
The Official TTC Thread!

Hi All!

Fisher, thanks for mentioning me. I''m here, moving into a new apartment. The new place is awesome, but moving sucks so hard. I got a pos. OPK yesterday and the day before (although yesterday''s was super dark and came up really fast) with really bad o-pains yesterday, too, and DH and I were still moving crap around, but I managed to squeeze in a lovin''. I hope it wasn''t too late. I rested my butt on my pillow afterwards and leaked, and got it in my hair, I don''t know what happened. All of a sudden I have no boundaries and I''m disgusting. Gotta love TTC. So, hopefully we managed to get lucky with that one instance of getting lucky.

I know it''s sad to be excited like this, when all your DHs are able to go a couple of times a day, but well- my husband is 30 and we''ve been having sex for five and a half years now, I think I used up all the good energy.
Thanks Sunkist!!

Amber -- Hiya! Your post made me lol, as they usually do. My DH is 31 and we aren''t having any couple times per day sessions either so I feel ya! Hope the rest of the move is quick and painless and that you caught that egg!
Date: 3/4/2009 2:44:42 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Hi All!

Fisher, thanks for mentioning me. I''m here, moving into a new apartment. The new place is awesome, but moving sucks so hard. I got a pos. OPK yesterday and the day before (although yesterday''s was super dark and came up really fast) with really bad o-pains yesterday, too, and DH and I were still moving crap around, but I managed to squeeze in a lovin''. I hope it wasn''t too late. I rested my butt on my pillow afterwards and leaked, and got it in my hair, I don''t know what happened. All of a sudden I have no boundaries and I''m disgusting. Gotta love TTC. So, hopefully we managed to get lucky with that one instance of getting lucky.

I know it''s sad to be excited like this, when all your DHs are able to go a couple of times a day, but well- my husband is 30 and we''ve been having sex for five and a half years now, I think I used up all the good energy.
A couple times a day??? That''s not common for us, and if we do, it''s rarely during the actual time to be producing a baby.

Oh the joys of moving.
I''m glad you like your new place, though. That''s always important!

About the pillow thing; I''ve been doing that, too, but I have a "butt pillow" just for when I''m trying to coax the swimmers the right direction. A friend of mine at work swears by propping your butt up against the wall, almost doing a headstand in the bed. Hey, I''ll try anything for one cycle. This was our cycle of that.

Actually, this cycle has been about a lot of "I''ll try that once" things... Robitussin, baby aspirin, butt on the wall (gosh, that sounds so obscene!), and the good ol'' pineapple that Pandora swears by (I did that last cycle, too, though). I don''t know how many other wives tales there are out there, but I seem to hear different ones all the time.

By the way, Sunkist, I did some "research" about temp drops in the LP and correlation to being pregnant; no such anything. I think we just associate high temps that don''t fluctuate with pregnancy, but looking back at preggo charts posted just in this thread, it''s really not true. (Sure, I *know* this, but I''m still hoping for a stead climb to start again tomorrow!!)


Girl, have fun on your mini-vacation before your vacation. And a happy, happy birthday to Mr. InLuv, too!!
Fisher, ya you''re right about LP temps not really corralating with preggo-ness. I''m looking at charts on FF and preggo vs. non-preggo don''t look much different, except for the last one or two temps before AF or a BFP.

Hi Amber! I''m glad you love your new place! I hope you get settled in soon and feel at home. Awesome job on getting in some BD while moving and such! You sound a lot happier Amber. That makes me happy too. *dust* my girl, coming your way~
Good luck to the soon to be testers!!

Amber, you seriously always make me laugh. The time we got pregnant we managed to DTD maybe like twice in the window (and definitely not on the same day). All it takes is once girl!

InLuv- Do you live near in Houston? Or are you just leaving from your trip there? I am in Houston (for now). Have fun!!!!! We are off to Puerto Rico tomorrow and I am so excited.

Hope everyone is doing well. Thinking of you girls, as always.
Date: 3/4/2009 9:05:50 PM
Author: sunkist
Fisher, ya you''re right about LP temps not really corralating with preggo-ness. I''m looking at charts on FF and preggo vs. non-preggo don''t look much different, except for the last one or two temps before AF or a BFP.
Interesting info.... I''m going to look right now...
It seems whenever I want to be preggo I can convince myself that my chart is preggo, and when I want to not be I can do the same. It''s all about seeing the big picture (forest through the trees and all that...
) Which I am terrible with! No patience! He he can you tell I am always hoping for an accident?
Well except for this cycle with the unemployment and all....

