
The Official TTC Thread!

IHA, I am totally checking in tomorrow to see how you''re doing, keep us posted!
Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, ladies. After work yesterday I came home feeling really sick. I will spare you the details but I came home and immediately just laid down. I didn''t want to do anything. I have been up the majority of the night b/c for some reason, I have been having a hard time sleeping through the night. I am now getting very sleepy so I think I am going to try to nap for a few more hours. When I wake up I am going to run to the store for some things and pick up a HPT.

Hubby asked me last night if I thought I was pregnant. I told him I thought it was a definite possibility considering all the information dcgator posted here on breakthrough bleeding. That coupled with nausea, actually getting sick, and period only lasting 2 1/2 days which is VERY odd for me. And oh, have I mentioned that I am still cramping? Not full on period like cramps but that little ache you get right before the full cramping starts. (At least that happens to me.) Very weird. Aaannnddd, anyone ever get a cramp down there? I never usually get them unless I have my period and well, yesterday, I kept getting them. So odd. Funny thing though, you know how men call them Testicle Terrorists, and a lot of other various names? (or is that just my hubby?!) I call them Vagina Villains. HAHAHA.

Ugh anyway, I''ll be back a little later in the morning to tell everyone the results. Right now, I need some sleep!
Very excited to hear your news IHA :) all those signs sure sound promising!!!
IHA- Test already!! I cannot take the suspense anymore
hehe. Hope you feel better soon!
GAH! Test already woman!!!!

You sound like a textbook entry for signs and symptoms of being KTFU!!!!
IHA-the suspense is killing me
IHA where are you? I hope you have some good news for us :)
IHA... the suspense is making us crazy!

dust dust dust

I do so hope you are this month''s #5!
IHA.... no pressure, but we''re all waiting (anxiously)
Wow, Jena congrats!!! Lucky #4 in January, how exciting for you!! Hope your weekend of secrecy is going well. The not drinking thing is a huge PITA. I have become a virtual hermit.

, you are psychic, my dear
what more can we say? Can''t wait for you to get your BFP one of these days--soon!

LAJennifer, I am sorry to hear you are going through this.

Good luck to the GFG Crew! Baby dust!!

Um, IHA, what is the delay exactly?!?
[impatiently tapping fingers on table] POAS girl!
We can''t take the wait any longer!!
Ugh. Sorry ladies. Hubby got called into work this morning and he made me promise I would not test without him. It''s very hard as I feel like the HPT is just staring me in the face and yet I can''t test.

It almost feels as though I am not supposed to find out! Haha.

We have a Beatles tribute band concert tonight but I will be testing when we get home. So expect a post from me either later tonight or early am.

I have to be honest, I am so nervous! And it''s not about me being pregnant, I''m nervous that perhaps I am not and it''s just a funny cycle.

I am so sorry for making everyone wait so long but trust me, the wait is worse for me!
Date: 1/23/2010 1:45:53 PM
Author: inhisarms17
Ugh. Sorry ladies. Hubby got called into work this morning and he made me promise I would not test without him. It''s very hard as I feel like the HPT is just staring me in the face and yet I can''t test.

It almost feels as though I am not supposed to find out! Haha.

We have a Beatles tribute band concert tonight but I will be testing when we get home. So expect a post from me either later tonight or early am.

I have to be honest, I am so nervous! And it''s not about me being pregnant, I''m nervous that perhaps I am not and it''s just a funny cycle.

I am so sorry for making everyone wait so long but trust me, the wait is worse for me!
IHA, how can you say that?!!?
LOL! Of course, you must be on pins and needles. We are just very excited for you. Fingers crossed!!!!!! Have fun tonight.
Congrats Jena!!

Do general practitioners do anything baby related anymore? I don''t have an OB because I''ve always just gone to my GP, but now I''m worried that once (if) we get KU I''ll have to immediately look for a new doc. It feels like I''m the only person who goes to a GP instead of an OB. Would I even call my GP if I got a BFP or would he be like, why are you calling me?
IHA-Of course this is worse for you:-) I was nervous about that too when I was late but got BFNs just try to relax. Really, either you are KTFU or you get to be part of team going for the gold in Feb--both are excellent options

hope you have a good day (doing something other than starting at the HPT) and let us know when you find something out
The frustrating thing about PS for me, is that the majority of posters are in the US, being in the UK you tend to miss the immediate flow of conversation and therefore I have longer to wait on any results people are

Anyhoooo, will check back later to see how you get on IHA, hope you''re lucky number 5 this month and if you are, Bliss..........what are next weeks lottery numbers?
Po - I know exactly how you feel. I''m in Holland and I usually post in the morning and then I wait and wait and wait until late afternoon until others start posting and I''m like "Common American people, wake up already and get behind your computers!" haha and then the next morning I sign on and all this stuff happened while I was sleeping.
Hey Noel, how''s Holland this fine Sunday? I do love Holland, you guys are all so laid back and easy going, such a nice place to be.
good morning ladies. Happy Sunday! :) CD4 for AF is all but gone. I started temping yesterday. I also bought some cheapie OPK online. I hope they get here in time for this cycle. My POAS cheapies got here yesterday. DH was like what the heck are those? They are all wrapped up in their little foil packages. I hope this is the month for all of us!
Well, sorry to say I am not lucky #5 this month. Tested this morning and got a BFN!
Guess my body is just not liking me this month.
Awe sorry to hear IHA!!!
IHA - sorry to hear about the BFN. When do you think you ovulated? Could you be testing too early still?
Lanie, I suspect that I ovulated January 3rd. I did get "AF" on the 17th but it only lasted 2 1/2 days which is NOT normal for me at all. Been feeling very weird and throwing up several times. I tested today just to be sure I wasn''t pregnant and my "AF" wasn''t just breakthrough bleeding. I got a BFN though. And I''m sure if I were, there would be enough detectable hormone in my urine by now. So, I''m not.
IHA, I am so sorry...
It can be so confusing and frustrating. I guess it's worth it to wait and see? But with the throwing up and unusual symptoms, do you think it's worth a trip to the doctor? You just sounded so pregnant from all of the symptoms. ((HUGS)) The spotting on the 17th - do you think that was a period or spotting? Wah. I'm sorry, IHA. It's not over until it's over... I hope things clear up for you soon.

