
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 4/5/2009 7:11:20 PM
Author: melanie987123
Does anyone know anything about running while TTC? I just started a very mild program called couch to 5k. Today I ran for 60 seconds, walked for 90 seconds, and so on for 20 minutes. Wondering if I shouldn''t have.

Hi Melanie

Sorry you are feeling down! will happen, so hang in there!. I personally think exercise is definitely something that is recommended...not just physical but for emotional help!. I started running this past October. I was NEVER a runner and never pictured myself as one. Well, I started and couldn''t stop!. I loved it, it made me feel so great to go out there, breath the fresh air and just get away from everything.

SO I''m not a Dr, but I say go for it!. The C25K program is very good and it''s gradual so I don''t see how that could hurt you in any way. When you do get pregnant though, you may want to ask your Dr. Deepending on how long you have been running, he may say it''s ok to continue or may suggest you stop.

I ran from October-February (~40 miles a nothing crazy). The Dr said it was ok for me to continue while pregnant, but I really haven''t. It makes me nervous plus now I get tired/short of breath so easily. I still exercise regularly, just not running...but I can''t WAIT to get back out there once the little ones are born! (I''m already eyeing the cool double jogger strollers

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and find that running just makes you happier, it definitely did that for me!

Your pups are SO cute!!!

Sorry your temps are all over the place, but it ain''t over yet!. Your symptoms sound very suspicious
27.gif I wouldn''t give up hope, or drive yourself crazy either...just try to keep occupied as much as you can to make time fly!. If not this month, then soon...and whenever it does it will be a blessing. If it happens to be a double blessing, don''t feel guilty!. Like you said, all babies are gifts of God...regardless...and your kids will be vey lucky to grow in a home so full of love!.
Date: 4/5/2009 8:00:07 PM
Author: melanie987123
So I just watched Baby Mama and started crying at the end. Which is so unlike me. I think I''m in denial about how much I really want a baby, and I was surprised by my own tears. I''m so tired of every month thinking I could be pregnant, changing my life (cutting down on exercise, not dieting or drinking), getting my hopes up and then starting all over again. I can''t honestly imagine really getting pregnant, it seems an impossibility. This is the first month we tried clomid/iui, but we''ve been trying, or at least not ''not'' trying, for ages. It surprises me sometimes when I think about something that happened last year and realize I was hoping I would get pregnant then. That if I had, I would have had the baby by now. Geez, I can''t even write baby without tearing up.

Started spotting tonight, so I''m probably getting AF on schedule tomorrow. Not that I wasn''t expecting it. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to vent.
I''m really sorry you''re feeling down, Melanie...
TTC can be so hard....all the hoping and waiting and hoping can really take a toll. I know the hardest day is when AF comes.....
And it''s probably that much harder when you''re on a medicated cycle too. Any chance your spotting could be implantation spotting? I hope so..... if not, I hope you get your BFP soon. I''ve read of quite a few persons who were successful in their 2nd or 3rd iui''s.....don''t give up hope.
Hi Mandarine - So you are pregnant with twins? Congrats! That''s fabulous. Those two little guys/girls are going to love each other so much!

Yes, I do need to exercise and I''m just going to keep doing it, thanks for the encouragement. It''s been an emotional month and you are not the first person to point out that exercise helps ...
Date: 4/5/2009 8:54:45 PM
Author: melanie987123
Hi Mandarine - So you are pregnant with twins? Congrats! That''s fabulous. Those two little guys/girls are going to love each other so much!

Yes, I do need to exercise and I''m just going to keep doing it, thanks for the encouragement. It''s been an emotional month and you are not the first person to point out that exercise helps ...
Yes, we are still very early (9 weeks and a half!)....but we''re very excited

I really do think exercise helps. Running is like no other exercise I have ever done. For me, it became a personal challenge and I loved the fact that it was just me there, pushing myself. The other great thing about running is that you see improvements SO FAST!. I mean as in when you go running the 3rd time, you''ll feel like you have already improved a ton!. It''s crazy and that''s what I loved about it the most. I started in October and in December I did my first felt SO GOOD!.

