
The Official TTC Thread!

One symptom that is missing that makes me thing that I am not preggo is the breast tenderness. I never get tender breasts when AF is due but I thought it was the one symptom that is ALWAYS present in early pregnancy.
Allie, sorry to break it to you luv, but with exception of 10 minutes one day last week I''ve had no boob involvement and mine are usually SO sore right before AF. I mean so sore that I have to sleep in a bra.
Date: 1/11/2010 10:23:14 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
One symptom that is missing that makes me thing that I am not preggo is the breast tenderness. I never get tender breasts when AF is due but I thought it was the one symptom that is ALWAYS present in early pregnancy.
Allie - That symptom may well not occur until later in pregnancy, or possibly, not at all. We all have different symptoms at different times, so I wouldn't worry about it.

It sounds like you've got a nice stockpile of tests going there! I so would have used several of them already!!!!! You are so patient!
Fingers crossed for you Allie!
Date: 1/11/2010 11:04:53 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Allie, sorry to break it to you luv, but with exception of 10 minutes one day last week I've had no boob involvement and mine are usually SO sore right before AF. I mean so sore that I have to sleep in a bra.

Oh god girls, you are getting me so excited and giddy but I just don't believe it. My stockpile has been calling my name but I didn't feel like getting the double whammy of two let downs a BFN and AF showing up. I am going to see how long I can last. I think IF I did ovulate on CD21 when we DTD it would still be way to early to test. 10DPO wouldn't be until Wednesday. I don't know if I can make it that long! GAAAHHHHH!

ETA: I am getting off this website so I can actually get some work done instead of thinking about a BFP :) hopefully this will make the day go by faster! Lots of baby dust to all of you awesome ladies!
Date: 1/11/2010 9:34:43 AM
Author: Lanie
ARGH it ate my long post. Here''s the summary:

HH -- congrats! 2 down, 2 to go with the prediction!

Allie -- I think you are cooking something in your oven. Post nasal drip causing nausea? Are you joking???
You are reaching with that one. I would test if I were you (maybe tomorrow morning?). You have all of the symptoms PLUS high temps. I don''t want you to get your hopes up either....but....

Inhisarms -- What DPO are you? I don''t know about those symptoms...just asking!
Lanie, I am 8dpo. I don''t know about those symptoms either! They just aren''t normal for me though.
Date: 1/11/2010 9:53:25 AM
Author: Kit
Bella--sounds like you''ve done your homework. I think I forgot that height plays a big role in calorie needs, duh.
Sorry. Hope your temps are still up!

Icekid, 9 dpo is so soon! But I understand. How long are you cycles normally? You might want to just plan to test again after you are one day late, just to be sure. Fingers crossed!

Inhisarms, cramping is most definitely a symptom, especially if you are at the point in your cycle when implanation could have already occured. I have had light cramping daily from 7DPO, I am now 17 DPO. I can''t remember if you are temping but if so, hope your temps are up up up!!

Allie, methinks if AF is coming in a couple days your temps would be headed south...I say if you get another high temp tomorrow, test. I slept very poorly for several nights in a row right before I got a BFP. I''m definitely getting a KU vibe from you, just saying!
Kit, I am not temping as we are not actually *trying* yet but we''re not using precaution either. We''re in the whatever happens, happens boat.

The weird feelings started at about 6dpo. I don''t know what to think.
Who just recently said they were trying the Clear Blue Easy Monitor this go around? I can''t remember, but whoever said it...I''m interested to see what your readings are the first month! I was talking to one of my friends who used it, and her readings were the EXACT same as mine. "High" for CD6 through CD26, with lows for the other days. And whoever starting using it just now on this thread said they had a high for CD6 as well.
Oh man, things are getting veeeeerrrrrryyyy exciting here!!!

I might even increase my prediction to 5 in January 2010!

Fisher, what say you?
Bliss, You crack me up....

DH is convinced we''re pregnant, especially since I turned into a grumpy, raging, B#$%^ last night.

The past two months I''ve had all these awful symptoms during my luteal phase
and this month I feel fine, no nausea, no headaches, no extreme boob swelling, no boob pain, no ravenous hunger...

All I have this month (totally out of the blue b/c I don''t usually get PMS until about 3 days before AF) are hot flashes and this mood swing...I''m convinced we''re not, but DH is really sure of himself
Bella my fingers are crossed for you. Baby Dust baby dust!!!!! When will you be testing?
I''m trying to hold out and just see if AF shows up on Sunday. My cycle is really regular, so it''d be nice not to have to see a BFN and waste a test if I can help it...let''s see what my story is on Wednesday
I am of that same camp. But I am not sure if I will make it much longer. Tomorrow will be 9DPO (if I ovulated when I thought I did) and it will also be 15DPO if I ovulated earlier like I was supposed to. If I don''t wake up to AF tomorrow then I will test with the first morning urine using the $tree test.
Congratulations HH!!! What an exciting way to start the new year!!!

