
The Official TTC Thread!

Oh yeah, meant to ask if anyone knows anything about the chart overlay feature? I mean, what is it supposed to tell me?
Hey, guys....well I'm def. out this month....AF decided to show up this morning
. Now Andrew and the baby will be at least 5 years apart. I'm just a little sad because I really wanted them to be a little closer in age. My brother and I are 9 years apart because my mom struggled with infertility until she took Clomid. I love my brother dearly, but it was really more like a 2nd mom type relationship instead of brother/sister if that makes sense...I babysat him, took him to practices when I could drive, you know that type of thing. But really I wasn't ready to try for another one until Andrew was about 3 1/2. I was just having so much fun with him that I wanted to give him my full attention. I didn't know it was going to take this long to have another one or I would have started a long time ago! Anyway, I know it will happen when it's supposed to happen, but it's just disappointing (as I'm sure you all know). That's it for my pity party, I'm going to go put on a smile. Hope you guys have a good day!

CONGRATS DREAMER!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, is he a cutie or what? I know you are loving it!
Morning All!

Steph -- Man, I''m so sorry about AF showing up. It just sucks, we all know it does. I''m sorry you are not feeling happy about the age difference between your son and baby #2. I''m hoping this will happen for you soon!

Fisher -- Too funny about your mom seeing your BD schedule, lol, I wouldn''t want my mom to see mine, so I''m sure it was akward! Yay for crossrhairs! Tell those things to stay put! As far as the chart overlay feature, I''m don''t know what it''s "supposed" to show you but I liked to overlay one month over the last to compare Post O temps (to make sure they were in the same range) and just to see if my body has some sort of predictable pattern.

Festy -- Glad DH got the sample back in time!!

CD3 here...I bought some OPKS online yesterday. I''m hoping to use those in conjunction with temping so we can pinpoint my O day a little better. With so much fertile CM last month we just got so exhausted trying to catch that egg that we basically ran out of steam. Fingers crossed this works for us!
Morning everyone,

I need to do a quick drive-by so my apologies for not responding to everyone.

Someone asked about O pain, I think Sunkist? From what I''ve read, O pain can come before, during or after O! So don''t try and time BDing based on what you''re feeling. I get it too, only for me it''s more of a localized cramping/burning than a pinprick.

Fishie - they accepted his sample, but we don''t know how "good" it was yet. I asked him to call the lab so we could re-do the test sooner if need be, rather than waiting two weeks for our next RE appt. (Of course has he done that yet? No....) I told him if we have to redo it I''ll go in the room with him. Should be interesting! p.s., so funny about your mom! Oh my goodness. I think the only comment my mom would have would be "why don''t they just call it [BDing] what it is?" She''s very blunt like that.

Steph - sorry about AF. You seem to have a really healthy attitude, though. I admire that.

I''m sick with the aches from a cold and leaving for a long weekend in Miami with the girls tomorrow! We''re supposed to have pedicures tonight but I just want to crawl into bed...
Good morning all!

Steph, that's a bummer that you're def out. But at least the cycle re-starts today. Best of luck for this month!

InLuv, I hope you like the OPKs! I think they'll help. They give more insight I think which never hurts.

Festy, I'm sorry you sick! And on a girls weekend too!
Take it easy and feel better soon.

So, my b-day is coming up on Saturday. It will be my golden b-day, I've been waiting for this for years!! 28 on the 28th
I just want one present from hubby. One little sperm just for my eggie
He actually already gave me another present that I wanted too... a new towel for the gym showers, one of those with the elastic and snaps so it stays up. I actually really like it too!

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Thanks ladies for all the feedback

I''m going to talk with my Dr. today about whether it''s possible to keep on keeping on and still have the test. If not, I figure I''ll give my body another chance and just reschedule the test for next month. Also, just to clarify - this is just a diagnostic, not a treatment (though swimmer, that is great news about your friend''s *pipes*


dusting you all!
Festy -- Feel better chica!! Have fun on your girls weekend!