If you have an Ipod I recommend you get the Nike+. I don''t think it works with all the Ipods though. I have a Nano, but I don''t think it works with the regular Ipods. It''s about $30 (if you already have the ipod) and it was the best $30 I spent. It helped to keep me motivated. It tracks your workouts (distance, pace, calories, time) and on their website you can see your runs and cumulayive totals. It really helped a lot from a motivation perspective. So if you have an ipod I recommend looking into the little gadget

If not, then it''s ok too. You can use things such as or other cool sites to help you calculate distances. Just track your time in your watch and then you can calculate your pace!. I think having a jorunal of some sort also helps. I got so excited that I have a running blog (now a bit abandoned!) but it was my way of tracking and motivating myself. I also recommend having a clear goal (find a 5K race you want to run and mark it on your calendar!)

I also recommend going over to and go to the "Health and Fitness" board. There are a LOT of girls there doing the C25K program and a lot of runners (all levels). They were awesome help!

Ok, sorry to go off track on the TTC thread!...As you can see i get excited just thinking about if you start I will join you mentally in your runs!...hehe

Date: 4/5/2009 8:00:07 PM
Author: melanie987123
So I just watched Baby Mama and started crying at the end. Which is so unlike me. I think I''m in denial about how much I really want a baby, and I was surprised by my own tears. I''m so tired of every month thinking I could be pregnant, changing my life (cutting down on exercise, not dieting or drinking), getting my hopes up and then starting all over again. I can''t honestly imagine really getting pregnant, it seems an impossibility. This is the first month we tried clomid/iui, but we''ve been trying, or at least not ''not'' trying, for ages. It surprises me sometimes when I think about something that happened last year and realize I was hoping I would get pregnant then. That if I had, I would have had the baby by now. Geez, I can''t even write baby without tearing up.

Started spotting tonight, so I''m probably getting AF on schedule tomorrow. Not that I wasn''t expecting it. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to vent.
Melanie, I''m sorry you are so down right now. I completely understand. Sometimes I think I''m a total fool for even buying pregnancy tests.
Keep exercising, it''s great therapy. I spent 45 minutes on the Wii tonight, and I felt so much better afterwards. Good luck on the running!

I''m sorry yesterday was rough. I think so many of us know the feeling. For me, too, it often seems like attaining pregnancy and parenthood is this far-off goal, and at the end of each cycle, I feel silly for thinking it would have resulted in anything other than what it''s always been before: negative.

This is my first cycle with Clomid, and as someone else said, I think it likely will be rougher to face another negative, because well, you expect more when there''s medication involved. You definitely have more intense feelings involved (or at least I do, since I still struggle a little with the use of intervention) and it just complicates things further, particularly the hormonal changes the meds put you under.

The thing I try to always remember is that the end goal is the same, no matter what cycle it happens in. It''s hard to remember that when I''m crying over another cycle gone by, but it does help. I also try to remember that my husband and I will have a good life no matter when a child comes into our lives. I try not to focus on my time frames for accomplishing things in life, as becoming a parent isn''t something I can pencil in for December 2009 and know it will happen. Oh if only!!!

As for running; Paul and I walk the dogs daily and it often turns into a jog either because I pass him or he passes me and we''re just being silly. The Dr. encourages that and said there''s nothing wrong with that during TTC or pregnancy, but just to be sure not to get too winded. He said by the time I''m showing, I likely won''t feel like doing the jogging thing anymore, but said it''s important that I keep walking every day. I''ve never heard of couch to 5K; I should look it up.

I hope today''s a better day.

Happy Monday to everyone!!
Good morning all!

Melanie -- I''m sorry you were so down yesterday. Totally understandable and perfectly normal. This whole TTC process can be so difficult. The emotions each month can be overwhelming! I know sometimes I just feel like an utter failure. When that BPF finally does come, I don''t even know if I''ll be able to believe it. I hope yours comes soon. I admire you for trying the C25K thing. I''ve thought about it, but I tore my ACL in my left knee so running is a bit difficult for me sometimes. Anywho, I hope you are feeling better today.

