
The Official TTC Thread!

Festy- an IC is an "internet cheapie", a very inexpensive pregnancy test that they sell in bulk online. (I get mine from ebay) They are a pink dye test but prone to evaps.

Anyway, i couldn''t wait and came home and took a frer, no second line. so i guess that means AF will prob show any day now!
Date: 5/4/2009 1:21:17 PM
Author: february2003bride
Tiffany- I''m so sorry about the BFN

Melanie- Congrats on the engagement!! Can''t wait to see your new bling bling

Fisher- I wouldn''t test on Mother''s Day. 11 DPO is still way early (coming from someone who starts testing at 9 DPO, lol) and I know you take it hard with every new cycle and BFN (don''t we all though?). I would think positive thoughts on Mother''s day about your future baby and maybe test the next day!
Inluv- Oh that sucks about the 5 hour wait! How does an doctors office lose a urine sample?
I''m glad you are feeling better though!

Can anyone recommend a good ovulator predictor kit? Has anyone had any good results with the Answer kit? Thanks!
Hi Feb!

Um, I got the Answers kit this cycle, but only took two. Haha. I got them late in my cycle (spur of the moment in a fit of baby madness) I have to say that having never taken one before, I didn''t like them. Haha. What they seemed to do (for me, anyway) was create one dark solid line (control) and the test line would be colored, and part of it would be DARK, and the other part would be a little more faded out. The instructions say the WHOLE band has to be darker than the control line to test positive for the surge, though.

Like I said, I took them too late... likely missed the surge completely as I ovulated the day I took the first one and the second came the day after and OPKS predict, so it didn''t do me any good this cycle.

One thing the package doesn''t say is that all the test strips come in a plastic re-closeable tube, but the instructions say the strips are only good for 30 days past opening. It comes with 20 strips, so unless you have crazy long cycles (which I totally understand!!) or are a nut for peeing on things (which I also confess I once was), you end up with strips that you don''t use.
I say this, but I''d likely use the same strips next cycle (if there was going to be one, but perhaps there won''t be) if I wanted to continue OPKing it.

Maybe you should take advice from someone who actually likes OPKs, though. I''m not a fan!

I''m sorry to hear your news. Did you have a shortened LP this cycle, or is time just flying on me? I hope your break is fun and relaxing and allows you to come back with GUSTO!!!

Looking forward to the pictures of your *ring bling!!* (By the way, we all love a good diversion around here!! Do tell how he proposed!!!)


Oh, I ache for you. I really do. I hate this process, the waiting, the excitement, the let down. It is a good thing indeed that in the course of the cycle we regain our excitement, or else we''d all be miserable sitting here.... Thinking of you! Go out and do something fun this week with your hubby that married couples with babies can only dream of!!


We''re around the same time DPO then. So I''ll be wading through the two weeks (plus!!) of waiting, hopin, dreaming with you!! Hope the trip goes well and ends up being better than you''re imagining right now.

Thanks for the input on the testing thing for Mother''s Day. I won''t be seeing my mom for Mother''s Day (she''s in Cali... I miss my family and my state!!!), Paul''s mom will be in the hospital getting her last (yes LAST!!!!
) round of chemo... and I''ll be working in the nursery at church. So there will be lots of mixed emotions... missing my mommy, having Martha being in a downer of a place on Mother''s Day, and getting time with precious little ones!! At this point, I doubt I will test. *But* if I were to get a crazy dip and an insane rise that stayed elevated (hopin, praying), I''d test. For sure! 11 DPO is early. Yes. Very.

I mailed my mom her Mother''s Day gift today... I made a scrapbook of her most recent visit with us... likely a set of the most wonderful memories I have with my mom. It was almost magical!! And a picture in a pretty frame of her and my nieces and nephew all stacked up like steps on Christmas Day. It''s so cute! I love to get her things that make her cry... this will totally do it!

I''ve made Martha a crocheted aphgan that matches the colors in their living room: mauve, sage, and beige. I still have some of the border to work on, but it''ll be done in time. I only wish I wasn''t giving it to her in the stinky hospital!! Oh well, it''ll have lots of wear at home when she gets out! And stays out!
Tiffany, sorry for the bfn.

february2003bride, I''ve been using the Answer brand and the Target brand OPKs. I am on CD 16 and actually used the Target OPK today--there was a very clear, dark line! I should be ovulating tomorrow. DH and I got lots of BD in!
Happy Tuesday!

So I knew something was up because my skin was an absolute wreck, my hair wasn''t falling out as much (I have reaaaally curly hair and always lose nearly a fistful in the shower), I went on a crazy bra-buying rampage last weekend because I hated every single bra I owned and all of them were uncomfortable. I had a vivid sex dream earlier this week, spent all of Saturday asleep face-down on the bed (coming from the woman that wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to garden usually haha), and cried after going to Target because I felt like it was a waste of a trip (hello emotional!).

