
The Official TTC Thread!

I tested like a fool very early on and after seeing a ton of BFN I decided to let nature take its course and wait it out like a good girl. I also made a pact with Bella that we won''t test until Monday, if AF doesn''t get us by then!
Cara, what fantastic news! Congratulations!
Less than 72 hours!
I am totally staying strong but post another one of these stay strong messages tomorrow! I think I am going to need it most of then...
Congrats Cara!!!

Hope you have a happy, healthy 36 weeks!!!! Try not to worry (easy for me to say)
Yay Cara!!!! So happy!
Cara- Congratulations my dear! Here''s to a happy and healthy nine (ok 10) months!
Congratulations Cara - what happy, happy news

Cara - congrats! It''s wonderful to see another BFN for January... starts the year off right.

Allie and Bella - good luck with your weekend wait! We will be thinking of you.

Inhisarms - baby dust to you too. Your symtoms sounds promising.

Lanie or other CBEFM users: how has the monitor been for you guys lately? Accurate? I''ve been on High readings CD8-14 and expecting to see Highs for a while based on what other people have reported. Just curious what people''s experience have been.

***** I meant BFP! *****
Cara, I was just lurking over here but wanted to send a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS your way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wishing you a H&H 9 months
I was just''s about time for another set of PS who''s going to be the lucky girl???

I can''t wait to find out!
Yippy! Congrats Cara!!!
WOW! I haven''t been lurking here and boy have I missed a lot!

I missed a bunch of BFPs (congrats Cara, HH, AND others!) and the news that my twinnie has been TTC!! (way to go icekid!

Well I''m aaaalmost ready to officially join!

We decided to start in February so I am just waiting for this cycle to end and then next cycle will be TTCC1 (Trying to conceive cycle one) of what I am sure will be many looong frustrating cycles! Today is CD25 and no ovulation so far, I have had a few +opks (which apparently mean nothing for me) but I have had EWCM for a few days so I am hoping it''s leading to something (although I''ve had tons of EWCM on anovulatory cycles before). So right now I am just hoping to ovulate soon and get AF so that we can start trying on our trip to Japan next month.

I''ve been off of BC for more than a year now and so far things have not been looking good in the charting department. I keep waiting for my body to "regulate itself" after the hormonal BC but it doesn''t look like it''s happening. I''ve only had 10 cycles in the past 12.5 months, 3 of which were anovulatory. When I do ovulate it''s usually late (CD18-27, and even CD75 on my really long cycle) and I even have a shorter luteal phase to boot (~8-11 days, although my last on was 14 days!). So things are not looking good but I''m ready for a fight. My gyno also specializes in infertility and said he''ll give me three months of trying before we should run tests, etc. So that''s where I''m at!

I''ll be routing for you girls as usual and hopefully contributing a little more once we actually start GOTF!

Good Luck everyone!
Welcome MIA.

ALLIE-STAY STRONG, don't you dare test
it's killing me but I'm holding strong until Monday (though I feel pretty crampy and PMSy today...)
Date: 1/16/2010 1:33:19 AM
Author: mia1181
WOW! I haven''t been lurking here and boy have I missed a lot!

I missed a bunch of BFPs (congrats Cara, HH, AND others!) and the news that my twinnie has been TTC!! (way to go icekid!

Well I''m aaaalmost ready to officially join!

So glad that you''re getting started at the exact SAME twinnie time as me and that you''ve got a proactive ob/gyn on your team. (I''m not counting last month for us anyway, since my O day guesstimate was off and we could not have possibly gotten knocked up
YAY for Ice and MIA starting to officially TTC--February is going to be a great month!
Date: 1/16/2010 9:56:23 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo
Welcome MIA.

ALLIE-STAY STRONG, don't you dare test
it's killing me but I'm holding strong until Monday (though I feel pretty crampy and PMSy today...)

Whewwww I was this close to giving in this morning. Only 48 more hours!

I had a slight temp drop today, still way above the coverline but a little disappointing. Feels like she might be on her way. I was feeling a little emotional last night. I am trying to keep my mind off things and stay positive!

ETA: Welcome MIA!!! We were supposed to OFFICIALLY start in February as well. But with this months fluke, if it didn't happened we will continue next month!
Aww, you ladies are so sweet. Thanks puppmom, Lanie, LV, LAJenn, Chinacat, lovelylulu, Ryan Claire, mandarine, kunzite, and MIA! Once I got the bfp, I started feeling miserable right away and my husband went away so it''s nice to have some people to share with!

Oh but mandarine, please bite your tongue! Twins do run in my family a bit, but I am barely ready for one zygote not two babies! Though your boys are so cute, I''m sure they are no more work than one, right?

Good luck Bella and Allie! Stay strong!
Date: 1/16/2010 1:12:06 PM
Author: cara
Aww, you ladies are so sweet. Thanks puppmom, Lanie, LV, LAJenn, Chinacat, lovelylulu, Ryan Claire, mandarine, kunzite, and MIA! Once I got the bfp, I started feeling miserable right away and my husband went away so it''s nice to have some people to share with!