Peony, Sunkist, Fisher and Swimmer- Wow you guys... I am so excited you''ll all be testing around the same time! This is going to be so much fun!

Peony- Aw thanks for the congrats on the BFN, I think...
Still no Aunt Flo, but I''m feeling like she''ll be stopping in soon. I only have one more test and I am saving it for when I reallly start to freak out! And I do love charting. I definitely wanted to start it before TTC so that we can either get started right away, or tackle any potential problems before getting started. Although I guess I really don''t know until we try. It is super cool to be able to have a little peek at what is going on with my body. I must admit the knowledge can be dangerous. I''m feeling even more ready to TTC now that I know exactly when I am ovulating!

Sunkist- Aw thanks for commenting on my pup. Yep that''s him "resisting" that''s what DH calls it, anyway. Whenever we take him for a walk, he just decides at some point that he is done. He will just lock his legs and refuse to walk. We usually end up carrying home at that point! Such a pain!

Inluv Thanks for being so welcoming! I follow this thread all the time because I just love routing for you guys. I definitely get my own joy out of logging in to see someone has gotten KTFU! Its like I am a TTC cheerleader or something!

But as for me, temp dropped a bit again today but no Aunt Flo. I''m just thinking my LP is correcting itself post BC. I think my temp will go below the coverline tomorrow and I will get AF. We''ll see...
I finally got crosshairs today! My temp shot up dramatically the last two days and FF gave me cross hairs for Sunday. Now if I can just keep FF from taking them away...

Amber, I hope that one time was the time for you. Oh, and my DH and I will both be 30 this year and it has been years since we BD more than once a day unless we are on vacation or something. You guys are totally normal. I hope the rest of the move goes smoothly.

Peony, Sunkist, Fisher, Swimmer - I am really hoping this is the cycle for all of you, I am anxiously awaiting for the testing to begin.

InLuv - Have a great time on your trip, I am so envious of you because it is frezzing right now where I am.
ChinaCat and all no-longer TTCers:

Thank you for the thoughts and wishing and for coming over to check in on us. We always like to see old friends come back! (That''s why so many of us pop in at the prego and mommy boards, too!)


Isn''t that the truth that you can try to make your chart say whatever you want, TTC or otherwise! I''ve been doing that for 5 cycles now!

I look forward to when you''re TTC and not just trying to have an accident. (That''s cute, by the way!!)


YAY for crosshairs! I get elated when I get mine, and even more so when they STICK!! Hoping like mad these bad boys stick around. Is your BD line good for the day the crosshairs show ovulation? (What is your doggy''s name? Looks like he/she''d be good friends with my FlipFlop, who''s a nut!!)

I need to pat myself on the back, girls. I really, really need to. I''m notorious for commenting on my *symptoms* (ie: psuedo symptoms) every time I''m in the 2 week wait. Paul was asking me last night how I was feeling and I just said "fine." My plan is to keep all "symptoms" to myself, and then when I have reason to discuss them, I will. Otherwise, I feel like a dork after my idiot period comes and I really had nothing other than self-made *signs.* Not to say I''m not feeling anything, just that I''ll wait to state what I''m feeling for when the time is right. I think it helps both of us not to get too carried away with the thoughts that there''s a baby, only to be let down a few days later with the start of a new cycle.
Thanks guys for the well wished before my trip. We''re off today, but I just wanted to do a quick drive by...

China -- Have fun in Puerto Rico!! I''ve never been but want to visit someday. I actually live in San Antonio so you are just a hop, skip and a jump away!

NovBride -- Congrats on those crosshairs!! I''m sure they will stick around.

Mia -- We could always use the support around here, thanks!

**************Baby Dust to everyone*****************

I hope to come back to find at least 3 BFPs!!!!


Fisher - yes, our BD looks good, so I have my fingers crossed. I hope this is the cycle, but I also will be really happy if I can just confirm that I ovulated, since that''s half the battle. My dog''s name is Rex - DH named him, and it fits him pefectly. I love the name flip-flop, do you have any pictures posted of your pup?
November: I'm so, so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!! I guess that solves the mystery of the positive OPKs, right?

Sunkist: I don't really have more time, but I just love you gals so much I can't stay away, hehe.

InLuv: Have a fun trip!!

