
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 1/12/2010 11:43:55 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Oh man I am a raging B*tch today! On top of being a B*tch I am also weepy. My kids don''t stand a chance today. Stuff they can usually get away with I am catching them left and right!

Aren''t hormones GRAND?


Hang in there!!!
Ummm...hormones...I feel quite calm and normal today, but the other day, YIKES! I was not nice!!!
Bella has a tempo?


Sorry, cheesy pun I could NOT resist!
Allie - sorry about the BFN. Like everyone else is saying, there is still hope. I think it's smart to try to wait it out for a few days (if you have the will power - I am sure I would not). Good luck!

Jena17, Inhisarms, Ice, and Bella - also hoping AF is no where is sight for you. I am enjoying the symptom guessing game.

Fisher - I love the idea of saving money every month as a way to pass the time, keep perspective, and build a nestegg. You future baby is a lucky little fish :) I am with you about hormonal BC - never again. What will you do after you have a baby (knocking on wood)?

Anyone have any experience with a diaphram?

Lanie - I was the one who just started CBEFM and I got low readings on CD6-7 and high readings 8,9,10,11. I am on CD11 today but I'll let you know what happens. I hear that some women do get between 16-20 high readings and no peaks the first cycle as it gets adjusted to your body. Let's hope that is the case.
watch out kids...I am teetering on the edge of insanity!
Keep it together Allie:-)

Bliss-Yep, a major tempo

Fisher, When you have a little fish it will be lucky indeed!
Deep theraputic breathing is the only thing that works.
Here I am, Bella

And well- call me perplexed! I won''t be adding to the January BPF streak because I got AF yesterday, despite the fact that it was not due for another few days (by my obviously faulty prediction). My LP is usually a very consistent and predictable 14 days. So if O occurred that early, we really did not actually try this month! Both BD times would have been post-O. Hmm, all very strange. And disappointing, of course. On the plus side, my hub has agreed to try in Feb instead of waiting until March. If I O in Feb, that is. My cycles are so irregular secondary to high work stress

I hope Allie and Bella have some better news for us soon!
ice I am perplexed as well. Just holding out till tomorrow. The cramping that set in and it could very well be the sign that AF is coming right according to schedule!
Date: 1/12/2010 1:55:23 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
ice I am perplexed as well. Just holding out till tomorrow. The cramping that set in and it could very well be the sign that AF is coming right according to schedule!

Lots of cramping on this end too.. blah! Going to work out and use the endorphins to get rid of it

On the optimistic side, I''m going to work super hard at getting rid of the 10 stress lbs I put on during residency. Adding baby weight on top of it is not ideal and wanting to get knocked up is quite motivating!
Icy, did I hear that you''re considering the Boston area for one of your rotations?
Ahhhh good old Boston! :) I love it there! We will be in the area in a few weeks and I can''t wait to go to Boston Beer Works...if I am not knocked up of course.
Me too! LOL, well I live here so I guess I should love it.
I didn''t know you lived there. DH and I went to Umass Amherst and his family lives in Methuen. His brother and SIL live in Cambridge and his other brother just moved away from Brookline.
Yay Boston. We lived there for a long time and loved it! New York is fab and totally where we are supposed to be right now, and maybe forever, but in my heart of hearts I''d love to move back to Boston!

Icy-I''m sorry AF showed up. I still feel totally normal so I don''t think I''m going to be adding to the list, but we''ll see for sure soon. Yay for officially "trying" in Feb.
I''m trying to lose the 10 lbs of newlywed weight, on top of the 20 lbs of post-college weight (but I''m not focusing on that right now:-)
I am exhausted. I was supposed to go look at a new apartment after work (bigger!) I am not sure if I can do it. My bed is calling my name.
icekid - Sorry about AF, but I'm excited that your DH agreed to start a month earlier!

Allie, Bella, IHA, Fisher - I've got my fingers crossed for you girls (and anyone else I may have missed that's in the TWW)!!

Today is CD1 for me so now I've only got three more cycles to get through before we can try. I'm so excited that I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait. I have all the reasons in the world to wait, but it's still going to be hard. I don't know how you girls who did decided on a certain month waited it out. It's been hard for sure.