Sunkist -- Thanks and Happy Early B-day!

Lulu -- I hope the doc says you can still try this cycle...let us know what he says if you''re comfortable!
Fisher, that''s terrific news! Your chart looks very good. We''re in the tww together! When you had your possible chemical pregnancy, was the second line pink or gray? Gray is a evaporation line caused by the biosensor strip on the test getting wet, but pink is a pregnancy.

I think (or hope!) that I''ll be getting crosshairs tomorrow. As far as timing, we definitely BDed on the day of O and hopefully the day before. I wish we''d done it more, but I really thought I''d O around day 19, not 16/17, and we were hoarding the swimmers. Oh well! It was actually exactly the same O pattern as the cycle we got pregnant, if you look in relation to my positive OPK, so hopefully that bodes well.

InLuv: I''m a huge fan of the OPKs because my CM was never very clear. Definitely post on here if you need some help interpreting.

Swimmer: It''s really hard to pinpoint O exactly with temps or even with CM. As I''ve mentioned, I''m a big fan of OPKs as long as you do them at a consistent time, but they are much harder to interpret when one has PCOS since your LH is typically elevated. Still, once you learn your body''s patterns, they are SO helpful!

Steph: I''m sorry that AFF showed this morning.
I really do think that it''s only a matter of time (hopefully a short time!) before you get pregnant again though. There are pros and cons to having your kiddos far apart. I''m 9 years older than my youngest sib, and we actually the closest out of the four of us.

Sunkist: Happy early birthday! Mine is on Monday! I totally agree with you that the best present would be getting pregnant! *fingers crossed for both of us*
Thanks for the encouragement guys, I feel much better!!

Happy Early Birthday Sunkist!!!

Peony and Sunkist, tons of baby dust!!!!!!!!!

Fisher I seriously thought my first line was only in my wasn''t until everyone here said they saw it that I actually started believing that maybe I wasn''t crazy!!. So if there was the slightest pink line within the time period, you may have been!. My pink line actually got much darker after the 10 minutes but I did read that didn''t count so I didn''t bother taking a picture of that. So who knows....I know what you mean about asking yourself all those questions. Unfortunately though sometimes we just don''t have answers and just have to pray for strength and hope. So hang in there girlie...

Festy...the weather down here is PERFECT right now so I am sure once you''re actually here you will cheer up!

peony and sunkist - I''m hoping that your birthday presents are little bundles!!!


an odd observation - not getting knocked up is having a negative effect on my budgeting abilities. both DH and I are fortunate enough to be secure in our jobs right now, but that is no excuse for the rather serious shopping habit I''ve been nurturing over the last couple of months. I''ve never been an emotional eater, so perhaps this is my coping mechanism...
Happy early birthday, Sunkist and Peony!

Mandy, that is great to hear! I can''t wait to expose my toes again!

LuLu - I think I know what you mean about the shopping habit. I''m already plotting my "consolation" jewelry if I can''t have a push present! Isn''t that awful?
Fisher and Peony, I''m pulling for you guys! Hope to be celebrating good news with you soon.
Fisher, yay for crosshairs!! It looks great, and good job on the BD! I want to get a high score this month too. I love the overlay feature, use it all the time just to see if I'm in the same range as my other cycles. Also maybe I can foretell if O is coming if I have similar dips in my temps. Or I can compare Post-O temps to see if I'm above normal or if I'm falling at a usual rate. Stuff like that!

Swimmer, it does look like a possible O. I guess I can see why FF gave you crosshairs. But like Fisher, I do think you can get fertile CM after O sometimes. But this temping thing isn't always spot on. O day may be a day or so sooner or later than what they say. I hope your temps stay up though!

Thanks for all the B-day wishes!! I'm at work right now, so I can't go back and thank everyone individually
But thanks!

