
The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Jena!
Don’t have any advice about this weekend, but when I conceived around this time last year, I used the excuse that I gave up drinking for “lent” (obviously this depends on your religion, etc) and it worked well. Good luck!
So here I am...CD2! Man it seems like it is really dragging on and on this cycle, could be because the last cycle was soooooo long for me. It seems to that the BFP are coming out left and right. I hope that February is as exciting as January was! What is everyone up to this weekend?
Hey Allie-CD4 here:-) This weekend we''re celebrating DHs new job, taking pics of my new diamond earrings
and I am doing homework
I think this weekend we are going to continue to purge our apartment. We have collected so much crap over the years. DH says that he can see me on the show "hoarders" in the next ten years. :) So we have been throwing away a lot, donating a lot as well. I think DH is going to start applying to some new jobs, hes been having a hard time with the current company that he is with. Other than that, we will just be lounging and getting ready for the baby dancing marathon coming up!
Allie and Bella! I think February is your month! I would just try to relax as much as you can this month and just let it happen! This month I didn''t try to read any signs, but that was mostly because I had NONE! Until last night when I had a little stomach ache just like the day I get AF, it wasn''t ANY different, that''s why I woke up thinking she was going to be here and I was already gearing myself up for a let down and to get started for next month and TTC! I honestly didn''t think I was PG AT ALL this month. But today I am feeling really bloated and I have a headache but nothing too bad yet! I guess I better call my doctor to set up an appt!

I can''t concentrate at all here at work! I can''t wait to go to lunch and buy something like some onsies and booties so I can tell my husband tonight! He just called and he doesn''t have to work a double shift tonight so he will know as soon as I get home!
I think I might do the picture thing too! That is a really cute idea dcgator!!! I think I am going to go a little overboard with baby stuff!!! I am praying for a easy and healthy pregnancy! I already love this little baby growing inside me!!! That is sooooo crazy!!!!
I know, BD marathon, here we come:-)
I''m late to the party but congrats, Jena! SO happy for you!!!

Along with only having AF for 2 1/2 days, I also spent the majority of yesterday with my head in the toilet. I don''t know what''s going on! Feel a little better today but still getting nauseous here and there. Ugh.
Date: 1/22/2010 12:05:34 PM
Author: inhisarms17
I''m late to the party but congrats, Jena! SO happy for you!!!

Along with only having AF for 2 1/2 days, I also spent the majority of yesterday with my head in the toilet. I don''t know what''s going on! Feel a little better today but still getting nauseous here and there. Ugh.
IHA: I know that you thought your weren''t pregnant since you got AF, but is there any chance you could have just had some break through bleeding and not a true AF. I can''t remember if you said you had taken a HPT, but perhaps it would be a good idea to take one now. I don''t want to get your hopes up, but head in toilet sounds a lot like M/S...
Date: 1/22/2010 12:05:34 PM
Author: inhisarms17
I''m late to the party but congrats, Jena! SO happy for you!!!

Along with only having AF for 2 1/2 days, I also spent the majority of yesterday with my head in the toilet. I don''t know what''s going on! Feel a little better today but still getting nauseous here and there. Ugh.

I thought the same too as dcgator when you mentioned that your AF was only 2.5 days and very light.
And now coupled w/ the nausea...hmm..
Oh wow, many congrats!
Lots of sticky dust to you.
Can''t wait to see how your DH reacts when you give him the good news.

There''s your #4 prediction.
I wonder if #5 will pop in later.
There''s still 9 days left in January.
dcgator and lili, I have not taken a test. I was beginning to think maybe I should too. AF was just super weird this month. If it were just breakthrough bleeding, would I have really bad cramps too? I would think that extremely bad cramps and bleeding would mean AF and not pregnancy, mainly b/c of the cramping. It was the worst cramping I've ever had too and I get them bad as it is.

I did notice that my period had no clots, unlike usual, and was strictly like a liquid consistency. No tissue/lining that I could see. I don't know. I'm so confused. I don't want to let myself think that perhaps I am really pregnant b/c then I'll be really upset if I find out I'm not, again. I had two co-workers ask me yesterday if I was *sure* I wasn't pregnant. I just kept saying yes. haha.

And I would also find it very odd that I would have breakthrough bleeding on the exact day I'm due for AF. Possible? Yes. But I think that happening would be very rare.

