
The Official TTC Thread!

LV, hi! I have mainly been lurking here, popping on and off once in a while, but now that I''m firmly on the Eva bench, I figured I''d officially join you! I figure most of you won''t remember me much - I was pretty active on BWW and all those political threads in 2008

DCGator, thank you! I keep hoping I''ll see some implantation spotting now that I''m 7 DPO, but nuttin''! The difficulty in monitoring is I know for sure that I did peak - before, it was more of a guessing game. Now I know officially that everything was timed right, it somehow makes the wait more difficult! Who knew?! LOL in response to your description about your egg liking to make an entrance! What a diva!!

Plantation Carat, I think at this point I''m imagining the cramps! It''s probably just gas from too much cabbage on Wednesday
LV -- Wow!!!! I don't know what I would do in that situation! Oh my goodness...I'm excited and scared for you at the same time! Hahaha! Twins wouldn't be that Mandarine or Neatfreak pop over here and curse me. What I mean to say is that they would be somewhat managable. Triplets? Yeesh. Quads? wow... When do you have to decide by? I say go for it as well...can they give you stats on the chances of having a singleton, vs twins, triplets, etc? I can't wait to follow this story!!!

Catluver and brightlight -- ditto what everyone else said! Beat me to it.

Krissie -- good luck in the 2ww!

RyanClaire -- how are you holding out? This must be frustrating...not knowing when O will happen! Is there a time limit for it? Like after 30 days if you don't see an O, then on to the next cycle? I have heard of people Oing way late in their cycles and getting pregnant, not that you are that late yet, but it does happen. AGH! Wish there was a way to have a private ultrasound machine to check out the ovaries and see what's going on down there!!!

Noelwr -- cycle buddy! I just popped my Femara. I feel like a walking pharmacy and I'm so sick of drugs. UGH.

In other news, I starting drinking Raspberry Leaf Women's Tea (decaf). It is actually pretty good! I'm going to do 3 cups a day. I want my lining in good condition this cycle just in case. My DH asked to try it last night, and I told him it was Women's Tea and that he might grow ovaries, so not to drink more than 3 sips. He drank a sip and said "I think I just got pregnant".
Also, I'm back to temping. My temps are soooooo low. So low. But that's just how I am I guess. And I am armed with my Eva reset to a new cycle. Yay!!! I feel refreshed and ready to bring it on!!!!

ETA -- thanks for the update on drk. I remember her and lovelylulu going through a LOT to get pregnant. A L O T. Very inspiring.
Lanie - My DH has been sending me statistics since Weds.
I'll see if I can find what he sent me earlier this week. I think the chances of triplets are very, very low, but still, it is a concern. By way of example, last cycle, I had 3-4 mature follicles, and only one egg implanted. So, it's still fairly random -- all could implant (very, very unlikely) or none could implant or somewhere in between. And, even if 3 were to implant, then there's always a possibility of another chromosomal abnormality in those that do implant.

It's all very difficult to balance. I did call the nurse again just to explain our concern so that she can discuss it with the doctor. I stressed that I really do not want the cycle canceled, but that we are concerned about triplets. She said he MAY suggest that we go in to see him tomorrow morning at the main office. He would do an ultrasound and talk to us about our concerns. Yay, I hope that works out with his schedule because I know it will put DH's mind at ease.

AND, the main office is perfectly positioned just a few miles from my favorite estate jeweler (where we got my ER and WB)! Nicely done, if this works out.

ETA: We may be worrying needlessly. I just read something that suggests the risk of multiples may be greater for those under 35, but not so for over 35 (my category), so age may actually work in my favor. I will stop wondering and will wait to hear from the RE.
finally a scenario where age works in your favor in the TTC process
Hope it''s all good new for you tomorrow LV!
CD3 for me. yesterday AF gave me some heavy March Madness. that's so weird, though, that off the pill AF starts light and then gets heavier. anyway, I have to say that AF has been kind to me this cycle when it comes to cramps. haven't had to take any pain killers or use a heating pad.

how do you all manage to go on vacation with only a carry-on??? I'm actually contemplating if I need to bring one or two suitcases on the cruise (and that's not including DH's). actually, it's not for the cruise but more for the shopping I plan to do in Florida.

geri - wow, what a killer dress! are you bringing sexy back? sorry, that was supposed to be a play on words.