I myself am going nuts. I got my progesterone back and it's ridiculously high. I wonder if I ovulated two eggs as sometimes happens on Clomid. I will ask my dr. about that when I call today. I also broke out like crazy last night, and my nipples are sore as of three days ago. Oh, and my chart is practically triphasic. However, I'm pretty sure that ALL of these things could be attributed to the higher hormone levels on Clomid, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Actually, I'm really bummed out and kind of self-blaming that we didn't do it more before I Oed. This is really the first time that our timing has only been okay, and I'm worried that we BDed too late in relation to O. I thought that I was going to O later and we were hoarding the swimmers. Oh well, I guess we'll see. At least I know now that Clomid works for me!

P.S. I'm testing on Saturday morning.

Hey Peony, your chart looks great! It''s definitely triphasic. I am NOT trying to be Debbie Downer, but I just went through the same thing. I had really sore boobs, super emotional, higher temperatures, a longer LP by 2 days, and I broke out. I was convinced I was pregnant, but sadly AFF showed up yesterday. Unfortunately many side effects of clomid are also symptoms of pregnancy. I''m really not trying to dash your hopes, I just know how upset I was. I used to be so in tune to my body and now the clomid has really screwed that up.
Good luck Saturday!
Date: 3/5/2009 10:13:58 AM
Author: tiffanytwisted
Hey Peony, your chart looks great! It's definitely triphasic. I am NOT trying to be Debbie Downer, but I just went through the same thing. I had really sore boobs, super emotional, higher temperatures, a longer LP by 2 days, and I broke out. I was convinced I was pregnant, but sadly AFF showed up yesterday. Unfortunately many side effects of clomid are also symptoms of pregnancy. I'm really not trying to dash your hopes, I just know how upset I was. I used to be so in tune to my body and now the clomid has really screwed that up.
Good luck Saturday!
Ditto to tiffanytwisted.... not to be Debbie Downer either, as you very well may be preggo....but Clomid can make your temps higher in the LP, and it can also make your LP longer. My first cycle on Clomid I had high temps (98.40) up to 16 dpo!! I was hoping that I was pregnant (I also had different shooting pains in my breasts), but unfortunately, I started spotting that night, and got AF in full force on 17 dpo. My LP is usually 14 days, but on Clomid it seems to be 16 days. Just something to be aware of...
Fisher, I know exactly what you mean about the symptoms. I could have sworn I was pregnant last month I had backache, was tired, later period, yada yada and then big fat no. I feel bad that I got Adam so excited over it, so this month I will do the same and keep my symptoms to myself. You can post them here though
Great chart peony! come on best birthday present ever.

Inluv - have a great trip!! relax. enjoy.

when does all this testing begin - this weekend?!?

as for me, today is the big o. and for the last nine cycles, I''ve received a *high* mark on my GOF timing. However, yesterday, I had to go to a client dinner and then meet up with friends and was very tired by the time I made it home. So this is the first time I''ve only gotten a *good.* Sort of feels like getting a B in school, but part of me is feeling that maybe a less is more approach this time. we shall see.

I''m not sure if I reported back on the rest of my tests, but aside from having a normal uterus
all of my hormone levels are normal as well (though I haven''t had my progesterone tested...)

again, it''s just wait and see time around my parts -
Thanks guys! I really appreciate your feedback! I completely understand that there is a good chance I''m not pregnant even though I''m still going to cry if I''m not.
I''m just getting SO sick of this process--the waiting, stressing, the hoping, the being disappointed. Ugh. We shall see I guess! I''ll keep you updated.
Fingers crossed for all you ladies!!!
It''s going to be an exciting weekend - I can feel it!

Peony - let''s hope that it''s not the clomid playing tricks on you, but in the meantime, focus on the healthy ovulation you had and short cycle you''re going to have!

Lovely - so happy that all your results are coming back as normal! Kind of makes you scratch your head though right? At least that''s how I feel. Here''s hoping that the less is more approach worked for you. We haven''t really done the EOD approach and I wanted to try it this cycle, but DH doesn''t understand why since his SA came back normal and we''d have a better chance I told him I wanted to switch it up a little and of course he ended up lecturing me on overthinking this whole process.

InLuv - have a wonderful trip!

Amber - great to see you around these parts! Wishing you, along with the other ladies, the best of luck this cycle! It''s not very often DH and I BD on the same day and if it does happen, it''s usally after midnight or 1AM if we''re up late and then later agian that same night so, technically it''s twice in the same day.