And wouldn't it be too early for MS?

Boy, I am just full of questions today...
IHA - With the symptoms you've been reporting, I too have been thinking that you ARE! You haven't taken a test at all, right? I would soooooo be making a trip to the pharmacy right now. Would you please humor us and POAS?!?!?!

Oh, uhm, have you ever seen that show - "I didn't know I was pregant!"? Hmmm . . . .

Everyone is so different. Different symptoms manifest themselves at different times for different women, and even in different pregnancies for the same woman!
IHA I''ve been having bad cramps since getting my BFP. It''s normal.
Sorry about the test results.
I believe that Kaiser is pretty adamant about the rubella inoculation.

You should get the vaccine and call to see if the specialist can start the fertility treatment (or diagnosis) during that 3 months period.
I don''t know if your case will be different from mine, but I believe that there are some blood tests that the Dr will order to make sure that all your hormones are in order.
They changed their routines somewhat from 3 yrs ago.
Before, they run a slew of tests (blood count/type, rubella, fsh, tsh, lh, etc) initial bloodwork that they ordered.
To save on cost I guess because the nurse told us that there are patients who decided not to proceed after the class and it was costing Kaiser alot $$ to run those tests, they only check for rubella and blood type/count for that initial work-up.
Then when you meet w/ the specialist, they''ll order the tests for the FSH, TSH, and LH, and etc.
And these samples need to be drawn around CD3.
And they may also order a HSG for you which needs to be done between CD7-CD13.

If you can get those done during the 3 months wait period after the rubella shot, at least you don''t have to worry whether you''ll miss your window for one cycle due to the HSG.
Thanks, Momma Hudson.

Ryan Claire - we''ve been trying since last May (when I turned 36). My cycles are fairly regular with clear thermal shifts to indicate ovulation. I have long LP too. I''m inclined to believe the problem with TTC lies with either my husband or an implantation problem. I''ve never had a BFP.
Cara - no, Kaiser doesn''t do IVF. I would be on my own if it came to that - but I don''t think DH would want to go that route anyway.

Lili - yes I will definitely try to convince them to do the FSH and HSG during this time. Don''t know if they will though.

Jena - Yay for BFP!!!!!!
LAJennifer - Have you had your appointment yet today? Are they willing to do any diagnostics for you during the period of time they want you to wait? I can understand that they want you to wait, although I don''t know why it is 3 months instead of 1, but I hope they will do diagnostics during this time period. Have you had an ultrasound yet?

Through multiple ultrasounds and blood work, my RE determined that I ovulated late. He characterized the ovulation as weak, still not sure what that means, but that was easily fixed with Clomid (which I was also very closely monitored on, via ultrasound.) Even though you will have to wait a little longer, I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that you will be under the care of a specialist who can give you some answers.

Lili - You mentioned a class. Kaiser has a class to take before seeing an RE?

Cara - Thank you for explaining the statistics published by the site LAJennifer posted. I looked at it quickly this morning and could not figure out what the catch was. Your explanation makes total sense.

I had looked up the statisitics for my RE''s office. He had above average IVF results one year, and the next year they were lower than average. I told my statistician DH this, and he assumes that patients with "difficult" cases likely sought him out the following year, which explains the dramatic change in numbers. It can be very difficult to make sense of the statistics without additional explanation.
Date: 1/22/2010 2:23:08 PM
Author: inhisarms17
dcgator and lili, I have not taken a test. I was beginning to think maybe I should too. AF was just super weird this month. If it were just breakthrough bleeding, would I have really bad cramps too? I would think that extremely bad cramps and bleeding would mean AF and not pregnancy, mainly b/c of the cramping. It was the worst cramping I''ve ever had too and I get them bad as it is.

I did notice that my period had no clots, unlike usual, and was strictly like a liquid consistency. No tissue/lining that I could see. I don''t know. I''m so confused. I don''t want to let myself think that perhaps I am really pregnant b/c then I''ll be really upset if I find out I''m not, again. I had two co-workers ask me yesterday if I was *sure* I wasn''t pregnant. I just kept saying yes. haha.

And I would also find it very odd that I would have breakthrough bleeding on the exact day I''m due for AF. Possible? Yes. But I think that happening would be very rare.