Good luck to you Allie, and any others who are waiting for their BFP!!

I am officially starting my 2ww, i am really not getting my hopes up yet but I am hoping for good new at the end of the month! We BD every other day for the last almost 2 weeks so we will see if it worked. It is only our 3rd month TTC and I haven''t started temping or anything yet. I haven''t really noticed the EWCM yet, maybe a little one day but not like I remember when I was in my 20''s! I usually get more milky/lotion like cm. Hopefully I am still Ovulating since I have been on a regular 26-28 day cycle since coming off the BC pills!
Date: 1/11/2010 2:03:38 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
Bliss, You crack me up....

DH is convinced we''re pregnant, especially since I turned into a grumpy, raging, B#$%^ last night.

The past two months I''ve had all these awful symptoms during my luteal phase
and this month I feel fine, no nausea, no headaches, no extreme boob swelling, no boob pain, no ravenous hunger...

All I have this month (totally out of the blue b/c I don''t usually get PMS until about 3 days before AF)are hot flashes and this mood swing...I''m convinced we''re not, but DH is really sure of himself

$20 says you''re KTFU!!!!!
This thread is getting very exciting!

FWIW- I had NO symptoms at all until at least 6 weeks. So definitely no sore boobs!

Also- for the 30+'ers out there. I was 34 when I got preggo, gave birth at 35. I was on the pill for at least 10 years. Went off in July/Aug 2008 and got preggo in November 2008. So yes, age can be a factor, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Good luck!!!!
Date: 1/11/2010 2:56:52 PM
Author: ChinaCat

This thread is getting very exciting!

FWIW- I had NO symptoms at all until at least 6 weeks. So definitely no sore boobs!

Also- for the 30+''ers out there. I was 34 when I got preggo, gave birth at 35. I was on the pill for at least 10 years. Went off in July/Aug 2008 and got preggo in November 2008. So yes, age can be a factor, but it doesn''t necessarily mean anything.

Good luck!!!!
Ditto-ing China!

Exciting times for sure!

And for the 30+ers, I was 36 when I got KTFU. I was on the pill for around 15 years - had clockwork 27/28 day cycle before I went on it and straightaway after I stopped. We started TTC on July 26th 2008 (wedding night
) and Daisy was conceived on August 26th (my grandmother''s 92nd birthday
Welp I came home a took a little nap (or tried to) I couldn''t fall fully asleep. Now I am off to the graduate center at my school to finish up the paperwork for graduation. It is freezing on the east coast and I am dreading going outside bbbrrrrr. I will catch you on the flip-side ladies.
Date: 1/11/2010 1:38:30 PM
Author: Bliss
Oh man, things are getting veeeeerrrrrryyyy exciting here!!!

I might even increase my prediction to 5 in January 2010!

Fisher, what say you?
Oh I don''t know, Bliss. I''m pretty confident your first estimate of 3 will be met or exceeded, though!

(Here''s hoping for all future estimations you make to be correct, too! You should be our monthly BFP fairy.... you have that magic touch!!)

One thing we do to pass the time while we wait, okay, one thing I do and my husband thinks it''s nuts, is to squirrel away money for the baby. Waiting is NO fun, but it certainly helps the account grow! Originally I thought an account of $500 would be cool for when the baby''s born. But with time, it''s gotten much bigger than that. Pretty exciting. Yeah, the little things, the little things keep this world spinning for me.


I''d forgotten about your question early last week; I''m newly 30 (haha, I think I can say that for another couple weeks.... birthday''s late November), stopped the Pill 1/2008 and started TTC June 2008. I was on the Pill for the first year of our marriage only, and it took me a long time to regulate emotionally/hormonally. I''ll never go back on hormonal BC. Ever. I wish I knew about FAM then (like really understood it); we would have used that method to avoid, completely. Because even if we''d have gotten pregnant, our lives wouldn''t have been too terribly crushed.

