
The Official TTC Thread!

I''m back home.

I totally forgot that today is a court day. Um, my hoodie just isn''t gonna cut it. I don''t know how I forgot that today is a court day. I *so* wish I could blame it on pregnancy brain.

Haha. I feel like a nerd. But at least it got me out of work for an hour today.
Morning ladies!!

Fisher -- Sorry you couldn''t stay in today. Maybe that temp will climb even higher tomorrow!

Sunkist -- Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

Peony -- Happy Birthday!!!

Festy -- Hope you are feeling better and enjoying Miami!!


Boring old CD7...
Hi everyone. Its been ages since I have been in this thread. I found out that the operation to reverse my husband''s vasectomy was going to cost lots of money. We put things on the back burner for a while. I got in touch with the clinic today and they have reduced the cost of the surgery by £1000! Its down to the credit crunch. Who would have thought the crunch would be a good thing!

Gary has the consultation in a couple of weeks and we hope he will have the procedure in May. Dust and prayers would be so gratefully received.

I am trying not to get excited but I can''t help it! We are hopeful this will work so we can have another beautiful baby.
Fisher, sorry the snow didn''t keep you home
My birthday was wonderful thank you! Cliff took me out to our favorite sea food restaurant on Saturday and yesterday we went to my parents house for dinner and birthday cake!

Peony Happy Birthday, girl! Hope you have a wonderful day

InLuv, Hi! and Thanks!

Maisie, prayers, thoughts, and dust headed out your way. I hope everything goes well for hubby!
Hey Ladies I was wondering if you could help me with a question....

When is the earliest you can get BFP?

My AF isn''t quite late yet, but I am a bit worried because my temps seem to have an upward trend. I am only on CD8, but this is my 3rd cycle charting and the last two cycles I got my AF on CDs 9 and 8 respectively. So tomorrow am I techinically late?

I do realize that these are really short luteal phases (defect?
) and maybe (hopefully) my luteal phase will get longer as my body adjusts to being off BC. So I might just have a longer luteal phase this cycle. But I guess the temps going higher and higher is what is unusual at this point.
Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes. You are the best!!!!!!!!!! I''m on spring break and I have no work today, so I''m just puttering around the house and will probably start studying in a few minutes. I keep telling my DH that all I want for my birthday is a BFP! Too bad it doesn''t work that way!

Sunkist: Glad your birthday went well!

Fisher: We are SO cycle buddies! I''m about 6DPO today (chart attached). How awesome would it be if we both got pregnant this cycle? Then we''d be due date buddies! A girl can dream, right?

Maisie: Major good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I''m so glad that the costs went down. Hopefully I''m not being too intrusive, but did you think that you were done having kids when he got the vasectomy, and then did you change your mind? I was just curious!

Mia: I guess that would depend on when implantation happened. It all depends on your "testing philosophy." Some of us girls wait to test until we miss our period, and others test even when we know it is almost impossible to get a BFP so early on. If you do test, the First Reponse Early Result tests are by far the most sensitive. Good luck!

Ooo, nice chart Peony! Now that''s a good Ovulation! :)

Mia, I wouldn''t say you''re ''late'' until 10DPO in your case. And I see lots of people on FF test on 10DPO and get a postive. For some people that''s too early, but if you''re feeling anxious, it can''t hurt to test! Just know it could still be a false negative.
Thanks Sunkist and Peony... we lost a baby so I decided I was done. Time is a great healer so here we are ready to try again. If I had known I would change my mind we would never have gone through with the vasectomy.
Happy birthday Peony and Sunkist!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had (have?) a great one!!!!

Fingers crossed for you girls and Fisher this cycle!...seems like you''re all about the same in terms of timing?

Mia- I got my BPF about 10-11 DPO (actually I wouldn''t call it big since I thought I was just seeing things). It was VERY faint and I really posted a picture for the girls to tell me I was crazy, turns out I wasn''t though!. I really really wanted to wait until my AF was due (2 days later) but I couldn''t help myself!. Good luck!

