
The Official TTC Thread!

Allie, move on to a digi test.
Digi said No and FRER said I am out for the month ladies. Thank you for the fun ride. I will be posting here and there and I will see you in February when we are really starting to TTC!
Allie, don''t count yourself out yet. You could be as little as 8 or 9 dpo based on your chart. I got my VERY faint positive on 11 dpo.
Date: 1/13/2010 11:40:53 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Allie, If AF doesn''t show up on time defintitely test again, it could still be too early!

So, DH is now totally into the TTC thing (and not just the BD part of it
) it''s really cute. So, hopefully if this month didn''t work next month will be the winner.

Fingers crossed for BFPs all around (plus I think there are still a few more to come in Jan per Bliss''s predictions...)
So, I have a question...

For the past 3-4 days I''ve had a dull pain deep in my lower right abdomen. It doesn''t feel like menstrual cramps or ovulation pain but is in the same general location. I think maybe it''s just from the 30 day shred, but none of my other ab muscles are sore (that''s the one muscle group that is strong on me--covered in a giant layer of fat but I have a core that''s as strong as an ox

Any ideas? It''s jsut strange b/c it''s not going away.

before you get too excited...I would have thought if it was implantation or something that it would have gone away by now...
AF is expected on Sunday.
I had a pain like ovulation CD23. I have been having some mild cramping like AF was coming the last two days.
Ali, I don''t know that you are out for sure this month. From your temp and CM and BD pattern, conception is possible if you O''d in the range of CD 21-24, and those dates would put you only 7 to 10 DPO. Which is not late enough for a negative POAS to be a definitive answer; I think implantation at 8-10 DPO is normal, and as late as 12 is possible. Either way good luck this month or when officially trying!
Date: 1/13/2010 12:04:37 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
So, I have a question...

For the past 3-4 days I''ve had a dull pain deep in my lower right abdomen. It doesn''t feel like menstrual cramps or ovulation pain but is in the same general location. I think maybe it''s just from the 30 day shred, but none of my other ab muscles are sore (that''s the one muscle group that is strong on me--covered in a giant layer of fat but I have a core that''s as strong as an ox

Any ideas? It''s jsut strange b/c it''s not going away.

before you get too excited...I would have thought if it was implantation or something that it would have gone away by now...
AF is expected on Sunday.
Any chance it could be a muscle strain in your abs? I think I pulled an ab muscle doing an insane yoga session, and though my pain was more accute, ie when do a specifc action, perhaps a strain could still be the culprit? (I am not a Dr., just giving my 2 cents)
Bella do you think it is your uterus stretching? I have no clue...
No clue, I would assume it''s a muscle strain, but it''s one very specific spot, and none of my other abs are sore at all. So''s just one spot about the size of a quarter, very localized.
Bella, is it "inside" your belly, or could it be closer to the surface? The month I got KU I had a lymph node that was sore and tender to the touch in my right lower was pretty low down on my belly, but on the right side....but high enough to actually be on my abdomen and not my groin area. Maybe that''s what it is??

BTW, did I mention that I was indeed knocked up when I had the lymph node?? I just didn''t know it yet.
31.gif could definitely be closer to the surface, it just feels different than any pain I ever had. It''s kind of starting to freak me out. This afternoon it feels like the pain is extending more towards my groin/pubic bone. I think I''m just thinking about it too much
Maybe I''m getting old
the aches and pains have begun!
I also had what I think were implantation pains...I had a very clear implanation dip on my chart, so I know when it happened, and that measurement exactly corresponds to the evening that I had a dull strange pain low in my pelvis and a little to the right. I didn''t have any spotting, but I swear implantation is what I was feeling....and I got my 1st super faint BFP about 24hrs after the pains.
Hmmmm....well....AF is expected Sunday. I''m trying to hold out, but maybe I''ll cave and test Friday morning...we''ll see.
Booo for AF!

Yay for cramps, nausea and sore (*)(*)!

May many of you go on to have ( * )( * ) because that is what happens!

Allie, you're still in it until AF sings!