Fisher -- You symptoms do sound suspicious...then again, I have no idea what kind of side effects come from using Clomid. How was the temp today?

Tiffany -- Sorry AFF showed up.

Shout outs to Blushing, Lulu , Feb2003, Swimmer and Festy. Wow, is that it?! Who am I missing? We are shrinking over here.
CD14 here...I got my first positive OPK yesterday!! I was so excited to see a line on something I had peed on that I had to do a happy dance, lol. Man, I wish I had been using OPKs from the start. We BD yesterday and will again for the next couple days until I get those crosshairs! Feeling optimistic about this cycle for some reason...
Thanks everyone - Sha, Mandarine, Tiffany, InLuv anyone I might have missed. I appreciate it. Sha, well as I do every month I hope that this is just a little spotting that will amount to nothing. So, as of this morning I''m still hoping that ... Mandarine great running tips thanks! A colleague just told me that the C25K (great abbreviation!) has a download for an ipod where the guy talks you through. I think that would be great and I''m going to look for the Nike one too. Fisher, you are totally right. With everything going for me this cycle, it makes it that much harder when it doesn''t work. It''s like, if I can''t get preggo when they put me on drugs and actually deposit the sperm right into my uterus ... I mean come on guys!

All right. Going to devote the next month to exercise, de-stressing and eating better too. Be a much better environment when the time does come.
inluv- Yay for 2 lines on a test, lol! It''s so depressing seeing only 1 line every month that I can understand being excited seeing 2 lines on a OPK!! Too funny!

Melaine- I''m so sorry about the spotting

Fisher- Are you testing tomorrow???

I''m still here, just chugging along at CD9. I should be gearing up to ovulate by the end of this week. I''m not temping or using OPK, just going by CM.
Oh that''s right here I am wallowing in it .... Fisher when are you testing!? Would be very uplifting to have some positive news ........
Date: 4/6/2009 9:57:22 AM
Author: melanie987123
Thanks everyone - Sha, Mandarine, Tiffany, InLuv anyone I might have missed. I appreciate it. Sha, well as I do every month I hope that this is just a little spotting that will amount to nothing. So, as of this morning I''m still hoping that ... Mandarine great running tips thanks! A colleague just told me that the C25K (great abbreviation!) has a download for an ipod where the guy talks you through. I think that would be great and I''m going to look for the Nike one too. Fisher, you are totally right. With everything going for me this cycle, it makes it that much harder when it doesn''t work. It''s like, if I can''t get preggo when they put me on drugs and actually deposit the sperm right into my uterus ... I mean come on guys!

All right. Going to devote the next month to exercise, de-stressing and eating better too. Be a much better environment when the time does come.
Sorry about AF, tiffany....
I hope next cycle brings better news!

melanie, did your spotting actually turn into anything?

Fisher, how were your temps today? do you think you will still test tomorrow?

InLuv, yay for a positive opk!!
Doesn''t it feel great? I love knowing when my body will be O''ing, instead of having it be a guessing game like it was for the other cycles I charted. I''m glad you have a good feeling about this cycle..... I hope it''s ''the one!"
Tiffany - I''m sorry that AF showed up.

Melanie - no doctor here, but I think it''s great that you''re starting a running program. I''ve looked at the C25K website (thanks to Mandy!) and the workouts they advise sound very moderate and doable. I started my own mini-running program about a week ago. I promised a friend I''d run a 5k with her on April 19th. While I''m not new to working out, I am having to get in running shape, more or less. I''m finding that I love having a physical goal OTHER than TTC! If TTC were my only challenge I''d be in a sorry state! Here''s hoping the spotting is nothing more than that! Oh p.s., I totally watched Baby Mama on HBO last night! And I cried too. Wasn''t Steve Martin hilarious?