CatLuver - sorry for the argument you had with DH. I have to ask... how do you manage to survive on doing laundry once every 3 weeks??? I am doing laundry 4-5 nights a week! granted, we have small washing machines in Holland and it takes 2 hrs to run a normal wash cycle, but still... anyway, sounds like you should redistribute the chores in your house. like if one of us cooks, the other washes up. over all, I do more chores than DH, but he does help when I ask. my approach is that I ask him to help me with something like taking out the trash and he usually says: "But I don't wanna!" and then I say: "That's ok. If you don't want to take out the trash, you can either fold the laundry or iron the clothes. Which one do you want to do?" Him: "I'll take out the trash." so in that way I remind him that there are other things I have to do which are much worse.

if you think you O on CD14 (which is same as me), I wouldn't bother to POAS until CD11. but that's just because I don't have a fade in pattern. maybe you can start on CD9 and see if they become darker each day.

Bells - I had the same thing that my OPKs would go streaky with all the dye and then clear up. or was that the HPTs? gah! dunno. that's what happens when you POtoomanyS.

Krissie - implantation bleeding or cramping is rare. good luck with your 2WW!
dcgator, thanks for the temping and cycle info. I now have 2 data points and again woke up a little early which never used to happen before, but hopefully it will stop. I calculated wrong, so my cycles have actually been 29, 29, 30. I hope your eggie makes an appearance soon and the delay is just the post-BC hormones working themselves out.

LV - my cycles were 29, 29, 30, so I think I’ll start on CD9 as you suggested, just in case. That OPK site sure is comprehensive, it was really helpful. Go follies! But crossing fingers no triplets!

geri - thanks for the cycle info. I agree, best to avoid tears!

noelwr - haha, we let the laundry really pile up. We both have lots of underwear, and the clothes I wear every day are mostly dry clean only, so I only really accumulate underwear and workout clothes. But that still means each laundry session is at least 3-4 loads. And our machines are pretty good sized. I’m actually on CD2 (since I found out spotting doesn’t count) so we’re almost cycle buddies.

Bella, thanks for the OPK info. Have fun POAS, you’re getting closer to action time!

I’ve talked to my DH about all fears/contingencies that I anticipate or read about, including on the pregnancy and baby threads. (I know reading too much can sometimes be not so great, but I can''t help it.) He seems to understand and I think it will be ok as long as I ask for help (and his parents don’t move across the street, but that’s another story…).

Does anyone POAS on OPKs more than once a day when the surge is expected, like that OPK site suggests? If the surge can come and go that quickly (under 24h), then you can miss it if you only test every 24h. Not sure I want to be smuggling a stick in and out of the bathroom at work, but I just might.
you can ask Bella about POAS at work. she's got it mastered, even with Operation Sticky-Note to hide it.

that's why I only do it once a day when I come home from work. plus I use Eva (CBFM) so I know Oing is coming up and just use the OPKs because I'm an addict. true! I do have the at work POAS mastered:-) Last cycle was my first with OPKs and the ones I had recommended that I POAS around 2pm. SO, I did it at work and put it on my desk to do it''s thing, on top of a post it note so my desk didn''t get icky and I made a little stack of folders next to it with a loose sheet of paper hanging over to hide my OPK just in case....

I had a very clear fade-in pattern last month, so this month I want to see when that starts and if I get a positive again on CD17 (of my 28 days cycle...)

yeah, Noelwr, I am a hard-core carry-on girl. I had my luggage lost 3 times and that was it.
(first time I went to see my DH-then BF-family the airlines lost my luggage for 4 days! let''s talk about how fun it is to go underwear shopping with your BF''s mom and his two little nieces who keep holding up gold lame thongs and see through pink bras for you to try on--I didn''t even know they sold that stuff at walmart!!!!

then airfrance lost my luggage en route to france and I spent 3 days in the countryside with only the clothes I wore there and the little "sorry we lost your luggage kit" that air france gives you--a tshirt and a bunch of l''occitane samples...

the third time I was on my way to my parents so I had clothes there, but still...