Anyway, I''m plugging along at CD 14. I received a high yesterday on my monitor and then another high today. We BD''d last night and will again for the next three nights. I''m thinking I''ll get my peak tomorrow, but not sure yet. Looks like I''m Lovely''s cycle buddy.
Quick question for all you ladies who have had the progesterone test - does it have to be exactly on 7 DPO? The reason I am asking is that my Dr. suggested I have one this cycle since my temps didn''t rise right away in a clear pattern and since I am using Clomid. However, 7 DPO for me is this Sunday, so of course no labs are open to get blood drawn. Will I mess up the results if I go Saturday or Monday?
november - I think that you should just call your dr. and let them know your cycle date. see what they tell you to do...
Thanks Blushing, and good luck!!!

November: 6DPO or 8DPO should be fine. The 6DPO one will probably be a bit lower than the 8DPO one, but if you ovulated each should be more than high enough to detect ovulation. I would be really surprised if it was below 10-15 if you had a clear thermal shift. Mine was 11 last time I was pregnant and 41 (!) on Clomid.
Good luck ladies!
I''m just going to wait for AF to show up. I''m positive I didn''t O. The RE thinks I might have based on my charts, but I just don''t feel a doggone thing and am majorly stressed/overwhelmed by my upcoming dissertation defense and having pneumonia.
Aww, shucks Swimmer, I''m sorry you''re thinking O didn''t show up this month. I''m sorry you''re sick too! I hope you have a quick recovery.

Fisher, how are you keeping up on not talking about symptoms?
I''ve been ''listening'' to my body all day!! I have a small list of things I thought I felt, but then went away or something. I know I''m psyching myself out, haha! I''m not telling anyone else how I feel either though. I don''t want hubby to get excited if nothing is there.

Peony ooo nice temp rise there! I totally understand your cautiousness re: the effects of Clomid. I will still be sending dust your way though! Good luck for Saturday! So I guess that means you''re testing on your 11DPO, huh? I can''t decide if I want to test on my 11DPO or wait longer. I''ll have to see how eager I am

Blushing, congrats on starting the BD marathon!

Lovely dust for you too! I hope your timing proves successful for you this month. Best of luck~

InLuv and China I hope you each enjoy your trips! Hubby has been chomping at the bit for us to go on another vacation. He told me as soon as we get preggo we can plan a trip!
Fisher- "Trying to have an accident!" That's exactly what I am doing! Ha ha I laughed so hard when I read that because it's so true. I even read it to DH who laughed too. My day will come, and hopefully all you girls will be long gone from this thread!

Peony- I think that is one delicious chart! I know Clomid might affect the reliability of your chart a little bit, but I think it will be well worth it. Just look at that early ovulation you have had your first cycle on it! I really believe Clomid will do the trick for you. I'll be thinking of you girl, can't wait until Saturday!

Well girl, when you do get knocked (*accidental* or otherwise
), you''ll have to be sure to tell us about it!


I''m thinking only the best things for you, dear! Tomorrow is Saturday! TOMORROW! Hopin, hopin, hopin!


I''m *so* sorry for the let down of that mean period coming on! I think about you often and hope only the best for you. I know the wait is long and the struggles get to us all sometimes. I''m awaiting the day you come announce good news!! Truly!


How are you holding up these days?

November, I''ll attach a picture of my beloved FlipFlop. She''s a precious girl!! We also have a little boy, Ta Dah!! He''s trouble, but so loving!!

In my world: I think I''ve become too emotional and sensitive lately. Yesterday at work, during lunch break (a lot of us gather in the kitchen during lunch, rather than going out) I was having pineapple with my lunch and my good friend Amy was in there (we share an office and she knows about all things TTC with regard to me) and someone asked why I''ve been having pineapple every single day (not like me to do the same fruit for so many days in a row. And Amy said it was to "make her baby stick" (Haha. that''s exactly what I told her, too!), and then someone else rolled her eyes and said that if all I do is think about having a baby, I''ll *never* have one. Then she started to talk about another employee who''s since left (with the birth of her child) who was "so annoying" because she wanted a baby so bad.

Well, it hurt my feelings that someone would feel like they have the authority to tell me that I''ll *never* get pregnant if I want a baby so badly because that''s just idiotic! She had her son at age 17, purely by accident, but that''s not how all children enter this world! And the thing is, she''s my friend, so that''s part of why it hurt me. And I realize it''s the work place and I don''t go around talking about my TTC efforts all the time. Not at all, really. There is another woman at work wanting a baby, and we do discuss the things that I learn about TTC from this place, FF, and other internet sites and books. But I don''t just go around announcing it to people who don''t care. But everyone does know that I want a baby. I think that''s just part of my life, who I am right now, and friends are going to know about that.

