
The Official TTC Thread!

Jena -- keeping my fingers crossed for you!

RyanClaire -- are you taking Provera or Prometrium to induce your periods? You mentioned you haven't had AF in 5 months, yet you are CD20. I can't remember if you are one of the others that bought the CBE Fertility Monitor??? If not, I would recommend it, or OPK's. BUT with cycles like ours, one could go nuts trying to track ovulation. You'd have to do it so much! Good luck!

I would hope that people are saving for a baby! DH and I don't have high paying jobs. I'm a teacher and he's an architect. I tutor as much as I can for extra money which is very nice. We put away so much every month...we are saving like crazy bc we are getting scared with how much daycare costs. Plus tack on dependent insurance. We are estimating that a little one would be around $1,500 a month NOT including diapers, formula (if we need it) etc. Plus tack on doctor's visits when pregnant and doctor's visits when baby is born. It all adds up, even with small copays. I have some friends who have great insurance, but still had to pay for tests to be done, and it got expensive while pregnant. We are clear of cc debt, and we just bought our first home, which almost drained our savings, so we are slowly building it back up. I think babies are a lot more money than people realize, and it's worth it to look into childcare costs and insurance to see what you are looking at. They are so worth it, but so darn expensive!
Lanie - I did 2 rounds of Provera. The first didn''t produce a period, the second round a month later produced a weak one... so I am CD20 starting with that period. I do have the CBEFM and still am on High readings. It''s the 13th High reading in a row, but they say the first month might be like that. But they also said that the CBEFM isn''t for periods over 42 days - so it may not be so helpful depending on what my cycle lengths are... but it''s better than nothing. The OB said to come back in two months if my period hasn''t started naturally... so that''s the end of February. Fingers crossed she does.
Oh now I remember...duh...sorry I asked you the same questions. It''s probably all hormonal. I would want to know the reason why my body was resistant to it. Something to do with the levels of estrogen I think, or something is not "clicking" during the cycle. Has she ordered bloodwork? Sorry you have to play the waiting game. I just finished a round of Provera and should get my period later tonight or tomorrow. I''ll be on second cycle with the CBEFM, so I''ll let you know if it shows high readings again! You are actively TTC or just monitoring until you are?
Oh Allie, I''m sorry about AF. But maybe you and Bella can be Valentine''s Day Mamas together!!!

Hudson, I''m
too but there''s next month and the ones following!

Thinking of you, Jena! Let''s hope you are #4!

Welcome, Ryan Claire!

Dust to all you ladies!!!
Date: 1/21/2010 12:58:20 PM
Author: Lanie

I would hope that people are saving for a baby!

We''re definitely saving for le bebe. I am a saver in general and put away plenty anyway, but we have started a little savings account for the kid that will be spent on fun stuff like stollers and clothes so we can splurge a bit and not feel guilty! Day care expenses are one thing we are not looking forward to, though. Oh to have family nearby. There are some residents that do a nanny share, which we''ll look into. With the hours my job requires, we could really use a true nanny.

Allie- glad AF arrived so we can all move onto February finally

Jena- Good luck! Still holding out January hope for you.
Aww, girls. I''m sorry about the new cycle starting, but like I say, there''s always a new opportunity around the bend!

I have to admit. I have no idea how 10/10 equates with gold. Can someone share? I feel like an idiot....

Ryan, I think you''d asked about how we''ll prevent when we''re finished with building our family. We''ll do FAM and avoid when I''m ovulating, or use barrier method during those times. I"m simply not willing to put my body through the wringer to be on the pill again. Not at all! The system worked well for my parents and if we had a surprise baby, we''d be blessed.

Saving for baby: this has become one of my favorite things! I see it as an opportunity to care for and provide for the baby before he/she even arrives. I love it and hold so much hope in knowing that not only are we hoping, praying, trying, striving for a baby, but we''re also *preparing,* too. It''s a good idea for all TTCers to do. We have a savings account set aside for once the baby arrives, we''re saving up in our own account for baby supplies (strollers, crib, what have you) and we''re putting a specific amount into savings each month to help with the impact of me no longer working once the baby arrives. That''s the current plan, but if a dear friend was staying home with her baby, I''d likely continue working (at least find a part time job) and leave the baby with her. I don''t know how I feel about daycare, although there are benefits to both sides of the road. I work in child protective services and see so much abuse, it just scares me to leave my child in the care of another.... but I know one day it will have to happen and we''ll choose wisely and pray hard!!