Onyl carry-on now!
I even used all carry-on for my 3 week trip last year that included an 11 day cruise, a long weekend to see friends in Miami, and a week with DH''s fam. I took my little Travel Pro roller suitcase and a small backpack. End of story!
Alright, so I'm confused. My cm went from ewcm pre and during ovulation to dry after ovulation to stringy and snot-like. My stringy, snot-like cm is now very slippery, ewcm. It's possible I may be ovulating twice. According to this article, my body could be preparing for implantation, I could have not ovulated even though my body prepared to ovulate and is now ovulating late, or I'm not ovulating at all. Just in case I am ovulating twice or late, we're BDing tonight.

It's funny, b/c I had a drop in ewcm after I started vitamins. As soon as I started that thread, I started having more. Now, I have too much (if possible).
brightlight - I find interpreting CM very difficult. you cannot ovulate, release egg(s), twice in one cycle, but like you said, your body can gear up twice to ovulate if it did not release an egg the first time. however I don't know if that would be likely to happen on CD28 when your cycles are between 25-29 days. you have to remember there has to be a luteal phase of 10-16 days after ovulation and before AF. anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it has to do with implantation.
Brightlight, if you are on CD 28 of a at the most 29 day cycle you''re likely to get an accurate read from a test. maybe you should POAS to see if that answers any questions
LV- How are the "follies" doing? and what does the Dr say?
Good Morning Bella!

The doctor said we should not cancel the cycle. He did another ultrasound and measured three primary follicles at 18-19 inches. There are a bunch of other follicles that he does not think will be mature enough to release eggs. For whatever reason, some follicles do not continue to grow, or they do not continue to grow at the same rate as the others. He also mentioned that he does not think all follicles will release based on my estrogen levels. If they were all expected to release eggs, then my estrogen levels would be higher. This is why they always do ultrasounds and blood work together; neither on its own tells the whole story.

The doctor said there is a 5-10% chance of twins and less than 1% chance of triplets. DH's mind is now at ease. He also got to see the follicles on the US screen and thought it was amazing too.

I will take an HCG injection on Sunday, which will trigger ovulation to occur in approximately 36 hours. I will have IUIs on Monday and Tuesday, just before and just after ovulation. The doctor also mentioned that my uterine lining looks great.

All in all, it was a very reassuring visit.
Lots of dust and I''ll be thinking of you on Monday!!
that great news LV

Fingers crossed and lots of dust to you on Monday and Tuesday.
I am so happy that you are able to proceed so fast.
Is this your first cycle after your m/c?

Lots of dust to all you ladies on the TTC train.
There are so many of you that I just can't keep track.
I want to say though that I'm happy to see so many of you from the early pregnancy loss back on here.
Hope you see more BFPs in the near future for every one of you ladies.
brightlight, like Bella said.... go POAS!

LV - So excited for you! It must be such a relief that you get to go through with this cycle and your doc put your mind as ease about multiples. You''re almost in the TWW lady!!

CD15 for me. I usually O on CD16 so I''m crossing my fingers for a temp rise on Monday. Every few cycles I''ll O on CD18 so I''m praying this isn''t one of those cycles because we''re usually so tired during the beginning of the week that I don''t think we can keep this BDing up once the week starts!

Our two year anniversary is tomorrow too, how appropriate would that be if we got KU on our actual anniversary? DH is out dropping off three of my loose stones and rings right now for my present. I can''t wait to see them set
geri Wow, that dress! It is awesome and totally suits you figure.
Happy Weekend, TTCers!

geri- Love love love the dress on you. Stunning!

dcgator- I definitely plan to go back to Spain again to see some other areas! So many places to travel, so little time. Must admit that I am totally looking forward to traveling with our (slightly older) kid. Sigh, seems silly to think about
Hope you''re getting lots of pre-O BD in this weekend!