Since we don''t chart, I can''t be for sure, but I''m pretty sure I''m 18DPO because I have really regular cycles. This was the first month of my life that I can remember where I didn''t feel my middle-pain for O and didn''t have a ton of EWCM. Haha. It figures. I''m so hesitant about this because I know about miscarriages and I''ve had a chemical before. I''m not going to tell anyone in real life yet (besides DH. I already told him haha) but I might tell my parents on Sunday because it''s freaking Mother''s Day and what a great present.

DH was too cute. I''m horrible with surprises and have the patience with secrets of a 2 year old. So, he was in bed and I sat down next to him and he opens his eyes and smiles and my heart is racing out of my chest. Seriously. So I put his fingers to my neck to feel my pulse and I start getting teary. And he''s like, I love you. Awwww. I told him that I really imagined that this would be different. I wanted to do a candlelight dinner and feed him baby peas and baby carrots until he got the point (and this point, he started to really perk up), but that I couldn''t wait because being impatient is something that happens sometimes. When you''re pregnant. :-) He gave me a HUGE hug and was all excited. When I was in the shower, he made me breakfast and lunch and put the little (OK horse-like haha) prenata pill next to my breakfast. So cute! :-) He''s all excited to tell people but I told him to wait.


PG! yay.JPG
PS, I just looked up the due date. It is exactly on our three year anniversary. Now I''m all emotional. Haha.

Girl!!! How exciting!! Congratulations!!!

I know it''s hard to NOT get all caught up in what *could happen,* (and I''ll be a culprit of it too, I''m sure) but really try to just enjoy the miracle of pregnancy. And it''s so cute that you couldn''t wait to do the big disclosure to your husband like you''d been planning. Ahh... thanks for sharing that story. Tears came to my eyes.

It was sweet of him to make lunch and breakfast and plop down a prenatal along with the meal. hee. He''s taking care of his baby already!!

(I have had my mind made up on how I''m going to tell Paul for a year now... and I don''t know that I''ll have the patience to do it that way or not myself! It''s just so dang exciting... it''s hard to wait even a few hours to set it up *right.* I think your way was precious--- as was your husband''s reaction!!)

Thanks again for sharing the story and congratulations!

Wishing you a pregnancy that''s wonderful and completely healthy!!!
Date: 5/5/2009 7:21:10 AM
Author: cellososweet
PS, I just looked up the due date. It is exactly on our three year anniversary. Now I'm all emotional. Haha.

AWWW!!! That's so cute!!!

This cycle, my baby will be due on our third anniversary, too!!! Exactly. Heee!!! That's a crazy coincidence!!!

Did you get married in early January? We got married the 20th.

PS- I'd totally tell my parents on Mother's Day. It's a miracle they get to share in, too. What better way than by telling your mom you're joining the Mommy club, too?

So happy for you!!!!

Had you been trying for a while, or was it a pleasant, short trip down the TTC road? Always curious about these things....
CELLO!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy for you and enjoyed reading your story of how you thought something was (I still have very vivid dreams!).

Wishing you a HAPPY and HEALTHY pregnancy!!!!

Congratulations, Cello!!! What an adorable story!!! Wishing you a very happy & healthy pregnancy!!!!
Congrats Cello!!! Awesome news and how wonderful that your due date is your anniversary. Tons of dust for a sticky bean!

Feb -- I use the super cheap OPK strips purchased online. I''ve had great success with them, hope you find one that works for you!

Festy -- Yay for finally having good EWCM! You definitely have one of those ''Oh that''s what it is!" moments when you finally see it.

DMBs -- Sorry you got a BFN


My temps shot up today so I''m pretty sure I O''d yesterday. We didn''t BD yesterday because DH was too tired after his basketball game
I got frustrated. Oh well, what''s done is done. So we only BD on O-1. Not as much as I''d like but I hear plenty of the preggos on the preggo thread got KTFU on a one shot wonder.
Congrats Cello! SO exciting!! Wishing you a sticky, healthy bean - and love that the EDD is your Anni. AMAZING
cello CONGRATS!!! lots of sticky dust your way for your little bean!! how sweet about the EDD!!!
Cello That is wonderful news! Your story of telling your DH was so touching! Please do share some of your TTC journey, it is always great to read people''s stories and I think it helps other TTCers!
Cello- That''s wonderful!! Congratulations!! And made even sweeter that your due date is your anniversary. So sweet!!
Congrats Cello!
Congratulations, cello!
Cello - congratulations!! What a sweet story!

DMB - Look at you with the lingo! Internet cheapie. Good one!

Fisher - those Mothers' Day gifts are really lovely.

InLuv - if you only had one day, O-1 is the best one to pick!

Laila - Good luck to you!

I'm ready for some more positives in two weeks. We've got a lot of ovulators around here.
congratulations cellososweet!
congratulations, cello! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!
Yay for Cello! wishing you all the best
CONGRATS CELLO!!!! h&h 9 months!!!!

Festy- can''t take credit for the "IC", i''m part of another forum and that''s one of their many terms!
Soo happy for u cello! Congrats and lots of healthy pregnancy dust!
awww you guys are so sweet :-) Thanks! We''re so excited!

