if the test was administered during CD5-10, I would be permitted to keep on trying. I will take this issue up further with my doctor to get to the root of why the timing is so important and inquire whether the fact that I know when I ovulate will make a difference...

but what would you do?

and to put this in some context, this is cycle 10.
Hi Lulu,

If it were me I think I''d wait to schedule the test for next cycle. I don''t think I could bear using protection for even one cycle. Maybe this can be avoided if they trust you to O well after CD 11. FWIW, a friend of a friend who was having trouble getting pregnant found out one of her tubes was blocked through this test and got KTFU as soon as they fixed it! Hopefully it''s not painful or uncomfortable...maybe someone who''s had one can chime in.


Well, DH went in for the SA early this a.m. and couldn''t DTD in the lab. The poor dear. Apparently it was really cold in the room and there was a continuous feed of **** on the DVD machine. Basically someone''s version of hell...or heaven, depending on the person. So he calls me at home when I''m trying to rush out the door to tell me no dice, but that they will let him go home and do it, as long as the sample is back in 30 minutes, and could I please make him some coffee, he''s dying for caffeine! So I scrape together the few dregs of coffee we have left and abandon any thoughts of getting to work on time. Apparently he got the sample back in 31 minutes
but thankfully did not get in a wreck doing so!
lovelylulu- I had an hsg in August. I just looked back and I had the test done on CD 13, my doctor never said anything about not trying that cycle. For whatever reason, that cycle I ovulated about 4 days later than normal. I got pregnant the next cycle (ended in early miscarriage)
As far as the test itself, I didn''t have a problem with it. It can cause some cramping. I''ve actually had 2 hsg''s, one was about 3 years ago prior to fibroid removal. The first one I had some cramping and my abs were sore the next day. This last time it didn''t bother me at all. If you decide to do it they recommend taking ibuprofen before due to the cramping. I think you''ll hear varied responses as to the degree of uncomfortableness. I have talked to some people who it bothered more than me. However, it is a quick procedure.
I actually would recommend doing it. You will then know that your tubes are clear. I have also heard of many stories of people getting pregnant soon after the hsg. I think even if your tubes are clear maybe there is some debris in there that the dye flushes out. I would also pin the doctor down on why you can''t try this month. I can''t really think of any reason, if you are certain you haven''t ovulated by now. If there is any question as to whether or not you''ve already ovulated then I would wait until next month. (but schedule it now, you can always cancel if you get pregnant this month)
Ok, so I''m not patient at all.....went and picked up a test and it''s still a no. I''m giving up for this month. I must not have ovulated or something. My body is so screwed up
. Anyway, I guess it is ok, I am following doctor''s orders this way and waited 3 months to get pregnant again, but it''s still disappointing. Anyway, sending lots of baby dust to others this month!
Sorry for the BFN Steph. Man, I was hoping this was it for you...
Date: 2/25/2009 7:30:31 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly



I thought I''d read that you''re not supposed to do anything creating saliva while TTC. Maybe that''s just a precaution people can take when they''ve been TTC for a while (which you haven''t!!), but I wanted to throw that out there anyway.


Thank you all for the thoughts for my mother-in-law. She''s so dear, and I swear, each time I get my period, I feel like I''ve let her down on her dream to be a grandmother. Ah, I know it will come and in the perfect time, and maybe that time is when she''s declared all well, but I so want to be able to share the joy of telling her she''s about to embark on the next phase of her life (which she has talked about since the day I met her!!), in hopes of that being some way of further encouraging her on the road to wellness.

Hey Fisher, I do know that saliva is deadly for sperm. Deadly, that sounds funny.

Fisher, about what you said re: getting your period and letting down your MIL. I''m sure she wouldn''t want you to feel like this. It''s got to be a tough situation going through this with your MIL and TTC, but I''m sure she wouldn''t want to be any added stress to you. I understand how much you want to see her hold your future babies. I hope it happens! I just don''t want you to feel like you''re letting her down because you got your AF. It''s not your fault. We all know you guys are trying your hardest!!
Steph, I''m so sorry about the BFN
That stinks.
Sorry Steph
...that stinks!
Thanks, girls! Maybe next month
Definitely Steph!!!
Boo to your BFN, Steph. It will happen soon. Hugs.
I have a question. What do Ovulation pains feel like? I''ve never thought I could feel them before. But yesterday and today I keep feeling the smallest little pin prick right above the crease in my lap. Does that sound like what anyone else feels?