When I first joined this thread, there were several girls who''d been here a while; they dubbed themselves the "Golden Girls." All of them have gone on to have babies, or are pregnant, or have gone into lurkdom now, but I miss the "Goldies." I guess by now, I''m a Goldie, too. For any of the goldies still lurking: HELLO!!! Miss you, wish you well! Come pop in sometime. We all miss you... And just so you know, I''m praying for you ladies. Yep, indeed, indeed!
Date: 1/11/2010 11:06:36 AM
Author: Loves Vintage

Date: 1/11/2010 10:23:14 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
One symptom that is missing that makes me thing that I am not preggo is the breast tenderness. I never get tender breasts when AF is due but I thought it was the one symptom that is ALWAYS present in early pregnancy.
Allie - That symptom may well not occur until later in pregnancy, or possibly, not at all. We all have different symptoms at different times, so I wouldn''t worry about it.

It sounds like you''ve got a nice stockpile of tests going there! I so would have used several of them already!!!!! You are so patient!
I only lurk here but ditto the above re: sore breasts.

The only symptoms I had during early pregnancy was a headache the week that I tested. After that, nothing. No sore breasts or morning sickness. Actually, my breasts never got sore.
Date: 1/11/2010 9:52:17 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Date: 1/11/2010 9:43:59 AM

Author: puppmom

Allie, I thought it was my post-nasal drip causing nausea too. My doctor laughed when I told her that.
That symptom didn''t show up until after my BFP but not by long.

Baby dust to all!!

I guess I always thought that the snot drip caused an upset stomach once it went down. I guess it might be silly but I was trying to find reasons for my crazy symptoms!

Delurking to say that I''ve never been pregnant but I get post-nasal drip nausea pretty often. My doctor confirmed that it happens because of my allergies and told me to take Claritin before bed when it starts up. That usually fixes it within a day or two. So it''s not completely unheard of! That said, I hope yours is caused by something a lot more desirable, Allie!

Congrats to H_H and Kit!
Well I tested today with first morning urine BFN. Still no AF. Temps still up. I am on CD30. I have had one other cycle in the last year that lasted for 31 days. So she could still show tomorrow. FF still says that I ovulated between CD8-CD23. We BD on CD21 and CD22. So this possibly puts me at either 7, 8 or 9 DPO. I think I am going to hold off on testing again until Saturday if AF doesn't show up by then. I hope your predictions were right girls but I have a sinking feeling that I am out for this month

ETA: This morning I started to have some mild cramping. I did an internal check...definitely no AF YET. Kinda feels like she might be coming tomorrow.
Where is everyone this morning? :)
I''m here, just floating around in the ether....
Date: 1/12/2010 6:56:32 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Well I tested today with first morning urine BFN. Still no AF. Temps still up. I am on CD30. I have had one other cycle in the last year that lasted for 31 days. So she could still show tomorrow. FF still says that I ovulated between CD8-CD23. We BD on CD21 and CD22. So this possibly puts me at either 7, 8 or 9 DPO. I think I am going to hold off on testing again until Saturday if AF doesn''t show up by then. I hope your predictions were right girls but I have a sinking feeling that I am out for this month

ETA: This morning I started to have some mild cramping. I did an internal check...definitely no AF YET. Kinda feels like she might be coming tomorrow.
Hey Allie,

Sorry that you didn''t get the BFP this morning, but there is still hope, especially if you are only 7 or 8 DPO. I know that the wait must suck, but hang in there. I will be thinking happy thoughts for you
I know! I think I read somewhere that on the 25mlU is usually attained by women around 10DPO. 20mlU around 8DPO. My tests are 25mlU. It''s hard not to lose hope! Every day that passes it seems more possible but every day that I get a BFN it seems less likely. 4/5 correct predictions for January is not half bad!
I'm here, just running between meetings at work. I feel totally normal again, no more evil mood swings, no more hot flashes, so I'm really thinking this is not the month (though DH is still certain
). We'll see on Sunday.

Allie-Sorry for the BFN, hope that tomorrow has a different result.

Ice Kid-Where are you?

HH-How are you feeling?

Hugs to Bliss and Fisher and good morning to anyone I missed
I''m sorry Allie, I should have responded sooner. Bummer on your BFP but all hope is not lost!
Hugs back, Bella and everyone!

I dunno, Fisher... I''m still thinking of 5 in January 2010!
Pandora, do I hear a hollaback?

OK, at least 4! We already have 2!

You ladies sound preggo to me! Allie, it''s early to test. I know the wait is soooo hard, but hang in there!

Then there''s Bella and inhisarms17... Jena...Fisher...

Definitely 4 this month or I''ll eat my hat! Mmmmm, alpaca wool.
Oh man I am a raging B*tch today! On top of being a B*tch I am also weepy. My kids don''t stand a chance today. Stuff they can usually get away with I am catching them left and right!