Oh but mandarine, please bite your tongue! Twins do run in my family a bit, but I am barely ready for one zygote not two babies! Though your boys are so cute, I''m sure they are no more work than one, right?

Good luck Bella and Allie! Stay strong!

They''re a piece of cake! hehe

I don''t know how having one feels like...but I''m never bored
Yay Cara!!!


Very happy for you. Would love to be a preggo buddy, you are so cute. I am sorry to hear you''re already feeling crappy but then again, that''s a wonderful sign.
Yay! Congrats Cara!

As for me, AF is due to show her face tomorrow but as of this moment, she's seems to be nowhere in sight. We'll see. I am going to hold off testing until Wednesday, if I don't get her by then. And that's only because there have been a couple times over the last year or so that my cycle was a little longer. At most, 31 days. So we shall see. So far I've been pretty patient but I might lose that if she doesn't show by tomorrow night...

I am usually very and I mean VERY irritable the week leading up to AF and I haven't even had that. Irritability and my boobs being a little sore are the tell-tale signs that she's right around the corner... that and a headache on the first day. So far no headache and no irritability. Boobs are sore though.

Anyway, how's everyone else?!

*ETA* I don't check my cervix on a regular basis but I did check today and it feels very high and soft. Shouldn't it be low and hard right before AF?
Yay, Cara!!

Congratulations, lady!

Hoping you have a wonderful, healthy 9 months to motherhood!!

(Where''s Bliss? The month''s only half over, and you got your predicted three!! Whoop whoop!! What''s your prediction for February?

Congrats, Cara! You're my lucky #3 this month!

I'm sticking to my 4 in January of 2010, Fisher!
It's really 4* because I am thinking there may be 5.

I love the number 5. Never graduated from Sesame Street and I love the number 5!

This message was brought to you by the number 5!!!! Heck, it might even be 6 with the way things are going!

Allie & Bella, congrats on staying strong! InHisArms, rooting for you as well!!!!

dust dust dust

Fisher, too early to tell about February. What do you think? You will guess and I will guess - and we'll take the average?
Hey Bliss!!

Hoping that period finds you soon, lady!! I can't wait to have you back on this journey with us!

Um, February. I don't know. I've never been one to make a prediction, but since three seems to be such a good number for predictions around here, I'll throw down 3 for February. (Looks like a few new people will be on board and I'm thinking we'll have one of the new people and a couple--at least--of the more veteran people. Yeah, that's my prediction.

I would *love* to have an October baby. Two of my favorite men were born in October, both with wonderful spirits of strength, a little bit of stubbornness, and a lot of core beliefs that have governed their lives. My daddy and my grandpa were born in October. So, February pregnancies are automatically extra special to me.

In non-TTC news, next week Paul and I celebrate three years of marriage. In so many ways, it seems like we just married last year, and in other ways, I feel like we've always been together because life just really calmed into a peace for us when we were finally united in marriage. I'm excited to see what the third year brings. I think we're taking a cruise in the spring... looking forward to that. We still haven't commited (I'm a giant scaredy cat, but I bet I can be a biig girl and take on the big boat and huge ocean) but we're thinking about Cozumel as our destination. We were thinking about Nassau, but heard that Cozumel is a better trip. Any ideas from anyone here?

Good luck to the ladies waiting to test. Hoping that you get wonderful news!!
Hi Ladies--

Allie and InHisArms-Hope AF stays far far away tomorrow! I feel like mine is coming, but I guess it''s not over till the fat lady sings

Bliss-Hope your AF gets here soon so you can decide how you want to move forward.

Fisher-I went on my first cruise last year and it was great, we did Panama, parts of the Carribean, and Costa Rica...Fantastic!

Cara, Kit, Puppmom, SS, and HH-Hope you are all feeling better today.

Sorry if I missed anyone-I have like 100 pages of reading to do for my class tomorrow and am what?...doing a PS drive by:-), yep, that''s how I roll
My cats new found affection towards me is beginning to freak me out. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Bella, I hope AF stays far away from you, Allie and I. Maybe we could double Bliss'' prediction! I''ve forgotten, are you testing tomorrow or Monday?
Hello Ladies :) I finally figured out why for the life of me I haven't been able to get comfortable in bed. I will be EXHAUSTED and then toss and turn for hours not being able to fall asleep. I am usually a stomach sleeper and sleeping on my stomach seems to be upsetting it. I slept on my back for the first time last night and was able to zonk right out.

Temps went down slightly yesterday but they are back up today. ONLY one more sleep till we test!

Stay strong Bella, and inhisarms :) Report back promptly tomorrow morning!
I am posting my super long chart...just for funsies! Seriously the longest it's ever been is 31 days. It's still a guessing game as far as I am concerned but if I am guessing correctly this should put me on 13DPO with AF either coming or not on CD38 (Tuesday) so tomorrow should be a pretty good day to test!

Good luck ladies...lots of baby dust to all of you!

Hey Allie,

You''re almost there, girl. One more day. You can do it!!

Just took a look at your chart; why is there an open circle for today''s temp? Did you wake early or sleep in late? I know not everyone is sensitive to that, but I''m curious....