Fisher - I hope your falling temps mean a whole lot of nuthin!

InLuv - hooray for a second line! That''s great!


DH and I had a rough weekend. Despite trying 3 times, we only managed to DTD (or finish) once during the window. The psychology of TTC is totally messing with DH''s head. When there''s no "reason" to DTD, he''s fine. On our honeymoon there were no problems whatsoever. (Why oh why did we not schedule the honeymoon around O?) I see only two solutions. Jump to IUI ASAP or, and this is what I proposed to DH, we give ourselves a couple of cycles with no OPKs, no charting, etc, and then do IUI. I''m not sure it''s possible for me to know when the fertile window is and not let on to him. He can read disappointment in my face even when I''m doing my best to hide it. If anyone has any suggestions along those lines, I would really love to hear them! To top it off, I ran out of OPKs before I got a positive so I have no idea if our one time was well-timed. Thanks for listening, I hate to sound so self-pitying!

Light flow, I''m not hopeful. Thanks for asking. (And this is way more information than I would ever have thought I''d post on the internet, lol). Moving on.

Festy, how hysterical. I wonder how many of us TTC women there were bawling as she found out she was pregnant? Yes, Steve Martin and his "secret to success" were definitely a hoot. I actually think it should have been funnier given the cast, but I enjoyed it.
I agree, the "on command" thing is definitely a downer. I wonder what you could do to make it less stressful. There must be books on it. As for me, I don''t think I''ve properly explained the urgency of ovulation. Whenever I mention it, - sometime in the next two days - seems to be his timeline.
Okay, you ladies have given me plenty of encouragement for running! I tell you, yesterday showed me just how out of shape I am! My neighbors must have been laughing at me huffing and puffing down the street in 60-second segments. Did a little light weight-ish training too (ie, not with weights but push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips).

All right, I''m tired at the thought of it. Have a good afternoon!
Festy- Thanks!
I''m sorry you and your DH are having a rough time. I don''t have much in the way of suggestions but I think some others on this board have run into this issue so maybe they''ll jump in. I am wondering though, if he''s having trouble "finishing" how he''ll respond to "finishing" into a specimen cup (if you go the IUI route). We hadn''t had problems with timed intercourse but the first month with the specimen cup was a little nervewracking.
Oh Tiffany you raise a good point. DH''s only encounter with a specimen cup thus far went ok, but of course there was no pressure! Krikey, the guy is so competitive, you''d think he''d see it as another challenge! But who am I to second guess. If I had to have an orgasm on demand I''m not sure I could either.

Fisher, are you still planning on testing tomorrow? I''ve had "Tuesday" in the back of my mind all weekend!
Ditto, thinking of Fisher!


Trying to be extra perky to make up for what I'm about to say, because I don't think I'll be testing tomorrow. Haha. I checked my phone at lunch and I was like, "Dang, is tomorrow Tuesday?" It seemed forever away on Friday, and now, it doesn't seem to matter much anymore. I'm always like that... get a little nutty around 10DPO or so, but when the time comes that I actually could test and maybe get reliable results, I don't want to test. Odd. The thing is, I find it much *less* of a let down to just start my period than to have it pointed out for me on a test that I'm not pregnant over and over again.

Today's temp was just about even with yesterday's, so I'm hovering around the 98.6 range. Coverline is around 97.9, so there's still a ways for it to fall, if it's gonna.

I got another email from a friend today who announced she's 14 weeks pregnant. I think I can now count the number of friends who are *not* pregnant on one hand. I make baby blankets for my friends' babies. I have 12 to make!! (Well, two are almost done, but still! A dozen!!)

Oh, my sad news for the day: I looked at the papers I got with the Clomid again: pelvic cramps and twinges are a side effect. So is tenderness in the breasts or nipples. Talk about putting a damper on things!!

So it appears this is just the way it is on Clomid.