Maisie Hi! that''s great news!! I hope it works out for you guys!

InLuv weren''t you going on a cruise?...if so, I hope you had fun!!!

Happy Monday girls!

Mia, I got my SUPER faint positive on a FRER at 9 and 10 dpo. Good luck!

Maisie, I''m so glad the cost went down, and I''m sending dust that the consultation goes well!

Good luck to all of you in the 2ww, I can''t wait until you are closer...and those of you who haven''t O''d you, get on the floor as much as you can!
Mandarine -- We are leaving late this week! Can''t wait for a little sunshine!

Peony -- Nice chart!!

Maise -- Tons of dust to you...I know how much you want to have another little one.

Mia -- If my memory serves me correctly, you are TTA, correct? You could have O''d later than you think. Got a chart to post?
Thanks Peony- That''s a great chart by the way. Your chart also looks very upward! I have my fingers crossed for you! I posted mine too so you can see my upward trend. This is the first time I''ve had temps that went up after the first 3 high temps. Ah well I''ve only been charting for 3 cycles so I guess I don''t really know what''s "normal" for me yet.

Sunkist- I think I will test tomorrow at 9dpo if my temp is the same or higher, because I am one of those anxious people! DH will complain that I waste to much $ on those things!

Does anyone know if generic digital are as sensitive as FR digitals? That''s what I have at home. I may need to pick up some FRER.

Mandarine- Oh don''t worry! I saw! I totally lurk these threads and was so
for you! And I definitely saw a line too!

Sabine- Yep gonna test tomorrow!

Inluv- Yep DH and I were sorta TTA (with full knowledge that an oops could happen). This would be really bad timing because DH just got laid off so I am really nervous.
Hoping all the best with the procedure, Maisie! Any idea how soon they'd be able to do it?


Our charts look a lot alike this cycle! Big rises after ovulation. Here's hoping it's a good sign for both of us. I'd be thrilled to have my Peony friend preggo and due the same week as me. That would be AWESOME! Hopin, hopin, hopin!!! Hope your birthday wish comes true, sweetie!! (My birthday wish right now is to deliver my month of birth! I'd be so excited!!)

So, I know you're an early tester girl. When are you testing? FF says for me to wait til 16DPO (March 11), but I don't know if I will or not. I've only had that one period that came 16 days after ovulation, and I'm still not convinced it was supposed to come that late. I may give in and test on 3/10/2009. Oh I know, I'm a rebel.


I'm glad your birthday was fun and special. I just love birthday cake with my parents, too! Good times!


When do you set sail?
Excited for you, girl. Please take pictures. Then post them for us to live vicariously through you.


Thinking about you today. Let us know how the test turns out, if you take one today. Just know that whatever the results, it'll be okay. It takes time for things to sink in, but it'll be just fine!

ETA: I spoke with my mother-in-law last night (to see if she got to see the snow fall from her hospital room; she was and loved it!) and got some encouraging news. Her spirits seem to be much higher now (thankfully!) and her pain has decreased some. The infection is going away, but she won't be able to return home until her numbers come back up and the infection is gone entirely. But still, that's a big praise!!

What did you end up deciding about the dye test? Thinking of you, girlie!!


Did you get those crosshairs yet? Do you chart? I can't remember. Well, either way, I hope your weekend BD fest pays off.


Where'd you go off to? Oh yeah, the weekend trip with the girls, right? Hope you had fun!!
So, I had a very strong opk positive on Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday morning. However, I have still not gotten crosshairs. I am sure it''s because I haven''t seen a temp rise. I am not sure if that is because I didn''t actually ovulate or my temps just aren''t accurate/predictable. I am a religious temp taker, same time every single morning. I guess there''s really no way to know since I have never had an ovulatory cycle while temping (that I know of), but maybe I''ll try vaginal temping next cycle since my temps are all over the place with oral temping. I''ve attached my chart in case anyone has any thoughts.


Here''s my chart

Morning ladies!