In related news, I'm down nearly 3 pounds this week. That came as a surprise, but a good surprise. We also organized the spare room that we have our treadmill in so that it's more alluring to use. Hopefully I can get on a good routine this week in addition to the diet changes I've made. Wish me luck!

Bella - How do you like the 30 day shred? I'm thinking about doing it.
Date: 1/12/2010 7:24:44 PM
Author: Kunzite
icekid - Sorry about AF, but I''m excited that your DH agreed to start a month earlier!

Allie, Bella, IHA, Fisher - I''ve got my fingers crossed for you girls (and anyone else I may have missed that''s in the TWW)!!

Today is CD1 for me so now I''ve only got three more cycles to get through before we can try. I''m so excited that I don''t know how I''m going to be able to wait. I have all the reasons in the world to wait, but it''s still going to be hard. I don''t know how you girls who did decided on a certain month waited it out. It''s been hard for sure.

In related news, I''m down nearly 3 pounds this week. That came as a surprise, but a good surprise. We also organized the spare room that we have our treadmill in so that it''s more alluring to use. Hopefully I can get on a good routine this week in addition to the diet changes I''ve made. Wish me luck!

Bella - How do you like the 30 day shred? I''m thinking about doing it.

Kunzite, I tried 30 day shred and oh my gosh, that lady tore me apart! I was hurtin''! I can definitely see how it would work... now if only I didn''t give up! haha. It''s good though. Definitely worth doing!

In other news, I don''t know if it''s AF or a little babe, but my (*)(*)''s hurt so bad! I just about tore those suckers off I was in so much discomfort!!!

Date: 1/12/2010 7:24:44 PM
Author: Kunzite
icekid - Sorry about AF, but I'm excited that your DH agreed to start a month earlier!

Allie, Bella, IHA, Fisher - I've got my fingers crossed for you girls (and anyone else I may have missed that's in the TWW)!!

Today is CD1 for me so now I've only got three more cycles to get through before we can try. I'm so excited that I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait. I have all the reasons in the world to wait, but it's still going to be hard. I don't know how you girls who did decided on a certain month waited it out. It's been hard for sure.

In related news, I'm down nearly 3 pounds this week. That came as a surprise, but a good surprise. We also organized the spare room that we have our treadmill in so that it's more alluring to use. Hopefully I can get on a good routine this week in addition to the diet changes I've made. Wish me luck!

Bella - How do you like the 30 day shred? I'm thinking about doing it.

Kunzite, I tried 30 day shred and oh my gosh, that lady tore me apart! I was hurtin'! I can definitely see how it would work... now if only I didn't give up! haha. It's good though. Definitely worth doing!

In other news, I don't know if it's AF or a little babe, but my (*)(*)'s hurt so bad! I just about tore those suckers off when I was on the treadmill, I was in so much discomfort!!!

Oh and a quick question, how long would you feel cramps from implantation anyway? I don't feel much of anything anymore so I was just curious.

ETA* Totally skipped over the fact that you, Kunzite, lost 3 pounds! Awesome! Congrats!!
kunzite-thanks! 30 day shred is great. Only 25 minutes and it kicks my a#$. 25 minutes 3 times a week is my goal, plus 1-2 days of Pilates and yoga. If I can do that it will be a miracle:-) I kicked my DH off the TV for 30 min tonight to do it, and i didn''t feel so bad. I think my downstairs neighbors must get irritated with the noise b/c there''s a bunch of jumping, but so far no complaints.

IHA-Hope the (*)(*) feel better soon! AF or bebe, who knows?!?!?!

Allie-How ya doing?
Date: 1/12/2010 7:24:44 PM
Author: Kunzite
icekid - Sorry about AF, but I''m excited that your DH agreed to start a month earlier!

Allie, Bella, IHA, Fisher - I''ve got my fingers crossed for you girls (and anyone else I may have missed that''s in the TWW)!!

Today is CD1 for me so now I''ve only got three more cycles to get through before we can try. I''m so excited that I don''t know how I''m going to be able to wait. I have all the reasons in the world to wait, but it''s still going to be hard. I don''t know how you girls who did decided on a certain month waited it out. It''s been hard for sure.