(But, just in case, I do keep visualizing my baby multiplying in size, just like Mela says you should do. This whole cycle I feel like I've either been singing, "swim little fishie, swimming, swimming," or "grow little baby, growing, growing." --You know, taken from "glow little glow worm, glimmer, glimmer..." I don't know why that song came into my head some time during the TTC phase, but it's like my baby growing theme song now.)


9 weeks already? Wow!

No morning sickness yet? Lucky duck!!

Festy and InLuv,

I wish there was an icon of a smiley face wagging his fingers!! Where, oh where, are our trip pictures????

So, I was looking at this site online today (no, I don't obsess much) that said the best way to get pregnant when you know that you'll be ovulating *around* a certain time, which is at long last something I should know with clomid(!!!), you should do the following: about 7 days before you should be ovulating, have sex every other day. For three days. Then take a day break, a one day break. Then every day for three days. Then you should have completed your fertile window without "tiring" the swimmer maker. Hmm. I thought about it, but you know, it's already so technical and "calculating" to me, I figure, eh. Oh Meh, in the words of LL.


I hear you on the thing about your husband. Paul got that way, too once. He knows when the "time" is, even if I don't tell him so, but not hearing me say it seems to somehow help him not get nervous or anything like that. I think just the knowledge that if we're not pregnant by June, the Dr. is going to send him for an analysis is enough motivation for him not to freak out too much when it's baby making time.


How are you, girlie??? I love it when you post!! And your avatar always makes me smile; it's so pretty and springy!!
Hi girls.

So, it was supposed to snow last night. SNOW!! In April, in Georgia. Haha. I suppose it did, but it was mixed with rain and all we have to show for it is a little bit of faint white fuzz looking stuff on the roof. Hmph!! Oh, and wet roads. Talk about let down. I swear, I''m eternally a little girl in that area... I hear snow and I go nuts with excitement. I guess that''s what being a So. Cal girl will do to you.

14 DPO. Didn''t test. Thought about it when I saw my temp was holding steady at 98.68 (yesterday''s was 98.69), but nah. FF says my "average" LP is 15 days, but my longest was 17. So, I''m thinking if I have no drop or period by Friday, maybe I''ll test. I just really don''t know what to expect for my LP on Clomid, as it lengthens it for some people. Is it weird that it''s easier for me to realize I''m not pregnant when I see the temp drop or the period come, rather than by seeing the single line on a test? Somehow, the period/temp drop just seems like the phases I have to go through to get the outcome of eventually being a mommy, and the single line tests just seem like total failure. Maybe I''m just a nutter.

I would say I felt crampy today, which is a sign of the period getting ready to touch down, but hey, I''ve been having cramps for 5 days now. And that''s not normal. Clomid.

Melanie, Do you go to the Dr. today? Or is it tomorrow? What do they do at the appointment?
Here''s my chart, to make up for the lack of testing, maybe. I don''t think it''s dropped, too, too much. I was just hopeful for that ever-loving triphasic chart that everyone "aims for." Haha... as if you can aim for your temps to be a certain pattern!

Fisher, your chart looks great! I charted til 12 dpo with both pregnancies and never had a triphasic chart.

PS - Blen texted me and I posted an update in the preggo thread!
Fisher, I''m really hoping this is the month for you. You are so strong to wait to test! I did that too with my BFP, and I''m glad I did. Getting a BFN and then AFF a few hours later was so demoralizing. But letting the days pass and knowing I probably should have had my period by then let the excitement build. When I tested on 16/17DPO, I knew I was one day late at the least.
Fisher, your chart does look good! My temps were kind of hovering like that when I got my BFP..

Festy, sorry about what you're going through. It's totally possible to get knocked up with one or two BDs in the fertile window ( we were successful with BD on O day only). I know it might be hard to withhold exactly when you're O'ing - but if it's causing him to be stressed out, I think that's what I would do. I would also use OPks to narrow down your most fertile time and then jump him when you get the positive opk. That's just my suggestion!
Festy, I would still use the OPKs secretly. You''d probably be almost as disappointed if you were just wondering if you might be ovulating as if you knew for sure, so I don''t think you should not do it for that reason. Can you, ahem, spice things up a bit? Maybe trying new outfits, positions, or locations (sorry if that is too much of a visual!) might help your DH forget his performance anxiety.