So after talking with my doctor, I decided to postpone the hsg test until my next cycle. I tend to be an early ovulator and got my first high reading this Saturday. We were both concerned that I could ovulate before Wednesday (test date). I just couldn''t bring myself to take a cycle *off* so I will reschedule for next month. Here''s hoping that won''t be necessary . . .

Good luck lovelies!!
November, that''s strange that your temps don''t show an O yet. I hope you see that rise tomorrow! I considered temping vaginally too, but never tried it. It might be easier, you never know!

Fisher, my test date says March 11 too!!!! But I was thinking maybe I''d wait till Saturday unless I felt symptoms that prompted me to test earlier. We''ll see. Wishing tons of dust on you and Peony!!

Lulu, I think that sounds like a great idea. I now know that I couldn''t put off trying for any number of months. Once you start, you can''t stop
Hey Ladies, thanks for being so friendly to a TTA''er crashing your thread! You guys have a great little mini-community here on PS.

Well BFN for me today. A part of me is always disappointed when I get a negative on a pregnancy scare, but this is really not a good time. While I know it could still be a false negatvie, my temp did drop .2 degrees today so I think I am headed in the right direction. So maybe I am getting a longer luteal phase, which would be wonderful because I was worried about not being able to get pregnant with such a short LP.
Maisie: I completely understand. I think most people with a late-term loss either want to get pregnant immediately or never want to get pregnant again. And I'm sure it's very common to change one's mind. Were you the PSer who lost one twin and carried the other to term? That must have been SO hard!!!!!

Sunkist: I didn't realize that we were chart buddies too! Between me, you, and Fisher, one of us has to get pregnant, right? I hope so! *baby dust*

Fisher: Yay for chart buddies! I originally wanted to test on Sunday (11-12DPO), but now I want to test on Saturday (10-11DPO). But if I get a negative on Saturday, I'll be in limbo and feel crappy, whereas if I test on Sunday I think I'll believe it more (but still feel crappy). I'm just not sure! I just want to know now, dangit!

Lovely: It was probably a good idea to postpone the test, especially to have another chance this cycle. Good luck!

November: I'm really sorry that your temp didn't rise.
I remember how excited you were when you got a positive OPK. Did you ever see my two charts where I got positive OPKs but had ambiguous temp rises? I wonder if what's going on with you is the same thing that happened with me, where it was something like a "weak ovulation?" I really don't think it's your thermometer, though I've tried to blame mine in the past too! I think the best thing that you could do would be to keep tracking your temps, since they still might go up, and ask your dr. for a progesterone test 7DPO. Did you and your dr. have any plan in place for determining whether you ovulated? Most regular ob/gyn use a progesterone test, while many REs use ultrasound. Then if you don't ovulate, they'll up the dose of Clomid. Are you on 50mg right now?
The progesterone test is really the most definitive test at this point to tell whether you ovulated because the ruptured follicle produces progesterone. It should be about 10-15 (or higher) to confirm that you definitely ovulated, and I bet that if your temp doesn't go up much it will be around a 4. When you're not ovulating at all it's only a 1-2 though. I know that you're probably feeling crappy now, but I think your positive OPKs were a good sign and if you increase your dose of Clomid you could get a stronger ovulation that is more likely to lead to pregnancy. Of course I'm not a dr. or anything, but this is just what I've gleaned from my research. Or maybe your temps will start to go up very soon and this will be the cycle for you! Hopefully you can get more answers soon. *hugs*

Mia: Congrats for the BFN, I guess!
It's great that you're starting to chart so early, even though it's for TTA. You'll have so much information when you start to TTC!
Maise, just popping in to send dust your way for a successful operation and another beautiful baby! Good to see you here!
Oh, yes, Peony, baby dust to you too!
I hope you get the results we''re all hoping for and that you can even test early! March 11 will only be 11DPO for me, so I''m stilling waiting to see how I feel at that point. As of now, I am soooo eager but still cautious. I think that''s how we all feel.
How is everything else these days? It seems like you''re not as busy as a couple weeks ago. Is the job search going well?