And wouldn''t it be too early for MS?

Boy, I am just full of questions today...

Hey IHA,

I did a little research on other sites, and here is something that might explain it...

Breakthrough Bleeding

Some women experience what is known as ‘breakthrough bleeding’ at the times when your period would have normally been due. So this would be at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is often accompanied by the feeling that you would normally associate with your period being imminent i.e. back ache, cramps, a heavy sensation in your pelvis, feeling bloated and ‘off’. Of course the period doesn’t arrive (even though you feel like it will) because you are actually pregnant! During pregnancy, hormones prevent your period from occurring. Sometimes the hormone levels are not yet high enough to stop your period and therefore you have this breakthrough bleeding. It can last for around three months – after this time the placenta begins to take over hormone production from your ovaries. Some women may experience breakthrough bleeding throughout the whole pregnancy and have healthy babies, under the close watch of their carer.

from another site...

Bleeding in early pregnancy is always worrying, but it''s also surprisingly common. About 15 to 25 per cent of women experience bleeding early on in their pregnancy. There can be several possible reasons for it.

You might be experiencing "breakthrough" bleeding. Pregnancy hormones cover up your usual hormonal cycle, but variations in those normal cycles still go on. Some women notice breakthrough bleeding at around the time they would usually have had a period as a result of this "background" variation in hormonal levels.

Also, in the very early stages of pregnancy, there can be a day or two of light bleeding as the fertilised egg implants, and the placenta starts to develop. Implantation bleeding is thought to occur at about the same time as a period would have been due. This makes it hard to tell whether it''s implantation or breakthrough bleeding. However, it''s thought that breakthrough bleeding rather than implantation bleeding is most likely to be the cause.

Again, I don''t want you to get your hopes up either, but it would be good to check the box persay on your possible list of symptoms for the sickness


IHA-I don''t want to get your hopes up either, but I think you should POAS jsut to be sure. "Worst case" you''ll be going for the gold in Feb with us, best case you already won the gold
i''m a lurker here...but for pete''s sake- IHA- go POAS! i think you may be a winner!
dcgator, thank you so much for all that information! I really appreciate it!

Perhaps... maybe... I could be? Ahhh....

I will stop tonight and get a HPT... should I do it tonight or in the am with first morning urine? I suppose at this point, if I were, then it wouldn''t matter, right?

Uhm, I mean, whenever you think is best.

Seriously though, at this point, it should not matter at what time of day you test, so tonight would be as good a time as any.
Date: 1/22/2010 12:05:13 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
I know, BD marathon, here we come:-)

This is my plan for the weekend

Congrats Jena
Can''t wait to hear about your hubby''s reaction. I must admit that I already bought the "I love daddy" onesie a few weeks ago for such an occasion

IHA- I agree that a test is in order. soon!
IHA I can''t wait to hear your results. Good luck to the BD marathon ladies :)
Hi Icey-How''s it going? Have a fun weekend

Hope that we all get BFPs in February!!!
The reason it is called a class because it is a group consultation.
The session is about 2 hrs long and can have as many as 15 couples.
It is conducted by a RN who basically educates us on the infertility issue -- causes and statistics.
She said you''d be surprised at how many couples actually showed up in the class not knowing much about timing and conception.
Then they go over the possible diagnostics and treatments that available and how much they cost and what are covered by our insurances.
Then they order the preliminary tests (like our blood analysis and rubella) and have us fill out our medical history so that all these info
will be available to the specialist when we meet w/ him/her.

It''s probably cost-effective for them to do it this way instead of having a one-to-one consultation w/ each couple for just paperwork stuff.

Once the test results from that bloodtest comes in, we can schedule to meet w/ the specialist and proceed from there w/ all the good stuff
(do a ultrasound to the ute and cysts, culture test, bloodwork to check that our body is regulating ovulation, SA from the hubby, HSG, etc).
Fingers crossed for you.
Can''t wait to see your results.

HOORAY! Congrats, Jena!!!!!

You''re LUCKY NUMBER FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, there is still time for the mysterious * to my prediction. I feel there will be a fifth....

Hang in there ladies, Feb babies are very sweet!

dust dust dust
IHA: I think that you are ok either way, but have an extra one for the morning just in case.

Whatever happens, do let us know... Good luck, fingers crossed for you
Congrats Jen!