And, if you feel an O pain that doesn''t mean your ovulating right then does it?
Date: 2/25/2009 10:57:42 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 2/24/2009 3:54:12 PM
Author: Festy

Date: 2/24/2009 3:15:07 PM
Author: lovelylulu

Date: 2/24/2009 3:08:42 PM
Author: swimmer

Lulu, well done with the perfect uterus. Can you make yourself a certificate or something to celebrate? That accomplishment should go on the fridge.

Actually, my husband joked that we should go out to our favorite restaurant to celebrate
! Ah, the importance of having a sense of humor . . .
Ha ha! You totally should! But then I will look for any excuse for a nice meal. And I love the certificate idea. I really want to frame my charts but would rather not have to explain them to MIL.
Too funny that someone posted about this! My mom was here over the weekend (at a major time of need for BDing, by the way!!) and I made the mistake of telling her about my charting. So, I showed her. She was in awe and said they didn''t have anything like that back in the day when she and Dad were trying for me and my brother. Anyway, my point was to show her the temp shifts and that sort of thing, but what she zeroed in on was the BD line. Figures! She said, "Good gosh, girl, with all that effort, you ought to have a baby sometime soon!!"


Man, I''m sorry. I *so* wish that our cycles would just decide to cooperate and stop giving us hopes all the stinking time. Aye. Still, they say it''s not over til idiot AF shows up....


Now I''m confused! If saliva is "deadly" to sperm, doesn''t that mean you can''t do anything like that while BDing? Hmm. I so thought I''d read that and was following it to a tee. Hmph. I guess I just thought that even if it was a short time later, the saliva would still be there. Odd. (And how very odd do I feel talking about this here!!)

I also know that my mother in law doesn''t want me to feel pressured to have a baby, and she''s not pressuring us at all. Still, I want a baby so very desperately, and just knowing that she wants the joy of grandparenthood makes that longing all the more. I have no doubt that she''ll hold our baby in her arms some day (hopefully soon), but I do so want to be able to bring her happiness and something to look forward to at this point in her life, while undergoing the stress of fighting off her illness. I don''t think it''s a bad pressure for me (most of the time, although I have cried and cried over it before, in past cycles), though. Not usually. Paul tells me constantly that just loving us and having the family she has now is enough for her to fight like mad to beat this illness, and I know it is, but I still want to give her extra incentive!


I''d been praying for your friend with the IVF!! Yay!! How very, very exciting!! You''ll have to post how you tell her you''re both due in the same week, later on when you tell her!!


I''d wait til the next cycle. But that''s just me. I''m not a fan of interventions and try to avoid them as long as possible. And I''d not want to give up a whole nother cycle, you know? I''ll be hoping that you won''t need the procedure!!

And I guess I wasn''t thinking clearly, because I assumed that since I have clear temp shifts in BBT, that means I ovulate and that my egg makes it to where it''s supposed to be! Hmm... a totally different thing to think about now! Aye!! I wonder if anyone knows the stats on how often that happens, blockage?


Since it took 31 minutes, does that mean that it won''t be analyzed? I hope not!!


I''m so glad that today''s a better day for you. Enjoy your trip!! May it be one of your very last before parenthood hits you!!

All this talk of having testing done (CD3, hormones, blockages, etc.) has me wondering if any of this is something covered with your insurance? I hope we don''t have to go down that road, but it''d be a good thing to have this figured out, just in case...
Fisher, I think that is very cool that you want to give her extra incentive
And I hope it comes reallllly soon!

About the saliva, I couldn''t think of a good word; Deadly was the only thing that came to mind. I guess it''s kind of accurate though. I''ve just read that you shouldn''t use saliva as lube... But I''d say as long as there isn''t a ton of saliva present and maybe if any that''s there is wiped away, TTC shouldn''t be affected.
Date: 2/25/2009 6:46:14 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Too funny that someone posted about this! My mom was here over the weekend (at a major time of need for BDing, by the way!!) and I made the mistake of telling her about my charting. So, I showed her. She was in awe and said they didn't have anything like that back in the day when she and Dad were trying for me and my brother. Anyway, my point was to show her the temp shifts and that sort of thing, but what she zeroed in on was the BD line. Figures! She said, 'Good gosh, girl, with all that effort, you ought to have a baby sometime soon!!'


