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Good luck Icekid, I am soooo excited for you!!!Date: 1/3/2010 10:56:02 AM
Author: icekid
Date: 1/3/2010 10:46:03 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo
IceKid-ohhh, the 2 week wait! Hope it ends up with a sticky bean![]()
The idea of actually BEING pregnant makes me so nervous! It seems you''re never REALLY ready, so might as well just go for it, right? eeek!! I keep telling my hubby that it will be crazy if we get pregnant; he replies, ''no, it will be great.'' At least one of us is sane.
Date: 1/4/2010 9:40:29 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Here is a question for you gals:
So I am on CD 22. I am usually a 28 day cycle but I think I ovulated late this month. Usually CD 13-14 but this month I think I O''d on day 16. I was on vacation so I didn''t get a chance to temp. I checked yesterday and the day before yesterday and my cervix was very high and there was some EWCM. I don''t think I ovulated that late it is so unlike me....what do you girls make of that? Can you have fertile CM after ovulation is long an gone?
Yes, she started it when we were TTC back in early 2008. Not sure where her crazy brain came up with it!Date: 1/4/2010 1:59:39 PM
Author: neatfreak
I think Mela Lu started using the term jerk store here a few years ago and it evolved from there.
Date: 1/4/2010 1:56:03 PM
Author: Lanie
So I''m just depressed lately. I''m on CD24, and with my Clear Blue Easy Expensive Monitor, still haven''t gotten a peak reading. But have gotten ''highs'' from CD 6 to present. I don''t think I''m ovulating. I''m depressed because I come on here and people are saying ''I''m at 7DPO'' or whatever and it just makes me sad bc I dont'' even have a DPO. I don''t have an O! I''m not asking for you guys to feel sorry for me, but count your blessings because at least you have a target to shoot at. With me and my DH, we are blindfolded, driving backwards, and aiming at a moving target with our left hands. It''s frustrating.
But the good news is that early on in TTC land, I know that ovulation is an issue, so I called and made an appointment with an RE. I don''t have faith in my regular OB that she can help sort out the problem. She tested me and everything came back ''normal'' but there''s something clearly wrong. So I''m getting a second opinion. I actually have an appointment with both in less than 2 weeks, so that''s something to look forward to. It''s just so defeating to wait and wait and wait and not know if I''m ovulating. Not know when my period is coming. Not knowing if my cycle is going to be 20 days or 71 days (my current range this past year off of BC). My DH isn''t really much help. He thinks we''re going to get pregnant this cycle or soon after, so I''m hoping he''s right, but he doesn''t understand the biology of it.
I was feeling super depressed last night, and I went back way in the thread reading about people having ovulation issues, and there are 3 girls that I sort of followed. 2 are/were pregnant, and the other is missing, but it was somewhat helpful to read that ovulation issues have been corrected. I just hope I can find a solution and not feel so down on myself. I''ve never had a regular cycle, and I can''t even fathom having a cycle being a day or 2 off and feeling weirded out by it. I would pray for that problem. This isn''t targeting anyone in particular...this is going waaaay back to all of the past and present TTCers. I would love to hear from anyone else that isn''t ovulating and what steps you and your doctor are taking. I''m with you every step of the way and praying for all of us!!!!! Congrats to the newbies who have just come on in the last couple of weeks. I hope your stay is short and sweet!!!
Date: 1/4/2010 2:13:10 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 1/4/2010 1:59:39 PM
Author: neatfreak
I think Mela Lu started using the term jerk store here a few years ago and it evolved from there.
Yes, she started it when we were TTC back in early 2008. Not sure where her crazy brain came up with it!It referred to someone who showed up and said, ''Oh I am TTC! I am so nervous!'' and then got pregnant a day later
A Jerk Kiosk referred to someone who got pg right away with twins.![]()
Sore boobs was my first sign. They felt sooooo sore, like a tooth ache in your boobs sore. Let us know!!! Good luck!!!Date: 1/4/2010 5:57:50 PM
Author: icekid
Bella_mezzo- I actually ended up going into anesthesia, though I was on the fence between anesthesia and ophtho forever and ever. Good for your hubby for finally choosing his new career path! Though I will admit, if I had it to do again would not likely go to med school. It just takes over your entire life. Of course, I knew this going into it, but who knew it would make me so miserable? and opera singer??? That is sooo cool. I love opera!
Kaleigh- Hoping to get to Philly this spring. We miss is terribly; Baltimore is so horrible!
Lanie- Hope the REI doc is able to help you to get some answers asap!
As for me, my boobs are SO sore! Unusual, but not completely weird. Maybe. Potentially might test on Sunday, since I believe I ovulated Dec 31-Jan 1 just based on CM.