A friend of a friend never told her husband when she was ovulating to make it more fun for him. She''d just let him think it was his idea.
We''re women, we can trick men into thinking they''re seducing us when we''re really seducing them, right?

Maybe you can throw him off the scent by BDing every weekend and maybe once or twice in the middle of the week even when you''re not ovulating? Then he''d have no reason to be suspicious the one time when you are.

A friend who''s pregnant never knew when she was ovulating (super long cycles), so they came up with an every weekend and Wednesday BDing plan. She was getting so stressed out by trying to BD every other day for 30 days at a time that this gave her some relief. And it worked! But if she had used OPKs, she wouldn''t have had to wonder. She was charting but with her irregular cycles wasn''t able to predict future ovulation. I, on the other hand, had ovulated on day 16 or 17 for three months straight and therefore thought I could predict O, so without my fertility monitor I wouldn''t have known to BD on day 14 the cycle we got KU (normally we would have anyway, but we were both indisposed that month so we weren''t up to extra BDing).
Good morning everyone!

Hi Fisher, don''t feel bad for not testing today. I totally get where you''re coming from! I never wanted to test either, just wait for the old AF to come. The only reason I tested on my last cycle is cause I was feeling really PMSy bad and knew a negative wouldn''t make me feel any worse
dumb reason huh? haha
Anyways, temps are still up there super high. Hang in there, we''re all here for support of course :)

Hi Festy
Sorry about TTC troubles. I do think going easy for a while might help your DH. What does he think would help him?

I am amazed at your self-control. Your chart looks great and I am anxiously stalking this thread to see when you test.
Date: 4/7/2009 11:40:44 AM
Author: NovemberBride

I am amazed at your self-control. Your chart looks great and I am anxiously stalking this thread to see when you test.
Ditto!! I''m so impressed!!
Sha and Phoenix, thanks so much for the advice. I''ve gone back and forth on whether to use OPKs and not let on. My one worry is that if I try to jump him and he''s too tired or not in the mood then I will be unable to hide my disappointment. It''s physically impossible. But you''re right, Phoenix - if I don''t know but *suspect* I''m ovulating, it may be just as stressful for me. Part of me wants to just forget about the fertile window next time, but the other side of my brain doesn''t want to waste the potential benefits of having just had an HSG. Apparently odds of conceiving go up the first few cycles after an HSG.

Sunkist - good question! Damned if I know. Not that we haven''t had that conversation. I''ve flat-out asked him if he wants to be kept in the dark and he''s said no. I think we need to revisit that though. Oh, but just once I would like for him to initiate that conversaton instead of me!

Again, you ladies are the best. I''m so glad you''re still lurking around here!

Fisher - I understand why you''d want to wait. I also find it easier to say hello to AF than to get a BFN.
Hi ladies - Just checking in with everyone! I still cyber-stalk y''all!

Fisher - Good luck testing tomorrow! I''m thinking many good vibes your way! And your puppinksis are just adorable! We have a ton of clothes for both of our dogs...the ibizan hound is just insanely skinny and gets super cold in the winter...and he wears pajamas every night. It is adorable. he''s a total goober.

Tiffany - I''m sorry about AF coming.

Melanie - I''m a graduate from the TTC board, but wanted to stop by and offer some support. It is so darn difficult TTC. I think if you look through the last 200+ pages, you''ll see a lot of heartache and despair - but also a TON of support. These are a great group. It is just so darn hard. and just FEH!

Festy - I''m sorry about the TTC technical difficulties...but only takes once!

In-Luv - Yay for the OPK! Get on the floor!

Alright, lulu and BB - I''m thinking about you ladies!

Just a quick update for me - I''m almost 19 weeks. Which is insane. We are having a boy. Also nuts.