
The Official TTC Thread!

Hudson - hang in there! When do you plan on testing again? How many DPO is it today? Baby dust, baby dust, baby dust!

Fisher, I really like the book so far. It's written really well. But so far (30% through) it's all about relaxation techniques, which as a longtime student of meditation, I really enjoy reading. She's not about puff psychology; she actually has some really great mind-body exercises in there! I did one last night for fun and it helped me sleep really well. I was going to finish the book but DH said the "clicking" (page turning) of the Kindle was keeping him awake! Ha! I was like, "click click click click!" I really am praying for you and your DH! I feel really good about this year and feel like it will be full of PS babies! I plan on finishing the book tonight and will let you know if it's worth buying!

Kit, it's so great to hear from you! Yay on the BFP!!!! You must be SO excited and happy. This is just amazing!!! Haven't there been a bunch of new pregnancies coinciding with the use of this pre-seed stuff and instead cups? Must be magic! Yay!!! So exciting!!!! I guess at the end of that super long, tortuous 2WW...there are wonderful outcomes like this. Really super excited for you, Kit! Here's to a healthy and happy 9 mos!!!


ETA: Hudson, instead cups are specially designed "plugs" to hold in the sperm so it doesn't leak out. I have never seen one, so someone correct me if I'm wrong!

ETA: Oh! Just looked it up - they are cups to use instead of tampons/pads during menstruation but you can use them to keep the sperm inside/closer to the cervix after BD! They look like little pink cups!

I think Lindsey started the instead cup discussion here when she was TTC; it's apparently like a diva cup, only disposable (I think) and the idea is to put one in right after intercourse in hopes of "trapping" the sperm close to the cervix, to keep from any leaking out. I think someone referred to it as an attempt at a "poor man's IUI." After Lindsey had success with this method (while also using Preseed), several other women tried it as well.

I've not done any research on it other than what I read here. I heard the cups are pretty big to fit into a pretty small place and that was enough for me.


I had forgotten that you were here TTCing with us. Tell me, is it easier (meaning less stressful) when you're trying for #2? Hoping to see you around a bit more. I love when I see post... it means I get to see your precious baby!!

Bliss, yes do let me know if it's a good read with helpful information. Thanks, friend.
Thanks FOMG, I think I''m ok with throwing my legs over my head for the time being...
Ugh, I have the worst headache right now. I just want to go home and go to bed
Date: 1/6/2010 5:11:01 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Thanks FOMG, I think I''m ok with throwing my legs over my head for the time being...

Hudson, yeah...the Instead Cups can really only be used when you are such a mental state that you will go to any length to get KTFU. It was not the most romantic thing to have DH toss me one of those things right afterwards.
I honestly don''t know if they make any difference, but I was like trying to pull out all the stops, KWIM? At the same time, it was nice to BD and then basically get up, walk around, do whatever because everything was held in its place. I felt I really needed the pre-seed through, because my CM was so wonky. ALso, I wanted to mention that weird boob pain, headaches, evening fatigue, and general crankiness are all signs!! And yes, stuffy nose too--I had it myself. I am really hoping for a BFP for you.

Also, are you in Boston? I lived there for 4 years after college, I love that city and have a bunch of friends there. Maybe someday I will return...sigh.

Bliss, you are such a sweetie, I really appreciate all your messages. I will say, honestly this cycle I really knew that I was KU. I felt similar to the way I felt last time, you know? You just know. I don''t know how else to explain it. Anyway, I am right there with all your gushing!! My DH was like, OMG calm down because this morning I was practically jumping up and down and would have if we didn''t have our house guests.
I was so bummed after the D&C (understatement) and my cycles were so different, I was so worried something bad had happened. But, lo and behold, my uterus got up, dusted herself off and got back to the business of baby making.
I know that yours will as well, I am certain of it.

Fisher, I hope you rest up and feel better soon! I think you are doing all the right things and you will get your BFP soon. Sounds like the universe is conspiring for you!
KIT!! Congratulations, momma!!!! Soooooo happy for you!!

I think Bliss is right, I feel a whole wave of BFP''s coming on....
RE: Instead Cups- Instead cups are a flexible plastic ring with a clear plastic bag like thing around the center to hold the fluid...(see picture). After BD while lying down, insert cup after bed as close to the cervix as possible and leave in for 1-10 hours. I always made sure to BD right before bed time so I left in the cup all night so they have a better chance of staying close to cervix. It also helps to put a pillow under your butt for 30min or so. It is said the cup sitting close to the cervix opening holds the "boys
" closer to the opening and prevents leakage. I always use preseed before BD too to help with CM since I didnt have much.