Here''s to February, and the wonderful months following (November babies are really good, too!
Bad News for me X2.

I had my initial consultation with Kaiser infertility last week. The order some initial blood tests, before they will let you see the Fertility Specialist. I just received a letter stating my blood results showed no immunity or indeterminate immunity to Rubella. They want me to bring the letter in and get the vaccine - which means I have to use birth control for 3 months after receiving the vaccine. Does anyone know if I can decline the vaccine and still get infertility treatment?

Got another letter that DH''s semen analysis was found to be abnormal due to the following results: volume. He has to do it again.

Also, tested this morning with a cheap dollar store test - BFN. Today is 14 DPO - maybe there is still hope.

Ladies who are waiting to TTC - don''t wait. Life rarely goes as planned. I expected to have a baby by now.
LAJenn, sorry to hear about your bad news. On the vaccine front, why do they want you to wait that long (3 mo)? Are they afraid you will actually contract rubella while pregnant and before immunity sets in, or are they afraid of some vaccine-related complication harming the fetus in the three months post-vaccination? Oh, I just googled it, and it seems that some medical organizations have revised the guidelines and said a 1 month wait after the vaccine is sufficient. You should ask your docs if that will do.
Just a quick drive-by to say to LAJenn I''m sorry about the Rubella thing.... maybe you can just decline the vaccination. Some people have religious beliefs that are opposed to vaccinations I wonder if there is any considerations for those people.
Hopefully it won''t matter because you could be KTFU anyway. All my fingers and toes are crossed for you.

Fisher- I think I added the 10/10 to the going for gold line because if we get KTFU in February we will likely have October due dates so 10/2010. I don''t know why I notice things like that... maybe because my b-day is 11/11. Ah well I''m such a late ovulator that I if by some miracle I got pregnant the earliest DD will probably be November anyway!
Thanks Cara and Mia. I''m going to go in tomorrow and see if I can talk to someone about the vaccine. Yes, Cara - the CDC recommend waiting only 28 days after vaccine.

This is all so frustrating though - I''m seriously tempted to go to Mexico and get myself some Clomid.

I''ve been to websites that offer Clomid for purchase, so I don''t think you''d have to haul off to Mexico if you wanted it that badly.

Hope that your hubs gets good results from his next anaylsis, and hoping good things for you!!

(I also second the notion that waiting and putting of TTC when it''s something you want x number of months from now can bite you later; it''s not always a fast process.)
So sorry about the lack of immunity LAJen. You can decline the vaccine and keep trying on your own, but if you want to get fertility treatments, I believe they will make you get vaccinated, and wait the 3 months after. Totally sucks.

My doctor had the same rules, but thankfully I guess I had immunity.
Thanks Fisher and Laila. Yeah I guess I''m going to have to do the vaccine - but I will start ttc again after 28 days even if they won''t treat me for 3 months. Yep - sucks! And Laila, I''m glad you had immunity. I don''t know why I don''t - I had the vaccine as a child.

Oh, and I found out my blood type: O Negative.
LAJen, So sorry about the news from the Kaiser specialists. Hope that that all gets sorted out with the vaccine and TTC (Well, really I hope that you are already KTFU so it doesn''t matter

FIsher, I started the going for the gold thing b/c we''ll have have babies in 10/10 if we get knocked-up in Feb and Feb is the WINTER OLYMPICS
So, we''re going for the gold
Date: 1/21/2010 10:38:31 PM
Author: LAJennifer
Thanks Fisher and Laila. Yeah I guess I'm going to have to do the vaccine - but I will start ttc again after 28 days even if they won't treat me for 3 months. Yep - sucks! And Laila, I'm glad you had immunity. I don't know why I don't - I had the vaccine as a child.

Oh, and I found out my blood type: O Negative.
Cool, I'm O Positive.

Good luck! I'm so happy you're starting fertility treatment!
Sorry to hear about the recent issues Jen, hopefully everything will get straightened out ASAP and you can get on with it.

We''re definitely saving for the babester. We had one large purchase to make this month that wasn''t baby related (new couch) but everything from now on will go into the baby fund. This fund will cover miscellaneous baby bills and the unpaid part of my maternity leave. We''re each putting away the equivalent of daycare expenses plus whatever else we can spare each month and our tax returns and bonuses will go into savings as well. We should have a sizable nest egg by the time the baby is born. Anything left over will go to supplement our emergency fund to cover a third person in the family.
OMG Ladies! It is 6am here, my husband just left for work, I woke up thinking AF was here just by the way my stomach felt. So I got up thinking I was going to be upset again! But she wasn''t!!! SO... I POAS... AND................................... I got a BFP!!!!!!