On my end, that sassy Aunt Flo finally dragged her butt back to visit me yesterday! I had awful cramps and a backache yesterday and started spotting last night. Today, I got confirmation that Aunt Flo is indeed back! Sure explains my PMS the last few days. I actually went to the vending machine at work this week and got a Snickers, something I have not done in 10 years! Hahahaha! I knew something was up then but thought it was my crazy post m/c hormones making me eat that junk candy bar! It was worth it, too! I still have that follow-up appointment with my new OB tomorrow so hopefully I'll get new answers as to what's going on and get my final blood test. I'm thinking that since AF is here, HCG is finally down enough, no? We'll see!

While AF being back is a relief, I have to admit that seeing blood come back is traumatic all over again in a small way. It reminds me of the time I was spotting during the m/c. I cried a little on DH's shoulder this afternoon - the tears just came out of nowhere. It's weird bc I'm so happy AF is back and yet it reminds me of a very painful time in my life.

Dust and hugs to all!
Oh, bummer IHA...I wonder what is up with your symptoms? Well, it''s unfortunately probably a case of coincidental things. Like a touch of food poisoning, plus something wonky with your cycle that caused a shorter period. I hope you are doing okay.

Bliss, you poor thing. (((HUGS))) I am happy for you that AF showed up--finally. Did you ask her where she had been all this time??
Try to focus on the positive, now you can begin TTC again whenever you are ready! I am sure you will continue to feel sad sometimes about it, and that''s okay. But I just know your positive, bubbly spirit and fun personality will carry you through the tough times.
Bliss, I wouldn''t call what I had on the 17th spotting. It was blood like a period. Not super heavy or anything but steady. It came in the afternoon that day and by tuesday night I had realized it was gone. And since then, nothing. Not even that brown discharge when it''s towards the end. It seemed to go as quickly as it came. My periods have always lasted 5-7 full days of steady medium/heavy flow. I haven''t had a cold or been sick in any way so it wasn''t interrupted by a stress of that kind on the body. Maybe just emotional stress? I have been a little stressed with work but not too much. Maybe that could have done it. I''m really regular so with the way it all happened and how I was feeling, I was sure there was a good reason. And maybe there is... just not the good reason I wanted.

I''m going to see how I feel over the next week or so. We went to a concert last night and all I kept feeling was little twinges and what felt like air bubbles in the pubic area. I don''t know if air bubbles would accurately describe it but hmm... maybe spasms? I don''t know. It felt odd. And it''s been feeling like I have more pressure down there, maybe like a fullness? I''m not good at describing. I just don''t feel normal.

If it seems to get worse or doesn''t eventually go away, I will see my Dr. Maybe it''s just an off month and everything will go back to normal next month. I''m due for AF on Valentine''s Day. Lucky me.

**As for you, I am happy that AF finally showed up! Now you can get back to some normalcy and start trying again soon. I am very sorry for your loss but I know that you will only be a stronger person in the end for having gone through it. We''re all here for you, always!
Thanks Kit, I am very bummed. But I am comforted in knowing that when it''s my time, it will happen.
I''m so sorry IHA, I hope that you figure out what''s going on physically for you, and that you feel better soon. Now you''re going for the gold with the rest of us:-)

(((Bliss))) I''m glad that AF finally dragged her sorry self over to you (literally right when she got done with me:-) she must be making the rounds in NYC) but I am sorry that it was difficult for you. I''m sure it''s quite emotional/traumatic to be bleeding again. I hope that you and your DH are able to comfort each other, continue healing, and start TTC again when you feel ready. I''m send lots of hugs, best wishes, ps dust, and snickers your way
IHA..... so sorry girlie! You had all of us suspicious, that is for sure! On the plus side, you can join our fabulous Feb crew
bummer IHA
I hope next month is IT for all of you ladies, we need to replenish the preggo thread once the current ladies deliver!
Date: 1/24/2010 8:20:01 PM
Author: icekid
IHA..... so sorry girlie! You had all of us suspicious, that is for sure! On the plus side, you can join our fabulous Feb crew

Can I join, too??

Congrats to all the recent preggers, and to the recent non-preggers... February''s the month of love, right??

DH & I are both bundles of nerves, but I think we''ll start TTC next month. I''m a little annoyed, though... my cycle got whacked out in Nov, because I got the swine flu. So my very regular 30 day cycle was 6 days late. And then in Dec I had a shorter 26 day cycle (body trying to re-adjust??). CD1 of this cycle was Dec 30th, so we''ll see when AF arrives. Ugh. I ate like a horse last night, so I def know it''s coming

Anyway... I thought you guys could help me out with this. DH has always said "I''m ready whenever you are", and he is super ready for a baby. I''m working Fri/Sat/Sun Valentine''s weekend (12-hour night shifts, too), and we typically don''t buy each other things, but I was trying to think of some creative way I can tell him "let''s make a baby" as a Valentine''s present. Any ideas? Hopefully my ''fertile window'' falls on the 15th/16th/17th. TIA!