And Peony, Happy early Birthday to you too!

eta: oh, and I just peed on an OPK stick here at work and there is a smidgen of a dark line just like last month. I think tomorrow it will be positive for an O all the way!
Hi guys,
Fisher, you mentioned earlier about me taking a trip? I think that's InLuv.... Oh, how I wish it was me, though!
Hooray for the crosshairs and your great BD timing! I hope you get KU this cycle. I am also wondering about chemicals.... Today is CD1 for me,
, but for the past couple days before AF started I got a few faint pinkish lines on my tests. They could've been evaps, though...but makes me wonder.

About my tests: I did some research online just now and am convinced that my gyn really didn't know what he was talking about, when he said my LH and FSH is abnormal. I've read that the LH and FSH ratio is supposed to be 1:1, ideally. My LH is 5 and my FSH is also 5- which sounds to me like a 1:1 ratio. Anything above a 2:1 ratio might be indicative of PCOS. I don't know whether he got confused or thought I did the test at some other point in my cycle.
I sitll have to check out my testosterone results and see if he also missed the ball on that one too.

Steph...sorry about AF.
Such a depressing feeling, isn't it? I was totally down for the whole of yesterday, when I started spotting. I can understand how you feel about wanting Andrew to have a sibling. I think sibling relationships are great. My brothers and I are all two years apart and we had a lot of fun playing together, growing up. I don't think anybody here really believed TTC would be so hard.... I would've started trying earlier too, if I'd known, I think.

swimmer, I see you're on Metformin? The doc prescribed that for me this cycle too, but I don't think I'll take it. Were you prescribed it because of insulin resistance? Or just because you have PCOS?

InLuv - you had asked about the OPKs earlier... I'm a first-timer on OPKs myself, but I read that you should start them about 4-5 days before your earliest O date, I think. You may see a faint line then, but the OPK only becomes positive when the test line is as dark or darker than the control line. It's sometimes difficult to figure out, as a test can be 'almost' positive, but not quite there yet. I had an almost positive test on CD16 last cycle, and was so excited, we Bd'd...but the real positive happened the day after. Followed by an even darker line the morning after that - which I think was O day. Ovulation can happen 12-48 hours after the OPK FIRST becomes positive. Good luck trying them this cycle!


Yes, I got confused. Sorry! A trip would be fun, wouldn''t it, though?

Regarding OPKs, this was your first cycle; do you think you''ll continue with them or not?

About the "faint positive" and pregnancy tests: I think I took a picture of the test on Paul''s camera. I''ll ask if he''s deleted it yet and if not, post it. It was very, very faded out, but when put against a white background (the counter), it was of the very slightest pink tint. Not gray. But I''ve always been told if you can hold it an arm''s length away and see a line, you''re pregnant. This was not that way. It was one of those kind of have to squint kind of things. Anyway, up until my chest deflated, I thought it was all in mine and Paul''s heads, but now I wonder. Can''t do anything about it now, I know, but how sad that this stuff has to happen!!


Happy almost birthday, girlie!! And here I thought I was the only one who does the whole "special birthday" thing. Haha. I remember just dreaming of my 26th birthday, and that whole year, just knowing it would be *magical." Haha. It worked out, though. My husband asked me to be his forever bride when I was 26. So, happy happy *MAGICAL* 28th year to you, my dear! I bet I know what "magic" you''re hoping for (and I am for you, too!!!).

Yay for ovulation! Come join those of us in the oh-so-fun two week wait!!


Happy almost birthday to you, too! Oh how I''m hoping good things for you this cycle, lady!!!


I''m sorry about this cycle. No words really, just sorry. Me and my brother are six, almost seven years apart and while we really weren''t the closest growing up, he''s a dear friend to me now. It''ll work out, whenever that baby comes along!!


Have fun on your trip. Hope your aches go away, far far away!!


With all the excitement of your baby-to-be announcement, I forgot to wish you a happy anniversary!