Fisher- We had been "not actively avoiding" since late last year. Our anniversary is January 12th :-) I''m so crossing my fingers for you. I''d love to share this journery with someone who is having an anniversary baby too. :-)

We BD''d 4 days before O, 1 day before O, and the day of O (I didn''t chart, so this is approx.)

DH is convinced we conceived on the 1 day before because I had the hardest, most ridiculous big-O ever during that BD. I was seriously like "AHHHHHHHHH!" DH almost thought he hurt me. Haha. I hope that''s not TMI but it was the most ridiculous one ever. Ever. Haha. ;-)

Last Sunday is when I "Needed" new bras. That would have been ~10DPO. This is also the day that I almost threw up in the shower when I tipped my head over to wash out the conditioner. 15DPO was the day that I slept. ALL DAY! But, from 12 DPO onwards, I''ve been wanting to go to bed by 9 p.m. 17DPO was when I got a little light-headed when I was walking up a hill and I haven''t seen as much hair fall out in the shower since about 12DPO.

I got a photo album for my Mum today for mother''s day. I got her a Mom card, but I also got her a grandma card that i am going to slip inside the album with a picture of the positive test. :-)
Congrats, Cello!

I think we are going to tell my parents on Sunday, too. I have an appointment next Thursday, and hopefully will hear the heartbeat then (at 9w6d).

I wanted to wait until after that, but I don''t think I can resist telling my mom on Mother''s Day!
Congrats, Cello!!!

I hope you return to the TTC thread to tell us how your Momma like her Mother''s Day present!!!
You''re going to tell your mom in a totally cute way, Cello! Yippeee! You''ll have to come back and tell us her reaction. I love watching the "oh, I get it, I get it" face when someone isn''t told, but just has the visuals to go off of. She''ll be thrilled!!!

How are you feeling today? I always wonder if once it''s confirmed that you''re pregnant, if more symptoms come on. I think I''ll be that way. I''m pretty dramatic at times.

Thanks for the hopes for us this cycle; I''m really hyped up about it, and even though I''ve thought several other cycles would be *the* cycle, I feel the same way or even more so this time around. I''ve been wrong before, but it''s about time to be right! I''m feeling so much confidence this time, in fact, that a good friend of mine at work convinced me (okay, it didn''t take much convincing at all) to do some of the prep work for the way I''m going to tell my dear Paul. Somehow by doing that, I feel even more like it''s imminent, and not this forever off thing. I''m only 7 DPO, but I''m pretty excited about my chart already, too. It doesn''t take much for me, though. I see those cross-hairs and I go nuts with happiness. I feel less anxious this cycle and more just so excited for when it''s finally our turn. I''d be delighted to make a duo with you of anniversary babies in January!!


Isn''t is so neat to finally have that "ah-ha!" moment when you find out what everyone''s talking about with the EW? I nearly drove Dreamer nuts asking for more details on it, since I just didn''t know what it was... then it was like, "Oh! That''s what they were all talking about!" Haha. So funny. Hope you get some of that BDing in there, girl!! We need to tall escape this thread!! NOW!

How are you doing, Swimmer?

I''m starting to worry about my friend Jen. They went on a weekend trip out of state to get away from all the impending questioning from everyone in their small town (they''d just announced the pregnancy the week prior) and she called and left a message on her way out of town that she''d call me when they returned. She hasn''t, and I''m fearful that on the trip or since returning that she''s actually gone through the process of losing the baby. I''m so sad for her, still. Don''t know what in this world I can do for her.... I don''t want to call and nag her.... I know how she is and she''ll call when she''s ready to talk.

It''s kind of hard being so excited about my upcoming pregnancy sometimes when I think about the hurt it may bring her, at the same time. Of you girls who talked about having a good friend go through a loss during pregnancy, did any of you feel this way, too? How did you handle it?

How are you doing? Any symptoms yet?

So excited for you and your baby boy to become a BIG brother! Eeek!


VE your new aviator. So pretty! Did you take that picture? Lovely!!!
Cello, your story made me tear up.. congratulations!!!
Fisher- I''m so sorry for your friend. Do you live near her? For some reason I don''t think you do but maybe I''m not remembering right. Could you send her flowers? Something to let her know you are thinking of her. You could always call and leave her a message. I remember not really wanting to call people but I did appreciate that people called me. ANd when I didn''t want to talk I just ignored it.
Handling a new pregnancy around someone who''s just had a loss is tricky. Everyone handles it differently. I had a friend tell me she was pregnant 3 weeks after my last miscarriage. And at that point they were 4-5 weeks along (so she''s due 3 weeks after I would have been). It''s been difficult. While I was thrilled and wouldn''t want anyone to go through what we''ve been through, there is a certain amount of jealousy there. My brother told me over the weekend that they are expecting again. I am thrilled for them.Then he told me it was an accident and sort of apologized. Which actually made me feel like a heel even though I know he didn''t mean it that way. So maybe I have turned into the crazy infertile lady!
Fisher- you are one of the most caring intuitive people I think I''ve ever met, I''m sure when the time comes you will handle it well. I''m sure you will be respectful of her feelings and remember that just because people might be a little sad for themselves doesn''t mean that they can''t also be happy for you!