Fishie, I didn't notice this post before, hahahah! Oh my goodness that's so funny! Moms
Just think, we'll all be one some day

eta: Thanks Pheonix! You're right the location does look right. Maybe I am feeling something! I'll see if i can research it more. Thanks!
Sunkist, I like thinking that saliva has lethal powers, pneumonia has taken away my ability to breath deeply, but my spit could kill (microscopically tiny critters with a shelf life of less than 4 days). But still, very empowering.

Fischer, yikes, not sure if my mom could figure out a chart
but that would be an interesting convo.

Lulu, my bff had the dye test done, said it didn''t hurt, and maintains that is why she is due in May, it "blew the pipes" in her words. You might want to wait till the following cycle, do ask your Dr. as that is confusing.

Steph, next month!

Peony, hope this is your month!

OK, so this was my first time in 4 months of charting to actually get crosshairs, but FF is wrong. I just know it. Can you have EWCM begin (lasted 1.5 day) post OVU? Then again, am growing more convinced that I''m just not ovulating. Of course, I keep "giving up" on a cycle only to figure out that one more night would have made the timing perfect. Cursed house guests whose timing could not be worse. Any thoughts on crosshair insanity would be appreciated.
Swimmer, how many DPO does FF say you are? FF could be wrong, that has happened to a few of us. Did you have any fertile CM before your crosshairs? Maybe you could post your chart and see if anyone has insight.
Thanks Sunkist, I just figured out how to make the chart a pdf. OK, so I had ewcm ONLY after the crosshairs. I get up at 4:45am everyday (poor DH) and that is hard to maintain, so those weekend temps are prob off.

So if FF is right, we were in the window. If FF is wrong and my o-pains and ewcm are right, then is BD''ing 2 hrs after o-pain past the window of opportunity? I''m trying to convince myself that this is not the month. we weren''t really trying because I was very sick. All that asprin, codeine, and antibiotics could be the reason for a longish cycle eh? Not good things to mix with conception. So, I''m both confused about this chart and yet so excited to finally have crosshairs. I have PCOS so have always been convinced that I don''t ovulate and could never have kids. Maybe next month the chart will look even better, I just don''t know what to think.

Happy Thursday everyone!



Thanks for that link. All kinds of information there!

How are you feeling these days?
I am feeling so good for you, girl!! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!!


I'm sorry FF has given you crosshairs you question. It seems as if every cycle I get one set of crosshairs that goes away, only to have another set come along a week or two later. It gets old to say the least! For what it's worth, my CM is sometimes fertile after ovulation, too. (And up to two weeks before I actually ovulate, in patches.) Have you tried over-riding and putting the setting to FAM? DD and Blen suggested this for me, since I was having so much fluctuation between O days with FF, and it's helped a lot. This cycle, I only jumped once!

Are you feeling better yet?

I'm a goofy girl. Last night's post to "Sha" should have really been to InLuv. Argh!!

Sha, have you had any luck with finding someone else to interpret the results of your testing? Thinking of you and hoping you find someone soon!!

Guess who got crosshairs today? Guess who's really hopeful that they stick? That's right: me!!
Today's temp was a HUGE spike from 98.21 to 98.70! I think this the real deal for this cycle! Whooo hooo!!!

About sharing the chart with my mom: I *so* wish I was able to think a little faster on my feet... I should have just made something up as to what the BD line was. But my mind drew a blank. Ah well, she must know that I'm married now and doing it. Still, embarrasing! Especially since there were AM and PMs in the slots of the week that she was here! Aye!!! Hopefully she missed that (I don't think she was really grasping onto the whole days of week across the top, days of the cycle across the bottom.)

Since I have the VIP feature for 5 days right now, I looked at the "pregnancy monitor" and it's saying I have a "high" score for hitting the days of most likely getting pregnant! Yippeee!! We got O-3, 0-1, and O. And, I didn't know that it would tell you your estimated due date. Not that it means anything at this point, but still----exciting to know (you know, just in case). I'm a November baby, so it'd be cool to get the gift of motherhood for my 30th!
Beyond cool, actually.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

ETA: My chest has deflated. I thought it was, slowly, and it's definitely back to where it was before last cycle. Hmm. That even further makes me think I may have had a chemical last cycle. Then that makes me wonder why people have to lose babies before they even get to know they're pregnant, or before they get to hold them. And it makes me wonder about the kind of person he/she may have been. I've been trying to research some more about chemicals, because I don't want to assume I had one if I didn't, but when Mandarine posted her first positive pregnancy test, mine last cycle looked exactly like that. I even showed Paul her's and he said it was identical. I had no idea that a faded out line like that was a positive!!