Thank you for the happy thoughts!
Okay, so does this overlay say that my temps are relatively the same with each cycle? I know my cycle length is off by a ton, but to me, it looks like my temps seem have the same level of a shift after ovulation. Does that look right to you? Is that what I''m supposed to get out of the overlay feature?

Without the VIP "test run," I''ve never been able to overlay before, and I was so excited to be able to, and now I don''t even know what I''m supposed to be learning from it! I''m a nut!

Fisher, that''s basically what mine looks like. I dunno, I just like to see if how current temps compare to past cycles. So you can see if there are any changes. I guess that''s all. :) Maybe I''m the nut

Here you can see my overlay.


Wow, girl, you have *dramatic* shifts right away. Mine taper upward. I guess that it''s good to know your own pattern, though. I was expecting this big ephinany moment when I was finally able to overlay, but all it did was tell me what Dreamer had already taught me: I know I''ve ovulated when I get mid 98 range temps.


Did you get those crosshairs?
Sha, I do take Metformin for PCOS, there is lots of research about how Metformin helps both with conception and maintaining pregnancy. I need it for the insulin issues, like you on my blood tests I had a 1:1 ratio, but with the trans-vag ultrasound there were hundreds of cysts visible, "string of pearls" they call it. And the fasting glucose test was conclusive as well even though I do not have most of the "signs" of PCOS.

I love Metformin, or glucophage, do you have sugar issues, like head rush and feeling faint/nauseous a lot? Plus the migranes, Metformin got rid of it all for me and I think it helped with some weight loss when I started. Do I sound like some sort of freak preaching the good news about Metformin? I really am. Like you, I resisted taking it for a year, not really sure why now, but as Gypsy and I discussed in the PCOS thread, it was just life-changing for me.

Some sources on Metformin helping conception link

Good luck with everything!
Date: 2/27/2009 8:20:53 AM
Author: swimmer
Sha, I do take Metformin for PCOS, there is lots of research about how Metformin helps both with conception and maintaining pregnancy. I need it for the insulin issues, like you on my blood tests I had a 1:1 ratio, but with the trans-vag ultrasound there were hundreds of cysts visible, ''string of pearls'' they call it. And the fasting glucose test was conclusive as well even though I do not have most of the ''signs'' of PCOS.

I love Metformin, or glucophage, do you have sugar issues, like head rush and feeling faint/nauseous a lot? Plus the migranes, Metformin got rid of it all for me and I think it helped with some weight loss when I started. Do I sound like some sort of freak preaching the good news about Metformin? I really am. Like you, I resisted taking it for a year, not really sure why now, but as Gypsy and I discussed in the PCOS thread, it was just life-changing for me.

Some sources on Metformin helping conception link

Good luck with everything!
Thanks for your response, swimmer, and for posting that link.
Interesting info! I''m glad you had a good response to the Met. I also have cystic ovaries, but I don''t think I have insulin/sugar issues, or problems with my weight. I understand that Met helps with conception -but do you think I would still need to take it if I don''t have any ovulation/weight/sugar issues? Shouldn''t I be screened first for glucose/insulin resistance before taking it? I''m kind of concerned that my doctor didn''t do any tests before prescribing it for me...

Yep, I did! Thanks for asking! I''ll probably post my chart in a few days. Unfortunately FF is saying that we only BDed the day of O and the day after, but I think it''s definitely still possible to get pregnant BDing the day of O, so we''ll see! I think it could be a little off anyway, as I got my super dark OPK that day and one generally ovulates about 24 hrs after that.

*wishing good things for you!*
Thanks for the info on OPKs Sha & Peony!

Peony -- Congrats on those crosshairs girl and Happy Early Birthday!
Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA this week, work has been a little nuts. DH and I have been pretty good with keeping up the everyday/ every other day bd''ing since CD 11. Last night we were both so tired and did not want to BD at all and combined with the fact that I was on CD 20 with no sign of ovulation (you are supposed to ovulate CD 15-19 on clomid) we almost gave up. However, we decide to go for it and I am so glad we did - I got a + OPK today. I never thought I''d be so excited to ovulate. I''ve been using OPKs for the past few cycles and never gotten a positive before - I called DH at work and told him to come straight home after work. We have no plans this weekend, which turns out great because I am going for a BD marathon!