CatLuver- You mentioned previously that your husband is a doctor, right? Is he in residency? Doing chores and being a resident often feel mutually exclusive! It''s funny though, b/c like you, I worry a LOT about being the primary caregiver despite my crazy schedule. Therefore, my husband is well-aware by this point that he is going to have to pull his own weight and then some. Definitely make sure you discuss expectations with him multiples times; as we all knows, men can be a little slow sometimes.

brightlight- I definitely think TTC makes us hyper-aware of our bodies whereas previously we mostly ignored all of these wonderful signs. Hope you are feeling ok about your family. It sounds like a very difficult situation. Just think of the wonderful family you''re going to build with your DH though!

Krissie- Despite our long and unpredictable cycles, we''re almost cycle twins. Think I''m about 7 DPO now.

LV- So exciting about your little follicles! It sounds like three is actually a pretty good number. Do you regular BD as well as IUI following trigger?

Lanie- Where did you find the Rasp Leaf Tea? Does it actually taste like raspberries? And the purpose of it is to help with the uterine lining, then? Sounds interesting!

Bella- You must be getting close to BD time by now..

Kunzite- An anniversary baby sounds wonderful. Good luck!


Well, things are looking pretty good for a normal cycle and now at about 7 DPO. Sore boobs, check! Unfortunately, I O''d when hubby and I were in different states. So we probably BD about a week before O. I guess it would be possible to get knocked up in that situation, but unlikely unless hub has supersperm! So we''re in the TWW, but not especially hopeful. The plan is to just wait for AF to show up rather than have to stare at a BFN. Thinking I will try OPKs for a month before committing to the wonderfully popular EVA
Date: 3/20/2010 9:20:32 AM
Author: noelwr
brightlight - I find interpreting CM very difficult. you cannot ovulate, release egg(s), twice in one cycle, but like you said, your body can gear up twice to ovulate if it did not release an egg the first time. however I don''t know if that would be likely to happen on CD28 when your cycles are between 25-29 days. you have to remember there has to be a luteal phase of 10-16 days after ovulation and before AF. anyway, I''ll keep my fingers crossed for you that it has to do with implantation.
Quick post - I''ve read confliicting info on this. I know the chances are slim, but I thought I''d cover my bases just in case.
If AF doesn''t come by Monday, I''m going to POAS.

I am actually really liking my OPKs and it''s way easier than temping!!! If my calculations are correct I am about 3 days away from BDing:-) but we''re having fun anyway
though fertility friend says I should start tomorrow?!?!?!? Hopefully me entering the OPK results this time will help it to realize that I don''t ovulate on the 13/14 day of my cycle
Hi lili, Thank you! Yes, this is my first cycle after my m/c. My RE says its ok to begin again once a new cycle begins, provided hormone levels are back to normal and so long as the couple is ready. We are READY!!!

Hi Kunzite, Yes, we are relieved. I can't wait for the 2WW, haha. Lots of waiting in this TTC-business! I'll have to plan some activities to get me through the 2 weeks! Fortunately, the weather is lovely, so we've been spending more time outdoors already. Can't wait to see what you're getting for your anniversary!!

Icekid, Hey, there! Because of the timing with the IUIs, we won't regular BD. We refrain from BD'ing a day before the IUI as well because we want his swimmers to be nice and plentiful before the IUIs. Sorry to hear your timing was a little off this cycle, but you never know!!
Date: 3/20/2010 4:10:33 PM
Author: brightlight
Date: 3/20/2010 9:20:32 AM

Author: noelwr

brightlight - I find interpreting CM very difficult. you cannot ovulate, release egg(s), twice in one cycle, but like you said, your body can gear up twice to ovulate if it did not release an egg the first time. however I don''t know if that would be likely to happen on CD28 when your cycles are between 25-29 days. you have to remember there has to be a luteal phase of 10-16 days after ovulation and before AF. anyway, I''ll keep my fingers crossed for you that it has to do with implantation.

Quick post - I''ve read confliicting info on this. I know the chances are slim, but I thought I''d cover my bases just in case.
If AF doesn''t come by Monday, I''m going to POAS.

fair enough. either way: good luck! no BFP yet this month and we''re already on the 21st of March. so I hope you''re the first.
and here is where we are in our cycles today. I couldn''t figure out everyone''s CD, but will not ask because maybe they want to keep it secret.