I tried putting a picture up but its not letting me!! Now I need some really good ideas to tell my husband tonight! I want to call him sooooo bad right now and I am going to go crazy all day thinking about it but I really want to see his face when I tell him!!! Any fun ideas??
YAY!!!! Congratulations Momma!!!!!

Bliss, how many is that now? 3 or 4?

I didn''t do anything fun when I told DH, I was sort of in shock so i just called him out of the office and showed him the test, which clearly said PREGNANT!
Jena17 -- oh my goodness!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

I would love to know what you end up doing...I''m trying to think of a creative way to tell my DH once that day comes. There are some majorly cute little booties out there (Babies R Us, Target) that would be cute to wrap up and give...gender neutral. I''m such a sucker for baby feet.
Or I think Allie said she saw a onesie that had "I love my Daddy" or something like that on it. That would be cute too. Oh you must be so excited!!!


How are you going to make it though the day without telling your DH!?!?! Do you work close enough to meet for lunch by chance? You must be over-the-moon excited!

I''m so happy for you and your DH!

Here''s to 9 happy, healthy months!
CONGRATS Jena! Wonderful news. Try to resist telling your hubby - I think seeing his face in person will be priceless. I like when people give their hubbies a #1 Dad thing - either a mug or a onsie or a t-shirt.

LAJenn- so sorry about the results and the delay. I can't imagine being in the TTC mindset and then having to put it on the shelf for a few months. Hope you are hanging in there. 28 days would be a pain, but more manageable. Mind if I ask how long you have been trying?

Fisher-thanks for answering. I will never go back to hormonal birth control either. I hope my cycles are eventually regular enough to use FAM for TTA as well. I assume this is a lesson a lot of women learn during the TTC process. Fingers crossed that you have some good news soon.

Bliss- thanks for the warm welcome. You seem like everyone's # 1 cheerleader on here. How are you feeling about holding off trying for a few months?
Thanks!!! I am still kind of in shock! We have only been trying for 3 months now and I can''t believe it happened so quickly! We got married on October 10, 2009 and our baby''s due date is October 3rd!!!!

I really don''t know how I am going to make it through the day without telling him, but I really don''t want to tell him over the phone! AND he even might be working a double shift until 11 tonight!!! Which he better not!

And we are supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning to go spend the weekend with 15 of my friends for someones birthday!!! I really don''t know if I want to go now, because they will know something is up if I don''t have atleast 1 drink and I don''t want to tell my friends until at least my parents know!! What would you do in that case??

Lanie, great idea about the booties and the onsie! I just might have to do both!
Date: 1/22/2010 9:59:10 AM
Author: Jena17
Thanks!!! I am still kind of in shock! We have only been trying for 3 months now and I can''t believe it happened so quickly! We got married on October 10, 2009 and our baby''s due date is October 3rd!!!!

I really don''t know how I am going to make it through the day without telling him, but I really don''t want to tell him over the phone! AND he even might be working a double shift until 11 tonight!!! Which he better not!

And we are supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning to go spend the weekend with 15 of my friends for someones birthday!!! I really don''t know if I want to go now, because they will know something is up if I don''t have atleast 1 drink and I don''t want to tell my friends until at least my parents know!! What would you do in that case??

Lanie, great idea about the booties and the onsie! I just might have to do both!
Pick up a bottle of sparkling wine or grape juice and keep it somewhere where you can give yourself a drink but no one will see it. Or sprite with a lemon. Have your DH help you. Just walk around with one of these. just ate my post....

Anywho, I was trying to say, CONGRATS Miss Jena!
I am so happy to hear that you got your BFP !

As for telling your DH, I also second the idea to tell him in person. I think that even if you have to wait, its worth it

As for how to tell him, I like the idea of something with daddy on it (onsie, etc.) but I also had another idea. Maybe you could take a picture of your tummy and stick it into a card and when he opens the card (probably looking confused), you can explain that you wanted to take the first picture of your belly, so you can watch it grow in the coming months. Or you could write in the card that this is your baby''s first pic or something to that effect.