Peony - I am so glad to see that you O''d on Clomid - I am hoping it does the trick for both of us. My fingers are crossed for you! And happy early b-day!

Fisher - I am so sorry to hear about your MIL and am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. I totally know what you mean about your mom seeing the BD line. Once I went on Clomid I told my mom we were trying because I was so frustrated and needed someone to talk to. We are super close, but the other day she started telling me how she was reading an article about infertility and that it said that it can be hard on a marriage when all BD is focued on conception, so we should make sure to "do it" others times too. That was awkward to hear from my mom.

Steph - That stinks about AF showing up. You have such a positive attitude, it''s very inspiring and I am hoping this cycle is the one for you. Your son is adorable by the way!

InLuv - Have a great time on your cruise

Lulu - I don''t know what advice to give on the test, I am a big fan of modern medicine and I would want to know sooner than later if there was a problem, but I also would hate to lose a month of trying. Good luck whatever you end up deciding to do.

Sunkist - Happy Birthday! I hope your wish comes true!

Swimmer - your chart looks good to me - fingers are crossed for you!

Festy - I hope the sample was good enough - I know my DH would not have felt comfortable in that situation either. Enjoy your weekend away with friends!

Sha - Those test results seem normal to me too - I had the same tests and my results were similar to yours and my docotr (whom I love and trust) told me they were totally normal
November, I''m so happy for you!! I was just wondering if you''d Oed yet since I know that you started Clomid right before me. Great timing on BDing!
A really interesting and informative broadcast on sperm. Not for the faint of heart, its NPR, so it is kosher link
Thank you Novemberbride, you are too sweet! And congrats on ovulating...I''m crossing my fingers that it''s your month
Peony, I definitely think you can get pregnant without BDing until the day of ovulation. Now I wished I temped because I''ll never know for sure if I ovulated Thursday or Friday (or both), but if it was Thursday then that''s how we did it. There was no BDing at all before that due to illness/injury. According to some, that results in an increased chance of having a boy, right?

I still have those doubts about actually being pregnant . . . silly, I know. But then I think, ok, your period is two weeks late, you are nauseated and have sore nipples . . . duh! I like to imagine if I were a gorilla or something, would I know what was going on with my body?
Good morning, ladies!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend

I think I O''d yesterday! My temp this morning climbed halfway up to it''s highest peak. I think tomorrow it up will be up at that highest point. But if this is true that I O''d yesterday, then every month my O is getting earlier and earlier.

Did other people notice this coming off BC? I will now have had O on CD19, CD17, CD16 & CD15. I guess the CD19 isn''t realiable, cause I just counted that from the day I stopped taking my BCP. Anyways, I"m just intrigued that it keeps coming down and I hope that my LP keeps getting longer in return.
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

We were going under the promise of snow (1-3 inches to be exact), and well, it snowed. But it didn''t stick. Boo! So off to work for Paul and Jen. Dang!!

In other news, I had a big dip yesterday (6DPO) and a rise today. I was hoping for a more significant rise (I know that triphasic doesn''t have to mean anything, but it still gives this girl hope!), but maybe that will come in the next few days.


I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Tell us what fun you had!!
(I meant to come online on Saturday to tell wish you a great birthday, but we were out of state and our friend''s internet connection was down.)


Happy, happy birthday, girl! Hope it''s fantastic! Be sure to tell us how you celebrated!

I just LOVE birthdays. I mean *L*O*V*E* them. It''s not about getting older, it''s about celebrating YOU. They''re awesome.

OKay, this is me late for work again (I so wanted it to snow!!).

Have a good Monday, ladies!!