So now I feel like I''m being equated with someone "annoying" who used to go into very graphic details of all things TTC in her life (which I do not! I''m way too conservative to do anything like that.).

I also know what the person at work *meant* by what she said, because my mother thinks the same way about this. It wasn''t said to be mean. So it''s not a matter of being mad about that. Oh I don''t know. Now that I have it all written out, it seems petty. Eh, let''s just say it irked me and hurt me a little, too. I so wish people could be more sensitive to women who feel somewhat inadequate already when they''re not getting pregnant as soon as they''d hoped.

I''ve been emotional toward Paul lately, too. So I think it was just a matter of the hormones and the eyes rolling and the being told I''ll not have a baby as long as I want one. Like it''s a switch you turn off and on. Come on!!

In happy news, today is Friday!! Yay for the weekend!! Today at work is "represent your team" day and we get to wear any sports clothing we want. Whoo hoo! I''m all about representing the Thrashers today! (And it''s Paul''s shirt, so I get to feel like a teenager wearing her boyfriend''s shirt around! Oh nostalgia of the good ol'' days of puppy love...)

And this is TaDah!!

I love my puppies!!!!

Date: 3/5/2009 9:19:33 AM
Author: InLuv101
Thanks guys for the well wished before my trip. We''re off today, but I just wanted to do a quick drive by...

China -- Have fun in Puerto Rico!! I''ve never been but want to visit someday. I actually live in San Antonio so you are just a hop, skip and a jump away!

NovBride -- Congrats on those crosshairs!! I''m sure they will stick around.

Mia -- We could always use the support around here, thanks!

**************Baby Dust to everyone*****************

I hope to come back to find at least 3 BFPs!!!!


From your lips to God''s ears, InLuv!!

Happy trip and safe trip to you and Mr. InLuv!!
Good morning!

Fisher I''m sorry your friends/coworkers said insensitive things like that. I would feel the same way you do. I think I''m usually pretty sensitive about what people can say. I hope you can just ignore them all in that regard though! I think they just don''t realize how emotional TTC is. For what it''s worth, I think you''re doing a great job hanging in there and staying optimistic! (PS. love your puppies!)

As for how I''m doing, I think my temps are on the roller coaster now. Yesterday I had a huge rise and this morning an even bigger fall. Look at this! (below) I don''t know what to think. I''m going to try and NOT think until at least next Wednesday. Wish me luck

Hey guys... real quick pop in here to tell Fisher that I''m sorry her "friend" was being so heartless. I think it''s just one of those things that people who get KTFU easily (or accidentally) will never understand- the pain of having to wait and watch while everyone else is getting on with their lives and children. It''s like the whole cliche about walking in someone else''s shoes, right? I try so hard to be patient, be kind, be gracious with others who are "luckier" than I am, but sometimes you just want to say enough already. ENOUGH. I understand ya. Also: I think we have the same kind of couch!!

I''m sorry I don''t have words/advice/joy to share for each person individually- I hope all of you are out of here SUPER fast.

Okay, I''m a little perplexed and bummed. FF had me O''ing on Monday- the day before we were able to squeeze in the lovin. Now, I''m perplexed because I took two OPKs (actually two each day, so FOUR), two on Monday, and two on Tuesday. Monday it was positive. On Tuesday, though, it was ALSO positive, an even darker line than Monday. (Also, I POAS on Wednesday, as well- just to see, and the line was def. darker than the sample line, but fainter than the day before- Tuesday) So, along with the Tuesday dark OPK, I also had INTENSE o-pains. Like, bad. I had no EWCM, but watery watery watery. So everything BUT my temp said I o''d on Tuesday. My temp has gone gradually up daily since Monday, so I guess I''ll see. I dunno, I really think I o''d on Tuesday, even if there was a temp drop on Monday. Blah. I''m bummed.

<------ CD 20 4dpo (cycle 12)
Fisher, sorry about your co-worker''s insensitive comment. Sometimes people don''t think before they open their mouth. Oh and GO THASHERS!! Hubby and I were season ticket holders when we lived in Atlanta, so much fun!

I am sorry your co-worker was insensitive, that would have hurt my feelings too. And we all know that wanting a baby has nothing to do with whether you get KTFU.