In related news, I''m down nearly 3 pounds this week. That came as a surprise, but a good surprise. We also organized the spare room that we have our treadmill in so that it''s more alluring to use. Hopefully I can get on a good routine this week in addition to the diet changes I''ve made. Wish me luck!

Bella - How do you like the 30 day shred? I''m thinking about doing it.
i lurk over here b/c i want to get some tips before we start. we''ve decided that july will be our first month...and it is KILLER. i realized on sunday night i hadn''t filled my BCP script and told DH that maybe i just wouldn''t refill it...but refilled today. i also have a million and 1 reasons to wait...DH is starting a new job next month...i want him to be able to get FMLA if need sister''s wedding is in june...we are remodeling our bathroom...and the list could go on and on. we know that no time will be "perfect" but hopefully can just make it a few more months! i keep telling people "oh, we arent gonna be trying for a looooong time." in hopes that it convinces me of the same!
My (*)(*) were not sore when I was preggo.
Well ladies I am still here. Still no AF. I caved and took another $tree this morning. Another BFN. As you know I have been waking up at around 3am so this morning I tested at that time as well as at my regular time. Temps are 97.58 for 3am and 97.91 for 6am. Though I am not sure which temp to keep. Both are still way above the coverline. The one at 3am is just a smidge lower than the one I took yesterday at 6am. Hohum...
Double Post...
Hey Allie - sorry to hear about the repeat BFN. No one can blame you for testing again. Seems like a good sign that your temps are still up though. Maybe tomorrow...
We live in Attleboro and work south of the city. Up until just recently though I was working downtown. I miss that
Does anyone know anything about the $tree pink dye tests and evaporation lines? I think I might have had a few defective ones in my batch. I checked the one from this morning and about an hour after I took it the window looked kinda pink and I can see a faint line. I took another one with the same fmu and it was negative...the same thing happened yesterday as well. The first one I took was a super faint almost like evaporation. I am so frustrated! Just give me a BFP or bring on AF so I can move on!
Welp here is my chart from today using the temp from 6am.

Date: 1/13/2010 8:49:15 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Does anyone know anything about the $tree pink dye tests and evaporation lines? I think I might have had a few defective ones in my batch. I checked the one from this morning and about an hour after I took it the window looked kinda pink and I can see a faint line. I took another one with the same fmu and it was negative...the same thing happened yesterday as well. The first one I took was a super faint almost like evaporation. I am so frustrated! Just give me a BFP or bring on AF so I can move on!
Allie, I think you should go out and get yourself a FRER or at least an electronic reading test. I think your sanity is worth the extra $ for an accurate test, right?

Still fingers crossed for you
Date: 1/12/2010 7:24:44 PM
Author: Kunzite
icekid - Sorry about AF, but I''m excited that your DH agreed to start a month earlier!

Allie, Bella, IHA, Fisher - I''ve got my fingers crossed for you girls (and anyone else I may have missed that''s in the TWW)!!

Today is CD1 for me so now I''ve only got three more cycles to get through before we can try. I''m so excited that I don''t know how I''m going to be able to wait. I have all the reasons in the world to wait, but it''s still going to be hard. I don''t know how you girls who did decided on a certain month waited it out. It''s been hard for sure.

In related news, I''m down nearly 3 pounds this week. That came as a surprise, but a good surprise. We also organized the spare room that we have our treadmill in so that it''s more alluring to use. Hopefully I can get on a good routine this week in addition to the diet changes I''ve made. Wish me luck!

Bella - How do you like the 30 day shred? I''m thinking about doing it.
Kunzite - I am in your boat too. I am on CD 8 on my first cycle off BC. Its super exciting isn''t it
I never thought it could be this liberating and scary, all at once, lol.

My DH and I said we are going to wait until May or June to officially start TTC, but we both have gone into this with the mindset that if it happens, we are in a good place, so its ok. So, we might just jump the gun and start a bit earlier, but the wait will definitley be interesting...

Congrats on the weight. I love the 30 Day Shred. I mix it in with my running, and I think it''s great.

Good luck!