
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 1/17/2010 9:55:46 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
Well, I''m not Ice Kid but...

I love what TGal calls it, but my DH gets really embarrassed and thinks I am totally cruse if I say it

Wegmans is where it''s at:-) MY BFF lives in SYracuse and introduced me to Wegmans a few years ago. My assistant at work is from Buffalo. He and I were just talking last week about how Wegmans needs to expand in NYC, they''d make a killing:-)

Still no sign of AF here..hopefully tomorrow will bring a definitive answer one way or another
Hahaha! Well actually the bottom portion about TS was directed at everyone not just Icee! The Buffalo stuff was though! I loooove Wegmans!
How funny that your BFF is from Syracuse and your assistant is from Buffalo. I am in California so everyone assumes I am from NYC and never heard of Buffalo. I do have a supervisor at work from Rochester so it''s fun to talk about Wegmans etc... Sometimes I just crave food from home!

And not that you should listen to little old me but if your still up TEST! TEST! TEST! I''m a bad influence though! I know I will be one of those with a POAS addiction and I pee on them all the time even when there is no chance!!!

But maybe you should wait a few minutes so as to not break your pact with Allieluv!
Bella - I''m sitting here thinking, test, test, test! If I''m this impatient for someone else to test, I already know I''m going to be a mess when it''s my turn!! You ladies are strong! I''m crossing my fingers for you, either tonight or tomorrow.

That''s so cool that you sailed with HAL. I''ve wanted to do one of their cruises for awhile because they seem right up my alley. DH and I joke that we cruise like old people.... you can find us on the promenade reading, in the shade mind you!

Fisher - I''m afraid I''m not much help with that one. We don''t normally do the shorter cruises so I''m not well versed with them. I have heard some pretty awful things about CCL and the sheer number of drunk people. I think RCI might be a better atmosphere with a lot of different groups of people. Would you be going over a traditional spring break period? A good place to start would be reading reviews on Cruise Critic of the ships you''re trying to compare. That way you can maybe gauge which one might be better for you. And don''t worry about the water either. I know everyone is different, but quite a few people in my family had the same fear before I talked them into going on our wedding cruise. Now nearly all of them are booking their second and third cruises.

MIA - I''m wishing for a quick end to this cycle for you!!
ha, ha, of course I''d wait until after midnight, no way I''d throw Allie under the bus
the pact stands!

it''s 12:07 now so I''m in the clear, if I have to pee again tonight I will POS, if not, then the morning it is...

I would be asleep now, but DH is taking apart a computer on our bed

Bedtime, what?!?!? I am so tired

I''m kicking him out at 1 so I can go to sleep!
Kunzite- I am so with you on predicting that you''ll be a crazy POASer. I''ll want to know as soon as possible so I''ll be one of those that is testing at 7dpo "just in case." Plus I want to break some sort of record on finding out the earliest!
I have a short luteal phase so I have a theory that I should know sooner (even though I''m pretty sure there is no connection between luteal length and earlier BFP).

Bella- Go to bed sweetie! That''s so funny that your DH is using your bed for computer surgery, that actually sounds like what I do with my school books, notes and computer. Dh comes into the room and asks "can you clear me a spot to sleep?"
I''m going to bed, DH is clearing a space as we "speak"

Note to self--do not decide that you "think you have to pee" so you should try to POAS when you don''t really have to pee, but maybe you do.... When the control line doesn''t even come up and the other window remains blank you know you should just have saved the test for the morning b/c that was definitely not enough pee to make a difference in anything
Date: 1/18/2010 12:22:04 AM
Author: mia1181
Kunzite- I am so with you on predicting that you''ll be a crazy POASer. I''ll want to know as soon as possible so I''ll be one of those that is testing at 7dpo ''just in case.'' Plus I want to break some sort of record on finding out the earliest!
I have a short luteal phase so I have a theory that I should know sooner (even though I''m pretty sure there is no connection between luteal length and earlier BFP).

Bella- Go to bed sweetie! That''s so funny that your DH is using your bed for computer surgery, that actually sounds like what I do with my school books, notes and computer. Dh comes into the room and asks ''can you clear me a spot to sleep?''
LOL! I was just saying this today! (Yes, I really do talk about TTC most days...) Since my LP is at most 10 days, I can''t really have a TWW. My type A is trying to look at that as a positive instead of worrying about a short LP. Trying...