Just a caution-- every month I would always insert it right after BD. I read somewhere that the the plastic used may not be really sperm friendly, so this past month when I got my BFP, I waited 20 minutes before inserting the cup to allow the boys to swim w/o the cup- not sure if it made a difference or not but thought it was worth mentioning.

Why is my post blank?
Okay so last night going home I randomly decided I HAD to have a hamburger, I was ravenously hungry, like get the heck out of my way everyone sort of starving. So we went out to get one and then I couldn''t eat it because it tasted like liver
so sad and so much for eating healthy. I do so well during the day and then I mess up after work.

DH of course instantly reads this as a sign of something big and insists on getting a test for me to take this morning. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking it''s early morning and I really had to pee so I took the test but it looked negative to me and I was too sleepy to really stick around in the b-room to see if anything appeared. This morning when I woke up I realized what I did and checked the test (you know, like a scratch ticket, you have to check it at least twice to make sure you didn''t actually win) and there was the faintest pencil thin line. I''m not sure if this is the mysterious evaporation line or a fading positive. So I stopped and picked up a clearblue easy digital this morning and it said I was not pregnant. But I suppose it could just be too early still or I could just be insane.

That cup thingy is scary a cross between a diaphragm, the nuvoring and a female condom.
HH -- hmmm...I would be kicking myself for not paying more attention after taking it in the middle of the night! I think there''s still hope. I think it''s still early and I bet that middle of the night one was positive. You have too many symptoms that I''m assuming you don''t normally have. ARGH!!!! I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you! What DPO are you at now?
HH - I know that some ladies have gotten positives and negatives from different tests. what DPO are you?
HH, oh, I hope that''s a BFP! Keep us posted.

Fisher, Hey! I thought the same thing about the instead cups. They seemed HUGE! But, I really had no issue putting them in and walking around with them. I used Instead and Preseed the month I got KTFU BUT I was also in my sixth cycle of trying which seems to be on the money of "average". I was worried it would make BDing very clinical but I would only use Instead if it felt "right", KWIM? It seriously took 3 seconds to put in but I didn''t push DH off or anything to get right at it. I would wait until there was a good moment...if there is such a thing, of course.
Lulu, I wasn''t temping so I''m not entirely sure. I think I''m around 12 dpo.
Hudson...fingers crossed for you!!!! Will you test again tonight? or tomorrow?
probably test tomorrow.
HH, My fingers are crossed for you. Here''s to hoping...

Allie, did you get AF yet or are you having any more symptoms? AF yet but shes not due until the 11th according to FF. I had a temp spike today I am not sure if it means anything. I have been really congested and really thirsty, so I have been drinking a ton of water and going to the bathroom all the time. But I feel like when I drink a lot of water I naturally crave it and then go to the bathroom. Honestly I am not holding out hope. It would really be something weird if my O really was delayed by 7 days.
Sad news ladies, I found a picture online of what the test looked like when I saw it this morning. I''m convinced that what I saw was just an evaporation line
See attached, this is an example of the same brand w/ evap line. This is exactly what mine looked like this morning.

Date: 1/7/2010 11:30:23 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Sad news ladies, I found a picture online of what the test looked like when I saw it this morning. I''m convinced that what I saw was just an evaporation line
See attached, this is an example of the same brand w/ evap line. This is exactly what mine looked like this morning.

Was your test a blue dye? I know those are notorious for evap lines. I am not sure about the pink dye! fingers crossed! Don''t lose hope!
I dunno, Hudson!

I have never gotten an evap line before. It''s still early and that could be a faint positive from last night. And the digital tests have higher thresholds for HCG, I think. So it may just be early for you.

Still have my fingers and toes crossed for you! People are starting to ask why I walk funny.
It''s because my TOES are crossed for Hudson! DUH!!!
Bella, Icekid, Fisher -- when do y''all test?

Allie -- are you planning on testing or waiting for AF if she shows up?

So exciting around here lately!!!
Hudson, I'm pulling for you!! Everyone else too... Lanie, you're right! It sure is suspenseful around here!

Just a quick question... Is there a specific reason that you all don't use the Digital POAS? Do you have to wait longer for those to work? It seems so much easier than all the turmoil over is it a line or isn't it.
Meresal -- hey! I keep up with you every once in awhile in the preggo thread. Good to see you are growing and happy and healthy!