CD5 - Lanie, noelwr
CD6 - Catluver
CD8 - Lynnie
CD10 - Bella_mezzo
CD14 - Loves Vintage
CD15 - Bliss
CD16 - Kunzite
CD20 - charbie
CD21 - dcgator, Ryan Claire
CD25 - PO10472, geri
CD27 - plantationcatt
CD30 - brightlight

in 2WW:
brightlight, icekid, Krissie, plantationcatt

on vacation:

Bella - thanks for the work POAS info

I can just picture myself in the bathroom at work...tucking the stick into my waistband to smuggle it out...and it falling on the floor in front of a coworker...."it''s not a pregnancy"

brightlight - glad you are feeling better.

LV - sounds very promising. it will be an exciting 2WW!

icekid - my DH is not in residency, but he''s working 2 weekends in a row and the first week, both of his partners and his secretary were out, so he was pretty stressed. He''s been better though, and I will not be shy about hammering on and on about baby care expectations once I get pregnant!

noelwr - thanks for making the chart again, it''s so helpful. I''m actually only on CD4 today though, because I had thought that spotting counts as CD1, but it doesn''t.

Date: 3/21/2010 9:01:13 AM
Author: noelwr

Date: 3/20/2010 4:10:33 PM
Author: brightlight

Date: 3/20/2010 9:20:32 AM

Author: noelwr

brightlight - I find interpreting CM very difficult. you cannot ovulate, release egg(s), twice in one cycle, but like you said, your body can gear up twice to ovulate if it did not release an egg the first time. however I don''t know if that would be likely to happen on CD28 when your cycles are between 25-29 days. you have to remember there has to be a luteal phase of 10-16 days after ovulation and before AF. anyway, I''ll keep my fingers crossed for you that it has to do with implantation.

Quick post - I''ve read confliicting info on this. I know the chances are slim, but I thought I''d cover my bases just in case.
If AF doesn''t come by Monday, I''m going to POAS.

fair enough. either way: good luck! no BFP yet this month and we''re already on the 21st of March. so I hope you''re the first.
Sorry for the previous quick post. I hope it didn''t come off as me telling you that you were wrong. What I meant to say was that I''ve read info that goes both ways on this topic - so the info conflicts with each other. The majority of the info supports what you said.

No AF yet. I''m trying really hard not to symptom spot.

Stupid Q - what does BFP stand for? I have a guess but don''t know for sure.
:-) BFP is BIG FAT POSITIVE. BFN is Big Fat Negative
Date: 3/21/2010 9:29:25 AM
Author: noelwr
and here is where we are in our cycles today. I couldn''t figure out everyone''s CD, but will not ask because maybe they want to keep it secret.

CD5 - Lanie, noelwr
CD6 - Catluver
CD8 - Lynnie
CD10 - Bella_mezzo
CD14 - Loves Vintage
CD15 - Bliss
CD16 - Kunzite
CD20 - charbie
CD21 - dcgator, Ryan Claire
CD25 - PO10472, geri
CD27 - plantationcatt
CD30 - brightlight

in 2WW:
brightlight, icekid, Krissie, plantationcatt

on vacation:
Thanks for putting this list together, noelwr. I love being able to see where everyone is. Bliss and LV, we''re close ladies!

Dust to brightlight, icekid, Krissie, and plantationcatt
brightlight - don't worry, I didn't take it negatively at all. in this "game" you just need to go for it because we never know what exactly is going on with our bodies.

btw, even if you see a faint 2nd line on your HPT (home pregnancy test), we still call it a BFP, as long as the test is +. keeping fingers crossed that you get one today.
not going to post this every day, but just wanted to correct CatLuver''s CD:

CD5 - CatLuver
CD6 - Lanie, noelwr
CD9 - Lynnie
CD11 - Bella_mezzo
CD15 - Loves Vintage
CD16 - Bliss
CD17 - Kunzite
CD21 - charbie
CD22 - dcgator, Ryan Claire
CD26 - PO10472, geri
CD28 - plantationcatt
CD31 - brightlight