Did anyone else find themselves wanting to buy things before you''re even KTFU? I was looking through CL tonight and found a high chair for $10 and nearly sent DH out to get it. It''s normally only $20 so it''s not even that much of a savings, so what gives. It''s like I''m trying to nest without reason!!
Bella soooo funny! Can''t wait to see your results tomorrow! Good night!

Kunzite- Tell me about it! I haven''t bought anything yet but I email myself baby names all the time and I almost started a registry on babies-r-us so that I don''t forget all the stuff I want. I stopped myself though! It''s just so hard to not get too ahead. I do have a maternity swimsuit bikini bottom though! It was sorta an accident. I work with kids and I had to meet a client at the beach and didn''t have time to go home and get my suit. So I ran into Target and grabbed some things from the clearance rack. I liked these bottoms, but I couldn''t figure out why they went up so high on my stomach even though they were extra-small! Oh well, maybe I''ll get to use them eventually!
Well ladies...I am here no AF. Tested today BFN. So I am guessing this is pretty definitive. Who the heck knows where AF is hiding!

Crossing my fingers for you Bella!!!

Allie - it''s not over till the fat lady sings - so to speak.

Bella - looking forward to your news!

IHA - sorry about your BFN but sounds like you and your hubby have a very good perspective on things. Good luck!

Mia - I think you''ll have lots of competition for crazy POASer! We seem to be a want-to-know-right-now type of group of women in general. (I also e-mail myself potential baby names all the time!)

Pathetic confession: Since coming off BC in Sept. I had my first small sighting of what can only be described as eggwhite CM and it made my whole day. TTC is a strange process :)

I took a digi test this morning and got a big fat "not pregnant" AF is now late which is really unusual for me
Ho-hum, we''ll see how February goes, I think Bliss has a lot of predicting to do for February.

On a funnier note:-) my (*)(*) are really big right now (PMS I guess) and I rounded the corner to our back hall last night (it''s a sharp curve) and I took it too sharply. I yell "ow!!!! and start cursing under my breath" DH goes "what''s wrong, did you stub your toe?" I go "no, I stubbed my boob" Funny now, not so funny at the time....

Me, Allie, IceKid, MIA, Fisher, Kunzite?, who else is going for gold in February? I hear October is a lovely month to have a baby
The thing is I just want her to show up so I can start a new cycle! She might be here tomorrow. I can totally understand about the ewcm. When I see it I am so excited. I saw a ton of it this month :) some girls are lucky to have normal cycles as soon as they come off BC. But then you also hear about the ladies that after a year still don''t have a regular cycle! I hope you see a lot more ewcm this month!
oh yea, and I had some majorly crazy nesting thing about two months ago and bought some baby clothes and blankets on ebay/craigslist and started compulsively researching strollers and other baby gear
I am GOING for the GOLD. Luckily, once AF gets here it''s just a few more days till the start of a new 2 week wait!
Ladies, if you don''t get AF in the next few days, I suggest you test again. Sometimes it just takes awhile for the hcg to build up in your system. All hope is not lost.
thanks HH-if AF isn''t here in a few days I''ll be testing every day and calling my DR compulsively
I am always really regular and the only time I wasn''t, there was a big issue and I''d really prefer not to go through that again...ever....

I know Allie-I want AF to come b/c then it''s a whole new cycle
I calculated out...if we get AF pretty soon and get preggo in early Feb...we are looking at a late October baby!
October babies are always great, ladies. After all, *I* was born in October...
well in that wonder we got a bunch of BFNs in Jan. the little beans wanted to be born in Oct like IHA

Man, the Internet ate my post!!


Thanks for that information. I didn''t know that there was a cruise critic site; we''ll definitely give it a look!

Now I have a question about passports: Paul and I have the paperwork so we can get the process started and I noticed the form requires listing when you''re traveling (and it''s specific, month, day, year). Since we''re still deciding the destination and dates (spring break or summer vacation), does that mean we can''t get the passport until we''ve determined exactly when we''re going? That seems kind of silly to me, but I don''t want to make up a date that we''re going on a government form. Any advice?

To the ladies planning on trying in February: I''m excited about this upcoming month! I bet there will still be at least one positive before the end of January, but February is a special month to get preggo, for sure!! My dad and grandpa were born in October and they''re two of the most wonderful people I''ve ever known. Ever since my grandpa died, I''d hoped to have a baby born around his birthday. I''m hopeful every cycle, and will be more than delighted when we conceive, but I''m always super excited when February comes.