I may be just answering for myself, but I would think that we are going through so many pregnancy tests, so we buy the cheap ones and when we are feeling more confident, we go to the digital ones....??? I''ve taken a few before TTC (wishful thinking, but I''ve done it when my cycle gets looooooong and I start to wonder) and it would be a small fortune if I would have gotten the digital ones!
Hey Mere!

I agree, very suspenseful!!!!!!

Most digital tests are not as sensitive as the others because they have a higher threshold to give the "pregnant" reading. I think they require higher levels of HCG - most digital tests require about 40-50 mIU whereas a test like FRER needs about 25 mIU to trigger a positive.

That's why they aren't used as much because when we want answers, we want them right away! You get to know earlier if you use a more sensitive test. FRER rocks! Plus...they come in pretty pink boxes.

Congrats on your little one on the way!
Date: 1/7/2010 12:50:28 PM
Author: meresal
Hudson, I''m pulling for you!! Everyone else too... Lanie, you''re right! It sure is suspenseful around here!

Just a quick question... Is there a specific reason that you all don''t use the Digital POAS? Do you have to wait longer for those to work? It seems so much easier than all the turmoil over is it a line or isn''t it.

Thanks Mer! I''m using the digitals for confirmation only. 1. they''re expensive and 2. they require a lot more hcg to pull a positive, so they''re more likely to have false negatives.

Mine was blue dye, it was the same brand and model as the one in the picture, so I''m pretty sure it''s just the evap line. I''m going to test with an el cheapo again tomorrow am PROPERLY!
Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:19 PM
Author: Lanie
Bella, Icekid, Fisher -- when do y''all test?

Allie -- are you planning on testing or waiting for AF if she shows up?

So exciting around here lately!!!

I think I am going to wait...the reason behind this decision is:

1. We didn''t BD in any of the time frame that I thought I WOULD ovulate CD13-16 plus I did not temp to confirm ovulation.
2. I traveled away on vacation w/o DH from CD 14-22. On CD21 I was in the shower and was like what the hey maybe I should check my CP and it was high and there was some EWCM present. I thought to myself that this was weird thinking that CP returns to low and firm quickly after O.
3. When I got home from vacation we did BD a few times but really...I had no reason to think that O would come that late.
4. CD23 I woke up to cramping on my left hand side. CP still high, it finally returned to low on CD25.

It would just be so weird (that I O''d that late) because my body is like a clock. 28 days or 31days O on either day 13 or 16. LP always 15 days.
Meresal - I agree with Lanie. I had purchased a supply (maybe 30?) of cheapie internet tests (these are just the test strip, not the plastic housing), so it's much easier to use those with reckless abandon!! I think they were less than a $1 per strip. I had my reserve of digi's, but saved them for confirmation only, or when I wasn't satisfied with the results of my cheapie tests (for some cycles, it had been a few days after AF was expected!)

Bliss - I've read the same thing about the HCG levels for the different tests. I did, however, get a positive digi in the evening, when my blood test the following morning showed HCG at 27, so who knows?
Date: 1/7/2010 1:23:12 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Date: 1/7/2010 12:46:19 PM

Author: Lanie

Bella, Icekid, Fisher -- when do y''all test?

Allie -- are you planning on testing or waiting for AF if she shows up?

So exciting around here lately!!!

I think I am going to wait...the reason behind this decision is:

1. We didn''t BD in any of the time frame that I thought I WOULD ovulate CD13-16 plus I did not temp to confirm ovulation.

2. I traveled away on vacation w/o DH from CD 14-22. On CD21 I was in the shower and was like what the hey maybe I should check my CP and it was high and there was some EWCM present. I thought to myself that this was weird thinking that CP returns to low and firm quickly after O.

3. When I got home from vacation we did BD a few times but really...I had no reason to think that O would come that late.

4. CD23 I woke up to cramping on my left hand side. CP still high, it finally returned to low on CD25.

It would just be so weird (that I O''d that late) because my body is like a clock. 28 days or 31days O on either day 13 or 16. LP always 15 days.

Allie, last month was like that for me. I either had a chemical pg and didn''t test in time to get a positive result or I ovulated waaaaay later than normal. I''ve got a clockwork 28 day cycle with very obvious fertile signs. My doc actually believes it was a chemical pregnancy and by the time I found out it was too late to get a positive response.