Yay for Bella! DUST DUST DUST to you all!
Haven''t posted in a while - great to see the BFPs!!! Congrats to you all! I''ve started the infertility process at Kaiser and I think I''m going to like it. I had my preliminary tests yesterday and hubby had his today - with sperm analysis on Friday. Also, my chart this month is a little wonky. I usually ovulate on day 16 or 17 and have a very long LP (14 - 16 days) with a 31 or 32 day cycle. This one looks weird to me. What do you guys think?

Jen, its hard not to be led by the suggested cover line and o-date, but I don''t see much to contradict those, especially if you are familiar enough with your usual post-o temps to know they are usually over 97.5. also remember temp-based o-date can be off by as much as +/- 3 days, so a day or two earlier might be more consistent with your CM but its hard to know for sure. Either way, I had a wacky month in Nov where o was a good 5 days later than usual. It happens! Good luck!
OMG-either its PMS or I''m knocked up, but since when did mashed potatoes and left over homemade toffee from Christmas constitute a dinner?!?!!?
Eitherway, it is not OK!
Date: 1/13/2010 9:02:57 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
OMG-either its PMS or I''m knocked up, but since when did mashed potatoes and left over homemade toffee from Christmas constitute a dinner?!?!!?
Eitherway, it is not OK!

I am definitely still hoping for latter for you
And if you''re knocked up, I think it IS okay
Thanks Ice! How are you doing?!?!
Date: 1/13/2010 9:02:57 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
OMG-either its PMS or I''m knocked up, but since when did mashed potatoes and left over homemade toffee from Christmas constitute a dinner?!?!!?
Eitherway, it is not OK!

mmmm toffee!
Date: 1/13/2010 9:15:56 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
Thanks Ice! How are you doing?!?!

I''m recovering... over the loss of my imaginary baby
My day did include a text to my hubby about how I miss our baby, though
all kinds of crazy. See, mashed potatoes for dinner is normal!
I hear you! DH is really into this now and I think he''s going to be really disappointed if we''re not KTFU this month. I''m trying to hold back, but I know I''ll be disappointed too..
Good morning girls! I have a question for those that are checking their CP after ovulation. My cervix seems to be on the move it has also become elongated? I don''t know how else to describe it. Pre-Ovulation it seemed very round and super high. Right after O it became very low. I checked today and it seems much higher and sort of oval in shape? Is it normal for cervix to move before AF?
Heehee. It is such sweet torture, isn't it? The 2WW is so hard. But it just makes your first BFP THAT much sweeter and more exciting.

Bella and others, I'm still sending mondo DUST your way! Mashed potatoes and toffee - best dinner ever? Possibly! Even more delicious when eaten in private! DH would look at me oddly if I ate that...even though he should be used to my weirdness by now!

Ah, Bliss. You are such a great encourager
So this morning, I get up walk from the bathroom to the closet where the HPTs are start to open the door, shut it, walk back to the bathroom, walk back to the closet, like 4 times! Decide, no I really don''t want to see a BFN so I''m holding strong until Sunday to see what happens. If AF doesn''t show up, I''ll test MOnday morning (but I am feeling really PMSy--had another major b@#$h moment last night, picking a fight with DH over changing our cell phone carrier
). And the infamous dinner...
I don''t feel so good today
kind of like I ate lead for dinner last night. I''m sticking to salad and yogurt today
I am still crampy. I slept from the time I got home from work last night and till this morning. I don''t feel pregnant :\ but then again I am not so sure how I am supposed to feel. There is just light dull type of cramp lower in my abdomen. A little tired. Sorry if this is TMI but my CM has been really wet. Like wetter than I ever remember it being. I am fully ready for AF to show up.
Date: 1/14/2010 11:36:22 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo
Ah, Bliss. You are such a great encourager
So this morning, I get up walk from the bathroom to the closet where the HPTs are start to open the door, shut it, walk back to the bathroom, walk back to the closet, like 4 times! Decide, no I really don''t want to see a BFN so I''m holding strong until Sunday to see what happens. If AF doesn''t show up, I''ll test MOnday morning (but I am feeling really PMSy--had another major b@#$h moment last night, picking a fight with DH over changing our cell phone carrier
). And the infamous dinner...
I don''t feel so good today
kind of like I ate lead for dinner last night. I''m sticking to salad and yogurt today

Bella...I love how calm and carefree you seem! I have been so on edge this month! I hope that this is it for you! :):):)