Either way, however you tell him will be great. And as for this weekend, if you pulled out, your friends might think its wierd or get hurt that you did that last minute, so just tell them you have a tummy ache or something so you can''t drink or do the tonic/sprite trick versus liquor.
Congratulations!! :)
Congrats Jenna! What awesome news! I wasn't creative at all on the husband-telling. Just showed him the stick! But you have some time to be more creative if you want!

The drinking thing can be HARD. Depends on who you are hanging out with, for how long, what your reputation is and how alcohol fits in. You need a different excuse for one night than for a week, and your sorority sisters will exercise a different level of intrusive questioning that your coworker, KWIM? Yes you can order sparkling drink-like things at the bar. There are various excuses. If you are with your husband, you can keep swapping glasses with him and make him drink for two. I have even resorted to dumping a beer down the toilet and refilling the bottle with water to keep up appearances. I'm already resigned to giving up the ghost a little earlier than I wanted at a few functions coming up where I just can't imagine how I could manage to evade detection and subsequent harassment for abstaining. I will do my best to fake it around coworkers, but over a weekend with longtime friends that know I normally drink? I just don't think its worth the hassle, and might not even be possible

LAJenn, the reason it can cost so little is they restrict the deal to women for which IVF is more likely to be sucessful. In addition to age restrictions, they require:

Qualification Criteria: this package applies to patients with both ovaries present and intact uterus, at least 6 eggs at the time of retrieval, lining of the uterus at least 8 mm at the time of retrieval, and no fibroids or polyps.

So you can sign up, but what if you don't make enough eggs? What if your lining is thin?

This is also one of the reasons that comparing IVF statistics is not *always* apples to apples. With those kinds of restrictions on their package, they are appealing to women that are more likely to have successful IVF. When they have better pregnancy rates than the next clinic, is it because they are actually giving better treatment or just got couples that are easier to treat? This clinic also does not split up their success rates indicating how many embryos were transferred each cycle and their rates of multiples, especially the rates of 3+ multiples. Those are important to have, methinks.

Does Kaiser do IVF or do you have to do that on your own? Anyway, hopefully some lesser treatment will work for you and your hubs. Or the old-fashioned way.
Date: 1/22/2010 9:59:10 AM
Author: Jena17
Thanks!!! I am still kind of in shock! We have only been trying for 3 months now and I can''t believe it happened so quickly! We got married on October 10, 2009 and our baby''s due date is October 3rd!!!!

I really don''t know how I am going to make it through the day without telling him, but I really don''t want to tell him over the phone! AND he even might be working a double shift until 11 tonight!!! Which he better not!

And we are supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning to go spend the weekend with 15 of my friends for someones birthday!!! I really don''t know if I want to go now, because they will know something is up if I don''t have atleast 1 drink and I don''t want to tell my friends until at least my parents know!! What would you do in that case??

Lanie, great idea about the booties and the onsie! I just might have to do both!
can you tell your friends that you''re going to be TTC, and you''d rather not be drinking while TTC? i know how my friends would be- they would be giving me such a hard time and it would be very noticeable since we usually have alcohol at all GTG. this is what i plan on doing once i start TTC anyway.

Yay Jena!!!!! Congrats! I can''t wait to hear how you tell your DH.

We got married 10/3/09 and haven''t done anything preventative, but we just really started trying this month. Hopefully next month a bunch of us will join you:-)
Date: 1/22/2010 9:59:10 AM
Author: Jena17
Thanks!!! I am still kind of in shock! We have only been trying for 3 months now and I can''t believe it happened so quickly! We got married on October 10, 2009 and our baby''s due date is October 3rd!!!!

I really don''t know how I am going to make it through the day without telling him, but I really don''t want to tell him over the phone! AND he even might be working a double shift until 11 tonight!!! Which he better not!

And we are supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning to go spend the weekend with 15 of my friends for someones birthday!!! I really don''t know if I want to go now, because they will know something is up if I don''t have at least 1 drink and I don''t want to tell my friends until at least my parents know!! What would you do in that case??

Lanie, great idea about the booties and the onsie! I just might have to do both!

Darn - can''t figure out how to highlight. Anyhow, congratulations! Just don''t order an obviously "virgin" drink if you go out. I knew one of my friends was pregnant when we went to dinner and she ordered a Shirley Temple. If she had just gotten an iced tea, or even a plain water, I wouldn''t have thought twice about it. ;)