I bet Bliss will pop back over and make a prediction for February soon. I think February will be a really good month for baby making!!


yep, one of my brothers and my DH were born in Oct
Plus then you''re not super hugely pregnant in the hot hot dog days of summer:-) AF neds to get her butt up here so I can start my next cycle
I hear you on that one Bella!!!
Fisher, pick the trip that is the absolute earliest you might be traveling and write that down and send those suckers in! You can change your mind tomorrow. Looks like current processing times are 4-6 weeks for regular service, but it is a huge pain if they get help up for any reason, and there is transit time and whatnot. I don't know if it is possible for you and your husband, but if you can, keep a legal copy of everything you would need to get your passport with you (not sent in the mail), so you can go in person to get one if for some reason the mail order one is held up. Copier copy not usually good enough. Sometimes this is not possible, for example, if you have only one copy of your birth certificate and that is the only document that proves your citizenship. Then you have to send it off with the mail application and cross your fingers. I guess processing times are much better than a few years ago, but I knew a number of people that had issues and if you have sent all your documents away you are at their mercy.

Allie and Bella, sympathies! But what HH said - its not over till the cycle is over.
Allie, Bella and iha sorry about your bfn! Allie and Bella you still may have a chance!

As for me I still have 4 days to go until I can find out! Not really any signs yet (.)(.) A little sore still, I was in a little "funk" yesterday and last night was craving chocolate which I never crave and every once in a while I get a cramp. I am really trying to keep my mind off of it and wait patiently!

Good luck to anyone else still waiting in January!!

Where are tryouts for team TTC????

Geesh, where can I start? My husband I were married in July and immediately wanted to conceive. As luck would have it, we quickly became pregnant in September. We found out we were having twins and were elated. Our happiness quickly turned to despair as we found out we were having a very high risk type of twins that shared both placenta and amniotic sac. However, we were optimistic. We were having weekly U/S and the babies looked great. However, when we went to our week 12 U/S they found no fetal heart activity in either baby. We were shocked and saddened. And, well, that¡¦s my story.

Nonetheless, AF has come and gone and we are ready and excited to give it another shot. This was our first weekend of ¡§trying¡¨

(not sure if that is TMI).We learned from our M/C is that the ¡¥plumbing¡¦ works, which a great thing. While I want to become pregnant I don¡¦t want to the act of trying to become pregnant to seem like a ¡¥job¡¦, so our plan (as it was before), is to enjoy our baby makin¡¦ time. If the sperm meets egg and we conceive¡Kfabulous¡K.if not¡K.we¡¦ll keep trying.

With all that said, I know many of us on this board have had M/C. I pray to for a healthy baby this time around and will embrace (and try) not to complain about all the lovely pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and the most painful breast in the world ļ.

Here¡¦s to baby making¡K


Peace, love, and Smiles

LuvinLife (Amy)

Date: 1/18/2010 10:22:26 AM
Author: Bella_mezzo
yep, one of my brothers and my DH were born in Oct
Plus then you''re not super hugely pregnant in the hot hot dog days of summer:-) AF neds to get her butt up here so I can start my next cycle

Thanks for reminding me of where I''ll be in, sweaty, swollen, and ENORMOUS!
welcome and best of luck! I''m so sorry to hear about your loss
Luvinlife, I actually was wondering what happened with you recently! I remember you posting asking for dust for your twins. So sorry it did not work out better
. Hope your stay here is short and sweet!
Date: 1/18/2010 3:37:48 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
welcome and best of luck! I''m so sorry to hear about your loss
Thanks HH and congrats on your pregnancy
!I wish you a H/H 9 months!
Date: 1/18/2010 3:41:43 PM
Author: cara
Luvinlife, I actually was wondering what happened with you recently! I remember you posting asking for dust for your twins. So sorry it did not work out better
. Hope your stay here is short and sweet!

Thanks for the thoughts. As you, know sometimes circumstances out of our control happen; this is beauty and heartbreak of life. I am grateful to have experienced such happiness for the time I did and look forward to doing in all over again, this time with a little less drama!

You are due for a big
. I wish you a healthy pregnancy and a lovable bundle of joy after 9 fabulous months.
luvin life-I am so sorry for your loss.

We''re glad to have you back here TTC with us now and hope that this is a fun and special time for you and your DH. We''re trying to keep it fun and low-key too, my DH is very concerned that it will feel like a chore, so we''re TTC, but trying not to be too clinical about it...

Going for the Gold in February;-)