Mia you''re always welcome here, TTC or TTA
And besides, I love that funny picture of your doggy. It looks like he wasn''t in the mood for a walk that day :)

I just want to say that I got crosshairs this morning, so I did my happy crosshair dance
And! I''m so proud of hubby and I, we got a High score on our BD pattern on FF. We hit all 5 days around O, and let me say BDing in the AM worked sooo much better than trying to do it in the PM.
So thank you agian to Mandarine, DD, Festy, Sha, anyone else who gave the suggestion!
Just a quick pop in to say good luck to Peony, Fisher, and Sunkist! How exciting that you all will be testing right around the same time! Fingers crossed and can''t wait to "hear" the results!

Good luck to everyone else this cycle as well!
Here''s hoping that three girls troop into pregnancy together!
That would be amazing!!

I''m actually thinking of testing early, but I won''t. I never do. But I''m thinking about it. I mean, Saturday will be 12DPO, and that''s far enough for some people to get lines. Hmm. Paul keeps saying, "Don''t do it, Jen." I know he doesn''t want our weekend to be ruined if I get a negative, or a false negative. But you know, it could have a line. But since I can''t read the dang things for poo, I''d probably not see the line if there was one.

Haha. I just love the two week wait. Makes me a nutty!!
There might be four girls testing! Swimmer aren''t you around March12 for a test date?

It would be awesome if everyone got to head over to the preggo thread this cycle! I hope we have another BFP outbreak like last cycle!
And Swimmer! I can''t keep up with all this. Haha.

So here''s hoping for four pregnancies in a row, followed by everyone else! Wouldn''t it be fun to leave TTC a ghost town?

My temp dropped ever so slightly today (from 98.82 yesterday to 98.68 today), which is still way over the coverline, but it still makes me sad. Seems like most preggo charts I see don''t have any dips, and if they do, it''s one big one that shoots back up right away. 6 DPO was my dip. Oh well. 9 DPO and it''s way too early to know anything. I have to wait til 16 DPO to test (jealous of your advisement to test at 11 DPO, Sunkist!! That would be Friday for me!!).


How are you doing, girlie?
Swimmer, Fisher, Peony and Sunkist:

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....It would be SO exciting if you guys all came over to the rpeggo thread! I''m still a newbie so it would be fun to have a few more newbies over there

Baby dust to all you guys!!!

Mia -- You or any other TTA''er is always welcome here!

Fisher -- Sorry for the slight temp drop. I know it sucks to see it go down even just a little bit. Gald to hear that your MIL''s infection is fading!
Thanks for asking about my trip; we don''t set sail until Saturday out of Galveston, but I''m taking DH down to Houston early (tomorrow) since tomorrow is his B-day. We are going to take in a Rockets game (his fave team) and some great food and enjoy a mini vacation before the vacation, lol.

Sunkist -- Yay for the crosshairs dance and the HIGH score on the BD!!
I''m so glad AM BD worked out for you!

NovBride -- Sorry you haven''t got crosshairs yet. I''m not really familiar with OPKs (I''m going to use them for the first time this cycle) so I''m not sure why you are getting + but no temp rise...weird. I hope it becomes clearer for you soon.

Lulu -- I sure do hope that test won''t be necessary next month!

Good luck to Fisher, Sunkist, Peony, Swimmer and anyone else in the TTW!!

**Baby Dust to all**
Fisher, my temp is down this morning too
I know how you feel. This is such a roller coaster! I just wondering if girls that get BFP have highh temps the whole time of LP or does it look normal and then all of a sudden they get a rise again.

Because FF says you can't tell from your chart and temps whether you're preggo or not. So wouldnn't that mean that your temps are the same as past LPs?

I dunno. Low temps in the LP just make me sad

Inluv have fun for hubby's b-day and your trip!! I"m excited for you

eta: and THANK YOU Mandarine and InLuv for all the good luck!!!